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Creating a Blueprint for Optimum Work-life Balance

Tangela M. Davis, MBA

Leadership Expert, Professional Speaker, Author, Coach

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“When you work, work, and when

you play, play. Don’t get the two

mixed up!”

--Tangela Davis, Leadership Expert,

Professional Speaker, Coach, Author

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Sound Familiar? Early riser

Skip lunch

Desire to spend time with family

End up working later until the wee hours

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Imagine Having a business

Taking annual vacations (six weeks)

Developing strong rituals

Doing a great job

Saving and investing

Hiring a first class assistant

Planning personal and family goals 1st of the year

Long weekends away with a mastermind group

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“Do you enjoy a healthy, well-

balanced lifestyle, doing work that

you love, and that gives you an

excellent financial return and

allows you to have significant time

off to pursue your other interest?”

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If you answered NO… Incorporate the B-ALERT System (The Power of

Focus by Jack Canfield)

Alert – “At the ready, mindful, using intelligence, on

guard, conscious, and prepared

Image the opposite of alert

Mindless, unprepared, unconscious, off-guard and


Which would you like to be?

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“Every well-built house started

with a definite plan in the form of


--Napoleon Hill

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B - Blueprint Prepare for your day

Map your day

Do this nightly or early morning

Set time limits on appointments

Create a simple blueprint recording system

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“The one thing that separates

winners from losers is, winners

take action!”

--Anthony Robbins

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A - Action Action will determine your score

Take specific, well-planned action

Focus on activities that produce the greatest


Set limits on what you will and will not do


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“There are essentially two things

that will make you wiser – the

books you read and the people

you meet.”

--Charles “Tremendous” Jones

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L - Learning Expand your knowledge

Read 20-30 minutes in the morning

No negative reading or listening

Use AudioCDs while in the car

Observe other people

Invite a successful person out to lunch monthly

Ask questions

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“Having all the money in the world

isn’t much good if you can hardly

get out of bed in the morning to

enjoy it.”

--Author Unknown

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E - Exercise Do you want to be rich in health?

Daily 20-45 minute exercise (hint: Walking)

Make it a study

Optimize the vehicle you have been given

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“Oh, to be free from the stifling

pressures of life – to rest, a

peaceful slumber that will

rejuvenate my soul.”

--Les Hewitt

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R - Relax Recharge your batteries

Take a TPM (twenty-five peaceful minutes)

Consider when you arrive home from the office

Take a day and call it fun-time

No business related time during fun-time

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“If you realized how powerful your

thoughts are, you would never

think a negative thought.”

--Peace Pilgrim

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T - Think Schedule time for reflective thinking

Take a mental snapshot of your day

Regard as a mini-movie with you as the star

How did you do

Focus on progress

Learn from mistakes

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A Clear Blueprint helps you to… Stay focus on important activities

Maximize energy and clarity

Schedule exercise and reflective thinking

Have time off for fun

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Excellent balance will greatly

enrich your mind, body and spirit,

not to mention your relationships

and bank account!

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About the PresenterTangela M. Davis is a leadership expert, coach and author of the

increasing demand for the book, If I Knew Then What I Know Now: An

Entrepreneur’s Guide to Avoiding Costly and Dumb Business

Mistakes. Tangela has launched numerous leadership programs,

coaching executives and leaders for the last 20 years in the

government, corporate and small business marketplace.

Having been involved in many mergers and acquisitions, she is an

industry expert on change leadership. Always passionate and eager

to share her knowledge and experience, Tangela is available for

Conference Keynotes, Break-out Sessions and Seminars.

T. 704-957-0620

E. [email protected]

