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  • GN-R-12 G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science

    Autonomous under JNTUH (for Women) Shaikpet, Hyderabad- 500 008

    I-B.Tech, II Semester Regular Examinations, June 2013


    Max. Marks: 75 Time: 03 Hours

    1. Question paper comprises of Part A and Part B. 2. Part A (for 15 marks) is compulsory and must be answered at one place in the answer book. 3. Answer any 05 full questions out of 08 from Part B (for 60 marks) in the answer book.

    PART-A (Question 1 comprises of 1 mark bits and Question 2 comprises of 2 mark bits)

    Q.1 a) If the sequence of operations - push(5), push(6), pop, push(5), push(6), pop, pop, pop, push(6), pop are performed on a stack, the sequence of popped out values are ________. i) 6, 6, 5, 5, 6 ii) 6, 6, 5, 6, 6 iii) 6, 5, 6, 6, 5 iv) 6, 5, 6, 6, 6


    b) Which algorithm is most similar to the way many people would sort a hand of cards? ________. i) insertion sort ii) bubble sort iii) selection sort iv) Shell sort v) Quick sort

    c) Deleting a node from a linked list normally involves _______. i) Changing the data value in the node. ii) Changing the value of the node's next reference iii) Changing the link in another node so as not to point to the deleted node iv) Changing the link in another node to point to the deleted node

    d) The depth of a complete binary tree is given by______. i) n log2n ii)n log2n+1 iii) log2n iv) log2n+1

    e) If every node u in G is adjacent to every other node v in G, A graph is said to be ___________ graph. i) isolated ii) complete iii) finite iv)strongly connected

    Q.2 a) Mention any two sorting algorithms whose time complexity in Big-O notation is not the same.

    [2x5= 10]

    b) Evaluate the following postfix expression: 6 5 2 3 + 8 * + 3 + *

    c) How might you append one linked list L1, to another linked list L2?

    d) Differentiate between complete binary tree and fully binary tree. e) Describe any two graph storage structures.


  • GN-R-12 PART-B

    (Answer any 05 full questions. Each question carries 12 marks) Q.3(a) Write an algorithm for the merge sort technique and discuss its time complexity. [06]

    (b) Compare the Best case and worst case running times for searching unsorted arrays, and sorted arrays.


    Q.4(a) Discuss basic operations on circular queues with an example. [06]

    (b) Explain the steps to convert an infix expression into postfix expression with suitable example.


    Q.5(a) Write pseudo code for deleting a node from the doubly linked list. [08]

    (b) Give the merits and demerits of linked lists.


    Q.6(a) Discuss tree traversal techniques with suitable examples. [06]

    (b) Illustrate the steps to construct the binary search tree for the following keys:

    50, 22, 78, 110, 5, 56, 45, 12, 48, 50, 88


    Q.7(a) Discuss implementation of Depth First Search algorithm in detail. [06]

    (b) Explain minimum cost spanning tree algorithms with examples.


    Q.8(a) What is Dequeue? How it works? Explain. [04]

    (b) Illustrate radix sort algorithm with an example.


    Q.9(a) Explain insertion operation on singly linked list with example. [06]

    (b) Describe stack applications with examples.


    Q.10(a) Discuss graph traversal techniques in detail. [06]

    (b) Explain insertion and deletion operation on binary search trees with examples. [06]


