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Glynde Lutheran Church

May 2020


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15-17 Glynburn Road,

Glynde, SA, 5070

Office Hors:

Wed—Fri 8.30 am—1.30 pm



Glynde Lutheran Church



Wayne Boehm

Ph: 8365 3033 (w)

Ph: 8261 9922 (h)

Email: [email protected]

Part-time Assistant Pastor

Henry Martinez (USA)

Email: [email protected]

Cross-Cultural Coordinator

Sharyn Schubert

Ph: 8365 3033

Email: [email protected]

Cross-Cultural Mentor

Barbara Mattiske

Ph: 8365 3033

Email: [email protected]

Office Contact

Executive Assistant

Angeline Joimol

Ph: 8365 3033

Email: [email protected]

@Glynde Editor...

Fleur Kupke

[email protected]

Devotional Thought

For God has revealed his grace for the salvation of all people. That grace instructs us to give up ungodly living and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this world, as we wait for the blessed Day we hope for, when the glory of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ will appear. He gave himself for us, to rescue us from all wickedness and to make us a pure people who belong to him alone and are eager to do good. (verses 11-14)

Read Titus 2:1-15

Whenever I read about successful business people or superstar athletes, I’m always impressed by their dedication and the sacrifices they make to achieve their status in life. Interestingly, if you look into the lives of business people and athletes who haven’t achieved such a high level of success, you will often find the same high standard of dedication and sacrifice.

When Paul urges us to live ‘self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this world’, he isn’t asking us to become some sort of religious prude, nor is he guaranteeing that by living in this way we will become some sort of spiritual superstar. Rather, he wants us to see that this is just simply the Christian life. It’s what results from hearing the words of grace and salvation and, out of love and thanksgiving, responding in our everyday life to God’s gracious love.

Lord Jesus, thank you for the precious gift of your saving love. Strengthen my faith by your Spirit, so that I will live for you always. Amen.

Devotion written by Pastor Tom Peitsch in “Refreshment for each day” (LCA, Openbook Publishers,

2003). Visit the Daily Devotion archives page.

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Devotional thought 2

From the editor... 3

From Pastor Wayne... 4-5

From the Chairperson... 6-7

From our Cross Cultural

Team— Mentor …


Joining our Cross-

Cultural Team— Mentor ...


What’s on in May 12-14

Sunday evening radio



Six Core Commitments

—Growing Young


30 Days of Prayer for

the Muslim World


Treasurer’s Report 18

Worship Calendar 19

From the editor... “Could you…..?” A question I am often asked.

Around this time last year, it was Pastor Wayne asking, “Angeline, could you help get some chrysanthemums for the mums this mother’s day? ”

Yes, here we are in May, the month where we celebrate Mother’s Day — to honour the contribution of mothers, and the role of mothers in our society.

The epitome of being a mother is selfless-ness – dedicating so much of their time and energy to ensure their children become the best versions of themselves. Mothers are like that, because they care.

Here at Glynde, I have been a witness of this giving quality not only in the mothers, grand-mothers, great-grandmothers … but also through many others who have helped me in my role— even more so in the past few weeks. I am indeed humbled and deeply grateful.

I am amazed at the dedication shown by many in our congregation to overcome their fear of technology in order to get connected and continue with their meetings and studies. The dedication by the children in keeping up with activities of all form during mid-week and with our Sunday kids’ activities are commendable. All these have inspired me to choose “Dedicated” as the theme for this month’s issue

of our @Glynde….

Thank you to everyone who have contributed articles and pictures for this issue. I also would like to thank Fleur for inviting me to be your guest editor for @Glynde.

This issue is dedicated to all of you …

I do look forward to coming back into the office soon. Believe it or not, I am also looking forward be able to personally respond to the “Could you ….?” questions once again.

Blessings and regards, Angeline Joimol Guest Editor

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Hi! Well, our lives continue to be very much in upheaval because of the Corona Virus. My office is now @Home, and I minister to people through the phone and video links during the week, through contacting the various Carers in our church family, and on Sundays by providing resources for your Church@Home: including my message on YouTube, songs and hymns with internet links, a Children’s Message, a Bible study on the message, and a Prayer. A big thanks to those who are involved in helping provide these resources :)

How are you feeling? If you are anything like me, you have times when you feel somewhat down and depressed because you can’t do the things that you used to do because of being largely shut in at home…. May God bless you and me as we struggle with all the restrictions of the Corona virus pandemic, and I pray that God will continue to give us the strength to face each day and move us to thanksgiving for all that we do have.

There are some blessings in having Church@Home rather than being able

to worship together…. Did you see that cartoon on Facebook where Satan is defiantly saying to God, “Look, I’ve closed all your churches!”. And God replies, “Not so. Now there is a church in every home!”. Well, that’s what has

happened :) Now every Sunday, families and couples and groups of friends are worshipping together in their homes, using resources provided by their church or another church, and those groups are chatting about their faith together. And if you are worshipping by yourself, there is still the realisation that you are not on your own as God’s child: God is caring for you through thick and thin, and your brothers and sisters are worshipping alongside you, even if they are in different homes…. As you might have noticed from glancing at the Worship Calendar at the rear of this @Glynde, we are still continuing our planned series on “Growing Young” over the four weeks in May. I deliberated about changing this series due to our present circumstances, but on balance I decided to go ahead with this series in order to

From Pastor


Dedication to carry on...

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prepare us for our ongoing ministry as a church family, once we are back at worship together…. Hopefully, that won’t be too long…. We don’t want to be, and God doesn’t want us to be, a church that grows old. Sadly, there are many, many churches around us who are growing old, and will even cease to be in the not too distant future. What can we do to foster little ones, and young people, and emerging adults to be part of our church family, and to remain part of our church family in the future? That’s what “Growing Young” is all about. The Growing Young Wheel diagram pictured below and on page 16, reminds us of the six core commitments of a growing young church.

We will be focusing on each of these in the coming four weeks, as we look at the young Jesus lost in Jerusalem at the age of 12 years, Jesus blessing the little children, the ministry of “the young man” Paul, and the nurture of the faith of young Timothy. May God bless us and excite us about what we can do as individuals and as a church to grow the faith of the little ones, and the young ones, and the emerging adults in our midst. I hope and pray that the next four weeks are exciting times for you as you think about what is possible here in our Glynde community church.

I invite you in the month of May to join together in clusters online to meet together and discuss the sermon material from the previous Sunday. Some of you are already meeting in Church@Home groups, but the challenge is to have as many of us as possible meeting in faith clusters to discuss the Growing Young material. So please think and pray about who you might link up with in groups of 3-5 people or so to be a cluster online.

The theme suggested by the editor Angeline for this month’s AT GLYNDE is “dedication”. Let me finish up by thanking everyone for their dedication during these trying times: to Barb as the Cross Cultural Coordinator; and Angeline in the office; to Sharyn as she prepares for her role on the Cross Cultural Team; to the many volunteers who are involved in ministry online at this time, especially to Tim Eckert for his dedication in videoing messages and prayers, and for putting these online; and to all the Carers who have stepped up to care for a number of people in our church family. Thank you all for your dedication to serving our Lord during these trying times.

God bless you all,

Pastor Wayne :)

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While I love sport, I am afraid I

have never been much of an

athlete. However, I do know that

teams experience the best in sport

when they are ‘All In’, when

everyone is dedicated, fully

committed to what they are trying

to achieve as well as to each other.

The best in sport, for me anyway,

has very little to do with winning.

David Parkin (former Carlton

Coach) referred to this when I

heard him speak a number of

years ago. He noted, that after a

game if coaching staff were able to

identify at least one self-sacrificial

act by every player in the team, the

team played better. After that

winning often, but not always, took

care of itself. Being ‘All In’ is when

you hold nothing in reserve and

make sacrifices for the team.

What would it look like for God to

be ‘All In?’ Romans 5:8 says, ‘But

God put his love on the line for us

by offering his Son in sacrificial

death while we were of no use

whatever to him’ (The Message).

There is no doubt that Jesus (along

with the Father) took the ultimate

‘hit’ for the team. This was the one

sacrificial act beyond all others,

taken to show that He was without

doubt ‘All In’ for our team,


I recently completed a report

(somewhat belatedly) for the Cross

-Cultural Ministry Committee of the

Lutheran Church, on our Cross-

Cultural ministry at Glynde in 2019.

In preparation for the report, I

reflected on information Barb

Mattiske, Pastor Wayne, Helene

Schulz, and others provided, and

looked back at articles and photos

Being ‘All In’

From the

Chairperson ...

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in editions of @Glynde for the year. It was wonderful to get a more

complete picture of all that had taken place. The ‘buzz’, the excitement

and enthusiasm that were conveyed was tangible. It was encouraging to

receive a similar reaction from Craig Heidenreich (National Cross-

Cultural Ministry Facilitator) who ‘Just wanted to say how good it was to

read the Glynde 2019 report. You guys are really offering a masterclass

on how to reach out. Reading between the lines – I can sense the

exhilaration ...’. The mid-week activities and programmes that are at the

centre of our Cross-Cultural ministry have grown significantly over last

year. Of particular note was the transition of a number of families involved

in mid-week activities who are now making connections to the worship

and faith life of the congregation more broadly. Friday ‘Slow Alpha’ course

was a direct response from families and individuals who have expressed

an interest and desire to know more about the Christian Faith and the

central place that Jesus could increasingly play in their lives.

Paul tells us in Galatians that, “…I have been crucified with Christ and I no

longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by

faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” (2:29-30).

Holding this to be true is to be on God’s team. However, are we ‘All In’ on

His team’? Sport psychologists tell us that when a team is made up of

individuals who each adopt an “All In” mentality, its chances of success

are greatly enhanced. Their commitment to and love for their teammates

makes for an atmosphere that leads to optimum athletic performance. It is

so clearly evident to me that Glynde is full of people that are ‘All In’ on

God’s team. They have the right mentality because they acknowledge

Christ within them. This leads to the commitment and sacrificial acts that

enable all our ministries to continue, and that in turn enable those in our

community to be blest and nurtured in faith. So, a special thankyou to all

of you for the dedication you display, for the special and significant ways in

which you have, and no doubt will help, volunteer, love and care for those

in our church and wider community, even during this unique time of

physical isolation from each other.

God Bless, Jonathan Prenzler Chairperson

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dedication - the willingness to

give a lot of time and energy to something because it is important:

You are definitely seeing a lot of this at Glynde at the moment! Who would have thought just over a month ago, that we would be living as we are now? Everyone is showing so much dedication to the cause of slowing the coronavirus down. Everyone is dedicated to doing their best for our community, our state, our country and our world. Glynde is no different. After a few weeks of absolute craziness we have managed to settle in to a new style of mid-week ministries, with the dedication of everyone involved. How does it look and work? I have been sharing some of that with you all through the Sunday Paper and Facebook page. But what is behind all of these groups… dedication. Dedication from every member at Glynde who loves Glynde as their church family and home. Dedication in wanting to continue in some way to meet, to share, to learn, to grow. Dedication in our leadership wanting to continue our ministries. It has been interesting to see how things

have changed, and changing quickly. First, we were fairly happy to be communicating via the phone and email. But, soon it became apparent people wanted and needed to meet still as community. How? First, our Friday Bible study group set up a Messenger Video chat group. This for some was scary as they do not use technology at this level. Their dedication and commitment to seeing this through was a delight to be a part of. And, with the extra help of Grant and Alyssa on Good Friday we finally managed to get everyone on! The shouts of happiness and virtual hugs that were shared that morning were special. I knew this group had grown close when we studied Alpha together on Friday mornings last year, but the closeness that has grown since being online is a gift from God. Our Parenting course is back on track too, We are now meeting on Mondays via Skype, We can still share watching the DVD together online and then dis-cuss it afterward. We even started the course from the start again, as parenting is suddenly so different than it was just over a month ago. I am in awe of our Parenting mums who manage to watch and discuss, plus be a “mum” to their children at the same time. That is dedication.

From our

Cross Cultural


Dedication ...

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Mainly music is meeting with an email sharing links to songs and we are also sharing craft activities as well. To add to this, mainly music in New Zealand is providing a short session to share with our group as well. So we are so blessed to be able to meet this way. Mums are sharing photos of their children enjoying sessions and making the crafts. It makes us feel as if we are meeting together in person! Thank you to the dedication of all the mums and dads, encouraging their little ones with singing, dancing and making. Thank you also to our mainly music team who each week are helping me prepare. Your dedication to our group is much appreciated. Playgroup is meeting via email with an activity and chat, and sometimes with a link to a story or extra activity. Thank you to the parents who are sharing their photos and stories back to us. Grace over Lunch is still meeting also via email. We still have a devotion time and chat time. And we still share recipes, we just can’t eat them together! Thank you to the dedicated home cooks who are taking photos of their food and turning it into recipes for us all to share. I am so glad you do, otherwise everyone would only be eating my recipes! And English class, wow, the dedication of Dot and Sharyn as now we have English class up and running online. Thank you so much. It has been a lot of laughs and fun as we have tried to get things happening. We have all learnt so much, so quickly, and it is an absolute pleasure to now see it working. It is definitely God at work.. And thank you to the dedication of one of our students who have added our classes to a Korean website and the many enquiries we have had! God is using this opportunity for his love to reach so many people! With mentioning English, I must also welcome Sharyn to our team. We look forward to everything you will bring to our ministry groups of English, Playgroup and Grace over Lunch. I look forward to watching these groups evolve and change and grow through your dedication Sharyn. Thank you for the gifts and love you bring. I thank God for your talents and pray that as you join our team you will feel the blessings of being a blessing to others. The need for community and feeling loved is something that is wanted by all at this time. Our Korean church is no longer meeting and we have a close relationship with many of the mums from there. Over Easter a few of us met online to discuss Pastor Wayne’s message with the study he provided. It has made us see the need to meet and study and grow with the message given to us in “worship” each week. We can’t meet after church for a coffee and a chat, so, we are about to start meeting on a Wednesday for a study and a chat with Skype. I know that at a family level, we are all dedicated to making it work. Our family is meeting for tea via Video chat. We have watched our grandchildren open birthday presents from the safety of our car while they stand in their driveway. We witness the dedication and love of our families to make this work… We witness it in our streets, as next door neighbours are caring for each other. We witness it in our church family, as we care for each other, as people call each other, as people share virtual drinks together. We see the dedication with our services still being provided for us, so we can worship together. Thank you to everyone for trying. Thank you to our mid-week families who have taken on technology and new ways of learning. We thank God for you! Our Friday group often finishes with virtual hugs – I share my virtual hug with you all. Barbara Mattiske Cross Cultural Mentor

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Dear Members ‘Peace be with you’ a salutation post-Easter; beautiful words from Jesus. This peace is more than harmony from conflict but an inner assurance of the love and unity we have being together as a Christian community. It is into this community I was called to serve as Cross-cultural Ministry Co-ordinator. My commitment to this area lies within the heart of our Jesus-centred community that I am so fortunate to belong to. Here I see the living Word, Jesus, as the context, purpose and strength in mission outreach at Glynde. I am currently transitioning into the role as Cross-cultural Ministry Co-ordinator, beginning 3rd May in an official capacity. In this role I will be sharing with Barbara Mattiske (Cross-cultural Ministry Mentor)

groups to continue our Mission Outreach. It is a situation where our team spirit can ‘shine’. My three main groups will revolve initially around English class, Playgroup and Grace Over Lunch. Here identifying need, sensing opportunities for others and self to serve, as well as reporting on our activities within the community will be important. I was invited to give a brief history of myself so that you can gain a better understanding of what I cherish. One may ask what am I dedicated to? I am dedicated to knowing and making known the power of Christ, living in me. As the firstborn child into a Pastor’s family I was given every opportunity to know and love Jesus which I am very thankful for. I studied to be a High School teacher and also a deaconess in the late 1970s. My first appointment was to Toowoomba

Peace be with you ...

Joining our

Cross Cultural


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but also Immanuel College, Adelaide, of which I accepted the latter. I married Paul in 1981 and we were blessed with two children, Lisa and Jonathon. I taught geography, history and religious education. After working in schools for 30 years and now a grandma, life’s experiences had taken me into lives that were so different to my own. I loved being with people from all walks of life and felt drawn to them in ways that brought out compassion and love for Others. I saw the Other and I heard, ‘love one another, forgive, uphold each other’s burdens, have faith and serve each other,’ as applying always to my life. We were members at St. Stephens, Adelaide for two decades and I served in various capacities. My involvement was primarily with children and their parents taking Sunday school and Confirmation classes. When our children grew up we looked for a church community active and progressive in thinking about Mission Outreach.

My husband and I joined Glynde about 5 years ago because it was a community that valued the Other and is a community looking for ways to grow in Christ. We fit into that community. Paul has been able to use his artistic talents and I have been on the Executive Board for two years. Now I have been given this wonderful opportunity to serve in this further leadership position.

Please pray for this Ministry and with (only with) your support can the living Jesus work in our hearts and minds to bring God’s peace amongst and within our community.

Yours in Christ, Sharyn Schubert Cross-Cultural Ministry Coordinator



We are blessed to have

Sharyn joining our

Cross Cultural Ministry team

and look forward to having her

continue to grow

our Mission Outreach.

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Get Involved @ Glynde...

Sunday Monday Tuesday

3 Easter 4 9am Worship@Home

10:30 Worship@Home

Lighthouse Kids

4 11am Parenting@Home

7pm KYB@Home


10 Easter 5 9am Worship@Home

10:30 Worship@Home

Lighthouse Kids

11 11am Parenting@Home

7pm KYB@Home


7.30pm Exec. Comm. mtg

17 Easter 6 9am Worship@Home

10:30 Worship@Home

Lighthouse Kids

18 11am Parenting@Home

7pm KYB@Home


24 Easter 7 9am Worship@Home

10:30 Worship@Home

Lighthouse Kids

25 11am Parenting@Home

7pm KYB@Home


31 Pentecost 9am Worship@Home

10:30 Worship@Home

Lighthouse Kids

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What’s on in May?

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 9.30am KYB@Home 11am Study


2 10am English


6 9.30am Playgroup@Home

11am Study Group@Home

11am Grace over Lunch


7 9.45am Mainly Music


8 9.30am KYB@Home 11am Study


9 10am English


13 9.30am Playgroup@Home

11am Study Group@Home

11am Grace over Lunch


14 9.45am Mainly Music


15 9.30am KYB@Home 11am Study


16 10am English


20 9.30am Playgroup@Home

11am Study Group@Home

11am Grace over Lunch


21 9.45am Mainly Music


22 9.30am KYB@Home 11am Study


23 10am English


27 9.30am Playgroup@Home

11am Study Group@Home

11am Grace over Lunch


28 9.45am Mainly Music


29 9.30am KYB@Home 11am Study


30 10am English


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“Whatever you do, work at it

with all your heart, as though

you were working for the Lord

and not for people.

Remember that the Lord will

give you as a reward what he

has kept for his people. For

Christ is the real Master you


Colossians 3:23—24

All resources for “Church@Home” are available from our website:

Email Sharyn at her email: [email protected] if you would like to

participate in and/or receive resources for Playgroup, Grace over Lunch and

English classes

Email Barbara at her email [email protected] if you would like to

participate in and/or receive resources for mainly music, Parenting course and

Study Groups

NO INTERNET? You can tune in and listen to ...

5RPH 1197AM 8.00 am Sunday

Life FM 107.9FM 6.45pm Sunday

Vision Christian Radio 1611AM 7.35 am Sunday Central Daylight Time Australia – (daylight saving)

6.35am Central Standard Time Australia – ( not daylight Saving)

10th May 2020

Happy Mother’s Day

You can also watch Lutheran Church on TV

on Channel 44 (Adelaide’s Community Channel)

every Saturday at 12 noon

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Sunday evening radio program

Lutheran Media’s excellent, life-related radio programs called Messages of Hope are broadcast Sunday mornings at 8 am on 5RPH (that’s 1197 on the AM band). But often I’m busy at that time, getting ready to attend worship, so I miss much of the broadcast. Luckily, it’s on again that evening at

6.45 pm on 1079 Life (the last station on the FM band). Pastor Noel Due is one of my favourite speakers on Messages of Hope. We fondly remember him teaching a number of courses here at Glynde some years ago. You can always catch up online:

I’d also like to recommend the program that follows afterwards at 7 pm on 1079 Life. It’s called Sunday Night with Lynn Arnold. The host is Rev Dr Lynn Arnold, an Anglican priest in the ministry team at St Peter’s Cathedral. Before studying for the priesthood, he held a number of leadership positions in World Vision, and then became CEO of Anglicare SA. And before any of that, he was a politician, even serving for a short time as SA Premier in the early 1990s.

Lynn Arnold has interviewed a

fascinating range of people

across the spectrum, from a

housewife to a cathedral organist

to a spokesman from Christians

against Poverty. Sometimes they

are local people, sometimes from

another state, and sometimes

from another country.

It’s so encouraging to hear a whole hour of conversation (and a bit of music)

from Christians in a variety of life occupations. Good listening!

—Lois Kupke —

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Some years we have had a booklet available during the Islamic month of Ramadan, encouraging us to pray for Muslims. This year I didn’t order the booklets. But, like so many other things these days, we can still see the prayer suggestions online at:

In 1993 some Christians in the Middle East began the 30 Days movement. Ramadan has already started this year, and runs until 23 May. Although the most recent census shows that Muslims are less than 3% of the Australian population, some people fear the ‘islamisation’ of our country. As Christians, we can have an entirely different perspective on these migrants, who mostly come from countries with restrictions on belief in Jesus. Here we still have religious freedom, and instead of fearing their presence, we could look for opportunities to reach out in genuine love and concern to them. We don’t need to go overseas to find a ‘mission field’.

Many Muslims think (wrongly) that Western culture and Christianity are one and the same thing. So some of them reject Christianity, when they see some elements of Western culture that offend them: lack of respect for elders, over-use of alcohol, immoral themes of many films and songs, immodest clothing, lack of religious practice by most Aussies.

Many Muslims have never met a Christian who is actually living the Christian life day by day. It would be great if they were to get to know some sincere, loving Christians, inspired by God’s Spirit, who follow Jesus’ way as well as we can. Then the Muslim people would come to realise that true Christianity is far different from the stereotype of Western self-indulgence!

Let’s pray for the tiny Christian churches in places where they are the persecuted minority, that they may be good witnesses to their neighbours. Pray for the Christian TV channel SAT-7 that broadcasts to the Arab world, with a large potential viewer audience, as about half of Arab families have satellite TV. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead your prayers for these people whom God loves. During Ramadan they concentrate especially on matters of faith, and sometimes God reveals Himself to them in a vision, introducing them to the true saviour, Jesus. Islam recognises Jesus as only one of the prophets. Visions especially happen on the so-called Night of Power which falls on 19 May this year.

Relevant websites: (search this website for testimonies)

—Lois Kupke —

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Treasurer’s Report Treasurer's Report for the Year to 31 March 2020

Actual Budget Over/(Under)


Collections $34,402 $35,250 ($848)

Building Fund Collection $3,236 $11,472 ($8,236)

Fundraising $758 $3,406 ($2,648)

Fundraising Outcome for the month

Norwood BBQ $758

Ben Pfitzner,


Bank Accounts for Direct Giving to Glynde Lutheran Church by EFT

Regular Giving Building Fund

BSB Number 704-942 704-942

Account Number (from LLL) 48692 S1 152736 S1

Account Number (other Banks) 100309615 100897363

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Worship Calendar


Easter 4 Luke 2:41-52 GROWING YOUNG: 3. 9.00 a.m. “The boy Jesus lost Series with Online 10.30 a.m. in Jerusalem” clusters (1)

Easter 5 Mark 10:13-16 GROWING YOUNG: 10. 9.00 a.m. “Jesus blesses Series with Online 10.30 a.m. Baby Thanks the little children” clusters (2)

*“Thanks for Mums” (Mothers’ Day)

Easter 6 Acts 13:1-12 (cf. 14:8-18) GROWING YOUNG: 17. 9.00 a.m. “The young man, Paul” Series with Online 10.30 a.m. clusters (3) 12.00 p.m.

Pastor Henry Martinez

Easter 7 2 Timothy 3:10-17 GROWING YOUNG: 24. 9.00 a.m. “The mentoring of Series with Online 10.30 a.m. . Timothy in his faith” clusters (4)

Pentecost Acts 2:1-21 31. 9.00 a.m. H.C. “Everything you always wanted to 10.30 a.m. H.C. know about the Holy Spirit…”


Trinity (Pent 1) Matthew 28:16-20 7. 9.00 a.m. “Thank you, O our Father…” 10.30 a.m. Pentecost 2 Matthew 7:21-27 14. 9.00 a.m. “Build your life on the Lord Jesus Christ” 10.30 a.m. *Baptismal Anniversaries (April-June)

Pentecost 3 Matthew 8:1-17 21. 9.00 a.m. “Trust and obey” (re sickness and suffering) 10.30 a.m. Pentecost 4 Genesis 1:1-2:4a

28. 9.00 a.m. Pentecost 4 Genesis 1:1-2:4a 10.30 a.m. “The story of creation”

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Mid-week @Home!

Friday Study Group

Sigrid, Suji, Yumi, Barb, Rika Diane, Eunjin and Rosie

Parenting Group –

Mahlet, Jun, Mel, Rika, Rosie, Beth,

Barb & Eunjin.



Grace over Lunch — sharing recipes English class is
