
Life Sciences 11 – Jan 2020

Chap 18.1 – Class Notes – What is Taxonomy?

Slide 1: Taxonomy (Naming and Grouping); Unit 2B

Slide 3:

Taxonomy is the discipline of classifying organisms. Taxonomists arrange organisms into orderly groups based on their similar

characteristics, traits / evolutionary relationships Taxonomists are scientists that identify & name organisms Taxonomy = Classification

Slide 4&5: Why is a naming system important?

Have you seen a… Florida panther? Cougar? Mountain lion? Catamount? Puma?

Slide 6 & 7: Names for animals in different languages can be confusing …

Slide 8: Benefits of Classifying

• Accurate & uniform – there is only ONE name per organism

• Prevents misnomers

• starfish & jellyfish that aren't really fish

• Uses same language (Latin or some Greek) for all names

Slide 9: Taxonomy is needed to:

1. Organize species into groups (simplifies discussions)

2. Identify new organisms

WWF announces discovery of 157 new species in Southeast Asia

By Lisa Jane Harding, CNN. Wed Dec 12, 2018 index.html

3. Show relationships between organisms.

Slide 10&11: Early Taxonomists

1. Aristotle was the first taxonomist (about 2000 years ago)• Aristotle divided organisms into plants & animals

• He further subdivided them by their habitat -- land, sea, or air dwellers

2. John Ray, a botanist, was the first to use Latin for naming

• His names were very long descriptions telling everything about the plant

Slide 12: ***The Father of taxonomy was****

3. Carolus Linnaeus (1707 – 1778)• He classified organisms by their structure

• He developed

• the binomial nomenclature (2-part name),


• the 7-level (taxon) classification system

Slide 13&14: Binomial nomenclature = Standardized Naming

• Binomial nomenclature = 2 word naming.

• 2 words = Genus and species

• Words are in Latin or Greek

• Words are italicized in print,

• names are underlined when hand-written.

• The Genus word is Capitalized,

• the species is written all in lower case


Slide 15 - 23: 7-level (taxon) classification system

Slide 15: Rules for Naming Organisms

• Organisms are arranged into orderly groups based on their similar characteristics, traits / evolutionary relationships

• The genetics (genotype) of an organism determines its physical attributes (phenotype)

Slide 16-18: Classification Groups

• Taxon (taxa-plural) is a category

• The taxon is used to place related organisms together

• There is a hierarchy of groups (taxa) from broadest to most specific

Slide 19: How does the scientific name (binomial nomenclature) fit into the taxon groups?

Slide 20 & 21: Other Examples of Common Organisms and their Classification Groups

Slide 22 & 23: How to remember the order of the taxons (or classification Groups)

Other ways to remember:

o D umb Kids Playing Chicken On Freeways Go Splat

o Dumb King Philip Came Over For Good Sandwiches

o D id King Philip Come Over From Glorious Spain?

Concept Check and Homework:

Read chapter 18.1

Answer the Key Concept questions and be able to Define the Vocabulary words on the top of page 447.