Download pptx - Dark knight research




In the opening of the dark knight a number of conventions are used these include the low lighting and dim lit interior of the bank. And the grey clouded day outside, this use of lighting seems very sinister and it is all used to introduced the antagonist who is performing a sinister bank heist.


During this introduction we are introduced to the antagonist as he robs the city bank. This is the inequality caused that the protagonist will have to resolve later in the film. The antagonist is viewed few times in the opening scene and when he is they are only quick shots and eh is wearing a mask with a long cloak. This adds the the indication he's the antagonist and in building up the tension surrounding this character.


the camera shots used in this opening sequence are very fasted paced and show of only the actions the antagonist and his men are taking in this scene. When the camera is on the antagonist he is wearing a mask and doesn’t speck or draw attention to himself until the end of the scene. This give a larger thrill effect to the audience as throughout the opening sequence there is one unknown character that is build up by the other characters who later die in the scene.