Page 1: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]


• . ' GROUmWATER IME» » W J_»f j l l i l

• . I County _ _-fT] 0nO(kMc Twp. Mfll * * .3£ W J

| m . i . , . . '^^m }n i . County jW%? IHH, .1 • Sec. Name of Appropriator Type of Form File No, Remarks ^Wjl J

• " i a nrwiihnfih-, O n ^ O Gp(M 7 2 ^ 3 1 ^ M i

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Page 2: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

i O' S Approved Stock Form—Sutt Publishing Co™ Helena, Momma—41911 << » ' • <

I paeNO :....:,:.;• • , / : z D v.u4.^...J.£^...-.P\ DTJPUOATE , : •• -im County ..jjl&a^A.&>.C I

__ '" •"•'' STATE OF MONTAKA

; ZcfO^S c ^ - y . V S ^ r ABMHIEERAIOR OF aRCTJNDWATEB CODE1 ^ U ' ~ * - P < f / ? V ^ 3 ,..,:oFFIOE OF STATE ENQINEEE

I ^'T^f declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights ' "". .,;. " " ^! \ (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

i i \....zJ^^^ , of Box.. J4£ £.MtyMs..£Namo of Apaiopfiator) (Address) . ^ (Town)

Covrnty of CJ.CL&£&OCHU - State oi.././7-.^iX^tA^CS^. ...\ have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

L • _ i j | r — | | j j 2. The beneficial use oiw/fhicli the claim is based.^-/CW^&rf:S^<<?...r!!. ;

[ ! »j •'."•""• 1 | "j i '; 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use;^md how continu- t

w. — ; — ! '• 1—f, ' i — E ! I1 • . . ' / • • : : • i i i ! ' • • : ! .'• ;.

\ ' \ • ' • " " ; " " • ' ; •' " " : | I I 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons1 !.'l • '•..*•!...•..:.—.;— i—-:;::..!-... perminute) Q.XM-.

•; ' ~| : j I i j j ff. If used for irrigation, give tho acreage and description of the lands ]• ,' _,- JLJ ~7~Z ; to which water has been applied and name of tho owner thereof

i ^^ . . .SecJOiT. . . /£Rj<fa^ i—-• ZZL__• Indicate' point, of appropriation

I and place of use, if possible. Bash , . ... , , . . ., , , .. .t ; . small square represents JO acres. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca- ;

';••"•• . t ion of each wel l or other means ofowithdrawal „ .!• ^^pjj^^..^<l.iUZ^iaM.

! . ' • ' • " : . i *

7. Tho d a t e of coBtfnenccnicnt a n d completion of tho construct ion of tho well, wells, o r o ther works for wi th - "••} :1 d r a w a l of g ronndwa te r ,r- •. ;

f , <^ ^ ^ _ :

8. The depth of water table Q...J^L. : ',{ ,

9. So far as it may bo available, the type, size and depth of each well or tho general specifications of any otherworks for the withdrawal of groundwater

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each y e a r ^ ^ ^ i j ^ l ^ r l A ^ S ^ ^ t ^ ^ A - t W ^ J a L X ^

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available

..-. .. . . . t ^

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out tho policy of this act, includingreferenco to book and page of any county record _

Signature of Oymev»jAM^tU^..O, .SLtyZJL:

; v*JLfel£Z$.\ Three copieii to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Eecorder of the county in which the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Kccorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 3: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

^ S ^ H ' __—.——"•"•———••—•""""""~""""""""•••—————•

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• 5 ; • • " ' • • ••

Page 4: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

^M • t~-r' <© F r v \ V &D- " t - e9H H H - y * W4 . _ l ( 1 U . » ^ w - A p p r o v e d S l o c k P o - m - S u t e P i i b l i t h J n j C o . H e l e n a , W o n t t r a — « 4 8 8 ? < ^ ' / I / '

^ H File No..\-&££. IUU.J ; W / / T__M_H_Jt..J? iP/fp

^ H DOTUOATE^^^^^oFPA^H^n^;;:^::':1- co™ty....At!f£ei<i. . / '•^Hj " i K s ^ ' i ' ^ ••'••'•'•'1'':~i '•"""" STATE OP MONTANA ^^ ^ 1 ADMINISTRATOR OF QEOUNDWATEE OODE^ ^ 1 OFFICE OF STATE ENCHNEER

^ H Declaration of Vested Groundwater lights - ^ _ _ _^ ^ H (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) *-

| ^ | 1 CABL..AHDSRSOH .._ , ot..-..M&1J^m..teSk^.&sa&..X&:U$.^ ^ ^ 5 '.. (Name of Appropriated-) (Address) (Town) <^ ^ ^ B County of....cascade .State of. Montana. _HH hnv» appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, J.S62, as follows:

^m N^ ^ ^ B i ; i i j j j 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is bascd—stOcte-walMMT-

^ ^ H F ' ""! ', I I I | 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu-

flH . .! i. .i ;....! j ous the use has becn..Qct0iher...l*...1922. .

^ ^ H w —1—I—| s—!—j— E !!!IZ™ZZ"Z!IZZ^ZZZIZ""!!"!Z!!I"ZZZZ!IIZZZI !H H . """! I • • ! j i. The amount of groundwater jslaimed (in miner's inches or gallons .;^HH ! ! ! ! ! • per minute)....-L5..'- n e c h o u r „

• ^ ^ H '; i • I i I ! I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands i• • • J * s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof 'B H H J . . j - fff-//' •&• . •.—.-^ H v A HWU Snn 1 0 T 1 4 H V >• *" . „^ B ^ 3 Indicate point of appropriation' H ^ H • and place of use, if possible. Each * . « _ . > . >. ^ * *, j > ^ i • ' ,^ ^ ^ H ' small squaro represents 10 acres. "• ^nG means of r/ithdrawing such water from tho ground and the locn- - 1^ ^ ^ | ' tion of each well or other means of withdrawaL..<2rav4l:y-£lOtf.I ^ I B • ..3Av....iine,-alx«t25a-feet.£ro» weXl-to-«tockI^^^^^I i -Watot—taoJc*- ?= .—•—•....—*B ^ ^ H 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-•^H drawal of«iabeB...LST.~X^?2---«-«OB%>lat»--Saptaii3}0r~3O«~1972.-.

^ ^ H 8. The depth of water table....26...faet _ „„

; ^ ^ ^ | 0. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other: ^ ^ H works for the withdrawal of groundwater. -Th*.vr*ll--waa-dug-with--a-baek-hoe-and-a: ^ H H 3^tforated-^^lverfc-p^cffld--in-the-b<>ttora •of-*he-hol«-i,-—pro»-'thi9--per—; ^ ^ H iorated..culvert..^^-Iowgr.«l»vat-l^rt-flome"Hit-at:aRee--aiway-^ ^ B so...that...tb»..woll.£low«...on-"a-giavifey-basi&» — :

B ^ H 10. 'he estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year. E»fc-,--l%--fco-J-Htillion-cfals-i-pe-r y e a r

^•B 11' The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available • •n /a ~ ~

fM^^^B^ \ ^^ ^^^ M ^ ^ ........... .... . . „

W/^M 12. Such other information of a Bimilar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including| ^ ^ R reference to book and page of any county record t»/a- - -

•H ^6c:w:J^3S3^^t3SM^ - - -

W^M \h\,^JOloL-C:j tf_Jj£,tm&£— Signature of 0wner...4axZ.. ....<^3w, *«M.-A=™-_.

^ ^ ^ B Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

^ ^ ^ B Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned,

^ ^ ^ B Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of• H H J Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. , - n

Page 5: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

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Page 6: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

H K 1 / * * * < --• - - ."•• ."• • *' ' . . " A •"v., ••" •"M j D J | " w 3 ' * •"''" " Approved Slock Form—Slate Publlihlnu Co, Kckiu. Uoauu «J«J irfffi»i> / " } ,

Si • '.^ ;// ^ TL '**^B f l B S . K!« No - " T.._/..!z..__jB_^2.j<Crf!feirft!!I._...E j K v. DOTUOATB v,;v.7:r-' •" "r % ,'a:.." S^\x'ffljL^jJl&>.B B S "•'.•'•••' • U ' A > ' W L i A . ' - - - ° " J L " , < ^



Weja " Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation. . • • ^' Without Well• H i ' Developed After January 1, 1962

^ ^ H M .£/: ,j (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961)

H9I ~p ~j?r 4—(/ . //£?([ D n t o o f Appropriation of Groundwater /..I..™.X

'•H ' . Contractor (if nny) _ . vi

: ^ ^ ^ H Address of. Contractor '.:'. <r

B a l Dato Started Date Complctod . . ...... ; ,

.flj^H N 1) Dcscribo means of obtaining (froundwator (as by (nib-irrigation, r

B^H . : i • i I fi developed spring, drains, etc)t^uOA^i^^AfjKlOu^CAM1^

^ ^ ^ B w • '. ' -; •—^1- - r. _ i,

^ ^ ^ R ""'"0"iliX i '•'"{}"" 2) Means of withdrawing water (gravity, pump, canal, etc.)

^ B ....j^p..;fa j.-4-.ii... ;

:^B[ i i i j j ^ l 3) Depth of water ttMcj^U^/^jL^!. !.......„ > .^

:(^^m —y£r.... soc/»... T/.7... \\,3£sJr

^ ^ ^ H ^ Indicate point of appropriation ""' " ..........^ H * of use, if possible. 5) Amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inch,*, or gaUoas

^ ^ B per minute).^A..&eJjkty^.jd&y^aU^U«J^........

ft^B| 6) If used for irrigation, givo number«" acres and description of >

j ^ ^ H I land.

^ ^ ^ H 7) Estimate amount of water used each year

^ H .-<z^fci#*bfe^^ | H Signature of Owner....Z^Z^afea^a5i^.^......^^!2je^.

^KU ' V>a\c.-U?../.J£.9,Z2S..

B B H This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

B B B Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the•B^B works ore located.

| ^ H B Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so stnte, otherwise the form will be. returned.

Page 7: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

H^H . i • . ,. .. .- M-Jf//''';-:1 ">•'•.: • ? i : ' . ' " ' . ^ i ! ' ; l ! g j 5 § < ! 1 ^ j S * ? r ! f t : • ( .

WmW^iM:0M':i^:^:i "V^'.w • : ;;:-vl'1;-' STATE OF MCW/T^NAA, ':i ••/'-••^'•'^^•^M^^^^Ml

^ ^ • S • l ^ ^ i P - ^ ^ ' - ^ - 1 ^ - ^ ' : '• '•'' " - '•'•'• : ' ' •• ^ ' V ' - • • ' - '• I J"^fb\ certify lhat the vriifm Ap-'^^$'''^Utf^0i:Sl'iV, 'm[\

l ^ H i ^ ^ I l ^ i f e ^ l - ' K ^ 1 " ; ^ ' ^'i••. '• . .•;-•-'• . i > v v : . - . . . . r •-• • • ' • • •" ' ' s ' ;, •• •; • . • : i ^ ; ' ! ; | ( ( i ' ' ' # ^ ; ' - t 4 ^ , ^ ^ f ^ ^ M i i

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| R | i ^ i : g ; / - : : : :;;- „.., ; . . . . , ' • , • • , • • • • . . . . .; :-: ; . ^•^Vp?^^1 '^^^"^'!

• ^ H ^ ' ' ^ f i f p o i S 1 ' - . ' :•'•;. ' ' • • ' ' • • • ' . ' ; , • / ; ' • ' • « ' » ' ' • • • ••.•': • . • ' • " ' . s ' •1:!>i'-1r. :.-i i^-;:fi''3V-- '

^ ^ • j V T : ^ . . - ^ ' i ; : i ' - • . • • • . • . . , • ' • • . • • • ' • . " ^ • ^ . . , . ' ' • ' " ' i ^

Page 8: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

H • 127 i* />/ 3 £ H^ ^ 5 File No T. _. &....*-..-./_tiisH• • DUPLICATE ' CountyB l STATE OF MONTANA I »jypwj«7psj^l ADMINISTBATOB OF GKOUNDWATFE CODE jDjl&'Ul&ll H JU


^m Nolice of Completion oi Groundwatar Appropriation i S M ^ S ^ * ^

W^B (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961)

^ ^ H • •. • i •' ' \ jk£i+ci»«i.. ',

^ H Date of^propriaUon of GroundwaterVj^y.^A«rti£few.Zfi5G Vf>"».

| H Owrier?f ^«A«'ite....?r«J r... AMieu-/ftjJ. M^ASsAu

^^^L ,-••••• Contractor (if any) ..Kft3I.«*s<«.. ~~, ~...

* Jj^^H Adclress of Contractor .•.'?JS«?Sitr*rr*rr',__.....~._.......„....,„... __..„_ <

: i f f l ^ l Date Start«d^iM^i?MdU«./..... Date C!ompieted^Kb*6Slaftcf™- '

"- ,w|H M Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by; - : l |^H '"•' sub-irrigation, and other natural processes". Indude depth to^ | 9 ^ H . | . _ _ . . . — . water when^a<U*s*?*ji y...._^£<M/tw4wU_«.

: Q ^ B . • • • ' - . _ 'i__ _ . _ J ,.,. ;.-. .__.„ ...:.„

; ^^^^H ~ Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of meth-; ^ ^ H ; ^ . 1 —«- ad used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermit-

' ~'^IS11B • * ' ' A '•' •

!' j ^ ^ l ^- „. y* Sec/H(.TJ^!'R^L tent estimate approximsto lengths of periods of use ..ZZtt.^... < i

| ]^^H ' Indicate point of appropriation \Jji*J$ ~£,Ajintm . ..'< >^^M and place of use, if possible. • -..^"••r-«.. — . - »

• l(\)/i <U"/ Ti/tfj !_ .; isUH : ' '^ • 1 yj&iX2iXZ&J&~£*ji>S?'at"

^ • 1 Signature of Owner*^«Juf»^?sC-,J>J.!s.\-»--i«feaSjD--

. ^ H T)».tii.y.A*~£,0,..J$..LJt..

^^m This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

W^M Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in

fl^H which the works are located.

• ^ 1 Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

| ^ ^ l Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to them^M Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriated

Page 9: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]


Page 10: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

^ H File No T L.JL-..R. £- _

Bfl DUPLICATE County- hA.^u^.f±U.±'^r.--. I



^ B OFFICE OF STATE ENGJNEER f~* " ". \ __ ^ ^

| H Holice of Completion oi Gronndwaier Approprialioit WiBSou weU• S l A l t tWVitWtEa^ • | (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961)

^ H Date of Appropriation ot Groundwater ?.Lii.*J../f./rQ.^Affuijttr» A A ^ - ^ > 1

H ^ , Owner^t^iA/3t...V.^«M«:._. AMnu~4&KJ. /SsJ-AMt^

^ H | ': ' Contractor (U any) ..enatKteKtaez, »,_ „

^ ^ ^ | Addnsii of Contractor .jgtSatJMiAg—__»._. ..L.™.__™

^ H Date Started.f«t,«2«<.^./ Date Completed>d«Li!jI*Wit.4.

^ H M UsBcribe meant oi obtaining groundwater without a well "at by^ M i • i' i • • • I i s' j l>- l r r i8* t l cm * a d o t n e r natural procenes". Include depth to

^ ^ 1 , water when applit»ble-!r«rf2i*r4^ei^^^*^.ffcw .._

^^Hj — — — — — — • — • • — « • » . • - r f ' t r ^ ' C f P * * ! ,Y, . - M . . •. . i i . i i . n .. . . i . i . H I u . . i i ,- .

H .-••;• l E E G U 13 x,;,...- -...- u~~~~i--—.-. - •

^ ^ | I | Qtuas4ty of water developed and uiMd vith explanation of'. JXh.- ;^ ^ H '•. u -J—L—l—L———— od.mirtd to meature or estimate such otnount. If ute U thWrmit- •' . '

^ H y4 SeciSA. T . / 5 / B 3 £ t*0* «Un»te approximate length* of periods of u§e Jtr&L. '

^ H Indicate point of appropriation JM^LJ&M+IU „ V _ '• • and place of use, if possible. y ~ "" ~

B iu..a« T/^ ^?itf ; _ :.!:'

^ 9 - -••^^•^•(e»^"^Y%^^'*w~^^ 1 Signature of Owti*Hljd*X~*F^ A'T.Qa^Bs^sl /) ^

^ ^ P This form to be prepared by contractor (ii any), otherwise by the otvnw.

^ ^ B Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and ftx»ider of the county in

• • which the works are located.

• H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise to* uitn will be returned. 1

^ ^ H Original to the County Clerk ana Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the I^ ^ H Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. I

s^B u (• ;• u- /S" /^< /

Page 11: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

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Page 12: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

^B cw Station 26 A ^'^

H j File No T. ...1.4....N..JR. . 3 . . E


H Declaration of Verted Growiwaier Bighis c , A •• r . * — T " ~ n• (Under Chapter 137, Montana Session Law*. 1961) ' O I " L L | 1

B B : Q»M1«|LJ.....C0P!!! , c£....M.yLl?9*O*^^WM (Name of Appropriator) 1 (Address) (T««ii)*"^ B County of. H # * . M ! * State of.— JBUfflJtiM*. - _^ H have appropriated groundwater accoi iMng to the Montana lawf. In effect prior to January 1, 1962, at fol-^ H lowi:

^ ^ • ,—|—i—,—~— ;—, 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is booed Stock Wt$tr,H H9u«thQld..«n4...i *»tle..pui;p9'i.«»i...ii%i9»t.l'pri..ef^ B 1 gardtn i p«ttuxt, & storage for stockwuta*.^ D J 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and hem con-Hi Unuou« the use has beei.Undoubt^ly U«»d i i n c t i860' t

• w •.... I j L . .*!!!.* :H B ^ The amount of groundwater Halmed tin mltwr\i ii\chtt«gallonsH per mmulft ...T*".". .?.*V«..i?J?n»«

| ^ B ' I / V I I I I 5, if u s ^ f0I irrigation, give the acreagn axA description of theMUt 2rQfl"% A &* s***- 'ands tc which water has been applied trad name of the ownermm -T* J 8 r ihimi ....•pproximRtftly .1Q..»«.M_ ln...l»ela».iid..._H »WBLW soc.2.6. T.^!»R.M • P»*iur« *nd...8«» - :^ H Indicate point at appropriation^ H and pWe of use, it possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground an^ theM Each SUMII square represent 10 lojailon of each well or other means of withdrawal -1H tcm- mvtwrwl «io«.fxi» iapxovtd..»ptlna

^ B 7- The ditto of commencement *nd completion of ti\e construction of the well, wells, or other works for with*• drawslot gnundwater IPXiOfl ..l»RWWtd. thMUOh. y««a\J... iM±...i«pxav«d..l962H ay..«M^fl...«Mt..M*..^i.1;»Uins,..*psJ/i9..hox. ;

^ B a. The depth of water table .. ..ftt.iUrf iCft,. .natural, flow at .iprlna*

^ B 8- 8o far as it may be available, the type, site and depth of each well or the general specifications of any :••^ B other works fpr thfc.withdrawal of groundwater . IPIfAnfl bftX •Jb».U.t...l2?,..X...*S.T...HI«l..lO" t \ I• 9SiPjJ!SM... ...i '-' \

^ B 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year COlltlnuout «••*.. I««t -round^km thtough lid* p i p * .^ B 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilllna of each well if available

^ H 12. Such other information of a limilar nature as m»y be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including^ H reference to book and page cj any county record

^ B Signature of Ov»T)er^W^4fi«#-'lp«..C^Mt .

H DateNoytmbtr 2 9 , 1962

H H Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well in

^Hl located.

^ B | Please antwer all questions. If not applicable, so cUte, otherwise the form will be returned.

^ B | Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Mines^ H and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 13: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

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Page 14: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

^ ^ ^ B Appnwcd Stock Fotm—State Publishing Co., Helena, Montana—42263 fitt) » J t T ( ^ ^ |

H File No......... T - J J L J J J L J J E _.. ^ •^ B DUPLICATE CountyJL"!*?* .._ . I

^ B i STATE OF MONTANA F D ) E C ; ; " " •'r ' •-, ^ || H ADMINI8TEAT0E OF GEOUNDWATER CODE LRJ , . . , Q j j ^ |^ H OFFICE OF STATE ENCHNEER *™* 8 J 9 6 4 -"——^H

H Notice ©f Completion of Groundwater A p ^ ^ t f f i ' N c [ l h I• Without Well •^Hj (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) H H

^ ^ ^ D a t e o f Appropriation of Groundwater...Oata»«i ... ^ |

^ H ^«lli8.-St*attfijv.— Address.MhltB..5ul<..5pgB*. ^ ^ |

^ ^ H Contractor (if any) ; _ _ • ^ H

^ B H Address of Contractor ^_m %'-.•• • H I

^^B Date Started Date Completed.B«for»..1963....... \ ffij

^HH . N Describe means of obtaining gfooadwater without a well ''as by™ ; ; " r H^ ^ B I—T—f—T~T—••.-.;• • • 1 sno-Migation and other natural processes". .Includfl depth to ' IH

^H ....!.....:.....;......—L...';.....I.... wate'r when appUcable..flpi4iig«»»»tvu^.Il0K»5ffll9.(!feri........ iBj

• ^ • v ...... j . . . . . . ....j....j.......... -in..<bajdt»r....Vat«>-o»-tte -mrfaaur • ; J M |

^ H —|—.j.—.j.—.—.;—., p . . ..aa«ll.*aaniit..of..«ltaii3SLgatod..p*rtJMr* ..... JB

^ H w —i—j;~ i A ~i—I—'f— e . V ' | H

^ ^ H !i ....!....; '_. i i ! Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method- ^ |^ ^ H > ! ; ; • ; ! i mi& to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermittent ^ H• • i< I '. ; • I ' ; i I . ...• . ^ H^ ^ B s estimate approximate lengths of periods of use...lQ gal.. H |• B SJ!L% Sec..??... T!*L B.3.... •"•••• •H ' Indicate point of appropriation V*^^-™**^****^**™--*"*----- •^ ^ B and place of use, if possible. -«,,--« ^«- ^ H

^ ^ | Signature of 0wner....giA!irfa.C^fe^.._^^ld^.<3^fat;^^ | B

^ ^ B DateOaa....30t...1.963 ^ s l

^BB This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. WM

•H Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the ^M• ^ • H works are located. ^ H l

^ ^ B Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ |

^ ^ B Original to the County Clerk and Itecorder; duplicate to the State Engineer Implicate to the Montana • •^^B Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ^M

Page 15: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

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^ ^ ^ B '•• '' ' '•' ' ''.-''. J^^^H

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Page 16: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

• • ^ fit)^^Bj " o w 3 Approved Slock Form—Sttte Publlihlnj Co., Heletu, Monttni—4226Z <KB?> * %. "T

HH File No T...1.ft.j!l_:R_J._±h *

•H DUPLICATE County-.JdWl tK'


^ H | OFFICE OP 8TATE ENCHNEBR **"" • * " ' ___

M | Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation 'tiL ^«• Without Well

fl^B . (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961)

r ' 8 J B J j Date o£ Appropriation of Qroundwater .Unknown .. '

: '<HJH^ - n«m»r lantxift StnMgh AddressMhlia..Sal»...3pg*« i

• v^^l^H Contractor Clf anv) ......... — *

. s^E^k v *': [•• Address o£ €ontraotor - - :l '' j ^ ^ H ' ' '• ' J ^ ^ | Date Started Date Completed JtafflX*...t9fi3.

<^^^B N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by; ; ^ ^ H I • : ; 1 ; ; 1 1 sub-irrigation and other natural processes-'. Iaclude depth to: : | ^ H • ...J L . L - i—-I—•!—- water when appUcable......i8p«lngll-!^a^..!^ ;

I^H^K ' ' ! I----': —-•';—';—•— gprlngt mlitfitt^ Iii ••"V- Ify»» d«rg«ii»p«d into ,

i f l ^ H •"""•!—i-—:—- I—-.-;—|-— t n ? n dan -tiirftOft •• • • —•

mm ; ...j.:-.j--j- •p^.-.-p... ^ ^ !________:, : . • '

•;' ; I ^ H ' • i : ! ' i Quantity <oi water developed and used with explanation of method.;'. ^ H H —i—!—i I i""! "Bed to measure or estimate such amount. It use is intermittent (

i HD : I—i ! : L ~ ' '• ' • •'• •• i^^^H s estimate approximate lengths of periods of uae—lQ-gal. - Ij^B "•":1/4 ^ 0 " 3 ?" T"""" R"3" .p.ralBttW*««t^-%«aIljr^««l.*lX-yte»...

, ! ^ ^ B ' Indicate point of appropriationfl^B and place of use, if possible. -rtttadv -~— : • '

^ H | Signature of Owner O^ci.*.* Q.Qj±. *«&&§$!£p*tj

| ^ H DateJ0W....36,.4963

J^^f t T'oia form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

^ ^ H Three copies of this uotice are to be filed with the C<.am> G.;'- and Recorder of the county in which the^^^B works are located. "

H ^ H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

^ ^ 9 Original to the County Clerk astl Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the MontanajHH Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the -Appropriator. <

mm ii i

Page 17: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]


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S ' p i v i ^ i - - ^ ^ - - - ' - ' - - - . M -..-....• , . RUTH P. BEARS • • « . , t •••••, ; r - - j . ' . .. ,"'^:^'"^ •K ^ S i J ' " ; ? ' ' - . ' " 7 ••• •'•"•'• ^i, K '• / ) ^ c ? ) * " j * » " F x i / •.,. • .' ' • ' . . - - . :••'•..': M > ' : : & /- <

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Page 18: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

B^B a w 3 Approved Slock Fornv-SMte PublUhinj Co, Helem, Montta»—C2B ^ j g » » ( /

Bfll A/ f *BB1 Pile No T tk_.L_R_»..J™B B J DUPLICATE "ount1taBdwr"


—flfl omOB OF STATE ENQINKEB JAN 8 t f f i 1 _ -' ••BE ~———~~—~~-— STATC

FI\IO;M ~ •-^m Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriaiio'hH Without WellHB (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Law», 1961)

^ H H Date of Appropriation of Oroundwatcr. finknown

B ^ H OwnerbMiU*.JSt*Mi(^ Address..Hhlt». SttL... Jpgg*

B ^ H Contractor (if any) _ '

,^H^B Address of Contractor ...» J. _ „. *

(a^B Date Started Date CompletedB«far*..19.63

;BjBj N Describe means of obtaining groundwater withoat a well "as by

' B ^ B i i 1 i . , ' l I sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to

• ^ B J ....;.—.I-- :-j—- •';-—| j — • water when applicable_.J|»tttl»lr--p»OO*i««B-Alrf*«»-2.-...'.

• ~ ' ^ H — j — • — : - — - . . — ; — . ; - — ; ^»13*»t«l-li»-t»afe«-*'^3*«*l»g -

;flBj ' ; : ;S " i : :i B B T .-...j-.-j.—1-«"--—j—-sy-j—• .au,lU^4Uww»t-.»r-*ab-lmfl8»t«d~p»iia*»»--B B J w —i—I—|-3j j—j—\—j— e

'BBJ i ] • | i • Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method• ^B^B —•—'— '• " ' '• ' o i e^ *° meMUr* o r e*timate such amount. If use is intermittent .'•

;BBl s estimate approximate lengths of periods of use.-15-g«l,.^s>p.

• 7f *#*- 7Ak"^r ^^.J^rtWrtH-^i-K-.HBK Indicate point of appropriationBBf and place of use, if possible. itmrtr

H " T "" "z;"~ XgF^yp^•j Signature of Owner—/y*«~«h<*JK£J2 *<hf^.$x*j.-f?D

^ H ' Date.0«»r..30r-196>

BBl This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

vBV Three copies of this notice arc to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder cl the county in which the •B ^ B works are located.

^BB Fleasa answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

BBj Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the MontanaBBJ Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 19: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

• l i f e 0 IP®''\'*J '* ' " ST1lfnZM^N'^NA> I « ^ ' ••••'• '

Page 20: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

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,* ' GROUNDHATER INDEX P a 9 e _ L o f - //^^^S

[ W* ' Sec. Nome' of Approprlator Type of Fora File No. Remarks "ifflSsm

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Page 21: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

— — — : — " " . /

File No X




UU DEC301883 "J

Notice of Completion of Gromdwaier Appropriation W f l p ^ W o f l ^ ^: (Under Chapter 237 Montana Senion Laws, 1961)

Date of Appropriation of Gwundwater M££!?22~JZZZ —

Owiier.2^*fcfeB^/nJE«i!^A^toeM-/fIXx /SASASO^*-'

Contractor (U any) ^mau£SfStiL»— --•

Address of Contractor «S***SE*«A«-» — ;

novribe means of obtaining groutniwater without a well "as by

I 1 1 1 I I 1 water when wVtob\^^J*k^.:i^^

; ZZZZlC X . ~ ~- ~ '•t wZL « ~"~" "~I

,•'' ' .... ..'.:•. . A

_ _ i . (juanUty of water developed and used with explanation *»•*•..<'L..1 I I ' 1 od used to measure or estimate auch amount. If use is totermlt-

V4 Sec J L T J$L$£ tent e*0111*16 •PP««te«t« ]m«aat «* P"10*11 of "" - M ^ 1

Indicate point of appropriation ; ^ , . ^ £ . _ , 2 ^ « l * r .and place of use, if possible.

^ i ^ ^ L ** "ZIZZZZZZII1/ * ~

Signature of Ownerj^K!feUU»iV*H!3*.—%.3&:&n»i i4~~.

D a t e . . < & S k . - ^ . - ^ ~ ^

This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county inwhich the works are located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Page 22: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

| p ^ ' " ^ > ; # : , , j : : : , ' ; • " . : ; • :'i^,;:-y-\ ' -.?•,• - \ : „ • • ; • > . • • ; ^ ; ; ^ ^ ^ > ^ _ ; ^ : : r ^ - - > ; r 0 ^ : J ^ ; ; . • - ; ; ; • • •

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Page 23: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]



^^^^^B (Under Chapter 337, Montana Session Lews, l»e>l, es amendeo)

^ ^ H This form to tie prepared by contractor (If any), otherwise by the owner.^ ^ H Three copies of thlt notice ere to be filed with the County Clerk end Recorder of the county In which the work*^^M are located.^H9 Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form may be returned.

H own« ZlA*JL*aJBjLfJUWm «*» AdmNs or-s U« ^ ^ ^ J ^ l J L f a l ^ ^

^ H Rle ._™2^iS3>... . 'S^.- Contractor (If any) ^ _

HHI ...~q&43M:..J}&:.S!?.Z3.. Address of Contractor . _ : ^ i

Hwl OW I \^&£!W$JL£!i~. Date Started Date Cemptetedn . . .- .^^M .^•.- \. Describe means of obtaining greundwater (as by'tuWrrtsiation,

^ H ' developed spring, drains, etcj ^Jfcxi<^G/.J$uJuAay

^ ^ H . . ^ . . . . j . . . . | . . . . —.. ...-+• 2 Means of withdrawing water (gravity, ourc.P, «nal, 'MO H*^-.»

flB ! "i \OJ. 7i I 3- Depth of water table .^?4 KAJAHLLJ •

^ ^ B . . .L.J. . .1. . . j ] j. •«. Use of the water XJ<P^t^jcL^.^^JhUMxJp....

^ ^ H . . . . ' ; . . . . ; — j — . . . . . • — ! — j — j_ Amount of groundwatcr dalmad (In miner's Inches or gallons

^ M | ? P»f minute) £ Qjt"*J/*~i^ ^ M^J^^I^^L^M)

L^^H - / i , \ >—i „„• I JY.(^y4.-«^See.....Z7~^ ^ H , , / , I 6. If used for Irrigation, give number of acres and description, H| T f...q~ N R....q!....- E^ H 'f W of land

^ ^ 1 INDICATE POINT OF APPROPRIATION^ ^ B AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. - _•HH Elevation of spring, if known or sitl-^ ^ ^ H 7. Estimate amount r-f wstsr ut*d each year ... .

^ H mated ^a2X&&rtM2i^^^

^ ^ H 8. Months ef year spring flows

^ H Signature of Owner yCjL^f^J^.JJdt^£^.

^M J'/A7

Page 24: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

• r i f f ; , ; : , !WK • -w-^-,•''^i;>:. •• •»•••• srAmmtf^tm,,]^ 5 .. • •'. •• .:^M$SI$S3&

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Page 25: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ H •' • • '-' • • '•"•'• v.ffij£8afi5HfflSfiB»-

I^B ' ' Sec. Name of Appropriator Type of Form File Ho. Remarks , ^ ^ ^ S * '

H HH ^ 1—, 1 5>:?%[|js$J*'

I B ^ ^ H ' I ^f'^ix

^Hj^af ' —— • ————————— i ^ r

^B^H^I _ '" '~ " ~ ^ — — — — « — . ^ — . ^ _ — _ I , jt^

^ H ^ B ^ B * I v . i>

B M M " . I , X

HBu Bj^BBl i I ^

^BlflH' ' : ' 1 -fty• B I M I B •• ! ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ 1 ^ Y *>-s• ^ B I ^ H V . ; ' ———— • • - .i... I,-1 — — I- > >4y

H I M i — ; ,, r r0&~

Page 26: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

GBn Approved Stock Form—Suite Publiihlnj Co, Helena. Montana—41921 H. V . - 7 ^

- Me N0......I.II *" T....-1JH -B-.1E - £*f

DUPLICATE C o i m ty-Meagher — ih

STATE OF MONTANA. nFfFIV" ' 7 ^ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE D J ' k ^ ' 1 E = l l V l i i ' | j j l


Declaration of Vested Groundwater (tfefefe ENGINEER: (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

?' 1 mS-Bg-UBSO. v v > o 1 73?3l^aaaaM+ - H 3!W» :

; (Name of Appropnator) (Address) (Town)County of -Lewie-aad-Glark- state of....M©Btana-have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: ' 1

V '• • . ; • T" i j j 1 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based. ilT.igaJliCUlj...... (

;• S « 4 t i « » - 2 0 ^ c t M B i - 2 L .hoaaehoMy-paofcwe •• •:•-•- ^•••••••••' ,i ! ! 1 1 ' ! , • i

: j j j I j g Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu- | <i .....;...-lc....

1|— ;....!—!..„. ous the use has been..Ea£Me:St.'ben«£ittiaL..Use -..;,, ii w ; pat!; x\ \ i S ..i^..^uid-.luw..l»wi^8d..«*ar...ainoa .:..„.:.... • ]

S«etA<m? 93,KS4ct .oni28 E ~ • "•; : • ',.""• • "";•""'O3CSr~i""~| 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons ; '

; 3C..j.....^j....^c.... xx-ix--!.—-i— per minute) - -jOG-aiaers-iacUes -• \

' !. x.|...|-.-|---.-4--:]--i-- "'": • •"•• :

! I I • '• X! . i I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands \' R ° which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof ' ;V ia..saotiim..2Q...m..l59...3/4..asrfla^..iJa.^»efeioa,2d, j; yL sec.........T....1.3#i..i....E. aao...jacrfia^.ia..Si^.io09»....&itQ...fiS«'.s.ak...V Indicate point of appropriation " "i. and place of use, if possible. Bach „ _,• , ., , . , . , •• •» .,. , '; small square represents 10 acres. 6> The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca- j |i Wert H a l f , SeCtiOQ 2 8 tion of each well or other, means of withdrawal ' ji ASA cf aisction 29 -•• •i»tOTal-4aow»fe<^«3JL»tJie.apringa.-.- i; H iBL•• Sir» rBv Lf^i. i n Section 20 .-.-, . - !

i Coucty o f Mea^hey, Montana ', •>i4:. . ; : 1{ 7. The date of commencement end completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- • '. j' drawal of groundwator • -there••«re---B© t5fc2ssiS" :~ I '' 8. The depth of water table. at- &Up£SQ» '• - •* t - • ?r™c7 • •—• ^

; 9. So far 03 it may bo available, the type, size and depth oE >.<acu vol'! or the general' specifications of any other' works for the withdrawal, of groundwater Ho-WBiXs - - ••- I

" " c'""^""'"• ' *

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year I.^ua9 •KCf^-^ •tV^-M^*P-V)hiChflows from tho spr ings* '••:•'.•'

11. Tho log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available Ko-WSllS



12. Such other information of a similar nature as may 7oe useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including |reference to book aad page of any county record. „

" "" "T) '

%. Signature of Owner..^^^^? &...jk..&&fciD!Z


Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau' ofMines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropnator.

AS""" /

Page 27: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

~ '"•}'"• ' " " " • ' • ' "* ; , :

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! • •••• \WATEVFMONTAN'A,TSS •--\ "<Countv of Meanhrr V \. , , . < •! ; : . .'; kereb* <erti*r 'hot thr vrnhik •! - • • • • • y » | ( T O « l ( W W « ' - ' ' " ' f ( 1 " ' " ! ' '? •"- "! ;

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Page 28: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

H 1.1 ~ : •'•::f&:!i

ISHH '"'•'•'•&$:i

Jam • •'-tm\^^^RfljOi ' _____________________ . • • ••*:-&-ri:.'}

^ R _ f l _ H r ' ' - •'•'---'£-1"T'":' i5

J I ^ ^ ^ ^ H -WKr - — ~ « ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ N ^ * " " ^ l ' ^ w ? W ! l ^ * ' ' " ' ^ ' n w ^ -• • • —,.-•»«**•*'•• "ww»T' iw^y^p^v^

^ H " | GROUNDWATER INDEX Pa9e v_/_°1' * ^ ^ P

S B '' ' county -fDonnklA. TWP. I3A/ Rge. ,5^r ^^«i

' | H *4"' ' li" Sec. Name of Appropriator Type of Fora File No. Remarks 1-/?t^S|ir |

;-•• i 3Bti

H | I i vllltiflH ••• . I ' ~ ::i§||1n ^ H . • ; ' > • ' . • ; l i i i ^ : 1 1Bj^H , : „ ••• ..;,\.is;^vf-•!

^H^H ' i ..',- '. !y i . . • ,

^ ^ ^ ^ B _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ . ^ _ _ _ — _ _ ^ _ — _ _ _ _ - _ _ — _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ , ^ •; • ' . ' • , ! ' i / ' : ' . \ 1 ;

^ ^ H . —I • ; — ; -Vf f:

Page 29: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

^Hj GW2 Apptored Stock Form—SUte Publlihlm Co, Helena. MonUm—4J3» .{g)»i* . H

I , HtoNo-1^2 I:G:;T,U.AVMTEESCUKCESGOA • T . . . / 3 . . . . . . . . R . ^ ^ . . . . 2 ^ . |; I• ; DUmOATE ft S C £ g ¥ E D OooHy-J^^fe i IH «JO n r T 2 R i o r STATE OF MONTANA ^ . •• " ^ U U (4° l"°° ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER OODE •• | — m Top of Ground OPFIOB OF STATE ENCUMBER . MI " (Eiev. above sea >~ ~NoficS~ef Completion of Groundwater •H I — Appropriation by Means of Well IM -0 . /] DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962 . •H | i$ /QHJL (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ; •

• j *l 0 ™ , - , ^ ^ I• • W* ATrf ' Date of Notice of appropriation of ground water. ^ • •

H ^ - Date well startcd..v«<2*<^./^..f^iroato completed.--!^f(^.^.Zci&? I •

^ | i / A {L, /; Type of va\\.~~^ftie^L. Equipment USCCL.^I^S5K!^^^ > .— 5 •^M •{ _ ^ / w ' Z' (Dog, Dr)v*a, bored or drilled) (Chum drill, rotary or other) ; •• i ^ ^ff#Lw SlX>tf<4 - W a t e r M e ! Domestic • Municipal O Stock fe Irrigation Q ; K |HH I Ap * ]/ Industrial Q Drainage • Other D \ K1 M • ' Indicate on the diagram tho character and thickness of the different strata ; HO n ;

A met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show , •• j } ' -sjA f, A /i depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing j • ]• • ; ^ It 0 /J strata and height to which the water rises in tho well. \ •

I ' 2 y^M/nr1/tJi^ -m I r r i a | 2 " ~ •—«,, • I• M •- • JC, i/ 1/ Bolt ofCMtal IU Fm To ; •

I Ji Jt*JJLms/SfcU. Opk'r, ^4,-&. j I• • I I• • j _ I I , •• • \ •Vf j ya_ / /^ w Static Water Level for nonjfjowing well I HH I -# &KS /iJhi"v*f-6**.r j I j I ™Z£$.......feet. i •^ H j ~y 7, ** ^ At. \ Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WclLc t HWm . )• • " i j Pumping Water Lov«L....... .!?^?. .feet fl

• 1 -yi A+& s&fns /*fc^ i i DiflChar8e fa per min> of flowing weU I• j -/fl ' j j How Testcd.......^5j*^!»fc H^H , ~ I 1—-—I 1 1 Length of Test -. i| H^ H i -fy ' , . /? i Remarks: (Gravelpacking, cementing,pack- ( H

• J M /trrJ>r**J*'<>*tA ^jB*c,..J¥..J^.JG*lt:n'00tA"t0ii) i I^ B ': -$/& "indicate location of well and - ^ •$ -V- ' HHA I place of use, if possible. Each sCi/~d-Z(L\. j&HO+fO •SL&yn, '• HB Y ; - small square represents 40 "" ^•™^-J^/z^g...nr3,...... HB '' _/i MtWs***/3**ix* - ••_ — Z.^£.^..^?^...: •^ B ' QZO - - (Continue on reverse side) •^ H • ' USE—If UBed for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state Bj• • _ K number of ncro-j and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- ••B tion). flj

fl I t f j Show exact depth of bottom. __ H

H This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the /^^>"-^'~'^ZD. •• County Clork and Beeorder in the county in which the weU Is located, tfemo copy to be D^Uer s License Number, , •H B retained by driller. ,• / * JT\ / s ' ' U• • Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be /JTZTrit. «*B^*—, H• • returned (/DrillM's Signature • •

Page 30: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

^^S9- -J?' :--:f ' ' ' 9 ^ 1

^ ^ • 1 ''Me'-'.,- ••-'• ' ^ B

^Bt-ijfe :? r~~ ''" """"""" """**" S ' . i 5 ? ~ " "~~~ ••••— --' am^ K ij!?l^';"jf. . " <J! ' t:' i? *•"-•"> .'•', • '- v - v - I ' ." ' - , / '_;'. i V ..>/ •^-^-•-•- ^ . / : •-• ^ | ' : j . : i ; . : j ^ H

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^ B B R - ' ; J ? . • • • • • . ^ ; ' i- ' w««wtou',i:;'5^ | 11 a HI B f - f e v ' - • • • • • ;' • '" •;• effic-on thc..c&&°?,t^ n( ,O^f:.\. -, ': % | 'E I ^M

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^ • < • > * ^- ^r ; . -^' . ' • •v • • i j i <? *' * mm^ ^ H ' : £*.%' ' '•*•••'•' . . ; . . . . . . , ' • I ' -: ~ " ^ ^ H

i ^ B ' ^ S 4 - ":: / ' • '' "" • .-" ••' , - '• '••'' . . ' • ' - . v '"'' "••' ^ HH ^ K ' 'i-. ' / • - • ^^H

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^ • : v3>- r- y• A . • • .. • - , • - . . , . / ,V • •^ ^ H >•• si? ' ••; ' " ' ' '• ' •• '•'.' •' • • • . • ' W^MI ^ ^ B / ; ':-•••' • " / < " , . • • • ' ' . • ' ' . : . H ^ H

^ H ''•/-!/• s '(' ' '"• '•••' • '".: -MB

Page 31: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

^ ^ H <W. Appmtf. Stock Form—State PubUihtaj Co, Helena. Monua*—4J2M « ^ t . » > 7 S ,

H File No T..JL3H. .R..3S. i7



H Declaration of Vested Groundwater RigMs JAN 131954Hi (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) _ _ r ?l P I P CCBH oTAIh LiJb 11v L1.1\

• H L Btltn B. Col«t«n -, of Bfti 321+ WMt* y i r^ ' i* 8T"»*wg"HI (Name of Appropnator) (Address) (Town)Wm County of TS»M&XBX. State of..Mfi»*.HML—jm have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

^ ^ • I j i ! I i • I I 2. TK, beneficial use on which the claim is b a w d - M j ^ . . J g ^ J J L . . , , . . .

W W& • I i i 1 I i' • • • ; !* '"• ~] '," ";'" 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu-• 1 ...J..J...1... J....! I.... oui the use hasieen-.^Ijl.. 1 » 5 « . «J«*...*!«>..M..^»««.... • • i i i ! '; I a!^5!W...«i?5l...!l5??*«?'.j ^ H w —j—I—j i—i—j— E II'!ZZZIIZZZZZZZZ"Z!IZI""ZZZZZZZIZ"ZI^^B '""• i j " " •*'""": ; 4. This amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons| H I .--i i—.: •...•---:.;.-.•—. per minute) ....ft...WS*IHI • ; •j. • ; j ! i _^ ^ B ' ! I ! .. ! 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands{^•1 , to which water has been applied and luune of the owner thereof

; • MJM sec..aa. TASfaJB. ZZZl lZZZZZTZZlIZIZZZIZIZZr: :j ^ ^ B I n d i c a t e p o i n t o f a p p r o p r i a t i o n^ ^ ^ 1 a n d p l a c e o f u s e , i f p o s s i b l e . B a c h . . . . . . . . .' ^ ^ m small square represents 10 acres. 6 The means of withdrawing tuch water from the ground and the loca-| H tion of each well or other means of withdrawal. .M.*.*?.?...?^1?1?...^ »

•B 8. The depth of water table....^??* t.

'i ^^M 9. So far as it may be available; the type, .size. .and. dfotli oLeach wall or the, general snecificationt.of anyother• • works for the withdrawal of gnnindwater.*?r*... .?£^*.*?..^ .?.*"*.5S#

^ H 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year * . . ^ . ^ ) ™ . . ^ . . 5 l . 7 ^ i ? 0 0 t s l l o n «

^ H 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available....??.*..*?!**?•.•*??•..•

fl^K 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including^ ^ ^ H reference to book and page of any county record .„ ...„ „^ H •zrrtztrtZ:. - ^^e^Lc-crfCrtC^— ...

B Signature of Owner./^?^^/....^«.....V*^*«^..

9 va*....<£L<*...Z..9y.../f.A£

^ H Three copies to l« filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

^ ^ B Please answer ill questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be .veturned.

| ^ B Original to the Covnty Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofj ^ H Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. % /A4 /

Page 32: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

^ B '•—^ .. . • . -V •• . ;:

HI STATE OP *fOVT/>V2T. T „ . ? |

• I / hire* n«* "-< *' "*« . .- ,

H ^ l . \ , flUIH.e. BEARS^ ^.— •

Page 33: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

^ ^ B / > Apprond Slock Fwm-Suu Pnbllwlii, Co, Hetaa. Mouun-41117 4S&*- - *i H

^ H Ffle No T_3L3..|f.._E-..3B— J H

• J B STATE OF MONTANA . jj |£ y [r [j ty £ ! I •TH ADMOnBTEATOE OP OEOUHDWATEE OODK [1 ] ' Ml •

H omoB or STATE KNQOEEE JAN 13 1964 • — •

H Notice of Completion of Groundwater A^To^afioVf1^1* II Without Well •^^m (Under Chapter 237 Montana Seirion Laws, 1961) H

^ ^ J Date of Appropriation of Qronndwater._J?.*b* Z9SI)... H

^ H 0wn«r.B»lC7l B... ColftWtn Adare«»B>t32l»...>Cte*ft?i«lKP»« •

^ ^ H Contraotor (if any) «>pfc fyp1,iat>hla H

^ ^ H Addren of Contractor _J?_..__ ..„£ 1 . XL-~i.~. ^H

| ^ | Date Started.-AUg« 19SU-- Date Coinpleted_JMg*-lSSI|.^~. •

^^M N Deceribe meani of obtaining gronndwater without a well "at by ' H^ ^ H I ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I rab-irrigation and other natural proeewea". Include depllh to t H| H ...1...L.L.. I .J-- .L. waur whtn »ppU«bleJ3««.lut»....W^«^ ..Pl»•4.»tt«r B^^H ..,..'; ;. i ..„] i.^.j tO ?00 gf 11 "T^MllTj ftTUtt 1 »"Mff* iw*f at.. ., • H

H B . --;—-i—•; -i-'-'i—|-— -»6a» j * ot»at. .pijw. .- ,^- .- _— •

^ ^ H i l l i | ! Quantity of water developed and wed witb explanation of method WU^ ^ H — : • ' • • ; — j — • — 1 — • — tMed to measure or intimate iueh amonr.(. If me ia intermittent :' H

^ ^ | . * estimate approximate length* of period* of mrit XSM9 *piif ••ft, ; ^ |

H .,; W-y4~.»8ee....53T4,3lP.SB. , .^^ e n t h > . . < > f - . th > . y > < P > tf>t«TI-2(KV h>«d-O^ - •^^H Indicate point of appropriation ' ; H^ B and pl»eo of nu, if pouible. «t»*"<»»»^^lr-««lTW>--^^^^ritlOMr->»»-- •

^ H ltSGyGOO~gBl3;Ott»--«l*«d« I

•H Signature of Owaet...^^t^h%/.....Sjt.....^J^^iaKJ^XS!!i H

H v*u...i££+',..^3....J.%(,3 I^ H Thia form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. H

^ ^ B Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the H^ ^ H workf re located. ^H

^^M Please answer all questiotw. If not applicable, BO state, otherwise the form will be returned. • H

• W B Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana HS^S Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. H

Page 34: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

^ ^ B !~i'?' •" ! - i : . ; ' ' i! .•••^ :.11, ! |?' ."••'';• "". • • .. ' • ' '!• ^ • ' ' ' X ' ••*;1'j''1i''i':.''i.'?,'.:;];',i'-'1Vi''1, ';^.'-" , S i ! ^ : ; • : ^ ^ f t | i V « | g B ^ S ® S j

^ B ' . / :••: ,• ', " '"• • . , • • ; ' ' ; • '" . •••':" • • •f:'*V--%¥*<;?$:$£{(\^ H :••'.: • • • • . • • • " • ' . •• ; • • • • • • , , •• I • ' ' . , » " ; . p::'%?..;

Page 35: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

•'• • | < < t | J I H J I J . . nunnnwii i n u l l * i l i m n — " i m i l I II III III III ' ' " • • • • " " » " • " " » " • • — - • '•—•"~~LmB^SjKm$Ji


\ ' « •• I r ^ y JTlCnft/T Twp. / ^ K9e._j^ ^ g

S S.c.1 N,»e of Approprlator [ Type of Ton. FlllTSo. H«n*rk. " ^ ^ K

! v i /# 1 -i?/?//7 ^?gfl»^ <3k. (3(1)3 12&QQ. "WKL

1 | -__^B^^Mi^»™.i^i»« .. T ^ ^ I & X

s M 1 1 1 •'-••i | — 4 • •>•:$$&&<

• \ J ::'J^##-.

Page 36: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

<4(||>lOW*1U0lM4l«ai Coimty.....'!Z?l&J4££*_




(Under Chapter M7, Montana Session I n n , 1941, a* amended)

This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county In which the works• t 6 fOCBttta*

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form may be retumtd.

'• Owner .-4ajecgt)..Sla)c.-Jfe» — ™».~.._ .„._... ........

For Adrrtnlstrator-s Use ^ ^ J ^. 1 ( i ^. 4 i a ^. . . . » J 8 t ^ # J ^ J l u _ . w j i 5

File .Sl^y 72t>t6 • Contractor (if any) •u., IU.U-UL.,

.^£tJi~*£crJ9.Z3 Address of Contractor •

GW \ jyi*fSZ.j3tl»r&^ Date Started,m.. Date Completed •« . , • . . . . • , • • •

. __« . . __^_ 1, . Describe meant of obtaining groundwater (as by sub^rrlgatlon,

[ I 1 developed spring, *«Jw, eta) % m f


. . . . . . . . . . j .—i . . . - -.— ...^. 2. Means of withdrawing water (gravity, pump, canal, etc.) ,.t i t 3

i 1 i \ '• j , . . ~ — ,

I \ \ 9 d 1 '• °*Pm •> Wllt#f •••»•• ———~i 1 j . \ V : ! [ ... 4. Use of the water .U**«toofc.Ua*«* :

"-f/p-jjic • i r n-i.-Vi^)fc < ! ..... ^

I j _p*l I j I •••. . . . ; . . . . - ,—;— ..—; j j 5_ Amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons

• per minute) ? gtill^ff r w • t a a t ^ •• - •

asm....v> _w

> ' /~' 1. ^ " 6 ' ^ V M ^ '^3*"°" ' 9 l v* rH"n'>«r of ecres end description

=» W o ( | a nd ..^.^^L5.iv-fi!ija»ia!iJ!jL.-sjL;L.;L-;'i^!j;L»!i;.i;jif-rj;^:.!!i

(HOtCATE POINT OF APPROPRIATION "~AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. _ -Elevation of spring. If known or eill-

7. Estimate amount of water used each year IJOOOOmated ...JfAOCLXl*

8. Monthi of year spring flows ...focr-'BoaWt""

1/1 -? y'Signatur* of Owner ^..:..'/..::.:^.::.......^tt.;:..'^.....f.r.^.

Date {. '6-J.L.-.&..ZJ. I

Page 37: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]
Page 38: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

Bfi <^^.aow3-Re»iJdl9«>-" ! Ll ' - - • « ' ' . County. . * e *8? *? 1 \ . . ^ |

^ B • :• • ' pp i ] p.: 'fff] STATE OF MONTANA • M |



^ ^ B (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session laws, 1961, at amended) j^B

^^M Thlsform to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. ^ H

^ H . Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the works HB^ ^ • | are located. • > ^^m^ H *• Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the"form may be returned. ' H |

, j ^ H I 1 Owner ..._.*5*8* Q**J*r. 1 H[

Jfll F ° r AdmInisfrator's Use Address1!*?* ! • • « . .???*• WSpHagB, Mfc. 596"« flfl i ' ^ H ^ f l *•••"**•" ^ ^ ^ Bf f l H m *\\* ~3-yJa~^<£.b6G2~ Contractor Cif any)T^JT-rj:*™."1'".1;". 1™" "L•-.i™»^...~ ^ H

: j ^ H I ^JL^kM<uUi^js>?.^../.?./^3t. Address of 'Contractor ?.::r.~."'."'.~r.":'."j:.r."'T."."'"""."'" ^ B •#

I ^ H I -' G W 1 •—-^3S?.^.!/?2.i. Date Starts •••••••<.:J.l:..'.::'.1..'.rr. Date C o m p l e t e d • , . . r . " " . . . . . : 1 . - ' : ' . : . . ' . " ^M I

: ^ ^ ^ H < " •/• ••'• 1- Describe means of obtaining groundwater (as by sub-irrigation, ^ H r-0

; j l H • L I developed spring, drains, etc.) ...»S^OK»*.J3H?-M«. H | |

:', i^^H ; B | •

' * ' 9 l —'< l"~'• ' I" I 2" ^ e a m °* withdrawing water (gravUy, pump, canal, etc.) ....: HH

'-i^B ! I ! i ! • ! 3. Depth of water;:.../....'..1:...:.'- 1..:.':,. ^ H 'lHmM _ w —:—'—'•": ' '•—i—!— r MB^'••B ' ...L..L..ivS — i 1 !—- 4> Use of iha water MT9*tS9k.*!«taf M R |

r E^^^l ....';....! -i-.'joJ ; >.—•! _ J H H i

^f^^H •-•:'.••••; ! - j i • 5, '/Amount of groundwajer claimed (In miner's inches or gallons ^^m •'iflH - I '• ! '• • I i I ! 1 :'•' • • ' " • , ' . , .: . • ' •••: ' ^H jV'I^^H * • V*»r minute) ....2Q..Sftli9ft.H5?...lJS<»t»... „ ^ H

. ; ; | H ..asBRw vi sec 25. ' ' " " "~: " " | HF ' t ^ ^H , 1 _. k 6. If used for Irrigation, give number of acres end description BH

I ^ H * ^ * of land .rr^^r^r:^-.:j:.-j:::'-::'::r^::-'.v:::r:^r:rrrr ^ H

'.:flR INDICATE POINT OF APPROPRIATION ^ |; ' ^ H AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. „ , „ , ^ H' ^ H Elevation of spring, if known or esti- jj^m•I^B i s 7 ' F-5timate amount of water used each year ....i?.QQ..B3al.J?«r...llOW ' ^ ^ 1

J H H mated ...J*599.....?.S ^ ^ B

^ ^ H 8. Months of year spring flows Tear.JiatULd H9

^5j Signature of Owner r..£jLs^^^....J?~*£?z:.,.fc?:. ^ H

•Bj •n

Page 39: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]







^^^m-s^-^ir^•'•• :tvm ^ •.^ • if., = . ^-.i^:^: : i^^ ;ra^^fei ;^#.

'mmm^u.^.-.--^: r:^. • • •: • . # ' .* • . : v •••' r ^ v - : ^ j : . v : - ; ; ^ ^ ^ ? : ^ # -! i : # ' ^ ^ f : : : - v ; ; > - - " ; : . : '• f - : \ ^ • :. • •• . -••;••• | i y r \ •• •> r - U - / % • . i v v ; : • • • • • • : . v : - ^ v . : ; - ; ^ t ' : ^ ^ : ;

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1 • \ y f ^ : > [ . - y - . . : .;•• ' ; ' • " ., • v • - : . - , - • • • . . • ••• • • • • - : - • - - - ' - • - • • - r ^ ^ i :

• " : ' • - . / > ' ' - • ':

- ! . « " • ' . • - • • • ' - - - ' • • ' • • - . " • • • • • / - , ;

. • . ' • • • • / ' ' ' • • . £ - ' - ' - • " • • • • • . • • • • • ;

' - " • ^ • • • • ^ • • B [ •


Page 40: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

e^H <^8^»s ow 3 RoiMd 1969 ,, County.. . .^••!3 l? r

^^M ao3=«<»-i/7i v r • • \ .-. :: •• r


^ H i i i i i / iV • ^ ' MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ,


^^M •'• (Under Chapter'237, Montana Session laws, 1961, at amended)

^ ^ B This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. .

^ H Three copies of thts notice are So be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county In which the works V^ ^ M • . . a r e l o c a t e d . ' . • . • ••..,. • ' • . - . • • • . • . . . • ' . ' . X ' ' • .••.•.••:' ''. '•..-,. '

^ ^ H Please answer all questions. I f not applicable, so state, otherwise the f o r m may be returned. '.••'$'•

^ ^ M t ,'' ' ; ' /- • 'jHT I —• 1 Owner 9$*&..?**MM. ....„............„:.• j For Administrator's Use Address J ! ^ . i t a g « . I t e ^ . . m . « ^ ^

fan ..;..; FHe.. 3-~7^Z.:...^.S..(fK3.... Contractor (if any) J_JJ^:Jr:.J^J^^Jl^-'i:.™"J:iJL'l.LLrJl"'-'

-" t'WB .!?CLjiyutaA^.l.a?a,./9.^S...... Address of Contractor .....l.i_.'.l..........l

j'^JJH ; GW 1 ,.^£^.fe-./Zti.:.,...... Date Started .sss^sssrr=r=rDate CompletedTrrrrrrrrrrr

\^HH ••--———•••——...............—.....-.. 1. Describe meant of obtaining groundwnter (as by sub-lrrlgatlon,

; • • . I•'••••-•" •'-•• ';:': '': '•- ' I developed spr ing drains, etc.) J S S f ^ S t S A ^ B ^ S S L -

' ' • H •'••••.•• " : i • • • ' / , ' • . ; - ' ' • • - . ' . : " " . \ '•! " " " ' " " ;

I ' . I ^^H , — . . ; . — . p . . . i . — . . . . . . .p..- j—- 2. Means of withdrawing water (gravity, pump, canal, etc.)

}WM -:.i-4-4-... . - ^ - j - - . — - .**»!&—„„„.....„.........

' ^ ^ ^ B i i i • ' • • ' ! • i ! 3. Depth of w»ter t»bia ...Lu»~z::.:j".:.::.:v."".".:.r.r.:.'.•.::'.1..".:'1"-

^ ! ^ ^ B ' '' w ! "j ! •—! *5 1 E • " ' • , ,

n|H :..L..:.-i iS)lLJ..... 4- Use of the watctr....J|*3CM*! J»»*!».: ....;:..L..^

* ^ ^ B —!••••;•*•• •—',-- i i 5_ Amount of groundwater claimed (In miner'* tnches or gallons

; :^M I i i 1 I I i ! I:: ^ H s per minute) .....5..«»lX«««.J«r..m>jmtf.

i :^B ..fflW»V4 Vi Sec...^ •••""•• '" ••"

J ^ B ^ K 13 /lC\ V l O 6 ' K u t e t l { o r Irrigation, give number of acres and description

:BW INDICATE POINT OF APPROPRIATION• ; • • • AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. „' ; ^ ^ H Elevation of spring, if known or esti-

: ^ ^ H , « -„ 7. Estimate amount of water used each year ..200QQ0< ^ H mated ..l»9?.

| j^H 8. Months of year spring flows lMr..Boimd. I

B | Signature of Owner ..;::J^:.^J^:....J^^...2^.

Page 41: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

HOH| i':'"''•'. - ' v / V r . < - v ''.. 'r-':- '•-'i"r'-"v''' '-'• "• ' ; V ' .•••..•"' • " • ';! '.• : : ' • . . . • ' • :.. • . . • "\S" •"'- / 'i:-''.:'". ''- ' ' V ^ ' ' ^ ^ ""-V--V" '•''^^'''•^''•'W^.* " " ' ^ ^ H

^ ^ | Q H !'.' '- l p '- i ; ' • • • ; " ' ( ' • ; , i , " V ' ' 1 - :T';'^.' • • .•• - , • , • • ' • • " • ' ' • • I " ; ! • • ' ? ' • ' • ! •' • '•' i ! •- • ' • ' - • • "~ f > • . • ' ' ? ' • ' • *' ' • , i { ' •: ' • •'••••^.'1>-' M V - ' ; ! ! 1 - 1 - - ^ - . ' • • • ' - • A ^ ; ' . • ^ j i i ^ r ' 1 J ^ ^ ^ B^^•H • • ( . . . \. # . , ' , ; : • ; - a i l ',;•/,•- ••'•'. '• • •'. • ' . ' / ? . . . . ' . • , ••• • " . I ; • • • i • • • • - • • , . • ' " h V - " , • ' *])<'• .. ; '.' V:'- -'Pi'1'''--'- ' *' •"••'':'.*'-?Ai^C>'' ! ^ H f l

Page 42: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

§>H " •^ ^ H •fflifra ow»n«iwi i%9 County. "••S*'?. H^ ^ H JOJ7—ISOO—l/7t •^ H ; ; STATE OF MONTANA •




^^M (Under Chapter 237, .Montana Session Laws, 1961, us amended) I^ H H ' ' ; . ' • -,\ • \ , j' •; . H

^ ^ H This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. .;', \ H

fl^^l Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county In which the works HH ^ B ' are located. ' . . ' .'• . ' •H ^ | Please answer all questions. If not uppllcable, so state, otherwise the form may be returned. ;!. H

% MKf f~~~ ~~^ 1 Owner ?!«?if..MiMt. *?•.,, - i •• ••»—- I

iBi For Administrator's Uw ^ ^ » f ^ J U > | ^ «rofe» _ ; ^ ^ M

i b w i a V tal« 3-2Xi-.-"2a?»*j8b^-i Contractor (If any) ^lLT^^l'C.?.'.."S.'Sar.^JSr.^::.T.^!;. •

W-' S l » \^LtubMJi0Ad,3-Q*a-Sy.S.i.)^. Address of Contractor ._" ;....»..j;;,™..:.:_..u™,».....;._.j...:™.—^... Ig f l B •. ', v'-v,.. . , y # _ _ , ' f • •:• • '• •> rMi : • m|HH )GW 1 ™^>".oS?.../2'.-<«7A...a* Date Started ;-.'.'.'..L.".::.L,. ...1:;1. Date Completed it...

l.lji ••••• H

| l l | ............... ............;........... 1, Describe means of obtaining groundwater (as by sub-Irrigation, : H

I taWal '- ;<l' '• ' - :;' ' developed spring, drains, etc.) ....Bpriif VnJtfLoptA........... •

^ I ^ ^ H : : —I—"! '—- , - . " •—- j -—t -—I— 2. Means of withdrawing water (gravity, pump, canal, etc.) ........ H

| j^H I I 3 \, • ! i •• "" "~" I% j i ^ ^ H '.'•,!./•.! | . ! j 3. Depth of water table . . - I

| < ] H l I j : S : j !__ 4. Use of the water ..fe«»ifeMfc.J»1aK . M

' *BH1 . . . . ; . . - . ; — j — • — - i — • j - ^ | - ' i — 5# Amount of groundwater claimed (In miner's Inches or gallons H

| , iHH * per minute) ..3..S*XXmt..V»X:..1lXx*t*. I

r Wm 855? v* V4 sec & -..--»--» •

;;- .B jB v» L 6. If used for Irrigation, give number of acres and description •

'. ^|HI ' of land ...«..l.«T.lJl.".T.'l.«"-"-T."—...«..—««J«.r * .....»T.T»»1 ^ |


J ^ H AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. — •:. ^ ^ ^ P Elevation of spring, if known or esti- n/wm I, ^ ^ ^ H Lam 7 ' Es"mote amount cf water used each year .J5PPPP. •

^ ^ H ' 8. Months of year spring flows .YMR..JtQM»A , H

•H Signature of Owner ...:f^^^^.....^2^^:..../^.. I

Page 43: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

^ B r ^ : M - j | ^ 9 ' v i '•••''• f t •••'• ' '- •' ; ; ' •' l j / . .T .••' • >v ''•k:^J-^::&?i^^M-'^

^m r''-'"0i,}>i:\ f ' • ":':• • ; ' » . . ; " • • : •••R1 ^' ' : ''.'••;'%•}?$£': 'j

^ V . ' . :" ' '.,. • •" • • " ! ; : . ' : - ; ';•' . ; > • ! , ; • . . • , l ; - 0 ; i i i i j v !

H •;.. '.;•:•/•• ;^ -• i I i ' '• ' -. V : '••••• '• "•' : h - ^

Page 44: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

flBl ' " *i»i. flflflHVaV>B s^^^ A B M

^ ^ H 3jSP*J ow J ***'**d "* County J?£Si3?*?. HB^^ H i»o-i/?i , . ,_• ' . STATE OF MONTANA VAj



^ ^ 1 (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session law*, 1961, a* amended) ^ H

B B J ... Thl» form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. ^ f l

BBJ Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county In which tho work* ^ B• • • are located. MB^BR Pleate answer all questions. If not applicable, so Mats, otherwise the form may be relumed. . BB

^ 5 H T " Owner ...J9MCtft..!ElMt..i&'.f. „ ^ H

JB For Administrator's Use M6M .l^J*mi.M^^.Mm^.M^Sm.^ •

|vj^H Rle .3.1&....\.y.3.(e.U Contractor (If any) ..; V . ; „„:.„„ ^ |'• i^^a^H *—* •' ' ' ' B ^ B Hi i ^ H , •jl»t/~<>*.M*<tijJ?.C+/9Z3'..: ' Address of Contractor JE.IH.-.j.-:.<::..i..j!\ J.i.i.j;..ivi:L...'Mi'^VJ•.* ^ H

• t | ^ H ; GW 1 . . . . ^ A 5 ? . . . / 2 . _ « ? 7 . . . . . . Date Started ™.L™~__.".„.... bate Completed . .1L1111I1.L" ^ |

I j f j^H —r .,,.;.,-~~ ~» ~ 1. Describe means of obtaining groundwater (at by sub-irrigation, ^ H? ^ ^ H ' ' : '• :'• '•'•' \ ' ' - " '' - -' ^ Hf ^H I ' '. " ; ; " 'u^^^.. '.., , I developed spring, drains, etc.) ^..JjMMlop«4.JjriBg... ^ H

i t ^ ^ B H • '..'•'••'' ;:,! '.—•—•"•—:—7 • - - •• ^ H

I9H • • •.'••..••'•-''•• •. ' „ . „„ . . . „ ; . . . . . « . . ^ . '" IB

-WRI • • • N •• • ' ' ^ H

I?•! i i i . 1 j I I H H| : | H V H "*.j..-..p...;..~.. ^ . . .^—»-, 2 AAeans of withdrawing water (gravity, pump, eanal, etc.)..._ • J f J

sBB .—i—|.—4.---. ^xl.—i—:— anBii^. : - _• ^ H

l^lflH i j7^j I ! 3. Depth of water table , .„ Hflt M •' •» —!—K-T—I—-—J—'— « ., " • •IMlH !' ! ', . <! - ! ':..-. •*• Use of the water . _ U X ? . 9 t « S > L 1 « l « t . ™ ^ . ^ ! •

;:'H ..y-.-........ 1 | | . . • • ' , »•- '/|^H i i i ! i ; BWafl•; IH^H —;••"!—i \ • ! 5. Amount of groundwater claimed (In miner's inches of gallons ^ H. fl^B % per minute) ....S.4l)laaLjMr.jrtJMk** ^ H

'. ; ^ H ...amtA % sec %. " H' ' • • M ~~ , -jo 6. If used for Irrigation, give number of acres and description BB^. JHJ T....—Jji.........QNjR....M. lft\ H J

: ^ H * " of lend ^..^.L ^. . jL^: . ;^- . . : : j : r . .—1:. : : : : ;^:^.^^:- . . ^ |

^ ^ ^ B INDICATE POINT OF APPROPRIATION "" BB*BVJ AND PLACE OF USE. IF POSSIBLE. _ jBJfl^H Elevation of spring, if known or esti- BBBIJ . . ^^ 7. Estimate smount of water used each year —..100000. BB

V H f l mated .J»90...?*f. ^ flfl

BJflj 8. Months of year spt'lng flows .XfJC.JfcHMlA ^BJ

BnB ^' • ' ^BlBMH Signature of Owner ^..}^h^/^rS^fu(f.....^<^fir...Jri.-U BH

• I Date.... .£..lii..£.../: 22 I I

Page 45: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

: •;]•; .:, ;•;••- ;;; : f t V ; t ;••;,;.•••' p ' •• • : . :•. '^^^r; i"'.\: " ,':$^4-:.i":^f^fl^fcl"; ••.''.•• •••: ••• - S i i ^ X '•>*'% £ : - : • ••••••'.• . ' '•" " '' .^WM::yB^Mi"m§^

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- • •<•••• •' .'•/' : •' 'v i :. ' . . " : • . • • • i : - ^ : # * t e ' .

- • • • • • • • • • • i \ ! • . : . : • • • • • • • . - ; . : . . * • • ; ; ; • • • • • . & " • : • -

• • . •' . • ; ; • ' • •... •••• • , : / ^ - - w :


Page 46: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

Sec. Name of Appropriator Type of Form File Ho. Remarks ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a J H K l m ^

( 7_£> " ii (AdN !___ j>6o <J/r//diL Z ? i^^^^gss^"V Z 7 " ^ Gu^-I " xl/s Jw///U4 Z5 ^MMff

• - . • 2<?1 " 2 &U04 " kf/y J^y>j%^ 2.-5 llilili^BR

- T ' ! "•«- T\lk\ %£>E rjmmsm*: ZAJ '^HHK- | •• . wmaua 3c<!s.- « ,2b , 21, 2^321 V^35o«tx auahtz. ....... ./P ''wflHH

• j ' STATE OP MONTAKA • " / ' i l M ^ 5 ^ ^ ^ ^., ' • . ADHDHISTEATOK OF OEOUOTWATEE CODE rprs - -.- r- n "I rr [ T ^ -V l | n H |

! ' • O m O S 0 ? S T A T E E N O n i E E R ( . V J, l.j.; i i . i i u u . H j «"*^^S^^K

j . . • Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights ^ 13 ™ " ' ^^Bm(D.dCT Chapter 237, M w t t n . Sarioa Law^ 1901) C T £ ; ' T i ; . ' £ C R ' ^ A^»HBfe

i L " - W B l t e r - £ ? S S 1e

c ^oham rf v/hlt?...S«lphur..OptinB, i "ife^S(Ntme e{ Appropriator) (Addnm) (Town) 'f*W««R^

I, Ommty of uaagher^ State of Montana. F - ? N s ^ ? I C;_ toe appropriated Kroiudwater according to th. Montana Iawi In effort prior l^'Si^i^m^'^miiir ' | I'^WM^

! I ! I ! j i I 2- The beneficial we on which the claim lib«aod.....8tOCkwattr and * l^lp^t"•"[•"•:""] | — - j — - — irilga.tlori...of...hayl8n<l«»»..tur« "V^JS^^P

, '•: ' sfeE k x W B T ««A«i A4TM MPn "' Date ° r *PProxlm«l« ^nt« °f earliert beneficial UM; and liow contlnu. ^^MnSWto:. "FBR'ffim S'Sp'iioSr w ^ttol»h»1«»-v-ii1-28--t««1»Bft..iMi.vO.MB...M«»J i JraK

- o" tncii OTTUC 5TJT Jf i e i-*j f»MrW0 0"- a i M i !-u ' t-h M-b !" I B n- l w n t i nw» l t > v 1 «eP*I SPRINGS cUlWEcf^ Tl IS •»"eB.^iB.t_.tlme.. _._ f , |W ^ »I • DpCIiARflTII W;y—j ;—• «. The unoiuit of gronndwater clulmcd (to mlncrt liichea or gUlnni ' ' « 'WlM•' " /^JF^ ' i 'c l i r ' iE ' !—!"•• ^Jlnnt«)"-"ch...of....the..2B.,9j!tiijfl6...S!iini...y.9as-r.o.yn(l , * ' ^ r f e i $ P l l '•; /.'I...f...;_:. r . .Ci. . . . i . . . . •aftd-«a<A-f}<>a--Aot..lfl8.s....tti.;m...l5....<j.aJlJ.onii...p.?(r:. ' i^jSiiifi iP'j! i ! ! • ! • minute, which i« clalmert. •*t>>wra i S a * 1 1

1 ! !—'• ' ! ' ! ' 5> " ^!?1.vfoL'frI8ktloni Blve "">,«"••'«''' «"•' **ription of the land* <-"' hjl $Wi• . f * to which water haa been applied «»J nune of the owner thereof **= ' *k "J mffitf

I , ' .A ,, o ' -Each^.pxino..irxfg9t9.» vidU.ftee.nt .E.«tur» or i If ? < I « Lt,; —V4•--See T—B.._... ,_toa«« .i8ncJ«»...lnsHc.|!,fri att-Jched'tliagr'pm i\ 8™j

: Indicate point of appropriation £xh"ii-"A?..*..all..lan<J«....O.H.n'(«t.or. I jf J ' j U t t S '; and plaeeof o«, if poaiblo. B»cb ' i 4 i l '

I ,' BnaU •1uare reprcicnt. 10 aero. «. The aeon, cl withdrawing such wntcr twxr. the Rnmnd and the loca- }> | ^ v '*| : : • ' . «!on of each veil or other meani of withdrawal, n a t u r a l f l o w and II > ."I i natural processes from 28<i~a«~in<Jl«.t«.d-tA..£xhH>it..'!A»:attachod ( , J ,""

I hereto; In Sections 23,26,27,29,33,34r-«,3V-.T13M, PSErSftctiont. 2S..&..30 T13M.R6E* f %'*, *7 Th. rf.iA?^0"9 2 4 8 3 T12N, R5Ej and Section 1, T12N, R6E. ' ' W

...—„.„ „ •—— ———... f 'v,

. ; • 8. The depth o{ water table fiUrfac* „ ' \ x

| " P " 7 a 7 h ^ r ^ ' ' i C> U. The log of formationi encounwred In the drilling of each well if available n o t . . a p p l i c a b l e , '

; 12. ^ c h otbc, information of a aimilar nature a. m.jr be nKful in canying out the poli,T of ,hf, ,r t ,nclnain. " / ti reference «'b«.k and pnge of any county r , ™ r d . . . . . I . t . _ i S _ ^ a _ l a t e n U o n . . O f ! . / p ^ ^ ^ ^ . '<: estaWlah and olai» hit rights in-th*-^bove.-dasiqaatc«lsptinas fat otock'

watering purposes on a year-yound ba6ia.,-and-iuch..lrxigation...Jas...the...Springs -

• , Signature of Q™ty//6$&jC&dl< ^? £^~j • Walter E. Buckkriqnani"—- -* ,i " Date....DQcernber..3.1,....l'?63. " /

| «^«^tobefDrfJTlta«nerwhkitaCann1ya«ki^lJe™*rrf - "£

•j P!SSM eiOT«r s«-jt.~t.ion.. !f not spplfeabk. M slate, otl-r-TK tJM form-8! l» rci...r. M. ^ U '2 »• ' ' ' "

Page 47: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

fiROUNDWATER INDEX P a g * . _ £ _ _ o f HHH

B «••«*•« ^ County E B 3 H 8 ^ H B | B B

, •' - Sec. » « * of Appropriator Type of For. File Ho. Remarks | | M |

\ TE tt/nPrnnhn/ry, iJUoJbfaT &JJ*/ " h^6^L H |

•7-1 " '• ^ai'-f L J// Jfti'Jii £3 I l H

\ ' t <K » " /^^^ : 4t* dtr&fi* 2.? Wml

• • • ' j'i ' ^ ' : ^ M S;.•--.: .• • i s.w$m

••..•: •: ./ ;i > W M

' • , " ' " • ; ' ' %

^ • • " ^

; . ,'-,'•'• i i f A

' • ^ # - '

Page 48: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

ijij^| ..-*.. ' GROUNDWATER INDEX Page _ / _ o f '£?$ H

|ifl ^ ° ^ ^ |fit ^B ! ^ Hpf ^M ; Sec. JJ«tne of Apptoprlator Type of Por« Fi le No. Remarks ^M

HH - ^H ''• '.'-• ' - 'Ssi ^ ^ H

^ *^H • t ___ :m, ^m

W~ » i l —« -.3 • •p f H 1 •;; ^H& ' • ' .. j - -| _IK;* ^ K , .—— ! H

i ^ H j I j i ^ ^ ^ ^ |

»tp< ^^M . , ^ U

Page 49: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

• * ^

P"^" ! paeuo Tf'3M ££>£ T..i2-igf»B..M^ H' f ;| . ' DTOLIOATE 2-S ^ 3 0 County-..-iiRft9hBX. _ O~ i\ . STATE OF MONTANA :.


i Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights JAM 13'354 |

I - ' ;: (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 19G1) - _ , -P c r •, n I r.' C V 0 t :

I ' • ,j ! Si M L . L , .uUuu* . v,:I j .W.aItftiL-£«..J3.ockiaohiam , of. .Whl.t9_..S.ttiphur...Sprin08. |• (Namo o£ Appropriator) (Address) (Town) i

|: County of i l e a q h o r State of Montana...... jI have appropriated gmindwatcr according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

N • •

J I j j ! I j j j j 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based..._S.tOCk.Mater...and ; • ': . . . . j . — . ; j — - — j — • ! — - • — - irrlga.tion...of...haylands....aRd..p.a.5..t«r.e

•—',•—• i ;—••• ! 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how contiau- •' >: ' ..S.feRJEXto.D: ;T..?Al!i.ATiTA< HED ous «,„ hM i)ccn aXi...28...8prJ,ogs...ha.vs...fee.en...M9.s«>

! FbRlDlAGRi^ to? IJOCAT:ON ;» « - o r CAGl!! O* THE gB i — * .since...tha.t....ttmft. _..„ i1 • <; SPRINGS CAiyiED! BY. Tl IS . jIj ••DpCIiARiT<1(W;T""! '; 1 The amount of grounciwater daimed (in miner's inches or gallons jf; .. . .:. . . .!. . .„• ;.. . .!.„..!.. . . porminuto).....each...o.f....the....28...apri.M.S._t.Ui>'.pund j (\\ i • • : i i _and_.cach..f;..- j

I .; - ji . . . . j . . . . ; . . . . ; - ;—- j.—>,—. minute , v...jch i s c l a i m e d . II • ' : jj I ! j 1 I I ! i I 5. K used for irrigation, give the acrctKO and description of tho lands

I I ' J B to vt\ih\\ water lias been applied and nnmc of tho owner thereof• , j :; • . I ' .

' " '-' -iX M Sec T B ' .J|jtaftBL.l9J^»_flS...indAcsAel.fin.Mt.a.chQ.l.d.iagram• - \ . •} 7 7 , . "-•••l—~ - 7 " Bthlblt!!A! I ! Indicate point of appropriation

, • ;j smaU square "represents' 10 acrcB. 6- The mc-ans of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loea-[• tion of each well otr other means of'tural...f.low...and

' • r natural processes from 28 springs-locate*~a«£xhihit...MA5 attachedLrato; in Sections 23,26,27,a9,33,a4T-&8&r^WMr-J^»^»6tionft-aaA-3Q-JJ3S,n6E;.

*\ Soctions 2 8. a 3 T12M, Rbf{ and Section 1, T12M, R6E. ji 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of tho well, wells, or other works for wittt-';• ' drawal of Broundwatcr....not.3jipiicahla -

, . i • ! .8. The doplh of water table . s u r f a c e - -1 ;; 9. So far m it may be available, tho typo, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherj works for the withdrawal of groundwater natur.aj-..f lOM...r._nDt...appJ.i.Ca!3.1e.» '. \

i 10. The estimated amount of groundwatcr withdrawn each 1.80.8 p e r iI year for eacii spring or more—all are yeer-yound flow.i 11. Tho log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available*ca.S.,M*.».

' : 12. Such other information of a similar naturo JS may bs useful in carrying out the policy of this net, indndine ,i • refer.mcc to book and page of any county i-ecord.....I.t-.-is...-th8...inten.tion....of...appr.opzA.9..tOX....1;Q...

watoring- pur poses on • a-year-sound basis ,< presently provide. //).//^A^£1/0 ff jft! • . Signuure of O w n ^ ^ ^ X ^ S ^ . g g j j j ^ g p ^: ' - ' . . . • • Date....D.e.ceiia?.er..?,l,....l?63j

'fhrco ropies to be liicd by the owner with the County Clerk' tnd Recorder of Uie county in which the well is located.

Please oimrcr nil questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.c

Oricinal to tho CVu.'itv Cirri; ami Hecorilnr: Diinlirdin to tlio Rir'^ T.nir'nccr. Ti.!i>'ii»'ii<> <« •'•» »t«..i«... « r• E . • • . • ! • • . - • ' •

Page 50: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

^ H i -^^ao^EiJdisir ' '.- County *»&«L. •" " ^ M ;i . - •• ^ . . j ^ ! l°l' ' STATS OF MONKKSA i . • . # H

I H ij • ' " ' • " . o f ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUWOWtTER CODE ,• " H

•H ji . ' r [ 0 . n f ; , i K t " r - ^ ^ ' " p W , e ' . \ ' . ' M o k T A N A W A r t R KSOVW3SS EOARD •'•':"'";. •


ft^^B I Developed After January t, 1962 H^^^^V \\ . . ^ ______ . „ • . ^ H_____• .A'\ (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Uwo,, T5)61, as amended) _H^ ^ H • • ' \ \ . . . . : • , • . . • ' : _ _ ! „ •••; H

J ^ ^ B ' | ' -This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the -iftvner. ^M

| ^ ^ H i\ Three copies of this notice are to be Viled with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the works ^ 1H^P ^ . - are located.' . . ' , ..;-.'';" I I^HB ' ;';. Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwlie the form may -Sit raturMd, Wt

^ ^ | 1 -I.'I,,.,,. ~ 1 Owner ?*^l^.¥^..?fe*..S.f..Hwi*i!*l , H

^HB , ,\\ For Administrator's Use Add Bonb. 46t£ - ' fl

^ H :• \\. me^3£#.S.2a?.3£&........ Contractor (if any) ....?*•/. H

^ H ,i j^..,£/#.9£......£<fiQ#*M~ Address of Contrbctor ..:..... H

^ H (GW1 .....:: :........._............. Date Started ...*^5*.;|27?.. L-»«e Completed 3S&S3&!&.33& I

| ^ ^ | ' ..:... 1. Describe means of obtaining g;oundwater {at t y sub-irrigation, M l

^ H _ _ _ _ > _ _ ' ; developed spring, drains, ete.) ...5*?.?^St*?*.SR*9R..-. I

^ H ;' I ..P«rf<?.«t«d CUlT.rt8.*^ •

•B ••9P/H.V9 • ..«*t*_W«*?.»..... _ _ I

| H H -'"—', 1—-j —t—!*" I 2. Means of withdrawing water (gravity, pump, canal, etc.) ^ t

HBH -"-j-—U-|—• —-j—-1—I— ........Q*»^r.. thrSMflLJRIftSUc .ElM I

flH ; ! I ! | I I 3. Depth of water table ...JHBEfjWSft H

HBB W —"•—<:—•——!—:—•— E fl^ H '• I ! i ! ' . 4. Use of the water «SS*.?M.M(».*n!?..IR»*. _... . •^ | ^ H il ' .'• . » . . . . . ' 1 —.{ lXTl£ftjKLOII • ^ ^ ..„...„.«„.....„.„.. ^ |

• ^ B | —;';••••!----!— ! j — j — 5, Amount of groundwater claimed,(in Winer's Inches or gallons ^ H

| H • ' — ; ; — ! — ' , ; • ' ! — ! — p e r m i n o f e ) . . . . . . . i j ^ ^ ^ j ^ s ^ * . . . .... I

| H ...J»L.V4 ..M....V* sec 33i. ' •••"• I^ ^ H -•». s*. * /—^ « 6. If used for Irrigation, gi'.'e number w ef.res and description B |J^B T **. ®R ?. (?,- fflfr . M

^^M s w V ' of iand «»• «ere - f«ncw{ yard wcoond cabin. H

^ ^ H INDICATE POINT OF APPROPRIATION H^^M AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. •^ ^ ^ H Elevation of spring, if known or esti- onnn m ^ 1^ ^ H 7. Estimate amount of water used each year .2v9?.J5»llc«H».. JB

WM mated 6£OO.....£z>#£:...... K

HD 8. Months of year spring flows .H...'!HL?As-. S

^ ^ H l —7—V / ^/?^ ""7y£ H^ | H Signature of Owner ..£&*&rtz<r*fi\-.-,'Z..j?&y&y- ^ BOH yz-f^^i -V• <«Y>*-*^T | H

•BlH • •

Page 51: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

H ' ' SI ATE OF MONTANA. \ . ' •' 1 ?/"•) , " '* i j B• • ? County of Meaaher \ W" ; ' ! . | , . ' - ^ •H H ', / 'hereby certify that the 'tvifhin ; ' • J^-f | HHI Inttvnnmt nav bleiil hr record tn •>•<* , t r _ ^ i^MBB , ofiweonthe 7?Z...ii<t\oi %*-*'i ' ' , , , t . H

^ H ' * " "cieKTr BtooftMn." ~ -- " ,'" ^M

^ M ' r- 5y .^.^...->.w ™ _».aL ' t. • ' (H

H £ u > '"" ~ '' f, \, • , i }:<r fl

^ ^ H ' - H»'i?*?m^ * *• ** * ' M ^ 1

Page 52: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

- . . . \. : :<;-l#S

urn , , - - ^ * -

GROUNDWATER INDEX Page _/_of ^'i^l|«S

.' J ^ County /Yl/MM, Twp. _J2A *.e. _ 2 £ • 7 4 ^

^ t - 1 ' 1 1 : ( I County I j &$$S$i'fK Sec. Kaae of Approprtator Type of Form File No. Remarks £ " ^ ^ ^

: : ( %\ "-'g'^

I - j = = 1 V ^.. . | "A k

A ' JrM •i • t v.

i ,i *i$

j ' NV

1 __rzf =] '•;H — -.-j, ^

Page 53: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

' . . *mr**rjrti r r .p " • • " • ..--.-,.. . . . • , - . . _., ^_, . . . . . . . . . . . - . - •

Px, j "•*•- •• 7?2Al R$£ vJW&i&J&E- —| . DUPLICATE 32- Cmrtf~M£0fk££


S ' OFFICE OF BVATE ENGINEER h " ^ ' " ^ • U ) i

Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights^ 1 3 1 9 ° 4

\i " ; (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 19Gl)p-r«.-rr f"! G11'1 EEi^

. ;. • L Walter.I.,_.Buekln.9ba!n.._._ , of l'!?ite._Sulphus...S.Rrir».g8.t.._.•'• A ' (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)

V. County ol S!l?5l9*?55 -..State of Ji5?.*?5.?\ have appropriated mundwatcr ' acM^"' : \ * • 76'^' ;

; , : ; | \ll\\\\\\i ^l ^- T.So beneficial use on which the daim is based .. . .SUbitEigatioil-.

;i ' . . . . ; . . . .L^V... L \ i u m \ L . . of hayla.n.?!S!.....9M...?.t9.5.kES.1;9X....«3.«.,.£i!j^''Sk^<^ l lVIVrmll— *• Data or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continr.- !X ; \ ^ - - - k - - \ \ \ \ \ U A ^ 1 V - - ous the use has been .b9f.QSS....1.9.Q.O...?.nsl...C.P.r(»HP.yS.iy.. tt

' ' ' i ! ^ ^ \ \ \ l M \ V ^ I • «Attfifl....tha.t-.tiB«.i. _ -.„ I

•• • i ' ••"". | '• j j A i x x x ^ A y " o *J . The amount of gromniwaiiir claimed (ia miner's inches or gallons |!i ' ....!.....•..._• SS r f ^ / t t i r r r : YZt, perminuto)..S.V.tficJ-9At....t.P....r.?i.8l»....J,!5...tQn.8....ei_ j ;

' i ;.. i • ] \ T i ^ ^ nay..tQ....thflL.a.cs»...fta6b..aBfti».P!8.«_ _ '

'.../J . ' I 1 ! j \ ! Ji If used for irrigation. gsv» tho ocreago and description of the lands ,i ' ':'••-".• - I j . _ . . J o • < K S W V S ' *O which water has be*M tppliod and name of tho owner thereof : '

^ SB*+>o«s-SZ,iT1<? \ « J»pMX_MP.JI!MJLJ,rL5AS*i!ffliL.W.J!Wu7_.AO9rthli•« • ™ .mlMtlM-R^k W anAA«fitiOA«.5.A..9.XT<ip.7-..U...!!(PJlt*h...s.iA...i.o...B.?nge'i

I I n d i c a t o p o i n t o f a p p r o p r i a t i o n / a ^ n w n i l = t n - I'> I a i . i t p l a c e o f u s e , i f p o S b l e . E a c h " / , S P P P . • f i . . . , .. ^ , • , >'' \ Bmull square represents 10 acres. " ••• T l l ( ! means of withdrawing sneh water from tho ground and too loca- •,

i i tion of each well or other moans of withdrawal fcy-ivatUtal !'I ' processes-throughout-araa.of use [

.<} \ * ' • \, 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-

: druwal of groundwator... no...ImptQveman.ta-.i>il««3extHaii —. '

! . t 8. The depth of wata taMe..S.Hd[.a.SS_fcQ....3...^

' S. So tar as it may be available, tho type, sira and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other ';i works for tho withdrawal of groundwatcr not-.applicable • - ~ • I

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year 1500..acre...f.aftt..«..8Uf.fici»rJt..tO

raise 1£ Tons of hay to the acre on 740 acres. ;. 11. Tho log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well If availaMo n o t . a p p l i s a b l C u :

1 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may In usetul in carrying out tho policy of this act, including• • reference to book and page of any county record . , — ..... ;

Signature of 0mby^t^^.C...Z^^.1^^if^'^^~. i• • • . - . • V/elter c . Cuckirj^ham \

•'" . • ' Daicbecembeir-31str 1963. ft ,

Three copies to bo filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder oi the county in which ".bo v d l is located.

Please answer »11 qucsMoim. If not applicable, so slate, othcrwiw tlio form will be returned.

(Oricinal to the County Citric nnd Recorder; Duplicate to tho Slate Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of

Page 54: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

B B B B B J • ! •"..''-•, __/.' i . B B B I

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | " • -•'- ' ^ ^ ^ B

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^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B '• ". ">' '. -.'-;:'-"''' • ^ ^ B l

• B ' :/ ' : ' HB• H ' -;'' ; ' EH

• H ?' ' ! H• B B ' ' • •| B B . ' i ^ 1• • • • • f f ' ' ' ^ • • B

O^B ' ' ' BM

BSni ' ' m

•Vfl '' ; • ' BH

Page 55: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

^HH o w Approred Stock Fora—SUM PutMihtag Co., Helau. Mootua—422J4 ^ ^ A, *]/

BH Pile No..._ T.....12N...-...B....3...E J

_£B DUPLICATE County...~M*agh»r- ' ""MB STATE OF MONTANA ,_, ^ p „ ^ ^ rpjvSB ADMnnSTBATOE OF <}ROUNDWATER CODE !. jj ^ ^ £ \ \j 't, IH | , . OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER [fl I j j•L LJ U JAN 1 3 .364 ^HS Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights^ H ' (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) STATE ENGINEER

B B ,% L... w«lt»*.B^-..Buckiagh«» , of..... _toitt...Sulphur...Spxingi,^•H* ,L (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)^B| r County of M*aolMtt state of. Jiffiliana ..-^^Hi \ have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

•^K ^ I I I j ! 1 j i i I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based...hOUMhoAd.: Wld...^ H K p . * ; • —-i I !•— !-—:•—-:— donww.tic...u«.«...and...*rsiflB.fci©n

• ^ B ! | ! ; "I j j 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu- ,^mm \ —.;....;..—;— ;....! j ous the use has been «bOUt 1900r Xlftt prftt«Qtly. ..W^m ! i • i : i { u»«dr-but w i l l b«u*«d. . ln . fututa . for . lr i igat ionE^H ; w —•—i—i— I • • j — | — E ...4««d...a»>. n««d«d...ln.. pa»t• ^ H I ""< ; ; ; 'j j " " 1 The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallonsf ^ H • -• -: i : ••';—-';—i—- per minute).—40 minor* inch*)*^^m ' • » ; : > ; ! : '^ ^ H • ...:..\ly...J- ....I. ;—.. . . . "" '^ ^ H • • fflv^ ' ! I I ! i I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands^•B ' " a to which water has been applied and name of. the owner hereof^ H ,.,., SVWSWW-atwJ*..iW..«r«**-..ln .n«a*..o£..apprfipriator^ O 4»iffl. Sec..5,ZT..72J\(B...3>r S»Cti«n-32r-Tl2 W.-,-R3EI^H I n d i c a t e p o i n t o f a p p r o p r i a t i o n "^ ^ H a n d p l a c e o f u s e , i f p o s s i b l e . E a c h . . . . . . . .•^H small square represents 10 acres. 6- The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca-^ H H tion of each well or other means of withdrawal...numt>.^ H ..SWktSllMe£.-S«£.tiaa..32f....I12M»..ll9aKlHj^B 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-•n drawal of groundwater. compl«t*d b«f OS*-1900,

m^B • 'W^m 8. The depth of water table 12-i««t •

B[B 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherE H B works for the withdrawal of groundwater duo v»»ll«-4--fMt-diaiBAtCS-r-COCkad -Up,^ H 3O...f»»«pth* ™

^ ^ H 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year 100 "acr«-"f fiftt-wh«n Uft«»

^^^R 11- The log of formationi) encountered in the drilling of each well if available not '£Vtt i leb- l t <

^ ^ ^ | 12. Such other Information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying oat the policy of this act, including^ ^ ^ 1 reference te book and page of any county record _ _ '

•H Signature of 0wij^^^^^Z^.^li4^^*^^W«-rT_^_,_

^ H Date.-.-oecOTibtr aiat« 1963

^ ^ H Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk &nd Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

^^Hj Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise tho form wiU be returned.

^ ^ B Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofj ^ ^ H Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 56: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

I B | PZ77

P ^ H • ' .•• : .; --j " '- •

| ^ H •: te^TE OF MONTANA,•) M ' . / t^ ^ 1 ;• WT-County of Meanhrr. \ ' : . .- -. y. ' • : , . - 1 , '^ ^ H I : ": « • ; Jierrfr-v f f ^ ' H ' f'' ' '•''<• «"'!"l*.'», • - ^ ' !? "^ H I'• ' , . • ' . • • • ; ; ! f c W n . « w Tfosfil'lf-- "•«"£}« lMs ••;. . •: •• • ' t: :

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^ H H ' ;-) . • . . .^ • ^ H -x . . . •

Page 57: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

— • !

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,„ - iim»wtiMHIIW»WIIH»M iiim> rim i "- '* •inm«LliMH.iw»—u.i. i.. — H y H K

^ ^ l MHU TER INDEX ^ ^ f _ ^ J

! County k 2 ^ L Twp._ZZ^/ Rge. _ ^ ^ HH

"f I ! Sec. Name of Approprlator | Type of Form | ?i\T7o. [ HemarkB ^ ^ l

'/[' \ % ^eia QosikQf &• ^ y ? \72686 \ ^^af

/ • I I 0 *t ',i

Page 58: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

—\ _ .

- • • 3

• 4 9 ^ 1 ow s Hniwt \tm CounW * * * ^ * r

X»£?500—1/71 , .' ^ ^ *•" " ~




(Under Chapter 237, Montana Saulon Uw», 1961, at amended) , "

Thli form to be prepared by contractor (If any), otherwise by the owner,

Three copie* of thi» notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county In which the worksare located.

Ploaie an»wer all questions. If not applicable, to Mate, otherwlie the form may be returned.

• F 1 °*™ SHB9IHJftSL*?>_s For Administrator1* Uie Address .....»«* J ^ J * ^

, File ....3Jr.f...:.i2SkSS',..... Contractor (If any) . * * ? . . 1 . , , .; \

%jjb*MJllvUi3$,.J3.73. Addren of Contractor . .'„."""."'"..' "itL'l""—TI -T~-"—» '

GW 1 r&y.£i5~/2i.JSOJt. Date Started —.1..™™.::"__L; "Date Completed ^L"..™'..1.""'!!1."""

....—.„....„ 1, Describe meant of obtaining groundweter (a* by uiWrrlgitlon,

-;/"'. I ' ; ": •'.'' " • I \ ^ , developed tpring, drolnt, etc.) .J^S*Mj^! *HHf i * . . -» . ': ! ; \ ' ' Titwtnnli Watar -'' i ' "•% \ mmmmJmmmmKLwnnHm.MmMmm-*.-TT--,.T-,,-.,rr-r—,tT.t..t,.flr,,,,,.,,)..l,M.lliMJt^111 ^^ ' t

i i i | | Li I ' ' "" ' I—* ' "Y* i i r " (>?v 1 T 2> M e a n l °t withdrawing water (gravity, pump, canal, etc.) „

.4444. ...L..| 1^^ L! ! ! •" I '/* I• 1 ; i I 3. Depth of water table _~._ .«~~ ^• i i^ l l..i L... *• Ute Df the water X4«Wlfe!»k.Jtet«r™t I * 1 I * I

I I t • ( ' • • • " . • • • • • • HM4HHHIIa.MMil.HMHn>>! • • I

••" ;••" !""" :"• 1" ! i 5. Amount of groundwater claimed (in mlrter't Inchet or gallant

« ' "" per minute) —f i .4S lUMMLJMr .«Mi l i t

.JSflW'A .V4 Sec.:......3»

T 1 2 <Hft 0 k f^\ 6 - l f U W d fOr l r r I 0 * t l o n ' 0 | v e n u m b e f ° * • » • » • "«• dejcrlptlon

S • <V of | B n d

INDICATE POINT OF APPROPRIATION 1AND P l A t t OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. _Elevation of tpring, i f known or etti-

H. 7. Estimate amount of water uted each year ...._^?9i???.mated «53GQ.. « W—L. J

8. /Aonthi of year spring flows 5S5*iH2!!!?.

y ^ JSignature of Owner r_~^g^n?ff^_.^j?rr.^3'...y^

Date ^.£..:.:££..?1ZJ..S I

Page 59: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

< t : • • • • • - • - . • . : • ' • , , . • . , ; » ••;. • • ' . ; : • ' .•;.•• , - n f

• ^ • • . v * r •• : ; •• •; • . • • . v ;.• ; v p v

Page 60: d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J »f jllil • . I County -fT · d • . ' GROUmWATER IME» »W J_»f jllil • . I County _ _-fT]

C __ Approved Stock Fornv-Suu PubUihlic Co, Hdorn. MonUM—CJX * - _ « ^ ' \ 0

Ffle No. T..12M .H.4.Jt....JIBt_


ADMIHIBTRATOB OF QROUHDWATEB OODS [7">. r>, <••- n y; - p=r\OFFICE OF STATE EHOINEEa I -, '-•- •••' U V, i., I _ —

— uii A)Declaration of Vested Groundwater RightsJAN ' 3 c^

(Under Chajuor 237, Montana Section Law*, 1961) _ T r .. „ _ f, p . r , r r. n. oh; I t Liu '311\ LL t\

l>J?Al*?JP.k»JL?h?.?.'!f.?5_ -,of.._ *5>JJa.Ju3lp^vgK:>tji;.CUi*fi- ._(Name of Appropriatotr) U.ddnwi) (Town)

Owmtyot *?*&?* State «t—*5SH*S5»have appropriated grcrandwater aooording to the Montana law* in ti£cA prior to A'mtnxy 1. 18C2, ai followt:


! i ! 1 1 j i I 2. The benefldal me jnwUeh the claim inte»a...?J<a»**....„„: t....:. .! !-—.!- h??i??.^.?^4...*?.^....?.^.5.H....1!?.?.'f'*!<r""!""•': "i ""i •*""! 3. Date or typnnimate date ol earliecn 'tm*'A<M 'OMI and how oontinu-...\...L..\ !....!-_-!.... ou. the uaa hf* been....fall..Of.. 'M^ •«?^,.COntinUOM...._

: ! ! I i I 5.i.R9A...1ibftfe...(tetS.,. _w ; ' . ' , ' , i I *•

••'• • ;•"*' ; ! ; 1 The amount of groundwater dainu.-ii '»tt. iitk.i',"* inehef or gallont....';....:..-.;. •....: :.... perminnto) ^U..fialfi...par...aii,•:•,.'• ;-t. ,

I ! ! I !. i ! 1 6. If vied for irrigation, give the aore*,v: • » ! *i»eiiptlon ol the landi, to whidh water hu bean applied Kri tufaw of the cwner thereof

J3U 8^3... T-isi B&5... ::_:?.::..::::::::::::::::::::: I : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :Indicate point of appropriationand place of we, If potnble. Bach „ , . , ^, * t . ^ % ,.. ,•mall iqnare represent! 10 acre*. 6. The mean* of withdrawing *ueh water from M» ground and the loca-

tion of each well or other mean* of withdrawall&*ttrA<>...s\$?.aMM±..M..shft.Milt.

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, well*, or other work* for with-drawal of groundwater *&*.-k...TS!5?.

8. The depth of water table..I* \$..J.$.i

9. So far a* it may be available, the type, itee and depth of each well or the general apeisificatjjpn* of any otherworkw for the withdrawal of groondwatOT.....?...!!*?"...!^^ .

10. The ottimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year...Mte»O«n^._«»livJLie)B hpUiB«j....yard,gardsn, etc.

11. The log of formation* enconutered in the drilling of caci. wellif available rAy.Cr....K#.YSl...*Msand*

12. Such other information of a limilar nature a* nury be/u»eful in carryk|{ out the pudL*y of this act, includingreference to book and page of any county record ~JMM

Signature o" Owner

^ t e . . . 1 1 2 / ^

Throe copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk acd Bccorder of the county in which the well is located.

Please answer ill questions. If not applicable, so BtaU, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Cierk uid Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMinis and Geology, and Quadruplicate i«r th<- Ar?ropiiator. J/37-3
