Page 1: Day 101 British Imperialism in India Homework: 357-361 Extra Credit: Cornell Notes Film Water

Day 101 British Imperialism in India

• Homework: 357-361

• Extra Credit: Cornell Notes Film Water

Page 2: Day 101 British Imperialism in India Homework: 357-361 Extra Credit: Cornell Notes Film Water

British Expansion in India

• East India Company dominates

• Many farmers convinced to grow cotton or indigo instead of food (30 million starve to death between 1800 and 1900)

• Sepoy- Indians soldiers • Zamindars- tax collectors

often took advantage of their power

• “Jewel in the Crown”- most profitable colony

Page 3: Day 101 British Imperialism in India Homework: 357-361 Extra Credit: Cornell Notes Film Water

Economics of Imperialism

• Competition was prohibited (no handloom only textile)

• Opium production legal. Use in England illegal.

• Crimean war and US civil war increase use of India (jute and cotton)

Page 4: Day 101 British Imperialism in India Homework: 357-361 Extra Credit: Cornell Notes Film Water

1857 Sepoy Rebellion

• Missionary increase in India • Enfield Rifle – Grease in

cartridge• Garrison Commander arrests

85 of 90 men who had refused to accept cartridge

• Sepoy Rebellion marches on Delhi and victory

• East India Company regains control due to disagreements between Muslim and Hindu.

• Sikh continue on side of British• British tighten controls

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1876 Raj takes over

• Raj- the direct control by British under the crown- instead of Economic control by East India Company

• Viceroy- British Governor of India

• Racist attitudes toward Indians of all classes

Page 6: Day 101 British Imperialism in India Homework: 357-361 Extra Credit: Cornell Notes Film Water


• Some like Ram Mohan Roy saw a need for adoption of western ways as a way to unify (end arranged marriages and caste system)

• Anger of second class status

• 1885 National Congress is formed

• 1906 Muslim League

Page 7: Day 101 British Imperialism in India Homework: 357-361 Extra Credit: Cornell Notes Film Water

1) Who ruled under the Raj?

2) Who were Sepoys?

3) What caused the Sepoy mutiny?

4) How did the British respond after the sepoy mutiny?

5) What did Rom Mohun Roy feel that India had to do before independence?
