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รศ . พ.ญ . จิ�รพร เหล่�าธรรมทั�ศน์�

Advanced Diagnostic and Image-Guided Minimal Invasive Therapy Center

(AIMC)Ramathibodi Hospital

Mahidol University

Basic Neuroimagings

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Learning Objectives The main purpose of this lesson is to stimulate the students to recognize the value of gross anatomy and physiology of the CNS as major foundations in clinical practice. The students will be able to   1.   Understand the principles of CT, MRI, Angiography PET and SPECT 2.     Recognize the multiplanar normal neuroimaging anatomy   3. Recognize the imaging of the CSF pathway, intracranial arteries and venous system

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Content Outlines

1.     Basic knowledge of CT, MRI, Angiography, PET and SPECT2.     CT scan of the nervous system3.     MRI of the nervous system4.     Vascular imaging of the CNS: angiography, CT angiogram and venogram and MRA/MRV

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Learning Organization

1.     Study the learning materials provided in advanced2.     Lecture 40 minutes3.     Questions and answers 10


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    Self study of the following topics

 1. Meninges and intracranial spaces 2.  Intracranial vascular circulation 2.1 Cervical and intracranial carotid and vertebrobasilar system 2.2       Circle of Willis 2.3       Deep and superficial cerebral veins 2.4       Dural venous sinuses  3. Structural and functional correlation of the nervous

sys. 3.1       Visual pathway and cortex 3.2       Language center: Broca’s and Wernicke’s 3.3       Auditory cortex 3.4       Motor and sensory cortex 3.5       Brain stem 3.6       Pituitary gland

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Imaging Modalities1. Plain films/ Tomogram2. Ultrasonogram3. CT4. MRI5. Myelogram6. Angiogram7. Venogram8. Nuclear SPECT/ PET

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Magnetic Rasonance Imaging(MRI)

Computed Tomography(CT)


Digital C-arm

Computed Radiography

Imaging Modalities

Digital Angiography

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PET ScanImages in

Mices: Differences in

Thymidine kinase gene expression

Metabolic Imaging

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The brain1. The cerebral hemispheres2. The posterior fossa3. The deep gray nuclei4. White matter tracts5. The ventricular system6. The meningies7. Vascular supply8. Venous drainage

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Normal CT Anatomy

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Normal CT Anatomy

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Basal Ganglion

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Normal gray-white matter

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Foramen Magnum Base of Skull

The posterior fossa

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Foramen Magnum

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Cervicomedullary Junction

Hypoglossal nerve canal

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Brain Stem

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Sagittal Midline MRI

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Brain stem



temporal lobe

cerebellar peduncle: middle

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Pons- CPA - IAC Middle Cerebellar Peduncle

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Cerebellar hemisphere Cerebellar vermis

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Mid Brain

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Third Ventricle Tectal Plate

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Brain Parenchymal Anatomy

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The cerebral hemispheres

1. Frontal lobes2. Parietal lobes3. Temporal lobes4. Occipital lobes5. Insular lobes6. Limbic lobes

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Occipital lobe


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Posterior Fossa

Temporal Lobes

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Uncus: Temporal Horn

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Hypothalamus Midbrain- Aqueduct

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Frontal -Temporal

Occipital Lobes

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Frontal and Parietal Lobes

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Centrum Semiovale

Fronto-parietal lobes

Concept of Blood Brain Barrier

No C


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Central Sulcus:The Fronto-Parietal Boundary

No C


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BG- Pineal- Thalamus

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Higher Sensitivity: fMRI

Finger tappingfMRI

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Functional Brain Anatomy

1. Primary Motor cortex2. Primary Sensory Cortex3. Primary Visual Cortex4. Primary Auditory Cortex5. Language

1. Broca’s area2. Wernicke’s area

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Functional Cortical Brain Mapping

Blood Oxygen Level Dectection :Bold Effect

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Combined visualization of

fMRI maps and EEG/MEG

multiple dipole models

Combined visualization of

fMRI maps and EEG/MEG

multiple dipole models

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Central sulcus


Hand motor area

Precentral gyrus

Postcentral gyrus

central sulcus

Cingulate sulcus**

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Motor Cortical brain mapping:Glioma

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Cognitive - Picture Encoding

Picture Encoding

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Auditory cortexAuditory cortex

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Internal Medicine Review November 11,2001

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The Ventricular System

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The ventricular system• Lateral ventricles

– Frontal horn– Body– Temporal horn– Trigone– Occipital horn

• Third ventricle• Aqueduct of Sylvius• Forth ventricle• The Foramina of Magendie and Luschka

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Concept of CSF-Brain Barrier

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The Lateral Ventricle:frontal horn, body,

occipital horn, trigone & temporal horn














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The Foramen of Monro

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The Third Ventricle

3rd 3rd


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Basal Ganglion Frontal Horn


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The aqueduct of Sylvius

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Suprasellar CisternTemporal horns

Aqueduct of Sylvius

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The Forth Ventricle

4th 4th





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The Foramina of Magendie and Luschka






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Foramen of Lushka and Magendie

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Fourth Ventricle

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Frontal Horns Foramen of Monroe

Third VentricleGlomus of the choroid Plexus

Aqueduct of SylviusPineal Gland

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Third Ventricle Aqueduct of Sylvius

Perimesencephalic Cistern

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Frontal HornsTrigone

Occipital Horns

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Body of The Lateral Ventricle

Corona Radiata

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Centrum Semiovale

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Pituitary FossaVisual Pathway

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Sellar-suprasellar Region

Sellar tursica

Sellar tursica


Suprasellar cistern

Suprasellar cistern




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Normal CT Anatomy

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Pituitary Fossa

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Suprasellar Cistern Optic


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Hypothalamus opticTracts-Radiations

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Optic RadiationCalcarine cortex

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White Matter Tracts

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Commisure fibers (corpus callosum)Projection fibers (internal capsule)Cortico-cortical association fibers (IFO)

Fiber tracking: DTI

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Central sulcus


Hand motor area

Precentral gyrus

Postcentral gyrus

central sulcus

Cingulate sulcus**

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Central Sulcus

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Centrum Semiovale

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Body of the Lateral Ventricle

Coronal Radiata

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The Corpus Callosum

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ThalamusBasal Ganglion

Frontal HornPulvinar

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Suprasellar Cistern- Optic Chiasm

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Mid pons

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Cervicomedullary Junction

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Intracranial spaces

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Normal Meningeal Enhancement: CT

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EXTENSIVE DURAL ENHANCEMENT History:A 45 y.o. F presented with sudden onset of thunderclap headche for 1 week starting from bil. temporal areas progressing to the occiput with recent posterior right sided neck and occiput pain.

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Vascular SupplyAnd

Venous Drainage

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Circle Of Willis

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Cerebral Angiogram

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CT Angiogram of the Brain and Neck

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MRA: Pipe 2DTOF MRA: Neck 3DTOF MRA: Brain

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Suprasellar CisternCircle of


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Sylvian Fissure

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Examples of “CE-TOFMRA”

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Routine 2DTOFMRA of the neck: inplane flow

artifact is demonstrated.

Contrasted TOFMRA of the neck demonstrating no inplane flow artifact

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2DTOFMRA with superior saturation band showed only RVA

2DPCMRA with all directions encoded (VENC 50 cm/sec) showed bilateral VA

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2DPCMRA with SI encoding

direction showed bilateral VA with

different flow directions

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contrasted 3DTOFMRA showed bilateral VA,complete occlusion of the left CCA and SCA origins but well visualized LVA



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Takayasu’s arteritis: routine and contrasted MRA

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Dural Venous Sinuses

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Dural Venous sinuses

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Superior Sagittal Sinus

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Third VentriclePineal Gland

Internal Cerebral Vein

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Basal Vein of Rosenthal

Straight Sinus

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TransverseSigmoid Sinuses

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Sigmoid SinusJugular foramen

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Ramathibodi HospitalRamathibodi Hospital