  • Dawning of a New Age Avatars through the Ages Maitreya - The World Teacher Who are the Masters of Wisdom Phases of the Emergence Signs of Maitreyas Presence Maitreyas Priorities Day of Declaration & Promise of the Future Transmission Meditation/Full Moon Meditation Questions & Answers Mantram of Unification


  • Dawning of a New Age Extraordinary period in world history Standing at the crossroads Great shift in consciousness Changes in all areas of life New modes of social living & relationships New Cosmic era or cycle Scientific & astronomical fact

  • The Cosmic Cycle 26000 years

  • Constellations & Solar System Approx every 2,150 years our solar system aligns with each constellation in turn Unique characteristics & qualities Originate from higher cosmic realms Recipients of cosmic energies Respond accordingly to energetic qualities Inspire new civilizations & cultures

  • Energies of Pisces Energies receding since 1625 Individualistic & separative Selfish & fanatical Divisiveness = conflict & wars Religious intolerance Crystallized institutions Breakdown of old systems

    New incoming energies since 1675 Unity & synthesis Group harmony & unity Sharing & cooperation Unify humanity & lower kingdoms Era of Peace & Goodwill Kingdom of God on EarthEnergies of Aquarius

  • Humanity at the Crossroads Energies of Pisces & Aquarius equal Equality of tension Presents humanity with major decision Separative ways of Piscean past Synthesis & unity for Aquarian future Two major groups express these energies Conservative & reactionary Pisceans Progressive new Aquarians Confrontation in political, economic, religious and social spheres

  • Age of Aries Lord Sri Krishna (3000 BC)

    Avatar beginning Age of Aries Kalki Avatar of Hinduism Bhagavad-Gita - jewel of Indias Vedic literature & spiritual wisdom Demonstrated need to control astral or emotional nature Hindus expect Krishnas return at end of Kali Yuga (dark age)

  • Age of Aries Gautama Buddha (500 BC) Last Avatar for Age of Aries Vehicle of manifestation for Lord Buddha Taught Wisdom of God Illumination & Enlightenment The Light of the East Demonstrated detachment and the nature of desireless-ness Buddhists expect His return as Maitreya Buddha

  • Age of Pisces Master Jesus (24 BC 9 AD) Spiritual Teacher for Age of Pisces Inaugurated Christendom Taught unconditional Love of God Love one another Gospel story is symbolic of souls journey to perfection - Birth to the Resurrection Christians expect return of Jesus as The Christ

  • Age of Aquarius The Lord Maitreya Head of Spiritual Hierarchy & Office of The Christ Embodies the Christ Principle or Consciousness Master of all Masters: Teacher of angels and men the Waterbearer Eldest Brother of humanity World Teacher for next 2,500 years Overshadowed Krishna & Jesus Awaited by Hindus as Krishna, Moslems as Imam Mahdi, Jews as Messiah, Buddhists as Maitreya Buddha & The Christ by Christians

  • The World Teacher The Lord Maitreya 1945 announced intention & hoped to come in 1950 Measure of peace, sharing & correct human relationships Self created indestructible body or mayavirupa July 1977, descended from ancient retreat in Himalayas to Pakistan Flew to London - lives & works in Asian Community Invitation from humanity via worlds media to begin mission openly

  • The World Teacher The Lord Maitreya Appearing to people all over the world in dreams, visions and in physical presence. Appears in different guises Has inspired world leaders and prominent people in fields of politics, economics and social change Bringing about breakthroughs in international relations in the world (Ending of apartheid, Cold War, fall of Berlin Wall).

  • The Masters of Wisdom Perfected men & spiritual giants Total mastery over themselves & laws of nature No need to reincarnate on Earth Guide humanity to achieve the same perfection Spiritual Hierarchy, White Lodge, Great White Brotherhood Custodians Plan of Evolution & all energies entering planet

  • Where Do They Come From Himalayas, Andes, Rocky Mountains, Cascades, Carpathians, Atlas, Urals Gobi and other deserts Beneficently overseen evolution of humanity behind the scenes Returning to major cities and energy centres of the world Work openly with humanity for first time in 98,000 years since destruction of Atlantis Restore the Ancient Mysteries

  • Major Spiritual Centres

  • Masters in the World 14 in the world - 40 expected Master Jesus Master Morya (M) [St Peter] Master Koot Humi (K.H) [John the Beloved] Master Djwhal Khul (D.K) The Tibetan Master Hilarion [St Paul] Master Rakoczi [Comte De St Germaine] Teach guide inspire humanity in all areas of life Living examples of perfected Beings inspire us to achieve the same

  • Helena Petrovna Blavatsky 1875-1890: Preparatory Phase Ageless Wisdom Teachings made available Isis Unveiled The Secret Doctrine Founder Theosophical Society

  • Alice A Bailey 1919-1949: Intermediate Phase Series of books with Tibetan Master Dwjhal Khul Detailed Esoteric Philosophy & application Revelation of World Teachers return at close of century

  • Helena Roerich 1924 1939 Further body of teachings called Agni Yoga in collaboration with the Masters of Wisdom Spiritual working partnership with husband & artist Nicholas Roerich

  • Benjamin Creme 1959-Present: Emergence Phase Contacted telepathically by a Master of the Wisdom and by Maitreya Since 1974, worldwide public lectures, radio & TV interviews and print media Information compiled into 10 books translated into numerous languages

  • Benjamin Crme Informing the world of Maitreyas mission

  • Signs of His Presence Those who search for signs shall find them to flood the world with such happenings that the mind can never comprehend it it would seem that there is a real flood of spiritual phenomena taking place all over the world. Peter Bonventre, Editor of Life Magazine

  • Crosses of Light May 1988 a cross of light appears in an apartment in El Monte Within days 12 more crosses appeared around Los Angeles Many reports of physical and emotional healing

  • Crosses of Light

  • Crosses of Light Appearing all over the world - Canada - France - Philippines - Japan - Slovenia - Germany - New Zealand - USA

  • 40 ft high crosses in Knoxville Church, Tennessee, USA 1995

    Prediction : Amaze the world with highly unusual light phenomenonCrosses of Light

  • Christ in Nairobi, Kenya Appeared out of the blue June 11, 1988 Spoke for 15 minutes in perfect Swahili Instantly recognised as the Christ Dozens miraculously healed

  • 239 appearances between 1988 - 2002

  • Healing Waters Energised water sources Found in: - Mexico (1991) - Germany (1992) - India (1992) - China (1994) Tlacote Mexico, thousands queue for water daily

  • Healing Waters

  • Thousands of documented reports of healing After five minutes my fingertips vibrated, I felt as if an electric current flowed through me." - German Reporter 777 healing water sources to be discovered worldwide Will have profound effect on the health of humanity in the futureHealing Waters

  • Hindu Milk Miracle Worldwide miracle over 4 days in September 1995 Started in Delhi, India Hundreds of thousands of people flock to temples all over the world

  • Hindu Milk Miracle

  • Hindu Milk Miracle Covered eagerly by the worlds media A sign that a Great Soul has descended. Happened again in August 2006 in India and UK

  • Mother Mary Signs Weeping oil, and blood Statues that move

  • Mother Mary Signs Commonly reported in the media Worldwide phenomenon - Australia (1994) - Africa: Benin (1997) - Ireland (1994,1995) - Italy (1987, 1994, 1995, 1997) - Mexico (1992) - Puerto Rico (1994) - Spain (1998) - Trinidad (1996) - USA: Las Vegas (1998) Kansas (1996) Virginia (1992)

  • Images on photos and in the sky Imprinted on rose petalsOther Madonna Signs

  • Glass & Gem Miracles Glass appears from forehead of 12 year old Nepalese girl 12 year old Lebanese girl weeps glass crystals from eyes - 1996 Malaysian Woman producing gemstones from under the nail of big toe.

  • Why are all these signs appearing? To create a climate of hope & expectancy of His return All religions and faiths receiving signs From the Christian religion to the Native American Indians

  • The likelihood of a white calf birth is approximately 1 in 6,000 million!

  • Signs of Allah Allah found in melons, egg plants, tomatoes, potatoes, inside fish, and in eggs and beans Albino Oscar pet shop fish Other messages - Allah is here - There is only one God - Mohammed is the Messenger

  • Maitreyas PrioritiesI am emerging soon, but first I would point the way into the new direction which man, if he would survive, must take.From Message No. 11 / 140 January 5, 1978My plan is to show you that the way out of your problems is to listen again to the true voice of God within your hearts, to share the produce of this most bountiful of worlds among your brothers and sisters everywhere.Firstly, men must see themselves as brothers, sons of the One Father. This is essential if they would progress one step nearer the Godhead. Throughout the world there are men, women and little children who have not even the essentials to stay alive; they crowd the cities of many of the poorest countries in the world. This crime fills Me with shame. My brothers, how can you watch these people die before your eyes and call yourselves men? My plan is to save these, My little ones, from certain starvation and needless death.

  • Maitreyas Priorities Sharing the worlds resources and the establishment of peace Restoration of the environment Spiritual education of humanity

  • The Need for SharingMaitreya will propose: 1. Crash program of aid to feed the starving millions2. Adequate shelter for all people4. Educational facilities for all people3. The provision of adequate health care for all

  • The Need for Sharing 24 000 children die each day from starvation in a world of plenty of worlds population uses 83% of worlds resources of worlds population make do with remaining 17% of resources This inequality is the greatest danger to humanity Creates climate for terrorism and contains seeds for WWIII

  • United Nations & Sharing Major debating chamber International legislative body Resolutions for new systems Unity in diversity Oversee sharing of world resources Global inventory of surplus Equality of distribution Lasting World Peace

  • Environmental Challenges Pollution of air, sea and soil Slow poisoning of population Decimation of the forest Green house effect

  • Restoration of the Environment Create an awareness of link between humanitys inner and outer environment - Our thoughts & feelings can affect weather patterns / natural forces Abolishment of nuclear reactors and weapons More sustainable modes of living - Cooperation to replace competition Everyone will be involved in clean-up process

  • Spiritual CrisisCauses Market forces Commercialisation Materialism Drugs and other addictions Violence Corruption Suicide CrimeEffects

  • The Art of Self-Realisation The Laws of Karma & Rebirth The Seven Rays of Energy The Path of Initiation The Planetary Hierarchy Spiritual Education of Humanity

  • The Art of Self-Realisation Becoming a Supreme Being in time & space The Self alone matters. The Self is an immortal Being Self awareness through honesty of mind, sincerity of spirit & detachment Practice of honesty, sincerity & detachment is oneness with God Alignment with soul purpose Achievement of equilibrium balance harmony is true freedom

  • The Laws of Karma & Rebirth Karma is Law of Cause & Effect All thoughts & actions determine our future lives Need for harmlessness & right relationship with all creation Rebirth is Law of Reincarnation in connection with Law of Karma Rebirth is souls journey to perfection of individual Soul awareness & expansion of consciousness is goal of each life

  • The Seven Rays of Energy 7 great streams of cosmic energy Each has different nature with different qualities of spirit Ray 1 - Divine Will & Power Ray 2 - Love & Wisdom Ray 3 - Intelligence & Activity Ray 4 - Harmony through Conflict Ray 5 - Concrete Knowledge & Science Ray 6 - Idealism & Devotion Ray 7 - Ceremonial Order & Magic

  • The Path of Initiation 1st Birth of Christ in Cave of Heart (Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem) - control over physical body 2nd Baptism (Jesus at Jordan) - control of astral emotional body 3rd Transfiguration (Jesus on the Mount) - control over mental body 4th Crucifixion, Great Renunciation (Jesus on the Cross) completion of soul purpose 5th Resurrection (Jesus rose from the dead) - perfected Master 6th The Ascension (Jesus after resurrection) - Ascended Master

  • Steps to the Day of Declaration Star-like luminary to shine day and night visible to all the world. Will give first media interview on a major US TV network Presented as a Man among men International press conference Timed with major forecast made in in 1988 which is now occuring Global stock market crash beginning in Japan

  • Japans Stock Market2009: Index = 9500

  • Steps to the Day of Declaration Gambling Casinos of the world Speculation a major disease of humanity Maitreya will come to mitigate the effects of economic collapse Humanity will be more receptive to message of sharing as a result

  • The Day of DeclarationDescribed by Benjamin Creme

  • The Promise of the Future World unity, peace & brotherhood Sharing & cooperation the norm More leisure time, creativity and human potential realised New science of the Soul Latent abilities realised Beautification of towns & cities New Technology of Light (colour sound & vibration) Barriers removed from travel New reverence for all forms of life Knowledge of Space Brothers

  • The UFO Phenonomen Ontario, Canada 29 July 2007 Wrexam, Wales 25 July Stratford-Upon Avon, 60 witnesses 21 July Channel Islands 23 April Delhi, India 7 March Somalia 21 March London 2 March London, 30 witnesses 2 February Hawaii 26 January Southern England 24 January Western Iran 15 & 17 January Arkansas 9 January Chicago OHare Airport 7 Nov 2006

  • What is Transmission Meditation? Group meditation 600 groups in 40 countries A potent form of world service Group members act as energy transformers Masters redistribute the energies where they are needed in world Safe and scientific Many reports of healing and improved states of being

  • The Great Invocation From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let light stream forth into the minds of men Let Light descend on Earth.From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth into the hearts of men May Christ return to Earth.From the centre where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men The purpose which the Masters know and serve.From the centre which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and Light work out And may it seal the door where evil dwells.Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

  • How do we do Transmission Meditation? Sound the Great Invocation Focus on the Ajna centre Mentally say OM Repeat OM if attention drops from Ajna centre during the meditation

  • MANTRAM OF UNIFICATION The sons of men are one and I am one with them. I seek to love, not hate; I seek to serve and not exact due service; I seek to heal, not hurt. Let pain bring due reward of light and love.Let the soul control the outer form and life and all events,And bring to light the love whichunderlies the happenings of the time. Let vision come and insight.Let the future stand revealed.Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone.Let love prevail.Let all men love.