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    Fisheries Research 70 (2004) 209–227

    CPUE standardisation and the construction of indices of stock abundance in a spatially varying fishery using

    general linear models

    Robert A. Campbell∗

    CSIRO Division of Marine Research, GPO Box 1538, Hobart, TAS 7001, Australia


    Construction of annual indices of stockabundancebasedon catchand effort dataremains central to manyfisheries’ assessments.

    While the use of more advanced statistical methods has helped catch rates to be standardised against many explanatory variables,

    the changing spatial characteristics of most fisheries data sets provide additional challenges for constructing reliable indices of 

    stock abundance. After reviewing the use of general linear models to construct indices of annual stock abundance, potential

    biases which can arise due to the unequal and changing nature of the spatial distribution of fishing effort are examined and

    illustrated through the analysis of simulated data. Finally, some options are suggested for modelling catch rates in unfished strata

    and for accounting for the uncertainties in the stock and fishery dynamics which arise in the interpretation of spatially varying

    catch rate data.

    © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords:   Standardisation of catch rates; General linear models; Stock abundance indices; Spatial distribution of fishing effort; Modelling


    1. Introduction

    Despite an ongoing debate about the nature of there-

    lationship between catch rates and underlying resource

    abundance (e.g. Harley et al., 2001), the interpretationof catch and effort data, and the construction of in-

    dices of resource abundance based on these data, re-

    mains an integral part of the stock assessment process

    ∗ Tel.: +61 3 6232 5368; fax: +61 3 6232 5012.

     E-mail address: [email protected].

    for many fisheries. While complex age-based stock as-

    sessment models are used routinely, indices of resource

    abundance based on an analysis of commercial catch

    and effort data are usually required to calibrate these

    models. This is particularly the case for major oceanicpelagic fish stocks, where the large spatial extent of 

    the fisheries usually precludes any attempt to conduct

    fishery-independent surveys of stock status.

    Early methods which made use of temporal changes

    in catch rates to measure annual changes in rela-

    tive stock abundance were based on the principal as-

    sumption that catchability either remained constant

    0165-7836/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    210   R.A. Campbell / Fisheries Research 70 (2004) 209–227 

    over the entire fleet, or that the nominal effort could

    be adjusted to account for the differences in rela-

    tive vessel efficiency (Beverton and Parrish, 1956;

    Gulland, 1956; Robson, 1966). These methods werewidely adopted and routinely used in fisheries as-

    sessments despite the simplicity of their assumptions.

    This was despite early evidence that the assumption

    of constant (or adjusted) catchability was often vio-

    lated. For example, Garrod (1964) and Gulland (1964)

    pointed out that variation in the catchability may re-

    sult not only from the differences in fishing power

    among vessels, but from differences in vulnerability

    to the gear, changes in seasonal and spatial patterns

    of both the fishing effort and the stock, and changes

    in stock abundance itself. Indeed, the persisting re-

    liance of stock assessments on the estimation of an-

    nual abundance indices based on the use of commercial

    catch-rate data is perhaps somewhat surprising given

    the continued concern about the failure of the under-

    lying assumptions (e.g. Paloheimo and Dickie, 1964;

    Rothschild, 1972; Radovich, 1976; MacCall, 1976;

    Clark and Mangel, 1979; Ulltang, 1980; Winters and

    Wheeler, 1985). More recently, however, the advent of 

    high speed computing and the use of more advanced

    statistical methods (e.g. general linear models, general

    additive models) has allowed the inclusion of more fac-

    tors in the standardisation process and has helped toovercome some of the more obvious failures of the ear-

    lier methods. Whether by design or necessity, the use

    of abundance indices based on catch and effort data has

    continued to be integralto the assessment of fish stocks.

    However, other issues apart from changes in ves-

    sel catchability also influence the ability to construct

    reliable indices of stock abundance. The dramatic de-

    clines in the abundance of northern cod, accompanied

    by equally dramatic changes in the distribution of the

    stock and fishing effort (Atkinson et al., 1997), illus-

    trate some of these issues. For example, it has beennoted that the ‘fleet was fishing a smaller and smaller

    area of ocean’ and ‘the fishermen were catching more

    fish perhour than thescientists because they were going

    to warmer patches where they knew cod were congre-

    gating. The research vessel, on its random course, was

    encountering empty ocean’ (Anon, 1995). Others have

    also concluded that the decline was ‘due to a high and


    . . . had shown a pronounced shrinkage of its distribu-

    tion’ (Avila de Melo and Alpoim, 1998). There are ob-

    vious lessons to be learnt from the cod experience, not

    the least of which is the correct interpretation of catch

    and effort data from a commercial fleet which does not

    cover the spatial extent of the stock adequately, and themore general issue of whether data from a commercial

    fishery intent of maintaining high catches reflects stock 

    abundance (Salthaug and Aanes, 2003).

    In light of the continued widespread use of catch and

    effort data, it is important that fisheries scientists and

    managershave a goodunderstanding of the relationship

    between catch rates and indices of fish abundance and

    the factors that may unduly influence this relationship.

    In this paper we review the basis for this relationship

    and the manner in which annual indices of stock abun-

    dance are constructed based on the widely used gen-

    eral linear models approach. Potential biases that can

    arise in annual abundance indices due to the unequal

    spatial distribution of fishing effort and when changes

    or contractions take place in the spatial distribution of 

    the fishery are then illustrated using information from

    the fishery for southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus mac-

    coyii) and an analysis of simulated data. Finally, some

    options are suggested for modelling catch rates in un-

    fished strata and for accounting for uncertainties in the

    stock and fishery dynamics, which arise in the inter-

    pretation of spatially varying catch rate data.

    2. Basic equations

    2.1. CPUE as a measure of stock abundance

    The relationship between catch rates (CPUE) and

    stock abundance is based on the catch equation which,

    at a first order approximation, relates the number of 

    fish in the catch,  C , fishing effort,  E , and average fish

    population density, D, on the fishing grounds:

    C  = qED   (1)

    where q  is a fixed constant of proportionality known

    as the catchability coefficient and is related to the effi-

    ciency of the fishing gear. From this equation:

    CPUE =C

    E= qD =



    where N  is the number of fish on the fishing grounds

    and  A   the spatial area of the fishing grounds. It fol-

    lows that changes in CPUE are due either to changes

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     R.A. Campbell / Fisheries Research 70 (2004) 209–227    211

    in the stock density (or number of fish on the fishing

    grounds) or to changes in the catchability coefficient.

    If the changes in  q  can be accounted for, then the re-

    maining changes in CPUE can be related to those instock density. This is the basic idea underlying what is

    known as the standardisation of catch rates.

    The concept of abundance needs some elaboration,

    however. Of particular importance is the related con-

    cept of availability. The following definitions were pro-

    posed by Marr (1951):

    Abundance is the absolute number of individuals in a

    population. Availability is the degree (a percentage) to

    which a population is accessible to the efforts of a fish-

    ery. Apparent abundance is the abundance as affectedby availability, or the absolute number of fish accessi-

    ble to the fishery.

    From these definitions, if  B   represents the true abun-

    dance and N  measures the apparent abundance, then:

    N  = aB   (3)

    where a represents the availability or proportion of the

    total stock available to the fishery. Substituting into Eq.(2) and rearranging gives:

    B =N 


    A · CPUE



    CPUE =aqB


    If one is to use changes in catch rates alone as a mea-

    sure of changes in stock abundance over time, then

    one must assume that both the catchability together

    with the availability of fish remain constant over time

    (or at least   aq  remains constant). At best, the varia-

    tions induced by the fishery on the size of the available

    population must be large relative to those caused by

    fishery-independent factors. When variations in avail-

    ability are also large, the problem of relating changes

    in abundance to changes in fishing efficiency becomes

    increasingly difficult.

    2.2. Standardisation of CPUE and the use of 

    general linear models

    It is usual practice to model the expected catchrate using a multiplicative model when standardising

    catch rates. An observed catch rate is related to the

    expected catch rate under a standard set of conditions,

    multiplied by a number of factors, which correct

    for the non-standard conditions. For example, the

    model for the expected catch rate in a spatial-temporal

    region using a given type of gear and under cer-

    tain environmental conditions can be expressed


    E(CPUEijkeg)   = aeqgDijk

    = (Eeao)(Ggqo)(Y iQj RkDo)

    = (Y iQj RkGgEe)aoqoDo   (5)

    where Y i  is the effect of the  ith year relative to a stan-

    dard year,  Q j  the effect of the  jth quarter relative to a

    standard quarter, Rk  the effect of the k th fishing region

    relative to a standard fishing region, Gg the effect of the

    gth gear-type relative to a standard gear-type,  E e   the

    effect of the eth environment relative to a standard en-

    vironment, qo  the value of the catchability coefficient

    for the standard gear-type,  ao   the value of the avail-ability parameter for the standard environment, and

     Do   the density of fish in the standard spatio-temporal

    region.  Gg  and E e  can be thought of as standardising

    catchability and availability while   Y i,   Q j   and   Rk standardise the density in different spatio-temporal


    The values of the parameters in the above equation

    need to be estimated from the observed catch rates.

    The standard method for parameter estimation, and

    those used here, follow Garvaris (1980) and Allen and

    Punsley (1984) and involves the use of a general linearmodel (GLM). Traditionally, it was assumed that the

    modelled catch rates had a log-normal distribution

    (Beverton and Holt, 1957), so that the transformed

    variable  z  = log(CPUE) has a normal distribution. In

    this case, the model becomes a linear model, and one

    can make use of the classical regression/ANOVA type

    of analyses to fit it to the transformed data (Draper

    and Smith, 1981). Alternative model structures, where

    the response variable can belong to any member

    of the exponential family of distributions (Crosbie

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    212   R.A. Campbell / Fisheries Research 70 (2004) 209–227 

    and Hinch, 1985; McCullagh and Nelder, 1989;

    Dobson, 1990; SAS Institute Inc., 1993), are also

    possible, though there is no loss of generality in the

    following work in adopting the traditional log-normalmodel.

    From Eq. (5), the linear equation can be expressed


    E(zijkeg)   = E(log CPUEijkeg)

    = log(Y i) + log(Qj ) + log(Rk) + log(Ee)

    +log(Gg) + log(aoqoDo)

    = µo + yj  + qj  + rk + ee + gg   (6)

    where   µo  = log(aoqoDo), yi  = log(Y i), etc. The

    above model is known as an effects model since each of the explanatory variables can be seen as representing

    the effect of an applied treatment (e.g. region, gear-

    type, etc.). As well as these ‘main’ effects, variables,

    which model an explicit functional form of an effect

    (e.g. polynominal, trigonometric), or the influence of 

    interactions among different effects, can also be in-


    An undesirable consequence of using the logarithm

    of the catch rates in the above model is that an adjust-

    ment is needed to accommodate any zero catch rate

    observations. The usual practice is to add a small con-stant to the calculated catch rate for all observations,

    i.e. CPUE in Eq. (6) is replaced by the adjusted catch

    rate, adjCPUE = CPUE +  δ. The value of  δ  is some-

    what arbitrary (it is commonly set equal to 1), but Xiao

    (1998) indicatesthat very small values of δ (e.g. 10−100)

    should be avoided because of the way log(δ) behaves as

    δ approaches zero. Simulation testing suggests that set-

    ting δ equal to 10% of the mean overall catch rate used

    in the analysis may minimise any bias resulting from

    adjusting the catch rate in this manner (Campbell et al.,

    1996). However, when many fishing operations result

    in catches of zero or one fish, the delta method (Lo et

    al., 1992) or Poisson models are perhaps more appro-

    priate. The use of the negative binomial error structure

    to model the predicted catch also avoids the need to

    adjust the observed catch values.

    2.3. Construction of indices of stock abundance

    The expected value of the standardised log

    (adjCPUE) for the  ith year,  jth quarter and  k th region

    can be found by setting the value of the standardis-

    ing parameters for the catchability and availability

    factors to zero (e.g.  ee  = 0 and  gg  = 0). For a model,

    which includes a   year    ×   region   interaction, thisgives:

    E[log(adjCPUEijkoo)] = µo + yj  + qj  + rk + (yr)ik


    Given that log(adjCPUEijkoo) has a mean   µ   and

    variance   σ 2, and the distribution of CPUE is indeed

    log-normal, then the expected value of the corre-

    sponding standardised adjusted catch rate is given by

    (Aitken et al., 1989):


    = exp(µ +   12 σ 2)

    = exp(µo + yj  + qj  + rk + (yr)ik) exp(12 σ 


    = aoqoDo exp(yj  + qj  + rk + (yr)ik ) exp(12 σ 


    E(CPUEijkoo) = CPUEo exp(yj  + qj  + rk

    +(yr)ik +  12 σ 

    2) − δ   (8)

    where CPUEo =  aoqo Do  is the standardised catch rate

    in the reference spatio-temporal stratum. Note that

    inclusion of   δ   in Eq.   (8)   can result in the expectedcatch rate being less than zero. In these cases, the

    expected catch rate should be set to zero.

    From Eq. (4a), a relative index of abundance,  B ijk ,

    for the size of the fish population in the   ith year,   jth

    quarter and k th region can be obtained by multiplying

    the standardised catch rate by the size, Ak , of the region

    fished, i.e. Bijkoo =  Ak  E (CPUEijkoo). The total index of 

    abundance for a season is then obtained by summing

    over all regions of the fishery. An annual index of abun-

    dance for the ith year, I i, can then be obtained by taking

    theaverageover allseasons in that year. Either thearith-metic or geometric mean can be used, the latter being

    scale invariant:

    I i  =1


    NS j =1




    I i  =  NS 

    NS j =1




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    where NS  and NR are the number of seasons (quarters)

    and regions used in the analysis, respectively. Seasonal

    weightings can be used if desired. Finally, a relative

    index which relates the average abundance in year i  tosome reference year can be calculated as:

    I i,ref  =I i

    I ref 

    For an analysis based on Eq. (8), the annual index of 

    abundance (using the arithmetic mean) is given by:

    I i   = aoqoDo   exp

    yi +

    σ 2


    × 1


    NS j =1


    Ak   exp(qj  + rk + (yr)ik)


    For those models where the interaction term is not used

    and the sizes of the areas fished remain constant across

    years, the term in the square brackets is constant for

    all years. If one also ignores the term involving the

    constant δ, the relative index is then reduced to:

    I i,r  = exp(yi − yr) (10)

    In this situation, the year effects alone are the indicesof abundance. However, for models which incorporate

    interaction terms incorporating the year effect, the ex-

    pression for the relative index is more complicated,

    involving the sum over a number of other explanatory


    The formulation of the annual abundance index (Eq.

    (9)) highlights the fact that the index is the product of 

    the density of fish within several spatial areas and the

    sizes of those areas. The common practice of reducing

    the index to a function of the year effect alone runs the

    risk of ignoring information on the spatial dynamicsof the fishery which may be relevant to the underlying

    dynamics of the stock and hence the correct interpreta-

    tion of the catch and effort data. Additionally, Eq. (9)

    will give indices of total stock abundance only if the

    spatial extent of the fishery coincides with, or is greater

    than, the spatial extent of the stock. Otherwise, the in-

    dex of abundance pertains only to that portion of the

    stock that is found on the fishing grounds. Uncertainty

    will remain as to the size of the stock beyond the area


    3. Influence of an unequal spatial distribution

    of fishing effort

    The equations defined in the previous section madeno assumptions about the spatial characteristics of 

    the fishery. However, a fish population is usually dis-

    tributed with variable densities across its stock range

    and consequently the spatial distribution of fishing ef-

    fort is also usually highly variable. The fishery is usu-

    ally divided into a number of regions, and estimates of 

    stock density are obtained for each region to account

    for this spatial heterogeneity. For example, consider a

    regulatory area of total size   A   consisting of   R  sepa-

    rate regions. The total abundance,  N , across the entire

    area can be related to the regional abundances, N r , and

    densities, Dr , by:

    N  =


    N r  =


    Ar Dr

    where   Ar   is the size of region   r . Ideally the spa-

    tial distribution of the resource within each region

    should be reasonably homogeneous and the corre-

    sponding estimates of density should be based on a

    random sample from across each region. Assuming

    that the catchability coefficient   q   is constant across

    all regions (and availability in each region is unity),

    and using the relationship between the mean den-

    sity and the mean of the individual observed catch

    rates CPUEri   in each region given by Eq.   (2),   we


    N  =


    N r   =












    CPUEri   (11)where nr  is the number of CPUE observations in the r th

    region. Hence, the average of the regional catch rates

    weighed by the size of each region gives an unbiased

    estimate of the total stock abundance across the entire

    regulatory area (Quinn and Hoag, 1982).

    In terms of the structure of a GLM, the above situ-

    ation can be described by:

    P r  = E(CPUEr) = µ + Rr

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    214   R.A. Campbell / Fisheries Research 70 (2004) 209–227 

    where µ  is a constant,  Rr  and  Pr  are the region-effect

    and the predicted catch rate in the  r th region respec-

    tively, and where, for illustrative purposes, we have

    used an additive model for CPUE instead of a mul-tiplicative model. Values of the parameters  µ  and  Rr can be found from a least-squares fit, which minimises

    the sum of squares of the differences between the  nr observed ( Z ri) and predicted catch rates across all re-

    gions. There is no loss of generality by setting R1  = 0

    (in which case parameter  µ  gives the expected catch

    rate in region 1), so that:

    µ =  Z̄1   and

    Rr  =  Z̄r −  Z̄1   where  Z̄r  =1




    Using the predicted value of the catch rate within each

    region, the population index for the total area is found

    to be:

    I  =


    ArP r



    Ar(µ + Rr)



    Ar Z̄r


    That is, the index is proportional to the weighted mean

    of the average observed catch rate in each region, and

    according to Eq. (11), this gives an unbiased estimate

    of the total population abundance over the entire regu-

    latory area.

    An interesting feature of the above result is that

    an unbiased estimate of abundance is obtained even

    though the number of observations in each region may

    not be equal. However, a further example will show

    that this is not the case when one considers more than

    one year of observations. Again, consider observations

    from  NY  years for a fishery divided into   NR   regions

    with n yr  catch rate observations in the  r th region dur-ing the  yth year. We fit the following model to these


    P yr  = E(CPUEyr) = µ + Y y + Rr

    For simplicity, we consider the situation where  NY  =

     NR  = 2 and again, with no loss of generality, we set

    Y 2   =  R2  = 0. The following least-squares solution is


    ωµ   =










    n11 (Z̄21 +  Z̄12 −  Z̄11),

    ωY 1   =





    (Z̄11 −  Z̄21)






    (Z̄12 −  Z̄22),

    ωR1   =





    (Z̄11 −  Z̄12)

    +  1



    n12 (Z̄21 −  Z̄22)where

    ω   =










    Z̄yr   =1




    Based on the above model, the population index in the

    first year, given that each region is of area  A, is given


    I 1   =A(µ + Y 1 + R1)


    A(µ + Y 1 + R2)


    =A(2µ + 2Y 1 + R1)



    A[Z̄11(2/n12 + 1/n21 + 1/n22)

    +Z̄12(2/n11 + 1/n21 + 1/n22)

    +Z̄21(1/n11−1/n12) +  Z̄22(1/n12−1/n11)]


    Unlike the previous example, the predicted abundanceindex is no longer proportional to the weighted mean

    of the observed catch rates across each region, but is

    instead dependent in a complex manner on the number

    of observations in each region. Only in the special sit-

    uation where the  n yr  are all equal does the total index

    equal the weighted mean of the regional estimates. A

    consequence of thisresult is thatmisleading differences

    between the indices of annual population size can be

    obtained. To illustrate this point, consider the example

    where  Z̄11 =  Z̄22 = 5,  Z̄12 =  Z̄21 = 10, n11 =  n21 =  n22

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    = 50, n12 = 200 and A  =  q  = 1. Based on these values,

    the sum of the catch rates across the two regions is the

    same for both years (15) but based on the results of the

    least-squares fit we obtain I 1 = 17.3 and I 2 = 15.The above examples illustrate that when the number

    of observations in each spatio-temporal stratum varies

    (i.e. the data set is unbalanced) the relative indices of 

    annual abundance based on the parameter estimates

    obtained from a GLM may be biased. This is due to

    the fact that equal weight is given in the estimation

    procedure to each observation instead of giving equal

    weight to each region, as demanded by Eq. (11). Thus,

    the annual indices based on the least-squares fit will be

    biased to favour those regions with the most number of 


    A weighted least-squares approach needs to be used

    to obtain an unbiased index of population abundance.

    For example, if one weights each observation by the in-

    verse of the number of observations in the correspond-

    ing stratum, one obtains the corresponding solution:

    µ =   14 (3Z̄22 + Z̄21 +  Z̄12 −  Z̄11),

    Y 1  =  12 (Z̄11 +

     Z̄12 −  Z̄21 −  Z̄22),

    R1  =  12 (Z̄11 +

     Z̄21 −  Z̄12 −  Z̄22)

    From this result we obtain   I 1  = A(Z̄11 +  Z̄12) andI 2  = A(Z̄21 +  Z̄22) as desired. Note that a similar re-

    sult is also obtained when the full model is fitted to the

    data (i.e. when a  year  ×  region  term is included). In

    this case, the number of parameters equals the number

    of spatio-temporal strata and parameter estimates can

    be found which are independent of the relative number

    of observations in each region. The single year model

    described previously was a simple (if trivial) example

    of this situation. The annual indices are not equal to the

    weighted means of the catch rates in each region when

    the regions are of different sizes. This indicates thatwhen constructing indices of abundance based on the

    results of a GLM analysis, regions of equal size should

    be used.

    The weighting to be given to each observation to

    achieve an unbiased annual abundance index is not

    unique; indeed, any weights that satisfy the condition

    that the sum of the individual weights given to each

    observation in each region is the same for all regions

    will ensure that all regions are treated equally. For the

    observations within each region, the weight assigned

    to each observation will itself ensure the importance of 

    that observation. A suitable weighting factor for each

    observation may be based on the corresponding effort

    of that observation divided by the total effort in thatregion. This would be most appropriate in situations

    where aggregated catch rate observations are used in

    the analysis. An example of such a weighting factor,

    which also takes into consideration the fact that the

    logarithm of the catch rates is taken, is described by

    Punsley (1987). A consequence of a weighted estima-

    tion procedure is that the squared residuals from the

    model are no longer  χ2-distributed, thus invalidating

    the F -test used to determine significance among differ-

    ent models. Again, Punsley (1987) suggests an alter-

    native approach.

    4. Potential biases in a spatially contracting


    The previous section considered the influence on pa-

    rameter estimation of an unequal distribution of fishing

    effort across regions. However, for many fisheries the

    number of regions fished each year can also vary. Such

    changes may be influenced by perceived shifts in the

    distribution of the fish and/or changes in spatial man-

    agement arrangements. Increased knowledge about thespatial distribution of the resource and technical im-

    provements in the ability to find and target those areas

    having greater abundance will also influence the dis-

    tribution of fishing effort. These changes may occur

    on both large- and fine-spatial scales and, as shall be

    demonstrated, each has ramifications for the manner in

    which catch and effort data need to be interpreted. The

    importance of any contraction in the spatial distribution

    of effort will be magnified if fishing effort concentrates

    into regions with generally high catch rates. An exam-

    ple of fishery in which this has occurred is that forsouthern bluefin tuna.

    4.1. Spatial changes in the fishery for southern

    bluefin tuna

    Southern bluefin tuna (SBT) have a widespread but

    patchy distribution, which is reflected in the spatial dis-

    tribution of the fishing effort for this species. Like other

    tunas, SBT also tend to form transient aggregations in

    areas where oceanic thermal features favour local en-

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    216   R.A. Campbell / Fisheries Research 70 (2004) 209–227 

    Fig. 1. Statistical areas used to provide the coverage of the fishery for southern bluefin tuna.

    richment. The Japanese longline fishery for southern

    bluefin tuna has undergone remarkable changes since

    its inception as a major fishery in the early 1950s.

    Shingu and Hisada (1971) outline the changes between

    1957 and 1969, during which the area exploited by this

    fishery expanded by about nine-fold. The statistical ar-

    eas for the fishery are shown in Fig. 1.No major new fishing grounds for SBT have been

    discovered since 1971. However, possible shifts in fish-

    ing effort to favourable areas and other changes in the

    spatial distribution of effort since 1971 have created

    problems for the interpretation of catch and effort data.

    The number of 1◦-squares fished each year within sta-

    tistical areas 4–9 is shown in Fig. 2. There have been

    substantial contractions in the spatial distribution of ef-

    fort in most areas since 1971. For example, the number

    of 1◦-squares fished in area 7 has more than halved

    since 1975. These changes are concurrent with thelarger scale changes in the amount of effort being ex-

    pended within each statistical area, as well as changes

    in the percentage of the total effort within each area

    (Tuck et al., 1996).

    The changes in the spatial distribution of fishing

    effort within statistical area 7 illustrate the nature of 

    some of those across the entire fishery. The 1◦-squares

    fished each year were ordered by the amount of fishing

    effort (number of hooks), and the cumulative percent-

    age of the total annual effort expended in each decile of 

    the squares fished each year was then calculated. Theseresults were then averaged over each 5-year period

    between 1970 and 1994, and used to plot cumulative

    effort against cumulative area fished for each 5-year

    period (Fig. 3a). During 1970–1974, on average 94%

    of fishing effort occurred in only 50% of the 1◦-squares

    fished, with 44% in the top 10%. This pattern of spatial

    aggregation is repeated in all subsequent periods.

    There appears to be little change during 1970–1984,

    but the proportion of the effort expended in the top

    10% of squares increased substantially after this time,

    reaching 68% during 1990–1994. This increase in the

    level of aggregation appears to have been a feature of 

    the fishery since 1986 and may be a response to the

    introduction of total catch quotas in the mid-1980s.

    The relationship between the distribution of effort

    and stock density (using catch rates as a proxy) was

    analysed to investigate the extent of targeting of areasof higher stock densities; cumulative effort was plotted

    against area fished after ranking the 1◦-squares by catch

    rate (Fig. 3b). For 1971–1974, on average 56% of the

    effort was expended in the top 50% of squares fished

    and only 8% in the top 10% of 1◦-squares indicating

    that there was not very effective targeting of the areas

    with higher nominal catch rates. However, the extent

    of spatial targeting increased substantially over time.

    This reached its greatest extent during the 1985–1989

    when ∼78% of the effort was targeted in the top 50%

    of 1◦-squares and 27% in the top 10%.It is evident that spatial targeting of fishing effort

    has always been a feature of the SBT longline fishery

    withinarea 7. Whilethe tendency to targeta greater pro-

    portion of the fishing effort at areas with higher catches

    rates will unduly weight the average catch rate across

    this region, changes in the level of targeting over time

    will also influence the relationship between changes in

    average catch rates and corresponding changes in the

    abundance. An appropriate spatial structure is neces-

    sary for the interpretation of the catch and effort data to

    account for these changes. However, a more intractableproblem is accounting for the change in abundance in

    those regions no longer fished. A procedure adopted

    for dealing with this problem is described in Campbell


    4.2. Simulations

    A range of indicative longline data sets were gen-

    erated to examine the consequences of changes in the

    spatial distribution of fishing effort and the influence

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     R.A. Campbell / Fisheries Research 70 (2004) 209–227    217

    Fig. 2. Number of 1◦-squares fished by Japanese longliners in each of the SBT statistical areas 4–9 (1969–1995).

    of strata with no data on the estimation of annual abun-

    dance indices using GLMs. As a reference case, the

    simulated fishery was divided into a number of spatial

    areas and catch and effort data were generated uni-

    formly across these areas over five years. These data

    were then standardized to obtain an index of relative

    abundance for the fishery. Variations on the reference

    case were then explored to ascertain the impact on the

    calculated abundance index of spatial aggregation and

    contraction of the fishery over time. The sensitivity of 

    the resulting abundance index to differences between

    the underlying spatial scale used to generate the catch

    and effort data for the fishery and the spatial scale

    assumed in the standardising model was also inves-


    The simulated fishery was deemed to consist of 200

    grids of equal size. Multiple catch rate observations

    were generated for each grid using the model:

    log(CPUEik) = Y i + Gik   (12)

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    218   R.A. Campbell / Fisheries Research 70 (2004) 209–227 

    Fig.3. Cumulative effort vs. cumulative areafished (bothexpressed as a percentageof the respective annual totals) for the SBT fishery in statistical

    area 7 during each 5-year period between 1970 and 1994, after ordering the 1 ◦-squares fished by (a) decreasing effort and (b) decreasing catch


    where   Y i   and   Gik   parameterize the logarithm of the

    catch rate for the  ith year and  k th spatial grid respec-

    tively. Associated catch and effort data were also gen-

    erated for each observation as follows:

    effort = 1500 + 200 · N int[10 × U (0, 1)],

    catch =effort × CPUE


    where N int( ) is the nearest integer function and U (0,1)

    is a randomly generated number from the uniform dis-

    tribution on 0–1, i.e. effort was given in increments of 

    200 hooks between 1500 and 3500.

    A different value of  Gik  was generated for each grid

    each year to mimic the changes in the annual spatial

    distribution of the fish population. The impact of dif-

    ferentspatial distributions of fishing effort on thecalcu-lation of the annual indices of relative stock abundance

    was investigated by changing the number of observa-

    tions in each grid. The spatial grids were grouped into

    eight regions each consisting of 25 grids to investigate

    changes in the spatial distribution of the resource over

    a larger spatial scale than the grid, and to investigate

    the influence of changes in the distribution of the re-

    source occurring on a finer-spatial scale than that used

    in the standardisation model. The catch rates in each

    grid in each region were then given a similar range of 

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     R.A. Campbell / Fisheries Research 70 (2004) 209–227    219

    Table 1

    Parameter values used in the model to generate the catch rate data.

    Thevalues for Y i refer tothe 5 years,and the valuesfor Gk  referto the

    eight spatial regions used to group the spatial grids in the simulated


    Index value   Y i   Gk 

    1 1.8   U (0,1)

    2 1.6   U (0,1)

    3 1.4   U (0,2)

    4 1.2   U (0,2)

    5 1.0   U (0,3)

    6   U (0,3)

    7   U (0,4)

    8   U (0,4)

    values. The parameter values used to generate the catchrate observations in each grid for the eight regions each

    year are given in Table 1.

    For the reference case (scenario 1), ten catch rate

    observations were generated annually for each grid,

    though a grid was only fished if a number generated

    from U (0,1) was greater than 0.5. This mimics a fishery

    where fishing effort is relatively randomly distributed

    across the grids within each region but is relatively ho-

    mogeneous across all regions for all years. Three vari-

    ants of this reference case were then considered. For

    scenario 2, the number of sets in the   ith year and  k thgrid, nik , was changed each year based on the following


    •   if 0

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    220   R.A. Campbell / Fisheries Research 70 (2004) 209–227 

    Fig. 4. The average distributions of cumulative effort vs. cumulative area fished (after ordering by catch rate) for each of the four scenarios.

    A description of the data, model and weighting used ineach analysis is given in Table 3.

    4.3. Results

    The results of the simulations are summarized by

    the means of the relative indices across the 30 data

    sets for each scenario (Fig. 5). As expected, when the

    spatial distribution of fishing effort was random across

    the grids in each region (i.e. scenario 1) the indices of 

    abundance for all nine analyses gave an unbiased trend

    in the stock abundance. On the other hand, when allgrids were fished but the distribution of fishing effort

    favoured higher catch rate grids (scenario 2), the un-

    weighted fine-scale analyses led to a biased trend in

    relative abundance (GLMs 1 and 3) with the resulting

    index under-estimating the true decrease in abundance

    over time. Only with an appropriate weighting was the

    true annual trend realised (GLMs 2, 4 and 5). The re-

    sults for GLMs 4 and 5 illustrate that the weighting

    scheme used need not be unique. The weights used

    were scaled by the total number of observations to

    Table 3Structure of the nine GLM analyses

    GLM Data Model structure Weighting

    1 Finescale   E (CPUEijk) =  Y i  +  Gk   None

    2 Finescale   E (CPUEijk) =  Y i  +  Gk   Wt =

     N obs /( N YG nik)

    3 Finescale   E (CPUEijk) =  Y i  +  Rj    None

    4 Finescale   E (CPUEijk) =  Y i  +  Rj    Wt =

     N obs /( N YG nik)

    5 Finescale   E (CPUEijk) =  Y i  +  Rj    Wt =  N obs / 

    ( N YR N grids Rij  nik)

    6 G-aggregated   E (CPUEijk) =  Y i  +  Gk   None

    7 G-aggregated   E (CPUEijk) =  Y i  +  Rj    None

    8 G-aggregated   E (CPUEijk) =  Y i  +  Rj    Wt =  N YG / ( N YR N grids Rij )

    9 R-aggregated   E (CPUEijk) =  Y i  +  Rj    None

    The following notation is used. Data: Finescale – use of set-by-set

    data, G-Aggregated – catch and effort data aggregated at the grid

    level, and R-Aggregated – data aggregated at the regional level.

    Model structure: Y i – the effect of the ith year, Rj  – the effect of the

     jth region, and Gk – the effect of the k th grid. Weighting: N obs – total

    number of observations across all years,  N YG  – number of year-grid

    combinations, N YR – number of year-region combinations, N grids Rij – number of grids in the  jth region in the  ith year, and nik – number

    of observations in the  kth  grid in the ith year.

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     R.A. Campbell / Fisheries Research 70 (2004) 209–227    221

    Fig. 5. Indices of relative abundance based on alternative GLM analyses of the data for each of the four scenarios. The structure of the GLM

    analysis is indicated in the title of each figure by the level of data aggregation (Finescale, Grid or Region), the area-effect used in the fitted model

    (Grid or Region), and whether or not the analysis was weighted.

    preserve the scale of the parameter estimates obtained

    from the unweighted analyses. The correct relative in-

    dex was also obtained whether one used a grid- or

    regional-scale model for the GLM analysis. The cor-

    rect relative index was also obtained under scenario 2

    for the analyses based on data aggregated at the grid

    level (GLMs 6, 7 and 8). For this scenario the weight-

    ing assigned to the aggregated data is not required

    because the same number of grids is fished in all re-

    gions and there is only a single observation per grid.

    A biased index was obtained, however, for the analysis

    on data aggregated at the regional level (GLM 9) be-

    cause the catch rate calculated for each region became

    increasingly weighted over time by the higher pro-

    portion of observations in the grids with higher catch


    All indices were biased for scenario 3, with the bias

    being greater for the unweighted fine-scale analyses

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    222   R.A. Campbell / Fisheries Research 70 (2004) 209–227 

    (preference for fishing grids with higher catch rates

    and an increased likelihood of low catch rate girds not

    being fished in later years). The bias was, however,

    slightly less severe for the weighted regional analysisusing the grid-aggregated data (GLM 8). The bias in all

    analyses is due to the unrepresentative sampling of the

    catch rates in the grids fished across each region. The

    bias increases under scenario 4, where whole regions

    are not fished in the last 2 years.

    5. Modelling uncertainty in unfished spatial


    The results of the previous section indicate that

    when the spatial distribution of a fishery contracts over

    time, the indices of stock abundance based on the

    results of a GLM analysis may become biased. The

    essence of the problem stems from the fact that there

    are no data for those areas which are not fished and,

    as such, the data which are used in the analyses are

    incomplete and not totally representative of the total

    spatial distribution of the stock. For scenarios 3 and 4

    there was an increasing lack of data from areas with

    low catch rates so that the mean annual catch rates be-

    came increasingly upwardly biased. If such a trend is

    carried forward in time, then the temporal change in theresource abundance will be under-estimated. The issue

    of unfished strata is a more general one than the spa-

    tially contracting fishery example used here, though the

    results of this example indicate that without a careful

    interpretation of the assumptions underlying the anal-

    ysis of catch and effort data, misleading trends in stock 

    abundance can result (Walters, 2003).

    There are two options for overcoming the problems

    inherent with data with missing strata. First, we can

    undertake an analysis of that spatial subset of the data

    commonto allyears. However,this approach is likelytoresult in too much useful information being discarded,

    and the resulting index notbeing indicative of the entire

    stock. However, it is often useful to define a core spa-

    tial and temporal extent to the fishery which eliminates

    marginal strata seldom fished or where catch rates are

    persistently low (Campbell et al., 1996). The alterna-

    tive is to define an appropriate spatial coverage of the

    fishery and model the likely catch rates in those strata

    for which there are no observations. While statistical

    methods have been developed for the interpolation of 

    spatial data(e.g. kriging)and smoothingtechniques can

    be used (Kulka et al., 1996), a simple alternative pro-

    cedure is developed here to model appropriate catch

    rates for the missing strata. A rationale for this ap-proach is that one can model the catch rates in the

    areas bypassed by the fishery under explicit assump-

    tions concerning the spatial dynamics of the stock and

    the fleet. Furthermore, it is possible to bracket much of 

    the uncertainty associated with the analysis of spatially

    incomplete data by adopting a range of assumptions.

    However, depending on the scale of spatial analysis

    which is possible (e.g. region- or grid-based) two dif-

    ferent levels of modelling the catch rates in missing

    strata are possible. Each is considered in turn.

    5.1. Region-scale analysis

    An estimate of the standardised catch rate in each

    year-region stratum is first obtained by fitting the fol-

    lowing model to the data:

    E[log CPUE]   = µ + YRij 

    +other standardising effects

    where   µ   is the intercept and   YRij   parameterizes theinteraction between the effects in the   ith year and  jth

    region. The expected value of the standardised catch

    rate in each region is then:

    CPUEstdij  = exp(µ + YRij )

    An abundance index Bij  for each region is then calcu-

    lated by multiplying the standardised catch rate for the

    region by an estimate of the spatial extent of the stock 

    in that region. The number of grids in each region is

    used for this purpose. However, the number of grids

    fished in a region can change from year to year so it is

    necessary to make some assumptions about the spatial

    extent of the stock in each region in each year. Here we

    assumethat the spatial extent of the stock in each regioneach year either coincides only with those grids fished,

    N obsij , (i.e. there are no fish in grids not fished) or the

    maximum number of grids fished in that region across

    all years, N maxj  (this is equivalent to assuming that the

    grids fished in any year randomly sample the stock in

    that region). Calling these the B-zero and B-avg indices

    respectively, we have

    B-zeroij  = N obsij CPUEstdij ,

    B-avgij  = N maxj CPUEstdij 

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     R.A. Campbell / Fisheries Research 70 (2004) 209–227    223

    Where there are no observations for a whole region,

    the index for that region is modelled following the pro-


    •   Find the maximum regional index for each year,Bmaxi

    •  For each year, calculate the relative index for each

    fished region, Brelij  = Bij / Bmaxi•   For each region, calculate the average relative index

    Brelj  across those years when all regions were fished.

    •  For those regions with no observations, the likely

    catch rate is set equal to the multiple of the aver-

    age relative index for that region and the maximum

    regional index for that year,  Bmodij  = Bmaxi Brelj 

    The total index for a given year is then the sum of the

    regional indices across all regions.

    5.2. Grid-scale analysis

    An estimate of the standardised catch rate in each

    year-grid stratum is first obtained by fitting the follow-

    ing model to the data:

    E[log CPUE]   = µ + YGik

    +other standardising effects

    where   µ   is the intercept and   YGik   parameterizes the

    interaction between the effects in the  ith year and  k th

    grid. The expected value of the standardised catch rate

    in each grid is then:

    CPUEstdik  = exp(µ + YGik)

    As before, there are several options for modelling

    the standardised catch rate for those grids within each

    region that are not fished, and the abundance index  Bijfor each year and region is then given by the sum of the

    observed and modelled standardised catch rates across

    all grids in each region. The B-zero and B-avg indices,

    defined previously, are now given by

    B-zeroij  =

    N obsj k=1

    CPUEstdik ,

    B-avgij  =N maxj 

    N obsij 

    N obsij k=1


    Given the finer spatial scale of the analysis, several

    other indices may also be defined. First, one can define

    the  B-min index, which is similar to the  B-avg index

    but assumes that the catch rates in those grids, which

    are not fished are, on average, equal to the minimum of 

    the catch rates in the fished grids. Alternatively, one candefine the B-target index which assumes that the spatial

    extent of the stock remains the same for all years and

    is equivalent to the maximum number of grids fished

    in any year, but assumes that the grids fished in any

    year coincide with those grids with the highest catch

    rates (i.e. there is prefect targeting). The catch rates in

    those grids not fished each year are then modelled by

    the tail of the average distribution of catch rates across

    the maximal extent of grids fished, i.e. for each region:

    (a) For each year, sort the standardised catch rates in

    the grids fished in descending order and find themaximum standardised catch rate, CPUEmaxij .

    (b) Calculate the relative index for each grid:

    CPUErelir  =CPUEstdir

    CPUEmaxij r  = 1, . . . , N  obsij 

    (c) Calculate the mean relative index for each grid

    CPUErelr   across those years when all grids are

    fished in that region (i.e. when N obsij  = N maxj ).

    (d) The expected standardised catch rates for those

    grids with no observations are then modelled as:

    CPUEmodir   = CPUEmaxij CPUErelr

    r   = N obsij  + 1, . . . , N  maxj 

    An abundance index for the region can then be

    defined as:

    B-targetij    =

    N obsij k=1



    N maxj k=N obsij +1


    Finally, the annual abundance indices are calcu-

    lated by summing across the regional indices for

    each year. An index for a region with no observa-

    tions can be modelled as in Section 5.1.

    5.3. Results

    Annual abundance indices were calculated for each

    of the 30 data sets for scenarios 3 and 4, using both the

    region- and grid-scale analyses described above. The

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    224   R.A. Campbell / Fisheries Research 70 (2004) 209–227 

    Fig. 6. Comparison of the relative indices of abundance based on modelling of catch rates in unfished spatial strata for various hypotheses

    concerning the spatial distribution of the stock and fishing effort.

    mean of the calculated indices across all data sets for

    each scenario, relative to the value of the corresponding

    index for the last year, were then calculated (Fig. 6).

    For the region-scale analyses, the B-avg index was

    similar to, if slightly worse, than the indices calculated

    using the GLM analyses in Fig. 5. However, for sce-

    nario 3 the region-scale annual  B-zero and  B-avg in-

    dices bracketed the true annual index. While it is usefulto obtain a set of indices which bound the true index,

    the difference between the B-zero and B-avg indices is

    so large that considerable uncertainty remains as to the

    true state of the stock over time. On the other hand, for

    scenario 4 both indices under-estimated the true state

    of the annual index.

    The grid-scale annual   B-zero and   B-avg indices

    bracketed the true annual index for scenarios 3 and 4.

    However, as before, considerable uncertainty remained

    regarding the true value of the index in any year. On the

    other hand, both the  B-min and B-target indices were

    considerably closer to the true annual index, with the

     B-target index being more accurate. This result is due to

    the fact that the assumptions used in constructing these

    latter indices more closely represent the true dynamics

    of the stock and the fishery.

    The results presented here are limited to five ways

    of constructing indices. This should, however, in noway limit the nature or the number of indices which

    can be constructed. Indeed, the nature of the stock and

    effort assumptions used to construct the various indices

    should be based on an understanding of the actual stock 

    and fishery dynamics of the fishery being analysed

    (Campbell and Tuck, 1996). For example, one could

    use the results concerning the levels of targeting of high

    catch grids each year to weight the effort assumption

    in the B-target index for the SBT fishery. Alternatively,

    the existing individual indices could be combined us-

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     R.A. Campbell / Fisheries Research 70 (2004) 209–227    225

    ing different weights in different years. For example,

    Hearn and Polacheck (1996) used the concept behind

    the density-dependenthabitat model of MacCall (1990)

    as a basis for constructing an index that assigns differ-ent annual weights to two indices based on the  B-zero

    and B-avg indices.

    6. Discussion

    Commercial catch and effort data continue to be re-

    lied upon to estimate annual indices of stock abundance

    in the absence of fishery-independent data. While

    GLMs and other statistical techniques have improved

    our ability to standardise such data, problems still per-

    sist. While some of these problems relate to the choice

    of the most appropriate model and error structure, and

    the absence of data on factors which are likely to in-

    fluence catch rates, there are more general problems of 

    deciding whether catch rate data from a fishery under-

    going changes in the spatial allocation of fishing effort

    can, in fact, reflect stock abundance.

    The analyses in this paper have illustrated the

    manner in which biases can enter into the estimates

    of annual stock abundance due to the unbalanced and

    changing spatial distribution of fishing effort. While

    these biases generally relate to changes in the spatialcharacteristics of the fishery (either for the stock or

    the fishing effort), biases can also arise due to a lack 

    of spatial detail in the analyses due to inappropriate

    model structures or the use of too coarse a spatial

    level of data aggregation. While the potential for such

    biases is generally acknowledged, the manner in which

    these biases arise in the GLM analyses commonly

    used to model catch and effort data, and how they

    can be dealt with, do not appear to be generally


    The issue of an unequal spatial distribution of fish-ing effort and the preferential targeting of areas with

    higher catch rates across the spatial areas used for a

    GLM analysis can be corrected for by an appropriate

    weighting. However, additional biases and uncertain-

    ties arise due to missing observations, i.e. the areas of 

    the fishery which are not fished. The extent to which

    the fishing grounds are known to overlap the spatial ex-

    tent of the stock becomes increasingly uncertain when

    there is a spatial contraction of the fishery over time.

    The characteristics of the stock in areas not fished pre-

    viously similarly remain uncertain for an expanding


    Given these uncertainties, it is usually not possible

    to calculate a single reliably unbiased index of stock abundance. Instead, it may be preferable to calculate a

    number of indices based on modelling the likely catch

    rates in those areas not fished using various assump-

    tions about the spatial distribution of both the stock and

    the fishing effort (i.e. concerning the presence or not of 

    fish in the areas not fished and the targeting practices

    of the fishers). Support for or rejection of the assump-

    tions underlying the calculation of the various indices

    can then be based on a spatial analysis of the data for

    the fishery itself and/or an understanding of the deci-

    sion rules used by fishers to allocate fishing effort spa-

    tially, the behaviour observed in other fisheries or from

    the ecological considerations. For example, changes in

    the spatial range of a fish population may be consis-

    tent with observations from other animal populations

    and with the theory of density-dependent habitat selec-

    tion (MacCall, 1990). Spatial contractions in a fishery

    to areas with high catch rates may also be consistent

    with economic practices associated with competitive


    An advantage of constructing a number of indices

    based on modelling the likely catch rates in those areas

    not fished using various assumptions about the spatialdistribution of both the stock and the fishing effort is

    that any subsequent assessment can make use of a range

    of indices which explicitly incorporate a full range of 

    uncertainty about the data instead of relying only on

    a single CPUE-based tuning index (Polacheck et al.,

    1996). Indeed, given the lack of independence among

    catch rate observations within (and perhaps between

    adjacent) strata, which results in an over-estimation of 

    the number of degrees of freedom in a GLM analysis,

    the true uncertainty associated with any single abun-

    dance index is usually under-estimated.Ultimately, the interpretation of catch rates and the

    construction of indices of stock abundance should be

    based on an understanding of the dynamics underlying

    the spatial distribution of both the stock and the fish-

    ing effort, and preferably on the relationship between

    them. In many fisheries, this will entail the need for

    surveys to understand and reduce the uncertainties in

    the spatial characteristics of the stock in those areas

    presently unfished. An experimental fishing program

    within the SBT fishery was undertaken for this purpose

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    226   R.A. Campbell / Fisheries Research 70 (2004) 209–227 

    (Anon, 1996). There will also be a need to more fully

    understand the decision rules for the targeting prac-

    tices of individual fishing vessels. Furthermore, in or-

    der to overcome the potential biases which can resultfrom using catch and effort data from a fishery with a

    high degree of spatial targeting, analysis of commercial

    catch and effort data to obtain annual indices of relative

    stock abundance should be carried out at the finest spa-

    tial scale possible. For the SBT longline fishery this is

    likely to be at the 1◦ level. However, for fisheries such

    as purse seines, which are based on targeting aggrega-

    tions, the level of spatial analysis may need to be much

    finer (Clark and Mangel, 1979).

    Finally, while this paper has focused on the prob-

    lems with the construction of indices of stock abun-

    dance based on the analysis of commercial catch and

    effort data in a spatially varying fishery with an un-

    certain stock and effort dynamics, many other factors

    influence our ability to interpretcommercial catch rates

    as indices of stock abundance. Many of these fac-

    tors are well known (e.g.   Gulland, 1964; Paloheimo

    and Dickie, 1964; Hilborn and Walters, 1992) and in-

    clude improvements in the operational and technologi-

    cal aspects of the fishery, changes in environmental and

    oceanographic conditions, together with the influence

    of economic- and management-related decisions, all

    of which may change catchability and availability overtime. Attempts to document these processes and im-

    prove our understanding of how these factors influence

    catch rates need to remain a high priority for fisheries



    Natalie Dowling, Yongshun Xiao and André Punt

    are thanked for editorial comments on an earlier draft,

    while the suggestions of an anonymous reviewer arealso acknowledged.


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