Download pdf - Dispatching dark stains

Page 1: Dispatching dark stains


To dispatch darks rings, stains or gray oxidation, you'll require to applying a few ethanedioic acid

crystals. It's the primary component in the so called deck brighteners. To apply them, you've to

combine them with warm water till you achieve a concentrated solution meaning it won't fade away

any longer. Only mix the amount you require. You'll require to use it with a synthetic brush affording

the entire surface a good wet coat (not just the stain) . The wood will require being bare and gently

sanded before this step. Be sure you use it to the whole surface and not just the spot. Leave the acid

on till it dries out or till the stain has disappeared. Follow that with a couple washes of water to

dispatch the residue. The grain will be aroused after it dries out, so you'll require sanding it smooth

before ceasing. Be sure you apply a particle mask when sanding because what crystals are left over

will make you sneezing if you breathe them in. Do it outdoors if possible.