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CSE4905/CSE 5600: Networking and Distributed System Lab

Bing WangComputer Science & Engineering

DepartmentUniversity of Connecticut

Spring 2010

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Course info

Instructor Bing Wang, [email protected] Office: ITEB 367 Office hour: by appointment

TA Yuexin Mao, [email protected] Office: BECAT A2 Office hour: by appointment

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Wireless sensor networks

network of sensor nodes sensor node

device with integrated sensing, computing, communication capability

Hardware• CPU, memory, storage, communication (e.g.,

radio)• sensors (temperature, light, …)

Embedded in physical world• Tiny: in human body, cars, infrastructure, …• Large: PTZ camera, steerable radar


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This class: using motes

tiny sensor nodes small form-factor, low-power

smart dust simple embedded device deploy in large scale

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Course goals

Learn basics of wireless sensor networks Lab-based course

gain hands-on experience basics of hardware

• mote, programming board, sensing board

basics of software• TinyOS, nesC• how to program motes

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Why sensor network lab?

sensor network: emerging & exciting area MIT review 2003: one of 10 technologies that

will change the world in 21th century Time magazine 2004: market of sensor

network devices worth $50 billion in next 10 years

PCAST (President’s Council of Advisors on Science & Technology) 2007 report Leadership under Challenge: Information Technology

R&D in a Competitive World Top one: cyber-physical system (integration of

physical systems & networked computing)

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Why sensor network lab? (cont’d) sensor network is cross-disciplinary:

mechanical engineering computer science & engineering (software, algorithms,

networking, architecture, embedded systems) control theory communication …

specialized software operating system programming language

this lab course: cover basics, take you to the door

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Course mechanics

class www site: huskyCT textbook: none

tutorials, training slides, papers, materials on www site

prereq knowledge of computer networks, OS,

computer architecture ideally have taken undergraduate-level

courses grading

6 labs on wireless sensor networks (lower requirements for undergraduate students)

grade based on lab report

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Are the labs hard?

challenging however

Fun you can learn it with reasonable efforts

offered successfully in spring 2009 one undergraduate student five graduate students

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Overview of wireless sensor networks

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Wireless sensor networks: innovative ways of interacting with the world … Embedded in physical world Enable unprecedented sensing and control of

physical world Broad applications

Science: ecology, seismology, oceanography … Engineering: industrial automation/precision,

agriculture, structural monitoring … Daily life: traffic control, health care, home security,

disaster recovery, virtual tour …

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Industrial control: Intel semiconductor factory monitoring …

Preventative equipment maintenance: monitoring vibration signals …

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Precision agriculture: smart vineyard

monitor soil humidity, temperature, chemistry …

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TurtleNet: track wood-turtles

turtle came out of water to sun itself for only brief periods and went back into the colder water …

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SealNet: use nature to help scientific study

To measure ocean’s temperature and

salinity levels, seal’s location & depth.

Sensing data are collected for every

dive; Each time the seals resurfaced to

breathe, data was relayed via satellite

to certain data centers in US & France

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Robot swarm: senior design project at UConn

robot car

sensor node for communication

Swarm of robots collaborate to find light sourceCourtesy: Patrick Booth, now at Pratt & Whitney

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Embedded network technology lower-power microprocessor, e.g.,

10 MHz CPU 10 Kbytes RAM 100 Kbytes RAM

power: battery, harvested storage: flashs (megabytes) microsensor, ADC converter microradios

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System challenges

limited resources for concurrent activities

software challenges operating system programming language

network challenges self-organizing, self manage connectivity dissemination & data collection energy efficient


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communication two nodes talk to each other, node talk to gateway

(PC) networking problems

MAC, routing, reliability node deployment localization

Know position of a node security

key distribution, jamming attacks object tracking …

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Our labs

Setting up environment TinyOS nesC programming language “Hello world” program on motes Sensing data collection & transmission Radio characteristics Multi-hop data transmission 6 labs (w/ lower requirements for

undergraduate students) grade: based on lab reports

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form groups of 2 students

send me group member by Friday 1/29 grad students

read recommended reading

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Next class

meet in ITEB C13 passcode on board
