Our current situation…

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Our current situation…. Global sophistication in technology and how we work has put a new focus on how we educate students. Today, student achievement is our business. Measuring our collective efforts is vitally important. One Overarching Goal. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Our current situation…
Page 2: Our current situation…

Global sophistication in technology and how we work has put a new focus on how we educate students.

Our current situation…

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Today, student achievementis our business

• Measuring our collective efforts is vitally important.

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One Overarching Goal

By 2018 every child who graduates from an Iowa pre-k 12 public or non-public, accredited school will be prepared for success in post-secondary studies, a career, and citizenship.

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Four Vital Measures

1. Every Iowa child will be proficient in reading by the end of third grade.

2. A numeracy goal will be determined after sufficient progress has been made in reaching the literacy goal identified above.

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Four Vital Measures

3. The learning gaps between students with IEPs and those without and for those students in disaggregated sub-groups will be reduced by half by 2018.

4. A post-secondary readiness goal will be established by 2014 that most accurately identifies and tracks post-secondary success.

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An Evolving Mission

Current Mission New Compact

Special education statewide focused on identification and access—LEA/local mandate

Special education incorporates a cohesive system of differentiated learner supports statewide focused on improving student outcomes

Media & Technology services statewide/discretionary—AEA/local option

Media & Technology statewide—more targeted to fulfill Iowa Core needs*

Education services statewide/discretionary—AEA/local option

Education services statewide—more targeted to fulfill Iowa Core needs*

* Above services adapted as needed/discretionary—AEA/local option

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System Commitments

We will… • Provide supports and accountability

for implementation of evidence-based, internationally benchmarked, scalable best practices in Iowa schools.

• Advocate that the current AEA accreditation standards be revised so that they are consistent with the New Compact.

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System Commitments

We will… • Deliver specialized, quality services

based on individual student, building, and district needs through a learning contract with each LEA.

• Re-purpose resources from programs that are not aligned with our overarching goal and vital few measures and/or not delivering consistent student learning results.

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System Commitments

We will… • Build the collective, organizational

capacity of AEA personnel to deliver quality services as co-owners of every student’s learning and to decrease variability between AEAs.

• Maximize our resources.• Advocate for efforts and remove policy,

structural and statutory barriers that stand in the way of using resources in service to student learning.

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System Commitments

We will… • Constantly and consistently use

formative and summative data to inform our progress towards our goal.

• Meet all statutory requirements at both the state and federal levels.

• Benchmark our progress against a common dashboard and against standards identified in the research about highly reliable organizations.

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Accountability Measures

During the 2012-13 school year, the AEA system, in collaboration with the DE, will install a performance management system that will define the goals, tactics, timelines, metrics and a tracking mechanism that will provide timely reporting to stakeholders.

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Possible Data Sets

• Healthy Indicators Matrix• Iowa Assessments (third grade

literacy rates)• USDE’s calculation formula for

graduate rates• Reports detailing the percentage of

students requiring post-secondary remediation

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An Expanded Mission

• Huge socioeconomic, political and educational tidal waves are underway which will impact all levels of government including:– Support for competition and choice in how

public services are developed, produced and delivered.

– An insistence on more rigorous accountability and transparency.

– The greater use of appropriate performance and quality management systems.

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An Expanded Mission

• Iowa’s AEA State System has recently been faced with increasing challenges related to categorical funding.

• Iowa’s changing demographics have increased demand for AEA services.

• Stagnant state and federal student performance indicators along with societal pressures for reform demand a more cohesive, focused AEA system.

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A New Compact

“The test of the morality of society is what it does for its children.”

--Dietrich Bonhoeffer