Page 1: Cryptococcosis of the central nervous systemCryptococcosis ofthe central nervoussystem: epidemiological, clinical, andtherapeuticfeatures 417 TABLE 1 CRYPTOCOCCOSIS OF THE NERVOUS

J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat., 1970, 33, 415-425

Cryptococcosis of the central nervous systemEpidemiological, clinical, and therapeutic features


From the Department of Neurology and the Medical Professorial Unit, Royal Brisbane Hospital, BrisbaneAustralia

SUMMARY (1) A survey of cryptococcal infections of the nervous system in Queensland, Australia,revealed the nine year prevalence rate for the Australian aboriginal to be some 17 times greater thanthat of the white population. Uncommon in the first decade of life, the disease was developed by79% of 29 patients between 20 and 59 years, males being affected twice as commonly as females.(2) Cryptococcosis appears to be more common in Australia than in the United Kingdom, and inQueensland the nine year incidence of neurological cryptococcosis was 4-7 per 100,000 in the tropicalnorth compared with 1-8 per 100,000 in the southern parts of the State. Because of this, and since20 of the 29 patients were regarded as having outdoor occupations, it is suggested that a highenvironmental exposure to the fungus may be associated with an animal reservoir and with dry,dusty conditions. It is also possible that geographical and occupational factors rather than racialpredisposition account for the high incidence of the disease in the Australian aborigine. However,individual resistance and susceptibility are probably also important factors, since the clinicaldisease appears to be positively correlated with certain other diseases, or with steroid therapy, whichwould impair the immune responses of the body. (3) Headache is the outstanding symptom ofneurological cryptococcosis and fever or evidence of meningeal reaction, though often present, maybe absent. An awareness of the possibility of neurological cryptococcosis in the differential diagnosisof various intracranial disorders should lead to identification of the encapsulated C. neoformans inthe cerebrospinal fluid. Although in eight of 26 patients the lumbar cerebrospinal fluid was sterileon repeated examination, in five cases C. neoformans was found on direct examination of cere-brospinal fluid obtained by ventricular puncture. The remaining three died before further investi-gations could be performed. (4) Before the introduction of amphotericin B, neurologicalcryptococcosis was almost invariably fatal. At the present time, the infection can be eradicated insome 800% of patients. Intravenous administration of amphotericin B is generally adequate, butthe intrathecal route should be used for cases in relapse or in critically ill patients. In addition to thetoxic effects of the drug, the possibility of later deterioration in the patient's condition due tomeningeal reaction-for example, occult hydrocephalus-merits consideration and appropriateneurosurgical treatment.

Although relatively uncommon, cryptococcal in- of populations at risk. Thus, MacGillivray (1966)fection of the nervous system is a grave disorder reporting two cases of cryptococcal meningitisbecause of the high mortality rate, the risk of per- referred to the fact that 21 cases had been reportedmanent damage to the nervous system, and the from the British Isles up to 1961. On the other hand,hazards associated with treatment. The aetiological in Australia where the vast majority of the popula-agent (Cryptococcus neoformans, Torula histolytica) tion, although Australian born, is of British stock,has been recovered from soil and from various some 100 cases of cryptococcosis have been reportedanimals and birds. Although it has a world-wide in the literature since 1935. During this period thedistribution, there are grounds for believing that the population of the British Isles has been four to fivedistribution of the yeast (or its virulence) is not times that of Australia.uniform, and/or that there is variable susceptibility The present paper concerns a series of 29 patients


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Page 2: Cryptococcosis of the central nervous systemCryptococcosis ofthe central nervoussystem: epidemiological, clinical, andtherapeuticfeatures 417 TABLE 1 CRYPTOCOCCOSIS OF THE NERVOUS

V. E. Edwards, J. M. Sutherland, and J. H. Tyrer

who were diagnosed as suffering from cryptococcosisof the nervous system in Queensland, Australia,over the nine year period 1 November 1959 to 31October 1968. Only one of these patients, a femalewho developed cryptococcal meningitis during apregnancy, has been previously reported (Kuo,1962). Certain epidemiological factors are discussedand reference is made to factors which may beimportant in the chain of aetiology. The clinicalfeatures of neurological cryptococcosis are reviewedwith particular reference to early diagnosis. Theefficacy and hazards of modern therapy are assessed.


The State of Queensland lies between 100 and 29°south latitude and 1380 and 1540 east longitude. Ofits 667,000 square miles, approximately 54% lieswithin the tropical zone.The mean population of Queensland for the

survey period 1959 to 1968 has been estimated asbeing 1,598,150, some 365,550 (23%) living withinthe tropical zone. Brisbane, the state capital, hasmore than one-third of the state's population;otherwise the population is distributed mainlyalong the eastern seaboard (Fig. 1).


Cryptococcosis is not a notifiable disease in Queensland;neurological cryptococcosis is a serious conditionrequiring specialized investigation and treatment, sothat as a rule patients are ultimately admitted to one ofthe major hospitals at Brisbane, Cairns, Mount Isa,Rockhampton, Toowoomba, and Townsville. Therecords departments of these hospitals were contactedand then one of us (V.E.E.) visited these centres andstudied the case histories and, when indicated, thenecropsy reports of all patients found who had sufferedfrom cryptococcosis of the nervous system over theperiod 1 November 1959 to 31 October 1968. We think thatin this way practically all patients in Queensland whodeveloped neurological cryptococcosis during the surveyperiod have been documented. With one exception, allsurviving patients have been personally examined byV.E.E. The remaining surviving patient now resident inTasmania, was examined on our behalf by medicalpersonnel of the Repatriation Department.


CLINICAL ASPECTSCASE SERIES The case series is summarized in TableI and comprised 29 patients suffering from crypto-coccosis of the nervous system.

105~ ~~--












29$------ ~

FIG. 1. Location of the citiesand towns mentioned inthe text.



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Cryptococcosis of the central nervous system: epidemiological, clinical, and therapeutic features 417


Diagnosed during life: 24 Males 18Total 29pafietsent Females 6series I ' 7males females Post-inortet diagnosis: 5 Males 2

20 9 Females 3

SEX DISTRIBUTION In this series there were 20 maleand nine female patients. Twenty-four patients (18males and six females) were diagnosed during life as

having cryptococcosis, while in five (two males andthree females) the diagnosis was made at necropsy.

AGE DISTRIBUTION The ages of the 24 patientsdiagnosed as suffering from neurological crypto-coccosis during life as well as the five patients inwhom the diagnosis was made post-mortem are

indicated in Table 2. Of the total series of 29 patients,23 (79-3%) developed the disease in clinical formbetween the ages of 20 and 59 years. We haveknowledge of only one patient who developedneurological cryptococcosis in the first decade oflife. This patient was an aboriginal boy who deve-loped cryptococcal meningitis at 8 years of age

while receiving steroid therapy for eosinophilicgranuloma.

OCCUPATIONAL DISTRIBUTION The occupations ofthe 29 patients were divided summarily into outdoorand indoor work (Table 3). The figures for thenumber of people in each occupation are availableonly for the census years 1961 and 1966 and a meanover the nine years review period could not beobtained. Further, certain differences in definitionof the work force in the two censuses made figuresfor 1961 and 1966 not strictly comparable. Finally,the small number of patients involved rendered anyattempt at statistical interpretation of doubtfulvalue. However, the types of work engaged in by the20 patients regarded as having outdoor occupationsand the total numbers thus employed in Queenslandare detailed in Table 4.



Diagnosed during life Necropsy diagnosisTotals

Male Female Male Female

Outdoor occup. 14 2 2 2 20Indooroccup. 4 4 - 1 9

Totals 18 6 2 3 29

RACIAL DISTRIBUTION The population of Queens-land (approximately 1-6 million) is predominantlyof European extraction, the coloured populationcomprising only 19,300 (1-2%) of this total. InTable 5 the incidence of neurological cryptococcosisin these two racial groups is compared. The overallnine years ascertainment rate for Queensland was



Total No. individualsType of occupation Occupation Patients employed

code (no.)1961 Census 1966 Census

Agricultural and farmworkers,drovers 324 7 12,605 11,351Roadway buildingearth-moving 761:782 4 11,016 16,774Dairyfarm workers 326 3 7,238 6,794Waterside workers 766 2* 3,726 3,141Railway repairman 772 2 5,267 4,488Sugar-cane grower 301 1 8,709 9,288Poultry farmer 311 1 892 911

*One of these waterside workers was essentially engaged in handlinglivestock at the wharf.



<10 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+ Totals

Diagnosedduring life (no.) 1 2 7 5 1 5 3 - 24

Post-mortemdiagnosed (no.) - - 2 - 1 2 - - 5

Totals 1 2 9 5 2 7 3 - 29

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Page 4: Cryptococcosis of the central nervous systemCryptococcosis ofthe central nervoussystem: epidemiological, clinical, andtherapeuticfeatures 417 TABLE 1 CRYPTOCOCCOSIS OF THE NERVOUS

V. E. Edwards, J. M. Sutherland, and J. H. Tyrer


Patients Male Female Mean Nine years incidence(no.) population rate per 100,000

of population

Europeanextraction 24 17 7 1,578,850 1 5Colouredextraction* 5 3 2 19,300 259

Totals 29 20 9 1,598,150 1-8

*Four patiernts full or part Australian aboriginal: one patient TorresStrait Islander (Melanesian).

1 8 per 100,000 and for those of European extraction1-5 per 100,000. In comparison, five of the 29patients in this series were coloured, furnishing anine years rate of 25-9 per 100,000 for the colouredpopulation of the state.

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION In the present seriesof 29 patients, 22 were born in Queensland, 16north of the Tropic of Capricorn, and six inSouthern Queensland. Of the remainder, twopatients were born in New South Wales, two in theUnited Kingdom, one in the Northern Territory,and one in Holland. In one instance the patient'sbirth place could not be traced.

Seventeen patients of the series developed neuro-logical cryptococcosis while living in Queenslandnorth of the Tropic of Capricorn, and 12 in SouthernQueensland. This geographical distribution of thedisease is shown in Table 6 and it will be seen thatthe nine years incidence rate in Northern Queenslandis four to five times that of Southern Queensland.

CLINICAL SYNDROME Available evidence suggeststhat C. neoformans gains access to the body throughthe respiratory tract. The infection may thenremain localized to the lungs or may spread to anypart of the body and, in particular, to the nervoussystem. Cryptococcus neoformans is probably


Patients Male Female Mean 9 years incidence(no.) population rate per 100,000


North ofTropic ofCapricorn 17 12 5 365,550 4-7South ofTropic ofCapricorn 12 8 4 1,230,850 0-97

Total 29 20 9 1,598,150* 1-8

*These figures represent the average of the annual mean populationfor the years in question.

the most common cause of mycotic meningitis but,as emphasized by Greenfield, Martin, and Moore(1938) and by Cox and Tolhurst (1946), the clinicalpicture may closely simulate not only tuberculousmeningitis but also an expanding intracranial lesionsuch as abscess or neoplasm.

In the present series of 29 patients with neuro-logical cryptococcosis, there was evidence of pul-monary involvement in five instances; the adrenalgland was involved in one patient, and the prostategland in another (Table 7). Four patients hadreceived steroid therapy for some other diseasebefore developing cryptococcosis: lymphosarcoma(two patients), eosinophilic granuloma (one patient)and pemphigoid skin lesions (one patient). Sevenpatients in this series were found to be sufferingfrom some disorder in addition to cryptococcosis:lymphosarcoma (two patients), hepatic cirrhosis(one), histiocytosis x (eosinophilic granuloma) (one),monilial stomatitis (two), pemphigoid skin lesions(one).The two patients who had monilial stomatitis in

addition to cryptococcal meningitis were siblings-a brother and sister. Both had considerable dys-phagia as a result of monilial infection and neededsurgical treatment for oesophageal obstruction.Their mother also had monilial infection but hadnever developed cryptococcosis. This family livedon a dairy farm near Rockhampton. The sister leftthe farm in 1956 to work as a nurse in Brisbane anddeveloped cryptococcal meningitis in 1964. Thebrother left the family property in 1962 and there-after worked on a cattle station near Rockhamptonand developed cryptococcal meningitis in 1968.Although the onset of neurological cryptococcosis

is sometimes acute, it was generally insidious andthe progress slow rather than rapid. However, aswill be seen from Table 8, the diagnosis in the 24patients in whom the disease was discovered duringlife was generally made within a few weeks to amonth or two from the time the patient started toexperience relevant symptoms. The symptoms whichoccurred early and late in the present series arelisted in Table 9. Headache was the outstandingsymptom and was often associated with nausea orvomiting. Fever was absent in some patients andin only about one-third of cases did the presence ofneck stiffness suggest meningeal irritation.Apart from papilloedema, which was not often

present in the early stages, visual symptoms, othercranial nerve lesions, long tract signs, and changesin consciousness did not usually occur until late inthe disease process. The typical early presentationwas an adult patient complaining of increasingheadaches of a few weeks' duration who did notlook well.


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Page 5: Cryptococcosis of the central nervous systemCryptococcosis ofthe central nervoussystem: epidemiological, clinical, andtherapeuticfeatures 417 TABLE 1 CRYPTOCOCCOSIS OF THE NERVOUS

Cryptococcosis of the central nervous system: epidemiological, clinical, and therapeutic features 419



Patients diagnosed during life Cases diagnosed at necropsy

Necropsy findingsClinicalfindings (where relevant)

Nervous system 24 2 5

Lungs 5 2 -

Otherorgans.,f2 adrenal toruloma

prostatic toruloma

Associated conditions 7

Steroid therapy 4



Patients Under one month One to six months Six to 12 months(no.) (no.) (no.) (no.)

North of Tropicof Capricorn 13 5 7 1South of Tropicof Capricorn 11 9 2

Totals 24 14 9 1

The diagnosis of neurological cryptococcosis was

usually confirmed by examination of the cerebro-spinal fluid. Since cryptococcus neoformans is theonly encapsulated yeast which invades the nervoussystem, demonstration of the oval encapsulatedfungus by indian ink preparations was sufficientjustification for initiating therapy while the diagnosiswas being confirmed by culture and mouse inocula-tion.The results of examination of the cerebrospinal



Early LateSymptoms/signs (no. ofpatients) (no. of patients)

Headache 29 29Nausea/vomiting 23 24Unsteady gait 10 17Visual disturbance 9 17Neck stiffness 10 13Confusion 12 20Fever 11 12Papilloedema 2 13Othercranial nerve lesions - 10Long tract involvement - 15Coma 11

fluid in 26 patients with neurological cryptococcosisare summarized in Table 10. It should be emphasizedthat in eight instances the organism could not beobtained even on repeated examination of the lumbarcerebrospinal fluid and for this reason in any sus-pected case the ventricular cerebrospinal fluid shouldbe examined even in the absence of papilloedema.



CSF not examinedfor C. neoformiians ...... 2 paticnts

A: 29 patientsCSF examinedfor C. neo]orin(ns ...... 27 patients

Lumbar puncture Vclntricularrpuncture

26 patients 7 patients

Positive for Negative forI Positive for Negative for-C. neoformais C. neoformozas C. neofirinans C. neoformans

I18 paticnts 8 patients* 6 patients I patient

B: 26 patientsProtein content (img/100 ndji.)

Under 40 40-79 80-119 120-159 160-199 200-239 240-279 O'er 283

2 8 7 3 2 1 1 2

*These patients died without ventricular puncture being performed.

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Page 6: Cryptococcosis of the central nervous systemCryptococcosis ofthe central nervoussystem: epidemiological, clinical, andtherapeuticfeatures 417 TABLE 1 CRYPTOCOCCOSIS OF THE NERVOUS

V. E. Edwards, J. M. Sutherland, and J. H. Tyrer


Until the introduction of amphotericin B in 1956cryptococcal disease of the nervous system wasalmost invariably fatal. To exemplify this, the 14patients previously reported from Queensland byGeaney, Horsfall, and Neilson (1956) all died fromthe disease. In the present series of 29 patients, 24were diagnosed during life as having cryptococcosisof the nervous system. All these 24 patients weregiven amphotericin B. Of these, as will be seenfrom Table 11, only 14 (58%) were known to bealive at the end of the survey period; in addition, onepatient could not be traced but is believed to bealive. However, closer analysis indicates that theresults of amphotericin B therapy are much betterthan these figures would suggest. Thus, five patientsreceived courses of less than 230 mg amphotericin Band cannot therefore be regarded as having receivedadequate treatment. Of 19 patients who receivedadequate treatment with amphotericin B, 14 (73 7 %)were known to be alive at the end of the surveyperiod. One further patient was believed to bealive but could not be traced, and of the four de-ceased patients in this group one patient died fromlymphosarcoma six years after the cryptococcalinfection had been cured. Thus the survival rate ofthese 19 patients adequately treated with ampho-tericin B was about 84%.



Male Female Total

AliveOctoberl968 10 4 14Deceased by October 1968 7 2* 9Not traced 1 - -(believed to be alive)

Totals 18 6 24

Including one patient who died from lymphosarcoma-no evidenceofactive cryptococcosis.

The survival times of the 14 patients regardedas having been adequately and successfully treated,but not including the patient who could not betraced, are indicated in Table 12A. The survivaltimes of those patients who were adequately treatedyet died from cryptococcosis are shown in Table12B.Amphotericin B may be administered intraven-

ously or intrathecally. The routes of administrationand the outcome in the 19 patients who receivedadequate therapy are indicated in Table 13. It


YearsA: Survival times ofsuccessfully treated cases

-2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 8 + Total

Patients (no.) 2 1 2 4 1 3* 2 15

B: Survival times of-patients who died by October 1968from cryptococcosis

Years Under I Under 3 Total

Pat*ents (no.) 2 1 3

*Including one patient who died from lymphosarcoma. One patientknown to be alive seven months after therapy and believed to be stillalive but not traced-not included in this Table.



Patients Alive October Deceasedby October(no.) 1968 1968

Patients treated (no.) 19 15* 4Intravenous therapy only 9 8* 1Intravenous +Intrathecal therapy 10 7 3

*Including one patient not traced but believed to be alive.

appears that intravenous therapy alone can besuccessful, but in seriously ill patients both intra-venous and intrathecal routes should be used. Thethree patients who died from cryptococcosis weregiven amphotericin B intravenously and intrathe-cally but it is probable that the fatal outcome is areflection of the serious state they were in at thetime of treatment rather than an indication ofincreased toxicity of the drug when given intrathe-cally.

Amphotericin B is given by intravenous infusionin adose of 1 mg/kg of body weight in a 5% solutionof dextrose in water, over a period of six hours,daily or every second day, for a period of six weeksto three months. It is generally advisable to com-mence treatment with 1 mg in 250 ml. 5% dextroseand thereafter to increase the dose by 5 to 10 mgeach day (at the same time increasing the volumeof 5% dextrose) until 1 mg/kg of body weightis being given (Andrioli and Krauetz, 1962).For intrathecal administration of amphotericin B,lumbar puncture is performed and 5 ml. cerebro-spinal fluid are withdrawn into an appropriatesyringe. The fluid is mixed with 15 to 20 mg hydro-cortisone and is then slowly injected intrathecally.Several minutes later 5 ml. cerebrospinal fluid mayagain be withdrawn and mixed with 2-5 ml. of asolution containing 0-25 to 0 5 mg amphotericin B in5% glucose and water. This mixture is then slowly


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Cryptococcosis of the central nervous system: epidemiological, clinical, and therapeutic features 421

injected into the lumbar subarachnoid space. Theprocedure may be repeated two or three times eachweek until a total of 15 mg amphotericin B has beengiven intrathecally.Although amphotericin B is effective in the

treatment of this otherwise fatal condition, side-effects of the drug are commonly encountered.Table 14 lists the side-effects which occurred in the19 patients who received adequate therapy. For-tunately, many of these adverse reactions are selflimiting or can be minimized by employing a smallerdosage of the drug, by slowing the drip rate, and bythe concurrent use of steroids or antihistaminedrugs. The blood urea rose to between 80 mg and116 mg/100 ml. in all cases, but at the time of theend of the survey period (October 1968) the bloodurea remained elevated in only one patient whoseblood urea had been elevated in similar degreebefore receiving amphotericin B therapy. Routineserum potassium estimations were not performed inall cases. In two patients, however, serum potassiumwas diminiEhtd during treatment but later revertedto normal. In this series no permanent damageappears to have been inflicted by the drug on thekidneys as judged by clinical examination and therelatively crude tests of examination of the urine forprotein and blood urea estimations. Similarly, liverand haemopoetic tissues appeared to escape seriousinsult.


Symptoms Patients (no.)

Nausea/vomiting 10Rigors 13Muscle pain ISkin rash 2Thrombophlebitis 3Tremor of hands 3Hypotension 1


The sex incidence in this series (20 males: ninefemales) reflects the opinion generally held thatmen are more frequently affected than women(Littman and Walter, 1968). These authors alsorefer to two-thirds of patients being between theages of 30 and 50 years and in the present series 79%developed the disease between 20 and 59 years ofage. The disease is uncommon in the first decade oflife and our only patient in this age group, an abor-iginal boy aged 8 years, is the youngest patient in ourexperience. Thus, in the 14 cases of cryptococcosispreviously reported from Queensland (Geaney et al.,

1956) the youngest patient was an aboriginal boyaged 15 years and in 14 cases from South Africaanalysed by Gear and Newton (1969) only onechild, an African aged 9 years of age, suffered fromcryptococcosis of the nervous system, while another9-year-old African child had femoral osteitis fromwhich C. neoformans was isolated (Bubb, 1955).Our fiindings are thus in agreement with the opinionexpressed by Brody (1969) that the majority ofpatients suffering from neurological cryptococcosisare adult males.

In the present survey, 20 of the 29 patients wereregarded as having outdoor occupations and ofthese 12 worked with livestock (cattle) or poultry.Because C. neoformans has been recovered fromsoil and from various animals and birds, it seemedpossible that occupational exposure could be animportant link in the chain of aetiology. McCall(1969) pointed out that the age distribution in thisand in other series would favour an occupationalrisk rather than a soil reservoir of infection, whichwould have been more readily incriminated had themajority of patients been in the first decade of life.Although Littman and Zimmerman (1956) felt thatoccupation seemed to play little part in the inci-dence of the disease, in a later paper Littman andWalter (1968), emphasizing the high prevalence ofthe fungus in the excreta of domesticated and feralpigeons, felt that it was not unreasonable to con-sider cryptococcosis as an occupational hazard. C.neoformans is certainly found in the soil (Emmons,1955; MacGillivray, 1964) and in the excreta ofbirds, especially pigeons (Littman and Schneierson,1959; Frey and Durie, 1964); the fungus has beenrecovered from various animals (Littman and Zim-merman, 1956), including cattle (Simon, Nichols,and Morse, 1953) and even the koala (Bolliger andFinckh, 1962). In view of this widespread distribu-tion in nature, it is probable that many peopleinhale the fungus without ill effects (Annotation,Lancet, 1969) and Cox and Tolhurst (1946) con-sidered it was possible that individual susceptibilityor resistance might play an important role. Thisconcept is supported by the concurrence of crypto-coccosis of the nervous system with other disorderswhich might disturb immune responses (Zimmermanand Rappaport, 1954) and with long-continuedsteroid therapy which, in a similar way, also pre-disposes the individual to infection (Goldstein andRambo, 1962). In the present series, seven patientssuffered from a disease in addition to cryptococco-sis and four patients were receiving steroid therapywhen they developed evidence of the infection. It is,however, considered possible that clinical crypto-coccosis may also result from repeated exposureto the infection or to individual exposure to an

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V. E. Edwards, J. M. Sutherland, and J. H. Tyrer

overwhelming infection and that rural residence andoccupation may be important in this regard.

Littman and Zimmerman (1956) considered thatthere was no greater susceptibility to cryptococcosisin dark-skinned races than in white-skinned races,and Littman and Walter (1968) suggested thatpulmonary cryptococcosis appeared to have amarked predilection for the white man. However, inAustralia, four of the 14 patients reported byGeaney et al. (1956) were aboriginals and Crotty(1965) considered that 0 5 to 1 % of deaths inaboriginals in the Northern Territory resulted fromcryptococcal meningitis. In the present series of29 patients, five were coloured, furnishing a nineyears incidence rate of 25 9 per 100,000 comparedwith 1 5 per 100,000 for those of European extrac-tion. We are indebted to Gear and Newton (1969)who furnished us with the following informationfrom South Africa: they encountered 14 patientswith cryptococcosis in the South African literature,and in their own experience, of whom five wereEuropean, seven African, one 'coloured', and oneIndian.

It is established that neurological cryptococcosisoccurs in dark and white races and that in Queens-land there is a relatively high incidence of thedisease in the aboriginal as well as the white popula-tion. The possibility that the higher incidence in theaboriginal can be correlated with geographical andoccupational factors needs further study, especiallyas the aboriginal population tends to live in countrydistricts and work at rural occupations in the northand west of the State.

Reference has already been made to the fact thatcryptococcosis of the nervous system would appearto be more common in Australia than in the UnitedKingdom, although the population of Australia ispredominantly of British stock. Cases reported inthe Australian literature from 1935 to the presenttime are indicated in Table 15. This should not betaken to indicate the prevalence of the disease in thevarious states but it does suggest a relatively highincidence of cryptococcosis, an incidence whichcannot be wholly accounted for by a possible in-creased susceptibility in the Australian aboriginal.The results of the present survey also indicate thatneurological cryptococcosis is more prevalent intropical north Queensland than in the more tem-perate south, so that of the 29 patients in the series,17 were living in the north when they developed thedisease (a nine years incidence rate of4 7 per 100,000)compared with a nine year incidence rate of 1'8 per100,000 in South Queensland. The geographicalfeatures of cases reported by Geaney et al. (1956)in Queensland was very similar in that at least sixof their 14 patients acquired the disease in the north



State or territory (no.) Author(s)Queensland 14 Geaney et al. (1956)

1 Kuo (1962)29 Present series

New South Wales 1 Sawers and Thompson (1935)1 Piper (1944)I Rothfield (1945)1 Alderman (1949)7 Hickie and Walker (1964)

27 Allsop, McLeodl, and Gye (1969)

Victoria 13 Cox and Tolhurst (1946)2 Buckle and Curtis (1955)

South Australia 2 Champion de Crespigny (1944)8 Wilson (1958)

Western Australia 2 Fortune, Donnan, Colebatch, andLubbe (1955)

13 Keale, Wilkie, and Binns (1968)

Northern Territory 10 Crotty (1965)

of the State. These authors also refer to two of theirpatients (aboriginals) coming from the samemission station near Cairns and a third aboriginalpatient derived from a settlement, near Rockhamp-ton, as did a fourth patient not included in theirseries. Numbers are too few to allow one to speakof 'pockets' of infection but the geographical dis-tribution of cases in the present series might indicateareas in North Queensland where there is a relativelyhigh incidence of the disease. The importance of ahigh environmental exposure to the fungus was alsosuggested by Muchmore, Rhoades, Nix, Felton,and Carpenter (1963) who found a high occurrenceof C. neoformans in the environment of threegeographically associated patients suffering fromcryptococcal meningitis in a population of 3,204people residing near a bird sanctuary. Availableevidence would suggest that in Australia there is ananimal, rather than a bird, reservoir of the fungus,and that occupational exposure and dry, dustyconditions which would predispose to massiveinhalation of C. neoformans, are important factorsin the aetiology of the disease. Individual suscep-tibility, perhaps racial, probably plays a part and,as in other regions, development of the clinicaldisease is predisposed to by disorders such as thereticuloses or by long-continued steroid therapy.

Cryptococcosis of the nervous system may presentclinically with symptoms suggestive of cerebralneoplasm, cerebral abscess, chronic subdural hae-matoma, chronic meningitis of any variety in-cluding tuberculosis and brucellosis, sarcoidosis,neurosyphilis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis, leu-


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Cryptococcosis of the central nervous system: epidemiological, clinical, and therapeutic features 423

kaemic infiltration of meninges and meningealcarcinomatosis. Further, the neurological disordermay be obscured by an associated coexistent diseasesuch as one of the reticuloses, leukaemia, or diabetesmellitus (Zimmerman and Rappaport, 1954; Litt-man and Walter, 1968). In our experience, clinicalevidence of meningitis occurred in only one-thirdof the cases. Similarly, fever may be inconspicuousthroughout the illness. Headache of insidious onset,sometimes intermittent in the early stages, butbecoming continuous and progressively moresevere, is the outstanding symptom, and a patient'who does not look well', the outstanding physicalsign.

In a patient suspected of having neurologicalcryptococcosis, the diagnosis is established byidentifying C. neoformans in the cerebrospinalfluid by indian ink examination and subsequentlyby culture and mouse inoculation. Serological anti-body tests have been devised but, since C. neofor-mans may lead a saprophytic existence in the lungsand elsewhere and since these tests have furnishednegative results despite the known presence of thefungus, they must be regarded as being of doubtfulvalue at the present time. The only proof of activedisseminated cryptococcal infection is the demon-stration of the fungus in the cerebrospinal fluid,blood or urine (Annotation, Lancet, 1969).Our experience, however, suggests that C. neo-

formans may be difficult to detect in the lumbarcerebrospinal fluid even in patients with active oradvanced involvement of the nervous system. Thus,in five patients we were unable to detect the funguseven on repeated examinations of the lumbar cere-brospinal fluid, the organism being identified,however, on direct examination of the ventricularcerebrospinal fluid. It is therefore suggested thatin any suspected case-and perhaps particularlysince an intracranial expanding lesion so oftenenters into the differential diagnosis-ventriculo-graphy with examination of the cerebrospinal fluidby indian ink technique (and culture) at the sametime, is the most efficient way of establishing thecorrect diagnosis.Although it has been correctly suggested that

amphotericin B therapy should be withheld untilthere is evidence that cryptococcal infection hasbecome disseminated (Tynes, Mason, Jennings, andBennett, 1968; Warr, Bates, and Stone, 1968), itmust be emphasized that neurological cryptococcosisis evidence of disseminated infection and constitutesa definite indication for amphotericin B therapy.The fact that the drug is expensive, its administrationunpleasant for the patient and for the doctor, andinvolves a prolonged regime of careful surveillance,does not detract from the value of amphotericin B,

which is the only effective therapy for neurologicalcryptococcosis at the present time. Spickard,Butler, Andriole, and Utz (1963), in a series of 30patients, reported 53% cured after one course oftreatment and a further 30% were successfullytreated after a relapse. In the present series of 19patients who received adequate treatment, 14(73.7%) were known to be alive at the end of thesurvey period; a further patient who could not betraced was believed to be alive, and one other patientdied from lymphosarcoma six years after thecryptococcal infection had been eradicated. It istherefore considered that a cure rate of approxi-mately 80% can be expected in patients sufferingfrom neurological cryptococcosis who are diagnosedand adequately treated at a reasonably early stagein the disease process.

Before the introduction of amphotericin B, theoutlook in neurological cryptococcosis was almostuniformly hopeless. Cox and Tolhurst (1946)considered that 'nothing is known that influences itscourse favourably' and Littman and Zimmerman(1956) believed that 'permanent cures are extremelyrare if obtained at all'. The one hundred per centmortality in the 14 patients reported from Queens-land before amphotericin B was available (Geaneyet al., 1956) supports these views.

Despite the suggestion that amphotericin B givenintravenously in safe dosage does not achieve signi-ficant drug levels in the cerebrospinal fluid (Rubinand Furcolow, 1958), seven of the nine patients thustreated in this series were alive and well at the endof the survey period and another patient wasbelieved to be alive but could not be traced. Thepresent findings are in agreement with the views ofWitorsch, Williams, Ommaya, and Utz (1965)that many and perhaps the majority of patientssuffering from cryptococcal meningitis require onlyintravenous therapy. Intrathecal administration ofamphotericin B should be reserved for cases inrelapse or for those who are critically ill from thedisease when first seen. In such cases, the drug canbe given by lumbar or cistemal puncture or, ifavailable, the Ommaya reservoir which permits ofrepeated intraventricular administration would seemto have much to commend it (Ommaya, 1963;Witorsch et al., 1965).Although in this series of patients side-effects of

amphotericin B therapy occurred in more than halfof the 19 patients who received adequate treatment,these can be minimized by employing smaller dosesof the drug, by reducing the rate of administration,by giving the drug on alternate days as suggested byBattock, Grausz, Bobrowsky, and Littman (1968),and by the concurrent use of steroids or an anti-histamine. The blood urea became elevated in all

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Page 10: Cryptococcosis of the central nervous systemCryptococcosis ofthe central nervoussystem: epidemiological, clinical, andtherapeuticfeatures 417 TABLE 1 CRYPTOCOCCOSIS OF THE NERVOUS

V. E. Edwards, J. M. Sutherland, and J. H. Tyrer

cases during treatment but as previously indicatedthere was no clinical or laboratory evidence ofpermanent damage to kidneys, liver, or the haemo-poetic system at the end of the survey period.However, our tests of liver function were relativelyinsensitive and, as shown by McCurdy, Frederic,and Elkington (1968), a tubular defect in acidexcretion superimposed on a kidney rendered ischae-mic by renal vasoconstriction appears to underliethe hypokalaemia and nephrocalcinosis character-istic of amphotericin B nephropathy.Two further factors merit consideration in the

treatment of neurological cryptococcosis. In anumber of patients an underlying associated diseasesuch as Hodgkin's disease, reticulosis, leukaemia, ordiabetes mellitus may be present. These conditionswhich require their own specific treatment may, ofcourse, materially alter the outcome of the case.Secondly, complications of chronic meningitis maydevelop. Thus, Lethlean and Gye (1969) haveemphasized the importance ofconsidering a diagnosisof occult (low pressure) hydrocephalus as a possibleexplanation for continuing headaches, gait dis-turbances, and failing intellectual status during thecourse of treatment in a patient suffering from cryp-tococcal meningitis or subsequent to apparentcure. In such cases a ventriculo-atrial shunt mayprove most rewarding.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge the very great help we havereceived from our colleagues without whose assistancethis survey could not have been conducted. We areparticularly indebted to Dr. Ivan Lester and Dr. R.Spooner (Cairns), Dr. R. A. Douglas and Dr. A. D.Campbell (Townsville), Dr. Sale and Dr. Learmonth(Rockhampton), and to their registrars and recordsofficers. We are also grateful to the doctors at the variousother major hospitals who provided us with informationessential to the survey, and to Mr. S. E. Solomon,Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics,Queensland Office, for his assistance. This survey wassupported by a grant from E. R. Squibb & Sons Pty.Ltd., whose preparation of amphotericin B (Fungizone)was employed in the treatment of our patients. We aregrateful for this support and to Dr. A. C. Jenkins,Australian medical director of that firm, for his help andencouragement.


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