Page 1: Dear Gorgeous Woman,Every+Woman+Needs+A+Yoni+Egg.pdf · longevity of the sexual organs. The use of a yoni egg to strengthen the vagina is a Taoist practice that evolved from ancient
Page 2: Dear Gorgeous Woman,Every+Woman+Needs+A+Yoni+Egg.pdf · longevity of the sexual organs. The use of a yoni egg to strengthen the vagina is a Taoist practice that evolved from ancient

Dear Gorgeous Woman,I hear you're interested in the yoni eggs, but you're like “yoni what?! And I'm putting an eggwhere?!”

I'm sure that is probably your first thought, along with many other questions, but first, let me ask you some questions:

•are you tired of peeing every time you laugh or sneeze?

•does it sound like a herd of wildebeests has escaped from your vagina when you come down from an inversion in yoga?

•do you want to prevent your sexual organs from nearly falling out of your vagina?If you're one of those women who have pushed infants the size of small watermelons through your vaginal canal, then you definitely need to keep reading...

I have to admit to you that 99% of women have weak pelvic floors – and you don't have to have a baby to experience peeing every time you laugh or sneeze. This is more common today than most women think.

And I'm sure your mama told you to do your kegels (you know, that exercise where you squeeze those muscles that stop your urine midflow)... but I hate to break the news to you...


Think about it... if you go to the gym, and merely squeeze your bicep muscle 30 times, is it going to get stronger?


And your pelvic floor muscles are no different than your bicep muscle or your glute muscles. They need to be strengthened with resistance or weights. And that's where jade eggs come in to play...

So here we go! Put down those FitBits and grab some yoni eggs. Vaginal kung fu and strong pelvic floors are where it's at!

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On a serious note, I see women struggling with their sexuality in my practice all the time. A lot of my female patients checkmark the boxes for low libido, painful sex, irregular and painful periods, miserable menopausal symptoms, and/or hysterectomy. Can you believe I've had patients as young as 25 have a hysterectomy – where all of their vital sexual organs have been removed?

Your sexuality is a part of who you are. Pleasure is your birthright – as a woman, you have a body part that was designed for 1 purpose and 1 purpose alone... PLEASURE. (That bodypart is your clitoris, in case you didn't know.)

Your sexuality was never designed to be painful or a stressful part of your everyday life.

It wasn't unheard of for Ayurvedic Medicine doctors to prescribe sex and more orgasms formany different ailments thousands of years ago. Not even that long ago in the late 1800's, medical doctors would treat women for 'hysteria' by masturbating them to orgasm... until one doctor developed carpal tunnel syndrome and invented the vibrator.

Sexual energy is the most powerful healing energy in the universe; it was once considered to be the key to longevity, the fountain of youth, and immortality, as well as the secret to attracting anything you desire. That ancient knowledge has been lost over the thousands of years that we migrated from ayurvedic medicine to allopathic medicine where every dis-ease requires a pill.

And the pharmaceutical companies have been in the process of developing a drug for 'female sexual dysfunction' – a dis-ease that was created in a boardroom in order to get the drug approved by the FDA.

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Let's look a little closer at just how much women are struggling with their sexuality:

•97% of women judge their body at least 13x/day

•80% of women dislike their body

•46% of those women who judge their body are unable to reach orgasm

•43% of women have ‘female sexual dysfunction’

•90% of women said their orgasm problems are psychological in nature

•10% of women have never had an orgasm

•33% of women can’t find their sweet g-spot

•100% of women who can't find their g-spot rarely have orgasms

•29% of women are unable to label the clitoris on a diagram

•87% of women are sexually unsatisfied

•50% of mothers experience incontinence and prolapse

•67% of marriages end in divorce

•65% of divorces are initiated by women

•99% of women have a weak pelvic floor

Are these stats related? You better believe they are! Having worked with thousands of women, I can whole-heartedly say they are related and the root cause lies in your pelvic floor. Did you know that 67% of women who have a strong pelvic floor have twice as manyorgasms, can ejaculate easier, have pain-free symptom-less menstrual cycles, AND can become multi-orgasmic?

Who wouldn't want that, right?

Women are not taught to be free in who they are as feminine women – instead they are programmed to not like their body and to not like pleasure. As a result, we have a soaring rise in body image issues, eating disorders, obesity, depression, gender confusion, sexual dysfunction, unhappiness, and divorces.

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Not to mention, more American women have died from breast cancer in the last 20 years than the number of Americans killed in World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War... COMBINED!

Sexual repression leads to dis-ease of your sexuality – endometriosis, cervical cancer, breast cancer, fibroids, cysts, painful sex, irregular and painful periods, decreased libido andpelvic inflammatory disease just to name a few. Those who have completely shut off their sexuality literally create their sexuality being cut out of them, as performed in a hysterectomy.

This is where the yoni egg comes in...A yoni egg (also called a jade egg or a love egg) is a beautiful highly polished, semi-precious stone carved into an egg shape for inserting into the female yoni to strengthen her pelvic floor muscles, revitalize her reproductive organs, activate her sexual energy, heal her body, and create a more luscious, orgasmic sex life.

Yoni eggs have been used for over 7,000 years in Asian traditions for increasing vitality andlongevity of the sexual organs. The use of a yoni egg to strengthen the vagina is a Taoist practice that evolved from ancient China. Legend has it that the secret was kept in the Royal Palace and taught only to the queen and mistresses of the most powerful nobles. It was believed that women who mastered the yoni egg techniques would maintain their youthful beauty, longevity, and vitality as they matured into old age, as well as keeping their sexual organs tight and resilient as those of a young, unmarried lady. Some believe that the queen and concubines practiced the technique in order to please the king while making love.

The original stone of choice was jade. The Chinese valued jade more so than gold and called it the “stone of heaven.” It is a stone of eternity that cleanses the body, mind and spirit. It eliminates harmful bacteria, increases libido and helps in childbirth. It is also an emerald green hue, similar to the heart chakra, which is also green, and aids in breaking down the walls you've built around your heart and connects you to self love. Jade is the preferred stone due to its high vibration and its balanced yin-yang energy.

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When choosing a stone as a beginner, other stones of choice besides jade are rose quartz and obsidian.

The yoni egg has many purposes:1. It serves as a key tool in cultivating sexual energy. Sexual energy is the most

powerful healing force known to man and is often referred to as the “Fountain of Youth.”

2. It strengthens the vaginal and lower pelvic floor muscles preventing issues related to a weak pelvic floor. (i.e. prolapse & incontinence)

3. It heals the entire body. There are reflexology points within the vagina that the jade egg will be massaging, thereby promoting healing throughout the entire body.

4. It creates a better connection with self. A heart connection is very important for women, and the yoni egg practice connects women to their heart centers. Women learn to integrate their feminine, sensual, sexual self in all parts of their lives throughthis practice.

5. It serves as a gateway for women to connect to their femininity. The yoni egg practice requires women to slow down and become aware of their body, disconnecting from the fast-paced, masculine driven society that we are living in.

6. It enhances women’s orgasms. Women in today’s society are disconnected from their sexuality, and their vaginas. By bringing awareness to their vagina, increasing lubrication and sensitivity, as well as regaining elasticity of the surrounding muscles, their orgasms will become stronger and more intense. 67% of women who have strong pelvic floors have twice as many orgasms.

Benefits from using the yoni egg:• Strengthens, tones, and tightens vaginal and pelvic floor muscles

• Prevents prolapse and incontinence

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• Increases lubrication, blood flow, & vaginal sensitivity

• Develops stronger, more intense orgasms

• Increases sexual pleasure, ability to ejaculate, and become multi-orgasmic

• Regulates and shortens menstrual cycle

• Decreases menstrual cramps

• Maintains healthy reproductive organs improving pelvic and bladder health

• Eases symptoms during menopausal years

• Balances your hormones

• Improves fertility

• Eliminates toxins from the body

• Cultivates sexual energy

• Increases awareness of sexual center and opens up energy flow through the meridians

• Removes stored trauma from vaginal tissues (emotional, energetic, physical; i.e. painful sex)

• Prepares you for childbirth and decreases recovery time after child birth

• Prevents diseases such as uterine cancer, bladder infections, endometriosis, fibroids,myomas, cysts, ongoing bleeding, etc.

• & so much more!

So whether you're single, married, divorced, a mother, a grandmother, or don't have any kids – it's time for you to cherish you and develop an intimate and loving relationship with your yoni, your entire body, and ultimately yourself. The universe lives inside your yoni – supercharge your kegel exercises and become the multi-orgasmic sexual goddess you were designed to be by connecting to your yoniverse!

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Wait what is a yoni?–Yoni in Sanskrit means womb, uterus, vagina, vulva, abode, or source.

It is a stylized representation of female genitalia representing the goddess Shakti in Hinduism. According to tantra, yoni is the origin of all life.

The male counterpart of the yoni is the lingam. The union of the yoni and lingam represents the eternal process of creation and regeneration, the union of male and female, yin and yang, masculine and feminine, and ultimately, all existence.

Your yoni is your center of creation — literally and figuratively.

Literally, it is the space in which you give birth to new life, and we're not just talking babies here. Figuratively, it is the space in which your creative energy is stored and inspires spontaneous ideas, wisdom, and magical creation.

Your yoni is an entire unique universe of its own - it has its own pH, microbiome, ecosystem, and an innate intelligence that is designed to maintain a healthy equilibrium.

However, the equilibrium of your yoni can be thrown off by stress, diet, lack of personal hygiene, what you put inside of her, who you allow to enter her, and fluctuating hormones.

Mother Nature did not intend for your yoni to have visitors such as sex toys made of toxic chemicals that leaves you feeling yucky. Mother Nature intended for your yoni to feel juicy,alive, vibrating, energized, and smelling super delicious, as well as leaving you feeling inspired, sexy, and connected to the universe.

Orgasms, which occur in your yoni, are 1 of 2 times in your life when your mind completely shuts off and you are connected to the universe... something that is extremely hard to achieve even in deep meditative practices. Hence, having a healthy yoni will connect you to the yoniverse.

Every woman should consider herself blessed to be able to house these magnificent powers inside of her yoni, instead of judging her body or not liking her yoni or not truly embodying the greatness of the female body.

If you are experiencing unbalanced hormones, painful periods, irregular periods, painful sex, or any form of dis-ease of your reproductive organs, it is time that you pay special

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attention to your yoni and give her some much needed TLC. (Perhaps with a yoni egg? That'd be the best place to start!)

How do I begin using a yoni egg?It is recommended to start your practice with a large yoni egg and as your pelvic floor muscles improve the large egg may be replaced with a smaller egg. It takes more skill and awareness to use the smaller egg, and it's human behavior to give up on a practice when itstarts out too challenging. As your muscles become stronger, it will be much easier to use a smaller egg, as well as multiple eggs.

Yoni eggs come with a hole drilled through the top of the egg. For easy retrieval of the egg, you can use a foot of non-flavored silk organic dental floss for a string. Fold it in half and thread the folded end through the hole. Feed the opposite ends through the loop to create a hanging string from the egg.

If you have not attended a pelvic floor fitness class yet, but have purchased the egg, followthe next steps to begin using your yoni egg:

• Find a quiet space and lie on your back with the yoni egg between your breasts.

• Take a few deep breaths in and become aware of your body, become aware of your vagina, become aware of your sexual energy.

• Create a gentle heart connection with your yoni egg and set any intentions for whatyou desire to receive from your yoni egg practice (the possibilities are endless!)

• When you are ready, bring the yoni egg in contact with your vaginal opening. Massage your clitoris and lips with the egg, allowing your vagina to open, and gently slip the egg inside with the large end first.

• You can get to know your egg by squeezing and releasing your muscles.

To learn over 60 different exercises that you can do with your yoni egg, sign up for my yoniegg eCourse here.

Can the yoni egg get lost or stuck inside of me?

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No, the egg will not disappear into the abyss! If the string comes off during practice, or theegg was inserted without the floss (common practice) or is an undrilled egg, it cannot get lost. It's no different than wearing a tampon. It may find its way up a little high into your vaginal canal, but it is capable of being removed. First, take a few deep breaths to relax, lower into a squat position, and use your vaginal power to bear down and push out the egg. You'll literally lay an egg.You'll be surprised at how easy this form of removal is once you give it a go. The most important thing is to remember to stay calm.You can also reach up inside of you with your fingers and pull it out, or ask your partner to pull it out for you. Sitting on the toilet to urinate will usually do the trick as well (make sure to catch the egg so that you don't lose it in the toilet).

*Never insert the yoni egg inside of your rectum - it will get stuck there and will require a hospital visit.

How do I clean the yoni egg?Clean your eggs by rinsing them in warm water and gently rub a natural, organic, non-scented soap on the outside. You can use a wash cloth or soft bristle tooth brush for a more thorough cleaning. To clean a drilled yoni egg, run a pipe cleaner through the hole. After rinsing all of the soap off, pat dry with a clean towel and allow to air dry.

Another way to clean your stones is to boil a pot of water and then remove it from the stove to cool down. When it's cool enough to stick a finger in it, add a few drops of tea tree oil or white vinegar and allow your stone to soak for 5-10 minutes. Remove stone and pat dry with a clean towel.

Clean your stones before and after each use.

*Never boil your stones, it can cause them to crack.

*Never use harsh chemicals or non-organic soaps.

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Do I need to do a ritual with my yoni egg before using them?A stone never loses its energy, however, it's always a good idea to energetically clear your yoni stones before using it for the first time. Besides, you'll want to infuse them with your own energy and vibrations to set the right intention for your healing experience. You can place it in a glass bowl with clean water and sea salt for a sea salt bath overnight; or you can burn smudge sticks (sage, cedar, or palo santo) near your yoni stone so that it absorbs the cleansing smoke.

With a regular practice, you may want to cleanse your stones every few days. You can leave your yoni stones in the sunshine for 1-2 hours, or you can leave them in the moonlight over night. You can also state mantras and positive intentions over your yoni stones before each use.

You can also sleep with the stones under your pillow to create a bonding experience, and to enjoy a well-rested night while your body absorbs the healing powers of the stones.

How do I insert the egg?Just like going to the gym, it is important to warm up. Start off with a light, gentle breast massage with your fingertips or a feather. This stimulates the endocrine system and the kidneys where sexual energy is stored. Energy will begin to flow from your breasts down toyour yoni, turning your body on so that your yoni is ready and willing to accept the egg with ease. Move your attention to your inner thighs and groin. You can use the egg to massage your vaginal opening and as your yoni is ready, insert the egg with the larger endfirst. Give it a gentle push, but do not push it all the way up to the cervix. Allow your muscles to pull it in.

The best position for inserting the yoni egg is in a horse stance or lying down.

*You can use an all natural lubricant, such as extra virgin coconut oil. Avoid synthetic products. Coconut oil is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal as well.

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I can't keep the yoni egg inside of me is that a –problem?Absolutely not! This is very common, especially for beginners or women who have given birth. However, with that being said, 99% of women have weak pelvic floors due to our sedentary lifestyle today. It just means that you require more practice and need to build upyour pelvic floor muscle strength.What you can do is try laying on your back with your feet flat on the ground, with your knees bent. Continue practicing your kegel exercises in this position until you feel you are ready to stand up without the egg falling out.

I can't feel the yoni egg inside of me is that normal?–It is completely normal to not feel the yoni egg, otherwise it would be too distracting to wear it. One of the main purposes of the yoni egg is to help you develop awareness of your sexual center (yoni), increase sensitivity and gain more control. You will notice that by engaging your pelvic floor muscles or being in certain positions, you will be able to feel theegg more.Instead of vibrators, that dull your senses over time and require you to have more and more stimulation to feel anything, yoni eggs help you to become more sensitive so that you can feel with less stimulation.

How long can I leave my yoni egg in?Generally, it is fine to wear the yoni egg for up to 12 hours. Remove it and clean it and allow your yoni to rest.

If you find that it is hard to hold the egg in as you walk around, start with just sitting with the yoni egg a few times a week for 10-15 minutes. Focus on squeezing the egg/performing kegels. As your strength increases, you can continue with 5-30 minutes per day so that you can walk around with it. And slowly progress up to a few hours.

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Doing the kegel exercises is important, however you will reap many, many health benefits by simply wearing the yoni egg.There is no set time frame on how long you should wear your yoni egg. Listen to your body, and if you begin to feel any discomfort or pain, removeyour yoni egg and allow it to subside.Your pelvic floor muscles are like any other muscles, they need rest too. Be sure not to wear your yoni egg more than 12 hours every single day – give your body a chance to rest so that your muscles don't become overworked.

*Women with a lot of limiting belief systems around their femininity and sexuality may experience more discomfort or cramping during the first few weeks of use as their body is letting go of all the stored trauma. Allow the stones to work their healing magic – don't stop the process. Contact us if you have any questions during your initial use.

Can I use the yoni egg while I am on my period?It is not recommended that you use the yoni egg during your menstrual cycle. Although it isn't dangerous to your health, it is better to give your uterus the time and space to shed without adding any extra stimulus.

If you decide to use your yoni egg during your period, please make sure to clean it thoroughly before and after each use, as you are more susceptible to infection during this time of the month.

Can I use the yoni egg with an IUD?There are no conflicting problems as IUD’s are designed to withstand a lot of movement during sexual encounters and yoni eggs are a very gentle practice. The possibility of the IUD becoming dislodged is highly unlikely, but something to be aware of. The only recommendation is to practice with caution and use an un-drilled egg since there is a risk of the string becoming tangled with the wires of the IUD. This can reduce the effectiveness of the IUD, as well as cause tears in the walls of your uterus.

Can I use the yoni egg if I'm pregnant?It is not recommended to use the yoni egg during pregnancy. Yoni eggs can be a brilliant way to prepare the vaginal canal for birthing a child, though a woman should have a

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strong yoni egg practice six months prior to conception if the egg is used during pregnancy. This is still a controversial topic – and it is best to use your own intuition. If you do choose to wear your jade egg during pregnancy, do it more so for the connection, rather than strength. And limit the length of time that you keep it in to a few hours with very passive, gentle movements.

*As each woman is unique in the way her body adapts to pregnancy, consult with your OB/GYN to ensure this practice is appropriate for your gestation.

How soon after pregnancy can I use a yoni egg?Allow your body 3-4 weeks post-birth to heal before you start using a yoni egg. The vagina is often stretched during childbirth and many women have successfully used the yoni egg to regain the elasticity. Yoni egg practices will greatly increase healing in addition to being a pleasant and relaxing way to tone the vaginal muscles with efficacy and ease. Overall health improves rapidly after the birth of the child and her sexuality is restored quickly, hence, allowing her to feel like a 'woman' again. (Which is important in keeping the sexual flame alive between her and her partner post-childbirth.)

Postpartum Blues can occur after the birth of the baby due to a dramatic shift in hormones. Wearing a yoni egg will naturally stimulate your hormones encouraging their production and assist you in restoring pleasurable sexual activity.

Can I use a yoni egg if I had a hysterectomy?Absolutely! After having a hysterectomy where the cervix is removed, the doctors sew up the vagina so that it’s closed at the top and nothing can get lost. For women who have hadthis kind of operation, using a yoni egg is ideal to prevent prolapse and from having ‘extra space’ in your pelvis. Awakening your sexual center with a yoni egg will stimulate the electromagnetic charge of the sexual organs you had removed, allowing your body to still feel feminine and radiant.

*Rose quartz is the recommended stone for its loving and healing vibration.

Can menopausal women use yoni eggs?

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Absolutely! Nearly 50% of all women at menopausal age suffer from uterine prolapse, which occurs when pelvic floor muscles are weak and provide inadequate support for the uterus. The uterus then slips down into or protrudes out of the vagina, which can be a debilitating and painful condition to live with. Yoni eggs are ideal for menopausal women as they restore youthful vitality as well as help to prevent prolapse, improve bladder control, increase vaginal lubrication and balance estrogen levels. Who ever said your sexuality had to diminish as you age?

Can I sleep with my yoni egg inside of me?Absolutely! It has been known that the ancient Mayans, Chinese, Egyptians, and Native Americans slept with crystals and stones to heighten intuition and to create a deeper connection to spirit guides. When you sleep with the yoni egg inside of your vagina duringthe magical dream state, your sexual energy is gently stimulated by the egg resting inside of you and it recalibrates the electromagnetic resonance of your energy, assisting in deep healing for the mind, body and spirit.

Can I wear my yoni egg to a yoga class?Absolutely! Yoni eggs are a wonderful contribution to a yoga or meditation practice.Start with a restorative or yin yoga class to familiarize yourself with having an egg inside of you during gentle movements. The gentle movements will strengthen your vaginal muscles.

A yoni egg may also be used in a dynamic form of yoga such as a vinyasa or ashtanga class, and can facilitate Mula Bandha. Mula Bandha is the Sanskrit term for a yogic energy lock or seal, applied to the lower pelvis by contracting the muscles of the perineum. It is one of three Bandhas which prevents vital life force (i.e. sexual energy) from leaking out during intense yogic practice and facilitating its movement up the spinal column to the crown of the head.The muscles used for activating mula bundha will naturally tighten to hold the egg in place during jump throughs. However, it is recommended to alternate daysusing the egg so that it does not become a crutch in learning how to use your pelvic floor muscles properly to activate mula bandha.

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Can I go dancing with my yoni egg?YES! In certain dance practices, such as hoopdance and belly dance, the circular motion of the hips simultaneously trains the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor. Add the yoni egg,and you have a double whammy! Besides, it is also fun for a woman to have a feminine secret inside her sacred temple; it makes her feel sexy, it awakens her sexual energy which ripples throughout her body, mind, and spirit, and it makes others wonder why she is glowing as brightly as she does.

Can I have sex with the yoni egg in?Absolutely! There is no reason that you cannot. However, do keep in mind that yoni eggs are first and foremost a woman's sacred feminine practice. They don't need to be introduced to your lover if you don't want them to be. HOWEVER, they can deepen your connection, enhance your lovemaking, increase your ability to ejaculate and become multi-orgasmic, as well as bring you energetically closer together.

Yoni Egg ContraindicationsThose who should not use a yoni egg are those with a bladder, vaginal, or rectal prolapse; and those with a pelvic organ infection. Please consult your medical doctor first before engaging in a yoni egg practice.

Yoni Egg eCourseThe Yoni Egg eCourse is a 4-Week Course where you will not only learn all of the yoni egg sexercises (more than 60, plus a yoni yoga practice) to strengthen and tone your pelvic floor, but you will also awaken your full sexual potential by getting out of your head and back into your body.

This eCourse was designed to empower you to take charge of your sexuality and reclaim your power as a sexual woman. It is similar to any other fitness class in that you will

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receive “sexercises” to perform to activate your sexual energy and enhance your sexual health.

Learn more about the Yoni Egg eCourse here:

If you are interested in hosting your own yoni egg class or webinar, please send me an email to [email protected].

And if you have any other questions regarding your yoni egg practice, please don't hesitate to contact me! I'm here to help you unleash the multi-orgasmic goddess that livesinside of you!

Much Love,Dr. Shelly
