
PowerPoint Presentation




Hello and thank youIm LewisGreen Tastes Like Lemon Ice Cream Presented at Cannes earlier in the year. Great time to be doing this talk.New technologies are blending together.

Galleries, theatre, film and branding and marketing -

Enabled by technologies also by new research.

A celebration of the senses

So fundamental to out day by day Moment by moment livesThat they become invisible.

Best thing about this new research is how wonderfully, beautifully obvious it is.

Best thing about this research

Two little fish. The sound of my voice, sure. But also We try and we try to ground ourselves in them, but sometimes were guilty of losing touch with them.

New stage. Multisensory. Used in quite a broad sense. 2005 Brand Sense brough


Not words, or copy, or a compelling piece of moving image a simple cue that cut-through everythnig and completely coloured how I saw this girl.It is a memory, a story thats bound up with emotions and impressions to make the very stuff life experience. 2

of Millennials crave experiences that stimulate the senses.


The language of real life is what young people speak. Yet we dont always use the language of real life when it comes to marketing.


Non-senseWhy is there such a big gap between the marketing world and the rich sensory experiences of real life?

We all have the senses in common.And yet there is still this gap between the richness and realness of our the experiences in our everyday lives And the alien way we approach the senses in a branded world.

I am not a scientist, or apsychologist.I am a strategist. A key part of part of my job is collapsing that gap. And I think that the wonderful thing about this new science of the senses it that it can close that gap.

Theres a gap between the rich sensory experience of our personal lives and the alien way we approach the senses in the marketing world.


We Are all expertS

The senses are the language of experience

Two little fish. Asking the question.

We are all already experts in the senses.

We all have the senses in common.And yet there is still this gap between the richness and realness of our the experiences in our everyday lives And the alien way we approach the senses in a branded world. Remembering to ask the question.5

1. ACTIVATE imagination 2. Intensify Response

3. Evoke Moods4. Embody values

4 common senses techniques Im gonna take you through.

Lots of examples and inspiration.Mini recap. Therell be a few sensory interludes.

Reminding you of what you know already how to use the senses to


Common sense

Behold!This may look like an ordinary lemon sherbet. Powerful tool to increase your focus.

Research has found that lemon can improve cognitive performance and mood. So feel free to have a little sweetAnd marvel as you become as foucsed as laserbeam.


Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

Activate imagination

So picture the scene. MAD MAX.Power of fiction.

Were engrossed. Transported. Forget everything else around you.

We all understand that can happen.This section looks at one of the ingredients of this quality of immersion.Marketing that spans different mediums. Break down barriers.Makes stuff happen in another persons mind.




CONTAGIOUS BILLBOARDCreating a yawning epidemic on the subway.

If we see someone do something we want to do it ourselves.

Coffee brand Caf Pele created this yawning billboard in a subway in Sao Paulo.

People caught the yawn and the billboard created a yawning epidemic.

Brand ambassadors then distributed free coffee to those in need.

Its a clever activation (that won Bronze at the Cannes Lions) that breaks down the barriers between physical and digital. 9

ActivateMirror neuronsWe understand experiences we see, hear or read by simulating that experience in our brains.

But why is yawning so contagious?

Research has shown its because of a mirror neuron system embedded in the complex network activity in the brain.

These mirror neurons are activated through sound, language, and visual stimulus.

Seeing someone yawn activates a kind of motor empathy - when we see someone perform an action, we simulate that experience in our own brains.

We mirror the yawn we see in our own brains.



Won a glass lion. Addresses issues of gender inequality or prejudice. Exhibiting physical effort is somehow not graceful or taboo.

Sport EnglandActivates motor cortex as though we were doing it.



Green tastes like lemon ice cream, and smells like grass thats just been cut.

ActivateA BEAUTIFUL SENSORY PALETTE Waiting to be activated at any time.

Why words and fiction is so powerful a tool.Our brain doesnt make much of a distinction between what we read and things that happen to us in real life.

Reading sensory words like lavender or perfume, or coffee activate the part of your brain that porcesses smell.Reading metaphors like the singer has a velvety voice leathery hands rouse the sensory cortex.Why words and stories are so powerful at conveying things.


Black Book of Colours.Describes colour for blind people, by activating different sensations.Green tastes like lemon ice cream, and smells like grass thats just been cut. Describing something has the same effect as the experience itself.

That clarity and logic of product benefits just cant match.

they make something happen in another persons mind


However, most brands fall far short. Lindstrom explains that currently, 83% of commercial communications appeal only to the eye, leaving a paltry 17% to satisfy the other four senses.


ActivateSound of CitySOUNDs OF THE CITYTransporting people through sound

VR TeleporterMaking content sing.


NikeFirst-person immersion



And thats wjhat this ad by Nike.

YoutTube ad. 5 seconds to make an impression.A vicarious experience that alllows the viewer to project yourself into the ad.Literally puts you inside these different situations, from the mind of the character. Makes something happen in another persons mind. Empathy, because they collapse the distance between the self and others.


Common sense

A team of international scientists found that chocolate tastes best out of an orange mug. Four different colours - White, cream, red and orange.Flavour was the same.

Orange intensifiied taste of chocolate.Cream amplified aroma and sweetness.


Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

2. Intensify response

Hesthon Blumenthal story

Aligning different senses to make our experience of products or brands to make experiences more engaging, enjoyable, memorable.16

intensifySYNESTHESIAA neurological phenomenon where one sensory stimulus triggers another.

Synesthesia means joined sensation. Its a neurological phenomenon where one sensory stimulus triggers another.


We are all synesthetes.


But this kind of cross-wiring isnt the exception. Its the norm.



Kiki and Bouba.

Senses arent separate. They all overlap and affect one another.


In an experiment, scientists asked people which of these shapes was called Kiki.And which was called Bouba.Take a moment to name the shapes yourselves.In the experiment 95% named the sharp, spiky shape Kiki, the soft rounded shape Bouba.

1910- english swahili - semantic association between shape and sound. not just what the thing is but what it stands for.

Actually this cross-wiring isnt the exception, its the norm.

In an experiment, scientists asked people which of these shapes was called Kiki.And which was called Bouba.Can I see a show of hands - which of you think the shape on the left is called Bouba?Who would name it Kiki? In the experiment, 95% named the sharp, spiky shape Kiki, the soft rounded shape Bouba.Who do you think would win in a fight?


Another example. Listen to these sounds - andraiseyour hands or shout loudly when you feel one corresponds to the taste of vanilla.

We used to think of sight, sound, taste etc. as being in little separate compartments from one another.But this isnt the case. Theyre connected; theyoverlapand affect oneanother.And weintuitivelycorrelate one sense with another.


Aligning the senses


Used in packaging Printed collateral -


CROSS-MODAL DESIGNHesthon Blumenthals Sound of the Sea



Martin Lyndstrom- Sound on home pages increases return by 76%Brands with music that 'fits' have 96% greater recall.


Feel the rhythmMatching the rhythm of coffee, to the rhythm of music.



The Velvet Chamber, visitors learn the techniques to drink Guinness correctly. The design language is sensual and luxurious reinforcing the taste and textural aspects of the liquid.


TATE SensoriumTouch, smell, taste, and hearthe art



Edible Charcoal, sea salt, cacoa nibs, smokey lapsang souchong bring out the paitnings dark nature.


Common sense

Common sense

May look like an ordinary pair of 3D glasses.But research has shownBlue increases creativity. Ability to think laterally.Red enhances our attention to detailAnd now with these glasses you can literally switch Between these two modes in the blink of an eye.


Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

3. Evoke mood

How we can use the connection between the emotions and the senses to shape mindsets and the mood of people who are interacting with your brand.

Didnt know anyone there apart from the host, obviously25

EvokeOMOTENASHIMaking people feel at home.

But 1 brand stoodf out. Saki. Wooden Cube.Brought me to my senses.Japenses brand.Omotenashi.Hospitable. Understand. Treating people as guests. Not prospects or targets. Welcomeing people into home.Another concept that collapses that gap.

Banks, car dealerships, retail spaces used to be very transactional spaces to these immersive, innovative settings that emphasise service and building relationships.Again his is something we already know.





These three examples are diverse but illustrate same thing.

We waste so much energy working in environments that dont fit our needs.

This kind of tech has applications everywhere from hotel rooms, to aircraft cabins, to our homes

Subtle technology is being introduced that allows us to intelligently manage our mood and mindset.


EvokeSOUND BUSINESSBody relaxed, mind alert

Bringing people to their senses.Making them feel at home.We all know that birdsong is quite nice to listen to.And that its been used in hospitals, airport lounges, and banks. Hosts in home.

Bodies, Minds, Behaviourally, 28

Showing Empathy User-centric spaces empathise with peoples needs.


Ideal hotel room at WestfieldTech-free tranquil zoneNo technology zone.



What are the three thingsTIMEJW Marriott making it seem like you have more time.

Product Design category.

Product design moisture enlarges pores of paper

Bringing people to their senses. Pleasure.In a complex, cluttered, information-heavy world.


Common sense

Jasmine can increase the quality of your sleep. Rosemary improves your powers of recall. Orange scents have been trialled in dentists offices.


Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

Activate Intensify Evoke Embody

4. Embody values

Imagine youre at a party.CliveThis isnt how people behave, but brands do this all the tell.They tell people their values, rather than making them felt through they behave.

Were not rational, were emotional.The body.

Communcating your brand values to people on an intuitive level.

Great way for brands to communicate abstract values is through sensory metaphors. That is, we understand abstract concepts by mapping them to physical experiences.


embodyaffection = warmth

Exclusion = Cold

We dont just think with our brains, we think with our bodies.

Physical sensations prime emotional warmth.

That is, we understand abstract concepts by mapping them to physical experiences.Whip through some research now that demonstrates this.

People holding a warm cup of coffee will use warmer language to describe their interaction with a stranger than those who arent.The physical sensation of warmth - triggers an emotional warmth.




ease = SMOOTH

2Handling rough puzzle pieces can make people perceive something to be more difficult.Think of a rough day, versus dayVariation of this is _____34


Competence = weight

We think with our bodies. Not just our brains. Physical sensations change how we think.

Embodied metaphorsare a common language of the mindthe building blocks of perception, cognition and thought."



MICROSOFTEmbodying a products values

Abstract properties of mateirals.




Embodying a feeling

Materrials have abstract properties too. Act of throwing up inot the air. Loosen yourself up.37

embodyJewish museumWhen words fail.

Jewish MuseumThe Jewish Museum, designed by Daniel Liebeskind.The museum itself is made of reinforced concrete, full of complex internal spaces, void spaces, and dead ends.


ACTIVATE imaginationUse mirror neurons to create extra crunch

Intensify ResponseLet Kiki and Bouba be your guide

Evoke MoodsThe senses and our emotions are intertwined


And so a final recap these are the four key ways you can use the senses to breathe renewed life into a brand.Lift things from flat world.

We do all of these things already in our private lives.39


Two little fish. Swimmin in the sea. This is water.

So lets rediscover the joy of senses when it coms to brands. Obsessive need to put things in our mouths, Kids playing with building blocks,Its our natural relationships with the world.

Senses are so fundamental to our world.That we forget to apply them to brands.

But it doesnt have to be this way!We are all experts in the senses already. So when it comes to brands and marketing lets just do it. 40

Birds Singing - One Hour of Beautiful NutNuthatch Bird Song and Nature Sounds3643422.5eng - converted by