Page 1: Dependency theory or dependencia theory is a body of social science theories predicated on the notion that resources flow from a "periphery" of poor and

Dependency theory or dependencia theory is  a  body  of social  science theories predicated  on  the  notion  that resources flow from a "periphery" of poor  and  underdeveloped  states  to a "core" of wealthy states, enriching the  latter  at  the  expense  of  the former.  It  is  a  central  contention of dependency theory that poor states are  impoverished  and  rich  ones enriched by the way poor states are integrated into the "world system."

Dependency Theory developed in the late 1950s under the guidance of the Director of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America, Raul Prebisch.

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The  theory  arose  around  1970  as  a  reaction to modernisation  theory,  an  earlier theory  of development which  held  that  all  societies progress  through  similar  stages  of development,  that  today's  underdeveloped areas  are  thus  in  a  similar  situation  to  that  of today's  developed  areas  at  some  time  in  the past, and that therefore the task in helping the underdeveloped  areas  out  of  poverty  is  to accelerate  them  along  this  supposed  common path of development, by various means such as investment, technology transfers, and closer

Dependency theory was originally proposed by Sandra Ball-Rokeach and Melvin DeFleur (1976). 

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integration into the world market. Dependency theory  rejected  this  view,  arguing  that underdeveloped  countries  are  not  merely primitive versions of developed countries, but have  unique  features  and structures of  their own;  and,  importantly,  are  in  the  situation of being the weaker members  in a world market economy,  whereas  the  developed  nations were  never  in  an  analogous  position;  they never had to exist in relation to a bloc of more powerful and economically advanced countries than  themselves.  Dependency  theorists argued,  in  opposition  to free market economists  and  modernization theorists,  that  underdeveloped  countries needed  to  reduce  their  connectedness  with the  world  market  so  that  they  can  pursue  a path  more  in  keeping  with  their  own  needs, less dictated by external pressures

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Most dependency theorists regard international capitalism as the motive force behind dependency relationships. Andre Gunder Frank, one of the earliest dependency theorists, is quite clear on this point:

...historical research demonstrates that contemporary underdevelopment is in large part the historical product of past and continuing eonomic and other relations between the satellite underdeveloped and the now developed metropolitan countries. Furthermore, these relations are an essential part of the capitalist system on a world scale as a whole.

 (Berlin, February 24, 1929 – Luxembourg, April 23, 2005) was a German-American economic historian and sociologist who promoted "dependency theory" after 1970 and "World Systems Theory" after 1984.

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Dept trap

It's when financing is provided (usually for relief or foreign aid) to bring people out of poverty but, inevitable are trapped from conditions pertaining to the loan agreement.

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How to avoid debt-trap? 

Little By LittleThe least painful way to plan for the holiday is to put a little bit aside each month all year round. Get your bank to set up a 

standing instruction that puts 10 to 20 percent of your salary into a saving account. One it’s safe in another account, the temptation 

to spend it will be less

Limit Your PlasticCredit cards can be extremely useful for managing short-term debts as you are able to borrow money interest-free for some weeks – as long as you pay before the due date! However, it’s very easy to overspend when the shops are so nicely decorated and everyone is excited about the upcoming holiday. Remind  

total expenses each time whip out your card – or leave it at home and pay with a debit card!

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Know your needs from your want

Festive spending often includes buying new sofas, carpets, and curtains. While any shops offer discounts on furnishing just before the holiday, borrowing money to buy items that don’t need to be changed adds to 

your financial burden – so think twice!

offers of zero percent installments where you pay small amounts like USD 10 a month don’t look to bad. But if you have three or four of those to pay off every month it adds up to a big chunk of your income. Keep a list of estimated expenses against your salary to see what you 

can afford.

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Count Long-term CostsPersonal loans may seem like a good answer – however; do consider that some banks charge three percent a month. As credit cards charge 18 percent per annum, this is double the rate credit card companies charge. When calculating how much your loan costs, don’t look at the amount your pay off each month, instead look at how it adds up over time.

In the preface of The Theory of Money and Credit, Ludwig von Mises wrote: "No very deep knowledge of economics is usually needed for grasping the immediate effects of a measure; but the task of economics is to foretell the remoter effects, and so to allow us to avoid such acts as attempts to remedy a present ill by sowing the seeds of a much greater ill for the future.

Page 9: Dependency theory or dependencia theory is a body of social science theories predicated on the notion that resources flow from a "periphery" of poor and

Migration, Migratory behavior, or Migratory may refer to:

- the movement of persons from one country or locality to another






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a movement of atoms, ions, or molecules, such as the motion

of ions in solution under the influence of electric fields

The movement of ions between electrodes

during electrolysis.

mi·gra·tion  (m -gr sh n)n.1. The act or an instance of migrating.2. A group migrating together.3. Chemistry & Physicsa. The movement of one atom or more from one position to another within a molecule.b. The movement of ions between electrodes during electrolysis.

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Migration theoryThe migration theory is the belief that during the ice age people from the areas of mongolia, china, russia, etc...migrated to the northeast and traveled over the land bridge of the Bering Strait (the land bridge being exposed because the water levels had dropped due to a ton of water being frozen) and proceeded to migrate down into Canada and further south into North America, Mexico and then to South America. They did all of this in search of a warmer climate and new food sources, and that is a theory on how the Native Americans, Aztecs, Incans, Mayans, Olmecs, etc...all came to be in the North and South America's.

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People  move  for  different  reasons.  These  differences  affect  the  overall  migration process. The conditions under which a migrant enters a receiver population can have broad implications for all parties involved. The expression migration experience refers to  the  fact  that  different  causes  for  migration  will  produce  different  outcomes observable from a sociological perspective. For example, a person who moves within a nation  will  not  have  the  same migration  experience  as  a  political  refugee.  In most cases, refugees need special services from the receiver population such as emergency shelter,  food, and  legal aid. The psychological  trauma of fleeing  their homeland and leaving family members behind can also complicate refugees' adjustment to their new environment.  Considering  that  a migrant  can  be  a  slave,  refugee,  or  job-seeker,  or have  some other  reason  for moving,  no  single  theory  can provide  a  comprehensive explanation  for  the  migration  process.


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Although  a  comprehensive  theory  is  unattainable,  it  remains  a crucial  task  of  demographers  to  explain  why  people  migrate. Theories  of migration  are  important  because  they  can  help  us understand  population  movements  within  their  wider  political and economic contexts. For example, if outmigration from Third World  nations  is  shown  to  be  a  result  of  economic  problems caused  by  the  global  economy,  then  such  migration  could  be managed  with  better  international  economic  agreements instead  of  restrictive  immigration  acts.  Indeed,  rather  than slowing Mexican  in-migration to  the United States,  termination of  the bracero program actually  increased the amount of  illegal immigration  because  it  exacerbated  Mexican  poverty.

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Culture of PovertyThe culture of poverty concept was developed in the USA during the 1960s primarily through the best-selling ethnographic realist publications of the cultural anthropologist Oscar Lewis

 (born Lefkowitz, December 25, 1914, New York City- died December 16, 1970) was an American anthropologist who is best known for his vivid depictions of the lives of slum dwellers and for postulating that there was a cross-generational culture of poverty among poor people that transcended national boundaries.

The culture of poverty concept is a social theory explaining the cycle of poverty. Based on the concept that the poor have a unique value system, the culture of poverty theory suggests the poor remain in poverty because of their adaptations to the burdens of poverty.

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In order to survive the poor have to develop their own institutions and agencies because the larger society tends to ignore and bypass them. Thus the poor come to embody a common set of   values, norms and pattern of behavior, which is different from the general culture as such. 

In short the poor have a way of life - a specific subculture. Lewis found 70 traits that underlay this subculture. He classified these traits into four types: 

1) Relationships between the subculture and the larger society: People either disengage or maintain distance from the larger society. They do not belong to labor unions or political parties, go to banks or hospitals or enjoy leisure facilities of the city. They have a high mistrust of the dominant institutions of society. 

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2) Nature of the slum community: The slum community is characterized by poor housing and overcrowding and a minimum of organizational structure beyond the space of family. These institutions grow up mainly to meet their minimum needs. The slum economy is inward looking. It is embedded in pawning of personal goods, informal credit and use of second hand goods. 

3) Nature of the family: bilateral kinship system, unstable marriage, multifocal family.

4) Attitudes, values and personality..

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Presented by: Mark Anthony P. Cezar , MIT
