Download pdf - Crafting for a better job

  • NAME :- A.K.M. Asraful Amin

    ROLL :- 801311088


    ELEVATOR PITCH : This case talked about a proactive woman named Fatima who is quiet

    successful in her professional career but in deep down is not happy with the job situation. As

    she is proactive, she wants to do more with her job. Being a part of Job Crafting, she was

    able to craft her job into a satisfying one. She started to work on creative projects and build

    strong relationship with her teammates. In the end she succeeds and also been recognized in

    the organizations.

    Q 1 ANS : Workload, salary scale, compensation, recognition, advancement may be the

    main reason behind many peoples dissatisfaction in job.

    Now-a-days organizations help its employees to have a satisfying and motivating job for its

    own sake as the organizations knows if the employees works well then only it can shine.

    Q 2 ANS : As I have worked as a service engineer before, I dont think Fatimas example

    would help me a lot. The Principles of job crafting described in the case is not helpful for my

    field as I am into a customer oriented job.

    Q 3 ANS : Services those have day to day work, law enforcers, customer service jobs are

    probably no amenable to job crafting activities.

    Q 4 ANS : Some potential drawbacks may be focus on job and relationship with


    If only one work is prioritized at a time then focus on the job can be good and relationship with

    the colleagues may be strengthen by trying to be more familiar with them.
