
© 2015 Quintiq Holding B.V. All rights reserved. Quintiq is a registered mark of Quintiq Holding B.V.

Optimize (with) marketing automationJune 30, 2015

Global Marketing Automation ManagerQuintiq (Dassault Systèmes)

Diederik Martens

2© 2015 Quintiq


@DiederikMartensGlobal Marketing Automation Manager at Quintiq

Previous positions include: B2B Marketing Consultant, Global Online Marketer, SaaS Consultant and Project Manager

I'm a creative and ambitious results-driven (digital) marketer with a passion for: Marketing Automation, Demand Generation, Buying Journeys, Lead Life Cycle, Event Driven Marketing, CRM, Lead Scoring, e-Commerce, and marketing technology (Marketo, Salesforce, Silverpop, Silverpop, Eloqua, Sitecore DMS, LeadLander, and more).

Diederik Martens

I managed digital marketing strategies and change management for Quintiq, Nutricia Danone, Q-Park, TiasNimbas Business School, Woonzorg, KPN Telecom, DSM, and more.

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Marketing operations plays a critical role in aligning strategy and processes by managing activities across multiple marketing and non-marketing functions, ensuring that all of the marketing organization’s activities run as planned and are able to excel in their commercial efforts.

Whether leveraging technology, creating processes, productizing best-practices, coordinating functions, training, reporting on performance, or generating new insights, marketing operations is at the center of much of the marketing organization’s activity.


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The Digital Revolution


Orchestrating omnichannel engagement


10 Challenges


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The Digital Revoltion

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The digital revolution

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Buying behavior changed

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1st era: Trust the sales man, he’s the expert

2nd era: Buyers inform themselves before a purchase

3rd era: Buyers think they know what they need/want

The complex sale

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Orchestrating omnichannel engagement

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The buying journey

Demand Lead Opportunity Generation Management Management





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The ‘decision making unit’ (DMU)

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Campaign and program types












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10 challenges

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10 challenges

1. How do you know the buying stage of a lead?

2. How do you know which questions a lead has in a

buying stage?

3. How do you align your content in the right format, channel, and time? How to

auto-select the right engagement program?

4. When is a lead sales-ready?

5. To which sales/department should the lead be dispatched?

6. Lead qualification and follow-up

7. How do you know the DMU persona?

8. How can we support sales in closing deals?

9. How do we measure marketing’s impact?

10. How do we ensure data quality?

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Use specific scoring per buying stage“Early”, “Middle” and “Late”.• Which pages are visited?

• Which keywords are used?

• Which type of content is downloaded?

1. How do you know the buying stage of a lead?

Example: Trigger on web page visit to update middle- and late stage score.

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1. Organize a workshop with Marketing, Sales, Inside Sales, and Customer CareSelect a segment/vertical/industry to start with. Or make it generic. Determine the buying stages first. Followed by the different personas. Everybody writes post-its with questions per stage.

2. Interviews with (recent) customers.Perhaps even with closed-lost opportunities. Put the results in mindmaps to distil the main topics.

2. Discovering which questions a lead has in a buying stage?

17© 2015 Quintiq

3. How to align your content? Layer it!

1. Generic SCP&O

2. Solutions

3. Industry/Vertical

4. Theme Specific


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* We have 25 nurture programs. Most of our 200+ (nurture) content is available in up to 8 languages. The correct language is automatically displayed for leads.

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The right format for the right moment


• Briefings

• Whitepapers


• (Video) Case Studies

• Recorded Webinars

• Brochures


• (Video) Testimonials

• Third Party Endorsements

• ROI Calculators

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How our leads are assigned to engagement programs:• Automatic ‘Nurture Assigner’

• Manually through (Marketo Sales Insight)

• Automatic ‘Nurture Re-Assigner’ (also with progressive profiling)

How to auto-select the right nurture program?

Example: Actions based on downloads.

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Nurture programs to support the entire buying journey

• We align with the three stages of SiriusDecisions (Education, Consideration, Decision).

• Every new lead is automatically assigned to the most relevant nurture program at the right stage.

• Content types are unique per stage (e.g. whitepapers for ‘Education’, case studies for ‘Consideration’, and third-party endorsements for ‘Decision’).

• Leads automatically (pro-actively) transition stages based on behavior, scoring, and sales interaction (e.g. opportunity creation).

Every lead has its own relevant journey (by layering content)

• We have a generic program, which should fit every lead.

• If we know more, there are solution based programs (e.g. production, logistics).

• When we know even more, there are vertical oriented programs (e.g. metals). And even more specific (e.g. aluminum).

• Every program automatically renders in the lead’s preferred language.

Lead nurture structure

1. Generic

2. Solutions

3. Industry/Vertical

4. Theme Specific


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Factors of influence:

• Populated fields (e.g. phone number)

• Contactability (e.g. business email)

• Lead score threshold

• Hand raise

• Inside sales qualification

4. When is a lead sales-ready?

Example: Trigger on data change of the phone number field. The flow requests an MQL check.

We adhere the SiriusDecisionsRearchitected Demand Waterfall

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Marketo’s framework enabled us to construct a process that dispatches over 98% of all leads to the right inside sales department with over 99% accuracy.

This resulted in our sales being able to follow-up leads significantly faster. Fast follow-up significantly increases the chance of opportunity creation and closing.

5. To which department should the lead be dispatched?

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6. Lead management process

L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6

Lead Contact (in Account) Added to Opportunity










IHInbound Handraiser

OHOutbound Handraiser

AQLAutomation QualifiedLead(Contactable)



TGLTelemarketing GeneratedLead(Need)


SQLSalesQualifiedLead(Opportunity role)

SGLSalesGeneratedLead(Opportunity role)


24© 2015 Quintiq

The persona is automatically segmented, based on several field values (e.g. opportunity role, job title, role, etc).

We identify these personas:

Champion, CXO, Influencer, User, Ratifier, Not a prospect, Other

Working with personas improves relevant targeting and increases conversions (e.g. emails, pages, forms, content, etc).

7. How do you know the DMU persona?

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8. How can we support sales in closing deals?

Behavioral data made available in CRM

Fast and precise dispatching of leads to


All collateral quickly available for sales in


Sales can interact with nurture programs

through CRM

Prospect Portals to assist sales in closing


Account Portals to support sales in targeting named


Best bets, interesting moments, and watch

list in CRM

Inferred company website visits insight

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9. How do we measure marketing’s impact?

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Pre-campaign assessment

Submitted campaign targets are stress tested against Quintiq and Market benchmarks. Which allows for early intervention.

Assess your campaigns

Post-campaign assessmentResults are compared to the targets/benchmarks. Lessons learned are used to optimize our out-of-the-box campaign templates and processes.

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Most B2B databases have poor data quality that get 3% worse every month.

According to a SiriusDecisions study, 25% of the average B2B marketer’s database is inaccurate and 60% of companies have an overall data health that’s “unreliable.”

Take action and automate where possible

• Unify & normalize

• Cleanse & correct

• Enrich & append

• De-dupe

10. How to ensure data quality

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• Profiling (unknown->known)

• Planning & calendar

• Data appending

• Social media integration

• Events (incl. approval process)

• Multi-variant testing

• Campaign approval/activation

• Asset editing (e.g. form builder)

• Workspaces

• Out-of-the-box programs/campaigns

• Opportunity analyzer (and program analyzer)

• APIs and 3rd-party applications

Other marketing automation areas

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1. The Digital Revolution changed our buying behavior

2. Supporting the buying journey for the DMU is complex

3. Marketers need to orchestrate omnichannel engagement

4. Marketing automation allows you to handle the complexity

5. Layer your content to support scalable content marketing

6. Research the buying journey and expect 80% overlap in segments

7. Lead mgt.: Best-in-class: Up to 8X more deals per 1,000 inquiries

8. Sales alignment: Enable them!

9. Benchmark your marketing efforts

10. Ensure data quality

11. Marketing KPIs shifted from #leads to €pipeline attribution

11 lessons learned

© 2015 Quintiq. All rights reserved. Quintiq is a registered mark of Quintiq Holding B.V.


It’s time for Q&A…

