Page 1: Due to our current situation, and · Due to our current situation, and the many unknowns, as well as all of the stressors associated with COVID-19, summer assignments are OPTIONAL

AP Biology 2020 Summer Enrichment Options

Welcome to AP BIO!! J

Due to our current situation, and the many unknowns, as well as all of the stressors associated

with COVID-19, summer assignments are OPTIONAL and

serve as enrichment. I do promise you, however, that the assignments are enjoyable and worthwhile. They will greatly

help you in your understanding of Biology as your progress

through AP Bio


Feel free to contact me at [email protected] should you have any questions, comments, or concerns!

Page 2: Due to our current situation, and · Due to our current situation, and the many unknowns, as well as all of the stressors associated with COVID-19, summer assignments are OPTIONAL

ENRICHMENT OPTION #1: Scavenger Hunt!!

So much of a biologist’s work takes place OUTSIDE of the lab! Therefore, to get started as a biologist, this scavenger hunt is designed to get you out into our ecosystems and biome, and find examples of many of the terms and concepts that we will be learning this coming year.

For this assignment, you will “collect” 25 photographic examples of biological terms/concepts and post them on a Google Slides presentation. Select any of the items from the Biological Collection List to include in your blog. This will introduce you not only to the language of biology, but also emphasize that biology is something that’s DONE not just memorized. Just email me the link to you Google Slides presentation when you are done.

Directions for the Biological Collection Photo Blog:

1. “Collect” an item by taking a picture of it. 1. Define, in your own words, the biological term/concept. **If you don’t know

what the term is...look it up! 2. Also within a couple of statements, explain how the picture represents the term

or concept. 2. Upload the photo, definition, and explanation to a Google Slides Presentation 3. Be creative. If you choose an item that is internal to a plant or animal, like phloem, you

could submit a photograph of the whole organism or a close up of one part, and then explain on the blog what phloem is and specifically where phloem is in the specimen.

4. Use original photos ONLY. You cannot use an image from any publication or from the internet. You must take the photo yourself. The best way to prove that the photo is your work is to have something in your picture that represents you. This could be a key chain, pen, bracelet, small toy, etc. Or, your photo can be a selfie of you WITH the item. If you use a proof object, be sure to include a picture of you with the proof object somewhere in your presentation.

5. You should only use natural items. Take a walk in your neighborhood, go to the zoo, go for a hike in the woods, etc. Humans are natural items and may be used, but only for a few entries.

6. In addition to the ITEMS to find, I also have a list of ACTIVITIES that you can do and include evidence of in your presentation. Evidence of that activity is suggested next to it. These activities count towards your total.

7. Be careful and respectful! Never touch plants or animals you are unfamiliar with. Don’t kill or hurt any organisms. Don’t remove any organisms from the natural environment.

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1. Adaptation of an


2. Adaptation of a plant

3. Altruistic behavior

4. Amniotic egg

5. Analogous structures

6. Animal that has a

segmented body

7. Anther and filament

of stamen

8. Archaebacteria

9. Arthropod

10. Asexual reproduction

11. ATP

12. Autotroph

13. Auxin producing area

of a plant

14. Basiodiomycete

15. Batesian mimicry

16. Bilateral symmetry

17. Biological


18. C3 Plant

19. C4 Plant

20. CAM Plant

21. Calvin Cycle

22. Cambium

23. Cellular respiration

24. Coevolution

25. Commensalism

26. Conifer

27. Connective tissue

28. Cuticle layer of a


29. Decomposition

30. Detritivore

31. Dominant vs.

recessive phenotype

32. Ectotherm

33. Endosperm

34. Endotherm

35. Enzyme

36. Epithelial tissue

37. Ethylene

38. Eubacteria

39. Eukaryote

40. Exoskeleton

41. Fermentation

42. Flower ovary

43. Frond

44. Fungus

45. Gametophyte

46. Genetic variation

within a population

47. Genetically modified


48. Gibberellins

49. Glycogen

50. Gymnosperm cone –

male or female

51. Gymnosperm leaf

52. Hermaphrodite

53. Heterotrophy

54. Homeostasis

55. Homologous


56. Hydrophilic

57. Hydrophobic

58. Introduced species

59. Keystone species

60. Krebs cycle

61. K-strategist

62. Lichen

63. Lipid used for energy


64. Littoral zone


65. Long-day plant

66. Mating behavior (be


67. Meristem

68. Modified leaf of a


68. Modified root of a plant

69. Modified stem of a plant

70. Mullerian mimicry

71. Mutualism

72. Mycelium

73. Mycorrhizae

74. Niche

75. Parasitism

76. Parenchyma cells

77. Phloem

78. Pollen

79. Pollinator

80. Population

81. Predation

81. Prokaryote

83. R-strategist

84. Radial symmetry (animal)

85. Redox reaction

86. Rhizome

87. Seed dispersal (animal,

wind, water)

88. Spore

89. Sporophyte

90. Stigma and style of carpel

91. Succession

92. Taxis

93. Territorial behavior

94. Tropism

95. Unicellular organism

96. Vestigial structures

97. Xylem

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1. Build a birdhouse (lots of easy DIY ideas if you google) and put it outside (photo of you making it and the final product)

2. Catch a cicada. (photo with you near cicada or if you find a molt, bring molt into class) 3. Watch Jurassic Park (picture of you with an iconic scene J ) 4. Sleep outside, under the stars. (photo and make sure you have parent approval and are

in a safe location) 5. Find an animal in the wild (no dangerous ones, please!). (photo of animal AND photo of

you standing where the animal was – or as close as you can without being unsafe, depending on the animal)

6. Go to a state park and take a walk. (photos AND maps) 7. Identify three species of tree in your neighborhood. (bring leaves into class with the

correct identification of each). 8. Hold five earthworms OR two slugs. (photo of you holding them (smiling of course) AND

photo of you gently putting them back in the soil).

Example Entries for Google Slides Presentation

Notice the toy giraffe in the pictures below. This is this bloggers proof object and is used to demonstrate that the photographs in the blog entries are indeed their original. Make sure you have proof object (or yourself) in each of your photos.

Page 5: Due to our current situation, and · Due to our current situation, and the many unknowns, as well as all of the stressors associated with COVID-19, summer assignments are OPTIONAL

ENRICHMENT OPTION #2: Grow a Vegetable/Fruit

The purpose of this is to get you to experience that plants are living, breathing, growing, and responsive creatures.

Your Goal: To nurture your plants successfully throughout the summer. Get them to grow, get them to flower, grow them big and productive!


• How do I take care of the plant? • How do I get bigger, better fruits/vegetables? • What conditions make my plant grow the best? • Do these plants like lots of sun or do they need some shade?

We will discuss the successes, frustrations, and failures in class.


Look it up! Do some research!

Extra Credit: Bring in a dish made from the vegetable you personally grew over the summer!

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ENRICHMENT OPTION #3 – Ecology Videos Watch several short videos and fill out the video worksheets that are found

underneath the videos. Most of this is review from both 7th grade and Honors Bio,

so it will be helpful to refresh your memory on these topics before we begin our

first unit (Ecology!)






ENRICHMENT OPTION #4 – Root Words, Prefixes, & Suffixes Feel free to use my Quizlet Set to review these roots over the summer or at any

point throughout the school year:

One of the main reason students find it difficult to understand science is because of all the hard to write, spell and read words. Actually, scientific vocabulary is a mix of small words that are linked together to have different meanings. If you learn the meanings of the little words, you'll find scientific vocabulary much easier to understand. Find the mean to the following Greek/Latin root words.

Page 7: Due to our current situation, and · Due to our current situation, and the many unknowns, as well as all of the stressors associated with COVID-19, summer assignments are OPTIONAL

Biology Prefixes and Suffixes-The Language of Science The main reason students find it difficult to understand science is because of all the hard to write, spell and read words. Actually, scientific vocabulary is a mix of small words that are linked together to have different meanings. If you learn the meanings of the little words, you'll find scientific vocabulary much easier to understand. Find the mean to the following Greek/Latin root words.

a / an meso leuco aero anti amphi aqua / hydro arthro auto bi / di bio cephal chloro chromo cide cyto derm haplo ecto (exo) endo epi gastro genesis herba hetero homo ov kary neuro soma saccharo primi / archea phyll

hemo hyper hypo intra -itis lateral -logy -lysis -meter mono morph micro macro multi / poly pod -phobia -philia proto photo pseudo synthesis sub troph therm tri zoo, zoa -tropism -taxis -stasis zyg / zygous phago path / pathy sym / syn

Page 8: Due to our current situation, and · Due to our current situation, and the many unknowns, as well as all of the stressors associated with COVID-19, summer assignments are OPTIONAL

Once you have completed the above table, use it to develop a definition for the following terms based on the root words. Use your own words and use the roots (not a dictionary or google) to define the word.

Hydrology __________________________________________________________

Cytolysis ___________________________________________________________


Epidermis __________________________________________________________

Spermatogenesis ____________________________________________________

Exoskeleton ________________________________________________________

Abiotic ____________________________________________________________

Pathogen __________________________________________________________

Pseudopod _________________________________________________________

Hemophilia _________________________________________________________

Endocytosis ________________________________________________________

Herbicide __________________________________________________________


Bilateral ___________________________________________________________

Autotroph __________________________________________________________

Monosaccharide _____________________________________________________

Arthropod __________________________________________________________


Hypothermia _______________________________________________________

Biogenesis _________________________________________________________

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Enrichment Option #5 – Book Review

Read and review one of the following books. I want you to enjoy reading about biology, so this is not a technical “read and respond” assignment. Instead, after reading, write a brief review of the book that you chose. The review need only be 1-2 pages. Your review should include a recommendation of its effectiveness or appeal and a ranking from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) stars, as well as how the book applies to the study of biology*. Most of these should be available through Amazon and other booksellers, but if you have difficulty getting a copy of one, let me know – I personally own several of them and may be able to lend you one if all else fails. Message me on Schoology if you have any questions.

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Book List:

Survival of the Sickest by Sharon Moalem

Inheritance by Sharon Moalem

Your Inner Fish by Neil Shubin

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot

The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert

The Serengeti Rules by Sean B Carroll

Endless Forms Most Beautiful by Sean B Carroll

The Making of the Fittest by Sean B Carroll

The Story of Life by Sean B Carroll

Pandora’s Lab by Paul A Offit

The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee

The Gene by Siddhartha Mukherjee

Genome by Matt Ridley

I Contain Multitudes by Ed Yong

She Has Her Mother’s Laugh by Carl Zimmer

A Crack in Creation by Jennifer Doudna & Samuel Sternberg

A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived by Adam Rutherford

Improbable Destinies by Jonathan Losos

The Universe Within by Neil Shubin

Darwin’s Ghost: The Origin of Species Updated by Steve Jones

The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben

The Breakthrough by Charles Graebe

*even though this is not a mandatory graded assignment, I supplied a rubric to help guide your writing. Since this

isn’t graded, you can ignore it. But, if you’re like me and enjoy a structure/format guideline, feel free to use it.

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Category & Points


90 – 100%


80 – 89%

Needs Improvement

70 – 79%


under 70%



10 points

Title and author listed. Introduction is

attention-getting and provides relevant

information. Discusses genre and

details. Strong catchphrase. Star ranking


Title and author listed. Includes

genre and details. Solid

catchphrase is designated. Star

ranking designated.

Title and author are not

immediately mentioned but are

eventually provided. Missing or

random catchphrase and/or star


Title and/or author is omitted.

Missing star designation and



20 points

Summary consists of a discussion of

major themes and ideas providing

exemplary ideas from the work. It

includes strong opinions and new ideas

using your own words.

Summary consists of a discussion

of major themes and ideas with

some opinion and new ideas from

the work. Summary may lack


Summary consists of a discussion

of major themes or ideas. There

is little opinion or mention of

new ideas.

Summary is mostly an outline of the

book and does not discuss opinion or

new ideas.


30 points

Critique consists of thoughts, responses,

and reactions to the book. The student

reviewer reacts to the themes, the

author’s aims or intent, the subject of

the book, how well it is written, and

overall success or failure of the book.

Critique consists of thoughts,

responses, and reaction to the

book. The student reviewer may

discuss only two aspects, for

example, themes and writer’s

style. There is not a thorough

review of various aspects.

Critique consists of thoughts,

responses, and reaction to the

book. The student may discuss

only one aspect of the book,

such as themes. This review just

states, “Well, I liked it” or “Well,

I hated it.” It lacks a critical eye.

Critique consists of a basic opinion

based on personal feeling of “I liked

it” or “I hated it” and is not

considered a critique because it does

not focus on themes, author’s

intent, or writer’s style.

Organization & Voice

20 points

Structure of the paper flows and is

easily read because of smooth

transitions from paragraph to

paragraph. The sequence of topics is in

logical order. There is a clear-cut

introduction, body, and conclusion. Your

creative voice is strong.

Structure of the paper flows and is

easily read, but 1 or 2 transitions

may be faulty of missing. There is

some illogical order in sequence of

topics. There is a clear-cut

introduction, body, and conclusion.

Your voice is solid.

Structure of the paper does NOT

follow a logical order. The

writing or ideas may “jump”

around; it is not cohesive. There

is not a clear introduction or

conclusion. Review lacks your


Structure of the paper does NOT

follow a logical order. There are no

transitional phrases that make it

easy to read the paper…OR…review

is just a copying of the text. No voice

at all.

Mechanics & Language

10 points

Uses complete sentences and a variety

of sentence types. Vibrant, effective

vocabulary included.

Uses complete sentences and a

variety of sentence types. Word

choice is effective.

There are 1 – 2 incomplete

sentences or fragments. There

are also run-on sentences. Basic

word choice.

There are more than 2 incomplete

sentences or fragments. There are

more than 2 run-ons. Dull words.


10 points

DEFINITELY should or should not read

this book.

SHOULD read or not read this


May want to read this book…or

not. Recommendation unclear.

No clue what author suggests.


Page 12: Due to our current situation, and · Due to our current situation, and the many unknowns, as well as all of the stressors associated with COVID-19, summer assignments are OPTIONAL

A Quick Wish list Item:

If it is possible please purchase neon EXPO® Bright Sticks® Wet-Erase Fluorescent Markers. They do not have to be EXPO brand, they can be any brand of wet-erase/liquid-erase chalk markers. We use them throughout the year, and they are expensive for me to buy alone. You will really enjoy table top learning so I hope you can help me purchase these. Here a few good brands;


Mandatory Assignment #3 Get your supplies for AP Biology Class

Get yourself ready for class! Below is the list of supplies that you will need for class. WOW, it is quite a list, but one thing you can be assured of is that our class is interactive – that being said you will need the proper tools to engage in project based, interactive learning, labs and classroom activities.


1. TWO Mead/Five star HEAVY DUTY (plastic cover) 3 subject Notebook College ruled. (You will need this for 1st semester and one for 2nd semester). Will be used daily in class for notes and daily activities this will called your BILL – Biology Interactive Learning Log

2. ONE white 1.5 inch binder with clear cover for title page. This binder will house all of your printed lab materials and lab designs. This can be submitted to your professors as proof of lab hours for college credit.

3. ONE white 1 inch binder with clear cover for title page. Will be kept in class and used to store Review Materials for AP Bio Exam. This will be your review binder and very important the last quarter of school.

4. Pens, highlighters, color pencils/markers that WILL NOT bleed through pages of notebook 5. Stapler and or double sided tape. Will be used to secure items in your BILL 6. Pack of Post it divider tabs 7. ONE bottle of Clorox wipes – Will be used for those messy labs, and E. coli lab sanitation 8. TWO rolls of paper towels – Will be used during various labs and activities for clean up 9. A $10.00 Printing fee will be requested your 1st semester to print your AP lab manual and a $10.00 printing fee

will be requested 2nd semester to print your personalized study cards. Both the lab manual and personalized study cards will be belong to you for your personal use.

Wish list Item:

1. If it is possible please purchase neon EXPO® Bright Sticks® Wet-Erase Fluorescent Markers. They do not have to be EXPO brand, they can be any brand of wet-erase/liquid-erase chalk markers. We use them throughout the year, and they are expensive for me to buy alone. You will really enjoy table top learning so I hope you can help me purchase these. Here a few good brands;
