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    Schedule and Plan for Home Learning

    Classes V (Session 2020-21)

    Lesson Plan (July 13 -18, 2020)

    Days Classes V A & B V C & D V E & F



    9:00 am Science SST English

    10:30 am SST Mathematics Science

    12:00 noon Mathematics Hindi SST



    9:00 am CTP (Recapitulation) CTP (Recapitulation) CTP (Recapitulation)

    10:30 am SST English Mathematics

    12:00 noon English Science Hindi



    9:00 am Hindi Mathematics Science

    10:30 am Science SST English

    12:00 noon Mathematics Hindi SST



    9:00 am SST English Science

    10:30 am Science SST Mathematics

    12:00 noon Mathematics Science Hindi



    9:00 am CTP (Recapitulation) CTP (Recapitulation) CTP (Recapitulation)

    10:30 am Hindi Science Mathematics

    12:00 noon English Mathematics SST



    10:00 am CTP

    (Cooking without Fire)

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    Home Learning Plan


    Concept: Nouns Contd… (Number & Gender)

    What will I learn? I will be able to:

    explain the meaning of noun

    differentiate between different types of nouns

    change singular nouns to plural nouns

    use appropriate masculine and feminine nouns to name people;

    use the masculine, feminine, neuter nouns in sentences.

    Watch the videos

    A noun which is used for only one person or thing is said to be in the Singular Number. Example: girl, man, child, pen, table, chair etc.

    A noun which is used for more than one person or thing is said to be in the Plural Number. Example: girls, men, children, pens tables, chairs etc.

    Rules Of Forming The Plural Of Nouns

    Rule 1: Most Singular Nouns form their Plurals by adding –s.


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    Rule 2: Nouns that ends in –s, -ss, -x, -sh, or –ch form their Plurals by adding –es to the Singular

    Rule 3: Noun that ends in –y, and the –y has a consonant before it, its Plural is formed by changing –y into –ies; as,


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    Rule 4: But if the Noun ends in –y, and the –y has a vowel before it, its Plural is formed by adding –s to the Singular


    Rule 5: Noun that ends in –f or –fe form their Plurals by changing –f or –fe into –ves


    But the following Nouns form their Plurals by simply adding –s to the Singular


    Rule 6: Nouns that ends in –o, if they have a consonant before them, generally form their Plurals by adding –es to the Singular


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    Rule 7: The following Nouns form their Plurals by a change of the inside vowel


    Rule 8: The following Nouns form their Plurals in –en or –ren


    Rule 9: Compound Noun and their Plurals


    Rule 10: The following Nouns have the same form for the Plural as for the Singular.

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    Rule 11: The following Nouns are always Singular: Example:

    Rule 12: The following Nouns are always Plural: Example:

    There are four types of Genders.

    Masculine Gender: The names of all male persons or animals are said to be of the Masculine Gender. Example: man, actor, uncle, hero, king, lion etc.

    Feminine Gender: The names of all female persons or animals are said to be of the Feminine Gender. Example: woman, aunt, daughter, actress, queen, lioness etc.

    Neuter Gender: Things without life cannot be distinguished either as male or female; hence the names of such things are said to be of the Neuter Gender. Example: house, knife, tree, chair, table, book, ball etc.

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    Common Gender: Names that can be used for both males and females are said to be of the Common Gender. Example: child, parent, student etc.

    Methods to change the Feminine Noun from the Masculine Noun;

    By making change in the last part of the word.

    By adding a word after or before.

    By changing the word.

    By making change in the last part of the word

    Some Feminine are formed by simply adding –ess to the Masculine.

    Sometimes the form is slightly changed before –ess is added.

    Note – Also note how the following Feminines are formed:

    By adding a word after or before By changing the word

    The Feminine of a Compound Noun is formed by changing that part which shows the gender.

    Many Nouns have different words for the Masculine and the Feminine.

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    Common Gender

    Example: Neuter Gender


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    Worksheet 1 (Tune Into Grammar)

    Noun – Number

    Exercise – Learn (Page 37)

    Write the plural form of each of these nouns: (Textbook)

    Exercise A (Page 38)

    Underline the nouns in these sentences and state whether they are singular or plural:


    Exercise B (Page 38)

    Rewrite these sentences changing the singular nouns to plural and vice versa. Make other

    changes as required: (Notebook)

    Exercise C (Page 39)

    Complete these sentences by choosing the correct form of the word given in the brackets.

    Exercise D (Page 39)

    These sentences have errors in the use of singular and plural nouns. Spot the errors and rewrite the sentences. (Notebook)

    Worksheet 2 (Tune Into Grammar)

    Noun – Gender

    Exercise – Learn (Page 43)

    Arrange these nouns in proper columns: (Textbook)


    Exercise – A (Page 44)

    State whether the highlighted nouns are of masculine (M), feminine (F), common (C), or neuter

    (N) gender: (Textbook)

    Exercise B (Page 44)

    Find these words in the word grid: (Textbook)

    Exercise C (Page 45)

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    Read these sentences. Frame two correct sentences from each of them. (Notebook)

    Exercise D (Page 45)

    Rewrite these sentences by changing the gender of the highlighted words: (Notebook)

    Exercises E, F and G are to be done in the book (Answers are given in the answer key)

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    Subject: Hindi

    Subject:- हहॊदी

    Concept: ऩाठ-5 ऩक्षऺमों का हस्ऩतार (साहहत्म)

    What will I learn?

    ऩठन, श्रवण ,वाचन औय रेखन कौशर का ववकास होगा। शब्द बॊडाय भें ववृि होगी औय नए शब्दों द्वाया वाक्म ननभााण कयने भें सऺभ होऊॉ गा। ऩाठ के भाध्मभ से ऩऺी के प्रनत-प्रेभ बावना,सॊवेदना ,करुणा आहद बाव का ववकास होगा। ऩश ु-ऩक्षऺमों हभाये ऩमाावयण का अभबन्न अॊग हैं इस फात से अवगत होऊॉ गा। । हभें ऩश ु-ऩक्षऺमों को भायना नह ॊ चाहहए इस फात से अवगत होऊॉ गा। । याष्ट्र म उद्मान औय ऩऺी ववहाय स्थर की जानकाय भभरेगी।

    To Read & Understand: (Textbook- Page number) :-

    ऩाठ्म ऩसु्तक –( ऩरयवेश) (ऩेज़ 34 – 36)

    To Do: साहहत्म कॉऩी भें कीजजए (वाक्म ननभााण कीजजए) 1. ननम्नलरखित शब्दों के अथा लरिकय वाक्म भें प्रमोग कीजजए। घाव उऩचाय प्रमोगशारा उल्रास उदायता

    भरखखत प्रश्न उत्तय प्रश्न -1 ऩक्षऺमों का अस्ऩतार कहाॉ जस्थत है? प्रश्न -2 अस्ऩतार भें इराज कयाने वारे ऩक्षऺमों की ऩहचान डॉक्टय ककस प्रकाय कयते हैं? प्रश्न -3 मह अस्ऩतार कफ शुरू हुआ था ? प्रश्न -4 ऩक्षऺमों के ठीक होने ऩय क्मा ककमा जाता है? प्रश्न -5 मह अस्तऩतार ककस प्रकाय चरता है?

    भूल्मऩयक प्रश्न प्रश्न :ऩक्षऺमों की यऺा कयने के लरए आऩ क्मा कदभ उठाएॉगे?

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    ऩाठ्म ऩुस्तक – ऩरयवेश – 4(ऩेज़ 37 – 40) , बाषा की फात – प्रश्न 1-6 (ऩाठ सॊफॊधधत अभ्मास कामा)

    To Enjoy:

    गनतववधध -बायत भें स्स्थत ककन्ह ॊ ऩाॉच याष्ट्र म उद्मान औय ऩऺी ववहाय स्थर के नाभ उसके याज्मों के साथ भरखखए।

    To Create: अऩने घय के ककसी सदस्म भाता -पऩता ,दादा -दादी मा कोई बी अन्म सदस्म का साऺात्काय (इॊटयव्मू ) रीजजए उसका अऩने भोफाइर ऩय वीडडमो फना कय अऩनी अध्मापऩका के साथ साझा (Share) कीजजए। पवषम : हभ ऩशु -ऩक्षऺमों के सॊयऺण हेतु क्मा -क्मा प्रमास कय सकते हैं।

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    Concept: Prime factorisation and HCF

    What will I learn?

    What will I learn?

    To find prime factorisation of a number by Division method

    To define the term highest common factor.

    To find the HCF of two or three numbers.

    To See:

    To Read & Understand: (Textbook- Page number)

    Read page 44 - 45

    Extra reading material:

    In prime factorization, we factorize the numbers into prime numbers, called prime factors.

    Prime Factorization by Division Method

    Observe the following steps.

    I: First divide the number by the smallest prime number which divides the number exactly.

    II: Divide the quotient again by the smallest or the next smallest prime number if it is not exactly

    divisible by the smallest prime number. Repeat the process again and again till the quotient becomes 1.

    Remember, use only prime numbers to divide.

    III: Multiply all the prime factors.

    Remember, the product is the number itself.

    Let us take an example to find prime factors of 210.

    Divide 210 by the first prime number 2 we get 105.

    Now divide 105 by the prime number 3 and we get 35.

    Again divide 35 by the prime number 5 and we get 7.

    And, again divide 7 by the prime number 7 and we get 1.

    Therefore, Prime factorisation of 210 = 2 × 3 × 5 × 7 and prime factors of 210 are 2,3,5 and 7

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    To Do:

    Extra Question :

    Q1. Find the prime factorisation of given below numbers by division method:

    a) 36 b) 51 c) 60 d) 120 e) 225

    Exercise 3.3 – Page 46 (T.bk)

    Q B:- 1 , 4 , 7 and 10 parts

    To Enjoy:


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    Concept : Nervous system

    What will I learn?

    I will be able to know

    Sense organs –eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin

    Taking care of sense organs

    To See:

    To Read & Understand: (Textbook- Page number)

    Pg 38-pg 41

    To Do:

    Ex 5: Ex -7 c, d, e, f, g, h.

    Hots a, b & c

    To Enjoy:

    Activity 2: pg 43

    To Create:

    Draw a neat labelled diagram of brain with its three parts.

    Subject: Social Science

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    Class: V

    Concept: Greenland - Land of Snow

    What Will I Learn?

    o Polar Regions

    o Arctic

    o Antarctic

    o Greenland – Location

    To Read & Understand (Textbook Page Number):

    Pg. No. 33- Pg. No. 37

    To Enjoy:

    Find out about the ‘Northern Lights’ of the Arctic and Antarctic region. Also, try to find out the

    reason for this natural phenomenon.

    To Do:

    Exercises 1-3 Pg. No. 38 (in the textbook)

    Exercises 4-5 Pg. No. 38 (in the notebook)

    Answer Key


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    Worksheet 1 (Tune Into Grammar) Answer Key

    Noun – Number

    Exercise – Learn (Page 37)

    Write the plural form of each of these nouns:

    S.No. Singular Plural S.No. Singular Plural

    1. Spectacles Spectacles 8. Box Boxes

    2. Butterfly Butterflies 9. Jeans Jeans

    3. Information Information 10. Family Families

    4. Bison Bisons 11. Trolley Trolleys

    5. Shelf Shelves 12. Tattoo Tattoos

    6. Cliff Cliffs 13. Church Churches

    7. four-year-old Four-years-old 14. Foot feet

    Note : To be done in the book.

    Exercise A (Page 38)

    Underline the nouns in these sentences and state whether they are singular or plural:

    Singular Plural

    1. The hunter fired at the gloves. __hunter______ __gloves______

    2. The house was painted red. __house______ _____________

    3. The hen laid many eggs. ___hen_______ __eggs______

    4. I saw some apples on the table. ___table________ ____apples____

    5. The boys climbed the tree. ____tree_______ _____boys____

    6. The dog chased the cats. ______dog____ ____cats_____

    7. The girls closed the doors. _____________ ___girls & doors

    8. The king and his queen sat proudly. ___king & queen ____________

    9. The singer sang melodious songs. __singer______ ___songs_____

    10. I prefer two spoons of sugar in my coffee. _____________ __spoons_____

    Note : To be done in the book.

    Exercise B (Page 38)

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    Rewrite these sentences changing the singular nouns to plural and vice versa. Make other changes as required:

    1. He toppled and fell off the cliff.

    Ans. They toppled and fell off the cliffs.

    2. There is a bridge over the river.

    Ans. There are bridges over the rivers.

    3. The ox pulled the farm equipment.

    Ans. The oxen pulled the farm equipment.

    4. He is neither a chief nor a king.

    Ans. They are neither chiefs nor kings.

    5. A man’s foot is larger than a woman’s.

    Ans. Men’s feet are larger than women’s.

    6. The ladies were dressed in their best dresses.

    Ans. The lady was dressed in her best dress.

    7. The hoof of the horse had a nail in it.

    Ans. The hooves of the horses had nails in them.

    8. The leaves were picked up by the doves.

    Ans. The leaf was picked up by the dove.

    9. The labourers were pulling heavy loads.

    Ans. The labourer was pulling a heavy load.

    10. The fruit was stale and smelt awful.

    Ans. The fruits were stale and smelt awful.

    Note : To be done in the notebook.

    Exercise C (Page 39)

    Complete these sentences by choosing the correct form of the word given in the brackets.

    1. I have three ___________ (child/ children). 2. There are five _________ (man/ men) and one (woman/ women) in the room. 3. Take two big _______ (potato/ potatoes) and boil them. 4. Nowadays, very few men wear _________ (watch/ watches). 5. I need to buy a dozen _________ (cup/ cups) for the party. 6. There are a few __________ (bus/ buses) on the road today. 7. We are going to feed the flock of ________ (goose/ geese) by the river.

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    8. The school organized a party only for _________ (mother/ mothers) on Mother’s Day.

    9. I saw a _______ (mouse/ mice) scamper by. 10. The class will get free ______ (pencil/ pencils) today. 11. The (fisherman/ fishermen) braved the storm and managed to bring the

    boats safely to the shore. 12. The ___________ (bush/ bushes) are pruned once in six months. Note : To be done in the book.

    Exercise D (Page 39)

    These sentences have errors in the use of singular and plural nouns. Spot the errors and rewrite the sentences.

    1. We need to buy new office furnitures.

    Ans. We need to buy new office furniture.

    2. I can see louses crawling in her hair.

    Ans. I can see lice crawling in her hair.

    3. There are two churchs near Mohini’s apartment.

    Ans. There are two churches near Mohini’s


    4. The rooves of these buildings are leaking.

    Ans. The roofs of these building are leaking.

    5. We all have our own set of believes.

    Ans. We all have our own set of beliefs.

    6. Both her son-in-laws are well mannered.

    Ans. Both her sons-in-law are well mannered.

    7. He kept the money in the pocket of his trouser.

    Ans. He kept the money in the pocket of his trousers.

    8. Please arrange the books neatly on the shelfs.

    Ans. Please arrange the books neatly on the shelves.

    9. After the long trek, the shepherd’s foots hurt.

    Ans. After the long trek, the shepherd’s feet hurt.

    10. The sheeps are grazing in the field.

    Ans. The sheep are grazing in the field.

    Note : To be done in the notebook.

    Worksheet 2 (Tune Into Grammar)

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    Answer Key Noun – Gender

    Exercise – Learn (Page 43)

    Arrange these nouns in proper columns:

    Aunt Bride student cow Doll

    Heiress Widower duke cousin Peahen

    Watch Bird schoolmaster nun Wizard

    Nephew House monk table Teacher

    S.No. Masculine Feminine Common Neuter

    1. Nephew aunt Bird watch

    2. widower heiress Student house

    3. Duke bride Cousin Table

    4. schoolmaster cow Teacher Doll

    5. Monk nun

    6. Wizard peahen



    To be done in the book.

    Exercise – A (Page 44)

    State whether the highlighted nouns are of masculine (M), feminine (F), common (C), or neuter

    (N) gender:

    1. The milkman brings the milk on time. (M)

    2. The princess wore a golden tiara. (F)

    3. The dog (M) barked at the guest. (C)

    4. We saw a fawn coloured doe (F) in the sanctuary.

    5. We bought a new set of chairs (N) for the room.

    6. The child (C) cried in pain.

    7. The host (M) was very polite.

    8. This banyan tree (N) is two hundred years old.

    9. My friend (C) is coming home for dinner.

    10. All the students (C) stood up when the National Anthem was played.

    To be done in the book.

    Exercise B (Page 44)

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    Find these words in the word grid:

    1. Feminine of ram - ewe 2. Masculine of hen – cock/rooster 3. Feminine of bachelor - spinster 4. Feminine of sir - madam

    5. Masculine of doe - buck 6. Feminine of master - mistress 7. Masculine of goose – gander 8. Masculine of lady - lord

    To be done in the book.

    Exercise C (Page 45)

    Read these sentences. Frame two correct sentences from each of them.

    1. My uncle is a very good hostess.

    My uncle is a very good host.

    My aunt is a very good hostess.

    2. My niece is a good boy.

    My niece is a good girl.

    My nephew is a good boy.

    3. The doe ran towards his fawn.

    The doe ran towards her fawn.

    The buck ran towards his fawn.

    4. The grandfather is a wealthy woman.

    The grandfather is a wealthy man.

    The grandmother is a wealthy woman.

    5. The prince proved to be an able queen.

    The prince proved to be an able king.

    The princess proved to be an able queen

    6. The heroine of the film is my brother.

    The heroine of the film is my sister.

    The hero of the film is my brother.

    7. The girl grew up into a responsible man.

    The girl grew up into a responsible woman.

    The boy grew up into a responsible man.

    8. The widow had lost his wife.

    The widow had lost her husband.

    The widower had lost his wife.

    9. That priest is a very superstitious woman.

    That priest is a very superstitious man.

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    That priestess is a very superstitious woman.

    10. A wizard is a woman with magic powers.

    A wizard is a man with magic powers.

    A witch is a woman with magic powers.

    To be done in the notebook.

    Exercise D (Page 45)

    Rewrite these sentences by changing the gender of the highlighted words:

    1. My nephew is a doctor.

    Ans. My niece is a doctor.

    2. The hen ran quickly towards her chicks.

    Ans. The cock ran quickly towards her chicks.

    3. The milkman has already given the milk.

    Ans. The milkwoman has already given the milk.

    4. The tiger chased the deer.

    Ans. The tigress chased the deer.

    5. He remained a bachelor all his life.

    Ans. She remained a spinster all her life.

    6. The mistress caught the maid red-handed.

    Ans. The master caught the maid red-handed.

    7. The horse cleared the hurdle easily.

    Ans. The mare cleared the hurdle easily.

    8. The duck swam in the pond happily.

    Ans. The drake swam in the pond happily.

    9. The king was dressed in his best clothes.

    Ans. The queen was dressed in her best clothes.

    10. The fox fought back the dogs bravely.

    Ans. The vixen fought back the dogs bravely.

    To be done in the notebook.

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    Ex E (Page 46)

    Form correct pairs from these group of words:

    1. Fox

    2. poetess

    3. bachelor

    4. duchess

    5. hero






    1. niece

    2. peahen

    3. landlady

    4. lion

    5. bridegroom






    1. bull

    2. sow

    3. master

    4. ram

    5. daughter






    Ex F (Page 46) Fill in the blanks with words that are opposites in gender of the highlighted words:

    1. grandmother 2. emperor 3. bachelorette 4. saleswoman 5. aunt 6. ewe 7. lioness 8. gander 9. duke 10. niece

    Ex G Fill in the blanks of the common gender nouns given in the box:

    1. speaker 2. guests 3. friend 4. musician 5. child 6. servant 7. parents 8. teacher 9. baby 10. neighbour

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    Answer Key


    वाक्म ननभााण ननम्नलरखित शब्दों के अथा लरिकय वाक्म भें प्रमोग कीजजए। क. घाव -ज़ख्भ

    वाक्म भैंने घामर ऩऺी के घाव को साफ़ कयके उसकी भयहभ ऩट्टी की। ि. उऩचाय-इराज

    वाक्म -भेये भाभा जी डॉक्टय हैं वे गयीफ रोगों का ननशुल्क उऩचाय कयत ेहैं। ग. प्रमोगशारा -जहाॉ प्रमोग ककए जात ेहैं। वाक्म -हभाये पवद्मारम भें फड़ी -फड़ी प्रमोगशाराएॉ हैं। घ. उल्रास-ख़ुशी

    वाक्म - बायत भें सबी त्मौहाय उल्रासऩूवाक भनाए जात ेहैं। ङ. उदायता- दमारुता

    वाक्म -हभें अऩने बीतय उदायता का गुण यिना चाहहए। भरखखत प्रश्न उत्तय

    प्रश्न -1 ऩक्षऺमों का अस्ऩतार कहाॉ स्स्थत है?

    ऩक्षऺमों का अस्ऩतार हदल्री के रार ककरे के साभने जस्थत है। प्रश्न -2 अस्ऩतार भें इराज कयान ेवार ेऩक्षऺमों की ऩहचान डॉक्टय ककस प्रकाय कयत ेहैं?

    भनुष्म की तयह ही ऩक्षऺमों की फीभायी के इराज का बी रेिा -जोिा अस्ऩतार भें यिा जाता है। उन्हें एक पऩॊजया हदमा जाता है जजसभें उनका नॊफय लरिा होता है। प्रश्न -3 मह अस्ऩतार कफ शरुू हुआ था ? मह अस्तऩतार 1926 भें शुरू हुआ था। प्रश्न -4 ऩक्षऺमों के ठीक होने ऩय क्मा ककमा जाता है? ऩक्षऺमों के ठीक होने ऩय उन्हें तीसयी भॊजजर की छत से आकाश कीओय उड़ने के लरए छोड़ हदमा जाता है। प्रश्न -5 मह अस्तऩतार ककस प्रकाय चरता है? मह अस्ऩतार रोगों की उदायता औय उनके प्रोत्साहन से चरता है।

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    भूल्मऩयक प्रश्न प्रश्न :ऩक्षऺमों की यऺा कयने के लरए आऩ क्मा कदभ उठाएॉगे? ऩश-ुऩऺी बी हभायी इस धयती का अलबन्न हहस्सा हैं। इनभें बी जीवन होता है। मे हभायी ऩथृ्वी की शोबा फढ़ात ेहैं। सफुह -सफुह धचडड़मों की चहचहाहट भन को उल्रास से बय देती है। फषाा आन ेऩय जफ भोय अऩने ऩयेू ऩॊि पैरा कय नाचता है तो वह दृश्म देित ेही फनता है। शाभ के सभम कताय भें आसभान भें उड़ते ऩॊछी ऐसे रगते हैं जैसे फादरों ने भोनतमों की भारा ऩहन री हो। अगय मे ऩऺी नहीॊ होंग ेतो हभाया ऩमाावयण अधयूा हो जाएगा। इसलरए इनकी यऺा हभाया कताव्म है। हभ इनकी यऺा के हेत ुननम्नलरखित प्रमास कय सकते हैं। ----------

    (1) घय के फाहय योज़ाना ऩक्षऺमों के लरए दाना -ऩानी यिें। (2) अऩने भनोयॊजन के लरए इनको कैद न कयें। (3) इनके लशकाय कयने ऩय प्रनतफॊध होना चाहहए। (4 ) अगय कोई ऐसा कय यहा तो उसके पवरुद्ध उधचत काननून कामावाही कयें। (5 ) महद कोई घामर ऩऺी आऩको हदिाई देता है तो उसे फ़ौयन ऩश ु-ऩऺी के अस्तऩतार रे जाएॉ।

    बाषा की फात (1 ) यॊगीन शब्दों के वचन लरखिए।

    क. कफूतय -एकवचन ि. ऩक्षऺमों -फहुवचन ग. भम्भी -एकवचन घ. रोगों -फहुवचन ङ. भॊजज़र –एकवचन

    (2 ) येिा िीॊचकय शब्द को उसके अथा से लभराइए।

    जाॉच ननय ऺण उऩचाय इराज घाव ज़ख्भ

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    उदायता दमारुता उल्रास ख़ुशी, हषा उत्सुकता अधीयता प्रोत्साहन उत्साह फढ़ाना


    ववशेषण ववशेष्ट्म अनोखा धचककत्सारम ववशेष वाडा भुफ़्त उऩचाय घामर ऩक्षऺमों ऩहर भॊस्ज़र

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    (4) शब्दों की वतानी शुि कयरे भरखखए। भुफ़्त फीभाय स्वास््म रुई ववशेष आकाश कफूतय पुव्वाया

    (5 ) नीच ेहदए गए शब्दों भें से उऩसगा औय भरू शब्द अरग -अरग कीजजए।

    (6) सही उत्तय चुनकय ( )रगाइए। (क) ऩथृ्वी (ि ) उसका (ग ) देना (घ) ऩयतॊत्र (ङ )पव (च) इत

    उऩचाय उऩ +चाय फेहोश फे +होश पवशषे पव +शषे स्वतॊत्र स्व +तॊत्र सभान स +भान अनेक अ +नेक

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    Answer Key



    Extra Question :

    Q1. Find the prime factorisation of given below numbers by division method:


    Prime factorisation of 36 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3.


    Prime factorisation of 51 = 3 × 17.


    Prime factorisation of 60 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 5.


    Prime factorisation of 120 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 5.


    Prime factorisation of 225 = 3 × 3 × 5 x 5

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    Exercise 3.3 (T.bk)

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    Answer Key


    Ex -5

    a) Neuron

    b) cerebrum

    c) Brain stem

    d) Reflex action

    e) The coloured ring of the eye –Iris

    Ex -7

    c) Motor nerves and sensory nerves are connected with brain with the help of spinal cord.

    d) When we touch a hot object, we withdraw our hand because as soon we touch the hot

    surface the sensory nerve sends the message to spinal cord and the motor nerves present in

    spinal cord ask us to remove the hand automatically. This is reflex action.

    e) We see an object when light passes through the pupil and image is created on the screen of

    the retina which is inverted. The optic nerve senses this and sends the signal to brain. The

    brain processes the information and motor nerves send back the information.

    Diagram – from book pg -38.

    f) We hear the sound when the outer ear (PINNA) collects the sound waves and sends it to the

    middle ear. The sound waves pass through the ear drum and then to the set of three bones.

    The sound then travels into the internal ear to the Coclea which has fluid in it. This fluid

    helps to balance the body and converts the sound waves into electrical signals. These electrical

    signals are sent to the brain through sensory nerves.

    g) The taste buds are the sensory receptors present on the tongue. They send the taste

    message to the brain regarding taste of the food.

    h) Nerve endings are present under the skin which detect touch, pain, heat or pressure and

    send signals to the spinal cord. The spinal cord sends these signals to the brain with the help

    of sensory nerves. The brain processes these signals and the instructions are received by the

    motor nerves.


    a) We will not be able to think, create, remember and sense if organs will not work. b) Yes, with the help of touch and sound. Skin and ears will be involved. c) When the nose smells the aroma, the olfactory nerves send the signal to the brain. The

    brain processes these signals which cause salivary glands to become active thus causing

    watering of mouth.

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    Answer Key

    Social Science

    1. Multiple Choice Questions:

    (a) Nearly two-thirds of Greenland lie:

    (i) south of Arctic Circle (ii) south of Antarctic Circle

    (iii) north of Arctic Circle (iv) north of Antarctic Circle

    Ans. north of the Arctic Circle

    (b) The largest industry in Greenland is:

    (i) fishing industry (ii) agriculture

    (iii) packaging industry (iv) leather industry

    Ans. fishing industry

    (c) The original inhabitants call Greenland:

    (i) Kalaallit Nunaat (ii) Kalaallit

    (iii) Nunaat (iv) All of these

    Ans. Kalaallit

    (d) The houses of Inuits are called:

    (i) tou pigs (ii) paraka

    (iii) igloos (iv) none of these

    Ans. igloos

    (e) __________________ are large boats used for hunting whales.

    (i) Umiaks (ii) Kayaks

    (iii) Skidoos (iv) All of these

    Ans. Umiaks

    2. Very Short Answer Questions:

    (a) The North Pole lies on an ocean called Arctic Ocean

    (b) Greenland has a good transport system. True or false?

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    Ans. False

    (c) Most Greenlanders live in mountain/coastal areas. Tick the correct option.

    Ans. coastal areas

    (d) Traditional tents made of animal skin are called Tou pigs

    3. Short Answer Questions:

    (a) Who was the first European to explore Greenland?

    Ans. Eric the Red was the first European to explore Greenland.

    (b) What kind of animals are found in Greenland? Name some of them.

    Ans. Animals which can bear the extreme cold are found in Greenland. Some of them are polar

    bear, arctic fox, seal, whale, etc.

    (c) What are parkas?

    Ans. Parkas are the long jackets made from the skin of the seals with a hood to keep the Inuits


    (d) How do Inuits go fishing?

    Ans. The Inuits use small boats called kayaks for fishing. They also use large boats called

    umiaks to hunt whales.

    (e) What do you know about agriculture in Greenland?

    Ans. Only 1% of land is suitable for farming where mostly potatoes are grown but in a much

    lesser quantity than the requirement. Some crops like broccoli, cauliflower, apple, strawberries,

    etc. are also grown here.

    4. Long Answer Questions:

    (a) What are icebergs? Why do icebergs pose a danger to ships?

    Ans. The ice sheet of the Greenland is pushed outwards in the form of glaciers. The large

    blocks of ice which breaks off from the glaciers and float into the sea are called icebergs. They

    pose danger to ships as they are often not visible due to the thick fog in the region which can

    lead to accidents.

    (b) Discuss the climate of Greenland.

    Ans. The climate of Greenland is extremely cold throughout the year. During winter season

    there is no sunlight for several weeks. There is heavy rainfall and extremely cold and chilly

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    winds in the winter which causes the temperature to fall much lower than the freezing point. In

    summer, the island gets sunlight for several weeks. The weather is warm and sunny however it

    still remains close to the freezing point.

    (c) What do you know about natural resources and industries in Greenland?

    Ans. Many natural resources like coal, diamond, and metals- including silver, nickel, platinum,

    etc. are known to exist but due to climatic conditions they have not yet been utilised. There is a

    large surplus of hydropower in the Greenland as well.

    The main industry in Greenland is fishing. Whaling and seal hunting were once the most

    important trade of Greenland’s economy. However, the market for their products has become


    (d) How has the life of Inuits changed in the last few years?

    Ans. Over the past few years, the lifestyle of Inuits has changed. Many have begun living in

    modern houses built of wood or stones. Many of them now use rifles to hunt animals and motor

    boats to fish. They also buy food imported from other countries. The Inuits now live in towns

    with modern facilities such as schools, colleges, hospitals, etc.

    5. Beyond the text (HOTS Question):

    (a) Why do most of the people in Greenland live along its coast?

    Ans. The mountain area of the Greenland is almost entirely covered with ice which makes it

    difficult for the people to survive in that region. Due to the climatic conditions of the region,

    transport gets affected as there are no railways, inland waterways and roadways due to which

    people live in the coastal areas.