  • CENSUS 1971

    SERIES 1




    PART X-A


    PAR.T X-B






  • [


    West Godavari District irrigated by the waters of river Godavari is one of the most progressive districts for agriculture and other agro~based industries and trade. More than three fourths of the total cropped area is under assured irrigation. The cultivators in this district are by and large fertiliser minded and educated for preventing pests and disease attacks of crops both by cultural and chemical methods. The farmers in this district have long experience in improved methods of cultivation and produce sizeable marketable surplus every year. It is, for these reasons that the Intensive Agricultural Divtrict programme known as the Package Programme was started first in West Godavari District in 1960 aiming at further increasing the production offood and important commercial crops.

    West Godavari District ranks first among the rice growing districts in the State, both in regard to area under crop and in respect of production. The area under rice in 1970-71 in this district is 384,367 hectares constituting 70.5% of the total cropped area in the district and 10.9% of the total area under the crop in Andhra Pradesh State. The annual outturn of rice in this district is 659,078 tonnes which forms 13.8% of the total outturn in the State. The average yield per hectare in the district is 1,715 Kgs. as against 1,359 Kgs. in the State. It is also reported that in the recent times one of the cultivators in West Godavari District could produce 6,916 Kgs. of rice of an high yielding variety per hectare. About 73% of the total workers or 2910 of total population in the district are engaged in agriculture.

    Source:- Bureau of Economics and Statistics, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad. "Padi Pantalu" Sep. 71 Published by the Director of Information, Public Relations and Tourism, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.


    The District Census Handbooks which were first published at the 1951 Census proved to be very useful to the State and Central Government Departments, private agencies and academic bodies like Universities and Research Institutions. The scope: of theses Handbooks was enlarged to make them more useful during the 1961 Census. Considering the delay in the publication of these Handbooks due to difficulties in finding suitable presses which could undertake huge printing work of this kind, it was considered desirable to split up the 1971 Census Handbooks into three parts viz., Part A - Village and Town DIrectory, Part B - Village and Town Primary Census Abstract and Part C - Analytical Report, Departmental Statistics and District Census Tables. This was done mainly with a view to publishing Parts A and B which contain not only the popUlation data upto the village and town level but also the particulars about the basic amenities etc., available in the towns and villages. as early as possible for public use. The scope and contents of these three parts are elaborated in the introduction of this volume. I am glad to record here that Parts A and B cf the 1971 Census Handbooks of all the 21 Districts in the State have been finalised alredy·and I expect that before the end of 1973 Parts A and B for all the 21 Districts would have been published.

    The compilation of these Handbooks is being done from -the 1951 Census in the Office of the Director of Census Operations while the cost of paper, printing, etc., required for these volumes is being borne by the State Government. The Andhra Pradesh State Government have readily agreed to bear the cost of printing and paper for the 1971 Census Handbooks. I am grateful to the Andhra Pradesh State Government and in particular to the Additional Chief Secretary to the Government of Andhra Pradesh, Shri S. A. Quader, lAS., for their co-operation and encouragement. I am thankful to the Director of Printing, Government of Andhra Pradesh for assisting me by selecting suitable presses for undertaking the printing of the Handbooks. The data presented in the Village and Town Directories are obtained from different State Government and Central Government Departments but for' whose co-operation Part - A of the Handbooks could not have been compiled. I am thankful to all of them for furnishing me the required data.

    I am extremely grateful to Shri A. Chandra Sekhar, lAS., Registrar General, India and Dr. Roy Burman, Deputy Registrar General, India who formulated the contents of these Handbooks in detail and rendered spontaneous help and encouragement to me at all stages.

    The following staff of my Office worked on the present volume of West Godavari District Census Handbook under the guidance and supervision of Shri P. S. R. Avadhany, Deputy Director of Census Operations, and Sri K. Narasimha Murthy, Assistant Director of Census Operations of my Office.

    Sri P. B. Sunder Raj, Tabulation Officer } Drafting, Scrutiny and " T. Brahmiah, Statistical Assistant


    Sri N. Gangaraju, Computor )

    " S. Ramakrishna, Assistant Compiler i

    Compilation " P. V. Prabhaker, Assistant Compiler

    { " N. Venkateswara Sastry, Assistant Compiler J

    Sri T. Govardhan Rao, Statistical Assistant Supervision of Printing

    Sri J. Venkateswara Rao, 'Proof Reader ")

    V. Babu Rao, Assistant Compiler >- Proof Reading " )

    Sri A. Venkateswar Rao, Assistant Compiler Scrutiny of Maps

  • Sri M. N. Ram Mohan, Artist .,

    " " " " " " Smt.

    Syed Ahmed, Senior Draughtsman M. J. Sadiq, Draughtsman N. G. Swamy, Draughtsman Mohiuddin Hassan, Draughtsman M. Shankariah. Draughtsman Md, Yaqub Ali, Draughtsman B. Raghuram, Draughtsman Daya Saxena, Draughtsman

    I am grateful to their services.


    "\ I I I I I

    t I

    I J

    Preparation of Maps

    I trust that this humble effort on the part of the Census Organisation would meet with the appreciation it deserves.

    T. VEDANTAM Director of Census Operation3


    In troduction



    Explanatory Note - Village DirectoJy 7 Village Directory:

    Eluru Taluk , Chintalapudi Taluk Polavaram Taluk Kovvur Taluk TadepaUigudem Taluk Tanuku Taluk Narsapur Taluk Bheemavaram Taluk

    Talukwise Abstract of Amenities

    Explanatory Note - Town Directory

    Town Directory:



    Statement Statement

    I II

    Status, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns Physical Aspects and Location of Towns .

    Statement Statement Statement Statement Statement

    III IV V

    VI VII

    Civic Finance Civic and other Amenities Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking Facilities Population by Religion and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes


    Explanatory Note - Primary Census Abstract i~~,," t.;_"j

    Primary Census Abstract


    Eluru Taluk , Chintalapudi Taluk Polavaram Taluk Kovvur Taluk , Tadepalligudem Taluk Tanuku Taluk Narsapur Taluk Bheemavaram Taluk



    1- 4


    11-19 21-27 29-37 39-45 47-53 55-61 63-69 71-77 78-81


    88 89 90 91 92 93 94



    109-148 149-161 163-175 177-203 205-230

    • 231-255 257-291

    • 293-317


    Eluru Taluki Chintalapudi Taluk Polavaram Taluk Kovvur Taluk Tadepalligudem Taluk

    Tanuku Taluk Narsapur Taluk Bheemavaram Taluk



    West Godavari District-Talukwise Density of Popu lation


    Facing page 11

    " 21

    " 29

    " 39 ,

    " 47

    " 55

    " 63

    " 71

    " 95


    Andhra Pradesh West Godavari I State Dist~t N

    POPULATION TOTAL Persons 43,502,708 2,374,306 Males 22,008,663 1,190,938 / Females 21,494.045 1,183,368

    RURAL Persons 35,100,181 1,953,921 Males 17,698,247 980,122 Females 17,401,934 973,799

    URBAN Persons 8,402,527 420,385 Males 4,310,416 210,816 Females 4,092,111 209,569


    GEOGRAPHICAL AREA (Sq. Kms.) 276,754.0 7,780.0


    SEX RATIO (Number of Females per 1,000 977 994 Males)

    PERCENTAGE OF LITERACY Persons 24.6 34.4 Males 33.2 40.4 Females 15.8 28.3


    PERCENTAGE OF WORKERS TO TOTAL Persons 41.4 40.6 POPULATION (Main Activity only) Males 58.2 59.2

    Females 24.2 21.9



    (i) CULTIVATORS Persons 32.2 22.4 Males 37.4 28.8 Females 19.4 5.2

    (ii) AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS Persons 37.9 50.1 Males 27.7 39.1 Females 63.1 79.7

    (iii) OTHER WORKERS Persons 29.9 27.5 • Males 34.9 32.1

    Females 17.5 15.1

  • VI


    Females 13.2 14.1


    Females 3.8 2.2


    NUMBER OF VILLAGES Total 29,428 880 Inhabited 27,221 841 Uninhabited 2,207 39






    • 1 0



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    418.1 110

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    I District Manuals and District Gazetteers

    Prior to 1905, the erstwhile composite Madras Government compiled and published a District Manual for each district. It contained not only particulars of items of more or less a permanent character such as physical characteristics, history, religion and ethnography but also a few statistical tables including those relating to population which became obsolete within a few years of their publication. The Madras Government, therefore, replaced these District Manu~ als by another publication known as the District Gazetteer consisting of two Volumes 'A' and 'B'. VoJume A contained descriptive matter and such gerieral tables as might be necessary to explain the text and Volume B contained detailed statistics. They decided that Volume B should be brought out periodically after each decennial census so that they contain the latest statistics. Volume A was pub-lished for some districts between 1905 and 1927 in the composite Madras State. The publication of Volume A was discontinued in 1927. Volume B was pub-lished for all the districts of the composite Madras State between 1906 and 1915. The publication of Volume B was also stopped after 1931 Census. Due to the II World War, the District Gazetteers were not published after the 1941 Census.

    In the erstwhile Hyderabad State also the Gazet-teer Volumes were brought out for some of the districts.

    The scheme of publication of revised District Gazetteers was started in 1958 by the State Govern~ ments and in this Stale, the Gazetteers of some districts like Cuddapah and Anantapur have been published already.

    The Village Statements

    Apart from these District Manuals and Gazet~ teers, the census data upto village level used to be published in a brochure called "Village Statement" for each district immediately after every census from 1872 upto 1941.

    The Village Statements merely showed the number of occupied houses and popUlation by religion of each village and town and they did not contain any more details. From the 1951 Census, Village State-

    • ments were replaced by the District Census H~ndbooks.

    District Census Handbooks

    The idea of compiling the District Census Hand~ books for each district in place of Village Statements was first entertained and put forward at the 1951 Census by Sri R. A. Gopalaswamy, I.C.S., the then Registrar General, India and ex-officio Census Commissioner of India as part of a plan intended to secure an effective method of preserving the census records prepared for areas below the district level. He proposed that all the District Census Tables and Census Abstracts prepared during the process of sorting and compilation, should be bound together~in a single manuscript volume called the "District Census Handbook" and suggested to the State Governments that the Handbook with or without the addition of other useful information relating to the district should be printed and published at their own cost, in the same manner as the village statistics of the past censuses. This suggestion was accepted by most of the State Governments. Both the composite Madras State and the erstwhile Hyderabad State accepted this suggestion and published the District Census Handbooks for all districts at their own cost. In the erstwhile Hyderabad State, the District Census Handbooks were brought out in two parts, Part I containing Administrative Statistics and Part II the Census Tables. In the composite Madras State, the Handbooks were brought out in one single volume only for each district.

    Pattern at 1961 Census

    At the 1961 Census, the scope of the District Census Handbooks was significantly enlarged by~Sri Ashok Mitra, I.C.S., the then Registrar General. India. The District Census Handbooks of 1961 Census of Andhra Pradesh were divided into four parts. The first part contained narrative description of the Physical features, History, Social, Economic and Demographic characteristics, the progress made in each field of administration over the past decades and a brief gazetteer of places. The second part contained the Administrative Statistics of various departments. The third part contained the 1961 Census Tables viz., General Population Tables, Economic Tables, Cultural and Migration Tables, Special Tables on Scheduled Castes an,d Scheduled

  • Tribes. The fourth part consisted of Village and Towll. Directory which was the most vital part of the Handbook, giving villagewise and townwise Primary Census Abs'tract i.e., particulars of area, households, population, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, literates, broad categorisation of working population etc. Important amenities such as educational, medical, public health and communication facilities available were also indicated against each village and town. Nine Sub-Tables containing viJIagewise parti-culars such as irrigation sources, important crops raised, value of land, co-operative societies, indus-trial establishments, police. stations, list of skilled craftsmen etc .. , were given after Village and Town Directory. A tabular' statement on Fairs and Festi-vals ,in the district was given at the end of the volume. All these four parts were bound in a single volume and published at the cost of the State Govern-ment.

    Pattern at 1971 Census

    The District Census Handbooks proved to be very useful and valuable publications and had consi-derable demand by public as well as the official users of the census data. At the 1971 Census, it was there-fore, decided not only to continue the publication of the District Census Handbooks but also to enlarge its scope further.

    At the last Census, there was some delay in the publication of the District Census Handbooks due to the inadequate printing facilities. In order to avoid delay in pUblication and also to make available the more important census data to the planners, admi-nistrators, and other users who may be not only e?ger but in dire necessity to use the information in their respective spheres, it has been decided to bring out the District Census Handbooks in three parts viz., Part A, Part B and Part C. Part A contains Village ':lnd Town Directory. Part B contains Village and Town Primary Census Abstract. Part C contains Administrative Statistics and Analytical Report. Parts A and B of the District Census Handbooks of this State are being brought out in one volume and Part C will be brought out in a separate volume for each district a little later.

    A brief outline on the scope of each of these tl).ree Parts is given below.

    Part A: V iJlage and Town Directory

    In this part, the Village Directory is given first and then the Town Directory.


    Vii/age Directory.' It is arranged talukwise and gives for each village, particulars of amenities available in respect of educational and medical insti-tutions, power and drinking water supply, postal and telegraphic facilities, communications, particulars of land use, markets, places of religious, historical or archaeological interest in the village.

    Town D;rectory: The Town Directory portion contains data in Seven sta tements. Particulars like the civic administration status, its origin, the growth and decline of its popUlation, functional category, physical aspects and location, municipal finances, civic and other ameni ties, medical, educational, recreational and cultural facilities, trade, industry, commerce and banking facilities and lastly the reli-gious composition of the town and the Scheduled Castes/Tribes population inhabiting are presented in seven statements. They are given for each town in the district arranged in alphabetical order .•

    Part B: Primary Census Abstract

    This part gives for each revenue village and also for cach enumerator's block and ward of a town, the Primary Census data i.e., area, occupied residential houses, number of households, total population and its break up by sex, Schduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes population, literate population, working population by nine broad categories of cultivators, agricultural labourers, those working in livestock, forestry, fishing, plantations, etc., in mining and quar~ rying, in manufacturing, in construction, in trade and commerce, in transport, storage and communications and in other services and the non-working population as per the 1971 Census.

    Part C: Administrative Statistics and Report

    This part comprises the various administrative statistics pertaining to the district with special refe-rence to the development taken place during 1961-70 in different spheres and also the 1971 Census Tables relating to the General Popula tion, Economic Charact-eristic, Cultural and Migration features, Housing and Establishment tables and data pertaining to the district regarding language and religion. A write up, indicating the changes in the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the district and the developmental activities that have taken place in the decade in the various fields like Agriculture, Indus~ tries, Trade and Commerce, Education, Medical and Public Health, Community Development, etc., is given at the beginning of this part. In view of the •

  • elaborate write up already given in the 1961 District Census Handbooks, the present write up will be brief and it will cover the present decade only.

    Rural and Urban Classification of areas

    It is customary to classify the population of every country at a census as Rural and Urban. Such a classification has considerable significance and is necessary from the point of assessing the differentials in the social, economic, cultural and demographic characteristics of the population. Hence at the be~ ginning of each census, the criteria for treating a place as town (i.e., urban) or rural are evolved and the ~ reas are then classified accordingly as per the definition so evolved.

    From the year 1891, the census definition of a town in this country was more or less the same till 1941 and it was slightly modified in 1951. The towns broadly comprised all Municipalities of what-ever population and every other continuous collection of houses, permanently inhabited by not less than 5,000 persons, which the provincial Directors of Cens~ Operations having regard to the character and relative density of population, their importance as centres of trade decided them to be towns. In the application of this definitiop. there was some variation from State to State according to the local conditions. It w~s. only at the 1961 Census that a fairly strict defillltlOn was sought to be applied throughout the co~ntry in order to determine a place as an urban umt. The same definition was followed at the 1971 Census also. The fonowing criteria are adopted for treating a place as a town at the 1971 Census.

    1 All places with a Municipality, Corporation or Cantonment or Notified Town Areas, and

    . 2. All other places which satisfied the following cntena:

    (a) a minimum population of 5,000

    (b) a density of population of at least 1,000 per-sons per Sq. mile (400 persons per Sq.Km.) and

    (c) at least three fourths (75: ) of the male work-ing population is non-agricultural.

    In respect of marginal cases, the Directors of Census Operations of the States were given discretion to decide a place as town or village.

    The Towns are distributed into six classes as detailed below:-


    Classificalion of Towns

    Class I

    Class II

    Class III

    Class IV

    Class V

    Class VI

    Population size

    1,00,000 and above





    Below 5,000

    The Class I Towns are termed as Cities.

    Besides classification of all places into Rural and Urban areas, two new concepts viz., Urban Agglomera-tion and Standard Urban Area were newly evolved at the 1971 Census. They are briefly explained below.

    Urban Agglomeration

    In several areas around a core city or statutory town have come up fairly large and well recognised Railway Colonies, University Campuses, Port areas, Military Camps, etc. Even though they are outside the statutory limits of a Corporation, Municipality or Cantonment, they fall within the revenue boundary of the place by which the town itself is known or in the revenue boundary of the neighbouring village. It may not be altogether realistic to treat such area" lying outside the statutory limits of a town as rural units and at the same time each such individual area by itself may not satisfy the minimum population limits to qualify to be irea ted as an independent town. Such areas deserve to be reckoned along with the main town and the continuous spread including such urban outgrowth would deserve to be treated as an integrated urban area. At the 1971 Census such continuous urban spreads have been treated as inte~ gra ted urban areas and defined as Urban Agglomer-ations. This concept of Urban Agglomerc tion replaced the concept of Town-group followed in the 1961 Census. Urb8n Agglomerations can be constituted in the following situations:

    (aJ A city with continuous outgrowth (the part of outgrowth being out of the statutory limits but falling within the boundaries of the adjoining village or villages).

    (b) One town with similar outgrowth or two or more adjoining towns with their outgrowths as in (a) and

    (c) A city and one or more adjoining towns with their outgrowths all of which forming a continuolls spread.

  • Thus the Urban Agglomeration represents wholly the urban population only. In Andhra Pradesh, the following four places are treated as Urban Agglomer~ at ions.

    Name of the Urban Agglomeration


    1 Visakhapatnam Urban Agglomeration

    2 Rajahmundry Urban Agglomeration

    3 Vijayawada Urban Agglomeration

    4 Hydelabad Urban Agglomeration

    Constituent units in the Urban Agglomeration


    (a) Visakhapatnam City (i) Visakhapatnam


    (ii) Gajuvaka (Out-growth)

    (b) Gopalapatnam

    (a) Rajahmundry Muni-cipality

    (b) Rajahmundry Non-Municipal Area

    (a) Vijayawada Muni-cipality

    (b) "atamata Town

    ( c) Gunadala Town

    (a) Hyderabad Municipal Corporation

    (i) Hyderabad Division

    ( ii) Secunderabad Division

    (b) Secunderabad Cantonment

    (c) Malkajgiri (d) Alwal (e) Uppal Khalsa

    ( f) Balanagar (g) Fatehnagar (h) Machabolaram (i) Osmania University (j) LaJaguda (k) Kukatpalle (I) Moosapet

    (m) Bowenpalle (n) Zamistanpur

    The Standard Urban Area (S. U. A)

    The concept of the Standard Urban Area has been evolved for the first time at the 1971 Census to give out a more meaningful picture of the urban growth. The town-group concept adopted at the 1961 Census did not effectively tackle the problems invol-ved in reporting urban statistics apart from lacking a uniform application throughout the country. It also did not bring out a spatially contiguous territory ~f urban-rural settlements but merely bound up loosely clustered population popularly known as the satellite towns or the constitutent units whose jurisdictions were subjected to frequent changes and thus lacked in stability. The intervening rural areas were also left out of the account. Consequently the


    conclusions drawn became not only invalid over a time but also lost spatial comparability with similar data processed both within the country and outside. These short-comings reduced considerably the utility of the town-group concept which was also found somewhat inadequate for the purpose it was developed. To enable the presentation of urban statistics on a uniform basis and also to ensure comparability of the census data from one decade to another and with similar data available from other countries, the concept of Standard Urban Area has been envisaged and adopted at the 1971·Census.

    The Standard Urban Area is defined as the projected growth area of a city or town as it would be in another three decades taking into' account not only the towns and villages which will get merged into it but also the intervening areas which are potentially urban. The tract includes all extra Municipal urban outgrowth such as the suburbs (industrial and residential), Railway Colonies, Civil Lines, Cantonments and also such of those villages that are likely to be urbanised during the next three decades. The Standard Urban Area is thus an area which extends well beyond the chief core city or town and contains all likely developments over the next 30 years. It will remain a statistical reporting unit for the nex t three successive censuses, irrespective of the jurisdictional changes of the local administrative units wi thin the tract. The Standard Urban Area will be identified by the administrative units that it encompasses namely the ci ty, the town, the village. The boundaries of the Standard Urban Area will be the administrative boundaries of the peripheral units.

    In demarcating the Standard Urban Area the following criteria are followed:

    (i) The core town should have a minimum population of 50,000,

    (ii) The contiguous areas should be made up of other urban as well as rural administrative units having close and mutual socio-economic links with the core town and

    (iii) The entire area included in the Standard Urban Area is likely to be urbanised in span of two to three decades.

    In West Godavari District, Eluru and Bheema-varam Towns with their surround'ing villages are treated as Standard Urban Areas.


    SECTION I - Village Directory

    SECTION II - Town Directory



    The main purpose of the Village Directory is to indicate the available important facilities like educa~ tional, medical, drinking water supply, communica~ tions and electricity supply in each vil1age. The collec-tion and presentation of such data was first attemted at the 1961 Census and the different facilities available were shown by abbreviated letters under five columns along with the Primary Census Abstract. But at the 1971 Census it was decided to present such particulars in greater detail in the Village Directory and to give the Primary Census Abstract separately. Besides presenting the data on basic amenities like, edu~ cational, medical, electricity, drinking water supply, communications, posts and telegraphs, the particulars about the staple food commonly used by the majority of" the people, land utilisation, the name and distance of the nearest town, the market/shandy days, historical or religious or archaeological or tourist importance, if any, of th.e villages have also been collected and pre-sented in the Village Directory. The Villagewise Primary Census Abstract is presented separately in Part B of this Volume.

    In the Village Directory, the revenue village is taken as the lowest unit for presentation of data. The villages are arranged in the ascending order of Loca-tion Code Numbers assigned to the villages. Unlike the Town Directory, the Village Directory contains only one statement. An Alphabetical List of Villages with Location Code Numbers against them is given at the beginning of the Village Directory and Primary Cen-sus Abstract of each taluk. This facilitates the reader to select the required village crom Alphabetical List and after knowing its Location Code Number, to obtain the necessary particulars from the Village Directory. The Village Directory is broadly divided into four broad sections viz., location particulars, basic amenities like educational, medical etc., land utilisation and distance from urban area and the importance of the village as a religious Of tourist centre.

    Columns 1 to 3 deal with the location code number, name and the total area of the village. The area given under column 3 is as per the data furni-shed by the Tahsildar and the State Survey Department. Coiumns 4 (0 9 give the basic amenities available in

    the village such as the educational, medical, electri-city, drinking water, communications, and postal facilities.

    The educational facilities are shown by the follow-ing symbols under column 4.

    P : Primary or Elementary School M: Middle School H High School or Higher Secondary

    School C College T Technical Institution

    If there are more institutions than one of a type in the village, the number of institutions precedes the abbreviations e.g., 3P, 2M, 3H, etc.

    Medical and Public Hedlth facilities existing in the village are shown by the following symbols under column 5.

    H D Mcw: Fpc Phc

    Hospital Dispensary Maternity and Child Welfare Centre Family Planning Clinic Primary Health Centre

    If the village is electrified then it is indiclted by the letter E under column 6.

    The types of drinking water supply sources :1vailflble within the village are indic::lted as below:-

    T Tap W Well Tk: Tank Tw: Tube well R River C Canal

    If there arc any other sources of drinking water other than the above, then such sources have been spelt out.

    If the village is served by one Of more of the following means of communications within a distance of one miJe from the vill

  • facilities of the village under column 8 have been indicated as below:-

    PR: Pucca Road

    KR: Katcha Road

    T Train

    R River

    C Canal

    The postal facilites, if any, existing in are indicated under column 9 by the symbols :-

    PO Post Office

    TO Telegraph Office

    PTO Post & Telegraph Office

    Phone: Telephone

    the village following

    If a village does not have any of the above faci-lities then ' ... ' is indicated against such village under relevant column.

    The staple food of the majority of the population of the village during the major portion of the year is indicated under column 10 as given below. If there is variety of grains mainly used in a viJlage then they have been indicated accordingly.

    Ri Rice

    W Whelt

    J Jowar

    B Bajra (Cumbu, Sajja)

    Rl: Ragi

    M : Maize

    Columns 11 to 15 relate to the land utilisation statistics. Under column 11 the extent of the forest area is given. Under columns 12 and 13 the extent of the cultivated area in the village is given. The extent of area irrigated together with area irrigated un.der different irrigational sources such as canals, tanks, wells, tube wells etc., are given, wherever available under column 12 while under column 13 the extent of land unirrigated is given. Column 14 gives the extent of cultivable waste. The area not available for cultivation such as village site, rivers, canals, tanks, 'wells etc., is given. under column 15.

    The various types of land use given under each of the columns 11 to 15 are listed out and the concepts explained below.


    1 Forests (Col. 11)

    2 Cultivated area with break up irrigated & unirrigated (Cols. 12, 13).

    These include all actually forested areas and the lands classed or administered as forests under any legal enactment dealing with forests whether State owned or private. If any portion of such land is not actually wooded but put to some agricultural use, that portion is included under the appropriate heading of cultivated or uncultivated land.

    This includes the land under the following three categories.

    (i) Net Area sown:

    The net area sown represents the area sown to crops counting areas sown more than once in the same year, only once.

    (ii) Current fallows:

    3 Culturable waste (Col. 14)

    This class comprises cropped areas which are kept fallow during the current year. If any seedling area is not cropped again in the same year, it is also treated as current fallow.

    (iii) Other fallows:

    This includes all lands which were taken up; for cultivation but are temporarily out of cultivation for a period of not less than one year and not more than five years. The reasons for keeping such lands fallow may be either due to poverty of the cultivators or inade· quate supply of water or malarial climate or silting of canals or ri-vers or unremunerated nature of farming etc. .

    This includes the land under the following three categories.

    (i) Miscellaneous tree crops. Groves not included in the area sown:

    Under this class is included all cultivable land which is not inclu-ded under net area sown but is put to some agricultural use. Lands under casuarina trees, thatching grass, bamboo bushes and other groves for fuel etc., which are not included under "Orchards" are' classed under this category.

  • (Ii) Culturable waste:

    This includes lands available for cultivation but not taken up for cultivation or abandoned after a few years for one reason or other. Such lands may be either fallow or covered with shrubs and jungles which are not put to any use. They may be assessed or not as-sessed and may lie in isolated blocks or within cultivated hol-dings. Land once cultivated but not cultivated for five years in succession is also included in this category.

    (iii) Permanent pastures and other gra-zing lands:

    These cover all grazing lands whe-ther they are permanent pastures and meadows or not. Village common and grazing lands within forest areas are included under this head.

    4 Area not available This includes the land under the for cultivation (Col. following two categories. 15)

    (i) Barren and uncultivable land:

    This covers all barren and unculti-vable land like mountains, etc., i.e., which cannot be brought under cultivation unless at a high cost whether such land is in iso-lated blocks or within cultivated holdings.

    (ii) Land put to non-agricultural uses:

    All lands occupied by buildings, roads and railways or under water e.g., rivers and canals and other lands put to uses other than agri-cultural.

    Under column 16 the distance of the village from the nearest town in Kms. is given. The days on which weekly markets/shandies, if any, held in the village are given under column 17. If the village has any historical/religious/archaeological and tourist importance, it has been indicated under column 18.

    All the above particulars are based on the data obtained from the Tahsildars and local bodies concer-ned and also from the concerned departments like POiital, Medical, Education, Electricity etc.


    There are 880 villages in this district at the 1971 Census, out of which 39 are uninhabited and 841 are inhabited. 8 villages of the 841 inhabited villages


    are reported as partly included in different .urban areas of the district. The following statement gives the distribution of the 841 inhabited villages by broad population sizes.



    Population Size (1)

    Less than 200 200-499 50~999

    1,~1,999 2,000-4,999 5,~9,999

    10,000 and above

    No. of Inhabited Villages


    72 81

    130 200 268

    79 11

    Total 841

    Many of the villages in the district are large sized villages from population point of view. 358 villages out of 841 have a population of more than 2,000 each. 268 villages or 31.8% of the total inhabited villages in the district are in the population size of 2,000-4,999. 283 villages or 33.7% of the inhabited villages have a population of less than 1,000 each. There are 11 villages having a population of 10,000 and above each· A good number of villages are quite populous in this district because of the good resources and facilities available in the rural areas of this district. This is a special feature of this district when compared to other districts in the State.


    A statement giving the number of villages (including uninhabited) classified according to broad groups of geographical areas is given below:



    Area (in acres) (1)

    SO or less 51-100 101-200 201-500 501-1,000 1,001-2,000 2,001-5,000 5,000 and above Unspecified


    No. of Vii/ages (2)

    5 14 3S

    131 199 226 201 67 2


    268 villages or 30.5% of the total number of villages have an area of more than 2,000 acres each. 226 villages or 25.7% of the total villages in the

  • distrilrt are found in the size class of 1,001-2,000 acres each. 384 villages or 43.6% of the total number of villages have an area below 1,000 acres each. Area particulars are not available for only 2 villages.


    Education plays an important role in the evolution of society and is one of the basic facilities that has to be provided to the people. An idea of the extent to which education and the level to which it has been provided in the rural areas of the district can be had from the table below. The villages are classified by the distance to the nearest town with which the villages have established commercial, social and other links.

    Distance from nearest town

    in Kms.


    5 or less 6-10 11-15 ]6-25 26-50 51-100 Unspecified



    EDUCA TIONAL F ACIUTIES No. of villages having

    r-----.-.A.--.. ------.. Total No. of inhabi·

    ted villages


    106 166 123 145 141 157



    Primary Middle High or Schools Schools Higher

    or Upper Secon· Colle-Primary dary ges Schools Schools

    (3) (4) (5) (6)

    97 12 14 146 23 43 108 11 29 121 12 29 112 13 21 2 99 5 10


    684 76 148 2

    It is seen from the above table that 151 villages or 18.7% (f the total inhabited villages in the district do not possess the minimum educational facilities. Villages which are proximate to the urban areas have better educational facilities than those which are remote. 16 villages have middle or upper primary schools, while 148 villages have high schools. Two villages have colleges also.


    There are, in all, 245 medical institutions of various categories in the rural areas of West Godavari district. 4 hospitals, 67 dispensaries and 114 other t'ype of medical institutions like Maternity Child Welfare Centres, Primary Health Centres and Family Planning Clinics are functioning in the rural areas. Hospitalfacilities exist in the rural areas of Chintala-pudi, Polavaram and Kpvvur taluks only b~t dispell'"


    saries exiit in all taluks. On an average there are three medical institutions per 100 Sq. Kms. in the rural areas of the district. The rural parts of Narsa~ pur, Bheemavaram, Tadepalligudem and Tanuku taluks have 43, 35, 35 and 33 medical institutions respectively. Medical facilities in Chintalapudi and Polavaram taluks seem to be inadequate.

    The following statement gives the number of medical institutions in each taluk.



    No. of Medical Institutions ~

    Dispen- Others (Phc, Name of the Hospitals saries Fpc& Mcw)

    Taluk (1) (2) (3) (4)

    Eluru 8 22 Chintalapudi 1 3 12 Polavaram 2 3 18 Kovvur 1 11 18 Tadepalligudem 11 24 Tanuku 10 23 Narsapur 11 32 Bheemavaram 10 25

    Total 4 67 174


    410 villages out of the total 880 villages in the district are electrified. A larger number' of villages nearer to the urban areas are electrified than the remote villages. The following statement shows the distribution of electrified villages classified by the distance to th'! nearest town.



    Distance from nearest Total No. of inhabi- No. of villages town in Kms. ted and uninhabited having electric

    villages power supply

    (1) (2) (3)

    5 or less 108 79 6-10 168 109 11-15 130 67 16-25 151 90 26-50 151 57 51-100 ]68 7 Unspecified 4 1

    Total 880 410

    Statement below shows the break up of the 410 electrified villages in the district by taluks.



    No. of Percentage

    of electrified Name of the Total No. of electrified villages to

    Taluk villages villages total number of villages

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

    Eluru 144 88 61.1 Chintalapudi 110 25 22.7 Polavaram 135 9 6.7 Kovvur 109 61 55.9 Tadepall igudem 111 76 68.5 Tanuku 98 67 68.3 Narsapur 87 34 39.0 Bheemavaram 86 50 58.1

    Total 880 410 46.5


    Only 46.5% of the total villages in this dh::trict

    are electrified. In the rural parts of Tadepalligudem

    and Tanuku taluks about 68% of the total villages are

    electrified while in the Chintalapudi and Polavaram

    taluks only 22.7% and 6.7% respectively of the total

    villages are electrified.


    The following statement shows the communica ..

    tion facilities available with reference to proximity to

    urban areas.



    Distance from the Total Number of villages connected by nearest town No. of

    in Kms. villages Pucca road

    (1) (2) (3)

    5 or less 108 72 6-10 168 100 11-15 130 73 16-25 151 64 26-50 151 66 51-100 168 35 Unspecified 4 2

    Total 880 412

    Among the total 880 villages in the district, only 412 villages are connected by pucca road while 422 villages are connected by katcha road. 31 villages are connected by rail besides the pucca/katcha road communications. 46 villages are not connected either by pucca road or katcha road.

    The River Godavari flowing on the eastern

    , Katcha Pucca road Katcha Pucca road & Others road


    34 64 55 84 74



    & river road & river train (5) (6) (7) (8)

    8 2 7 12 3

    1 2 4 5 6 1

    8 19

    1 2

    3 10 31 40

    borders of this district and its canals provide navi-gation facilities to some of the villages of Kovvur. Polavaram and Bheemavaram taluks.


    The following statement indicates the total number of villages having post offices, telegraph offices and telephone facilities.


    POSTAL AND TELEGRAPHIC FACILITIES Numbei: of villages having

    r---Name of the Others

    taluk Post Telegraph ----- No. of post offices offices offices Post & Telegraph Offices Phones per 100 Sq. Kms. (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    Eluru 63 10 4.8 Chintalapudi 38 2 3.5 Polavaram 36 3 2 2.5 Kovvur 5S 7 1 5.5 Tadepalligudem 74 10 2 8.1 Tanuku 86 12 18 16.7 Narsapur 65 7 3 9.2 Bheemavaram 68 4 3 9.3

    Total 485 5S 2 30 6.3

  • .Among the total 841 inhabited villages, 485 villages have post offices, 5S villages have telegraph offices, 2 villages have post and telegraph offices and 30 villages have telephone facilities in the rural areas of this district. For every 100 Sq. Kms. area there are about 6 post offices in the district. The rural areas in Tanuku, Narsapur and Bheemavaram taluks are having better postal facilities compared to other taluks in the district.


    The staple food of the people in the rural parts of this district is mainly rice.



    In the context of the land reforms which are under active consideration, the date on the extent of land which could be brought under the plough but is lying uncultivated and the land cultivated in each village are very important. A statement showing the average cultivated land and the average cultivable waste per village classified by the distance to the nearest town together with the percentage of the average cultivable waste per village to the average cultivated land per village is given blelow:



    Distance from Number of Total cultivated Average cultivated Total culti- Average culti- Percentage of average vable waste vable waste cultivable waste per the nearest villages land (in Acres) land per village (in Acres) per village village to average town inKms. (in Acres)

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

    5 or less 108 115,916 1,073 6-10 168 237,956 1,416 1I-15 130 179,714 1,382 16-25 151 210,206 1,392 26-50 151 203,104 1,345 51-100 168 99,829 594 Unspecified 4

    Total 880 1,046,725 1,189

    On an average an extent of 1,189 acres is under cultivation in each village while 296 acres is seen to be lying as cultivable waste. Cultivable waste land equivalent to about 25% of the cultivated land is left unploughed though it could be brought under the plough with some efforts. A larger proportion of cultivable waste land is observed in the villages which are remote to the urban areas.

    (in Acres) cultivated land per village

    (5) (6) (7)

    7,849 73 6.8 32,070 191 13.5 25,511 J96 14.2 65,934 437 31.4 73,342 486 36.1 55,842 332 55.9

    260,548 296 24.8

    The several particulars furnished in the Village Directory reveal that (i) there are only 3 medical institutions for every 100 Sq. Kms. area, (ii) electricity is available only in 46.5% of the total villages, (iii) only 47.0% villages are connected by pucca roads and (iv) an extent equivalent to about 25% of the cultivated land is left uncultivated in each village indicating thereby that further development in these fields is necessary in the rural areas of West Godavari District.







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    1971 1971 1971

    Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Location Name of Village

    Code No. Code No. Code No.

    138 AgadaUanka 109 Jajulakunta 29 Pedapadu

    113 A. Gokavaram 66 Jalipudi 16 Pedavegi

    81 Ak kireddigudem 47 Pinakadimi

    18 Alliveedu 114 Kaikaram 120 P. Kannapuram

    122 Amberpeta 62 Kalakurru 125 Polasanipalle

    36 Amruthalingampeta 25 Kalaparru 60 Ponangi

    34 Appanaveedu 65 Katlampudi 134 Pothunuru 49 Kavagunta 142 Prathikollanka

    Bapirajugudem 14 K. Kannapuram 116 Pulla

    13 Battevaram 100 Kodigudem 28 Punukollu

    126 Bbimadole 115 Kodurupadu

    22 Bbogapuram 24 Kokkirapadu 2 Rajammapalem

    59 Burugugudem 143 Kokkirayalanka 42 Rajupeta 69 Komadavolu 106 Rallakunta

    12 Chakrayagudem 144 Komatilanka 85 Ramaraogudem

    88 Challachintalapudi 135 Komirepalle 9 Ramasingavaram

    71 ChallapalJe 104 Kommera (North) 30 Ravulakunta

    68 Chataparru 105 Kommera (South) 7 Rayannapalem

    99 Chelikanivari Pothapalle 96 Kommugudem

    139 Chettunnapadu 6 Kondalaraopalem 39 Sakalakothapalle

    50 Chodimella 40 Koniki 79 Sanigudem 21 Koppaka 53 Sanivarapupeta

    118 Dadavalli 129 Kothagudem 119 Sarabhapuram

    131 Denduluru 72 Kothapalle 54 Satrampadu

    52 Dondapadu 57 Kothuru 112 Sattala

    97 Dorasanipadu 132 Kovvali 107 Sattenagudem

    133 Dosapadu 91 Krishnapuram 41 Satyavolu

    111 Duddepudi 94 Lingaraopalem 20 Singavaram

    46 Duggirala 136 Singavaram

    95 Dwaraka Thirumala 64 Madepalle 73 Somavarappadu

    5 Mailavarapuvarigudem 63 Sreeparru

    56 Eluru 84 Malakacherla 130 Sreerama varam

    35 Epuru 108 Malasanigunta 127 Surappagudem

    74 Malkapuram Tallamudi 78 Galayagudem 140 Mallavaram 33

    55 Gavaravaram 98 Malleswaram 70 Tangellamudi

    101 G. Kothapalle 61 Manuru 10 Thallagokavaram

    27 Gogulapadu 83 Medinaraopalem 58 Thallagudem

    38 Gogunta 124 M. Nagulapalle 93 Thimmapuram

    51 Gokinepalle 15 Munduru 92 Thirumalampalem

    117 Golladikunta Khandrika 44 Mupparru 86 Timmannagudem

    71 Gopannapalem 128 Muppavaram 121 Gopikunta Kandrika 17 Muthanaveedu

    76 Uppugudem

    82 Gudigunta 26 Vaddigudem 67 Gudivakalanka 3 Nadupalle 48 Vangur

    137 Gundugolanu 80 Naguladevunipadu 32 Vasantavada Part I 110 Gunnampalle 31 Nandikeswarapuram 37 Vasantavada Part II

    87 Narasimhapuram 45 Vatluru 43 Idulakunta 123 Narayanapuram 75 Vegavaram

    103 I.S. Jagannadhapuram 8 'Nyayampalle 11 Vegivada 102 I.S. Raghavapuram 23 Vempadu

    141 Paidichintapadu 89 Vempadu 19 1agannadhapuram 90 Pangidigudem 4 Vijayarai

  • 12



    AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGE Loca- Area -,. Staple tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Food

    Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph No.

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

    1 Bapirajugudem 6.30 3P E W PR PO Rice 2 Rajammapalem 0.40 Uninhabited 3 Nadupalle 1.24 3P E W PR PO Rice 4 Vijayarai 3.53 4P,H Mew E W PR PO Rice 5 Mailavarapuvarigudem. 0.51 E W PR Rice

    6 Kondalaraopalem 2.73 P E W KR Rice 7 Rayannapalem 2.87' 4P E W,Tk KR PO Rice 8 Nyayampalle 1.59 P E W KR Rice

    9 Ramasingavaram 15.00 3P E W KR 2PO Rice 10 Thallagokavaram 3.27 P E W KR Rice

    11 Vegivada 1.24 2P E W PR PO Rice 12 Chakrayagudem 0.54 p E W PR Rice 13 Battevaram 1.17 E W KR Rice

    14 K. Kannapuram 1.76 P,H E W KR Rice 15 Munduru 4.49 2P,H D E W PR PO, TO, Rice


    16 Pedavegi 14.17 lOP E W KR 2PO Rice 17 Muthanaveedu 2.38 P E W PR Rice 18 Alliveedu 0.86 Uninhabited KR 19 Jagannadhapuram 2.66 3P D E W PR PO Rice 20 Singavaram 1.06 P E' W PR Rice

    21 Koppaka 11.30 H D E W PR 3PO Rice 22 Bhogapuram 2.73 P Mcw E W PR PO Rice 23 Vempadu 1.18 P E W PR Rice 24 Kokkirapadu 4.07 P E W KR PO Rice 25 Kalaparru 2.87,

    > P E W PR PO Rice 26 Vaddigudem 0.06) 27 Gogulapadu 1.00 Uninhabited KR 28 Punukollu 1.19 2P Tk PR PO Rice 29 Pedapudu 10.9·1 2P,H Phc,Fpc E Tk PR .1PO,TO Rice 30 Ravulakunta 0.47 Tk KR Rice

    31 Nandikeswarapuram 0.09 Tk PR Rice 32 Vasantavada Part 1 5.34 P,H E W,Tk PR Rice 33 Thallamudi 0.45 2P E Tk PR Rice 34 Appanaveedu 1.37 H Clubbed with Village No. 33 Taliamudi tiuring Survey 35 Epuru 2.45 P E W,Tk PR Rice

    36 Amruthalingampeta 0.33 E Tk PR Rice 37 Vasantavada Part II 7.37 P E Tk PR PO Rice 38 Gogunta 2.40 P Tk PR PO Rice 39 SakalakothapaJIe 1.09 P Tk KR 40 Koniki 4.86 P Tk KR Rice

    41 SatY:lVolu 5.57 P D E Tk KR PO Rice 42 Rajupeta 1.42 P E Tk PR Rice 43 ldulakunta 0.22 Tk KR Rice 44 Mupparru 7.66 P Tk PR PO Rice 45 Vatluru 8.62 P Fpc E W,Tk PR,T Rice

  • 13


    aDel Land use ELURU TALUK

    LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Nearest Day Religious,

    '""" Town or days historical Loca-Area not and of the or archaeo- tion Cultivable available distance Weekly logical im- Code

    Porest ,-___ -A- Culturable for culti- (In Kms.) Market portance, No.

    Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation if any

    (11) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (1)

    1,008 T(632); W(529),Tk(103) 533 1,303 557 Eluru 19 258 Eluru 18 2

    275 T(257); Tk(176),W(81) 127 135 N.A. Eluru 18 3 340 T(730); W(730) 191 725 273 Elum 14 4

    T(I64); W(146),Tk(18) 21 109 42 Eluru 16 5

    459 T(197); W(14I),Tk(56) 240 716 1,053 Elum 19 6 T(496); W(296), Tk(200) 434 966 N.A. Eluru 18 7 T(77); W(54),Tk(23) 177 640 212 Eluru 11 8

    3,S02 T(I,42.1); Tk(870),W(554) 621 3,230 825 Eluru 11 9 T(382); Tk(321),W(6I) 91 1,228 392 Eluru 19 10

    T(660); W(492),Tk(168) 134 N.A. Eluru 16 11 T(344); Tk(300),W(44) N.A. Eluru 16 12 T(182); Tk(92),W(90) 84 354 129 Eluru 16 13 T(170); W(I04),Tk(66) 71 384 SOl Eluru 19 14

    68 T(I,454); Tk(t,434),W(20) 17 1,064 271 Eluru 14 15

    3,100 T(I,717); W(l,682),Tk(35) 1,776 2,141 335 Eluru 10 16 T(70); Tk(47),W(23) 33 745 675 Eluru 14 17 T(46); W(46) 64 444 N.A. Eluru 13 18 T(526); Tk(159), W(367) III 768 295 Eluru 10 19 T(379); Tk(202),C(l66),W(lI) II 53 237 Eluru 13 20

    T(3,681); Tk(2,670),W(l,011) 11 2,145 1,395 Eluru 10 21 T(516); Tk(315),W(201) 200 I 782 251 Eluru 13 22 T(5J6); W(314),Tk(202) 239 N.A. Eluru 14 23 T(924); Tk(917),C(7) 364 430 887 Eluru 16 24

    (883 Eluru 12 25 T(709); Tk(524),W(13l),C(54) 245 -< l38 Eluru 10 26 T(429); C(429) 101 110 Eluru 12 27 T(610); C(610) 153 Eluru 13 28 T(6,378); C(6,378) 625 Eluru 10 29 T(296); C(296) 10 Eluru 10 30

    T(48); C(48) 10 Eluru 11 31 T(I,211); C(1,211) 1,000 1,207 Eluru 14 32 T(288); Tk(288) N.A. Eluru 12 33

    ,Operations as stated by the Tahsildar, in his Lr. No. 2037/69 Dated 6-7-1971 34 T(407); W(407) 628 10 510 Eluru 19 35

    T(122); C(122) 89 Eluru 14 36 T(I,225); C(1,225) 1,492 2,000 Eluru 14 37 T(l,337); C(1,337) 200 Eluru 19 38 T(659); C(659) 37 Eluru 16 39 T(2,OO6); C(2,006) 1,129 Eluru 22 40

    T(3,279); C(3,279) 290 Eluru 16 41 T(837); C(837) 112 Eluru 13 42 T(139); C(139) 5 Eluru 6 43 T(4,709); C(4,709) 73 100 Eluru 5 44 T(3,864); C(2,448),Tk(I,416) 463 1,190 Eluru 8 45

  • 14



    AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGE Loca- Area r ") tioD Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food


    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (.7) (8) (9) (10)

    46 Duggirala 3.38 P E W,Tk PR Rice 47 Pinakadimi l.99 P E W,Tk PR PO Rice 48 Vangur 2.67 P E W PR PO Rice 49 Kavagunta 1. 79 P E W KR Rice 50 Chodimella 2.84 P E W,Tk PR PO Rice

    51 Gokinepalle 0 . .54 P E W PR Rice .52 Dondapadu 0.95 53 Sanivarapupeta 0.65 \ 3P,M Fpc E W,Tk PR PO Rice S4 Satrampadu 0.52 2P E W,Tk PR Rice 55 Gavaravaram 0.55 W PR Rice

    56 Eluru (Rural) 4.50 E C PR PO Rice 57 Kothuru 1.27 P Fpc E W PR PO Rice 58 Thallagudem 0.65 P W,Tk KR Rice 59 Burugugudem 0.89 P W PR Rice 60 Ponangi 7.18 P E Tk PR PO Rice

    61 Manuru 1.54 Tk KR Rice 62 Kalakurru 2.00 P Tk KR Rice 63 Sreeparru 10.74 P Mew Tk PR PO Rice 64 Madepalle 2.36 P Tk PR Rice 65 Katlampudi 2.36 Tk KR Rice

    66 Jalipudi 5.35 P E Tk PR PO Rice 67 Gudivakalanka 14.27 P Mew Tk KR Rice 68 Chataparru 5.72 4P,H E Tk PR PO Rice 69 Komadavolu 1.35 P E C PR PO Rice 70 Tangellamudi(Rurai) . 1.33 P D E C PR PO Rice

    71 ChalJapalJe 1.35 E W,Tk PR Rice 72 KothapalJe 1.37 E W,Tk PR Rice 73 Somavarappadu 1.64 P E W,Tk PR PO Rice 74 Malkapuram 3.62 E C PR PO Rice 75 Vegavaram 0.74 E W,Tk PR PO Rice

    76 Uppugudem 0.57 E W,Tk KR Rice 77 Gopannapalem 0.27 P,H E W,Tk KR PO,TO Rice 78 Galayagudern 0.77 E W,Tk PR Rice 79 Sanigudem 1.19 E W,Tk PR Rice 80 Naguladevunipadu 0.72 P E W KR Rice

    81 Akkireddigudem 0.29 E w,n PR Rice 82 Gudigunta 1.l4 P E W,Tk PR Rice 83 Medinaraopaiem 0.79 M E W KR PO Rice 84 Malakacherla 1.38 E W KR Rice 85 Ramaraogudem 0.58 P E W,Tk PR Rice

    86 Timrnlnnagudem 0.52 H Phc E W KR Rice 87 Narasimhapuram 0.56 P E W KR Rice 88 Challachintalapudi 6.16 P E W KR PO Rice 89 Vempadu 1.18 W KR Rice 90 Pangidigudem 4.06 P W PR PO Rice

  • 15


    and Land use ELURU TALUK

    LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Nearest Day Religious, /'"' Town or days historical Loca-

    Area not and of the or archaeo- tion Cultivable Area available distance Weekly logical im- Code

    Porest Culturable for culti- (In Kms.) Market portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation if any

    (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

    T(I,595); Tk(I,595) 232 330 4 Eluru 8 46 T(923); Tk(443),C(348),W(132) 352 NA Eluru 8 47 T(878); C(S53);W(210),Tk(115) 97 718 20 Eluru 9 48 , . T(347); W(344),Tk(3) 108 538 155 Eluru 13 49 T(1 ,055); Tk(727),W(241),C(87) 241 524 Eluru 5 50

    T(281); Tk(209),W(72) 67 N.A. Eluru 9 51 T(464); Tk(285),W(l79) 147 NA Eluru 9 52 T(l21); Tk(96),C(25) 4 84 212 Eluru 5 53 T(87); C(87) 154 97 Eluru 8 54 T(226); Tk(226), 25 107 N.A. Eluru 3 55

    T(75S); C(755) 9 1,114 1,002 Eluru 2 56 T(738); C(738) 74 Eluru 3 57 T(368); C(368) ... 46 Eluru 5 58 T(262); C(262) 200 108 Eluru 3 59. T(4,028); C(4,028) 41 536 Eluru 5 60

    T(668); C(668) 200 98 N.A. Elurull 61 T(753); C(753) 268 259 Eluru13 62 T(766); C(766) 169 2,335 3,939 Eluru 10 63 T(1,160); C(I,I60) 93 5 235 Eluru2 64 T(393); C(393) 23 500 295 Eluru 3 65

    T(2,630); C(2,630) 482 43 269 Eluru ll- 66 T(5,303); C(5,303) 3713 117 Eluru13 67 T(2,64I); C(2,64I) 440 572 Eluru 2 68 T(664); C(664) 9 51 134 Eluru 2 69 T(598); Tk(598) 53 200 Eluru 2 70

    T(361); Tk(281 ),W(80) 31 123 349 Eluru 8 71 T(262); W(201),Tk(61) 119 496 Eluru 6 n T(I,050); C(710),Tk(340) N.A, Eluru 3 73 T(l,Ol7); C(2,OI7) 174 34 93 Eluru 2 74 T(84); Tk(44),W(40) 21 92 277 Eluru 6 75

    T(365); C(350),Tk(15) N.A. Eluru 5 76 T(104); Tk(54),W(50) 60 9 Eluru 6 Tuesday 77 T(157); W(110),Tk(47) 19 17 300 Eluru8 78 T(703); Tk(679),W(24) 16 23 20 Eluru 8 79 T(373); Tk(238),W(135) 19 69 N.A. Eluru 8 80

    T(30); W(22),Tk(8) 26 14 114 Eluru 5 81 T(604); Tk(524),W(8(J) 8 118 N.A. Eluru 10 82 T(5OO); W(3OO),Tk(200) 6 Eluru 18 83 T(528); Tk(419),W(l09) 1 302 52 Eluru 21 84 T(74); Tk(50),W(24) 101 45 1~1 Eluru 16 85

    T(21S); Tk(168),W(50) 34 86 37 Eluru 24 86 T(242); Tk(223),W(l9) 5 87 23 Eluru 26 87 T(I,046); W(808),Tk(238) 447 728 172 Eluru 22 88 T(5l); Tk(26),W(2S) 308 396 Eluru 27 89 T(286); W(153),Tk(133) 969 343 1,000 Eluru 24 90

  • 16



    AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGE Loca- Area r ~ tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple

    Code Sq. Mi1e~ water nications Telegraph Food No.

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

    91 Krishnapuram 1.86 W KR Rice

    92 Thirumalampalem 6.99 P E W,Tk PR PO Rice

    93 Thimmapuram 3.12 P E W,Tk PR PO Rice

    94 Lingaraopalem 0.86 Uninhabited 95 Dwaraka Thirumala 0.84 2P Phc E W,Tk PR PO,TQ Rice

    96 Kommugudem 1.03 Uninhabited E 97 Dorasanipadu 2.63 P W,Tk PR PO Rice

    98 Malleswararn 0.21 PR Rice

    99 Chelikanivati \

    Pothapalle 2.23 P W,Tk PR Rice

    100 Kodigudem 3.50 W,Tk PR Rice

    101 G. Kothapalle 5.07 2P . Mcw W,Tk PR PO Rice

    102 I. S. Raghavapuram 2.97 P , W,Tk PR PO Rice

    103 I.S. Jagannadhapuram 10.30 P W,Tk PR PO Rice

    104 Kornmera (North) 2.31 P W,Tk KR Rice

    105 Kommera (South) 1.48 W,Tk KR Rice

    106 Rallakunta 2.13 P W,Tk KR Rice

    107 Sattenagudem . 1.75 P W,Tk KR Rice

    108 Malasanigunta 1.56 P W,Tk KR Rice

    109 Jajulakunta 1.42 P W,Tk KR Rice

    110 Gunnarnpalle 7.15 P Fpc E W,Tk PR PO Rice

    111 Duddepudi 1. 76 P W,Tk PR Rice

    112 Sattala 0.98 P ., W,Tk PR Rice

    113 A. Gokavaram 3.75 P E W,Tk PR PO,TO Rice

    114 Kaikararn 9.47 P,R E W,Tk PR PO Rice 115 Kodurupadu 1.87 P W,Tk KR,T Rice

    116 PuUa 14.47 H D,Mcw E W,Tk PR,T 2PO,TORice 117 Golladikunta

    Khandrika 0.31 Uninhabited KR 118 Dadavalli 0.46 P W,Tk KR Rice 119 Sarabhapurarn 1.34 P W,Tk KR Rice 120 P. Kannapurarn 0.87 P W,Tk KR PO Rice

    121 Gopikunta Kandrika 0.29 W,Tk KR . Rice

    122 Amberpeta 2,69 P E W,Tk PR 2PO Rice 123 Narayanapurarn 10.66 R E W,Tk PR PO Rice 124 M. Naguiapalle 3.14 P E W,Tk PR PO Rice 125 PolasanipalJe 3.35 P E W,Tk PR PO Rice

    126 Bhimadole 7.78 3P,H Fpc,Phc E W,Tk PR,T 3PO,TO~Rice 127 Surappagudem 3.72 P E W,Tk PR Rice 128 Muppavararn 0.62 P E W,Tk PR Rice

    129 Kothagudem 4.08 P E W,Tk PR Rice 130 Sreerarnavararn 2.18 P E W,Tk PR PO Rice

  • 17


    .ad Lad use ELURU TALUK

    LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, Nearest Day historical Loca-

    Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivable Area available and of the logical im- Code

    Forest Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any

    (1l) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

    T(163); Tk(148),W(lS) 239 20 768 Eluru 24 91 T(929); Tk(611),W(318) 1,080 1.000 1,465 Eluru 32 92 T(562); W(306),Tk(256) 141 54 1,239 Eluru 34 93 T(80); Tk(56),W(24) 215 6 252 Eluru 38 94 T(19); Tk(19) 64 16 440 Eluru 40 95

    T(91); Tk(91) 86 198 287 Eluru 38 96 T(3l0); W(203),Tk(l07) 293 13 1,013 Eluru 37 97

    133 98

    T(498); Tk(235),W(263) 531 257 141 Eluru 21 99 T(92); W(82),Tk(10) 857 172 1,119 Eluru 45 100

    T(59); W(44),Tk(15) 470 1,413 1,303 Eluru 43 101 T(211); W(163),Tk(48) 1.583 110 N.A. Eluru ·l5 102 T(34); W(24),Tk(10) 1,242 1,608 3,708 Eluru 48 103 T(94); Tk(88),W(6) 944 8 334 Eluru ·l5 104 T(S4); Tk(34),W(20) 439 455 N.A. Eluru 45 105

    T(64); Tk(64) 751 185 363 Eluru 45 106 T(50); Tk(30),W(20) 669 88 300 Eluru 35 107 T(19); W(16),Tk(3) 627 ,n 313 Eluru 32 108 T(207); Tk(207) 653 53 Eluru 3·l 109 T(520); T(356),W(I64) 3,285 770 2 Eluru 32 110

    T(545); Tk(312),W(233) 200 81 300 Eluru 21 111 T(263); W(144).T(119) 301 58 4 Eluru 37 112 T(968); Tk(557),W(411) 1,394 38 N.A. Eluru 34 Monday 113 T(877); Tk(393),W(451),C(33) 1.078 2,000 2,106 Eluru 29 Monday 114 T(751); W(553),C(197),Tk(l) 331 Its N.A. EJuru 21 115

    T(8,231); C(7,816),W(251).T(I64) •• 1,031 N.A. Eluru 22 Monday 116

    T(91); Tk(88),W(3) 50 46 103 Eluru 24 117 T(198); W(123) ,Tk(75) 100 2 Eluru 22 118 T(86); Tk(86) 415 195 162 Eluru 24 119 T(375); Tk(211),C(I64) 180 4 N.A. EJuru 21 120

    T(58); Tk(58) 2 6 100 Eluru 14 121 T(I,722); C(I,400), Tk(300),

    W(22) N:A. N.A. Eluru 14 122 T( 1,381); Tk(I,198), W(l83) 1,211 2,066 2.164 Eluru 30 123 T(754); Tk(4Q5), W(349) 656 586 N.A. Eluru 22 124 T(890); Tk(501),W(389) 610 664 5 Eluru 24 125

    T(4,408); C(3,907),Tk(351), W(150) 572 4 N.A. Eluru 21 Wednesday 126

    T(I400); C(1180), Tk(200), W(20) 9 345 519 Eluru 18 127 T(305); W(200),C(25),Tk(80) 94 N.A. Eluru 16 128 T(1,21O); Tk(I,010). W(150),

    C(50) 337 435 629 Eluru 16 129 T(721); Tk(721) 274 85 314 Eluru 14 130

  • 13



    AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGE Leea· Area tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Stllple

    Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

    131 Denduluru 11.07 SP,H Fpc,Phc, E W,Tk PR,T PO,TO Rice Mcw

    132 Kovvali 11.24 H D E W,Tk PR PO,TO Rice

    133 Dosapadu 2.35 P E W,Tk PR PO Rice

    134 Pothunuru 6.39 P,H E W,Tk PR PO Rice

    135 Komirepalle 0.95 E W,Tk KR Rice

    136 Singavaram 1.20 E W,Tk KR Rice

    137 Gundugolanu 7.30, H Fpc W,Tk PR PO,TO Rice

    138 Agadallanka 12.42 p W,Tk PR 2PO Rice

    139 Chettunnapadu 3.04 p Mcw,D W,Tk KR PO Rice

    140 Mallavaram 2.28 p W,Tk KR Rice

    141 Paidichintapadu 5,03 p Tk KR Rice

    142 Prathikollanka 4.74 / P Fpc Tk KR Rice

    143 Kokkirayalanka 3.47 P Tk KR Rice

    144 Komatilanka 2.35 p Tk KR

  • 19


    ••• Land use ELURU TALUK

    LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, Nearest Day historical, Loca-

    Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivable Area available and of the logical im- Code

    Forest Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any

    (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (1)

    T(3,ooS); CCl ,600), Tk(950), W(45S) 1,713 1,475 863 Eluru 8 131

    T(5 ,644); C(5,644) 1,500 50 Eluru 6 132 T(835); C(835) 91 384 197 Eluru 10 133 T(4,080); C(4,OSO) 10 N.A. Eluru II 134 T(464); C(350),Tk(114) 30 90 29 Eluru 14 135

    T(578); C(57S) 70 123 Eluru 14 136 T(1,702); C(1,39O),Tk(312) 398 1,000 1,572 Eluru 14 137 T(4,S72); C(4,872) 2,416 764 N.A. Eluru 24 Tuesday 138 T(870); C(870) 500 230 351 Eluru 27 139 T(37); C(37) 372 500 556 Eluru 32 140

    T(l ,175); C(1, 175) 285 759 1,000 Eluru 16 141 T(l ,209); C(1,209), 557 500 768 Eluru 16 142 T(460); C(460) 762 399 600 Eluru 14 143 T(990); C(990) 390 124 Eluru 19 144


  • 8,0 IS'


    NIII'I.o( the A, .. Number·of Vii"," Numt.erof Tajulc Sq. Kms. I Sq. Mild Inhabited l~ft-Inhabit.d

    '7' IS'

    CHINTALAPUOI 1083.4 I 418.3 \102 t 8 KOTHAGUDEM







    DistrICt Bot.ndlry

    ...._ T.luk Boundar1

    - .!.. - VUI",e Boundaries with loatlol\ Code l\u!':,!Je'! @ r,Me Headquarters

    ~~~~ Names o( all largO! Villaps S:~ ~~~ml~=~~~"'.A I ==nr.==' Stat. H'", •• )" ~OtherA.oach

    ~. • • ... • -. o





    ",.,." ~)'tI'IlIollc Rep ....... tatlOn of " "Illes: 5,000 Iftd aboye Persof!$

    UlllnbblC..t VUla&es

    '-otIIce PolIce Station

    _at. ~. TraM'.,. Bun,Jtow

    1.000 to "'~9

    SOO to 999

    100 to 499

    to«ospltal's. Primary HaIth Centres) Dispensartes, Cftjld IIId Maternity Welfare Centre$





    CHtN]:HAt..A'R;UDI T ALU K ;-~~_;"'.j'\; "~.,, • .f;O,~:"-

    WES~GODAY.ARI DISTRICT •. ·-~t ......




    ,,' 15

    ,,' 00



    1971 1971 1971 Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Code No. Code No. Code No.

    42 Allamcherlarajupalem 103 Kamavarapukota 60 Raju Pothapalle 5 Allipalle 14 Kantampalem 49 Ramacher lagudem

    24 Amudala Chalaka 70 Kanupada 108 Ramannagudem 102 Ankalampadu 41 Kethavaram 45 Ramannapalem

    37 Appalarajugudem 101 Khandrika Sitaramavaram 53 Ramannapalem 99 Asanagudem 32 Kollivarigudem 90 Rangapuram 78 Ayyaparaj ugudem 55 Kondagudem 4 Rangapuram Khandrika

    76 Konijerla 51 Ravikampadu

    Badarala 87 • Kothapalle

    94 64 Kothula Gokavaramu 40 Bandamcherla Krishnapuram

    65 Sankhuchakrapuram 33

    36 Bandivarigudem 109 Sayannaraopalem 66 Krishnaraopalem SO Bhogole 12 Settivarigudem

    46 Borrampalem Lakshminarasimhapuram 86 Singagudem

    13 3 Sitanagaram 19 Lingagudem 61 Sreeramavaram

    81 Chandrannapalem 83 Lingapalem 27 Chintalapudi 62 Lingaraopalem 2 Chintampalle 107 Tadikalapudi

    7 Maddimathinagudem 72 Talarlapalle

    77 Dharmajigudem 31 Makkimarigudem 63 Tedlamu

    26 Mallayagudem 30 Theegalavancha

    22 EndapaUe 85 Malleswaram 88 Thimmireddipalle

    38 Epigu.!lta 56 Mankenapalle ·14 Tirumaladevi peta

    8 Erraguntapalle 48 Matanagudem 75 Tuvvachelaka Ramudupalem 73 Errampalle 82 Mathamgudem

    93 Mudicherla 54 Uppalapadu

    97 Ganapavarigudem 92 M ulagalampadu 71 Urlagudem 11 Ganijerla 6 Utasamudram 1 Gonnepalle 11 Namavaram

    29 Gopalapuram 35 Narasapuram 105 Vadlapatlanuthanam 25 Gudipadu 34 Vakalapudi 9 Gudipadu Khandrika 89 Pachanagaram 47 Vegavaram

    57 Gudlapalle Mysannagudem 10 Pattayagudem 43 Velagapadu 104 Gundukolanu Kundi 91 Pochavaram 50 Vellampatla 58 Guntupalle 98 Polasigudem 95 Vemulapalle 39 Guravaigudem 68 Ponukumadu 69 Venkammapa1em 20 Gurubhatlagudem 23 Pothunuru 16 Venka tadrigudem

    67 Pragadavaram 106 Venkatakrishnapuram 110 Haveli Lingapalem 96 Puppalavarigudem 15 Venkatapuram

    21 Venkatarayapuram 79 Kalarayanigudem 28 Racherla

    100 Kallacheruvu 18 Raghavapuram 52 YadavaIli 84 Kalyanampadu 59 Raju Nagulapalle 74 Yadavalli


  • 22



    AMENITIES AVAILABLE WITHIN THE VILLAGE Loca- Area r A "' tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

    1 Gonnepalle 0.77 W KR Rice 2 Chintampalle 3.60 2P W KR J,M 3 Sitanagaram 2.49 2P Mcw,Fpc W P" ,'- PO Rice 4 Rangapuram Khan-

    drika 1.23 P W KR Rice

    5 Allipalle 1. 31 W PR Rice

    6 Utasamudram 2.85 P W KR PO Rice

    7 Maddimathinagudem . 1.91 W KR Rice 8 Erraguntapalle 16.24 2P,H E W PR PO Rice 9 Gudipadu Khandrika . 0.33 Uninhabi ted

    10 Pattayagudem 3.57 P W KR Rice

    11 Namavaram 1.47 P W KR Rice 12 Settivarigudem 2.05 P W KR Rice 13 Lakshminarasimha-

    puram 1.30 W KR PO Rice 14 Kantampalem 2.01 P W,Tk KR PO Rice 15 Venkatapuram 1.50 M W KR Rice

    16 Venkatadrigudem 1.89 2P W KR Rice 17 Ganijerla 2.89 P W KR Rice 18 Raghavapuram 14'14 4P,H W,Tk PR PO Rice 19 Lingagudem 1.51 P E W PR Rice 20 Gurubhatlagudem 0.34 P W PR Rice

    21 Venkatarayapuram 0.54 Uninhabited 22 Endapalle 12.05 4P W,Tk KR PO Rice 23 Pothunuru 6.90 P Mcw W PR PO Rice 24 Amudalachalaka 0.31 P W KR Rice 25 Gudipadu 0.11 P Uninhabited KR

    26 Mallayagudem 1.85 P W PR Rice 27 Chintalapudi 16.91 P,H,C D E W,Tk PR 2PO,PTO Rice 28 Racherla 3.83· 2P E W PR PO Rice 29 Gopalapuram 0.55 Uninhabited 30 Theegala vancha 5.95 2P W KR Rice


    31 Makkimarigudem 12.33 2P,M D W KR PO Rice 32 KolJivarigudem 1.11 W KR Rice 33 Krishnapuram 1.48 W KR Rice 34 Vakalapudi 0.44 W KR Rice 35 Narsapuram 19.31 P,M Mcw W PR PO Rice

    36 Bandivarigudem 5.75 W KR Ri,J

    37 Appalarajugudem 3.73 W PR PO Ri,J

    38 Epigunta 5.80 W PR Rice

    39 Guravaigudem 1. 79 W PR .. Rice 40 Bandamcherla 12.48 W KR Rice

  • 23



    LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, Nearest Day historical, Loca-

    Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivable Area available and of the logical im- Code

    Forest ________ Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any

    (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (11) (18) (1)

    T(45); Tw(42),Tk(3) 103 350 N.A Eluru 74 1 T(1l3); Tk(80),Tw(33) 516 1,350 325 Eluru 74 2 T(129); Tk(80),Tw(49) 497 700 268 Eluru 68 3

    T(227); Tk(182),Tw(45) 324 238 N.A Eluru 70 4 T(76); Tw(40),Tk(36) 250 300 216 Eluru 64 5

    T(425); Tk(316),Tw(l08),0(1) 450 620 332 Eluru 62 6 300 300 622 Eluru 62 7

    4,516 T(l ,564); Tk(l ,428),Tw(136) 1,152 1,296 1,865 Eluru 58 8 T(I67); Tk(167) 6 42 N.A Eluru 60 9 T(323); Tk(206),Tw(1l7) 1,105 840 3 Eluru 70 10

    T(197); Tk(196),Tw(l) 391 351 N.A Eluru 54 11 T(6Z4); Tk(598), Tw(Z6) 667 26 Eluru 53 12

    T(51); Tw(28), Tk(23) 747 17 22 Eluru 51 13 T(758); Tk(758) 95 513 N.A Eluru 53 14 T(202); Tw(120),Tk(82) 701 65 N.A Eluru 54 15

    T(239); Tk(187),Tw(52) 505 303 166 Eluru 54 16 T(564); Tk(541),0(18),Tw(5) 423 50 815 Eluru 56 17

    3,561 T(l,741); Tk(1 ,674),0(67) 851 3,460 Eluru 58 18 T(69); Tk(63),0(6) 31 141 727 Eluru 58 19 T(96); Tk(84),0(I2) 121 N.A Eluru 64 20

    T(53); Tk(53) 186 51 57 Eluru 59 21 T(Z ,586); Tk(Z,572), 0(14) 2,356 200 382 Eluru 61 22 T(644); Tk(640),O(4) 676 50 1,596 Eluru 56 23 T(51); Tk(51) 100 48 N.A Eluru 51 24

    921 72 3 Eluru 49 25

    T(642); Tk(642) 505 36 N.A Eluru 53 26 1,237 T(I,961); Tk(1 ,948) 0(13) 5,969 991 1,901 Eluru 48 Monday 27

    T(570); Tk(266)Tw(226)0(78) 771 556 555 Eluru 54 28 T(44); Tk(21),Tw(21),0(2) 81 251 N.A Eluru 54 29 T(447);Tk(272)Tw(152)O(23) 1,013 3,020 N.A Eluru 54 30

    4,515 T(I ,010); Tk(937),Tw(73) 1,357 6S0 359 Eluru 61.! 31 T(15?); Tk(l19), Tw(38) 259 216 83 Eluru 69 32 T(147); Tk(75),Tw(72) 370 175 251 Eluru 68 33 T(49); Tk(39),0(1O) 43 186 1 Eluru 64 34

    5,773 Tel ,258); Tk(842),0(401) Tw(15), 1,7

  • 24




    Area __A__-tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple

    Code Sq. Miles Water nicatioDs Telegraph Food No.

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

    41 Kethavaram 3.65 W KR Ric~ 42 AllamcherlarajupaJem 5.33 W KR Rice 43 VeJagapadu 4.04 W PR Rice 44 Tirumaladevi peta 6.67 W PR PO Rice 45 Ramannapalem 1.95 W KR Rice

    46 Borrampalem 4.14 2P,M,H Mev W PR 2PO Ri,]

    47 Vegavaram 4.45 P W PR Rice 48 Matanagudem 1.81 W KR Rice 49 Ramacherlagudem 2.04 W KR Rice 50 VellampatJa 3.80 3P W KR Rice

    51 Ravikampadu 5.04 M Mcw W PR PO Rice 52 Yadavalli 3.12 P E W,Tk PR PO Rice

    53 Ramannapalem 1.95 P W,Tk KR Rice 54 UppaJapadu 3.46 P W,Tk KR PO Rice

    55 Kondagudem 1.39 W KR Rice

    56 Mankenapalle 2.00 Tk PR Rice

    57 GudJapalle Mysana-gudem 2.41 W KR Rice

    58 Guntupalle 13.81 H W,Tk PR PO Rice 59 Rajunagulapalle 1.94 Uninhabited 60 Rajupothapalle 4.46 p W,Tk KR Rice

    61 Sreeramavaram 3.94 p W KR Rice 62 Lingaraopalem 0.83 p W KR Rice 63 Tedlamu 2.30 p D W PR PO Rice 64 Kothulagokavaram 9.03 P Mcw W PR PO Rice

    65 Sankhuchakrapuratn 0.70 P W KR PO Rice

    66 Krishnaraopalem 0.79 Uninhabited

    67 Pragadavaram 18 .. :14 H E W PR PO Ri J 68 Ponukumadu 0.97 P W KR Rice

    69 Venkammapalem 1.37 p W KR Rice 70 Kanupada 3.41 p W KR Rice

    71 Urlagudem 2.90 p W KR Rice 72 Talarlapalle 1.88 W PR Rice 73 Errampalle 4.08 M W PR PO Rice

    74 Yadavalli 4.38 P W PR PO Rice

    75 Tuvvachelaka Ramudupalem 2.73 2P E W PR PO Rice

    76 Konijerla 3.98 p E W KR Rice 77 Dharmajigudem 4.96 3P,H H E W PR PO,TO Rice

    78 Ayyaparajugudem 5.40 2P E W KR .. Rice 79 Kalarayanigudem 3.27 3P E W PR PO Rice 80 BhOgoie 8.07 6P W PR PO Rice

  • 2S


    and Land use _CJ!.IlNTALMUDI TALUK

    LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, _, Nearest Day historical Loca.

    Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivable Area available and of the logical im- Code

    Forest -., Culturable for culti- distance Weekly portance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation (In Kms.) Market if any

    (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (1)

    T(197); Tk(l22),O(75) 750 873 516 Eluru 54 41 T(262); Tk(22!),Tw(41) 1,298 1,740 III Eluru 59 42

    357 T(415); Tw(265).Tk(I50) 539 1,632 N.A. Eluru 40 43 T(944); Tk(643),Tw(301) 1,271 2,053 N.A. Eluru 70 44 T(230); Tk(137), Tw(93) 458 405 155 Eluru 51 45

    T(690\; Tk(370),Tw(320) 897 1,063 N.A. Eluru 48 Friday 46 T(725); Tw(621),Tk(104) 904 494 725 Eluru 57 47 T(56); Tw(47),Tk(9) 111 302 81 Eluru 74 48 T(328); Tw(279), Tk(49) 670 308 N.A. Eluru 51 49 T(797); Tk(386),Tw(283),

    0(128) 1,635 N.A. N.A. Eluru 45 50

    T(I,106); Tk(819)0(158)Tw(l29) 922 754 444 Elmu 43 51 T(596); Tk(463),Tw(l01),

    0(32) 1,401 N.A. N.A! Fluru 38 52 T(166); Tk(112),Tw(54) 891 183 N.A. Eluru 38 53 T(580); Tk(380),0(154),

    Tw(46) J ,637 N.A. Eluru 37 54 T(133); Tk(72),Tw(61) 720 37 N.A. Eluru 38 55

    186 T(369); Tk(363),Tw(6) 916 N.A. Eluru 38 56

    T(135); Tk(100),Tw(30),0(5) 337 24 1,046 Eluru 54 57 T(994); Tkl940),Tw(54) 823 3,1)21 4,000 Eluru 43 58 T(201); Tk(l84),0(17) 646 3~8 N.A. Eluru 57 59 T(568); Tk(377),Tw(191) 2,299 N.A. Eluru 53 60

    T(106); Tk(l06) 223 265 1,968 Fluru 50 61 T(159); Tk(l50),0(9) 279 36 56 Eluru 48 62

    344 T(369); Tk(300), Tw(69) 650 111 N.A. Eluru 54 63 T(I,128); Tk(951),Tw(177) 885 1,054 2,713 Eluru 42 64 T(137); Tk(130),0(7) 120 69 117 Eluru 51 65

    T(67); Tk(67) 47 268 122 Eluru 45 66 1,344 T(1,819); Tk(l,351),Tw(468) 1,984 4,922 3,007 Eluru 42 67

    T(42); Tk(32),0(1O) 152 335 96 Eluru 48 68 247 T(224); Tk(201),Tw(23) 162 114 131 Eluru 48 69

    T(270); Tk(227),0(43) 1,509 291 116 Eluru 43 70

    T(239); Tk(229),0(10) 948 281 112 Eluru 53 71 T(122); Tk(1l4).0(8) 68 903 Eluru 45 72

    297 T(456); Tk(415),0(41) 707 206 940 Eluru ·15 73 646 T(582); Tk(428),Tw(154) 814 764 2,718 Eluru 40 74

    356 T(556); Tk(307),Tw(249) 2,000 1,000 1,098 Eluru 35 75

    T(900); Tk(597),Tw(256),W(47) 450 204 1,000 Eluru 26 76 T(806); Tk(593), Tw(213) 440 60 1,881 Eluru 29 77 T(533); Tk(409), Tw(l24) 57 2,848 18 Eluru 26 78

    1,250 T(776); Tw(412),Tk(364) 205 64 378 Eluru 26 79 1.410 T(I,128); Tk( I ,039), 0(S9) 2,627 N.A. Eluru 32 83

  • 26



    AMENITIES AVAILABLE ~ ITHIN THE VILLAGE Loca- Area r' .A ---tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Code Sq. Miles water nications . Telegraph Food No.

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

    81 Chandrannapalem 0.55 E W KR Rice 82 Mattamgudem 1.81 3P E W PR PO Rice 83 Lingapalem 0.14 P Phc.Fpc E W PR Rice 84 Kalyanampadu 2.70 P E W PR Rice 85 Malleswaram 0.42 P E W KR Rice

    86 Singagudem 14.96 P,H E W KR PO Rice 87 Kothapalle 4.46 P E W PR PO Rice 88 ThimmireddipaUe 2.15 P W KR Rice 89 Pachanagaram 2.45 P W KR Rice 90 Rangapuram 1.98 M,H W PR PO Rice

    91 Pochavaram 0.22 Uninhabited KR 92 Mulagalampadu 3.05 P W PR Rice 93 Mudicherla 2.33 P W KR Rice 94 Badarala 1.46 P E W KR Rice 95 Vemulapalle 2.52 P E W KR Rice

    96 Puppalavarigudem 1.55 P W KR Rice 97 Ganapavarigudem 0.77 P W KR Rice 98 Polasigudem 0.61 P E W KR Rice 99 Asanagudem 0.42 P E W KR Rice

    100 Kallacheruvu 4.16 P W,Tk PR PO Rice

    101 Khandrika Sitaram-varam 3.19 P W,Tk KR Rice

    102 Ankalampadu 2.65 P W,Tk KR PO Rice 103 Kamavarapukota 17.27 H Phc,Fpc W,Tk PR 2PO,TORice 104 GundukolanUkundi 2.80 P E W,Tk KR Rice 105 Vadlapatlanuthanam . 1.56 P E W,Tk KR Rice

    106 Venkatakrishnapuram 1.55 2P W,Tk KR PO Rice 107 Tadikalapudi 28.90 M Mew E W,Tk PR 2PO Rice 108 Ramannagudem 3.50 2P W,Tk KR Rice

    109 Sayannaraopalem 0.41 Uninhabited KR 110 Haveli Lingapalem 0.21 W.n: KR Rice

  • 27



    LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres) Religious, r .A 1 Nearest Day historical Loca-

    Area not Town or days or archaeo- tion Cultivable Area available and of the logical im- Code Forest r Culturable for culti- distance Weekly partance, No. Irrigated Unirrigated waste vatian (In Kms.) Market if any

    (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (1)

    T(84); Tk(55),Tw(29) 63 205 Eluru 29 81 T(402); Tk(315), Tw(87) 16 741 Eluru 29 82 T(S9); Tk(40),Tw(49) N.A. Eluru 32 83

    805 T(136); Tk(115),Tw(21) 322 462 EIum 35 84 T(71); Tk(45),O(l7),Tw(9) 198 N.A. Eluru 37 85

    T(384); Tk(285),Tw(99) 120 4,4S0 4,5~.} Elum 35 86 410 T(699); Tk(383),Tw(316) 300 445 1,000 Eluru 38 87

    T(384); Tk(313),Tw(71) 245 487 260 Eluru 45 88 T(433); Tk(294), Tw(139) 687 419 32 Eluru 45 89 T(503); Tk(241),0(262) 28 60 676 Eluru 37 90

    T(24); 0(21), Tk(3) 20 96 Eluru 37 91 T(440); Tk(280) 0(160) 21 328 174 Eluru 35 92

    500 T(188); Tk(155), Tw(33) 574 200 1,148 Eluru 38 93 T(428); Tw(232), Tk(196) 506 N.A. Eluru 42 94 T(340); Tk(30S), Tw(32) 99 46 1,130 Eluru ·10 95

    T(285); Tk(161), Tw(124) 388 50 259 Eluru 42 96 T(179); Tk(1l2), Tw(67) 2t4 36 31 Eluru ·15 97 T(163); Tw(128), Tk(35) 50 60 120 Eluru ·n 98 T(345); Tk(233),Tw(1l2) 15 85 726 Eluru ·10 99 T(1,049); Tk(6S9), Tw(390) 1,613 N.A. Eluru 29 100

    T(640); Tk(569), Tw(71) 1,402 N.A. Eluru 34 101 T(593); Tk(416), Tw(l77) 1,103 N.A. Eluru 40 102 T(I,553); Tk(l ,294), Tw(259) 8,226. 879 39·1 Eluru 35 Wednesday Fort 103 T(265); 0(151), Tk(l14) 1,091 441 N.A. Eluru 34 104 T(2l0); Tw(106),Tk(I04) 788 N.A. Eluru 36 105

    T(221); Tw(126), Tk(95) 499 274 N.A. Eluru 27 106 T(3,062); Tw(2 ,683), Tk(379) 11 ,185 1,500 2,7.~9 Eluru 24 107 T(631); Tk(329),Tw(271).

    0(31) 1,656 N.A. Eluru 29 108 T(95); Tk(77), Tw(18) 169 N.A. Eluru 30 109 T(134); Tk(30). Tw(73),0(31) N.A. Eluru 30 110


  • :t U

    ! a !

    ~ s !!

    !! t

    I i .! "


    1971 1971 1971

    Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Location Name of Village Code No. Code No. Code No.


    42 Aliveru 24 Jeelugumilli 13 Parimpudi Narayanapuram 78 Ammapalem 9 J illellagudem 61 Polavaram (Agency) 12 Ankampalem 63 Pragadapalle 1 Ankanagudem 114 Kamayyak~nta 2 Puchikapadu

    40 Antervedigudem 11 Kamayyapalem 75 Puliramudugudem 84 Atchaiahpalem 72 Kannarappadu 60 Pydipaka

    82 Khandrikagudem 113 Bandarlagudem 18 Khandrikapadu 5 Rachanagudem 20 Barrinkalapadu 57 Kondrukota 83 Ragappagudem 10 Bothappagudem 73 Kopalle 116 Rajanagaram 92 Bothappagudem 43 Korsavarigudem 91 Ramannagudem 98 Busaraj upalle 52 Koruturu 16 Ramannapalem 97 Buttayagudem 110 Kota Ramachandrapuram 93 Ramannapalem

    45 Kotrupalle 50 Ravigudem 44 Chammanapalle 120 Kovvada 74 Ravvarigudem 54 Cheeduni 9·l Koya Rajahmundry 34 Routhugudem 80 Cheemalavarigudem III Kursam Kannappagudem 59 Chegondapalle 65 Sari pallikunta 48 Chilakaluru 66. Lakshminarayanadevipeta 58 Singanapalle 86 Chintalagudem 121 Lakshmipuram

    96 Lakshmudugudem 51 Sirivaka

    23 Danamvarigudem 8 Lankalapalle 99 Sitaramanagaram

    87 Dandipudi 115 Lankapalle 53 Sivagiri

    17 Datlavarigudem 32 SWarnavarigudem

    49 Dharvada 15 Madakamvarigudem 26 Dharbhagudem 89 Mangaiahpalem 22 Tatiyakulagudem 41 Doramamidi 100 Marlagudem 55 Tekuru

    77 Merakagudem 6 Thatiramudugudem 35 Ganapavaram 119 Muddappagudem 56 Thutigunta 14 Gangannagudem 33 Mulagalampalle 47 Geddapalle 70 Munjuluru 71 Upparilli 69 Gogumilli 46 Urrinka 7 Gopalapuram 64 Nagampalem

    68 Gummuluru 88 Nagampalem 79 Gunjavaram 21 Nersugudem 19 Vankarigudem

    90 Nimmalagudem 3 Veerampalem 76 Itikalakunta 67 Veerannapalem 4 Jagannadhapuram 25 Palacherla Rajavaram 62 Vinjaram

    39 Jaggisettigudem 85 Palakunta 37 Jainavarigudem 112 Pandugudem 109 Yerrayagudem


    101 Akkampeta 81 Mahadevapuram 132 Ragolapalle 27 Ayyavari Polavaram 117 Mangapathidevipeta 105 Ramanujapuram

    104 Bayyanagudem 28 Mathanagudem 130 Saggondll 131 Bayyavaram 31 Mysanagudem 123 Sagipadu

    124 Dondapudi 106 Saripalle 107 Dippakayalapadu 118 Parimpudi 102 Srinivasapuram

    127 Gangole 38 Pattennapajem 129 Tadipudi. 128 Gutala 125 Pattisam 29 Taduvai 103

    30 Peddipallle 133 Thupakulagudem Jangareddigudem 134 Pochavaram 108 Kannapuram 61 Polavaram (Plains) 9S Vedantapuram 122 Karakapadu 36 Pullepudi 126 Venkatapuram


  • 30




    tion Name of Village in Educational Medical Electricity Drinking Commu- Postal and Staple Cede Sq. Miles water nications Telegraph Food No.

    (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)


    1 Ankanagudem 1.80 W KR Rice

    2 puchikapadu 2.15 W KR PO Rice

    3 Veerampaiem 0.30 Uninhabited KR

    4 Jagannadhapuram 0.33 W KR Rice

    5 Rachanagudem 1.82 W KR PO Rice

    6 Thatiramudugudem 1.09 W KR Rice

    7 Gopatapuram 0.70 W KR Rice

    8 Lankalapalle 0.24 W KR Rice

    9 Jillellagudem 1.01 W KR Rice

    10 Bothappagudem 1.24 p W KR PO Rice

    11 Kamayyapaiem 2.91 P,R W KR PO Rice

    12 Ankarnpalem 1.37 p W KR Rice

    13 Parimpudi Narayana-purarn 3.87 W KR Rice

    14 Gangannagudem 2.42 P W KR Rice

    15 Madakamvarigudem 1.26 W KR Rice

    16 Ramannapaiem 0.90 p W KR Rice

    17 Datlavarigudem 1.06 p W KR Rice

    ]8 Khandrikapadu 0.25 Uninhabited KR 19 Vankarigudem 0.78

    p W KR Rice

    20 Barrinkaiapadu 2.97 p W KR Rice

    21 Nersugudem 0.32 W KR Rice

    22 Tatiyakulagudem 0.48 p W KR Rice

    23 Danamvarigudem 0.09 Uninhabited KR

    24 Jcelugumilli 9.55 P,R Mew W KR PO Rice

    25 Paiacheria Rajavaram. 1.87 P W KR Rice

    26 Dharbhagudem 10.99 P W PR PO Rice

    32 Swarnavarigudem 2.35 P W KR PO Rice 33 Muiagalampalle 1.83

    p Mcw W KR PO Rice 34 Routhugudem 2.17

    p W KR Rice 35 Ganapavaram 8.80 P,R W KR Rice

    37 J ainavarigudem 0.39 p W KR Rice

    39 J aggisettigudem 1.38 p W KR Rice

    40 Antervedigudem 5.29 p Phc W KR PO Ri,J

    41 Doramamidi 5.21 p Mew W KR PO Ri,J

    42 Aliveru 1.97 p W KR Ri,J

    43 Korsavarigudem 1.05 p W KR Ri, J 44' Chammanapalle 0.10 Uninhabited

    45 Kotrupalle 0.17

    46 uurrinka 0.17 V KR Ri, J 47 Geddapalle O.ll p W,V KR..R Rj, J

  • 31


    $lad Land use

    LAND USE (Area under different types of land use in acres)

    Area not Cultivable Area available

    Forest ., Culturable for culti-Irrigated Unirrigated waste vation

    (11) (12) (13) (14) (IS)

    900 T(7); Tk(6),W(l) 118 120 870 T(7S); Tk(60),W(lS) 178 200 50

    T(l7); Tk(17) 43 120 T(8); Tk(4),W(4) 41 146 15

    600 T(60); W(44),Tk(l6) 214 SO SO

    200 T(l35); Tk(13l),W(4) 96 SO SO T(52); Tk(29),W(23) ISO 30 N.A

    68 85 200 T(189); Tk(186),W(3) 39 30 20 340 202 100 50

    710 T(97); W(7l),Tk(26) 664 391 N.A 400 T(21); Tk(l5), W(6) 280 100 60

    T(I60); W(90),Tk(70) 1,197 300 ISO T(110); Tk(5S),W(55) 347 S78 209

    812 T(96); Tk(76),O(20) 379 98 39

    T(73); Tk(46),O(2S),W(2) 130 40 80 T(35); Tk(15),O(15),W(S) 347 59 5

    162 T(40); Tk(22),O(15),W(3) 37 30 48 T(53); W(39),Tk(10),O(4) 252 188, 17

    474 T(197); Tk(81),W(76),O(40) 183 123 60

    T(S8); Tw(S8) 17 136 N.A T(56); Tk(39), W(17) 79 30 148 T(17); O(9),Tw(
