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Crea%ng  a  Great  Skin  Care  Product  in  Indonesia  Blending  Global  Best  Prac%ce  with  Unique  Local  Wisdom  

The  Martha  Tilaar  Group  Experience  

Presented  by    

Samuel  E.  Pranata  Director,  Martha  Tilaar  Group  (MTG)  

12th  Asia  Surfactants  Personal  &  Home  Care  Markets  

Hilton  Shanghai,  September  2012  

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The  Martha  Tilaar  Group  Experience  

Indonesia:  The  Great  Skin  Care  Market  

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Indonesia  is  an  archipelago  with  30.000  plant  species  and  300  ethnici5es,  as  well  as  has  more  

than    17.000  islands  and  about  400  volcanoes  

There  are  a  lot  of  mountain  water  springs,    hot  springs  and  mineral  water  springs  


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86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 10 11 12 13 14





Economic  Crisis  

GDP  percapita,  1986-­‐2014  

Same  paXern  Accelerated  growth  aYer  reaching  the  $3000  per  capita  GDP  level  

Exci5ng  Performance...  

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The  7th  Biggest  Economy  in  2050...  



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Exci5ng  Performance...  Middle  class  has  become  majority  popula5on  with  131  million,    

growing  7  million  per  annum  

Source:    Nielsen  

25%    1999  



Source:  WorldBank,  BPS  

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Jakarta:  The  city  with  68  (+14)  malls  The  biggest  number  in  the  world    

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As  the  economy  and  middle  class  are  growing,    looking  good  is  also  a  trend  

YTD  Growth*  

14%  Higher  than  food  

*Nielsen,  2011  

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Beauty  &  Personal  Care  Industry  

  Total  market  size  U$  3  billion  

  Predicted    cosme%c  product    in  2012  will  grow  16.9%.  Average  growth  of  cosme%c  in  Indonesia  around  13-­‐  15%  a  year  

  Skin  care  category  contributes  30%  of  the  market  

  Back  to  nature  concept  drives  the  product  with  natural  ingredients  

  The  trend  of  metrosexuality  starts  to  grow  

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Skin  Care  Market  in  Indonesia  

  Total  Market  Size  U$  950  million  

  Prominent    skin  care  products  are  s%ll  whitening  and  an%  aging  categories  

  Big  players  are  Unilever,  P&G,  L'Oreal,  and  local  company  such  as  Martha  Tilaar  Group  

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The  Martha  Tilaar  Group  Experience      

Martha  Tilaar  Group  Unique  Approach  and  Strategy  

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Martha  Tilaar  Group:  At  Glance  

  Established  in  1970  

  The  largest  local  beauty  companies  in  Indonesia  

  Integrated  opera%ons  from:  organic  planta%on,  manufacturing,  distribu%on,  retail  shop,  salon  &  spa  chain  and  beauty  school  

  Produce  10  brands  consis%ng  of  skin  care,  color  cosme%cs,  hair  care,  body  care  and  herbal  products  

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1.  Holis%c  Eastern  Beauty*  2.  Sustainable  Nature  3.  Exo%c  Innova%on  4.  Women  Inspira%on  5.  Responsible  Ci%zenship  

 Umbrella  Brand  Values  

*Rupasampat  wahyabiantara:  inner  &  outer  beauty  

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The  concept  of  Rupasampat  Wahyabiantara  was  

explored  from  the  myths,  ancient  history,  folklore  and  

understanding  of  the  Wahyang  philosophy.  

Beauty  is  a  reflec%on  of  the  harmony  of  both  inner  and  outer  and  also  among  mind,  

body,  and  soul.  

Palmyra  Palm  Flower  




Rupasampat  Wahyabiantara  

The  Total  Beauty  Concept  

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Product  Development  Principles  

“Local  Wisdom  Go  Global”  

  Natural  Ingredients    Indigenous  Knowledge  &  Recipes    Based  on  the  Cycle  of  Life    Holis5c  (Inner  &  Outer)  Approach  for  Op%mum  Result  

  Scien5fic  Approach  &  Technology  Implementa%on  

  Efficacy  Proven  

  Environmental  Friendly  

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rship  of  Local  Advan




Capability  to  Catch-­‐up  Global  Fron5er  


Local  Challenger   Na5onal  Champion  

Die-­‐Hard  Flanker   Global  Chaser  


Strive  to  achieve  global  best  prac%ces  

Flank  and  create  their  own  pond  

Selec%vely  aiack  the  giant’s  weaknesses  

Beat  the  giant  through  local  differen5a5on  

Four  generic  Strategies  to  Beat  the  Giant  

(Financial,  Technology,  Management,  etc.)  

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The  Martha  Tilaar  Group  Experience  

The  Sariayu  Pu.h  Langsat  Story  Glocaliza.on  MaTers  

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Sariayu  Pu%h  Langsat  A  Case  Study    

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Indonesian Whitening ……………

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Like Victoria ?

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Like Jolie with Sexy Lips?

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Flawless skin as Zi Yi?

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Sariayu  Pu%h  Langsat  Background  

  Skin  of  eastern  people  (incl.  Indonesia)  is  different  from  western  people  

   Need  a  whitening  product  that  suitable  for  eastern  people.  Light  and  bright  without  changing  skin  character  

  Come  into  Pu%h  Langsat  Concept;  Pu5h  means  white,  Langsat  is  fruit  as  an  iden%ty  or  character  of  Indonesian  skin  

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Sariayu  Pu%h  Langsat  Background  

  Pu%h  langsat  is  the  lightening  concept  that  is  developed  met  to  Indonesian  skin  (eastern  whitening  concept)  

   Establish  new  whitening  concept  to  differen%ate  from  the  exis%ng  one  by  using  natural  ingredient  “Langsat”  (Lansium  domes.cum)  

   Using  cultural  approach  that  is  approved  by  ethno  pharmacology,  in  vitro  and  clinical  study  

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  Ethnicity  of  Dayak,  in  province  of  Kalimantan  (South  &  Middle),  culturally  and  historically  used  “Bedak  Dingin”  (cooling  powder)  

  They  used  bedak  dingin  everyday  to  keep  their  skin  health  and  beauty  

  Their  skin  looked  light  and  bright  that  was  different  from  other  ethnici%es  

  Bedak  dingin  (cooling  powder)  contains  Langsat  fruit  (Lansium  domes.cum)  

Etno  pharmacology  Study  

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  Langsat  (Lansium)  can  inhibit  melanin  synthesis  

   Langsat  extract  has  an%oxidant  ac%vity    Combina%on  of  langsat  (lansium)  and  phylantus  has  higher  an%xodant  ac%vity  compared  to  a  single  plant    

Sample   Concentra5on  (%)  

DPPH  Scavenging  Ac5vity  (%)  

Inhibi5on  Rate  against  Tyrosinase  

ac5vity  (%)  

Lansium   2   33.9   30.4  

Phylanthus   2   78.6   34.1  

Lansium  +  Phylanthus  

2   92.4   30.8  

In  Vitro  Study  

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*  =  sta%s%cally  significant  at  p  <  0.05  


ent  toward  ba

se  line





Clinical  Test  Result:  

-­‐  79%  subjects  showed  improvement  in  skin  moisturizing  ater  2  hours  -­‐  75%  subjects  showed  improvement  in  skin  lightening  ater  2  weeks  -  83%  subjects  showed  improvement  in  skin  lightening  ater  4  weeks  

Clinical  Study  Sariayu  Pu5h  Langsat  Moisturizer  Skin  Moisturizer  &  Lightening  Clinical  Study  

Sariayu  Pu%h  Langsat  Moisturizer  Skin  Moisturizing  &  Lightening  

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Clinical  Study  Sariayu  Pu5h  Langsat  Moisturizer  Skin  Moisturizer  &  Lightening  

Patent  Gain  Patent  of  new  efficacy  of  Indonesian  plants  

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Clinical  Study  Sariayu  Pu5h  Langsat  Moisturizer  Skin  Moisturizer  &  Lightening  

Publica%ons/Seminars  The  research  has  been  presented  

in  many  scien%fic  seminars  and  conferences  

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Clinical  Study  Sariayu  Pu5h  Langsat  Moisturizer  Skin  Moisturizer  &  Lightening  Sales  Performance  

Launched  in  2007,  Sariayu  Pu%h  Langsat  has  experienced  a  robust  growth  

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Natural concept Develop products Technology