Page 1: Delta Optimist June 1 2016 $1

The voice of Delta since 1922WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 2016

BARKING DOGS:Animal shelter has seen big increase in complaints this year, 6GAME ON:High school soccer championships begin Thursday in Tsawwassen, 19

JESSICA KERRjkerr@delta-opt imist .com

Delta police are looking forthe public’s help in finding aunique and extremely valuablepiece of art stolen in Ladner.

At around 10 p.m. Sunday,officers responded to a reportof a robbery on the street in the4700-block of 57th Street.

The victim suffered someminor injuries in the alterca-tion and was treated in hospitalbefore being released.

The thief took a multi-million-dollar golden eagle statue.

A/Sgt. Sarah Swallow said theinvestigation is still in the earlystages and police are workingwith the victims and witnesses toestablish exactly what happenedbefore releasing a description ofthe suspect, or any details aboutthe crime.

The statue, which was listedfor sale at $5 million, is a customhand-made, free-standing eaglemeasuring 26 centimetres by10 centimetres and made fromwhite and yellow gold.

The eagle’s head features 763pave-set diamonds, totaling53.66 carats, and the eyes aretwo bezel-set pear-shaped dia-monds totaling more than twocarats.

The eagle is standing atop

Joy’s Rock, which was sculptedout of yellow gold and featuresthe Atocha Star emerald, whichweighs close to 13 carats.

At a news conference Mondayafternoon, owner Ron Shore saidthe eagle was in transit Sundaynight after being displayed at ArtVancouver over the weekend.Shore was being accompaniedby security personnel when therobbery occurred.POLICE: see Page 3

Thief stealsmulti-milliondollar statue

Hair raising jump at May Days!


This cheerleader gets airborne during the annual Ladner Pioneer May Days parade Sunday after-noon. Seemore photos from the fair on Page 13 and at

Robbery takes place on 57th St. inLadner despite security personnel


This golden eagle statue,which features 763 pave-setdiamonds, was listed for saleat $5million.

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Page 2: Delta Optimist June 1 2016

A2 The Delta Optimist June 1, 2016


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Page 3: Delta Optimist June 1 2016


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CONTINUED from Page 1“I struggled as hard as

I could yet was unable toprevent the robbery,” hesaid.

Shore said he createdthe statue as part of hiscampaign, The UltimateTreasure Hunt, to raisemoney to help find a curefor breast cancer after thedeath of his sister-in-lawto the disease. He saidhe was inspired to dosomething more after hisbrother died from cancera year later and his ownnear-death experience. Hisgoal was to sell the statueto raise money for a seriesof benefit concerts.

Det. Brad Cooper said

the investigation is still inits infancy, and little infor-mation is being releasedat this time. However, hedid say there were a largenumber of witnesses to

the crime and investiga-tors have also been ableto obtain a substantialamount of video surveil-lance from the area wherethe robbery took place.

Delta police are askinganyone with any informa-tion about the wherea-bouts of the statue, or thecrime, to call 604-946-

4411. Anyone wishing toremain anonymous cancontact Crime Stoppers at1-800-222-8477 or

SANDOR GYARMATIsgyarmat i@delta-opt imist .com

Not so fast.Mayor Lois Jackson had

that to say last week fol-lowing a special meetingof regional mayors wherethey discussed proposalsto fund billions in transitimprovements.

Funding sources includetransit fare and propertytax increases, a develop-ment cost charge as well asroad pricing, which wereput forward by a separatecommittee, headed by themayors of Vancouver andSurrey and where Delta isnot a member.

The proposal is intend-ed to raise $5 billion over10 years, but according toJackson, the plan is thinon details, including anyindication there would beequity for poorly servedcommunities like Delta.

She also said there wasno detailed report, otherthan a last-minute on-table document, recom-mendations or real vote,noting she was told byVancouver Mayor GregorRobertson they hadalready approved the pro-

posals months earlier.“There was no mate-

rial, we had no report onthis. You have no idea howthey run their meetings. Iwould never allow a meet-ing in my municipalityto be run in that fashion.It was horrible,” Jacksoncomplained.

“I spoke to the DCCcharges, putting a thou-sand dollar DCC charge,which would be a Metroregional charge, on

residential units. I said,‘Why would I support yetanother charge on build-ing homes way out on thefringes like in Delta orLangley and South Surreywhen they won’t get anyadvantage for the moneythey’re paying?’ I askedhow it would even workand they didn’t really havean answer.”

The veteran mayor hadsimilar concerns aboutroad pricing, also called

mobility pricing, and howit could penalize thosewho can’t afford to live inVancouver and are forcedto drive to work from thesuburbs due to poor busservice. The money theywould pay would go tofund big ticket items inVancouver, like the UBCline, where residents enjoygood bus service, she said.

As far as a so-called“one-time” additionalcharge on property taxes,

Jackson fears “it’s the thinedge of the wedge.”

She added there was noinformation provided toexplain the pros and consof the various money rais-ing schemes.

“It was a political mess. Ireally wish these meetingswould be held out in theopen, in public, becauseyour hat would fly right off.They don’t want to havethem out in the open,”Jackson said.

Professor Robin Lindseyat the UBC Sauder Schoolof Business said propertytaxes are not a good wayto raise money for transitbecause it doesn’t have aconnection with usage.

“Someone could nevergo on the bus or rail buthas to pay for it, so that’snot so fair. One argumentin favour is that if a newline is built that improvesaccessibility, whether it’sresidents or commercialoperations, since theybenefit, perhaps theyshould contribute to thecosts. That policy has beenused in a number of U.Scities and some Canadiancities are thinking of it aswell,” he said.

Plandoesn’t flywithmayorJacksonhas concerns over proposal to raise $5 billion for transit initiatives


Statue owner Ron Shore gave a statement to themedia Monday afternoon.


Det. Brad Cooper shows a photo of the statue atMonday’s news conference.

Policehavevideo surveillance fromareaof robbery


Mayor Lois Jackson, shown here at Sunday’s Ladner Pioneer May Days parade, isconcerned about the inequities of the regional transit plan.

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June 1, 2016 The Delta Optimist A3

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Page 4: Delta Optimist June 1 2016

SANDOR GYARMATIsgyarmat i@delta-opt imist .com

Their innovation hasonce again been recog-nized.

That’s how AdamMillssums up how his fam-ily business, Four WindsBrewing Company, forthe second straight yearwon the coveted Beerof the Year award at theCanadian Brewing Awardsin Richmond last week-end.

The Delta-based brew-ery won top prize thisyear for its Nectarous dry-hopped sour ale.

“It is a unique beer tobrew in the sense that it’s avery new style,” said Mills.“There’s been a few exam-ples of this kind of style,

which is like an Americanstyle sour ale, or what peo-ple call a kettle sour.”

He said the differencebetween a kettle sour anda barrel-aged sour beeris the kettle sour is donequicker using differentingredients, including asouring agent found inyogurt, along with a dif-ferent technique and tem-perature.

“It’s a relatively newstyle of beer and we werekind of spearheadingthis style about two yearsago. We were one of thefirst ones to do it. I thinkbeing ahead of the curveand innovating this stylewas huge for us and wehad time to perfect it,” headded.

A Canadian Brewing

Award medal is said tobe widely recognized as asymbol of brewing excel-lence in Canada. A panelof approximately 40 certi-fied beer judges considersseveral criteria (aroma,appearance, flavour,mouth-feel and overallimpression) when judginga beer.

The latest award forFour Winds was amongseveral medals last week-end for the brewery, whichhas piled up an impres-sive list of awards sinceopening shop in Tilbury in2013.

The craft beer maker,run by Greg Mills alongwith sons Brent, Sean andAdam, has built quite areputation in a short timeas its products are stocked

in more restaurants andliquor stores.

“One of the best thingswe do is we are constantlypushing the boundariesand coming up with newand innovative styles andtakes on old styles… witha lot of our beers, we’repushing the boundaries alittle bit and trying be cre-ative and trying to comeup with something new allthe time,” AdamMills said.

The craft brewery on72nd Street has appliedto the province’s LiquorControl and LicensingBranch to convert its tast-ing room into a 30-seatbrewery lounge that willserve alcohol and food.The Corporation of Deltaalready gave its support forthe application.


A4 The Delta Optimist June 1, 2016

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Page 5: Delta Optimist June 1 2016

Looking at crime trendsfor May 17 to 23:

This past week sawrelatively low numbers ofoffences against people,including violent crime,with only one assault andone personal robbery.Property offences were at amoderate level, stable withnumbers from the previ-ous week.

Geographically thedepartment saw areas ofconcentration in NorthDelta, including AnnacisIsland and Scottsdale.

Year-to-date, the depart-ment has seen a 14 percent increase in offencesagainst people and a twoper cent increase in prop-erty crime.


There were six autothefts over the week, all inNorth Delta. Officers alsorecovered three vehiclesstolen outside Delta — twofrom Surrey and one fromLangley — all found inNorth Delta.


There were two busi-ness break and enters,one in Tilbury and one onScott Road, and there werethree residential break-ins— all in North Delta. Therewas also one break-in ata construction site in theScottsdale area of NorthDelta

VEHICLEB&ESThefts from auto were

at 16 for the week, up fromone the week before. Allareas of the communitywere hit, with the excep-tion of Tsawwassen, whichonly saw one. The inci-dents included two theftsof fuel, one in Ladner andone in Tilbury, where gaswas siphoned from thevehicles.


Personal offences wereminimal with just oneassault and one robberywhere two suspects, onearmed with a knife, stolethe victim’s phone.

Additionally, a pro-bation officer was heldhostage at knife point ata North Delta probationoffice by a woman witha lengthy violent mentalhealth history.

DPDWeekin Review


The last week saw hot spots of activity in the Annacisand Scottsdale areas of North Delta.

Violent crime was downwith only one assault.

Property crime remained at a moderate level.

Violent crimenumbers relatively lowbut upover last yearThe Delta Police Department is continually

tracking crimes in the community to identifytrends in types of criminal activity and theirlocations.This information can help officers target

enforcement where it’s needed most.

The department encourages residents toreport all crimes and suspicious activities.If you see anything occurring that

you believe to be suspicious, call 911 forin-progress crimes and emergencies, or 604-946-4411 for other assistance.

June 1, 2016 The Delta Optimist A5

please email us for further details

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Page 6: Delta Optimist June 1 2016

SANDOR GYARMATIsgyarmat i@delta-opt imist .com

In the TV comedySeinfeld, one hilarious epi-sode had Elaine, who wasat her wit’s end, resortingto kidnapping a neigh-bour’s barking dog andleaving it at a farm.

The ill-hatched planinvolving Newman andKramer backfired, obvi-ously, and was good for afew laughs.

However, in real life,there’s nothing funnyabout having to put upwith a dog barking non-stop thanks to an incon-siderate or unaware neigh-bour.

Delta CommunityAnimal Shelter managerSarah Jones said they’veseen a big increase inbarking dog complaintswith over 90 so far thisyear, including four callsin one day last week. Jonessaid it seems directly cor-related to the early onsetof nice weather and peo-ple leaving their dogs out-side when they go to workor are out for the day.

“They are doing it ina kind hearted manneras they think their dog is

happier outside but whatthey are not realizing isthat their dog is actuallybored away from theirusual routine, toys, beds,water bowl, etcetera insidethe den (the home) and isacting out to get attentionand entertain themselves.

“This behaviour of fill-ing the time and barkingat passersby, squirrels,unusual sounds and otherdogs has a negative effecton not just the neighbour-hood, that is forced to lis-ten, but on the dog’s over-all behaviour and anxiety,”Jones said.

She said most peopledon’t realize their doghas been noisy whenthey come home and aneighbour communicat-

ing directly about theissue can often curb theproblem, but sometimes itdoesn’t fix it, which meansanimal control has to getinvolved.

Fines can be laid if theycan collect evidence butanimal control officersstart by trying to educatedog owners.

Providing dogs withother ways to make themhappy during the day isimportant, said Jones,adding most people wantto be good pet ownersand they think their pet ishappier outside, but moreoften than not, that isn’tthe case.

As far as fining a dogowner, who could face a$100 ticket per offence,Jones said a noise dis-turbance needs to becorroborated by anotherneighbour or by an animalcontrol, bylaw or policeofficer.

“We usually will pro-vide education first asmost people don’t evenknow their dog is disturb-ing someone and that isenough to curb the prob-lem. But there are casesthat are chronic, unfortu-nately,” she said.



The Delta CommunityAnimal Shelter has field-ed almost 100 barkingdog calls so far this year.

A6 The Delta Optimist June 1, 2016

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Page 7: Delta Optimist June 1 2016

JESSICA KERRjkerr@delta-opt imist .com

Delta police officerswere joined by a numberof partner agencies lastweek for the department’sannual commercial truckinspection blitz.

This marks the 10thyear the Delta PoliceDepartment has part-nered with the province’sCommercial Vehicle Safetyand Enforcement branch

(CVSE), as well as a hostof other police and regula-tory enforcement agenciesfrom across the LowerMainland and B.C., for thethree-day initiative.

Delta has one of thehighest ratios in the prov-ince of commercial vehi-cles transiting its roadsand the annual inspectionblitz is one of the largestinitiatives of its kind in theprovince.

Seventy officers fanned

out across six inspec-tion sites in the com-munity Tuesday throughThursday, and every truckpassing an inspection sitewas required to stop.

Sgt. Mike Scholz ofDelta’s traffic section saidthe sites covered all themajor arteries in the com-munity, with somemobilesites moving to differentlocations over the courseof the operation.

Each truck passed

through an initial visualinspection. Any vehiclethat looked like it couldhave a problem was thensubject to a secondary,more thorough, inspectionwhere officers looked atthe general condition ofthe truck — tires, brakes,lights, steering and loadsecurity — as well asmechanical components.The inspectors also lookat driver licensing and forsigns of fatigue.

After being inspected,vehicles are given eithera pass, violation or outof service designation.Any trucks with an out ofservice designation arenot allowed to proceeduntil the problems arefixed. The department hadmechanics, tire companiesand tow trucks on standbyto help fix any issues to gettrucks back on the road.

In total, 472 trucks weretargeted for a secondary

inspection. Of those, 79(17 per cent) passed withno defects or violations,166 (35 per cent) hadissues and were put outof service and 227 (48 percent) had a violation ordefect that did not requirean out of service designa-tion but did need repair.

Because inspectors aretargeting trucks that looklike they might have anissue, the out of servicerating is always high.

Trucksareblitzedinannual initiativeAlmost 500vehicles receive secondary inspections during three-day campaign inDelta


Seventy officers from a variety of agencies fanned out across Delta last week in an effort to get unsafe trucks off the road.

June 1, 2016 The Delta Optimist A7

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Page 8: Delta Optimist June 1 2016

Canadian Publications Agreement #212490

Wednesday’s circulation is 16,493Friday’s circulation is 16,943

This paper is made of 40%recycled newsprint and printedusing vegetable inks

If nothing else, it’s certainly ironic.

The Delta Police Associationhas expressed concern, andrightly so, over the investiga-tion into the fatal shooting by a

Delta police officer back in 2012. Theunion doesn’t believe the IndependentInvestigations Office conducted athorough investigation and, as a result,Const. Jordan MacWilliams ended upbeing wrongly charged with second-degree murder.

When the matter was looked intofurther by the Crown, and the totality ofthe evidence no longer supported suchlegal action, the charge ended up beingstayed, which got MacWilliams off thehook but raised questions about thecompetency of the original investiga-tion.

The union wants an outside agencyto have a look, but it appears the reviewwill be done internally, which is ironicgiven the backdrop to this whole situ-ation.

The only reason the IndependentInvestigations Office exists is becauseit was determined by the powers thatbe in this province that police officersshouldn’t investigate other police offic-ers. Even though police departmentsare best suited to investigate potentialcriminal activity, there was somethingabout the optics of scrutinizing one ofyour own that didn’t sit well.

I can see the validity in that line ofthinking as any determination by apolice officer about a colleague, par-ticularly in an instance where saidcolleague is exonerated, is going to becoloured because they’ll be looked at asbrothers in blue. If that’s the case, thendoesn’t the same reasoning apply to theIndependent Investigations Office?

If police officers can’t investigatethemselves, how can the IIO be expect-ed to do so? I realize the review wouldfocus on procedures and competency,not criminal activity, but the premiseof investigating one of your own is stillthe same.

The union’s request to have theIIO’s Alberta equivalent undertake thereviewmakes abundant sense as it’s notonly sufficiently removed from the situ-ation, but such an undertaking wouldbe right in its wheelhouse.

The Independent InvestigationsOffice was created so the public couldbe confident in rulings involving policeofficers. Those officers deserve thesame level of confidence, and inde-pendence, when it comes to the IIO.

Keepingitfair forall

I’ve always liked cars. As ateenager, I worked in a gasstation, which paid for myfirst car, a 1971 OldsmobileCutlass convertible. What

I would give for another one ofthose!

In college, I worked for BudgetRent-A-Car, driving cars around,filling them up and getting themready for the next renter. I droveall sorts of new cars all over town,which was pretty difficult duringExpo 86.

I worked on the GeneralMotors advertising account, andgot my first taste of racing whenthe Indy came to Vancouver.Later, I worked for a tire companythat sponsored the Indy Lightsraces, so I had the opportunityto hang out at the track, wanderthrough the pits, and get up closewith the race cars and racers.

We also sponsored off-roadrally racers. There is nothing likeflying through the woods at 150km/h, car sliding from side to sideand knowing the driver is in com-plete control. It is incredibly excit-ing, even though it’s not overlypopular.

All this ignited a passion forcars and racing. As they say inthe car industry, I have oil inmy veins. I don’t work in thatindustry any longer, but a Sundaywatching the Indy 500 to me istime well spent.

Give me four wheels and a fin-

ish line, and I’ll be there. That’swhy I’m thrilled to see racing hitthe streets of Tsawwassen thisSaturday. The inaugural RotarySoap Box Derby is coming to 6thAvenue.

OK, so it’s a little slower, butyou have to admit, a whole lotmore environmentally friendly.Gravity and inertia are the onlypropulsion. There won’t be thesmell of the fuel and burning rub-ber, but any time there’s someoneholding a steering wheel, staringdown a competitor with eyes thatsay, “See you at the finish line,”you know it’s going to be exciting.

I’ve seen soap-box races before.After the Vancouver Indy races,GM would loan the trucks theyused for some races up at SFU.It’s a lot more exciting than it maysound, when the only thing thatseparates the cars is aerodynam-ics and driving skill. Weights are

usually added to make the carseven, so the right body posi-tion and straight wheels are thedifference between first andsecond. And talk about close fin-ishes – sometimes it was hard todetermine who crossed the linein front.

More than the race itself, I hopethe event gets kids interested inthe derby cars and the physicsinvolved. There is a lot of knowl-edge and learning that can bederived from a competition likethis, and with racers from nine to12, I hope that some of them startto think of the science behind thecars.

Since this is the first event, it’senough to just get it down the hill(so to speak), but perhaps nextyear the teams can partner witholder kids studying physics andmake the cars even better, andlearn something along the way.

Thanks to Rotary and theCorporation of Delta for bring-ing racing to the streets ofTsawwassen, and I hope itbecomes a post-Indy tradition.Now all we need is a catchy name.Rotary Races? South Delta Derby?I’m sure there’s something better.Any suggestions?Brad Sherwin, MBA has over

25 years’ experience in market-ing, public relations and businessstrategy. He is currently the direc-tor of marketing for a nationalnon-profit organization.

Withgravityasthefuel, racingtohitstreetsofTsawwassen

Published everyWednesday & Friday bythe Delta Optimist,a division of LMP PublicationLimited Partnership

5008 47A Avenue,Delta, BC V4K 1T8Phone 604-946-4451Deliveries

PUBLISHER:Alvin [email protected]

GENERAL MANAGER:Dave [email protected]

EDITOR:[email protected]

SPORTS:Mark [email protected]

REPORTERS:Sandor [email protected]@delta-optimist.comJessica [email protected]

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The Delta Optimist is amemberof the National NewsmediaCouncil, which is an independentorganization established to dealwith acceptable journalisticpractices and ethical behaviour. Ifyou have concerns about editorialcontent, please contact the editorat [email protected] 604-946-4451. If you are notsatisfied with the response andwish to file a formal complaint,visit the website at or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 foradditional information.



Entire Contents© 2016 The Optimist.All Rights Reserved

CommunityCommentBRAD SHERWIN

A8 The Delta Optimist June 1, 2016

Page 9: Delta Optimist June 1 2016


Editor:Why is it all or nothing

with civic infrastructure inB.C.? Replace the GeorgeMassey Tunnel with amassive bridge superstruc-ture, an over-elaboratemega project that wouldprovide some short-termjobs. The B.C. Liberal gov-ernment wants to borrowbillions from the futurebecause we all know inthe future there’ll be waymore money to go around,right?

The tunnel was aningenious project when itwas built. Concrete sec-tions were lowered overthe riverbed and joinedtogether. There was nocomplex geological under-ground boring involved.There have never been anyissues with it. How expen-

sive would it be to dropan extra two-lane additiondownstream from it?

All that is needed is anadditional two lanes thatalternate between morn-ing and afternoon rushhours. This would give usfour lanes inbound in themorning and four lanesoutbound in the after-noon. There would alwaysbe two lanes available inboth directions insteadof forcing everyone intoa single lane that encour-ages aggressive driving.

Why engineer a shortsuperhighway over thesouth arm complete withpaved cloverleafs coveringhectares of farmland whena cheaper, faster solutionis available right now?

Then the money couldbe redirected to something

really cool like twinningthe Lions Gate Bridge,which would guaranteean alternate full-timeaccess point to the pro-vincial highway complexfrom Vancouver, takingthe stress off the FraserValley corridor. This wouldextend the job creationprocess from years to dec-ades.

The Fraser River drains220,000 square kilometresof minerals and silt thatis deposited in Delta andRichmond. This annualrenewal of soil nutrientsmakes it an extremelyvaluable commodity foragriculture complete withfresh water and the waterpressure to irrigate it. Anyway we can avoid pavingover it should be a priority.

M. Ross


Editor:As a commuter who

has to drive through theGeorge Massey Tunneldaily, it is extremely frus-trating to see the dozensof cars with two or morepeople stuck in the regularnorthbound lanes everyafternoon.

Since the South FraserPerimeter Road was fin-ished and the HOV laneforced to turn off muchearlier than before, the

HOV lane is not beingused nearly as much asbefore. By the time visitorsrealize the traffic is backedup, it is too late to stillaccess the HOV lane; caus-ing even more gridlockand pollution from idlingvehicles.

The signage is extremelypoor and where theHOV lane curves underHighway 17, there are nomarkings on the road. I’vetalked to people who think

the HOV lane ends there.There should be signs onboth sides of Highway 99advising those with two ormore occupants to use theHOV lane in the afternoon.

We also need far moremarkings actually showingthe lane and more signsadvising that motorcyclesare also OK.

Please increase the sig-nage so the HOV is morefully utilized.

Cathy Pope

Editor:Dogs falling ill to mys-tery meat, May 27

It was a very good alertbecause we occasion-ally walk our dogs at theNorth 40 park, but toprint a story of conjectureabout wildlife photog-raphers baiting birdswith bags of meat doesa serious injustice to allphotographers such asour very own Delta PhotoClub. It also denigratesall those wildlife pho-tographers who frequentthis park and in placessuch as the Reifel BirdSanctuary who glory inthe sight of birds.

Why would serious

photographers haul inrotten meat in bags whenthey invest in high qualityequipment such as longlenses and tripods? Inour club’s nature photocontests, one rule is thereshould be “no sign ofthe hand of man” in thephotos.

The journalist shoulddo some research for hiswriting and interview thestaff at the local landfill. Iam sure they know whatthe eagles are doing inthat place.

And maybe he couldinvestigate the possibil-ity of removing the bagsfrom the treetops.

Eileen Kuettel

Editor:Re: Trudeau’s elbow

shows he’s a chip off the oldblock, letter to the editor,

May 25It takes a lot of hate to

see Justin Trudeau’s acci-dent as a voluntary act, notto speak of the worldwiderespect for one of Canada’sgreatest politicians, thefather, finger and all.

I did not vote for him,but the question I havefor all the hell raisers, inrespect to the creation of“Elbowgate,’’ is: What dothey think he expectedto achieve by purposelyelbowing a woman?

None of themconsidershim stupid.

N. Spiros

Editor:Re: Council approvesrevitalization bylaws,

May 13Wow! What a change

a bit of competition canmake!

Delta’s proposed tax andfee reduction incentivesfor development in Ladnerand Tsawwassen com-mercial cores seem both

appropriate and bold. IsDelta already curbing theexodus of South Delta’smerchants to the TFNmalls?

The October 2016openings could possiblybe well short of hype byboth malls. TsawwassenCommons appears to beconstructing buildings tohouse only seven of the

28 retailers its websiteidentifies, well short of the100 planned. When I lastlooked there was no signof Walmart construction.

Tsawwassen Mills isbeing built to house 200retailers and has namedonly 27, but a furtherannouncement closer toopening is promised.

Ed Ries

HOV laneunderuseddue topoor signage

Nothing togainDon’t blamephotographers

Boldefforts to revitalize commercial cores

June 1, 2016 The Delta Optimist A9

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SALES & SERVICE 7543 Vantage Place,

Did You Know?A local marine pilot is aboard everyship transiting the Fraser River.

Join us at this free event to:

• Meet Captain Mike Armstrong, one ofonly eight marine pilots who specializein piloting ships on the Fraser River.

• Hear firsthand about his role andresponsibility as a Fraser Rivermarine pilot.

You’re InvitedThursday, June 16, 2016Doors opens at 6 p.m.Presentation: 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Guest Speaker:Captain Mike ArmstrongDirector, Fraser River Pilotage District,Canadian Marine Pilots Association

Where:Delta Community OfficeTrenant Park Square, Ladner5225A Ladner Trunk RoadSeating is limited.

Please RSVP by June 14:• in person• by phone to 604.665.9635

w w w . p o r t v a n c o u v e r . c o m

Page 10: Delta Optimist June 1 2016


With support from theCorporation of Delta,Delta Aggregates andMainland Sand & GravelULC pulled out the stopsto get sand delivered toReach’s new building sitein Ladner in short order.

In a community showof support of enormousscale, coordinated byDelta Aggregates, truckdrivers volunteered theirtime to deliver almost halfof the 550 truckloads ofsand to the site of Reach’snew child developmentcentre adjacent to theLadner Pioneer Library.

Delta Aggregates alsoprovided in kind excavatorservices for unloading thepreload sand.

Another local company,Mainland Sand & GravelULC, provided approxi-mately 5,000 cubic metresof Fraser River preloadsand and will also donatetrucking to remove thesand after the soil settles.

The preload phase ofconstruction is estimatedto be complete by Augustor September, at whichtime the building’s con-struction will start.

“What a great way to get

this project started withthis wonderful communitycontribution from DeltaAggregates and MainlandSand and Gravel,” saidReach executive direc-tor Renie D’Aquila. ‘Thiscommunity-based childdevelopment centre willhelp vulnerable childrenfor generations to come.”

Reach Child and YouthDevelopment Society hasraised over $4 million ofthe $5 million needed tocomplete constructionon its new child develop-ment centre in the heart ofLadner.


Don Green (second from left) and Dave Bartlett (right) of Delta Aggregates areshownwith Reach representatives Denis Horgan, Renie D’Aquila and ValerieBartlett.

ConstructioncompanieshelpprepareReachsiteBuilding expected to begin by late summer


Reach exsecutive director Renie D’Aquila (second from left) is shownwith (fromleft) TanyaMaga, RodMiller and Rod Singer of Mainland Sand & Gravel ULC.

A10 The Delta Optimist June 1, 2016

LADNER BAPTIST CHURCH PRESENTS:CAVE QUEST 2016August 15-19 • 8:30Am-12:00 noonEACH DAY.A summer day camp for all kids enteringkiJderCarFeJ FI Crade 6 aG If fall 2016.

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‘Love is in the Air’ by Serge Dube

Oil &Water Juried Art Competition

Page 11: Delta Optimist June 1 2016

BusinessVeggie Day visitors


The public gets a look inside a working greenhouse during B.C. Veggie Day last month. West Coast VegetablesLtd. in Ladner was one of three greenhouses in the region to open its doors during the annual event.

June 1, 2016 The Delta Optimist A11

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Page 12: Delta Optimist June 1 2016

The healthiest dinners,my husband tells me, con-sist of a handful of items:sardines, turmeric, pump-kin seeds and beets.

“Oh, and Swiss chard,”he adds. “And prunes. Andpomegranate juice. Andcanned pumpkin.”

The husband has beenon a mission of sorts: toidentify what’s good for us,and get it on the table.

Enter The List. The Listis something the husbandhas tracked down, thanksto some Internet sleuthing.

“This is so great!” gush-es the husband, tapingThe List to the refrigeratordoor. “Finally, we knowwhat we should be eating.”

I look closely at The List.I notice that it does notinclude Cheese Doodlesor Mars bars or chocolatechip ice cream. I noticethat it does not even men-tion some of the morecommonly consumed veg-etables. Like French fries,say, or onion rings.

“Sardines?” I ask.“Full of calcium,” says

the husband. “And vitaminB. And omega threes.”

Now I’ve never beenreally clear on what anomega three is — or evenan omega two— but I’d bemore than happy to makemeals that contain them.

There’s just one prob-lem: I can’t stand sardines.They smell, well, way toomuch like fish.

“Can’t we just, like, getsome sardine pills fromthe health food store?”I wonder. “Some non-smelly pills?”

My husband regardsThe List, and lets out alaugh.

“No, silly,” he says. “Youeat sardines on toast —multigrain, of course — or

you add them to a salad.They’re yummy.”

I haven’t, I suppose,been nearly as conscien-tious as I ought to havebeen when it comes tonutritious food, becauseI’ve always associatedthe word “yummy” withother things I’ve put inmy mouth. Brownies areyummy. Hamburgers areyummy. Croissants areyummy.

But I have never beenheard to say: “Man! Thesesardines are out of thisworld! Who needs lasagnaor fried chicken when youcan have sardines?”

My husband sighs.“Come on,” he urges.

“Get in the spirit. This is allabout nutrition.”

Fair enough, I tell him.Next time we have a din-ner party, I won’t be serv-ing meat. I’ll whip up theloveliest sardine quiche,and throw in pumpkinseeds and beets.

Remember, if you’reinvited, I’ll be focusingon The List. I hope you’refond of turmeric. I’ll besprinkling it on the prunes.

There’snotmuchtastystufffoundonTheListNutrition kick complicatesmenuplanning


A12 The Delta Optimist June 1, 2016

Come join us for

CustomerAppreciation Week

Monday, May 30th -Saturday, June 4th

Drop In Saturday, June 4 th

11:00 - 2:30 pmCoffee and Cake

STORE HOURS:Monday - Friday 10 am - 5 pm; Saturday 9 am - 5 pm

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Have a look at our handmade chocolateswhile you're here.

Start a batch,pop a balloon andreceive a discount

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Contact Evelyne Young604-572-0373 |[email protected]

Burns BogSummer Day Camps

Themed day campsJuly & August

Ages 6-12 Early Bird: $139 (June 15)

Page 13: Delta Optimist June 1 2016

Traditioncontinues inLadner120th edition ofMayDays lastweekend features parade and apark loadedwith activities

Photos byGord Goble

More photosat

It was a soggy start tothe weekend, but thisyear’s Ladner PioneerMay Days finished offunder glorious sun-shine on Sunday. The120th edition of theannual celebration sawDivyjot Mand (top right)crownedMay Queen,among themany activi-ties at Memorial Park.

June 1, 2016 The Delta Optimist A13

Page 14: Delta Optimist June 1 2016

National Health & Fitness Day

What’syourfavourite?Topfitnesstrendsin2016KRISTA POPOWYCHOptimist contr ibutor

I wish I could look intomy fitness crystal ballto answer, “what is thenext big workout trend?”Fortunately I can predictwhich trends are build-ing momentum or moreimportantly, what mightbe an effective exerciseprogram for a client orfriend. Often I get ques-tions about the validityand popularity of certainworkouts. Should I do this

or do that? My answer isalways the same: the bestworkout is the one youactually do! Looking atfitness trend research for2016, let’s see if some ofyour favourites are on thelist.

Hit the BarreBarre classes have seen

incredible growth withworkouts popping up instudios and clubs glob-ally. In these sessions, aballet barre is used forstability. Barre classesare low impact with a

focus on precise, focusedmovements that workthe major muscle groups.Challenging the muscles(think glutes and legs) andthen stretching them tocreate strong and tonedphysiques with improvedflexibility, posture andbalance is the goal. Not adancer? Not to worry, nodance experience or tutu’srequired.Functional-BodyWeight:

Training that isFortunately getting

stronger never goes out of

style. Functional training isusing strength training toimprove balance, coordi-nation, power and endur-ance. Ultimately this train-ing will enhance some-one’s ability to performactivities of daily living.Body Weight Training is aback to basics, no-equip-ment-needed workout.Think old school squats,lunges, push ups, andpull ups using your bodyweight as the resistance.

Interval TrainingRamped Up

High Intensity IntervalTraining (H.I.I.T.) pro-grams like “Tabata” and“Insanity” are here to stayfor the die-hard workoutfans that like to sweat andpush themselves. Theformat of this workoutincludes short, go-as-hard-as-you-can exercisesegments followed byquick recovery periods.The goal of H.I.I.T. is to getthe maximal amount donein the shortest amount oftime to burn more caloriesboth during and after theworkout.

Wearable FitnessTechnology

Look down at your wristand if you are wearing one,you are trending.

Wearable technologylike fitness trackers, smartwatches, heart rate moni-tors and other gadgets arestill hot and continue togrow at a rapid pace. If youthink it will motivate youto achieve your goals, defi-nitely get one.

Be a ToughMudderContinuing to trend in

2016 is training for obsta-cle courses like the ToughMudder, Spartan Race’sand others. With a strongemphasis on teamworkcombined with running,crawling, lots of mud,challenging wall climbs,possible fire, ice or electri-cal shocks interests you,this may be a trend you’dlike to sign up for.

Take a Spin IndoorsIf you are not interested

in riding outside or youenjoy working out to greatmusic, indoor cyclingclasses are just what thefitness-doctor ordered.These rides are a greatlow-impact option. Indoorcycling is a fantastic sweatthat is easy on the bodyand a perfect workout allabilities.Namaste is Here to StayYoga has been around

for thousands of yearsand it isn’t going away

anytime soon. With somany different practisesfrom Ashtanga, Vinyasa,Kripalu, power yoga andmore, there’s not a chanceyou’ll get bored. New toyoga? Look at your currentexercise regime and gaugeyour options. If you arealready quite active, youmay want to balance it outwith a softer Hatha prac-tise. If you like to sweatand follow a series of 26postures, try a Bikram hotyoga class.Test-driving one or a few

different workouts is theperfect way to motivateyou to get moving.Krista Popowych, is an

award-winning fitness pro-fessional and exercise edu-cation director who livesand trains in Ladner.

June 4 is NationalHealth and FitnessDay, a new initiative tomake Canada the fittestnation on Earth, start-ing with marking oneday when Canadiansget out and get activein any way they wish.The government passedthe National Health andFitness Day Act last year.

Fitness for all

A14 The Delta Optimist June 1, 2016

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Page 15: Delta Optimist June 1 2016



The Ladner Legion recently presented Delta Secondary’s Madi Barnard-Patry(second from right) with a cheque for $200 from B.C./Yukon Command. She wonsecond place in the province competing against 7,000 entries in the Poster andLiterary Contest held by all Legions across Canada for Remembrance Day. Shewrote an essay about Remembrance Day that caught the attention of many ofthe Legionnaires. Pictured left to right are: Al Ridgway (Ladner Legion president),Bev Barnard (Madi’s grandmother), Audrey Gordon (Youth Poster and LiteraryContest chair), Madi, and Lisa Barnard (Madi’s mom).


The Ladner Legionrecently donated $2,500to the George DerbyCentre, a community-based residential carefacility that providesexcellent care and ser-vices to 300 Canadianveterans. Pictured areLegion treasurer TomEaston (back left) andLegion secretary OlwenDemidoff (back right).Front row are residentsDougWestan and BudJeffries.

Ladner Legion at work in the community!

June 1, 2016 The Delta Optimist A15


Sunday, June 5thStudio 3 (5202 Crescent Drive, Ladner)



Company dancerscompeting inDisneylandJuly 2017!

Rockin' Disney Little Dancers CLit amp: July (Ages 4-6)July 11–15, 9am to 12pm (Half Day)

Rockin' Disney Little Dancers CLit amp: August (Ages 4-6)August 8-12, 9am to 12pm (Half Day)

Dance Explosion Camp! (Ages 7-11)July 11 - 15, 9am to 3pm (Full Day)

Hip Hop and Break Dance Camp! (Ages 8-12)July 18-22, 1pm - 4pm (Half Day)

Summer Dance IntensiveJuly 25 – 29, 9am to 4pm (Full Day)Junior/Intermediate: Ages 8 – 12 years, Inter/Advanced Dancers 13+Special Guest Instructors: Jordan Allarie, Natasha Gorrie, Kathryn McVit-tie, Jessica Shatsko, Nicole Laplaca, and more!

Disney's “The Lion King" Musical Theatre IntensiveAugust 6 – 14 (Saturday - Sunday)Junior Cast (ages 7-12, elementary) 9am to 4pmSenior Cast (ages 12-18, high school) 2pm to 8pmCall us to audition for lead and supporting roles!

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Page 16: Delta Optimist June 1 2016


Every minute 19 peo-ple fall victim to identitytheft in North America.Personal documents weinnocently store at homecan be a rich source forthose thieves.

For some people it is theaccumulated boxes of oldrecords hidden away forsome volunteer organiza-tion. For most of us, it isthose old bank or creditcard statements, long for-gotten cheque book stubs,or old medical and finan-

cial records.When we need to clean

out old papers, they usu-ally find their way to thecurb on garbage day.That, unfortunately, is notalways a good idea.

In The Truth AboutIdentity Theft, author JimStickley states, “I havebeen amazed at the thingsyou can find in the trash.There is big business foridentity thieves in person-al garbage.”

If you want to dump all

those old documents withconfidence, then a localorganization can help.This Saturday, from 9 2 p.m., you can haveyour documents safelyshredded by a commercialshredding company.

All Saints AnglicanChurch is hosting a drive-thru Shred-a-thon at thecorner of Arthur Drive andLadner Trunk Road. Thechurch is asking $5 foreach banker’s box size ofdocuments.

Shred-a-thonsetforAllSaintsSUBMITTED PHOTO

All Saints’ upcoming Shred-a-thon will help prevent identity theft.

A16 The Delta Optimist June 1, 2016

Winskill Park Master PlanPublic Consultations

Let’s #TalkDelta! We are looking for your input on the design and implementation for the Winskill Park site.

Meeting schedule:

Community Organizations

June 7, 5 - 8 pm June 15, 5 - 8 pmSouth Delta Recreation Centre South Delta Recreation Centre


June 4, 12:30 - 3 pm June 14, 5 - 8 pmKinVillage Community Centre South Delta Recreation Centre

For a full meeting schedule, and more information about the Winskill Park Master Plan process, visit

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Trevor Linden

Brent Seabrook

Hives for Humanity


The Home Depot




Oxygen Yoga and


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Irene Forcier

Douglas Reynolds


London Drugs

Chop Steakhouse & Bar

The Boathouse Restaurant

Westcoast Sightseeing

Lift Restaurant

Bell Canada

Aileen Noguer

Starbucks - Ladner

Muddy River Landing

Everything Wine Store

Vancouver Whitecaps

BC Lions

Vancouver Canadians

Four Winds Brewing


Culinary Capers Catering

and Special Events

Vancouver Canucks

Ricky's Restaurant

Karen White

The co-operators - Roy


Ken & Judy Bates

Kevin & Joanne Husband

Ed & Wendy McKim

Emma Lea Farms

Westham Island Herb


Bates Bros

Harris Nursery

Open Space Yoga

Vagellis Taverna

Lawlor Goldsmith


NAPA Auto Parts –


Canada Safeway - King


Port Guichon Farms

Lordco - Ladner

Jim Plain

Keith's Veggies

Reifel Bird Sanctuary

The Flower Shop in the


Double R Rentals

Cove Links Golf

Captain's Cove Pub

Canoe Pass Inn B&B

Cavalier Gastown

Susan Tucker

Lentel Construction

Ladner Crab Traps

Bumble Beads Vancouver


Taya Photography

Jim & Jennifer Dobrilla

Speed's Pub

Bill & Erin Bates

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Page 17: Delta Optimist June 1 2016


The Ladner Bandfestwill once again be present-ing a musical extravaganzain Memorial Park thisweekend.

Hosted by Curt Jantzen’sDelta Music Makers com-munity band, the annualevent will feature 17 largeconcert bands and oneorchestra performing40-minute concerts thatare free and open to thepublic.

“This is the closest weget, in the 21st century,to the old-fashioned ideaof concerts in the park,which were popular in thetime of John Phillip Sousaand Kenneth Alford,” saysHilary Otten, chairper-son of the event. “It’s awonderful place to spendpart of a day or the wholeweekend, and to introduceyour family to the joys ofconcert band music.”

The Ladner Bandfestruns from 11 a.m. to 6p.m. both Saturday andSunday, featuring adultconcert bands from Delta,Vancouver, Port Moody,North Van, West Van,

Langley, Richmond, MapleRidge, NewWestminster,Victoria and Burnaby.

Outstanding food ser-

vices will be provided bythe fun-loving members ofthe TOOBs.

The festival will culmi-

nate with a performanceby the Naden Band of theCanadian Forces Pacificat 4:30 p.m. on Sunday.

Based in Esquimalt, theNaden Band is one ofonly three military bandsremaining in all of Canada.

“The Naden Banddeserves our support,” saysJantzen. “Government cut-backs threaten the futureof our military band pro-gram, so I urge everyoneto come out and supportthem. This is essential tothe band’s survival.”

The Ladner Bandfestcommittee is delighted toreceive support from alllevels of government. OnSaturday at 2 p.m., MPCarla Qualtrough will visitto say a few words. OnSunday at 2 p.m., MayorLois Jackson andMLAVicki Huntington, both ofwhom have been strongsupporters of LadnerBandfest, will make anappearance.

“Bring your lawn chairsand prepare to swivel yourseats to listen to theseexciting bands as theyalternate between twodifferent stages,” Jantzenadvises. “There are noseats in the park, so resi-dents must remember tobring a chair or a blanketto prepare for a day of joy-ful music.”

MusictofillMemorialParkallweekendAnnual Ladner Bandfest to feature free, 40-minute concerts by 17 bands andoneorchestra


The Naden Band of the Canadian Forces Pacific returns to Ladner Bandfest with a performance on Sundayafternoon.

June 1, 2016 The Delta Optimist A17

Enter at [email protected],be sure to include your name and phone numberor drop your entry to the office at5008 47A Ave,. LadnerEntry deadline is Thursday, June 9, 2016

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Your picture could win you1 hour sightseeing for 2sigh ing(courtesy of )

Page 18: Delta Optimist June 1 2016



Teen Exam CramWednesday, June 1 –Tuesday, June 28 – LadnerPioneer Library andTsawwassen Library. Examscoming up? Anxiety rising?Need to study? Come tothe library throughout themonth of June and grab aseat to cram for your exam!There will be random visitsfrom St. John Ambulancetherapy dogs – put yourstress in their paws.

Canadian Mental HealthAssociation Vancouver-Fraser offers an ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder (OCD)Group for individuals withOCD and/or friends and fam-ily. The group meets on thefirst Wednesday of everymonth from 7 - 9 p.m. inNorth Delta. Next Meetingis on Wednesday, June 1.Please call 604-943-1878 oremail [email protected] register for your firstmeeting

The Ahmadiyya MuslimJama’at VancouverChapter is hosting anevent with author of LostHeritage, Amardeep Singh,Wednesday, June 1, 6:30- 8 p.m. at Baitur RahmanMosque, 9570 River Road,

Delta. Free admission andveggie dinner. Lost Heritagecaptures the distinctive Sikhcontribution to the spiritual,social, cultural and architec-tural history of present-dayPakistan.

The Delta HUBCyclingCommittee is meeting onThursday, June 2, 7 pm atthe Tsawwassen Library(Meeting Room, 1321-56thStreet). Attend our monthlymeetings and support localaction to improve cyclingsafety and connectivity forall ages & abilities. Open tothe public; no experience isrequired. Info:

Are you interested inadopting a pet? Staff fromthe Delta Animal Shelterare bringing some of theiradoptable animals to theTsawwassen Library for aMeet and Greet, sharingknowledge about whatadoption entails on Saturday,June 4 from 10:30 a.m. – 12p.m.

Delta Nature presents,B.C. Nature - “A BrightFuture” with Jim Morrison.His presentation will out-line the 18-month processof data gathering, surveysand engagement whichled to the May 2015 Boardapproval and presentationto general membershipat the B.C. Nature AnnualConference. All ages arewelcome and the event isfree. Tuesday, June 7, at

7:30 p.m. at BenedictionLutheran Church, 56th Street& 6th Avenue, Tsawwassen.Contact Tom at [email protected] for more infor-mation.

Delta Nature’s casualbirding walk, a Birds onthe Bay event, Wednesday,June 8, 9:00 a.m. - noon’ish,Boundary Bay Regional Park,South Delta. Join Tom Bearssand his informal birdwatch-ers for a 2.5 hour amble.Meet: Cammidge House,Boundary Bay Regional Park(Tsawwassen). Info: 604-940-9296 or [email protected]. Cost: Free forevents; voluntary donationfor snacks.

On June 13, the Low VisionSupport Group will meet atKirkland House at 12:30 for atour of the premises by MattRogers. At 1pm the ElderCollege Singers, led by PatRogers and accompanied byRod Asher, will present itsSpring Concert. The meetingwill end at 2:30 p.m.

Friendly volunteersneeded for Ladner FINDSchildren’s thrift store.Tuesday – Saturday 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. shifts. Great to gainwork experience. Email [email protected] formore information.


Pancake breakfast, withscrambled egg and sau-sage, tea or coffee available9 - 10:30 a.m. Monday, June6, $7 cash only, KinVillageCommunity Centre, 543010th Ave., Tsawwassen.

Bridge Tournament andLight Luncheon, Friday, June10 at KinVillage CommunityCentre, 5430 10th Ave.,Tsawwassen. Doors openat 11:30 a.m. Tickets $16 perperson and sold in pairs only.


IODE Boundary BayChapter is pleased toannounce our annualCharity Garage Sale will beheld Saturday, June 4 from9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at 4939-1stAve. (near English Bluff) inTsawwassen, rain or shine!Help us help local charitiesin our community.


The Delta Choral Societyand the Delta Concert Bandare joining together to hosta special concert with allproceeds supporting Special

Olympics-Delta. Come outand join us Friday, June3, from 7:30-10:30 p.m. atSouth Delta Baptist Church,1988-56th St., Delta. Ticketsare $15 each and are avail-able at [email protected] or at

Reach Child andYouthDevelopment Society pres-ents Myles of Courage:Myles McKie talks about hiseducational experiences,understanding of his autismand transitioning to adult-hood and employment. June7, 7 - 9 p.m., Reach office3-3800 72nd St., Ladner. $20pp. Contact 604-946-6622ext 359 or email [email protected] to register.

Car boot sales every sec-ond Saturday, weather per-mitting, 8:30 a.m. to 12 Boundary Bay Park in theCentennial Beach Parkingarea. Next sale: June 11. $10per stall for vendors, firstcome first served. Hostedby Boundary Bay ParkAssociation. For more infocall Tom at 604-940-9296


Ladner Bandfest - June 4& 5 are the dates of the 12thannual Ladner Bandfest. Thisfree event brings amateurcommunity concert bands toMemorial Park in Ladner forcontinuous 40-minute con-certs on two stages through-out the weekend between 11and 6 p.m. A highlight will bea performance by the NadenBand of the Royal CanadianNavy, our featured Band,performing Sunday at 4:40p.m. Bring your lawn chairsand enjoy an old-fashionedweekend of band music inthe park.

An open submission artgallery, “The Art of All Ages.”Tsawwassen United Churchis once again transform-ing their building to an artdisplay for the weekendof June 3, 4 and 5. All localartists, photographers andcrafters are welcome tohave a display in the SouthDelta free weekend event.Call 604-943-2911 or checkout the website for moreinformation.

The Coming Events column ispublished every Wednesdayas a community service. Ifyou have a non-profit event,mail, drop off, fax, or e-mail([email protected])the details to the Optimist by3 p.m. Monday. Submissionsare subject to space limitations(no phone calls, please).


A18 The Delta Optimist June 1, 2016

Name: Jean, DeniseAge: 74, 75Occupation: Both retiredWhat activity did you participate in?Stretch classWhere and when do the classes take place?Tuesday and Thursday at Winskill Aquatic & Fitness Centre.How often do you participate?Twice a week.How long have you been involved in this activity?Jean for 15 years, and Denise for 10 years.Why do you participate in stretch class?Jean: I go to the gym and needed to stretch afterwards,so this was a good class for that.Denise: It’s a great exercise class for me and gives me anopportunity to be social and catch up with friends.What do you like best about the activity?It’s important to us that we take care of our bodies and stayactive, and we enjoy attending the class together and havingsome social time.How does it benefit your life?Keeps us moving.What are some other activities you do to keep active?Walking.

Friends that exercise together, stay together! Jean and Denisefind having a fitness buddy keeps each other motivated to showup to stretch class, and it makes their workout time that muchmore fun. You are far more likely to make it to fitness class or thegym if you schedule it ahead of time with a friend because theykeep you accountable—no one wants to be the one to cancel ontheir friend. Not only do they get you to class, a fitness buddyhelps motivate you to achieve your best results while you’re there.Plus, it’s safer to workout with someone to spot you or be there ifany issues come up during your exercise.Bring your fitness buddy and enjoy a variety of fun, affordableclasses for all ages and levels at Delta recreation centres. Trysomething new—CycleFit or Zumba, drop-in gym, play a friendlygame of pickle ball, and much more. Live in North Delta? Checkout the new state-of-the-art fitness area at North Delta RecreationCentre, offering suspension training, TRX Rip training, andworkout equipment unique to this facility. Visit or pickup a copy of the Spring/Summer 2016 leisure guide at any Deltarecreation centre.

Jennie’s Journey

The Roberts’ family would like to sincerely thank thecommunity for all your support for the fundraiser that

was held on April 16th, 2016.

The outpouring of donations from sponsors and thegenerosity from friends and family is overwhelming.

We are so grateful for the hard work and help we havereceived during this difficult time.

We feel truly blessed.

LoveGreg, Jennie,Chloe, Luke

and Audreyxoxoxoxo

Will shred whatyou don’t need

Every minute 19 people fall victim to identitytheft North America’s fastest growing crime.Come to our

(Suggested donation of $5 for a bankers box)• Cancelled cheques• ATM and Credit card receipts• Old credit cards• Credit Card Offers• Old Bank statements• Bills• Tax records and receipts over 7 years old.• Medical records and bills over one year old• Pay stubs over one year old• Old - Security Statements, Annual Insurance PolicyStatements, Retirement plan statements

Saturday 4 June • 10 am to 2 pm

Drive thruShred-a-thon

PROTECTYOUR IDENTITY(no disguise necessary)

All Saints Church4755 Arthur Drive, Delta [email protected]

Page 19: Delta Optimist June 1 2016

Got Sports?Contact Mark at

[email protected] 604-946-4451DELTASPORTSSports


GP W L PctAbbotsford 25 21 4 .840Cowichan 21 16 5 .762Richmond 15 11 4 .733Delta 21 15 6 .714Vic Black 22 13 9 .591Burnaby 19 11 8 .579White Rock 18 10 8 .556Aldergrove 20 11 9 .550Van Minor 20 11 9 .550Van Comm 16 8 8 .500North Island 18 7 11 .389Nanaimo 17 6 11 .353Tri City 15 5 10 .333Chilliwack 19 5 14 .263Cloverdale 16 4 12 .143Kamloops 14 2 12 .143Victoria Red 18 1 17 .056

BC Minor Bantam AALadner 21 18 3 .857R. Meadows 18 15 3 .833Mission 18 11 7 .611N. Langley 20 12 8 .600Delta-Tsaw 19 10 9 .526Richmond 16 8 8 .500Tri-City 14 7 7 .500Burnaby 14 6 8 ,429Cloverdale 19 8 11 .421Abbotsford 13 5 8 .385Newton 19 7 12 .368Van Vipers 12 4 8 .333Van Expos 14 4 10 .286White Rock 15 1 14 .067

UPCOMINGBC JUNIOR A LACROSSESaturday, June 4: Burnabyat Delta Islanders 7:30 p.m.Ladner Leisure Centre

LOCALTIDESPacific Standard Time.Height in feet

THURSDAY, JUNE 22:58 am 14.110:05 am 3.64:58 pm 12.59:59 pm 8.9

FRIDAY, JUNE 33:40 am 14.110:49 am 2.65:56 pm 13.511:00 pm 9.5

SATURDAY, JUNE 44:22 am 14.111:33 pm 2.06:49 pm 14.1

SUNDAY, JUNE 55:06 am 13.812:18pm 1.37:40 pm 14.4

MONDAY, JUNE 612:55 am 10.25:51 am 13.51:02 pm 1.38:30 pm 14.8

These predictions aresupplements to andnot replacements forthe Canadian Tide andCurrent Tables, whichinclude the only autho-rized tidal predictionsfor Canada and areprovided by CanadianHydrographic Service.

South Delta Sun Devils willbe looking to make the mostof home field advantage whenthe 2016 B.C. AAA Girls SoccerChampionships kickoff Thursdayin Tsawwassen.

The 16-team event will takeplace on four fields — SDSS Oval,South Park, Peeble Hill and theWinskill Turf. The SDSS Oval willbe the featured venue with a mainconcession and a SoccerCity store.It will also host two semi-finalgames Friday (12:45 p.m. and 2:45p.m.) as well as the medal gamesSaturday — 10 a.m. (bronze) andgold (12:15 p.m.).

The Sun Devils are coming offan impressive fifth place finishat the highly-competitive FraserValley Championships to earntheir record 15th straight pro-vincial tournament berth. SouthDelta won four of five games dur-

ing the Valley playoffs, including apair of must-win scenarios after a3-2 quarter-final loss.

The hosts open pool playThursday (11 a.m.) againstCentennial and also face Argyle at2:45 p.m. Both games take placeat the SDSS Oval. The Devils willclose out preliminary play Friday9 a.m. against Cranbrook’s Mt.Baker. Only the first place teamin each of the four pool groupsremains in championship con-tention— advancing directly toFriday afternoon’s semi-final.

Centennial finished fourth atthe Valley Championships, whileArgyle is No. 4 in the most recentprovincial rankings.

Other pre-tournament favou-rites include No. 1 Oak Bay, FraserValley champion FleetwoodPark, Elgin Park and Richmond’sMcMath Wildcats.

It will be a hectic three-daysfor South Delta co-coach StephenBurns, who not only has organi-zational duties but is also coach-ing McMath for the third-straightyear. The Richmond resident’sdaughter Ali is the team’s startinggoalkeeper.

The Wildcats head toTsawwassen unbeaten in regularseason and the playoffs — defeat-ing Kitsilano 3-0 to win their zonechampionship.

The four tournament poolgroups are as follows:

Pool “A”:McMath,Handsworth, Sardis, Reynolds.

Pool “B”: Elgin Park, SouthKamloops, Charles Best,Correlieu.

Pool “C”: Argyle, Centennial,South Delta, Mt. Baker.

Pool “D”: Fleetwood Park, OakBay, Kitsilano, WJ Mouat.

Host South Delta kicks off playThursday against Centennial.

SunDevils host provincial championships

Berekoffnets4 forPioneers

A natural first period hattrick fromMike Berekoffpowered the LadnerPioneers to an 8-5 roadwin over the CoquitlamAdanacs on Sunday nightto remain perfect afterfive games in the WestCoast Senior LacrosseAssociation.

The local product gavethe Pioneers a 1-0 leadthen struck for a pair ofgoals in just 20 secondsto close out the openingperiod.

He added a fourth goalin the middle stanza asLadner took a 7-4 leadafter 40 minutes.

Colton Dow, Mike Averyand Quinn Waddingtonalso scored. Sam Clare andRyan Keith each had threeassists. Rob Cook turnedaside 38 shots.

Ladner also rolled to a17-6 home floor win overthe Valley Rebels, threenights earlier.

Keith led the onslaughtwith six goals and twoassists. Berekoff alsoenjoyed an eight pointnight, including a hat trick.Matt Messenger scoredfour times, while NathanClare notched a hat trickand had six points.

The Pioneers currentlysit two points back of theLangley Warriors (6-1)who were handed theirfirst loss of the seasonon Sunday in Nanaimo.Ladner visits the RebelsWednesday.

IslandershavecompanySalmonbellieswin in Ladner Saturday to pull evenwithDelta

The battle is officiallyon for home floor advan-tage in the B.C. Junior “A”Lacrosse League playoffs.The NewWestminster

Salmonbellies pulled evenwith the Delta Islandersafter a big 13-10 vic-tory at the Ladner LeisureCentre on Saturday night.The teams enter thisweek’s play with identi-cal 7-2 records to sit tiedfor second place behindthe unbeaten CoquitlamAdanacs (8-0).The Islanders missed

out on a chance to sepa-rate themselves from NewWest and also clinch theseason series.A top two finish earns

home floor advantagefor the semi-finals whichwill determine a berth inthis summer’s Minto Cupnational championships.Instead, an intriguingrematch in Ladner loomsJune 11 in what will be thefinal regular season meet-ing between the teams.Delta produced a wild

16-15 win at Queen’s ParkArena back onMay 10 andled 4-3 after 20 minutesSaturday.That’s when the

Salmonbellies took over— using their superiorsize to produce in closescoring chances and oftenkeeping Delta’s top shoot-ers on the perimeter. NewWest outscored the hosts7-2 in the second periodand never looked back.

Preston Lupul’s fifthgoal of the night with14:06 remaining made it12-6 before the Islandersrallied to score four timesto make the final scorerespectable.Chase Fraser had seven

points, including fourgoals in a losing cause. JonPhillips and Tre Leclaireadded a pair. MikeD’Amario managed his

first-ever BCJALL goal.The Islanders were

coming off 13-8 road winone night earlier over thePort Coquitlam Saints.They raced out to a 6-2

lead after 20 minutes andcruised the rest of the way.Evan Messenger led thelocals with a six points,including a pair of goals.Spencer Bromley andLeclaire also scored twice.

Phillips chipped in withsix assists while, Fraseradded a goal and fourhelpers.Other goal scorers

included Mitch Winter,Nick Jensen, Cody Nassand recent acquisitionTyrell Hamer-Jackson.The Islanders return

to action Saturday whenthe Burnaby Lakers visitLadner at 7:30 p.m.


Delta Islanders Reece Callies battles for the loose ball during Saturday’s 13-10home floor loss to the NewWest Salmonbellies.

June 1, 2016 The Delta Optimist A19

Page 20: Delta Optimist June 1 2016


The Delta Tigers thrived on home fieldto capture Tsawwassen Baseball’s annualVictoria Day Weekend Grand SlamTournament.

The Bantam “AA” team, featuring play-ers from Tsawwassen and North Delta,rolled to five straight wins in the 12-teamevent. Among them was a thrilling “walkoff victory in the semi-finals.

That sent the Tigers into Monday’schampionship game against RidgeMeadows— frontrunners in regular sea-

son play.It proved to be a superb pitching

match-up with Delta’s Greg Nikas throw-ing a no-hitter through six innings. ColtonMacDougal kept the scorebook clean inthe seventh as well to secure a 2-0 Tigersvictory. It marked the first time the hostshave won the tournament.

The team thanks all for the support atthe field over the long weekend, includingthe many volunteers, as the tournamentwas a great success.

Nohitter infinalpropelsTigerstotournamentwin

Delta Tigers celebrate their tournament win at the Grand Slam in Tsawwassen.

Tsawwassen Bantam “A” Dodgersturned in a stellar performance overthe Victoria Day Weekend— capturingNewton Baseball’s Ross Tournament atUnwin Park.Coached by Scott Stoilen and Jim

Ewens, the Dodgers battled throughround-robin play with wins over hostNewton and the B.C. Select Girls beforesuffering a loss to the Cloverdale Angels.The 2-1 record was good enough for firstplace and a Monday playoff date with atough North Delta team that sits at thetop of the table in their spring seasonleague.Facing a depleted pitching rotation,

the Dodgers relied on Luke Ewens,

Carson Cam, Reid Jamieson and DawsonMcPherson-Ridgewell in a game wherepitch counts determined availability for

the anticipated trip to the final.It was a great team performance

as Tsawwassen scored all the runs itwould need early on thanks to big hitsthat included rookie Adam Yu’s insidethe park home run that cashed in twoother runners. The Dodgers tightenedup defensively, relying on Lucas Keady’s“golden glove’ at second base and NorthDelta’s valiant comeback effort fell shortin the Dodgers’ 15-8 win.The locals would be up against unde-

feated Aldergrove in the gold medalgame and again leaned on the theirinexperienced pitching squad, to holdthe visitors to only four runs over fiveinnings. Tsawwassen scored four in

the bottom of the first and strong batscarried the Dodgers to a 9-4 lead. Theteams traded runs in the sixth and allTsawwassen needed was three outs forthe win.With the rally caps on, Aldergrove

loaded the bases a couple of times, drovein four runs, and sent nine batters tothe plate before the final batter’s sharpgrounder to first was fielded by gameMVP Sklyer Welch for the third out —producing a 10-9 Tsawwassen win and arowdy celebration.The championship was truly a team

effort as every player hit safely andscored at least one run in the two finalgames.

Tsawwassen Dodgers captured theRoss Bantam Tournament in Newton.

TsawwassenDodgers roll to tourney triumph inNewton

A20 The Delta Optimist June 1, 2016

MaY 30 - JuNe 5, 2016oN GrAnViLlE IsLaNd, vAnCoUvEr


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Page 21: Delta Optimist June 1 2016

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Celebrate the livesof loved ones with your stories,photographs and tributes on

June 1, 2016 The Delta Optimist A21

CARTER, George TruemanJune 19, 1937 - May 26, 2016

It is with great sadness that we announce thepassing of George Carter, who is now restingpeacefully.

He is survived by his wife and best friend, Simonne(Sam), children Amanda (Jeff) and Peter (Chris),grandchildrenMeaghan and Alex.

No service by request.

Delta Funeral Home • (604) 946.6040

CUMMINGS,Deanna Jeanette

It is with great sadness thatwe announce the passing ofDeanna Jeanette Cummingson Sunday, May 22, 2016 inRichmond, BC, after a shortfight with cancer.

Deanna, daughter of Walterand Elsie Butler, was born onFebruary 6, 1944 in PrinceAlbert, Saskatchewan. Shewill be remembered by herdaughters Lesley and Allison

(Craig), and her grandchildren Elizabeth and Logan.

Deanna will also be missed by her extended family:Brother Lyle, nieces Tracy (Barry) and Andrea,nephews Terry (Mandy) and Stacey (Cathy), andgrandnieces Faith (Cody), Keely, Meghan, andEmily.

She was predeceased by her sister Doris (George)and very recently by her brother’s wife Sandy.

Deanna loved reading and doing crosswords,walking in Steveston, and working at Purdy’sChocolates. Most of all, Deanna was a devotedmother and grandmother.

A Memorial Service will be held on Sunday, June 5, 2016at 11:00 am at Delta Funeral Home, 5329 LadnerTrunk Rd., Delta, BC.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to theSalvation Army Rotary Hospice House, 6460 No 4Road, Richmond, BC, V6Y 2S9, or to the CanadianCancer Society.

Delta Funeral Home • (604) 946-6040

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WILSON, Earl(May 1, 1930 to May

15, 2016)

It is with deep sadness thatwe announce the passingof Earl Douglas Wilson onMay 15, 2016, at age 86.

Earl was born in Regina,Saskatchewan to JamesEdgar Wilson and KatherineWilson (nee Hahn) on May 1,

1930. He is predeceased by sisters, DorothyBeaudry and Gloria Lain. Earl is survived by his wifeof 62 years, Florence, three daughters, Heather,Karen (Larry), Donna (Eugene), one son, Douglas(Clarissa), 8 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren,sister, Patricia Young and numerous nieces andnephews.

He will be lovingly remembered by all who knewhim for his sense of humour and for his dedicationand love for family, friends, and community.

Earl leaves a legacy of caring and contributing tohis community. Over the years, he received manycertificates and awards for his contributions. For25 years, he served with Cubs and Scouts asLeader and Cub-Master in Alberta and BC. Healso served as President of Optimist International inthe 1970s, was a member of the Lion’s Club, andwas President of the Arthritis Society, BC andYukon Division for 10 years, running the Bingo atthe Tsawwassen Sun Festival for many years onbehalf of the Arthritis Society. He was also honouredfor volunteering at the Kinsmen Retirement Centrefor 25 years.

Earl and Florence spent their retirement yearstraveling around the world in pursuit of informationon the family tree. Over the years they visited over50 countries, including China and found long lostrelatives in Chile, France and Montreal. They enjoyedwriting the stories of their memories and documentingthe information of the family history.

A very special thank you to the staff at WestshoreLaylum Care Home for their exceptional care,compassion and support over the past few months,and especially the last week of Earl’s life.

A Celebration of Life is planned for June 25, 2016for family and friends at the family home.

Please RSVP to [email protected]

Delta Funeral Home • (604) 946.6040

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CELLWORKS an authorized Rogers Dealer has anopening for a Full Time position in Ladner. We arelooking for an ExperiencedCommunications

Consultant from any Network. Salary +Commissions & demo line included. Shift available is9:30am-6:00pm Tuesday-Friday and 9:30am-4pm

Saturday’s with Sunday/Monday off.

Please submit your resume [email protected]


BORMAN, Gordon “Dutch”1929 - 2016


Long-time Delta resident Gordon “Dutch” Bormanpassed away at Delta Hospital. He is survived byhis wife Jean and extended family. Dutch ran thepool hall on Delta Street in the 1960’s and 1970’s.He took great pleasure in his 68 Cougar and all ofthe great golf games. Special thanks to Dr. SylviaHenderson. No funeral by request.In lieu of flowers, donations to Delta Hospital wouldbe greatly appreciated.



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Your Community


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A22 The Delta Optimist June 1, 2016





Kelly and Kerry Court1 and 2 bedroom suites available in quiet location closeto amenities. Rent includes heat and hot water. To viewthese suites please call 604-948-9111

Century VillageBeautiful complex consisting of 6 bldgs with landscapedgreen areas. Bachelor, 1 & 2 bedroom suites availableinclude drapes, wall to wall carpets, balconies, elevatorsand wheelchair access. Tsaw. Manor includes heat.Close to beach, parks, rec centre and schools. Tomake an appt to view please call 604-948-9111

Shawnigan1 and 2 bedroom suites available with in-suite storage.Buildings are located within walking distance ofshopping centre and bus route. For more info pleasecall 604-948-9111.

Tsawwassen TerraceCompletely renovated, spacious modern 1 and 2 bedroomsuites available. Heat and parking included in the rent.Please call 604-948-9111.


Westport2 bedroom suite available with in-suite storage,dishwasher and laundry hook up. Located near shops,school and bus routes. To view this suite please call604-868-9453.

For a full list of our availabilities check:

www.BarbicanPM.caA Division of Century Group

$,7)#&4 !/'/04 1/.41/%- 6#+4 2 *"5,(35,CC3 13* *?54; #>8=504(:<=.+6+=/ @ !:9.; *=@D+2A5.; 'A0=+DA05; &>085=!::). >=8 'A0=+DA05; !::).;"7:0D >=8 %:A.5-:)8 $D5B.4


BACK BY POPULAR DEMANDCanoe Pass Village & West-Del Marina

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.DELTA WEST4895-55B St, Ladner

Suites Available.Spacious suites, balconies,rent incls heat & hot water,prkg available. Refs. N/P.



Seniors ResidenceStudio room

Includesmeals,hydro, cable,

great companionshipMargriet 604-943-2678

TOWNHOUSESFOR RENTTSAW BRAND new 3 br innewNorthgate complex.$2200. N/s, n/p. Avail now.604-961-4026

SHAREDACCOMMODATIONGreat place to call homeAll Inclusive-On the GolfCourse-Ideal for matureprofessional individual



Tsawwassen - 325 to 3500sq. ft. Ladner - 727 sq. ft.Contact: Tina Thygesen,Century Group604-943-2203


RENTALS& LEASESW Ladner, legal 1 bed-room basement suitewithlarge flex room. Centrallylocated. Walking distanceto transportation, shopping,restaurants, highschooland elementary school.Sep. entrance & laundry.No pets. $1200/monthUtilities incl. Available July 1.


ADVERTISING POLICIESAll advertising published in this newspaper isaccepted on the premise that the merchandiseand services offered are accurately describedand willingly sold to buyers at the advertisedprices. Advertisers are aware of theseconditions. Advertising that does not conformto these standards or that is deceptive ormisleading, is never knowingly accepted. If anyreader encounters non-compliance with thesestandards we ask that you inform the Publisherof this newspaper and The AdvertisingStandards Council of B.C. OMISSION ANDERROR: The publishers do not guarantee theinsertion of a particular advertisement on aspecified date, or at all, although every effort willbe made to meet the wishes of the advertisers.Further, the publishers do not accept liabilityfor any loss of damage caused by an error orinaccuracy in the printing of an advertisementbeyond the amount paid for the space actuallyoccupied by the portion of the advertisementin which the error occurred. Any correctionsof changes will be made in the next availableissue. The Delta Optimist will be responsiblefor only one incorrect insertion with liabilitylimited to that portion of the advertisementaffected by the error. Request for adjustmentsor corrections on charges must be madewithin 30 days of the ad’s expirat ion.For best results please check your ad foraccuracy the first day it appears. Refundsmade only after 7 business days notice!


Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You canfigure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.





1. A roll of insulation5. Brazilian dance10. Something that is owed14. Middle Eastern chieftain15. South African village16. 6th Jewish month17. Sandwich shop18. “Air Music” composer��] qit�z�t Z���t��uu ��v��\] qi��ht�21. 1/1000 of an inch22. 4th US state23. Boater��] ds�vt�v���� t�vxju30. Dentist’s group��] nxzxv���� t�t�� _asv��u�^

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1. Cover with condensation�] c��gxwx��z _��t] uw]^3. ‘__ death do us part4. Denotes three�] bj���u� �vxz�6. A pleasant odor7. One who navigates a ship�] ����xj ������ mz���z �vs�t9. River in Upper Austria10. Father��] �z���zt ax�hx��] b�xst {�v�t �{���{��] c���xz z��v avxh24. Common piercing

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geological time34. Assistance to others��] � �hv�� wx�{��] l��j�h ��tj��z kq

and E39. One of the Gershwins�\] ov��41. One point S of due E48. Elastic coils of wire

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Page 23: Delta Optimist June 1 2016

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From the City to the Valley



June 1, 2016 The Delta Optimist A23

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Page 24: Delta Optimist June 1 2016


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A24 The Delta Optimist June 1, 2016