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John 8:31-32; John15:7-8; Luke 14:33; John 13:34-35

As disciples of Jesus Christ, there are several ‘habits’ (some call them disciplines) that we need to be aware of. Why? Because it is in all of these that we need to be growing—to make sure that we are growing to be more and more like the One we claim to follow—and that growth needs to be happening daily! Though there are several ‘habits’ that keep us walking closely with and growing in our relationship with Jesus, there are four (4) that could be defined as ‘core habits’ that will then give birth to all of the others. Here are the four (4) that, scripturally, should be at the center of all of our lives as disciples:

1) The habit of time with God’s Word (John 8:31-32) 2) The habit of prayer (John 15:7-8) 3) The habit of tithing (Luke 14:33) 4) The habit of fellowship (John 13:34-35)

Again, these are the core habits that all who claim to be disciples of Jesus Christ need to be about in their lives—growing in these habits every day. As I have studied scripture (like others before me), I continue to come back to the habits in our lives that influence our time, our money, and our relationships. Basically, these are the habits that control us. And if Jesus’ Lordship is recognized over these three areas of life, then he will be truly in control. Here’s how it all plays out for us disciples… If we are a disciple of Jesus Christ, we will be followers of God’s Word (John 8:31-32). If we are disciples of Jesus Christ, we will be persons who pray regularly and bear fruit (for God’s Kingdom, John 15:7-8). If we are disciples of Jesus Christ, we will not be possessed by our possessions (Luke 14:33). And, if we are disciples of Jesus Christ, we will be about expressing love (God’s agapé love) for other believers (John 13:34-35).

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How are we doing with each of these habits, as we walk with Christ daily? Though we teach about all of these habits throughout the year, it is the third habit that seems more neglected sometimes than the others. How are you doing in this area? Do your possessions still possess you? Or, is Jesus becoming Lord of your stuff, too? Don’t miss out this month as we talk about this vital habit of our discipleship through the theme of ‘Faithfulness’—both God’s faithfulness to us … and our faithfulness to God! See you for worship (Habit #4), Pastor RomPastor RomPastor RomPastor Rom

METAMORPHOSIS One of the ripple effects of our recent Sunday scheduling changes was a need to rethink our adult Sunday School class. With less time available between services, our existing format was not going to be an option. But there was unanimous agreement that this group fills a valuable need for its members, and that we want to continue our study and discussion. For a number of reasons, Sunday mornings remain our ideal time to meet. And while we would prefer more time together, we have decided our best compromise is to still get together between services, planning to start each week at 10:00 am – promptly! We have been testing a new format (at least for us); as we work through a book in the Bible, we read one chapter a week, and when we get together a member who volunteered the week before starts us off with his/her thoughts on what we read. Roger Stewart and Cathy Bandyk are still serving as facilitators for our group, and will prod us along on those rare moments when the discussion lags. We have just finished the book of James, and will start on Hebrews October 23. Our plan is to work through this book, and then re-evaluate our timing and format. In the meantime – we would love to have more members in the newly re-minted Sunday Study Group. Feel free to join us in the library any Sunday morning.

CHOIR REHEARSALS: The choir will be rehearsing on Wednesday, November 2

nd, and

Wednesday, November, 30th. We will meet in the music room at 7:00PM

both nights. We welcome new members at any time! We will be singing at the 9:00 AM service on November 6, 13 and 20 and rehearse at 8:15 before the services. Please Join Us!

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CORNERSTONE HALLOWEEN PARTY THANKS A special THANK YOU to all who have helped with providing food and assistance this past year for the Cornerstone Lunches. First we need to acknowledge Don & Brenda Crowe for providing the financial backing for the past year. Each luncheon costs in the neighborhood of $100 and they have covered those costs this year. Members of the congregation have provided the items to make the favorite dessert, the hamburger buns, or other complimentary items that makes the main dish complete. Thank you for taking a "tag" and filling those requests. Preparing and serving the lunch has been done by a very dedicated crew. Our Tuesday evening dessert maker is Mary Berryman. Wednesday workers have included: Charlie & Louise Price, Ivy Wilson, Earl & Donna Welsh, Cathy Bandyk, Ronnie & Bobbie Butteris, Marilyn Liddle, Rosemary Edwards, Roger & Gayl Stewart. The Starr family serves as Host and Hostess. Finally and by far not the least thank you goes to Sanctuary. The musicians take time off from their day jobs and become THE BAND. Yes, they have the Cornerstone clients dancing in the aisle. When their hour of music is over there are always big hugs for the band. This is the real thank you and keeps Sanctuary as our top billing. This service activity of Dodgeville UMC is coordinated by your Mission and Outreach committee made up of Tammie Leiser, Brenda Crowe, Juanita Starr and Roger & Gayl Stewart.


Local Unit Meetings and special happenings: The November meeting of our local unit is scheduled for Thursday, November 3

rd at 7:00PM at the church in Fellowship Hall. Our program will

be based on the annual World Thank Offering. The Evening Star circle is in charge of the program and the Grace Post circle will serve refreshments. Many, many thanks to everyone who contributed in any way to the October Rummage Sale and Bake Sale. Your help and contributions made the event very successful and will help our unit fulfill it’s mission to the church and community. Looking ahead to December—the days for the Santa’s Secret Shop have been set for Saturday, December 3

rd and Saturday, December 10

th. We will

have concessions available on both days and will serve a “sandwich lunch plate” which includes beverage and dessert. On the first Saturday we will also have a Bake Sale. There will be “sign-up” sheets available soon, so please be ready to help if you are able. Circle Meetings: The Evening Star circle will meet at the home of Robin Digman on Monday, November 14

th, at 7:00PM. Gayl Stewart is the co-hostess and Charlene

Mingst will present the devotions. The Grace Post circle will meet on Monday, November 21, at 1:30PM. They will meet at Ivy Wilson’s home. Lois Dobson will present the devotions.

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SANTA SECRET SHOP WILL OPEN SOON! HO HO HO!! ☺☺☺☺ It’s the most wonderful time of the year…Santa Secret Shop time, that is! There’s lots to do between now and our first day (December 3), and we could use some elves to get Santa’s shop ready. Starting Tuesday, November 1 (and every Tuesday in November) from 5-8 PM, a few rooms and the hall, on the lower level of the building, will be transformed into a special place for children. Here is just a small list of what needs to be done…

• Tables need moved and shelving set up

• Computer room needs cleaned up, so that all the gift items can be

moved to that area

• Decorations and lights need to be placed everywhere

• Trees need decorated

• Store prices need removed from the gifts

• New prices need to be displayed on the gifts

• Gift baskets need to be made

• All gifts need to be displayed

• Gift bags need to be decorated

Sign-up sheets will be placed in the fellowship hall for volunteer help on the actual days (December 3 and 10). The hours of the Santa Secret Shop are 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM…we are asking volunteers to work a 2-hour shift (or more, if you want), 8-10, 10-12, 12-2. Sheets will also be available for cookie donations. The Santa Shop is always in need of tape, white kitchen-size garbage bags, empty boxes, gift labels, tissue paper, and wrapping paper. There is a donation box in the fellowship hall, where you can drop off your items. This is a wonderful outreach for the children in Dodgeville and the surrounding area. Last year, almost 300 children participated (even with bad weather both weekends). Volunteers included church and community members, scouts, high school groups, and a fraternity from UWP. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Brenda Crowe, Head Elf, at [email protected]. More information regarding the actual event will appear in the December newsletter.

ATTENTION LADIES: Mark your calendars now for next year’s Women of Faith event! The theme is “Celebrate!” and will be at the Bradley Center in Milwaukee on October 5-6, 2012. The event begins Friday night and continues during the day on Saturday. Ticket price will be $89-99 depending on the number of women we have going. If you have questions about what Women of Faith is all about, check out their website ( or talk to one of the ladies who went from our congregation this year: Tammy Leiser, Carla Pustina, Beth Schlueter, and Mary Ellen Schultze.

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Top Ten Reasons Why YOU Should Become a Stephen Minister:

Reason #10: You will learn to turn danger into opportunity The Chinese word for crisis is made from a combination of two other characters: danger and opportunity. Every crisis, whether it is a divorce, the loss of a spouse, sudden unemployment or even a much-desired pregnancy provides both an opportunity for growth as well as a danger of choosing destructive solutions. The care of a dedicated, trained, Christ-centered Stephen Minister can help a person in crisis find equilibrium and wholeness.

Reason #9: Stephen Ministers are skilled caregivers Stephen Ministers receive 50 hours of training before they are commissioned and assigned to care receivers. They learn skills such as listening, identifying and expressing feelings, setting boundaries, and being assertive. They also learn about specific challenges such as hospitalization divorce, grief, and depression. Stephen Ministers feel well prepared to walk alongside people in crisis, whether it is with an assigned care receiver, or in their own relationships with family, friends and coworkers.

Reason #8: Stephen Ministers experience the joy of fellowship with one another Stephen Ministers meet about an hour a week with their care-receivers, but they also meet twice a month in small groups with other Stephen Ministers. Here, in a confidential manner, they share the joys and challenges of their caring relationships, pray for one another, offer encouragement and practical help, and relate to one another in a deep and spiritual way. The bonds of friendship and commitment are strong and positive.

Reason #7: Stephen Ministers learn to listen Most people think of listening as a simple, natural, and passive activity, but it is actually a powerful caregiving tool. Using Jesus as our model, Stephen Ministers learn the skill of active listening, which involves commitment, patience, and attention to body language. Stephen Ministers learn to listen for more than just words. They seek true understanding and empathy.

Reason #6: Stephen Ministers are assertive caregivers Stephen Ministers are trained to "speak the truth in love." Christian assertiveness is a positive and constructive way of relating that respects others and ourselves. Stephen Ministers learn to recognize and avoid aggressive behaviors such as belittling and manipulation, and to avoid passive behaviors such as withdrawing and relinquishing rights. By learning to behave assertively, Stephen Ministers become more aware of God's will for their lives and more aware of the needs of others.

Reason #5: Stephen Ministers are caregivers, not curegivers Stephen Ministers are not therapists or problem solvers; they are caregivers. Only God can bring about healing, forgiveness, and hope. Stephen Ministers are trained to listen and pray, to be reliable and non-

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judgmental, and to help care receivers express their feelings. Focusing on caring and not on curing means Stephen Ministers never pressure a care receiver to "get better." Stephen Ministers are there for as long as the process takes, and trust that God works in His own time to provide wholeness.

Reason #4: Stephen Ministers feel needed (because they are!) Stephen Ministry was created by a minister named Kenneth Haugk who realized that there are not enough pastors available to provide patient, long-term care to people in crisis. By training lay ministers in his congregation, he was able to ensure that the newly widowed, those going through divorce, people with chronic or terminal illness, and many, many others were able to meet regularly with a compassionate listener. Stephen Ministry benefits our pastors, our congregation, and our community.

Reason #3: Stephen Ministry skills apply in other relationships Stephen Ministers are trained to listen, to recognize, accept and express feelings, to behave assertively, and to depend on God for healing and change. They often find themselves using these skills in dealing with spouses, children, coworkers, clients, and in-laws. Imagine how a work place could be transformed by a single person who has learned to listen without judgment!

Reason #2: Stephen Ministry is a life changing experience Have you ever avoided approaching a person who was hurting because you "didn't know what to say?" We all have. But Stephen Ministers know what to say and how to act. They are trained to respond compassionately and respectfully when others need them, and they feel confident in their caregiving skills. Stephen Ministers are the first to respond when neighbors, family members, and coworkers need someone to talk to.

Reason #1: Jesus commanded it "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." We are called to "bear one another's burdens," and to "accept one another." Jesus wanted us to be doers of the Word, not just hearers. Stephen Ministers are in the trenches every day, caring for those who are hurting, bringing warmth and kindness to those who feel alone, creating an atmosphere where trust and respect can lead to wholeness. Stephen Ministers answer the call of Jesus.

We are all called to care! Stephen Ministry classes start early in 2012. There will be an informational meeting in the church library at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, Nov. 1 or you may speak to one of our Stephen Leaders: Gail Ray, Beth Schlueter, Pastor Rom, and Pastor Charlene. Applications are due Sunday, November 20, 2011 and interviews will be conducted the week of December 4.

(Original article written by B. Franco, First Presbyterian Church, Oceanside,


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PASTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUNDS LOW In October we were not able to provide assistance to those in our community requesting help because of low funds. If you would like to contribute to this fund, please write PDF in the memo line

of your check or on your offering envelope.

ADULT FELLOWSHIP Adult Fellowship is having a Thanksgiving meal on Sunday November 13

th at

12:30 in the Fellowship Hall. Turkey will be provided. Please bring a dish to pass. Any questions ask Lois Dobson, Louise Price, Carol Thomas, Charlene Bennett or Bobbi Butteris.

Thank you! Linda and I would like to tell you how much it meant to us to receive the card, prayers and support of all of you during my unexpected illness. I am now home on IV nourishment and improving daily. With follow-up surgery in late December or

January, I hope to be 100% soon. With deepest thanks,

Bob & Linda Wilson, proud son of the wonderful Ivy Wilson

National Donor Sabbath November 11-13 Learn more about becoming an organ donor. Visit



Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings at no cost

Date: Thursday, November 24, 12:00-1:30 PM Where: St. Joseph Catholic Church Reservations: For a delivered meal, or to eat at the church, call Community Meals at 553-3206 by Thursday, November 17th

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OFFERINGS January through March: Interhope $874.04 April – July 3: UMCOR Japan $741.13 UMCOR Tornado $240 UMCOR Golden Cross Sunday $64 July-Sept: Homeless Shelter of Iowa County

$623.33 October: $172.66 Card/Grief Book Ministry Total Mission & Outreach Giving to date: $2,715.16

CURRENT MONTH September 2011 Monthly Income $15,307 Monthly Expenses Paid $12,666 Net Income for month $ 2,641 Apportionments Paid $ 794

Unpaid Apportionments $ 1,309 YEAR TOTALS THROUGH CURRENT MONTH Years Income $139.445 Years Expenses Paid $122,756 Net Income for Year $ 16,688 Apportionments Paid $ 9006 (figure included in Years Expenses Paid)

Unpaid Apportionments $ 17,539 (not included in Years Expenses Paid) TOTAL APPORTIONMENTS DUE FOR YEAR $ 25,236 APPORTIONMENTS DUE PER MONTH $ 2,103 Lois McComish, Finance Chair

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#272 Giving breaks the temptation of greed. “The one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind.” (2 Corinthians 9:6-7a)

Are you 70-1/2 or older? Or do you know someone 70-1/2 or older?

If you are, what ministries are you most passionate about? Don’t pass up the chance to make a special gift this year!

Don and Sandi always wanted to see a youth minister in place at their church. When they learned they could make a distribution directly to their church from their Traditional IRA to provide the seed money to start this ministry, they decided to tithe their IRA. A few other members of their church joined them in this effort and now the youth ministry position is funded for the next five years. The IRA Rollover is a special giving option that is only available through December 31, 2011 to persons 70-1/2 and older. Call your IRA administrator today and request to have your Required Minimum Distribution for 2011 (or a gift of your choice up to a maximum of $100,000) sent directly to your local church (or other charity). This gift will benefit the ministry you have designated and will NOT be included in your gross income for tax purposes.

What types of IRAs qualify? Only Traditional and Roth IRAs

When? Now through December 31, 2011.

Where can I make Qualified Charitable Distributions from my IRA? Only to qualified public charities. All United Methodist Churches and United Methodist Ministries are qualified public charities - UMCOR, any of our Health and Welfare Ministries, UM Camps, or Advance Specials. You may make an outright gift or make a gift that establishes a permanent endowment fund. For more information, see the sample letter on the reverse side or contact us at:

Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation

750 Windsor Street Ste 305, P.O. Box 620 Sun Prairie, WI 53590-0620

1-888-903-9863 or [email protected]

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Sample Letter/Email to IRA Custodian – Valid through Dec. 31, 2011 Date Name of IRA Custodian Address City/State/Zip Dear IRA Custodian, The Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010, effective from Jan. 1, 2010 to Dec. 31, 2011, permits a rollover directly from an IRA to a qualified public charity. As the owner of IRA account #_______________________ that is in the custody of your organization, I request that you transfer from that account the sum of $____________________ to _________________________ United Methodist Church located at Address_____________________________________________ City/State/Zip______________________________________ The Treasury Tax ID Number for ______________________United Methodist Church is __ __-__ __ __ __ __ __ __. It is my intention to make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) to ________________ United Methodist Church from my IRA. It is also my intention that this distribution ___ will / ___ will not (choose one) fulfill part or all of my IRA required minimum distribution for this year. This letter is sufficient authorization for you to make this QCD gift. However, if you require any further documents, please promptly send those to me. Cordially yours, Name of Donor Address City/State/Zip

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Rewey United Methodist Church

Saturday, November 5 from 4:30-7:30 Pork Supper/Craft & Bake Sale

Belmont UMC

Sunday, November 6 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM Ham/Pork/Beef Roast Dinner & Craft/Bake Sale

Bethelehem Lutheran Church, Edmund

Thursday, November 3, from 4:30 – 8:00 PM Pasty Supper and Bazaar


GriefShare Tuesday evenings at 7:00 at Spring Green Community

Church For more info: 608-588-2442

UMW of Concordia United Methodist Church

in Prairie du Sac hosting a Holiday Bazaar

November 5, 2011 For more info: 643-6356

Youth Night Youth Service at New Life Church Friday, November 11th at 7:30 PM

210 S Iowa St. Activity: $5

Dodgeville Middle School 9-12 PM

Pizza * Volleyball * Basketball * Games

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*First name listed is 9:00 service, 2nd name is 10:45


Military Tom Wagner Bill Lorenz

Steve Cathy Fitzimmons

Barbara Cullen Mary Kirschbaum

Bonnie Oxnem Dick Strutt

Dan Williams Bob Wilson

Andrew Bottrell Eileen Gorsline

Bonnie Buckingham Dave Tremelling

Safe Travel - snowbirds

3 - Eunice Jewell 3 - Jase Mulder 4 - Michael Beerkircher 4 - Nolen Weier 5 - Melanie Forseth 11 - Megan Weier 12 - Lee Oxnem 14 - Merlin Gorsline 15 - Ashley Bell 15 - Lois Nelson 22 - Karl Lasse 23 - Thomas Steil 24 - Bev Strutt 25 - Cathryn Tredinnick 25 - Suzanne Tremelling 26 – Justin Athey 27 - Mckenzie Forseth 30 - Jade Udelhoven


No Anniversaries in November

*Worship Assistants NOVEMBER

6 Sandy Alexander, Mary Ellen Schultze 13 Kevin Kirschbaum, Beth Schlueter 20 Peggy Forrest, Terry Edwards 27 Jeff Athey, Mary Ellen Schultze

Please contact the church office if your special day is not listed, we want to

celebrate with you!

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Nov 09:00 10:45 06 Matt Julie 13 Tom Matt 20 Gail Rays 27 Gail Rays Dec 09:00 10:45 04 Tom Julie 11 Gail Rays 18 Matt Gail 24 Tom (7:30pm) Gail (10pm) 25 Gail (9:00 only)

Greeters November 9 AM: Chip & Peggy Forrest Steve & Julie Colden

10:45 AM: 6 Eliza & Maggie Godfrey 13 TBA 20 Eliza & Maggie Godfrey 27 TBA December 9 AM: Klint & Wanda McCutchin, Steve & Sandy Alexander 10:45 AM: 4 – TBA 11 – Lee & Mary Lou Oxnem 18 – TBA 25 – N/A

November 6 – Shirley Lewis & Lois Weier 13 – Tammy Leiser & Beth Schlueter 20 – Cathryn Tredinnick, **Julie Colden 27 – Penny Edwards & Sandy Alexander December 4 - **Dee Dochnahl 11 – Tammy Leiser & Beth Schlueter 18 - **Jan Aschliman & **Charlene Mingst 25 – birthday party for Jesus **These people are treat suppliers only

Café If you are unable to serve at your scheduled time,

please find a substitute to serve in your place.

Thank you!

Acolytes November 6 Alex & Bethany Harman

Lindsey Hazlett, Zach Tolzman

13 Emily Prochaska Maggie Piper Ryan James 20 Alex & Bethany Harman Maggie & Eliza Godfrey 27 Emily Prochasa London & Dacotah Starr

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All are cordially invited to join us the day after Thanksgiving,

Friday, November

25 at 5:00 PM to

decorate the church for the holiday season!