  • Diseases of childhood

    Michal Palkovič, M.D., PhD., MSc.

  • Main diseases

    ⚫ Inborn diseases and defects

    ⚫ Inflammations

    ⚫ Skin diseases

    ⚫ Tumors

  • Childhood

    ⚫ Prenatal period (280 days)

    ⚫ embryonal (8 weeks)

    ⚫ fetal (until birth)

    ⚫ Postnatal period

    ⚫ Newborn period (from birth – 28 days)

    ⚫ Suckling period (from 29. day – until 1st birthday)

    ⚫ Toddler period (1. – 3. year)

    ⚫ Preschool period (3. – 6. year)

    ⚫ School period

    ⚫ 6. – 12. y. – Early school period

    ⚫ 12. – 15. y, – Late school period

    ⚫ Adolescence (15. – 18. year)

  • Inborn diseases and defects⚫ Anencefalus a podobné vrodené chyby

    ⚫ Encefalokéla

    ⚫ Mikrocefalia

    ⚫ Kongenitálny hydrocefalus

    ⚫ Iné vrodené chyby mozgu

    ⚫ Spina bifida

    ⚫ Iné vrodené chyby miechy

    ⚫ Iné vrodené chyby nervového systému

    ⚫ Vrodené chyby mihalnice, slzných orgánov a očnice

    ⚫ Anoftalmus, mikroftalmus, makroftalmus

    ⚫ Vrodené chyby šošovky

    ⚫ Vrodené chyby predného segmentu oka

    ⚫ Vrodené chyby zadného segmentu oka

    ⚫ Iné vrodené chyby oka

    ⚫ Vrodené chyby ucha zapríčiňujúce zhoršenie počutia

    ⚫ Iné vrodené chyby ucha

    ⚫ Iné vrodené chyby tváre a krku

    ⚫ Vrodené chyby srdcových dutín a ich spojenia

    ⚫ Vrodené chyby srdcových priehradiek

    ⚫ Vrodené chyby pulmonálnej a trikuspidálnej chlopne

    ⚫ Vrodené chyby aortálnej a mitrálnej chlopne

    ⚫ Iné vrodené chyby srdca

    ⚫ Vrodené chyby veľkých artérií

    ⚫ Vrodené chyby veľkých žíl

    ⚫ Iné vrodené chyby periférnej cievnej sústavy

    ⚫ Iné vrodené chyby obehovej sústavy

    ⚫ Vrodené chyby nosa

    ⚫ Vrodené chyby hrtana

    ⚫ Vrodené chyby priedušnice a priedušiek

    ⚫ Vrodené chyby pľúc

    ⚫ Iné vrodené chyby dýchacích orgánov

    ⚫ Rázštep podnebia

    ⚫ Rázštep pery

    ⚫ Rázštep podnebia s rázštepom pery

    ⚫ Iné vrodené chyby jazyka, úst a hltana

    ⚫ Vrodené chyby pažeráka

    ⚫ Iné vrodené chyby hornej tráviacej rúry

    ⚫ Vrodené chýbanie, bezústie (atrézia) a zúženie tenkého čreva

    ⚫ Vrodené chýbanie, bezústie (atrézia) a zúženie hrubého čreva

    ⚫ Iné vrodené chyby čreva

    ⚫ Vrodené chyby žlčníka, žlčových vývodov a pečene

    ⚫ Iné vrodené chyby tráviacej sústavy

    ⚫ Vrodené chyby vaječníkov, vajíčkovodov a širokých väzov maternice

    Vrodené chyby maternice a krčka maternice

    Iné vrodené chyby ženských pohlavných orgánov

    Nezostúpený semenník


    Iné vrodené chyby mužských pohlavných orgánov

    Neurčité pohlavie a pseudohermafroditizmus

    Agenéza a iné redukčné defekty obličiek

    Cystická choroba obličiek

    Vrodené obštrukčné chyby obličkovej panvičky a vrodené

    chyby močovodu

    Iné vrodené chyby obličiek

    Iné vrodené chyby močovej sústavy

    Vrodené deformácie bedier

    Vrodené deformácie nôh

    Vrodené deformácie svalov a kostí hlavy, tváre, chrbtice a


    Iné vrodené deformácie svalov a kostí



    Redukčné defekty hornej končatiny

    Redukčné defekty dolnej končatiny

    Redukčné defekty nešpecifikovanej končatiny

    Iné vrodené chyby končatiny (končatín)

    Iné vrodené chyby kostí lebky a tváre

    Vrodené chyby chrbtice a kostí hrudníka

    Osteochondrodysplázia s poruchami rastu dlhých kostí a


    Iné osteochondrodysplázie

    Vrodené chyby svalov a kostí nezatriedené inde

    Vrodená ichtyóza

    Epidermolysis bullosa

    Iné vrodené chyby kože

    Vrodené chyby prsníka

    Iné vrodené chyby spoločnej (kožnej) pokrývky (integumentum


    Fakomatózy nezatriedené inde

  • Inborn diseases and defects

    ⚫ Developmental defects

    ⚫ Karyotypic (chromos.) defects

    ⚫ Mendelian defects (single–gene)

    ⚫ Multi-gene & Multi-factorial disorders

  • Developmental defects

    ⚫ Teratogens – Malformations

    ⚫ Individual susceptibility

    ⚫ Stage of development

    ⚫ Dose

    ⚫ Specificity

  • Developmental defects

    ⚫ Structural (organic) changes – IUD, IUGR⚫ Agenesis

    ⚫ Aplasia

    ⚫ Hypoplasia

    ⚫ Atresia

    ⚫ Dysplasia

    ⚫ Anomalies

    ⚫ Ectopia, heterotopia

    ⚫ Functional changes – Storage diseases

    ⚫ Glycogen, MPS, Sulfatidoses, Lipidosis

    • Spina bifida

    • Thalidomid, Hydantoin, Alcohol

    • TORCH – Toxo, other, Rubella, Cytom.,

    Herpes (Syphilis, varicella-zoster,

    parvovirus B19)

  • Chromosomal abnormalities⚫ Numerical abnormalities

    • Klinefelter´s syndrome (47t, XXY)

    • Down´s syndrome (21t)

    • Turner´s syndrome (45, X0)

  • Chromosomal abnormalities⚫ Structural abnormalities

    Translocation – Philadelphia ch. – chronic myeloid leukemia

    Deletions – Cri du chat, hereditary retinoblastoma, Wilm´s tumor

    Inversion – no abnormalities yet identified

  • Inborn diseases and defects –

    Heart Malformations

    ⚫ Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) - is a congenital

    cyanotic heart defect always involving four

    anatomical abnormalities

    ⚫ most common - 55-70%, blue baby syndrome

  • Childhood

    ⚫ Prenatal period (280 days)

    ⚫ embryonal (8 weeks)

    ⚫ fetal (until birth)

    ⚫ Postnatal period

    ⚫ Newborn period (from birth – 28 days)

    ⚫ Suckling period (from 29. day – until 1st birthday)

    ⚫ Toddler period (1. – 3. year)

    ⚫ Preschool period (3. – 6. year)

    ⚫ School period

    ⚫ 6. – 12. rok – Early school period

    ⚫ 12. – 15. rok – Late school period

    ⚫ Adolescence (15. – 18. year)

  • Postnatal period

    ⚫ Suckling period

    - second highest risk period concerning morbidity and mortality

    - increase in infectious diseases

    - anemia resulting from iron deficiency

    ⚫ Toddler period

    - illness is low

    ⚫ Preschool period

    - illness is relatively low, but children in groups (kindergarten) are more ill

    - less injuries than in toddler or school periods

    ⚫ School period

    - psychiatric diseases rise (suicide, addictions – drugs, smoking, alcohol

    ⚫ Adolescence

    - illness not high

    - risk of injuries is higher

    - psychiatric diseases – drug addictions

  • Postnatal diseases

    ⚫ Fetal erytroblastosis

    ⚫ Amniotic fluid aspiration

    ⚫ Hyaline membrane lung disease

  • Postnatal diseases - Fetal


    ⚫ due to Rh incompatibility

    ⚫ hydrops fetus universalis

    ⚫ icterus neonati gravis (non-conjugated

    bilirubin- kernicterus)

    ⚫ anemia neonati

  • Postnatal diseases - Amniotic

    fluid aspiration

    ⚫ due to respiratory center irritation by anoxia,

    or cerebral damage during delivery

    ⚫ aspiration of corpuscular parts of amniotic


    ⚫ in case of amniotic fluid infection may result

    in amniotic fluid pneumonia

  • Postnatal diseases - Hyaline

    membrane lung disease

    ⚫ due to prematurity, immature pneumocytes II.

    type producing surfactant (anti-atelectasis


    ⚫ idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome


    ⚫ convulsive respiratory shortness with

    cyanosis, apnoe and newborn atonia

  • Inflammations

    ⚫ Infectious vs. non-infectious

    ⚫ Middle ear infections (ottitis interna)

    ⚫ Respiratory infections

    ⚫ Adenoid vegetations

    ⚫ Rinosinusitis

    ⚫ Asthma bronchiale

    ⚫ Pneumonias

    ⚫ Abdominal infections (IBD)

    ⚫ Appendicitis

    ⚫ Rotavirus gastroenteritis

    ⚫ Kidney and urinary tract infections / defects

    ⚫ Bacterial infections

    ⚫ Inborn and acquired tubulopathies

    ⚫ Parasites

    ⚫ Pinworm - Entrobius vermicularis (formerly Oxyuris vermicularis)

    ⚫ Ascaris lumbricoides

    ⚫ Toxocarosis

    ⚫ Taenie saginata and Taenie nana

  • Skin diseases

    ⚫ Impetigo contagiosa

    ⚫ Pediculosis

    ⚫ Scabies

    ⚫ Fungi

    ⚫ Warts

    ⚫ Acne vulgaris

    ⚫ Furunculus, carbunclus

    ⚫ Herpes simplex

    ⚫ Alopecia areata

    ⚫ Psoriasis

    ⚫ Erythema infectiosum

    ⚫ Eczema

    ⚫ Seborrheic dermatitis

  • Tumor of childhood - Benign

    ⚫ Benign tumors

    ⚫ Haemangioma / Lymphangioma

    ⚫ Teratomas

    ⚫ Tumors of connective tissue

    ⚫ Tumor-Like leasons

    ⚫ Naevi

    ⚫ Hepatocelular adenoma

    ⚫ Rabdomyoma

  • Tumor of childhood - Malignant

    ⚫ Leukemia

    ⚫ CNS Tumor

    ⚫ Lymphoma

    ⚫ Neuroblastoma

    ⚫ Kidney tumors

    ⚫ Rabdomyosarcoma

    (Botryoid sarcoma)

    ⚫ Osteosarcoma

    ⚫ Retinoblastoma

    ⚫ Ewing’s sarcoma

    ⚫ Hepatoblastoma

    ⚫ Germinal tumors

  • Tumor of childhood

    ⚫ Leukemia – 35%

    ⚫ lymphoblastic – B type - 85%, T type 15%

    ⚫ myeloid – rare (Down. sy)

    ⚫ CNS Tumor – 28%

    ⚫ juvenile astrocytoma

    ⚫ meduloblastoma

    ⚫ craniopharyngioma

    ⚫ ependymoma, papiloma of chorioid plexus

    ⚫ Lymphoma – 11%

    ⚫ T-lymphoblastic lymphoma of thymus

    ⚫ T-anaplastic large cell lymphoma

    ⚫ Hodgkin lymphoma

  • Tumor of childhood

    ⚫ Neuroblastoma

    ⚫ 4-6 y., highly malignant, bad prognosis (50%)

    ⚫ arises from sympathetic nerves, retroperitoneum

    ⚫ low dif. tumor - produces catecholamines

    ⚫ Kidney tumors (6 %)

    ⚫ Wilms tumor (nephroblastoma)

    ⚫ 90% curable, most common kidney tumor (2-5 y. peak)

    ⚫ Mesoblastic nephroma

    ⚫ bening, infiltrative, surgical treatement

    ⚫ Rabdomyosarcoma (6 %)

    ⚫ embryonal (sarcoma botryoides), aggressive, under mucosa (kidney, pharynx, ear)

    ⚫ alveolar, highly malignant, retroperitoneum

  • Tumor of childhood

    ⚫ Osteosarcoma (3 %)

    ⚫ large bones

    ⚫ Retinoblastoma

    ⚫ arises from cells of neuroepithelial origin in the region of


    ⚫ sporadic, familiar

    ⚫ Ewing’s sarcoma (2%)

    ⚫ PNET

    ⚫ from cells of bone marrow, blastic tumor with diff.


    ⚫ Hepatoblastoma

  • Tumor of childhood

    ⚫ Germinal Cell Tumor⚫ most commonly arising from gonads

    ⚫ encapsulated tumor with tissue or organ components resembling normal derivatives of all three germ layers

    ⚫ germinomatous⚫ dysgerminoma

    ⚫ seminoma(Malignant Sheets of uniform polygonal cells with cleared cytoplasm; lymphocytes

    in the stroma 10% have elevated hCG)

    ⚫ nonseminomatous⚫ Embryonal carcinoma

    ⚫ Endodermal sinus tumor

    ⚫ Choriocarcinoma

    ⚫ Teratoma

    ⚫ Polyembryoma

    ⚫ Gonadoblastoma
