Destination Europe - Other Stuff

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  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    If you have been following my blog for a while youll know Im a huge tennis fan. Ive been to a

    few tennis events around Europe including Wimbledon, the Paris Open, Italian Open and last year

    was the first time I went to the French Open. If youre interested in going to Roland Garros, tickets

    went on sale earlier today. I had a difficult time getting tickets last yearand this year I missed the

    opening of the sale but got one of the last remaining tickets.

    Im sure there is still time if you want to go and I highly recommend it if you love the sport and will

    be in Paris in May.

    You can book 2011 French Open tickets here but hurry because theyll sell out shortly.

    Last year there were lots of questions about the etickets but this time I know to be patient as they

    are not available to print until April or probably later because the Frenchies arent too organised (if

    last year was anything to go by). Good luck!
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    Those of you who follow me onTwitterwould know (or not?) that I have been in Australia for the

    last 3 months. The plan was to spend time with my family, do some work/finance stuff, and to work

    on my vitamin D levels. Im not joking about the vitamin D. Twenty years of staying out of the sun

    (to avoid getting cancer and wrinkles) has resulted in me having ridiculously low levels vitamin D

    to the point where its quite a surprise I dont have osteoporosis yet. If you dont know, vitamin D

    deficiency can lead to many, many health problemsso go get some sun! So Ive been going to the beach 3-4 times a week and eating my lunch by the river

    each day and 3 months later Im still seriously deficient.

    On a side note, I am now very tanned except on my face where I cant bear to go darker so I look

    kinda odd ie. not attractive at all.

    After leaving Paris in November, just before all that snow hit, we headed to Tokyo for 4 days. I

    didnt expect to like it but in fact I loved it! The city has such a great atmosphere, its vibrant and

    energetic (can a city be energetic?), thefood was amazing, the people were so sweet and friendly,

    even if no one seemed to speak a word of English, and it wasnt anywhere near as expensive as I

    had expected. You can read aboutTokyo in autumnover at myVagabondtravel blog which you can

    subscribe to here if you havent done so already.

    Were heading to Singapore tomorrow as F only has a 3 month tourist visa so he has to leave the

    country and then he can re-enter for another 3 months. I was going to send him there alone but he

    almost cried at the thought of it so Ill be going with him, sweating like a pig in the humidity

    (although its was 41 degrees and humid here in Perth today so its all the same really).

    Not long after that well be heading to Sydney for a few weeks and then finally back home to Paris

    in time for spring and the French Open.

    Ill leave you with a couple of photos of my hometown, Perth.
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    I was just reading Lonely Planets list of top 10 countries that didnt exist 20 years ago and was

    thinking that the European countries mentioned are already some of my favourite places to visit in


    Czech RepublicIve been to Prague three times now and each time I fall in love with it just a little bit more. Its the

    kind of place where you feel like you have stepped back in timeand it completely matches my

    image of how a European city should be. If I could convince F that its a great place to live for a

    while (and if it wasnt so damn cold) then Id move there in a heartbeat. Last year I also had a quick

    look around Brno which is a nice little town where you can explore almost tourist free, unlike in the

    centre of Prague where youd be lucky to run into a local.

    I only made it to Bratislava for the first time last year and is one of the most laid back European

    capitals Ive ever been to. Its adorable old town, unique white castle, tasty local beer, and super

    friendly people made me want to stay much longer than the afternoon I did. Being able to visit a

    fantastic walking city without being trampled by tourists (hello Prague!) was a lot of fun and I loved

    every minute in Bratislava. Ill definitely return.

    My trip to Bosnia and Herzegovinawas the biggest failure of a trip Ive ever had. I spent almost 4

    hours on the bus from Dubrovnik to Mostar only to discover the only bus back that day was in 30

    minutes. So all I saw of Mostar was the main street heading in to the city, the bus station, and the

    main street heading out of the city. Yay! I did see enough to make me want to go back and these two

    posts convinced me Sarajevo would be one of the highlights of the Balkans. Even though my day

    trip didnt work out I was so happy to be somewhere so different from the rest of Europe.

    Unfortunately I only drove through Montenegro, spent the night in Ulcinj and then left for Albania

    first thing in the morning. From what I saw of Kotor, through the bus window, it looked beautiful,

    as does Budva. There are a few other places in Montenegro I am dying to see, including everything

    listed here. This is another country I felt right at home in even though I only stayed for a matter of

    hours. Weird.

    Its a shame I only got to visit Prizren and not the rest of Kosovo because I hear there is much to see

    in the rest of the country but Prizren was a great introduction to Europes newest country. Even

    though its small its a lively city and all the cafes and restaurants were full to capacity for the entire

    time I was there. The food was delicious, the people were so friendly I made about 5 friends in the 4

    hours I was there, and it was ridiculously cheap. I

  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    The other day I was calculating how many countries in Europe I have visited and was disappointed

    to see its only 25. After more than 8 years living in Europe there is still so much to see.

    One of my travel goals is to visit every country in Europe at least once. There is no real reason for

    the goal, just that I think itll be fun to visit so many different places, to get a better understanding

    of the various cultures, and of course to try all the unique cuisinesI dont think Ill reach that goal this year but the plan is to achieve it by 2012. Having the goal in

    writing should be enough to push myself to reach the more distant places I have yet to visit. Ill

    update this post as I visit each new country so I can cross them off my list

    There are 47 countries I plan to visit. Yes, there might be a few other countries which are

    technically considered as being in Europe but this is the list Im going with:



    Austria Belarus


    Bosnia and Herzegovina




    Czech Republic



    Finland France









    Liechtenstein Lithuania











  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff



    San Marino









    United Kingdom

    Vatican City
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    Everyones talking about the snow in Europe and the chaos its causing travellers. As a gesture to

    help those stuck in the snow,Lonely Planet is offering 13 of their City Guides for free. Download

    the iPhone apps in the next 48 hours and it wont cost you a cent.

    The free guides are available for the following cities:










    St Petersburg


    Vienna Warsaw

    Ive got a number of these guides and they cover all the basic tourist information you need to get

    you started in a new destination. Things to do, how to get around, maps, neighbourhoods, and a bit

    of history on the city is all included. Download them now while you can.
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    As the end of year approaches, I thought Id do a quick roundup of my most popular blog posts of

    2010 by page views. My favourites are the Paris park series I did back in spring when the tulips and

    iris were in full bloom as well as the posts from my Balkans tour at the end of summer. Let me

    know your favourites

    New Years inAmsterdam Based on the number of views this post got, Im guessing Amsterdamis a very popular destination choice for New Years Eve. I love Amsterdam but I think the amateur

    fireworks going off everywhere was a bit much for me.

    I tried to get to as many of Paris parks as possible last spring so I could snap photos of the

    incredible flower displays. The Jardin du Luxembourg is one of the most popular parks in Paris and

    I think spring is the best time of the year to visit. If you love irises, peonies, or roses then I

    recommend the Parc de Bagatelle which is located right in the middle of the Bois de Boulogne on

    the western side of the city. Popular with locals living in the lower 16th arrondissement of Paris

    (like me), the Jardin des Serres dAuteuilis a great park if you want to get away from the hordes of

    tourists in the centre of the city.

    Vegemite in Paris a very important post for Aussies living in or visiting Paris

    I loved visiting the Balkans in September this year. There is so much to see in the region. I cant

    wait to go back next summer. I started by visiting Croatia, which was amazing. I dont know what

    took me so long to get there. Bol on the island of Brac was one of the highlights of the trip. We then

    headed to Albania and Kosovo (where my husband is from) where we enjoyed visiting Tirana

    (maybe enjoyed is the wrong word) and Prizren.

    Before leaving the cold European winter for sunny Australia, I did a quick trip around Central

    Europe. Vienna is one of my favourite cities in the world so it was great to be back there and an

    afternoon in cute Bratislava was relaxing and fun. We briefly visited Poland and Berlin before

    heading back to Paris and then Perth where I am now.
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    If you are reading this in a reader, please head over to my site Destination Europe and let me know

    what you think of my new theme. Its still a work in progress (definitely need a new header) but I

    think its much better than the old theme. Comments and constructive criticism appreciated!

    Ive decided to make Destination Europe all about travel and living as an expat and not so much my

    personal blog. So all my movie review posts will now be over atWorld Movie Reviews (this blog is

    just an excuse for me to watch more movies). All my food and cooking related posts will be over at

    Bites of Pleasure (this blog is just an excuse for me to eat more food). All my fitness related postsare already over at my Fitness Blog (this blog was meant to be motivation for me to exercise more

    but that didnt work).

    As for any personal or off-topic stuff, I will no longer be posting that kind of thing. Not that I

    posted much personal stuff anyway but Im going to keep it all business around here from now on
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    Just got back from seeing the Courtney Love / Hole concert here in Paris. Surprisingly, it was great

    and Im glad I postponed my holiday so I could go. I had a spare ticket which I tried giving away

    but it seems everyone I know hates Hole and Ms Love. In the end I sold it to a scalper for 10 euros,

    making a 35 euro loss. I guess I shouldnt give up my day job.

    It was more or less a best-of Hole with a couple of covers thrown including a cover ofPearl Jams

    Jeremy. She said that Kurt had always claimed to hate them and that song but when she was 8

    months pregnant she was listening to it and he admitted he loved the song. Who knows

    The venue, the Bataclan, was great. Small, intimate, and a great sound but omg, it was bloody hot.

    Like 50 degrees, can barely breath hot. Reminded me of one time at the Zenith when I just about

    died from the heat.

    I recorded most of the songs but being the super intelligent person that I am, I accidently deleted

    most of them and those that I didnt were partially corrupted. FML
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    If you live in Paris or Nice, Air Berlin have a special on for today and tomorrow where you can

    book flights for 29 only, no extra fees. Flights are to Berlin,Dusseldorf, andViennaand you must

    fly between October and December. These are bargain flights, not to be missed if you want to go

    away later in the year. They had this same special on a couple of months ago and I booked flights to

    Vienna and Berlin.

    Vueling have some fairly cheap flights available now too. Fly to Rome or various Spanish cities

    from 40 all inclusive.
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    Ive been a fan of Rolf Potts since I watched a videowhere he discusses vagabonding and long term

    travel. Ive downloaded his book, Vagabonding, onto my Kindle and am looking forward to reading

    that while lying on a beach in Dubrovniklater this week.

    Rolfs latest adventure is the No Baggage Challenge. He is going to travel around the world in 6

    weeks, without a single piece of luggage. Hell be carrying a few toiletries and a change of clothes

    in the pockets of his jacket and cargo pants. I suppose the idea is that without any luggage, he can

    just focus on the travel experience and not anything else. I think its a fun idea and wish I was gameenough to do it.

    I think hes in Paris now so itll be interesting to see what he does here on his quick visit.
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    Ive resisted usingTwittersimply because I dont need another distraction in my life. However, it

    might be a nice way to connect with new people and catch up with old friends, so if you want to

    follow me, my twitter ID is destinationeu. If you follow me, let me know and Ill follow you right

  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    I cant wait for Holes upcoming concert at Le Bataclan in Paris. Their concert in May was

    cancelled so theyll now be playing on the 25th August. Ive never been to the Bataclan before but it

    looks like an interesting, smaller venue near Oberkampf in the east of Paris. This will be my first

    time seeing Hole and more than anything Ill be interested in seeing what Courtney Love wears!

    Ive been following her blog, What Courtney Wore Today, and she is seriously into fashion!

    Ive been listening to Holes new CD, Nobodys Daughter, over the last few weeks and I cant say

    Im really loving it. Not like Live Through This which was one of my favourite CDs at the time itcame out. Im sure theyll play all my favourite songs anyway so it should be a good night.
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    I was soooo happy to find out a few months ago that Soundgarden have reunited after breaking up

    around 12 years ago. They were my favourite, favourite, favourite band of the 90s and I had the

    biggest crush on Chris Cornell, haha.

    I think theyve played one or two small shows since they reunited but their big comeback date is

    this Sunday at Lollapalooza in the US. I saw Soundgarden play in Perth many years ago and would

    so love to see them again. If they tour in Europe Ive already decided Im going to follow them

    around like a true stalker groupie chick.

    Not sure if Chris Cornell is still living in Paris but I know he was for a while where is also has/had a

    bar/restaurant/nightclub called Black Calvados. He also played a solo concert herea couple of years

    ago which I sadly missed. Hopefully Ill get another chance to see him soon.
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    Im always on the lookout for a new place to live. Paris is great but Id love to live somewhere else

    for a while. Its something F and I discuss on a regular basis but we have yet to agree on our next

    destination. So it was interesting to read about 2010s most livable cities as rated perMonocle

    magazine. Its a kind of quality of life ranking more so than the typical standard of living rating you

    see published each year. It covers things like entertainment, restaurants, green space, and a few

    other things.

    The list for 2010:

    1. Munich

    2. Copenhagen

    3. Zurich

    4. Tokyo

    5. Helsinki

    6. Stockholm

    7. Paris

    8. Vienna

    9. Melbourne















    Ive visited 16 of those cities and a number are on my shortlist of where I might like to live next.

    Munich, Vienna, Madrid, Berlin, Sydney, Barcelona, and Lisbon are all possibilities although I have

    yet to visit Lisbon so am not too sure about that one.

    Sydney is out for now but Im sure Ill live there one day. Barcelona is probably out because I find

    it to be quite seedy in places and I witnessed a couple of crimes last time I was there which turned

    me off a bit. Other cities Im considering are Prague, Budapest, Seville, Rome, Split, and possibly

    even somewhere in Albania.

    Originally my plan was to spend a year in each of these cities but somehow I got distracted by little

    Paris. I just cant seem to drag myself away from here at the moment.
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    Many of my friends and family back in Australia comment on how lucky I am to be living France

    and travelling around Europe. They often say how they would love to live the life I do but couldnt

    possibly. Their reasons vary but none of them really make sense. There are no excuses. If you really

    want to live a vagabonding lifestyle or become an expat, you can.

    Here are the 7 most common excuses for not becoming an expat according to Escape From America


    1) I couldnt possibly relocate at the moment because I have school-age children,

    and I wouldnt want to upset their educational progress.

    There are thousands of international schools spanning every continent and almost every

    single nation in the world whats more, if you commit to a permanent move abroad

    your child could well settle in to a local educational establishment. You may even

    discover that they thrive in a new nation and through the medium of a new language.

    2) Id love to retire abroad but I have a medical condition that restricts me.

    Remember that there are doctors, hospitals, clinics and drug stores abroad! Whatsmore, healthcare and dentistry overseas can be anywhere up to 75% cheaper than in the

    US for the same or even higher standards of care and medicine!

    3) Im not ready to retire, I still need to earn an income so I couldnt possibly


    According to a well-respected international survey of expatriates conducted by HSBC, a

    leading bank of the world, expatriate professionals earn on average 25% more than their

    peers back home.

    4) Id love to move but Id miss my family too much.

    Think about the fact that the technologically advanced age we live in means that you

    can speak to people all over the world for free thanks to the likes of Skype.

    You can bet your bottom dollar that they will come and visit and stay for prolonged

    periods of time and embrace the life youve steeped yourself in very willingly. So,

    youll be able to enjoy quality time with them very single year rather than you all taking

    each other for granted when you see each other every day as you currently do!

    5) I couldnt do what youve done, Id just be so lonely.

    I have never had more friends in my life than since I have become an expat. Expats

    stick together, and expatriate friendships forged from a common place of excitement

    and adventure tinged with some trepidation are firm and lasting surviving distances of

    thousands of miles when one or other in the friendship group relocates somewhere else!

    So, no matter how many friends you think you have now, I can guarantee you will make

    more friends, and in some instances much better friends, once you move abroad.

    6) Im a patriot so I couldnt become an expatriate Id be turning my back on

    my country.

    Just because you love everything about your current country, if you still want to expand

    your horizons and see more of the world, why shouldnt you move abroad? Not living
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    in a country doesnt mean you have turned your back on it. Hell, Americans still have

    to pay tax back to the good old US of A when they expatriate anyway, and how much

    more love can you show your country than contributing to its tax coffers!

    7) I have too many ties that I just cant sever so I cant move abroad.

    This is the underlying restriction that really limits every single person, no matter whichexcuse they choose to voice about why they couldnt possibly move abroad. The ties

    that bind us are an illusion you are not physically tied to any one object, commitment

    or person, (unless youre kinky), but if you choose to think of yourself as being

    restricted in life by your life, that is exactly what you will be. You will be restricted in

    your choices, your opportunities, your happiness and your chances in lifeand the only

    person placing those restrictions on you is you.

    Im sure there are plenty of other reasons people come up with for not following their dreams of

    moving abroad. Take action or stop complaining about your miserable lives, one or the other.

    Some videos of my favourite Pearl Jam songs. Im still crazy happy after havingseen them live
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    I never ever, ever imagined I would see Pavement play live, especially not in Paris. Last nights

    performance at the Zenith was brilliant! I think this is just a one off tour for them but fingers

    crossed Ill see them again one day.

    I filmed a few of their songs using my crappy camera which turned out, well, crappy, but Ive

    posted them here anyway. Stereo, Range Life, Unfair, and Cut Your Hair:
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    One of my favourite books in recent years is The Four Hour Work Weekby Tim Ferriss. He talks

    about simplifying your life and focusing more on living rather working. So instead of working hard

    your whole life until retirement and then being free to do what youve always wanted, he advocates

    doing what youve always wanted right now because who knows, you might not even be around or

    capable of doing things like travelling later in life.

    This is one of the most motivational books Ive ever read and it made me move towards living my

    dream instead of just dreaming. A big part of what Tim talks about is travelling. But not just goingon holiday for a week or two but spending months or even years exploring a region as well as living

    as an expat to really learn about a country and its culture instead of just seeing the main touristy

    sites everyone else sees.

    Living in Europe is my dream and I love being in Paris and being able to visit another European

    country with just a couple of hours of travel. Ive loved doing this for the last few years but I want

    more now. I want to get off the beaten path and explore more unusual places. I want to go

    backpacking around the Middle East. I want to spend a few months in Buenos Aires learning

    Spanish. I want to visit the Galapagos Islands. I want to spend a few weeks on safari in Africa.

    There are so many places to see and things to do.

    Of course the problem with just packing up and going is money. But I work from home anyway so

    all I need is my computer and internet access and I can still earn my living. The thing is, I want to

    have a home to come back to. I cant keep paying rent here and pay all my travel expenses too. The

    only solution I can see is to buy an apartment somewhere in Europe, for cash, which I can use as a

    base and where I can leave all my stuff. No rent or mortgage to pay will give me the freedom to

    travel for months at a time and live more of a vagabond lifestyle. I just have to figure out how and

    where I can buy something with the little cash I have.

    Ive been thinking a lot about all of this in recent months and today Iwatched this video by Rolf

    Potts in which he discusses his lifestyle, which is exactly how I would like to live. I definitely

    recommend watching it if you want a little inspiration.
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    Last month Ferbent and I celebrated the 10 year anniversary of our first meeting but today is the

    anniversary of our first proper date. Well, if you count going to the pub and drinking a few beers

    (which I havent drunk since, lol) a proper date. Any excuse to celebrate really!

    Champagne, chocolates, and red roses Perfect for celebrating!
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    Even though my bread machine cant seem to cook anything without blowing a fuse, I am still able

    to make dough. This was my first attempt at pizza using the bread maker.

    I didnt have any mozzarella so had to substitute French Brie but hey, it worked out ok.
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    If anyone is a bit partial to crappy American TV shows, as I am, then you might be interested to

    know that season 7 ofProject Runway started 3 weeks ago.

    The new season ofThe Amazing Race will be starting on February 14 andANTM on March 3.

    I would fail at procrastinating if it wasnt for these shows.

    In related news, Desperate Housewives, Law and Order, and Law and Order SVU all seem to be on

    a break
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    Today is the 10 year anniversary of when F and I first met. I never imagined that on a weekend trip

    to London I would meet an Albanian refugee and have un coup de foudre! Stranger things havehappened I suppose.

    We celebrated today by enjoying Pierre Marcolini chocolates

    I also cant believe that its been just over 10 years since I first moved to Paris. Time flies when

    youre having fun!
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    I do think New Years resolutions are kinda pointless because obviously you want to be working

    towards your goals all year round, not just starting January 1st. Having said that, there are a number

    of things Im working on and plan to achieve sooner rather than later. Heres a few of them:

    Work less. For the last few years Ive worked 6 days a week, usually only taking Fridays off work.

    My basic routine has been to get out of bed, turn on the computer, work until 4 or 5pm, go the gym,

    have dinner, work until I go to bed. Not exactly a balanced lifestyle. What I would like is to take 2

    days off per week and not work in the evenings. Not much chance of achieving this to be honest

    Travel more. More than anything, I love to travel. 2009 was a fairly quiet and disappointing year

    for me as far as travel was concerned, visiting the following places:





    London Aix-en-Provence



    Monte Carlo



    Travel plans for 2010:














    Get to know my quartierbetter. I hardly ever go to my local boucherie orfromagerie or sit in thelocal cafes. I want that to change. There a many cafes and restaurants in the area and I want to try

    them all.

    Get to know Paris better. I have spent many, many hours walking aimlessly around Paris but there

    is still so much I havent seen.

    Visit more museums. Museums are free on the first Sunday of every month so its about time I

    took advantage of that.

    Eat out more often. I know there are loads of great restaurants in Paris, its just that Ive hadtrouble finding them. The plan is to eat out at least once per week, trying a different resto each time.

    Focus. Making a living with internet marketing can be tough. The industry is very volatile meaning
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    my income has been up and down like crazy over the last year or so. Ive tried just about everything

    to make money online with some successes and even more failures. I think its about time I

    specialised in 1 or 2 areas and stop trying so many different things.

    Buy a car. I desperately want to buy aFiat 500. 2010 will be the end of the metro for me

    Get out of this apartment. I dont want to rent in Paris anymore so I want to either buy my own

    apartment here or leave France altogether and live somewhere cheaper.
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    December is a really quiet month for me, work wise. Im actually kind of lost without any work to

    do Ive seen seen 3 movies this week already and read 2 books but now I dont know

    what to do.

    I would have gone away earlier but F had a few dentist appointments so we couldnt go anywhere. I

    do have one last trip planned before the end of the year though. Three days in Brussels, startingBoxing Day and then 4 days in Amsterdam for the New Year. Ive been to both a couple of times

    before but that was 7 or 8 years ago. Will be interesting to see how they have changed, if at all.

    I dont have anything booked after Amsterdam so I might travel around the Netherlands a bit,

    maybe to Maastricht and somewhere else. Well see

    Hope everyone has a great New Year!
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    Since writing this stupid brilliant post on how to kill yourself, Ive been getting around 20 visitors

    per day looking for a quick way to put an end to things.

    So Id just like to say a quick hello to all my suicidal visitors! Hope you enjoy my blog!
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    My 6 week working holiday in Australia is long over and since being back in Europe Ive made

    short trips to Aix en Provence and Frankfurt. Next week Im heading toAntibes for a week by the

    beach which for me means a quick swim in the morning followed by hours of exploring the

    surrounding towns. No coming back to Paris burnt like a crisp for me.

    I have a number of half written posts which will be completed and posted sometime this year so

    stay tuned!
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    Step 1:

    Place a ceramic casserole dish on your vitro-ceramic hotplate.

    Step 2:

    Turn the heat on high.

    Step 3:

    Wait for the casserole dish to explode and a deadly shard of ceramic to slice through a major artery.Bonus Tip:

    If by pure dumb luck you are still alive, be sure to avoid jamming your finger in the cupboard door

    while trying to get a band aid.
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    A few days ago I transferred my blogger site to its own domain, hosted on a shared Aussie host. I

    host a number of sites with them and they have one of the best reputations for hosting but today I

    was not so happy.

    The server has been crashing over the last few days and apparently its all due to my post on photos

    of Paris. It seems everybody loves Paris and the page got over 7,000 visitors and 12,000 page views

    yesterday. Thanks Stumbleupon!

    So my wonderful host decided to suspend the site without any warning or notice whatsoever. I only

    found out when I went to submit a new post. I believe they could have just throttled the bandwidth

    but to suspend it was going a bit far I think, but it was really the lack of notice that bothered me

    more that anything.

    After being down for most of the day they decided to give me back my site and apologised for not

    contacting me about what was going on.

    Ive now installed WP Super Cache which should prevent any problems in the future. Fingers

  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    Ive had the domain name Destination Europe for quite some time so Ive finally decided to put it to

    good use and have transferred my blogger blog to my own domain.

    Ive still got to add a blogroll, fix the categories, and create a header image. Not sure what to do

    with the header. I could put some of my travel photos up but Im not much of a photographer. Well

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    I stopped by WH Smith yesterday to stock up on a few English language books and magazines. I

    know its expensive but I cant resist.

    I also did do a bit of reading while I was there and came across a book on cancer fighting foods.

    While these kind of books normally annoy me and most of the foods mentioned are already well

    known for their health benefits, I did think it was worth noting the top cancer fighting foods, at least

    as a reminder.

    broccoli and the entire brassica family

    orange vegetables which contain carotenoids such as carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato,

    beetroot etc

    tomatoes for lycopene especially important to reduce the risk of prostrate cancer

    berries such as strawberries and raspberries important to get organic berries not only to

    avoid toxins but they taste so much better

    pomegranates something I only recently tried for the first time



    herbs and spices chocolate the 70% cocoa variety not the high sugar variety

    Then of course there are two very important drinks:

    green tea

    red wine


    vitamin D extremely important in fighting cancer

    selenium which is found naturally in organic vegetables but not in conventionally grown


    omega 3 I get my daily dose by taking supplements probiotics can apparently reduce the risk of colon cancer

    Foods which didnt get a mention:





    Whats up with that?
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    I dont recall why I stopped buying my vitamins online but after seeing the high prices and lack of

    choice here in Paris, not to mention certain communication problems, Ive gone back to buying in

    bulk online.

    As an example of the price difference, I paid around 3 euros in my local pharmacy for 30 folic acid

    tablets. At Healthy Direct, you get 360 tablets for 6 euros! Same kind of thing for multi vitamins

    where online you can get 360 tablets for 18 euros or so. Bargain!

    I got some other stuff too which I know you cant get here so I cant wait for everything to arrive.
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    For some reason its difficult to buy vitamins here in France. You can get them from parapharmacies

    or pharmacies (no I dont know what the difference is) but you dont get a whole lot of choice and

    theyre super expensive. I used to buy my vitamins in bulk from the UK but the last couple of times

    I have bought them here.

    I was looking for folic acid and the regular place I go to had sold out so the guy sent me next door

    to the pharmacy. This is how the conversation went (translated into English because I do speak

    French, ya know):

    Me: Hello, Im looking for some folic acid.

    Stupid Pharmacist: Yes.

    Me: Um, do you have any?

    Stupid Pharmacist: Yes.

    Me: Well Id like to buy some.

    Stupid Pharmacist: Oh, ok. What do you want it for?

    Me: Um, to take once a day???

    Stupid Pharmacist: Have you taken it before?

    Me: Yes, for years.

    Stupid Pharmacist: We have 400mcg and 500mcg but I cant advise you on which is best becauseyou havent told me why you want it.

    Me: Grrr.

    Me: It significantly reduces the risk of having a child with birth defects.

    Stupid Pharmacist: Cest vrai?

    Me: Grrr

    Me: Also, some studies have shown that it can reduce the risk of certain diseases such as

    Alzheimers and Parkinsons.

    Stupid Pharmacist: ???

    As I leave with my tiny box of tablets I hear her asking the other pharmacist:

    Stupid Pharmacist: Why would someone take folic acid?Pharmacist with a Brain: It reduces the risk of having a child with birth defects.

    Stupid Pharmacist: Cest vrai?
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    I wasnt really that interested in Facebookwhen I first stumbled upon it but now Im kinda hooked.

    Im back in contact with friends I havent seen in over 15 years which is pretty amazing, I think.

    Im now chatting with people I havent seen since primary school! Its kinda weird but fun.

    Its also a great way to meet new people. Ive met a couple of Aussies who are also living in Paris, a

    Moroccan guy who lives just down the road who I met through the Neighbourhood application and

    a French guy who is now my gym buddy.

    Add me as a friend if you like and we can chat.
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    Im not really interested in the European tradition of taking one month off a year to go sit on the

    beach somewhere. For starters, I cant take one month off from work. I work for myself and my

    marketing campaigns need fairly constant monitoring. I can take a few days off or even a week but

    a month is out of the question.

    Secondly, I cant think of anything worse than sitting on a beach or visiting just one place for a

    month. How boring! I like to visit cities where I can walk around the old streets, visiting cafes and

    little shops, learning about the history of the city and the people. Thats my idea of a holiday andthats why I like to live in Europe.

    Three or 4 days is generally enough to visit one city although a week is better for great cities like

    Rome or Sydney and a lifetime is possibly not enough for the best city of them all - Paris. So over

    the next couple of months I have booked a few short city trips. I took advantage of the discount

    tickets on offer on the new TGV Est and have tickets for:




    Then Im supposed to be going back to Australia for a visit but I havent booked that as I reallydont want to go. My parents have offered me their frequent flyer points to book the trip so its not

    going to cost me anything so I cant use lack of funds as a reason not to go. I suppose if I got a job I

    wouldnt be able to take time off. Do I really want to take that drastic action?
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    I know I havent posted for ages. Nothing has been going particularly well here in France; more

    bureaucratic problems as usual plus Ive been super busy with work. Ive been adding a lot of

    content to my sites in preparation for Christmas so will hopefully have a few more sales than usual

    this month.

    I think in January Ill be able to relax a bit more and start exploring Paris again.

    So, what are Evian, Badoit, and Vichy famous for?The reason I ask is because someone found my site by entering that into Google and it made me

    laugh out loud. In fact, Im still sniggering. Maybe its not funny at all and Im just in a strange

    mood. In that persons defence I suppose if youve never been to France you wouldnt know the

    answer. Then again, who has never heard of Evian, at least?

    Of course the answer is. mineral water.

    No doubt the next person visitingAussie in France will be happy to find a quick answer to that

  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    The Juanes concert is on tonight and I cant wait. I havent been to a concert in years, which is

    further proof that Im getting old. The only problem I foresee is that the place is going to be full of

    screaming girls. Ill have to control myself so I dont become one of them!

    I get to pick up my new digital camera today, yay! The postman came with it yesterday during the 5

    minutes when I left the house typical. Now Ill have to queue at the post office to get it.

    The less exciting thing I have to do today is wash my clothes. Its driving me crazy not having awashing machine. Im going to have to lug 3 loads of washing to the local laundromat in 37 degree

    heat. Really looking forward to that. That probably explains why Im writing useless posts on my

    blog anything to get out of doing the washing!
  • 8/7/2019 Destination Europe - Other Stuff


    I hired a car last weekend for my trip to the French Grand Prix and was surprised at just how fuel

    efficient it was. The car was a Renault Clio Diesel and I did almost 700 kilometres on a little over

    half a tank. I think I used something like 33 litres which cost me exactly 40 euros. I guess I dont

    really know that that is fuel efficient but when I moved house the petrol for the van cost me twice

    that. Yeah I know you cant compare a van full of furniture and a little diesel Renault but I was

    pleasantly surprised that I didnt have to break the bank to do a little touring around the country.

    Now I know when I go on holiday in August I wont have to worry too much about how much Imgoing to spend on petrol.

    I do keep in mind my fuel consumption when driving and try to following these fuel efficient

    driving tip

    Ferbents cousin Shyqo died yesterday after a 3 year battle with cancer. He was only 36 years old

    and leaves behind his wife and 2 young children. Ferbent was very close to him and is

    understandably very upset. He died in hospital in Greece and the funeral will be today at 3pm. I

    dont know how they managed to arrange everything so quickly and why the did it so quickly

    (tradition orreligion, Im not sure which) but it was too quick for Ferbent. He really wanted to go to

    the funeral but it was impossible to get a flight on such short notice. He was going to go anywayand arrive after the funeral but now has decided against it. We will probably go to Albania in a

    couple of months to visit his relatives instead. He was a really nice guy, he will be missed.