
Cross Cultural Understanding

The Single Biggest Cause of Global Business Failure:

Lack of understanding culture

"Culture is Invisible""Culture hides more than it reveals"

"Culture is a Shared, Learned System of Dealing With the


The Iceberg Theory of CultureWhat Can You See?

What Can’t You See?

Cross cultural understanding

What are Some Common Cultural


What is Polite and What is Rude?

What is Public and What is Considered Private?


Is it me? Or is it the group?

Individualistic Society vs. Collective Society

Communication Styles Vary Greatly

What is the Role of Women in Society?

Are Women Respected In Business?

Do we Multitask? (poly-chronic) or Are We Singular of task (mono-chronic)?

Is This Normal? Where?

Is the Future Something We Can Control?

What Role Does Religion Play?

What Do People Regard As Truth?

What’s The Difference Between Truth and Lies?

The Single Biggest Cultural Difference

American English Has Words For Time That No Other Culture Has

Waste Time, Spend Time, Borrow Time, Time is Money, Time and a Half, Buy Time, Sell Time….

Americans Are Short Term. Rest of World is More Long Term

What Skills Do We Need To Understand Culture’s Impact on Business?
