
Painting of the Jesus Crucified with a soul embracing His Feet which Fra Leopoldo saw in 1893 in the Castello at Viale d’Asti

THE HOLY WOUNDSTHE HOLY WOUNDSTHE HOLY WOUNDS were the Channels through were the Channels through were the Channels through

Which Christ’s Blood was spilled…Which Christ’s Blood was spilled…Which Christ’s Blood was spilled…

“My Father delights in the offering of My Sacred Wounds and the Sorrows of My Divine Mother.

To offer My Wounds to the Eternal Father is to offer Him, His Glory and to offer Heaven to Heaven.”

Jesus to Sr Mary Martha Chambon



V. O God, come to my assistance. R. O Lord, make haste to help me. V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, R. as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world

without end. Amen.

O my Jesus Crucified, I kneel before Thee, in union with Thy Sorrowful Mother, with all the Angels and Saints in Heaven, I Adore The Sacred Wound in Thy Left Foot. I place in it, the Souls in Purgatory. I pray and beg of Thee by the merits of this Sacred Wound, to release the souls of the religious, the souls of our loved ones and those who have no one praying for them.

Pater… Ave… Gloria…

O my Jesus Crucified, I kneel before Thee, in union with Thy Sorrowful Mother, with all the Angels and Saints in Heaven, I Adore The Sacred Wound in Thy Right Foot. I place in it, the Salvation of All Mankind. I pray and beg of Thee by the merits of this Sacred Wound, to enclose my soul and all souls redeemed by You so that all may be saved.

Pater… Ave… Gloria…

O my Jesus Crucified, I kneel before Thee, in union with Thy Sorrowful Mother, with all the Angels and Saints in Heaven, I Adore The Sacred Wound in Thy Left Hand. I place in it, all poor sinners. I pray and beg of Thee by the merits of this Sacred Wound, to give Thy Light and Thy Grace to those who have asked for my prayers, those who suffer, those who are afflicted, abandoned, persecuted, the sick, and the dying, the souls who are in error, the unbelievers, those who do not know Thee and those who do not wish to become reconciled with Thee.

Pater… Ave… Gloria…

O my Jesus Crucified, I kneel before Thee, in union with Thy Sorrowful Mother, with all the Angels and Saints in Heaven, I Adore The Sacred Wound in Thy Right Hand. I place in it, the Sovereign Pontiff, all the Priests and Religious. I pray and beg of Thee by the merits of this Sacred Wound, to restore holiness to all the clergy and persons consecrated to Thee.

Pater… Ave… Gloria…

O my Jesus Crucified, I kneel before Thee, in union with Thy Sorrowful Mother, with all the Angels and Saints in Heaven, I Adore The Sacred Wound in Thy Sacred Side and Thy Sweetest Heart. I place in it, Thy One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I pray and beg of Thee by the merits of this Sacred Wound, to grant Thy Church victory over its enemies, and to all her children to follow the path of Thy Commandments.

Pater… Ave… Gloria…

Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us. 3 times

FINAL PRAYER Eternal Father I offer Thee, The Holy Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Precious Blood, in union with the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the Glory of Thy Name and for the Salvation of all Thy children. Amen.


This DEVOTION TO JESUS CRUCIFIED owes much to the humble Franciscan lay brother, Fra Leopoldo Luigi Musso, OFM, who died in the odour of sanctity in 1922.

In truth, I tell you, the homes where this devotion is practised shall be blessed.

After your death, I will show you all the souls who have obtained Salvation through this devotion.

A soul dedicated to this heavenly devotion shall not be lost.

Those who practise this devotion with Faith and Love shall enjoy eternal happiness.

Be it known to you, that I, Your Tender Love, Jesus Crucified, exult with the most noble and supreme joy, when I see Myself glorified by you on earth through your propagation of this devotion, so desired by Me, so that it may be remembered for all eternity, that without this Cross, sanctified by My Most Precious Blood, no one will enter Heaven.

You shall hear of the great marvels I will give to those who pray this heavenly devotion.

I will give a very ardent Faith to those who will pray the heavenly devotion and I will continue to feed them with it.

As long as you pray this heavenly devotion, you may rest assured that no evil will ever befall you.

The souls who Love Me, shall find Me near them in this devotion, and I will be their Sanctification.

Here are the graces and blessings I will grant profusely to My devotees. I will grant them the gift of tears, the compunction of the heart, and the food most necessary to their souls.

Don’t be afraid of losing merit for promoting My Work, My Mercy for My creatures who love Me much. It is even a good thing to take comfort, to rejoice in Me, Your Crucified Jesus, for many will become Holy through the frequent practice of this most precious Devotion.

Let it be impressed on the minds of men that when the Devotion to Jesus Crucified is established in all families, I shall console them with My Grace…

I need Priests and Preachers to teach this devotion all over the world, so that I may shower people with Health and My Blessings.

It will take a little time, but the Devotion to Jesus Crucified will arise Glorious and Triumphant!

This prayer, ADORATION TO THE FIVE MOST SACRED WOUNDS, entitled DEVOTION TO JESUS CRUCIFIED, is the one later approved and endowed with indulgences by His Holiness Pope Benedict XV in 1915, and which was included, with a few modifications, in the volume Preces Et Pia Opera of the Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary in the 1938 Edition, No. 170.

Where will you turn to, when in the coming time, the difficulties grow still greater?

My Sacred Wounds are the Remedy for the future. There is nothing else that can save them.

My Sacred Wounds will be your Surest Refuge…

Jesus to Sister Franziska Maria of The Crucified Love, a 20th Century German Carmelite Mystic,

from the book ”By His Wounds You Are Healed”


Nihil obstat John A Schulien, Censor Librorum; Milwaukee, WI, 2 May 1956

Imprimatur Albertus G. Meyer, Archbishop of Milwaukee, WI 1 May 1956



“He was pierced for our transgressions… and by His Wounds we are Healed.”

Isaiah 53:5

The Five Holy Wounds or Five Sacred Wounds are the five piercing wounds Jesus suffered during the Crucifixion – the nail wounds on His Hands and Feet as well as the lance wound which pierced His Side.

Theologically, The Wounds were the Channels through Which Christ’s Blood was spilled.

The Blood is linked with the Eucharistic Blood received at Holy Mass and The Water with the cleansing of original sin at Baptism, the two sacraments believed to be necessary to achieve eternal life. Thus, the Church, just as Eve issued from the side of Adam, is considered to be mystically born of Christ’s Wounds via the Sacraments. The Blood of Christ’s Sacrifice will wash and therefore Purify and Redeem the Church.

The Five Wounds of Christ are honoured by a Mass and an Office. The Special Mass in honour of Christ’s Wounds, believed to have been composed by St John the Evangelist and revealed to Pope Boniface II. Known as the Golden Mass; during its celebration five candles were always lighted. It was popularly held that if anyone should say or hear it on five consecutive days he should never suffer the fiery pain of hell.

My Wounds will repair yours. My Wounds will cover all your faults. Those who honour them will have a true knowledge of Jesus Christ. In meditation on them, you will always find a new love. My Wounds will cover all your sins.

Offer Me your actions united to My Wounds and they will be of value. All your actions, even the least, soaked in My Blood, will acquire incomprehensible riches, an infinite merit and will please My Heart.

In offering My Wounds for the conversion of sinners, even though the sinners are not converted, you will have the same merit before God as if they were.

When you have some sorrow, something to suffer, quickly place it in My Wounds, and the pain will be alleviated.

This aspiration must often be repeated near the sick: “My Jesus, Pardon and Mercy through the merits of Your Holy Wounds!” This prayer will solace soul and body.

The sinner who will say the following prayer: “Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Holy Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ to heal the wounds of our souls” shall obtain conversion”.

There will be no death for the soul that expires in My Holy Wounds; they give True Life. The Way to My Holy Wounds is easy, so easy to reach Heaven.

This Chaplet is a counterpoise to My justice; it restrains My vengeance.

The soul who pray with humility and meditate on My Passion, will one day share in the glory of My Divine Wounds. The souls will be crowned with resplendent beauty and glory.

The more you will have contemplated My painful Wounds on this earth, the higher will be your contemplation of them glorious in Heaven.

The soul who during life has honoured the Wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ and has offered them to the Eternal Father for the Souls in Purgatory, will be accompanied at the moment of death by the Holy Virgin and the angels; and Our Lord on the Cross, all brilliant in glory, will receive her and crown her.

The Holy Wounds are the “Treasure of Treasures” for the souls in purgatory.

†††he Invocations of the he Invocations of the he Invocations of the Holy Wounds will obtain an Holy Wounds will obtain an Holy Wounds will obtain an incessant Victory for the Church!incessant Victory for the Church!incessant Victory for the Church!


This DEVOTION TO THE HOLY WOUNDS and the following Promises were revealed by Our Lord to Sr Mary Martha Chambon, 1841-1907, of the Monastery of the Visitation of Chambery. The cause for her beatification was introduced in 1937.

Every word of the Chaplet of Mercy you pronounce, I allow a drop of My Blood to fall upon the soul of a sinner.

Each time that you offer to My Father the merits of My Divine Wounds, you win an immense fortune.

Souls that will have contemplated and honoured My Crown of Thorns on earth, will be My Crown of Glory in Heaven.

I will grant all that is asked of Me through the Invocation of My Holy Wounds. You will obtain everything, because it is through the merit of My Blood, which is of infinite price. With My Wounds and My Divine Heart, everything can be obtained.

From My Wounds proceed Fruits of Sanctity. As gold purified in the crucible becomes more beautiful, so you must put your soul and those of your companions into My Sacred Wounds; there they will become perfected as gold in the furnace. You can always purify yourself in My Wounds.

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“This Prayer is not of the earth, but of Heaven, and it can get you everything.” Jesus to Sister Mary Martha Chambon


O Jesus, our Divine Redeemer, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

Holy God, Holy Mighty God, Holy Immortal God, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

Grace and Mercy O my Jesus, in the present dangers and cover us with Thy Precious Blood.

Eternal Father, have mercy on us through the Precious Blood of Thine only Son, Jesus Christ.


Let us Adore The Sacred Wound on The Left Foot

On the large bead before each decade Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Holy Wounds of

our Lord Jesus Christ to heal the wounds of our souls.

On the 10 small beads of each decade My Jesus, Pardon and Mercy,

through the Merits of Thy Holy Wounds.


Let us Adore The Sacred Wound on The Right Foot


Let us Adore The Sacred Wound on The Left Hand


Let us Adore The Sacred Wound on The Right Hand


Let us Adore The Sacred Wound on The Sacred Side

FINAL PRAYER Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Holy Wounds of our Lord

JESUS CHRIST to heal the wounds of our souls. 3 times
