
doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1313r0


November 2013

Stephen McCann, BlackberrySlide 1

TGaq Mini TutorialDate: 2013-11-13

Name Company Address Phone email

Stephen McCann Blackberry Ltd 200 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 3XE, UK

+44 1753 667099 [email protected]


doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1313r0


November 2013

Stephen McCann, BlackberrySlide 2


TGaq Mini-Tutorial

Summary of Study Group and Task Group work to date.

doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1313r0


November 2013

Stephen McCann, BlackberrySlide 3

Study Group Phase

• Started November 2012

• Service Discovery concept appeared in Fall 2012

• Device discovery well established



• Considered mechanisms to discover available services provided by infrastructure.– IMS

– Printers

doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1313r0


November 2013

Stephen McCann, BlackberrySlide 4

Development of PAR & 5C

• Occurred about the same time as Service Discovery groups started in the Wi-Fi Alliance.

• No initial intention to build on TGaq. More of a co-incidental start.

• TGaq PAR narrowed to avoid overlaps with Wi-Fi Alliance– Specifically avoid peer to peer service discovery

doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1313r0


November 2013

Stephen McCann, BlackberrySlide 5

TGaq Scope

• This amendment defines modifications to the IEEE 802.11 standard, above the physical layer (PHY), to enable delivery of pre-association Service Discovery information by IEEE 802.11 stations (STAs).

doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1313r0


November 2013

Stephen McCann, BlackberrySlide 6

Progress to date

• Use cases collected (22)– Use case analysis complete

• Requirements document– Main features of use cases at MAC layer

• Terminology document– Re-using IEEE definitions where available

• Specification Framework Document– In progress at an early stage

doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1313r0


November 2013

Stephen McCann, BlackberrySlide 7

Example Use Case

• You enter IEEE meeting hotel and want to find a printer

• You notice that there are two WLANs in the hotel– The hotel WLAN, with two printers associated with

• Hyatt: The hotel printer (free for hotel guest and 24/7 availability)

• Verilan: The printer in IEEE staff office (located in a secured environment, available 9am-5pm to non-IEEE-staff)

– The FedEx/Kinko’s Office WLAN with one printer associated with (not free; but has richer features such as 3D; available 6am-10pm for pickup; can do FedEx)

• You are not an IEEE staff, and– It is 1pm. You are sensitive to the security.

– It is 9pm. You want high-quality print-out and cost is not an issue.

– It is 11pm. You are sensitive to costs.

• Problem is to use this information (prior to association) to allow the STA to select a network

doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1313r0


November 2013

Stephen McCann, BlackberrySlide 8

Initial Proposals

• Pre-association messages (PAD)– Likely to be based on GAS

• Container MAC protocol to carry upper layer service discovery protocols (e.g. UPnP, Bonjour)

• Provisioning and configuration of service in AP– Proxy service server connected to AP

• Universal identification of services– Use a hashing algorithm

– <tbd> UUID, a reverse domain notation, a registry of service IDs, etc

• (interdigital bits also)

doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1313r0


Proposed Architecture for 802.11aq

• Extend 802.11u to support service discovery

or• Define a new Service Discovery Protocol?

Slide 9 Dapeng Liu (CMCC)

STA AP Service



802.11 Scope Not in Scope of 802.11

Extend ANQP ordefine new servicequery protocol

Service query protocol

Up-layer servicediscovery protocol


November 2013

doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1313r0


November 2013

Stephen McCann, BlackberrySlide 10





Local Access Network

Service Transaction Proxy


Pre-association Messages

Service Query Messages

doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1313r0







Ping FANG, HuaweiSlide 11


S1: AP/Network Discovery + Service Indication

Services from Network

S2: Detailed Service QueryBased on Service Indication


Recapture: Two step service discovery

Services from associated device

Service Record

Service Indication

Service Indication, e.g. Service Bitmap

Service Indication, e.g. Service Bitmap

November 2013

doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1313r0


November 2013

Stephen McCann, BlackberrySlide 12

Other Concepts

• Peer Service Discovery (PSDisc) design framework– Independent mode discovery (few STAs)

– Server mode discovery (many STAs)

• Provisioning of Services by Associated STAs– Registration with an AP or Proxy Server

• SoftAP operation– Indicate provision of Internet connectivity

– Indicate upper layer support

– Lightweight and energy efficient method is desirable

• Pre-association discovery for neighbouring APs– Do PAD when the STA is still in association

doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1313r0


November 2013

Stephen McCann, BlackberrySlide 13

Construction of Draft

• Build on Specification Framework Documents

• Normative text submissions considered this week

doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/1313r0


November 2013

Stephen McCann, BlackberrySlide 14

Timeline – November 2013

• Approval of PAR & 5C: November 2012

• Initial TG meeting: January 2013

• Initial Working Group Letter Ballot: July 2014

• Re-circulation Working Group Letter Ballot: November 2014

• Form Sponsor Ballot Pool: May 2015

• Mandatory Editorial Check: November 2015

• Initial Sponsor Ballot: November 2015

• Sponsor Ballot Recirculation: January 2016

• Final WG/EC Approval: May 2016

• RevCom/Standards Board Approval: May 2016