Page 1: Create yourself your_perfum

Do you dream to create yourselves your perfum ?

Dear Sirs,

Who has never dreamt to create his or her perfume ?

Would you like to try and make your perfume by makig a

mixture of several perfumes, so that you can obtain a pleasant

perfume and until you can reach your objective ?

We propose you to create directly yourselves your perfume

thank to an plants and flower oil set. It consists of making

several mixtures with plant and flower oils, to obtain your


It’s also possible to choose the perfume flask (flask form, glas

colour, spray, lid)

For further information don’t hesitate to contact us to


All information or cost estimation question is to be treated by

us with the biggest discretion.

Don’t hesitate to contact us to the following electronic address

[email protected] , but also by calling to (+33)

(0)664964404 ;

Page 2: Create yourself your_perfum

To download our information and technical files, we invite you

to browse our forum opened and available everyday and 24 h

on 24 :

For security and protecting reasons you must be subscribed

with a good electronic address and to wait for an activating

electronic address. In the part “Professionnels” vous can find


Otherwise you can also go on our virtual server, opened from

the Monday to the Friday, from 10 O’Clock to 19 O’Clock. Enter

in your internet browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc

…)the address without http:// nor www

In the directory “PUBLIC” you can find our pdf technical and

presentation files.

Yours Faithfully,

Laurent CHERET SAS Kloutchi Hydroculture et Murs Végétaux

8 impasse du Languedoc - F- 57525 TALANGE - Tél. : +33/6 64 96 44 04 - Fax : +33/9 56 99

51 94

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RCS Metz TI 521 181 826 - TVA Intracommunautaire : FR65521181826 - N° de Gestion : 2010 B 164

TVA Grand Duché du Luxembourg : LU24100077

Domiciliation bancaire : Société Générale Grand Est : 00149 00020062416

E-Mail: [email protected]
