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Nettleton School DistrictTesting Training

Ms. Van E . RossApril 18, 2013

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Important Testing Dates


MS Science Test 2 5th and 8th May 1 May 2

MS Subject Area Testing Program 2(Primary and Retest)English IIAlgebra I U.S. HistoryBiology

8th -11th

May 6 & May 7May 8May 9May 10

May 13

MS MCT2ReadingWritingMath

3rd -8th May 14May 15May 16

May 17

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Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards 2012, Appendix F is a very important document. Please read and familiarize yourself with it.

Please make sure you read any and all documents pertaining to the security of testing.

Violation of Test Security can quickly change your job status from employed to unemployed!!!

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Test Audits

At least one school from every school district will be audited each year. Some districts may be audited several times in a school year.

Test audits are conducted to observe the following: storage and distribution of secure materials, preparation for tests, adequacy of the testing environment, process and procedures for the test administrations, inventory and return of materials, and any other relevant occurrences.

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Learned Lessons

There must be two people present at all times ( before, during, or after testing with secure materials); the MDE auditor is not considered as one of the two people.

Staff members should not break the seal on test booklets used to provide the read-aloud accommodations.

Any person involved in any phase of testing must be trained in appropriate assessment administration and test security procedures.

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Learned Lessons

Do not attempt to make a list of questions from the test.

Secure test materials must not be reproduced or distributed to school staff.

School staff must verify the correct number of test booklets needed for test administration prior to the day of testing.

Make sure students receiving the read-aloud accommodation receive the correct test form.

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Learned Lessons

Test should be administered according to published testing schedule.

Using non-allowable accommodations Not providing allowable

accommodations Testing with no hall monitors Students seated too close to each

other (This situation also leads to issues when districts are responding to an OSA-mandated investigation!)

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Learned Lessons

Duplicate answers by two or more students

Too many students under one test administrator and proctor (recommended ratio is 25 to 2)

Test administrator and proctor sitting and not monitoring entire room during test

Subject relevant charts on the walls/things still written on boards

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Learned Lessons

Attempting to make a list of questions from the test

Do not coach students(with words, gestures, movements or strategic throat clearing).

Verify that you use the correct answer documents.

Actually reading ahead or reading the test and answering the questions on the test- violation of Appendix F

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Learned Lessons

Changing or altering answers after the test #8 of Appendix F- Reproducing(by any means) or

disclosing secure test material( including pilot material) and student responses before, during, or after test administration are prohibited. Reproduction or disclosure of secure test materials includes but is not limited to the following: reviewing, reading, or looking at secure test materials in a manner that is inconsistent with test security regulations and/or procedures as outlined in the test administrator’s manual. Use of unreleased test items in any form(including rewording of such test items) is strictly prohibited. [underlining was added by OSA]

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MCT2 Reminder

MCT2 Attempt Rule - For Language Arts- A student must answer five of the first ten items in the Reading section and five of the first ten items in the Writing section in order for the Language Arts test to be considered a valid attempt.

- For Mathematics- A student must answer five of the first ten items tin order for the test to be considered a valid attempt.

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Reminders by Ross

Pay attention to detail! Read TA manuals before testing- certified

hall monitors should also read the TA Manuals.

Test Administrators and Proctors should walk as much as possible and should only sit one at a time for a short period of time.

No eating or drinking by test administrators, proctors, or hall monitors.

TA or proctor can not step into the hall until the HM is in the room.

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Reminders by Ross

No reading materials or cell phones by TA, proctors, or hall monitors

Keep casual conversation to a minimum Remember any testing questions should be

asked of your School Test Coordinator and not the Principal.

If you need pencil sharpeners or lights repaired please follow your building procedures to report these things.

Please make sure that students have only #2 pencils. They should not use mechanical or pens on the tests.

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Reminders by Ross

Make sure that you can see most of the room at any time.

Do NOT break for lunch until directed to do so by STC or designee.

Do NOT send any students into the hall until the hall monitor is there to escort them.

Make sure that you pay attention to the pre-ID answer sheets.

Certified HM will assist in monitoring the rooms as well.

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Ready, set, test!

Please follow all Test Security Procedures and be vigilant in your procedures.

Let’s have a SSTS! (Super Smooth Testing Season!)

Thanks for all you do!
