Page 1: Dance Lessons for Kids: Salsa

Weekly Children’s Newspaper

EOTO : Salsa Dance Lessons for Kids

Weekly Children’s Newspaper

Page 2: Dance Lessons for Kids: Salsa

In this series, Sumeet Nagdev will teach you some basic positions for salsa. Salsa is a South American social dance form. It is widely used in ballroom competitions as a sport. You will learn the basic steps of the Cuban salsa in this series.

Weekly Children’s Newspaper

Page 3: Dance Lessons for Kids: Salsa

Step 1: The boy holds with the left arm whereas the girl gives the boy her right arm. The boy should gently place the right arm on the left shoulder blade of the girl whereas the girl’s left arm should rest on the boy’s right shoulder.

Weekly Children’s Newspaper

Page 4: Dance Lessons for Kids: Salsa

Step 2: In this dance, the boy is the leader and the girl is the follower. The boy initiates by putting his left foot straight in front and transferring the weight to the left foot whereas the girl takes her right foot back and transfers her weight to the right foot.

Weekly Children’s Newspaper

Page 5: Dance Lessons for Kids: Salsa

Step 3: In this step, transfer the weight to the opposite leg while staying in the same position. So the boy transfers weight to his right foot and the girl to her left foot.

Weekly Children’s Newspaper

Page 6: Dance Lessons for Kids: Salsa

Step 4: Go back to the same position where we started but transfer your weight again. So the boy transfers weight to the left foot whereas the girl to the right foot. Here you may look as if you are standing still.

Weekly Children’s Newspaper

Page 7: Dance Lessons for Kids: Salsa

Step 5: This step does not exist in the literal sense. Salsa counts go as follows 1, 2, 3...5, 6, 7. That means that the 4 and the 8 are silent and are not to be counted or danced on.

Weekly Children’s Newspaper

Page 8: Dance Lessons for Kids: Salsa

Step 6, 7 and 8: These will be the same as steps 1, 2 and 3 but in reverse. The girl brings her left foot in front and the boy takes his right foot back. Eventually, they reach the start position.

Weekly Children’s Newspaper

Page 9: Dance Lessons for Kids: Salsa

Step 9: Spot Turn: The girl continues the basic step and steps her left foot in front.

Weekly Children’s Newspaper

Page 10: Dance Lessons for Kids: Salsa

Step 10: Spot Turn: The boy needs to push the girl gently with his right arm placed on her left shoulder blade.

Weekly Children’s Newspaper

Page 11: Dance Lessons for Kids: Salsa

Step 11: Spot Turn: The girl should complete a turn from under the held arms and come back to the basic start position.

Weekly Children’s Newspaper

Page 12: Dance Lessons for Kids: Salsa

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