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Page 1: Destination Europe 2012

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Page 2: Destination Europe 2012

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City Profiles:Amore in Italia by l. page --------------------------------p. 3Family Fun in London by L. kuhn---------------------------p. 6Russia Nervously Awaits aN Explosion by C. Higginson--p. 7Catch the Cheese by A. roach-----------------------------p. 9Couple on a budget by D. charbonnet-------------------p. 11Dangers in Bulgaria by P. Butcher-------------------------p. 12

Travel Memoirs:To Mountain Bike Bog Snorkel or Not to Mountain Bike Bog Snorkel? by C. higginson -------------------------------------p. 17Oktoberfest Hits Me with a Surprise by d. charbonnet ----p. 18Racing to Win by l. page --------------------------------------p. 19Running the Distance by l. kuhn ------------------------------p. 20Zinneke Adventure by A. roach -------------------------------p. 21Discovering Ireland by P. butcher ---------------------------p. 22

what’s on top:SOUVENIRS by P. butcher--------------------------- p. 5Top things to do in Europe by d. charbonnet-- p. 10Top Must- See Places by l. kuhn------------------- p. 13Movies to Watch by l. page------------------------ p. 23Voluntourism by d. charbonnet ----------------- p. 41

KNoW your facts:Mind Your Manners! by A. roach and l. page---------------p. 34The Bookworm-------------------------------------------p. 39Timeline of Europe by A. roach, L. kuhn, and l. page-----p. 43European maps--------------------------------------------p. 44

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CITY PROFILES(The Trolltunga, or Sharp Top Hill, is located in Odda, Norway.)

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In Verona, Italy love is in the air. You can feel it as you’re holding hands, walking down the Teatro Romano at sunset. You can feel it when you’re visiting the Giardino Giusti, one of the most romantic gardens of all time. You can even feel it at the cozy Locanda C a s t e l v e c c h i o re s taurant as you’re sharing a p l a t e o f spaghetti. This city is the setting for one of the most romantic plays of all time, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. So to all you newlyweds: what better place to start your own love story than the place where love itself began?

Since thousands of couples flock to Verona each year, this city has many romantic hotels to choose from. Couples

that are interested in visiting the places from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet are recommended to stay at the Hotel Accademia. This four star hotel is located in Old Town Verona near the casa de Giulietta, or Juliet’s house. Since

the Hotel Accademia is so coveted, it is may be a little out of the average couple’s price range. Depending on the date that you plan to visit, it may cost between $250.00 and $300.00 per night. It is also a good idea to make your reservation a few months in advance, because this hotel is almost always full. If Hotel Accademia is too expensive, try

booking a room at the Hotel San Luca. A single room at this three star hotel costs about $150.00 per night. Although it is not located inside the city of Verona, this hotel is still near the general area and is

completely accessible by car.Once you are in Verona, the possibilities are endless!

Verona prides itself on being the city of love, and it will not let you down. If you are looking to visit the locations that are



The lover’s terrace is a popular place for people to

leave letters, asking Juliet

for love advice.

Amor in Italia By: Lindsey Page

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said to have been featured in Romeo and Juliet, the casa de Giulietta is a must- see. If it is true that “the sight of lovers feedeth those in love,” then the casa de Giulietta is the perfect romantic setting for a honeymooning couple. Couples from all over gather to see the famous balcony that Juliet supposedly stood on as she called out her famous line “Romeo Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?” For a small fee, couples may buy a ticket of

admission, allowing them access to the balcony. (Or rather, allowingone to stand on the balcony while the other stays down to take a picture.) While at the casa de Giulietta, be sure to go to the lovers’ terrace where you can write a letter to Juliet to ask for love advice or simply just to declare your love for someone. Juliet is an expert on love & promises to answer all of the letters that she receives.

No matter where you go in Italy, there is

always one thing that you can not escape: food. If you are looking to try new foods, Italy will offer you endless possibilities. Feeling romantic? Try dining at Locanda Castelvecchio. This cozy little 150 year-old restaurant is thought to be one of the most romantic places in Verona. After dinner, head on over to the Art & Chocolate Gallery Bar. This lounge bar/ chocolatier is a great way to finish off a romantic night. If you’re in the mood to party, the Osteria Verona is the place for you. The Osteria is a hip restaurant with a cool, fun vibe. Afterwards, you can dance the night away at Studio 90, a cocktail bar with a dance club downstairs. It is sure to be a fun night!

No matter where you go in Verona, you can’t escape the feeling of young love. If you are looking for a great place to celebrate your marriage, fall under the spell of Verona. Who knows what this magical city will offer you?


Smell beautiful.

Feel elegant,



L. K


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SOUVENIRStraveling to europe? here are some

inexpensive, affordable, and luxury


Leaning Tower of Pisa puzzle is only $12.99.

The famous discus throwerstatue replica is only 7 inches tall

and costs $15.50.

A 15 inch tall Eiffel Towerreplica costs $89.00.

An authentic Andrés Iniesta jersey costs $140.93.

This Cuckoo Clock from Germanyis a whopping $530.00.

Swiss Army Watch costs $695.00.




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Finding activities for the whole family in a different country can be hard labor, but luckily in London, England, there are many places that offer fun entertainment for all ages. If you have kids that are interested in historic landmarks and their background, a bus tour of London is what your family should participate in. This bus tour shows 40 different buildings, parks, bridges, and museums in London. Families can choose to do either a one-day tour or two-day tour. The whole trip takes up to three hours and is recommended for children and adults of all ages. Purchases should be made online or by phone and kids under the age of five get in for free. A family package, which consists of two kids and two adults, is $87.41 for one day and $103.31 for two days. A one day child ticket, only for the ages five through 15, costs $22.21 and a two day child ticket costs $20.62. A one day adult ticket costs $31.75 and a two day adult ticket costs $39.70. This tour also involves getting off the bus and walking through a few of the locations, which is why the tour is called the “Hop On Hop Off Bus Tour.” Make sure to buy your tickets for a view of the real London! Travelers that are not in the mood to visit historical places in London, could always check out the Warner Brothers Studio for a

magical tour. Right now the studio is focusing mostly on the Harry Potter series. You will see the actual costumes, props, and sets of Harry Potter and some other successful movies. This tour is great for all ages and is six hours in length, but only three hours in the actual studio. Guests must purchase the tickets before hand either on the phone or

internet, but can save some money if tickets are purchased online. Children between the ages of five and 15 have the ticket cost of $130.14 and children between the ages of three and four have the ticket cost of $39.07. Any child under the age of three will have no





k R



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By: L. Kuhn

Tour buses are a great way to travel as a family.

Family Fun in LondonBy: Lillie Kuhn

Page 8: Destination Europe 2012



For many years, the inhabitants of the

Russian city, Murmansk, have been living under

the pressure of a possible nuclear explosion.

Murmansk, a city on the northern coast of the

Kola Peninsula, has 400,000 inhabitants living

near old nuclear-powered icebreakers and

submarines. These ships hold a total of about

20,000 fuel rods. The cold seawater of the Kola

Bay is eroding the metal around them. If the

fuel rods fell, it would take only a small spark

to create an explosion that would cover an area

of about 3 miles with radioactive material.

In the worst case, the explosion could

rival the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. The spark

could cause the entire facility to explode and

spread radioactive material all the way to the

British Isles and make the northern parts of

Norway, Finland, and the northwestern part of

Russia to be uninhabitable for about 20 years.

The agreement between the Russian and

Italian governments to safely take care of

radioactive was te and nuclear

submarines was decided upon in

2003. The Italian shipbuilding

c ompa ny, F i n c a n t i e r i ,

d e s i g n e d a s h i p , t h e

Rossita, to have the most

updated design with two

cargo holds that can

carry up to 640 tons of

nuclear waste. The ship

will also have a special

vent i la t ion sys tem to

m a i n t a i n t h e r i g h t

temperature for the nuclear


The Rossita has two main

goals. The first goal is to relieve the

vessels on the Kola Bay of their nuclear waste

and fuel rods, the second and equa l ly

complicated goal will be to send these materials

all the way to the Mayak reprocessing facility in

the Ural Mountains. This second step will

require trains carrying the nuclear waste

hundreds of mi les th rough the city of

Murmansk and to the reprocessing facility.

This is an issue because that means the

inhabitants of Murmansk will have very

dangerous material being transported through

the city for many years.

The other issue with nuclear material on

ships is the danger that terrorists could try to

steal it and make a bomb from it. The security

around the nuclear waste that has already been

removed is almost non-existent, so anybody

could walk in. This is a major reason for

bringing the nuclear waste to Mayak where

security is much more strict.

If the Rossita’s plan is carried out, relations

between Russia and Italy with improve,

the people of Murmansk and all of

northern Europe be able to relax

more, and this can set an example

for other areas with nuclear

waste problems to use these

same tactics to free themselves

of the danger of nuclea r




Russia Nervously Awaits an ExplosionBy: Cadie Higginson

Workers prepare to take the fuel rods from vessels on the Kola Bay.

The Rossita ship is ready for its voyage to relieve all the vessels in the Kola Bay of

! their nuclear waste.

Page 9: Destination Europe 2012


entrance fee. An adult ticket costs $143.38 on the internet and $150.88 on the phone. Purchasing this ticket admits entrance and roundtrip transportation from central London, which is located near Victoria Station and will also tell you where to go on your entrance ticket. Grab your broom and head on over to the Warner Bothers Studio for an unbelievable tour before you leave! For a stroll down Penny Lane, you should go on the Beatles London Walk tour. The tour includes visits to recording studios, film locations, homes, favorite places, and, the one and only, Abbey Road. All places that the Beatles loved! The tour is two and a half hours long and full of entertainment. An adult ticket is $31.59 online and $36.59 if you purchase it on the phone. A child ticket, for ages 12 and under is $25.76. Become part of the Beatles on this tuneful tour! Many soccer players have a favorite Major League Soccer(MLS) team, and in England a very popular one is Arsenal. The Emirates Stadium Tour allows fans to take an inside look of what goes on behind the scenes. Guests will see the locker room, step foot on

the stadium grass, see the museum, and sit on the sidelines. On this tour former players talk and answer any questions you might have about the game. A self guided of the stadium costs $23 for adults and $12 for children. A fully guided tour costs $46 for adults and $24 for children. Whether travelers wish to visit historical monuments, magical studios, musical places, or an amazing stadium, ...



Arsenal fans love the Emirates Stadium!

The Warner Brothers Studio Tour of Harry Potter is full of magic! Travelers will be able to walk where the Beatles walked on the

Beatles Tour!

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I f y o u a r e i n E n g l a n d , l o o k i n g f o r something exhilarating, adventurous, and willing to get a little busted up in exchange for one hell of a time, Gloucester’s Cheese Rolling is the event for you. Held on the last Monday in May, Cooper’s H i l l h o l d s t h e a n n u a l cheese rolling races. The cheese-rolling event has b e e n s u m m a r i z e d a s “twenty young men chase a cheese off a cliff and tumble 200 yards to the bottom, where they are scraped up by paramedics

a n d p a c k e d o f f t o t h e hospital.” People from all over the world attend, and it is quite something to participate in. F o r a s o m e w h a t reasonable price of 20

p o u n d s , r o u g h l y 3 2 U S dollars, spectators can watch people line up at the top of a hill, which is about 200 yards in length, and prepare for the worst. O n e s e c o n d a f t e r a n o f f i c i a l r o l l s t h e cylinder of cheese down the hill, the competitors r a c e d o w n . T h e y a r e aiming to beat the cheese and, if possible, catch it, w h i c h u s u a l l y n e v e r happens. The first person to reach the finish line wins the cheese.

For about 200 years that the event has been

around, the history of C o o p e r ’ s H i l l s h o w s some real dedication to the competition. In the midst of the rations during World War II, a small piece of cheese was housed in a larger wooden cylinder as a mock cheese roll. The c h e e s e h a s b e e n p r o v i d e d b y D i a n a Smart, a cheese maker,

has been supplying the cheese since 1988. Be advised, these e v e n t s a r e n o t f o r delicate people; they are dangerous. The cylinder of cheese can reach speeds of

70 miles per hour, and in the blink of an eye, is easily capable of taking o u t a p e r s o n o r t w o . I n j u r i e s r a n g e f r o m sprained ankles to broken b o n e s a n d e v e n t o concussions. Do not worry though; the medics of St. John’s Ambulance Service are on stand-by. In 1998, an amateur cameraman caught a speeding piece of cheese on camera, which took him out. In the year of 2003, a clumsy woman


The cheese can roll up to 70 mph!

The injuries range from sprained ankles to broken bones and concussions.

By: adam roachCatch the Cheese

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Take a Gondola Ride:• This tour is a must do if you want to experience a nice cruise

down the Grand Canal, while getting the chance to view some of Venice’s other popular attractions such as St. Mark’s Basilica, San Marco, Santa Maria Formosa, and the Rialto

Eiffel Tower Tour and a Seine River Cruise:• Without spending a fortune, you can combine two of France’s

top attractions in just one tour, to ensure a great and relaxing time.

Rent a Bike in Venice:• To enjoy the scenic city of Venice rent a bike and take a

relaxing ride along the 150km of bike path in Venice.

Iceland Hiking:• By hiking in Iceland you get to view this North Atlantic

Island and some of its beautiful national parks.

Norwegian Kayaking and Hiking:• If you are interested in outdoors then this is the right activity

for you. Experience the multi-sport adventure as you Kayak and Hike through the amazing landscape of Norway.

Switzerland Hiking:• Hike and traverse between two of the amazing regions in

Switzerland. Enjoy the famous trio, Jungfrau, Eiger, Monch, while also hiking through the Valais Alps.

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l o s t h e r b a l a n c e , a n d tumbled down the hill. Luckily, she escaped with very few injuries. In several cases, races have been delayed due to having to wait on ambulances returning from bringing i n j u r e d p a r t i c i p a n t s from past races.

I n p a s t y e a r s , management for the event and paramedics has been an issue. The organizers stepped up and decided to c r e a t e a l a r g e f e n c e around the hill, and to charge a fee. The mass influx of attendees was the cause of the large fencing. They hoped this w o u l d k e e p i t m o r e organized and safe.

M a n y o f t h e attendees came because of the large amount of media advertising. The largest advertiser is YouTube, s h o w i n g t h e o v e r l y popular cheese rolling v i d e o s , s o m e w i t h millions of views. ESPN E:60 featured one of the races in 2009. It was also featured on Dave Allen’s TV show, Dave Allen at L a r g e , p u l l i n g m o r e people into the event.

As far as safety goes, if you are truly an intense traveler looking for a thrill, you should be able to handle it. Good new is, there have been no death reports resulting from the cheese rolling at Cooper’s hill, so far.

After an intense day at the hill, many people need something to ease the pain. Luckily, “The Cheese R o l l e r s ” p u b i n t h e village of Shurdington, England, is 3 short miles away.

If you are a couple who needs a nice, cheap vacation, then Rome is the place for you. You will need to book your flights on a Tuesday afternoon at 3 P.M. eastern to be sure of a great deal on your flights. Also, studies show that the cheapest day to fly is Wednesday. Depending on the deals and your own preference, any airline is great to fly with, so long as they fly internationally. You will also want to book your hotel as soon as possible to ensure a good price and to book while there is availability. A great hotel to stay at, that has a low rate, is Hotel Capannelle. It is 7.5 miles outside of Rome, which makes its prices a little lower. The hotel has an outdoor pool, great rooms, and most importantly, a free shuttle to and from the metro stations. The cost is $117 per night for a single room, which is a great size for a couple.

There are many activities to do and places to visit in Rome, Italy. Travelers should attend a half-day walking tour. On the tour, you will get to see the Vatican Museums, which display the works of the Roman Catholic Church; the Sistine Chapel, which is known for its architecture and decoration displayed from Renaissance artists; and St. Peter’s Basilica, which is a Late Renaissance church that has the largest interior of any Christian church in the world. A local, English-speaking guide leads the tour. The price is $42 per person to experience these amazing monuments. Another place to visit and take a tour of is the Crypts and Roman Catacombs. The tour is three hours long and you have the experience of viewing the “underground Rome.” The price is $71 per




By: D

. Charbonnet



Couple on a BudgetBy: Davis Charbonnet

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You might think Europe is the ideal vacation spot, but in some countries such as Bulgaria, it can be very dangerous. The 15th largest city in Europe, Sofia, has a very high crime rate. Sofia is located in western Bulgaria at the center of the Balkan Peninsula and is also the capital of Bulgaria. One third of the 1.2 million people living in Sofia say they never feel safe. Only 20 percent of the population said they feel safe at all times. In Sofia, the gangs have taken over the government and are now i n control of almost the whole city. There are approximately 300 gangsters in the city of Sofia. It is not just the gangsters that are scaring the people, though, it is all of the crime there. In 2010, a radio host was assassinated in broad daylight. Between the years of 1993 and 2008, there were 140 contract killings, hiring an assassin to kill somebody. The gangs in Sofia are very organized. The most famous gang in there is the Bulgarian Mafia. Aside from murders, they are involved in drug trafficking, human trafficking, cigarette smuggling, and prostitution. The Bulgarian Mafia has connections with gangs in other countries, such as the Russian Mafia, Serbian Mafia, and the Italian Cosa Nostra.

In 2010, there were a total of 30,934 killings, 2,764 fewer crimes than in 2009. Also in 2010, there were 1433

robberies. Even though the crime rate seems ridiculously high, the rate is now going down. During the first three months of 2012, there have been 1000 fewer crimes than the first three months of 2011. The people of Sofia are starting to feel a little more secure and less afraid of their violent homeland.

October of 2011, there was a huge anti-Roma protest march. About 2,000 Bulgarians participated in the event. They said that they were protesting against the corruption and organized crime the Sofia has.

Over the years Sofia has had the highest rate of killings and robberies



Dangers in BulgariaBy: Price Butcher

Sofia, Bulgaria is 521 square miles.

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6Istanbul,Turkey:-One of the worlds largest cities of population and known for

its arts. Recommended for travelers who are interested in

beautiful architecture and mosaics.

- The capital of Catalonia and the second largest city in Spain, Barcelona is a definite must-see. Barcelona is located between the Llobregat and Besòs rivers and is known for it’s beautiful


Monaco:-Monaco is often called “tax heaven.” It is called this because it has no income tax, and very low business tax.With a small population of only 35,000 people, it is a nice, comfortable country to visit.

Lisbon,Portugal:-The largest city and capital of Portugal. It is known for its limestone buildings and its beautiful view of the Atlantic Ocean.

Paris,France:-Capital of France and known for its exceptional food.

Paris is also known for its magnificent museums.

Prague,Czech Republic:-This city is known for its fascinating history and is very


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each year. Now, since the crime rate is going down, Sofia is now the second most dangerous city in Europe after Mitrovica, Kosovo. If you were to travel to Sofia, you would need

to be on lookout at all times. Other than that, people tend to have a good time there because there are plenty of activities. The most common activity is the free tour of the city. Another attraction is playing tennis at the Maleeva Tennis Club. Sofia is indeed a city struck by violence, but yo u m ay wa n t to consider traveling there.

Precipitation in inches:

...(FOR MAP THE AREA, SEE p. 44)


By: C. Higginson

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person and this great deal also allows you to skip all of the lines, so that the tour is more fun. Lastly, travelers are recommended to visit the L’Angolo Divino wine bar and sample their delectable wines, cheeses, and cured meats for $45.

Two great places to eat in Rome are La Nduja and Pizza e Dolcezze. They both deliver out, but you can also make a reservation. Whichever you choose to do, you will enjoy some amazing, tasty Italian food.

After a couple of great days spent in Rome, why not take a trip to the medieval city of Florence, Italy? A great way to get there is to take the free shuttle from the hotel to the metro station. Once there, you can hop on an ItaliaTrain, the local train company in Italy, and enjoy the two and a half-hour long train ride to Florence. The price of an ItaliaTrain from Rome to Florence is just $13 per person. Once you arrive, you can check into the low-priced and nice hotel, Hotel Alba. The price per night is $113 and the hotel is only a five-minute walk from the train station.

One great restaurant you have to try in Florence is Targa Bistro, which is only a 15-minute cab ride away from the

hotel. Targa Bistro is known for its great wines and its wide variety of food on the menu.

One really fun thing to do would be to take a nice, short walk to the old, historical Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (Il Duomo), which is just a 15-minute walk from the hotel and displays a Gothic style church. Another fascinating activity to do while you are in Florence, is to take either a half or a full-day sightseeing tour of the city. The

rate is $61 for both options, offers free lunch, and includes bus rides to and from the sites. Lastly, you get to view some of Florence’s most amazing monuments such as, Piazzale Michelangelo, also known as Michelangelo Square, which offers a beautiful view of Florence; Santa Croce, which is the major Franciscan church in Florence; and the Uffizi Gallery, one of the oldest and most famous art museums in the western world.

Travelers should take these recommendations into consideration if they are hoping for a nice vacation in Italy. Have a great time and enjoy your stay.




The ItaliaTrain is a common form of transportation in Italy.

The Piazza MichaelAngelo in Florence.

The Florence Cathedral.

The Sistine Chapel.

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Travel Memoirs

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“Are you ready, Cadie?” Harry Brown, my trainer, asked as we boarded our plane to Cardiff, Wales, the only place where the competition is ever held. The mountain bike bog snorkeling championship, that is, which is days away. This is the race I have trained for since I was six years old and the sport, in which my parents are the best in the world. The pressure was on for me.

“I better be,” I replied even though I knew I was.Now, I guess I should tell you what mountain bike bog snorkeling is

before you get your hopes up for some super exciting sport where racers are going so fast they are blurred, because you will be very disappointed. No, mountain bike bog snorkeling is basically the opposite. It is almost exactly what the name says, mountain biking in a bog with snorkel gear. The idea of

mountain bike bog snorkeling is to ride your bike into a freezing, six-foot deep bog, or marsh, in the middle of Wales around a pole 60 yards away and back in the shortest amount of time. Yes, weird, but you would have to experience the thrill of seeing your own father set the world record and putting on the weighted belt and backpack before




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At last, after 12 hours of flying, I finally stepped foot off of the plane. The temperature this time of the year was dropping, I suspected, as I breathed in the cold, damp air. The weather the next couple of days was said to be the same, cold and rainy, but it was supposed to clear up during the end of the week. Anyways, I was relieved that I had finally made it to Germany.

The traffic driving from the Munich International Airport to the hotel was horrid, but many people had already warned me of this. Then again, this is Oktoberfest. “How many people show up to Oktoberfest every year?” I asked the cab driver as we came to a full stop at a traffic light. When he looked at me like I was crazy, I knew it was going to be a long ride.

I repeated myself, this time very slowly. “How-many-people-come-to-Oktoberfest?”“Oh, yes yes uh, I say six mil,” he replied nervously.I ceased from asking any more questions, I could tell he did not know much English. Six million

people, this is going to be crazy.After arriving at the hotel, I unpacked my bags and went to bed. It had been a long day. I awoke

late the next morning. It was October 1st, and this week was the last week of Oktoberfest. I threw on a jacket and some Lederhosen pants (which is the traditional Bavarian clothing) and headed out to my first Oktoberfest.

The annual festival is 16 days long. It starts at the end of September and ends after the first weekend in October. It is held in both Munich, Germany and Bavaria and celebrates the Bavarian culture and traditions. The festival is one of the most famous events in Germany and is the largest fair in the world, usually gathering around six million people, who throughout the entire festival drink over 7 million liters of beer. I caught my first glimpse of the extremely crowded festival. Whoa! I hopped out of the cab to see a line of huge tents. There were a total of 14 tents, and my goal was to visit every single one. I already knew which one I wanted to visit first, Fischer Vroni. Throughout all of the tents, there was a variety of food served, such as chicken, pork, sausages, fish, pretzels, noodles, and pancakes. Fischer Vroni was known for its fish. I ordered some grilled salmon and sat down. Once it was served, I dived



Beer has always been an important part of Oktberfest. In 2010, Oktoberfest visitors drank more beer than ever before. During the festival, they consumed over 7 million liters of beer!

Oktoberfest Hits Me With a SurpriseBy: Davis Charbonnet


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It all started with a bike. Not just any bike, but a nice, high quality Trek Madone racing bike. For whatever reason, it was sitting in the parking lot of my hotel in Corsica, France, completely unguarded, just begging for someone like me to stumble across it and take a closer look. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that there was a lock, but some careless fool had forgotten to close it all the way. A quick shake of the chain and the lock fell off without a problem. It’s not that I was looking for trouble, but it had been so long since I had actually ridden a bicycle and I was itching to give it a try. I quickly glanced around. The parking lot was completely empty. It was almost like the universe wanted me to be on that bike. And who wants to disrespect the universe? I’ll just hop on. Just sit on it for a minute. I just want to see how it feels, and then I’ll get off. That’s all. I climbed on to the bike; I couldn’t help it. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine that I was a racer in the Tour de France. Accelerating faster and faster, I was unstoppable! I could practically feel my feet working the pedals, the wind blowing on my face. Feeling like I was on top of the world, I dared to open my eyes. I was paralyzed with fear; the bike was actually moving! For the first time in two years, I was actually riding a bicycle. I was overcome with a feeling of pure joy, which was quickly followed by complete and utter terror. I began weighing all the pros and cons of my actions, considering the possible risks; I had noticed myself doing that a lot since The Accident. I was no longer enjoying the ride; I was in full out panic mode. I jumped off of the bicycle without thinking and watched ruefully as it crashed into a nearby pole. I quickly jumped up to inspect the damage. The bike had not a scratch on it, but unfortunately

the seat had completely fallen off of during the crash. I noticed that if I carefully stuck the seat back on to the bicycle, it looked as if nothing was wrong. I wheeled the bike back to where I had found it and hoped that someone would discover the broken seat before anyone got hurt. Besides, if the owner just left this beautiful bike lying out unprotected, he must not care about it that much anyway. Just as I was about to leave, I heard an angry voice, magnified 100x with the help of a bullhorn. “Hey!” Someone shouted. “Step AWAY from the bicycle, I’m gonna need that!” I didn’t stay to hear the rest. I ran away as quickly as I could and didn’t stop until I was safely out of hearing distance. “Welcome to the Tour de France!” I couldn’t help but smile as my friend Joey strode up to me, decked out in full biking attire from the shiny black helmet to the gray biking gloves. He told me it was just for fun, but secretly I thought it was because he hoped to be mistaken for a racer. Ever since we were ten years old, training

together for mini-triathlon, it had always been Joey’s dream to win the Tour de France, a dream that was so far unreached. I had always liked to ride for the thrill, but Joey rode for the glory. “So, what do

SEE BIKE p. 29

Racing to WinBy: Lindsey Page


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! I had been sitting on the plane, for five hours now, and I had just begun to read the Spanish dictionary. So far, the only words I had learned were ¡Hola!, ¿Como estas?, and how to respond to como estas, bien. I knew, from this moment, that it was going to be difficult to communicate with people on my journey, but I was ready for the task. ! As I walked out of the airport and into the taxi, I realized that I had forgotten my Spanish dictionary. The driver began to speak in what sounded like gibberish to me, but then something seemed to stop him in mid sentence. It must have been the puzzled look on my face, but when I tried to speak to him all he did was laugh. Maybe he doesn’t understand me. After repeating the words, “Can you take me to the hotel, Sercotel Leyre?” very slowly and multiple times. ! The driver turned to me and said, “American?” in a very strong accent. I was relieved for a few seconds because I thought, maybe, he could understand me. I was terribly wrong. I was so wrong and he was so impatient that I ended

up getting out of his cab, going into the airport, getting another dictionary, and then finding another cab. This driver could actually speak a little bit of English. Enough to get me to my hotel, at least. ! After a long flight, the usual action for people to do is go back to their hotel and take a quick nap, this was not the case for me. I only had five days in Spain and I was going to use all the time I had. I decided to go to Pamplona, Spain, and stay in the city. It was very crowded while I was there, but I didn’t bother to ask why because that would be a 30 minute conversation of trying to communicate in Spanish. ! Right as I got to the hotel, I checked in and changed clothes. It was already 5 o’clock in the afternoon and I was ready to go out. I

went to the front desk and found recommendations for multiple restaurants. I found one that was in my price range because I could not use a lot of my money on my first day. The restaurant was small but very cozy. The food was amazing, and the waitress was very understanding and nice. We would use hand motions to communicate with each other because, after my cab ride, I had no

Running the DistanceBy: Lillie Kuhn

SEE BULL p. 31


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My life has been pretty dull, ever since I was young. My family and I never spent much time together, nor went to Disney World like most of my friends did. Life for me, as much as I tried to sugar coat it, sucked. One day after I came home from school, I noticed my mom was acting a bit strange. I asked her about it, but she made nothing of it. I performed my normal routine; I unpacked my books, did my homework, and went on the computer. Shortly after I finished, it was time for dinner. My mom gathered my sister and me for a chat. To my surprise, I heard the four words I thought I would never hear, “We’re going on vacation.” “Brussels, Belgium,” my

mom told us. Why there? Little did I know, this was not the

typical vacation. “Your father is

meeting someone there for a work

deal, and we thought you guys might want to get out for once.” There went my

excitement. “I don’t wanna

go,” wailed my sister.

“It will be fun,” my mom replied. It sure was no Disney World, but, hey, it was still vacation, I guess. We were to leave on June second, the day after school ended. With school ending in less than two weeks, I was pretty eager. Trying to save money like always, my dad booked our flights months ago on Continental Airlines. “Do they have TVs?” I asked my mom.

“Sure do.” Maybe this trip would not be so bad after all. Before I knew it, it was

the night before the trip. My family and I were all scrambling getting our belongings together for the early flight tomorrow morning. As if it was not stressful enough, my mom kept reciting her never-ending checklist, out loud. “Clothes, shoes, snacks…” I gathered the last of my items, making sure I had everything. I took a nice refreshing shower and headed to bed earlier than usual. Our flight was at 5:30 AM, but I knew my dad was going to want to be there at least 2 hours early. I was still not sure if I was ready or wanted to go for that matter but in less than 24 hours, we would be on the other side of the world. So, I did not have much of a choice. “Uhhg, five more minutes,” I pleaded to my mom, as she woke me up. “No, get up,” she fired back. I did not feel like getting yelled at, so I woke up. We ate a quick breakfast, grabbed our belongings, and headed for the airport. As usual, I put on my

Zinneke AdventureBy: Adam Roach



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As June is coming to an end I am starting to pack for my trip to Ireland. Throughout the course of the summer, I have been planning the trip. I have already bought my plane ticket and I’m ready to go. I am going there for five days, four nights. When I get there it will be night so I can’t do anything then. My first day there I am going to play golf at the famous Ballybunion Golf Club in Kerry, Ireland. The next day I am going to play golf at Waterville Golf Links in Kerry not far from Ballybunion. After the golf portion of the trip, I am going to the Puck Fair in Killorglin, which is in western Ireland, for my last three days of my trip. I just landed Galway, Ireland all the way from Boston; it is now six o’clock p.m. Now, I have to get my bags and rent a car to drive two and a half hours to Ballybunion, where I am going to stay for the night. I have departed the airport and now heading to the golf club. I just arrived at Ballybunion and it is getting late, so I am going straight to my room. Last night was very hard

to sleep because I was so excited about playing golf today. Now, I am at the course ready to tee off. Wow, I have never played a course like that ever in my life. Every hole had a picturesque view in the background; the cliffs peaking right over the bay down low and the high grass swaying as the wind blew. It was more than just a golf course. Now I am leaving Ballybunion to go to Waterville. Since Killorglin is on the way to Waterville, and is where the Puck Fair is I am going to drop my luggage off at my hotel and then head down to Waterville. I just arrived at The Grove Lodge in Killorglin to drop my bags off. Driving down to Waterville was very pretty, the views were magnificent; the water from the bay was splashing against the cliffs and the rock structures to the left of the road. I am now at the golf club ready to play. I have never played two golf courses like that ever. While playing both courses I thought I was in heaven; that’s

Discovering IrelandBy: Price Butcher



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2. Mama Mia- GreeceAny couple planning to travel to Greece is sure to love Mama Mia. This musical/movie follows Sophie Sheridan, who dreams of having her father walk her down the aisle. Unfortunately, Sophie has three possible fathers to choose from! Will she find her father in time? This movie is set on a beautiful Greek island that is sure to make you want to pack your bags and head straight there.

3. Chocolat- FranceHeaded to France? Then Chocolat, the award-winning romance film is for you. This movie is about a woman who moves into a new village and changes everything with her chocolate expertise. Starring Juliette Binoche, this movie is sure to get you in the mood for love... And for chocolate!

1. Letters to Juliet- ItalyIf you are traveling to Italy,

Letters to Juliet is a must- see. Set in Verona, Italy, this touching movie is centered around the famous wall in which lovers leave letters asking Juliet for relationship advice. When a young woman named Sophie discovers an ancient unanswered letter hidden in the wall, she learns to fight, not just for the relationships of others, but also for her own.

4. Leap Year- IrelandIf you are visiting Ireland, Leap Year is the movie for you. This film follows Anna Brady, a daring New Yorker, who plans to try the luck of the Irish by proposing to her boyfriend in Dublin. Will he say yes? Or will she get a little distracted along the way? Nevertheless, this movie highlights the beauty of Ireland as well as the intriguing personalities of its people.

Since Europe is

known for romance,

we’ve put together a

list of our top five

love movies to get

you in the mood!

Movies to Watch:


Page 25: Destination Europe 2012

Set in Austria, this 1959 film is

sure to tug at the heartstrings.

Christopher Plummer plays

Georg Von Trapp, a strict military

captain, who believes that life

should be all work and no play.

Julie Andrews plays Maria, a

young, fun- loving woman who is

defined by her love for singing and

dancing. When Maria is chosen as

the new nanny to Georg’s seven

children, chaos ensues. Soon

Maria and Georg are forced to

put their differences aside as they

struggle with a new problem: the

Nazis. It is the middle of World

War II, and the Von Trapp family

is faced with an important

decision: to give up their values, or

to flee the country that they love.

This movie is full of twists and

turns that are sure to keep you on

your toes. Viewers will be inspired

by Georg’s love of his homeland,

and the devotion of the Von

Trapp family is sure to inspire all.

5. The Sound of Music

The Von Trapp family in the Sound of Music (right) are based on a

real family living in Austria during World War II. (left)


(Voted on by readers as best movie set in Europe)

Page 26: Destination Europe 2012


heading into the freezing water to understand this sport. Not everybody can say he or she received a bike with water-filled tires and a lead-filled frame for

their tenth birthday. It is not the bike I would take around the park, but for mountain bike bog snorkeling, it is the best of its kind, and it will help me win this race. My parents and Harry expected me to win and I was planning on it.

Our plane arrived safely and our chauffeur, Arnold, was there to pick us up at the airport. My parents would be waiting at the hotel in a little town just outside of Cardiff called Dinas Powys. There was only one little hitch in the trip. Arnold did not end up taking me where I was meant to go. We were headed to Brecon Beacons National Park, north instead of west, and 45 miles instead of five miles. Something was very wrong and Harry was not there to do anything about it. Harry had stayed to pick up our luggage and catch a cab to the hotel. It was only Arnold taking me away from my parents and deeper into a country I had never been to and knew nothing about. It was a bit of an issue.

“We’re going the right way, right?” I asked, fifteen minutes after we were scheduled to arrive.

“No, obviously, we aren’t.” Arnold said impatiently, “My son has been training for this race for his whole life, and some girl is not about to ruin it for him.” I assumed he was talking about me.

I realized then that I might be in real trouble and not just lost. What is happening? This is supposed to be the best trip of my life, and this man and his son are ruining it! Arnold had been my parents’ chauffeur for fourteen years, and now, all of a sudden he turned against them for his son to win the race. I have to get out of this car.

We were on the highway and had been for the past ten minutes. I had no idea where we were going. We arrived at a small house where a tall, freckled boy with red hair stood waiting. I was told to wait in the car until I was told otherwise.

“You found her?” I watched him ask. I assumed this must be Arnold’s son, Alfie. They had a quick conversation that I could make nothing of, then Arnold signaled for me to come out of the car. Alfie then saw me and laughed, right in my face. I wanted to punch this kid, but more than that, I wanted to beat this kid on Saturday.

For the next three days, all I did was walk around their house and read little bits of the thousands of books they had throughout the house. I was very impressed and actually relaxed. That Tuesday, Alfie’s younger sister, Andrea, taught me how to play cricket, a sport I had only seen in movies. By Friday, I was already better than her and improving. Cricket is kind of like baseball, but more exciting and interesting. Friday afternoon, she took me to a park to play with some of her friends. I realized that I could have left right then and there, but Andrea trusted me and I did not really want to leave and train for more mountain bike bog snorkeling. I liked cricket, I was good at it, and it was not a sport that my parents forced me to play.

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“Hey, Andrea, do you play cricket a lot?” I asked Andrea. I wanted to start a cricket league when I came back to New Orleans. Everyone in New Orleans loves baseball; they would like this even more!

“Yeah, of course, my team is winning the league right now.” She answered enthusiastically. I was

just as excited. I was going to start my very own league.

Saturday arrived, and Arnold allowed me to come to show me that Alfie would have beaten me even if they had allowed me to race. We arrived early at the Waen Rhydd bog a few miles away from Brecon Beacons National Park, where I had been staying for the past three days. Alfie began warming up before the race. It turned out, as much as he had bragged, he was not that good at the sport.

“Daddy! Look at me go, nobody is as good as me!” Apparently we had different opinions on that. After a few more minutes, Alfie said he was ready. I, on the other hand, was not sure I was ready for what I had decided to tell my parents and Harry when they arrived, which happened to be at that moment.

“Cadie!” They yelled together, “We’ve been searching all over Wales for you. You haven’t prepared at all for-”

“Mom, dad,” I interrupted, “I don’t want to do any more mountain bike bog snorkeling.

Sorry, Harry.” The announcement was greeted by protests by the three of them and a triumphant smile from Arnold. When finally my parents were composed enough to speak, they asked what made me make the decision. I told them how fun cricket had been, and I was tired of the pressure they were putting on me to win this one little race. “Nobody even knows about this sport!” I reasoned.

My parents were convinced after ten more minutes of arguing that I really did want to start playing cricket. They promised that when we came back to New Orleans they would buy me my own cricket gear and help me get a league started. I think we all learned that sometimes, new experiences can open new doors that cause old doors to shut. In my case, that experience opened a much better door.


Get the London look

with Rimmel mascara.

(For map of the area, see p. 45)

Lindsey Page26

Page 28: Destination Europe 2012

into the flavorful, tasty, and fresh salmon. After a great meal I decided to go explore more of the tents. Later that night, I became hungry again after walking around and viewing some of the other tents. I sat down at a seat in one of the well-known tents called, Bavarian Heaven. I ordered the pork chop and sauerkraut meal for my first dinner here in Munich. After 30 minutes of mouthwatering over the meals of those around me, my pork chop was served. I immediately scarfed down the entrée and then walked near the stage where I found myself lost while I listened to a great Bavarian band playing. After about 30 minutes of listening, I decided to grab one more beer, call it a night, and go to sleep. As I ordered the beer, a woman at the table next to me leaned over, randomly, and threw up. I just assumed that she had had enough to drink and that was the explanation. After I finished my last drink, I left the tent in search of a cab. On the way back I saw two more people throw up as they too were leaving the Bavarian Heaven. I assumed this was normal for Oktoberfest. Eventually, after a very long wait for a cab, I found one and climbed in. The ride was long but relaxing, it was fascinating to see the city at night. Once I arrived at the hotel,

exhausted as I was, I went to sleep. I awoke in the middle of the night to terrible abdominal cramps and a very high fever. I tried to avoid having to, but I could not hold it in. I rushed to the bathroom and made it just in time as I threw up everything in my stomach. I now felt much better, so I went back to lay down in my bed. Hopefully, this happened because I ate too much and this is not something worse. As I tried to go back to sleep, all I could think about was those three people I had seen throw up before I had left the festival. Was there a coincidence, a connection, or an explanation of why we were all sick? It was

probably just a mix of different reasons. After all, this is Oktoberfest. I put all these thoughts out of my head, closed my eyes, and tried to get some sleep. I still had a fever when I woke up in the morning but my stomach pains had stopped. I went down to the hotel lobby to go eat a nice breakfast. After eating a little bit of food in order to somewhat fill up my completely empty stomach, I went back to the room to rest a bit. Before I knew it, it was four o’clock. I had accidently fallen asleep and did not wake up until then. I decided to give Oktoberfest a break for today and just rest for the day until tomorrow. Just as I thought everything was going to be fine, my stomach started to hurt again.



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OKTOBERFEST:Once again, I had to rush to the bathroom in order to prevent myself from vomiting on the hotel room floor. With nothing in my stomach anymore, I was craving something to snack on. I walked down to the lobby again and bought some snack bars from a small store. Since I figured I would be in my room the rest of the day, I decided to get something to read. I walked over to the stack of newspapers in the corner and grabbed one. My heart stopped when I read the front cover, Food Poisoning Puts Many Oktoberfest Visitors in Hospital. Luckily, I had a mild version of the food poisoning, but supposedly, the pork at the Bavarian Heaven tent had been

spoiled somehow. The staff there claimed that they had no clue about the bad meat, but nobody knows if that is true. After two more days of having the terrible sickness, I was relieved when I finally felt better. I was able to enjoy the last two days of

Oktoberfest, being very careful of what I ate. Over all, the trip had not been terrible, however I was planning on this Oktoberfest being my last. Between the overly crowded tents and the food poisoning, I

decided to just not come back. Somehow, even in all this chaos I had achieved my goal, I had successfully visited every single tent.


European Religions European Languages

(For map of the area, see p. 45)


(Number of Countries with These as Official Languages)(Number of Countries with These as Major Religions)

Page 30: Destination Europe 2012

you think of old Lance?” Whenever Joey talked about Lance Armstrong, he got a wistful gleam in his eye. “Do you think he’s got a shot at winning?” I snorted.

“Joey, Lance Armstrong probably has as much of a chance of winning as I do.” That shut him up. Ever since The Accident, the subject of me riding a bike had been a sensitive one.

“You know you could ride.” Joey began tentatively.

“If you wanted to.”“I haven’t ridden in over

two years, and I’m not planning on doing it

any time soon.” I retorted. Joey was

my best friend, and I hated

lying to him, but I had

come to watch


Tour de France, not to ride in it. If I told him about the incident earlier this morning, he was sure to take it as a sign that I was healthy and ready to get back in the saddle. And I most definitely was not ready.

It was time for the race to begin. Joey had insisted that we get there early so we could be in the front row. He didn’t want to miss one minute of Lance’s glory. The race began and the crowd went wild. “Do you see that?” Joey was screaming in my ear. “Lance is in front, see? I told you he could do it! I knew it, I-“ He stopped mid-sentence. I looked up, just in time to see Lance Armstrong fall, as the seat of his bike went flying into the street. I squinted my eyes, trying to get a closer look at the bike. It was hard to see, but I could just barely make out to bike model. It was a Trek Madone. I felt an involuntary gasp. No, there is no way that is the same bike. You are not the cause of the failure of your best friend’s hero. That is what I told myself, but deep down I couldn’t shake the feeling that I personally was the reason

for Lance’s fall. I glanced around furtively, looking for

something, anything to help the situation. I didn’t want to live with

this guilt forever. I took a quick survey of my surroundings. There was a bike rack to my right, a café to my left, a multitude of crazed fans surrounding me, and of course Joey standing next to me in his ridiculous racing outfit. Suddenly I had a brilliant idea. I mustered up all of my energy and screamed at the top of my lungs. “DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY DUCT TAPE?” To my surprise, five rolls in various colors and sizes were thrust at me from various directions. I hopped over the barricade that separated the fans from the racers and began to furiously duct tape the seat of Lance’s bicycle back on to it’s original stand. Lance just stared at me with a look of pure bewilderment.

I ran back to Joey. “Give me your helmet.” I ordered. He handed it over without a fight. I raced over to the bike rack, grabbed the first bike that I saw, and rode it over to Lance, who had somehow managed to hop on to his. I looked him straight in the eye. “Let’s do this.” I said. And without another word, we raced on down the track. We rode for a while, and I was surprised at my ability to keep up with him. I like to talk while I ride, and before I knew it I had



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told him my whole life story, about the car accident, how the doctor said I would never be able to walk again, much less ride a bike. I told him of my miraculous recovery and he seemed surprised to hear that I hadn’t ridden a bike in over two years. Days passed quickly when I was riding and before I knew it, it had been a week and I could see the finish line only a few yards ahead of me. Since I wasn’t an official contestant, I slowed down, waiting for Lance to pass me up to break the red ribbon ahead of me. To my surprise, he gave me a quick wink. “You go ahead.” He said. “After all, you are the true winner.” So I did it. I broke the red ribbon. I was the first one to cross the finish line. According to the papers, the winner of the 2012 Tour de France was Lance Armstrong, but he and I both know the truth. I, Lindsey Page, am the true winner.


(For map of the area, see p. 46)


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hope of communicating in Spanish. I would point to the food I wanted and she would shake her head, up or down, depending on how good it was. I put my trust completely in her because I really had no idea what to order. It turned out that the food was delicious! I walked around the city for a little while after dinner, and then called a cab to drive me back to my hotel.! The next two days were not pleasant. I had become sick with food poisoning from the restaurant the night before. I was stuck in my hotel room for the whole day and felt awful. As I tried to sleep, which did not help at all, there were horns that kept going off and people screaming outside. I tried looking out my window but could not see anything because my beautiful view was of the back of another building. Great service... I ordered soup to see if that would help, but that ended up making me even more sick. Get me out of here! All I wanted to do was go home, but luckily, by the third

night, I began feeling better.! Day four, basically my first day in the city, and I had my whole day planned out already. I was going to do some shopping and visit a few buildings. My plan was rudely interrupted when I walked into the street, and there were people running in all directions! The horns continued going off, like the two days before. I tried asking around to see

what was going on, but no one stopped running around to talk to me. Finally, a guy that looked about my age stopped running and looked at me like a was crazy.! “Run, Run!” said the man. Then he took off running so fast that it took me a second to figure out where he went. People kept running in all directions, and I had still not moved. I began to hear a sound that sounded like the

Be green. Be efficient. Be smart.

Smart Car














Page 33: Destination Europe 2012

galloping of a horse, but then it came closer and I became more and more confused. As it came closer and closer the screams of people became louder and louder. I became filled with worry and acted on my instinct, which was to run. I was following the people, but the galloping came closer and closer with every step. I turned around to see what it was, and I locked eyes with a beast. A black beast with horns and red eyes and it was coming straight at me. I felt like I was flying I was running so fast. I was not even sure, at the time, of what type of animal it was. All I knew was that it was not slowing down. I just kept running, but the beast would not leave me alone. I could feel it right behind me, but I still ran. I finally saw an alley ahead that I could slip into to dodge the beast. Although the alley was close, it felt like miles away. I kept running, filled with fear, and finally was in reaching distance of the alley. I slipped into it just in time. While taking deep breaths and trying to understand what had just happened a man, around my age and very good looking, came up to me and said, “Are you okay?” Hallelujah! Someone who finally speaks English! ! “I’m not sure.” I said breathing heavily and trying to hold back from saying, “Now I am!”! “I was terrified that you were not going to make it. I’m Enrique.” He did not have very good English, but it was good enough for me. I told him my name and how relieved I was that he spoke English. He finally answered my questions of what was going on and what animal was chasing me. ! “It’s the Running of the Bulls, a festival we celebrate,” he said. “If you knew any bit of Spanish it would have helped you out a lot!” We talked for a good 45 minutes about my trip so far. He told me what I should have done, if I had not been sick and what I should do next time I visit. He walked me back to my hotel because I was


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so turned around, no map could help me. He told me to have fun on the rest of my trip and that this extravaganza should not prevent me from coming back to the beautiful city of Pamplona. Unfortunately, the next day I had to leave, but I made a promise to myself. I promised that I would go back to Pamplona during the running of the bulls and to be fluent in Spanish. ! more sick. Get me out of here! All I wanted to do was go home, but luckily, by the third night, I began feeling better.! Day four, basically my first day in the city, and I had my whole day

planned out already. I was going to do some shopping and visit a few buildings. My plan was rudely interrupted when I walked into the street, and there were people running in all directions! The horns continued going off, like the two days before. I tried asking around to see what was going on, but no one stopped running around to talk to me. Finally, a guy that looked about my age stopped running and looked at me like a was crazy.! “Run, Run!” said the man. Then he took off running so fast that it took me a second to figure out where he went.

People kept running in all directions, and I had still not moved. I began to hear a sound that sounded like the galloping of a horse, but then it came closer and I became more and more confused. As it came closer and closer the screams of people became louder and louder. I became filled with worry and acted on my instinct, which was to run. I was following the people, but the galloping came closer and closer with every step. I turned around to see what it was, and I locked eyes with a beast. A black beast with horns and red eyes and it was coming straight at me. I felt like I was flying I was running so fast. I was not even sure, at the time, of what type of animal it was. All I knew was that it was not slowing down. I just kept running, but the beast would not leave me alone. I could feel it right behind me, but I still ran. I finally saw an alley ahead that I could slip into to dodge the beast. Although the alley was close, it felt like miles away. I kept running, filled with fear, and finally was in reaching distance of the alley. I slipped into it just in time. While taking deep breaths and trying to understand what had just happened a man, around my age and very good looking, came up to me and said, “Are you okay?” Hallelujah! Someone who finally speaks English! ! “I’m not sure.” I said breathing heavily and trying to hold back from saying, “Now I am!”! “I was terrified that you were not going to make it. I’m Enrique.” He did not have very good English, but it was good enough for me. I told him my name and how relieved I was that he spoke English. He finally answered my questions of what was going on and what animal was chasing me. ! “It’s the Running of the Bulls, a festival we celebrate,” he said. “If you knew any bit of Spanish it would have helped you out a lot!” We talked for a good 45 minutes about my trip so far. He told me what I should have done, if I had not been sick and what I should do next time I visit. He walked me back to my hotel because I was so turned around, no map could help me. He told me to have fun on the rest of my trip and that this extravaganza should not prevent me from coming back to the beautiful city of Pamplona. Unfortunately, the next day I had to leave, but I made a promise to myself. I promised that I would go back to Pamplona during the running of the bulls and to be fluent in Spanish. !


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(For map of the area, see p. 45)


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If you are planning to travel to the Czech Republic, there are some typical manners and etiquette that you must know. We have put together a list of social commonalities so that you will not stand out as a boobus Americanus. MEETING & GREETING: When you first meet someone, be sure to give a firm handshake and to make direct eye contact. Once introduced, do not use the person’s first name until you are told to do so. It is also very rude to show off your status or your wealth, so remember to be modest. If you are given a compliment, do not say thank you. It is polite to play it off as if it was nothing. In conversations, people tend not to raise their voices, so do not speak too loudly. Also, remember to maintain eye contact with the speaker. If you know any Czech, it is recommended to speak it to the locals. This is likely to be very much appreciated. Also, be sure no to talk about politics, or about Eastern Europe. After all, The Czech Republic’s historical past has not been all that pleasant. DINING OUT: At any meal, a male will always pay the bill. If you are a woman, do not offer to pay because you will only embarrass or humiliate your male host. If you are having alcohol, only drink after a toast. Also, if you are at a bar, the bartender will not stop refilling your drink until he is told to stop. Be careful how you eat at restaurants, because, like Americans, people from the Czech Republic consider slurping noises to be very rude. If a restaurant is busy and does not have many extra tables, it is not uncommon for the maître d’ to show you to a table that is already occupied. In the Czech Republic, it is okay to dine with strangers. Also know that if there is a bread basket on the table, you will be charged for it. When your meal is through, it is polite to ad a 10% tip to the bill.

Mind your manners!The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Etiquette

Spotlight on: Czech RepublicBy: Lindsey Page and Adam Roach


Page 36: Destination Europe 2012

OUT & ABOUT: If you are a woman traveling to the Czech Republic, know that men will not hold the door open for you. If a man enters through the door before a woman, he is being protective of that woman. In the Czech Republic, it is considered impolite to chew gum in public. It is also common etiquette to ask permission to smoke, even in a public place. When walking the streets, be sure not to dress too flamboyantly, because you will definitely stand out as a tourist. Also, never exchange money on the streets. (chances are, you will given a lot less money than you are due.) If you are planning to commute by bus, know that it is polite to offer your seat to women or elderly people. If you are planning to commute by taxi, expect to have to bargain down the price, because you will most likely be overcharged.

VISITING LOCALS: If you are planning to meet with someone, be sure to be on time because in the Czech Republic it is very rude to cause your host to wait on you. If you are invited to the house of a local, be sure to bring a small gift as a “thank you” for the invitation. It is also common etiquette to take off one’s shoes before entering a house. With the help of these tips, you are sure to have a great vacation. Hopefully, one in which you will not offend any of the locals!


FUN FACTS:1. The Czech Republic has the

most hospital beds per inhabitant in the European Union.

2. The people of the Czech Republic are the world’s biggest consumers of beer.

3. There are over 2,000 castles, keeps, and castle ruins in the Czech republic.

4. Soft contact lenses were invented by Otto Wichterle, a citizen of the Czech Republic.

5. The Czech Republic is home to the town that is thought to be the inventor of the sugar cube.


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headphones, concealing me in my own world. Maybe 30 minutes past, seeming nothing to me since I had my headphones on, and we were arriving at the airport.

I was sitting next to this guy who looked about my age. We introduced ourselves pretty casually, and we did not make much of it. His name was John. Later, he asked what I was doing in Brussels. I said in all honesty, “Nothing.”

“Why don’t you come to the Zinneke Parade with my family and me?” I really did not want to be stuck with my whining sister, so I said sure. Many hours passed with sleeping, listening to music, and more sleeping. In the few times that I removed my headphones, I could hear my sister whining about her ears hurting. That had never been a problem for me, thankfully. Before I knew it, we

arrived at our hotel. When we were settled in our room, I told my mom about John and the parade. She said that if I wanted to go, it had to be a family deal. Meaning the whole family had to go if I was to go at all. I knew this would not fly with my sister, and she proved me right.

“No mommy I don’t wanna go!”

“Sorry son, if your sister doesn’t want to go, that’s that.” Great. There was not much I could do at this point. I was tired and I was hungry, but more tired than hungry. I grabbed the closest thing I could find, goldfish. I ate a few handfuls to hold me over until the morning. I had to think of something that would make my sister want to go. Having no idea, I decided my best bet would be to sleep on it. The next day, we went out for lunch with my dad and his new business partner. I called John right before we left, making sure my mom did not see me. It turned out, he was near where we were going to eat. While my parents and my dad’s new business partner were talking, I realized this was my chance. I had to slip away, and so I did, quite seamlessly at that.

I called John once again, and we soon met up. We had to walk quite a while, but once we

arrived having sore legs was totally worth it. As the parade rolled in, I was amused. There were so many people, so many different costumes, and so many different sounds. They ranged from the roaring of the crowd to participants playing music in the parade. We were having fun, enjoying the parade and just relaxing. I knew it would not have been long before my mom realized I was gone. It worried me, but I did not really care. My not caring soon turned into caring when I heard “ADAM!” Yep, there was my mom. She had somehow found out where I had gone. I could not recall anyone being around when I made the call or when I left. Then it hit me, it was my sister. My mom quickly approached me, and I expected the worst. Her face was red, and she seemed



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very mad. “There you are. I told you you couldn’t go to this parade, now let’s go,” she yelled. “But mom…” It wasn’t worth it. She dragged me away from my only friend on this trip, and, well, the only source of fun. My family had already finished eating, and we were heading back to the hotel. My mom spoke not a word to me, so I knew I was toast. The next morning I knew what I had to do. I apologized and tried to be as sincere as possible. Luckily, she forgave me. “Next time listen to me, or you will be grounded.” “Fine by me,” I said. We were leaving in a few days, and there was not much to do on this, so-called, vacation. We had gone to a few frequent tourist attractions, but it wasn’t much. Over the coarse of this trip, I had definitely learned my lesson; mothers always win, and never trust your little sister.


Price Butcher

Country Populations (in millions)


(For map of the area, see p. 44)

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how good they are. Even though they are very nice they are extremely hard. The wind gusts get up to 30 mph and have really long grass bordering the fairways. I would without a doubt go back just to play those two courses. Heading towards Killorglin I experience some difficulties with my car. It just broke down three minutes away from the fair. I decide that I need to hitchhike my way to the fair. How could this day get any worse? I see a car slowing down coming my way. The people in the car ask me if I need a ride. I say yes and then hop in. The Brennan family is relatively quiet, with only one daughter in the back seat. Her name is Mary and she has blue eyes and brown hair.

We just arrived at the fair and it is huge. The Puck Fair is on the 10th, 11th, and 12th of August every year, it is open 12 hours a day. It is Ireland’s oldest and longest celebrated. The tents vary from bird shows to concerts and what not. I just ran into one of my old friends who happens to be the trainer of one of the horses in the race. The horse race is about to start; everybody is taking his spot and betting money on their horses. As the horses are walking to their starting places, I see a little girl run out right in front of the horse. She is not too far from me so I

step back and pulled her away. I ask her if she is hurt. She said that she is okay but the horse knocked her down.

I tell her to bring me to her parents to tell them what happened. I realize that her parents are the people I rode with in the car on the way to the fair and that the girl is Mary. Her parents are very pleased with me saving their child. In the end the horse and Mary are both okay. Her parents offer me 100 dollars in reward for saving her. I take up the offer and then go back to my hotel to pack up because I am leaving after the fair tomorrow.

I am on my way to the last day of the trip and the last day of the Puck Fair. Luckily my car did not break down this time, so I made it there with no problem. Today I plan on visiting the bird bazaar, also called a bird show, some open air concerts, and finally watch the fireworks go off. I just got back from the fair, and boy was it fun. I’m so glad nothing like yesterday happened to me. I now have to leave one of my favorite trips I have ever taken. Everyday was a blast; playing golf at two of the top golf 100 courses in the world, it can’t get much better than that. Then going to one of the most famous festivals in the world; you can’t beat a trip like that.

...(For map of the area, see p. 46)



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The Bookworm






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% If%being%a%15%year%old%girl%living%in%the%projects%seems%hard,%readers%should%meet%Doria.%%A%15%year%old%girl%whose%father%left%her%because%she%was%not%a%boy,%whose%mother%works%extremely%hard%just%to%earn%a%little%less%than%minimum%wage,%and%who%just%wants%to%be%like%any%other%teenage%girl.%%Luckily,%she%is%not%alone%on%her%difficult%journey%of%adolescence%towards%adulthood.%%She%has%a%hardworking,%beautiful,%young%social%worker,%a%drug%dealer%as%her%closest%friend,%and%a%crazy%psychiatrist%who%could%really%use%some%questioning%too.%%Will%she%prove%her%manhood%to%her%father,%or%will%she%prove%being%a%girl%is%worthwhile?





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1. Animal Care in SpainVolunteer and help with the rescue and health of 20 different species of primates who have endured much abuse

and neglect.

VoluntourismVolunteer opportunities for the compassionate traveler

2. Conservation Project in FranceIf you have any skills in construction, painting or electrics, come join us in France as we repair and care for these beautiful, century-old buildings.

By: Davis Charbonnet


Page 43: Destination Europe 2012

3. Marine Turtle Rescue in MaltaCome join Malta’s Rescue and Habilitation as you work alongside professionals, to help protect local dolphins and marine turtles on this beautiful island.

4. Archaeological Dig in GreeceIf your willing to break a sweat, come to

Greece, and help other volunteers and experienced archaeologists as we try to discover

clues on the lives of those before us.

5. Helping students in IrelandTake a trip to Ireland and come join in helping Camphill Community as they support students with special needs. Just by doing little things as cooking, cleaning, working in the garden or farmhouse, you can help make the lives of these students with special needs.


Page 44: Destination Europe 2012


1348-to The Bubonic (black) plague causes panic in Europe.

711 The Moors invade spain.

1492 Isabel & Ferdinand funded

1701_-to 1714




War of Spanish succession is fought over the possible unification of Spain and France.

Berlin Conference is held in

The United States win the

WWI ends, Germans lose.

1933 Hitler becomes chancellor of

1937 Russian leader, Josef Stalin begins a purge of Red Army

1940 Italians invade Egypt.

1945 Japan signs a surrender agreement &WWII ends.

1945 United Nations is born.




Page 45: Destination Europe 2012

Verona- from p. 3Rome and Florence- from p. 11

Italy: England:London- from p. 6

Russia:Murmansk- from p. 7

Bulgaria:Sophia- from p. 9

Gloucester- from p. 9


Page 46: Destination Europe 2012

Wales:Cardiff- from p. 17

Germany:Munich- from p. 18

Spain:Pamplona- from p. 20

Belgium:Brussels- from p. 21


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Ireland:Killorglin- from p. 22

France:Map of Tour de France- from p. 19















Number of People with AIDS in Europe

(by the thousand)

Page 48: Destination Europe 2012

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