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• Jack Nicholson’s first major movie was Chinatown. Why is this clip important? What is the time frame? Could this issue occur today?

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• As of tomorrow, you must go to the Wiki Site to get your homework. Specific questions will be incorporated and / or you will be asked to email me that you obtained the homework from the web site.

• I want you utilize the web site since I spend a great deal of time updating it.

• Vocab Words:• 96. NEPA – National Environmental Policy Act - • 97. Global Change Biology• 98. TB – Tuberculosis • 99. Fish Kills• 100. Walter Reed – the person, not the Army Hospital• Due Friday• Reading pages 400 – stop at 408 How we use water


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• Read pages 401 to 402 stopping at Freshwater Systems. After reading we will discuss it.

• After reading the section on the Colorado River water use. Should Las Vegas be able to take more water than they were allotted from a contact.

• If you were one of the Senators from Nevada, would you go to Congress asking for the contract to be lifted? Discuss at your tables

• What are the impacts of breaking the contract (include pro as well as con)?

• Could it lead to a situation such as what happened to the Aral Sea?

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What are these pictures of? How and why did this happen?

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• The amount of water available on the planet.

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• Water moves by traveling through the course of least resistance. Often forming things such as an oxbow.

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• Is this picture below real?• What is the negative impact of building a dam for

hydroelectric power?• Why was Hurricane Katrina so devastating?

At your tables, discuss the following topics:

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• What is the negative impact of building a dam for hydroelectric power?

• Prevents water from carrying nutrients down stream. Also, re-directs water at the cost of the ecosystem

• Why was Hurricane Katrina so devastating? • Below water already, once Levees were breached the

water went to the path of least resistance. Difficult to get rid of the water.

• Is this picture below real? Yes, the Saudis were trying to get freshwater to the desert.


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• Floodplain – New Material

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New material• Wetlands three types:• 1. Freshwater bogs

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New material• Freshwater bogs formation

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New material• Wetlands three types:• 2. Freshwater marsh

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New Material• Wetlands three types:• 3. Freshwater swamp

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• Explain the purpose of wetlands?• Limnetic Zone – sunlight penetrates, great deal of life

and photosynthesis • Profundal zone – Darker (but not pitch black) where

sunlight cannot get through. Little plant life here, plants would have to reach up through to the Limnetic Zone to survive

• Benthic zone – bottom of the pond / lake. Feels silty from decomposing leaves, sticks,… high nutrient, but low O2

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Zone of the pond / lake

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• Discuss and define the following with the use of your notes as a table:

• Water table• Artesian Well• Unconfined Aquifer• Ogallala Aquifer (where is it located?)• Impact of available water due to Global Climate


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• Consumptive versus non-consumptive use • Diagram on page 409 – explain what is happening by


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