  • 8/9/2019 Divorce and the Man Who Regained His Sanity


    Prelude: I'm Not the Ancient Mariner

    I'm not the Ancient Mariner

    Wedding bound

    But if you will stop and listen

    I will tell you my unfortunate story.

    There was no albatross around my neck

    But a succubus hovering above me.

    1. Meeting Her Family

    There was the nervous cordiality

    but he wouldnt betray fear or apprehension,

    his face would read humble and polite,

    guarding other feelings.

    They were black and he was white,

    and as always they were separated

    by a carefully constructed wall,

    a horrible and brutal history

    he was not responsible for,

    yet he would be held accountable.

    2. Her Endless Tirades

    Her endless tirades

    Brought bitter winters in a day

    When angry winds like her lashing tongue

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    Cut through you.

    And all you could think of was escape

    Some other place, anywhere else.

    You think, "Lord, make her stop!"

    Wishing her heart would,

    Knowing that it had long ago.

    You think of Walter Mitty.

    His endless flight into fantasy

    Where else could he go?

    "God loves irony!"

    You scream out in pain.

    Her vitriolic tirade starts again

    Realizing you haven't been listening

    Now you fear she will break

    Something she can shatter

    More quickly than your heart.

    The Image Consultant

    When I first came to know the Image Consultant

    My identity was adrift, or in flux

    Like floating between two radio stations

    Or like the time worn black and white photos

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    Washed and dulled from overexposure

    And too many fingers touching remembrances

    Before being returned to the old Chernins shoebox

    On the shelf where memories are stored and then forgotten.

    But she wasnt an Image Consultant at first

    Just a young black woman in trouble

    And I wanted to help her and perhaps get lucky.

    God loves the ironies we provide,

    But I wonder whether we create the dramas

    For no one but ourselves: Twenty years later

    I filed for divorce having seen in a moment of clarity

    My own terrible destiny with her, past and present.

    When I first came to the Image Consultant

    The picture in the attic had already begun its horrible transformation;

    First minor blemishes appeared, and then minute disfigurement,

    Barely perceptible changes the mouth twisting into

    A smug and defensive smile. Dark shadows burdened the eyes

    With hidden agendas, tormented secrets, and betrayal;

    But she remained outwardly beautiful,

    Color coordinated and perfectly accessorized.

    In later years, I mentioned the picture, which I had not yet seen,

    Beyond my imagination, unaware of its truth,

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    But when I saw her in court I saw the grotesque picture

    Like a fading and cracked image in an old black and white photo.

    How Long

    How long would you take on

    Someone else's pain?

    How long would you let me stay

    Inside you after our love

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    Was consumed?

    Would you take my seed

    Or let me bleed in a court of law?

    Remember the children we named

    But never had

    A family we did not make

    Did you believe the lies

    I told you because they were

    Sweeter than the truth?

    I Helped Her

    I helped her with frequent

    Vaginal examinations

    But I couldn't get close

    To her.

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    I didn't want to be her


    Just her husband.

    What Kind of Woman Would Take a Man's Hard Drive?


    She took my teeth, my partial bridge,

    Accused me of taking something of hers she valued.

    So she stole into the bathroom that night

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    And left me looking like a toothless junkie.

    Although I would plead with her,

    Lisping inarticulately that I did not know

    Where her missing jewelry was,

    She needed to teach me a liar's lesson.

    A condemned man will claim his innocence

    But makes peace with death outside his cell.

    She took her revenge and hid my teeth.

    And I saw my execution in her eyes.

    I thought about Hamlet telling Horatio

    About mysteries beyond the scope of our comprehension,

    Knowing the measure of my humiliation

    Would be as wide as the gap in my mouth.

    This woman, my wife, studied torture in North Korea.

    Once she took my glasses from the bedstand

    And twisted them into a pretzel shape,

    Then smashed the lens with a hammer.

    It was as if she had removed my eyes.

    Rendering me blind made her happy.

    She needed me to feel Powerless.

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    Said this was the only way I would see.


    She was training me, always training me.

    Refining me. Molding me into someone better.

    Like she was. A woman of imagined culture.

    I learned to carry her bags,

    And I learned to walk on the street side,

    To let her precede me in a restaurant,

    Unfold the napkin and correctly set the silverware;

    I became a perfectly unhappy gentleman.

    Who gives a shit about fire king or blue willow china?

    For godsake you eat off of it and scrape away leftovers,

    Like the crusty emotional scars she left on my heart.

    That I am now scrubbing away with brillo pads and poetry.

    Love Addiction

    She was a cold heartless bitch

    But she was my wife,

    I loved her like a junkie loves his next fix

    With a need greater than life;

    But when I hit bottom

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    And found myself in a shit-stinking jail cell,

    When I heard the plaintive cry of a wounded animal,

    Echoing in the emptiness of my heart,

    I knew our marriage was over

    And already decaying;

    So I left,

    Before the maggots could hatch.

    And never looked back.

    O Gertrude

    O Gertrude you wore another mans ring

    On the finger where I placed my future,

    And the old kings ghost demands revenge

    For foul acts and stolen years.

    How can a woman I so loved and adored

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    Be the same one I now despise and despair in?

    I could have given you the world, you said.

    Where was this world you could have given me?

    You gave me a world filled with enemies: Friends

    We once had. Family now denied. You told me

    Of advances made. All my friend desired you

    Yet you accepted another mans gifts.

    Your spirits and conspiracies surrounded us.

    Your anger, jealousies, and broken glass.

    Spirits lurking everywhere: gods and goddesses

    Tormenting you with their struggle over your life.

    This you brought into our lives. And your vengeance.

    Your night vigils and frenzy. Plotting and scheming.

    Disarray and dirt. Distrust and deception.

    You made our home a hellish place.

    Somewhere a picture is growing old and disfigured,

    Bearing all the scars and hideous expression of your sins.

    If your beauty wont betray the truth of your age

    And treacherous deeds, I will, as I pray for your tormented soul.

    Now we speak only through orders and writs;

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    Our dates only in courts of law. While lawyers talk

    I look at you and do not like what I see.

    I despair at having made you my wife.

    Our marriage died long ago,

    But I let it decompose and fill my life

    With the putrid stench of decay

    And like a necrophiliac I embraced the remains.

    O Gertrude, the old man's ghost cautions me

    That your destiny is in another's hands.

    Though your life be damned. Happy am I

    To be free of your mean enchantment.

    My Wife Disappeared

    My wife disappeared.

    She built walls around her heart

    Having discovered enemies everywhere;

    As the temperature plunged inside her chest,

    Approaching absolute zero,

    Her heart freeze dried and crumbled

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    Into tiny granules.

    Perhaps someone else can make

    A cup of human kindness

    From what remains.

    I Am the Lone Goose

    I am the lone goose

    in form and in flight


    save for my mate

    My wings spread

    against the approaching night

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    as I fly

    toward my fate.

    I Have My Memories

    I have my memories of you

    That itch like an old scar

    Occasion to remind me

    That our love was broken glass,

    Jagged-edged stones barefoot

    Tore my sole, tore my soul.

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    I did bleed for you, my love.

    Now I find solace and comfort in poetry

    That I could not find in marriage.

    Yet a words embrace, lines lyrical

    And ideas illuminating will not suffice,

    Nor satisfy the longing in my heart.

    I still prefer a smile meant only for me,

    Treasure the opening and unfolding,

    As if coming out of bud,

    And the eternal Spring love brings.

    I Hear You Open Your Door

    I hear you open your door and step into


    I keep track of you, my wife, that way,

    keeping you, my enemy


    But we cannot speak,

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    no IM, no emails, no phone calls,

    just the two sharks we have hired

    that circle around us

    for us.

    This is what has become of

    the hopes and dreams

    vows and schemes

    we had.

    Broken lives that must be rebuilt.

    Twenty years ago a mutual friend

    introduced us.

    He warned me that you were crazy.

    I could not believe that beneath your beauty

    a hidden darkness was lurking.

    The Final Reinvention Was Dissolution

    Maybe it was after she reinvented herself the last time

    That I no longer knew who she was.

    Even though she still wore the wedding band

    I gave my bride several years before.

    But even that became a prop

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    She used on stage for laughs.

    And eventually discarded for another man's

    Gift of silver and blood red rubies.

    She was impressed by power and wealth

    That my teacher's salary could only afford

    A marriage certificate and a home

    And for that she hyphenated her name.

    But I supported her business ventures

    Her comedy and acting and modeling,

    Until the hyphen separated me from a stranger

    I would never know and did not like.

    Where Will We Find Romance?

    Where will we find romance, my love,

    When we have begun the Art of Deception?

    When Springtime strolls in the park

    Are fraught with argument

    And Nature's jubilant songs go unheard

    Or seem to compete with the dark

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    For our attention.

    We Were Ravens and Gulls

    We were ravens and gulls

    Ravishing the remains

    Of a bad marriage,

    Feeding on the dead flesh

    Of our marriage,

    Feasting on rotten remains

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    And all the entrails of memory

    Spill out in poetry and pain.

    This is my cry:

    A shrill carrion call of sadness,

    My endless sorrow

    For how we cannibalized love,

    For how we picked at it,

    For how we prodded its lifeless form,

    And then abandoned it

    Like road kill.

    The Underbellies of Geese

    The underbellies of geese in flight

    Like sailboats

    Inscribe upon the sky

    Purpose and destination

    And like the dreams you chased

    Driving to a stage

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    In Lake Geneva,

    Flying from me

    To a runway in Orlando:

    What did your journey offer?

    Were the bright lights and applause

    Brighter and louder than the love I gave you?

    O the Blue Skies

    O blue skies don't deny my troubles

    And long Russian winters belie my sorrow

    Beyond the breach of my heart

    A cardinal sings and I celebrate tomorrow

    With a new start.

    There were too many dark hours,

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    So I shall not mourn yesterday.

    Or love unattended

    Like a bouquet of flowers,

    Left to wither and die.

    Wounds with time and fresh air are mended,

    But scars often itch forever.

    The Saga

    This part of my saga,

    My marriage storys last act

    Moves to the courtroom tomorrow,

    Where I will stand within 10 feet

    Of my only known enemy

    (Bin Laden doesn't count).

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    God loves irony doesn't He.

    The one person that I had loved

    (Or tried to) everyday,

    And occasionally made love to

    For the past 20 years

    Has become my nemesis, my sworn enemy.

    And before I can try to forgive her

    And move on with my life,

    I must have my hired hand

    Battle it out with her hired hand.

    Rock'm, sock'm robots.

    This is the grudge match.

    Tickets are not being sold.


    Is there ever finality--

    Papers signed, money transferred

    Documents notorized and judgment rendered?

    Lawyers ask last of rehearsed questions

    Circuit court judge makes his proclamation

    Then it's over, ended; the curtain drops,

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    All players make their way to other stages.

    But what of feelings? They don't end.

    Divorce is death of our marriage.

    What can I bury? Who can I mourn?

    It died long before I left you,

    Husband-petitioner, wife-respondent,

    My sorrow is for the dream unrealized.

    Who Among You

    Who among you have never cried a man's tears

    Drawn in like a disfigured limb for shame?

    And who with puffed chest, muscles sculpted

    Trembled inside at pretense and pain

    But remained an insincere impostor?

    Even as you lay claim to the busy boulevard

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    Emotional baggage drags behind,

    Like wreckage you can't shake loose.

    Everyone believes you are well rehearsed;

    Nobody realizes you are a very bad actor.

    But all masks must be removed before sunset;

    The night conceals our identity anyway.

    You Can't Erase the Treasured Moments

    You can't erase the treasured moments

    We shared or remove the memories,

    Like an apartment of furniture

    Conveyed to a moving van

    Or photos taken from an album.

    They are our children

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    And will not be kept from me,

    Held hostage by your insanity.

    The Onion Skin Lady

    My hour with the onion skin lady

    Is good therapy.

    We hug -- she's a hugger --

    And we talk about me

    Mostly, but she talks about herself

    Growing up, trying to make sense

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    Out of her world -- these stories

    Like the parables of Jesus

    Reveal, uncover, and enlighten.

    I talk about what brought me there.

    I am asking for help,

    Peel away my layers, I say.

    We will delve below the surface

    She warns me, but I am prepared

    To expose myself.

    Mirrors and Windows

    The mirror reveals where you have been

    Only what came before, a glance backwards

    Within the glass scrapbook an image's half-life

    Expires even as you see the image reflected back.

    The window shows where you may go

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    What lies beyond the place you stand,

    Scripts of scenes still to be written,

    Dramas of dreams and possibilities.

    Between mirrors and windows each of us

    Adjusts our vision as if impaired

    Or obstructed by too much reality.

    Between what was and what will be

    We live, trying to make sense

    Of this fragile life, drawing nectar

    From each moment like a bumblebee

    Buzzing here and there frenetically

    Until we return to the nest.

    We take inventory before the mirror

    And then plan and scheme at the window.

    Yesterday is fading fast, tomorrow is a train

    Roaring toward its terminal destination.

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    In These Still Hours of Night

    In these still hours of night,

    When even the birds do not stir

    Thoughts and fantasy merge

    Into a world of imagination,

    Where release and renewal attend us

    As dreamers dream

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    And all things are possible

    For sleep is the salve that mends the mind

    And endows the soul with solace.

    Some find enchantment and inspiration here

    And designs like the inventor's blueprint take shape.

    I usually remain wrapped in my cocoon of sleep,

    But tonight I find myself awakened by thoughts

    That would not dissolve or disappear into dream.

    The Letter I Will Never Send

    I could never leave my family,

    which might account for my never being able to

    sustain our marriage.

    Perhaps you were right

    when you said I put others first.

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    Did I bring you into the family?

    Did you feel like my wife?

    I have made mistakes. I trusted a woman

    who could be hurt no more,

    whose emotional skin was so tender

    that her ego could not be scratched,

    And who knew a time and place for affection.

    Mine I must admit

    was too often calculated and controlling.

    If I could speak to you now,

    through the most painful memory

    of your cruelty,

    I would tell you

    that I had wanted to share my truths

    with you.

    Even those that make you cringe,

    or angry,

    but I was afraid.

    Lest your anger turn into

    an animal instinct for survival.

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    The Big Mystery

    The big mystery of the universe

    Is not about the unifying force

    But how to capture a woman's heart

    And keep it full and rich

    With love for you.

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    The Night Is Veiled

    The night is a veiled woman

    Her mystery hidden beneath a black cloak

    She speaks to me with dark silent eyes

    Tales that whisper a secret shame.

    And like the Sultan and his Scheherazade

    I am entranced until daybreak.

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    In the secluded murmur of enchanted moments

    I hear her stories in the chorus of crickets

    In the supplication of birds when they wake

    In the deep measured breathing in the next room

    Yet an uncertain longing is my own heart's recital.

    Talking About My HP

    Do you know God whispers to us all

    When the noise of day pushes quiet away?

    How often have you argued for God

    As if His voice is silenced by doubters?

    I used to intellectualize God,

    Never revealing our relationship to anyone else;

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    For so long, I hoped God would shout

    For my attention, but I needed to listen to hear.

    Recently, I told God that I

    Am coming out of the closet

    Finally telling everyone God is

    With me wherever I go,

    That I ask for His help and guidance

    And thank God for what I am given.


    Time to open windows and doors,

    Let the fresh air slip in

    And out and between,

    Welcome the songbirds

    And their happy chorus,

    Take leisurely walks in the park,

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    Wipe the dust off the 10-speed,

    Put air in the tires

    And inflate my spirit.

    Because I have no one special

    To hold my heart's attention;

    I shall make you Spring

    My companion

    And listen to your lush and delicate words.

    I'll let your rain be sloppy wet kisses.

    I'll let your sun caress

    The back of my neck

    Like a lover's gentle hand,

    I'll let you fill me with a secret romance.