
Wolverhampton Business SchoolBA(Hons) Tourism ManagementCourse Guide


About this guide

This is your course guide. It provides the basic but fundamental information about your course of study. Thisguide is yours for the duration of the course, we don’t re-issue it annually and if any information containedwithin were to change then we will write to you to explain so.

In particular, if any important aspects relating to your modules were to change then we will inform you inaccordance with the Code of Practice for the Management of Changes to Modules and Courses. The teachingand support teams which you will get to know over time will refer to this guide – it will be useful to you andwe advise you to make good use of it throughout your studies.

The Course Guide should be read in conjunction with the more general sources of information which relate toall students at the University. The Student Handbook is a very detailed reference point for all issues relating toyour studies which aren’t specific to just your particular course. You might also want to refer to the StudentCharter; the University’s Policies and Regulations and the University Assessment Handbook documents whichwill provide you with all of the information that we think you will need for your period of study here.

If you need additional information, or you simply want to discuss elements of any of these documents or otheraspects of your course, find that there is something you need to know, please contact your Faculty StudentServices:

Faculty Student Services

We can help with the administration and organisation of your time at University – from enrolment andmodule registration, tuition fee enquiries, attendance support, course management and lifecycle queries,extenuating circumstances, leave of absence, transfers and changes, assignment submission, SAMsappointments, assessment and result queries, right through to Graduation.

You can also come and talk to us for impartial advice and support if things are starting to go wrong and you’renot sure who else to talk to. The main thing to remember is that you are not alone. We see large numbers ofstudents over the course of a year on a variety of issues, so please don’t be afraid to approach us.

We are here to ensure that your transition into Higher Education is as smooth as possible. Normal officeopening hours are Monday-Friday 08:45-17:00.

You can contact us through the e:vision help desk, by phone or in person or by e-mail:

Faculty of SocialSciences

The Lord Paul Swraj Building MU 202 (01902) 321789(01902) 321515

[email protected]

Help and Advice is alsoavailable from StudentSupport & Wellbeing…

Contact us at the Alan TuringBuilding MI 001 for all enquiries andreferrals… Services operate at allcampuses by appointment.

(01902) 321074(01902) 321070

[email protected]

Welcome from the Course Leader

On behalf of the teaching and support teams from BA(Hons) Tourism Management course, I would like toextend to you a very warm welcome to the University of Wolverhampton, and in particular your campus.

My name is Dr Asia Alder and I am the course leader for your BA(Hons) Tourism Management course andalongside your personal tutor, will be your main point of contact over the duration of your studies. My contactdetails are below – please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need any support or guidance.

The successes which you will achieve whilst at the University are based upon a partnership between theexpertise and support from the staff here and the effort you put into learning. We welcome students who areeager to think for themselves, to take control of their own learning and who are ready to get involved in

developing the skills required in a highly competitive job market. Make the most of the wide range ofopportunities available to you.

Studying at University can be difficult, and for many of you the transition into University life will bechallenging. However we will support you throughout your course, particularly whilst you develop into anindependent learner over the course of your first year with us.

We believe it is important that you are encouraged to make your own contribution to the effective operationand development of your chosen course. We hope that you might consider acting as a Course Representativeduring some of your time with us to help the University continue to improve your experience.

I would like to wish you every success with your studies. We look forward to working with you and hope thatyou enjoy your time with us.

Dr Asia Alder

Course Management and Staff Involvement

RoleRole NameName SpecialismSpecialism eMaileMail Tel. Ext.Tel. Ext. RoomRoom

Head of Department Dr Peter Robinson [email protected] 3893 MN009

Course Leader Dr Asia Alder [email protected] 3723 MN005

Student Advisor Miss Lynne Cliffe [email protected] 3631 MU202

Lecturer Dr Ade Oriade [email protected] 3042 MN005

Lecturer Mr Steven Gelder [email protected] 3125 MN005

Lecturer Dr Elizabeth Heyworth-Thomas [email protected] 3938 MN010

Lecturer Ms Debra Blisson [email protected] 3669 MN108

Lecturer Ms Debra Wale [email protected] 2842 MN117

Lecturer Amanda Ross [email protected] 3608 MN018

Educational Aims of the Course

BA (Hons) Tourism Management equips graduates with the skills and knowledge required to manage tourismwithin an evolving global marketplace. The course has a strong emphasis on enterprise and enables studentsto develop industry sought after competencies in order for students to progress their career within thedynamic, multi-faceted industry.

What makes this programme distinctive?

University of Wolverhampton offers students an opportunity to study tourism with opportunities for practicalapplication of learning through work placement, field trips, a consultancy project, a practical activity at level 5and a virtual conference delivered in partnership with other Universities.

The teaching team bring with them a wealth of industry experience from across the world and from a widerange of public, private and voluntary sector organisations. The team is active in research and writingtextbooks that inform the teaching on this course ((Managing Operations in the Travel Industry (2009),Research Themes in Tourism (2010) and a major Tourism Textbook (2011), all published by CABI) and continueto deliver applied research to ensure they remain at the cutting edge of industry developments.

The team have many associations with industry partners including The Tourism Society and The Tourism

Management Institute (TMI). The team also work closely with large travel and tourism businesses such as TUIUK Plc and the European Tour Operators Association and are the department are members of The Associationfor Tourism in Higher Education (ATHE), the Association of Event Management Education (AEME), TheInstitute of Travel and Tourism (ITT) and The Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME).

The University is an Institute of Travel and Tourism (ITT) Centre of Excellence which recognises leadinguniversities who working particularly closely with the Institute to develop and maintain high professionalstandards throughout the travel and tourism industry. The University receives support in organisingindustrial placements, access to high level industry speakers, access to senior industry figures for researchpurposes and will grant an annual ITT Centre of Excellence Student of the Year award to a student identifiedby the university.

The teaching at the University is designed to meet the needs of a wide variety of learners, and benefits fromtechnology supported learning so that you can develop your IT skills whilst developing and presentingexciting and industry-relevant assessments.

Finally the University of Wolverhampton continues to develop state of the art facilities which will greatlyenhance your learning experience. A new purpose built facility opened in September 2015 and houses theUniversity of Wolverhampton Business School. Designed to nurture talents and provide platform forengagement with the business community in the region, the University of Wolverhampton Business Schoolbuilding will provide state of the art facilities such as executive education suite, innovative teaching andlearning spaces, an IT suite, consulting rooms and a central social space and café. This building and itsfacilities will provide conducive environment for student learning and HE experience.

Course Structure

September (Full-Time)September (Full-Time)

Year 1Year 1

ModuleModule TitleTitle CreditsCredits PeriodPeriod TypeType

4LI011 Academic Skills 20 SEM1 Core

4LI003 Introduction to Tourism 20 SEM1 Core

4MK002 Marketing Principles 20 SEM1 Core

4LI007 Employability: The World of Work 20 SEM2 Core

4HR002 Introduction to People at Work 20 SEM2 Core

4LI005 Tourism Placemaking 20 SEM2 Core

September (Full-Time)September (Full-Time)

Year 2Year 2

ModuleModule TitleTitle CreditsCredits PeriodPeriod TypeType

5HR002 Leading and Managing in Organisations 20 SEM2 Core

5LI018 Services Marketing 20 SEM1 Core

5LI014 Business Travel and Tourism 20 SEM1 Core

5LI005 Employability: Managing Finance and Human Resources 20 SEM2 Core

5BE001 Entrepreneurial Creativity and Innovation 20 SEM1 Core

5LI011 Research Themes in Tourism 20 SEM2 Core

September (Full-Time)September (Full-Time)

Year 3Year 3

ModuleModule TitleTitle CreditsCredits PeriodPeriod TypeType

6LI022 Research, Interpretation and Analysis 20 SEM1 Core

6BU013 Independent Project 20 SEM2 Core

6BU008 Strategy and Consultancy 20 SEM2 Core

6LI020 Destination Marketing & Management 20 SEM1 Core

6LI018 Tourism in Emerging Markets 20 SEM2 Core

For this option group you must choose a minimum of 20 credits and a maximum of 20 creditsFor this option group you must choose a minimum of 20 credits and a maximum of 20 credits

6BE001 Creating and Starting a New Business Venture 20 SEM1

6BE002 Strategies for Building Business Success 20 SEM1

6BU009 Social Enterprise in Context 20 SEM1

6MK002 Applied Marketing Strategy 20 SEM1

Course Learning Outcomes

Learning OutcomeLearning Outcome Contributing ModulesContributing Modules

CertHE Course Learning Outcome 1 CertHE Course Learning Outcome 1 (CHECLO1)(CHECLO1)

"Demonstrate knowledge of the underlyingconcepts and principles associated with yourarea(s) of study, and an ability to evaluate andinterpret these within the context of that area ofstudy"

4HR002 Introduction to People at Work4LI003 Introduction to Tourism4LI005 Tourism Placemaking4LI007 Employability: The World of Work4LI011 Academic Skills4MK002 Marketing Principles

CertHE Course Learning Outcome 2 CertHE Course Learning Outcome 2 (CHECLO2)(CHECLO2)

"Demonstrate an ability to present, evaluate andinterpret qualitative and quantitative data, inorder to develop lines of argument and makesound judgements in accordance with basic

4HR002 Introduction to People at Work4LI003 Introduction to Tourism4LI005 Tourism Placemaking4LI007 Employability: The World of Work4LI011 Academic Skills

theories and concepts of your subject(s) of study." 4MK002 Marketing Principles

DipHE Course Learning Outcome 1 DipHE Course Learning Outcome 1 (DHECLO1)(DHECLO1)

"Demonstrate knowledge and criticalunderstanding of the well-established principlesof your area(s) of study, and of the way in whichthose principles have developed with anunderstanding of the limits of your knowledge,and how this influences analyses andinterpretations based on that knowledge."

5BE001 Entrepreneurial Creativity and Innovation5HR002 Leading and Managing in Organisations5LI005 Employability: Managing Finance and Human Resources5LI009 Employability: The Year-Long Sandwich Placement5LI011 Research Themes in Tourism5LI014 Business Travel and Tourism5LI018 Services Marketing

DipHE Course Learning Outcome 2 DipHE Course Learning Outcome 2 (DHECLO2)(DHECLO2)

"Demonstrate the ability to apply underlyingconcepts and principles outside the context inwhich they were first studied, including, whereappropriate, the application of those principles inan employment context"

5BE001 Entrepreneurial Creativity and Innovation5HR002 Leading and Managing in Organisations5LI005 Employability: Managing Finance and Human Resources5LI009 Employability: The Year-Long Sandwich Placement5LI011 Research Themes in Tourism5LI014 Business Travel and Tourism5LI018 Services Marketing

DipHE Course Learning Outcome 3 DipHE Course Learning Outcome 3 (DHECLO3)(DHECLO3)

"Demonstrate knowledge of the main methods ofenquiry in the subject(s) relevant to the namedaward, and ability to evaluate critically theappropriateness of different approaches tosolving problems in the field of study"

5BE001 Entrepreneurial Creativity and Innovation5HR002 Leading and Managing in Organisations5LI005 Employability: Managing Finance and Human Resources5LI009 Employability: The Year-Long Sandwich Placement5LI011 Research Themes in Tourism5LI014 Business Travel and Tourism5LI018 Services Marketing

DipHE Course Learning Outcome 4 DipHE Course Learning Outcome 4 (DHECLO4)(DHECLO4)

"Use a range of established techniques to initiateand undertake critical analysis of information,and to propose solutions to problems arising fromthat analysis"

5BE001 Entrepreneurial Creativity and Innovation5LI005 Employability: Managing Finance and Human Resources5LI009 Employability: The Year-Long Sandwich Placement5LI014 Business Travel and Tourism5LI018 Services Marketing

Ordinary Course Learning Outcome 1Ordinary Course Learning Outcome 1(ORDCLO1)(ORDCLO1)

"Have the ability and knowledge necessary towork within the dynamic, changing andincreasingly technology-reliant global tourismindustry."

6BU009 Social Enterprise in Context6BU013 Independent Project6LI018 Tourism in Emerging Markets6LI020 Destination Marketing & Management6LI022 Research, Interpretation and Analysis6MK002 Applied Marketing Strategy

Ordinary Course Learning Outcome 2Ordinary Course Learning Outcome 2(ORDCLO2)(ORDCLO2)

"Have the skills to work in a range of tourismbusiness environments, supported by aknowledge and understanding of concepts andcharacteristics of tourism and related businessfunctions such as Marketing, Human Resources,Strategy and Operations Management that arenecessary to be an effective manager."

6BE001 Creating and Starting a New Business Venture6BE002 Strategies for Building Business Success6BU008 Strategy and Consultancy6BU009 Social Enterprise in Context6BU013 Independent Project6LI018 Tourism in Emerging Markets6LI020 Destination Marketing & Management

Ordinary Course Learning Outcome 3Ordinary Course Learning Outcome 3(ORDCLO3)(ORDCLO3)

"Be able to identify the uniqueness ofcontemporary tourism resources around themand develop these into exciting local, regional,national or international tourism products."

6BE001 Creating and Starting a New Business Venture6BE002 Strategies for Building Business Success6BU008 Strategy and Consultancy6BU009 Social Enterprise in Context6BU013 Independent Project6LI018 Tourism in Emerging Markets6LI020 Destination Marketing & Management6MK002 Applied Marketing Strategy

Ordinary Course Learning Outcome 4Ordinary Course Learning Outcome 4(ORDCLO4)(ORDCLO4)

"Be able to develop and analyse information andeffectively communicate this to colleagues,managers and customers to support business

6BE001 Creating and Starting a New Business Venture6BE002 Strategies for Building Business Success6BU008 Strategy and Consultancy6BU009 Social Enterprise in Context6BU013 Independent Project6LI018 Tourism in Emerging Markets

development." 6LI020 Destination Marketing & Management6LI022 Research, Interpretation and Analysis6MK002 Applied Marketing Strategy

Ordinary Course Learning Outcome 5Ordinary Course Learning Outcome 5(ORDCLO5)(ORDCLO5)

"Understand the influence and impacts oftourism upon the community, environment andeconomy, and the careful balance required todevelop tourism locally, nationally and globally."

6LI018 Tourism in Emerging Markets6LI022 Research, Interpretation and Analysis

Ordinary Course Learning Outcome 6Ordinary Course Learning Outcome 6(ORDCLO6)(ORDCLO6)

"Be able to develop critical evaluative skills,generate knowledge and implement proposedsolution towards development and managementof tourism projects/business."

6BE001 Creating and Starting a New Business Venture6BU009 Social Enterprise in Context6BU013 Independent Project6LI018 Tourism in Emerging Markets6LI020 Destination Marketing & Management

Honours Course Learning Outcome 1Honours Course Learning Outcome 1(DEGCLO1)(DEGCLO1)

"Have the ability and knowledge necessary towork within the dynamic, changing andincreasingly technology-reliant global tourismindustry."

6BE002 Strategies for Building Business Success6BU008 Strategy and Consultancy6BU009 Social Enterprise in Context6BU013 Independent Project6LI018 Tourism in Emerging Markets6LI020 Destination Marketing & Management6LI022 Research, Interpretation and Analysis6MK002 Applied Marketing Strategy

Honours Course Learning Outcome 2Honours Course Learning Outcome 2(DEGCLO2)(DEGCLO2)

"Have the skills to work in a range of tourismbusiness environments, supported by aknowledge and understanding of concepts andcharacteristics of tourism and related businessfunctions such as Marketing, Human Resources,Strategy and Operations Management that arenecessary to be an effective manager."

6BE001 Creating and Starting a New Business Venture6BE002 Strategies for Building Business Success6BU001 Researching Business and Management Issues6BU008 Strategy and Consultancy6BU009 Social Enterprise in Context6BU013 Independent Project6LI018 Tourism in Emerging Markets6LI020 Destination Marketing & Management

Honours Course Learning Outcome 3Honours Course Learning Outcome 3(DEGCLO3)(DEGCLO3)

"Be able to identify the uniqueness ofcontemporary tourism resources around themand develop these into exciting local, regional,national or international tourism products."

6BE001 Creating and Starting a New Business Venture6BE002 Strategies for Building Business Success6BU008 Strategy and Consultancy6BU009 Social Enterprise in Context6BU013 Independent Project6LI018 Tourism in Emerging Markets6LI020 Destination Marketing & Management6MK002 Applied Marketing Strategy

Honours Course Learning Outcome 4Honours Course Learning Outcome 4(DEGCLO4)(DEGCLO4)

"Be able to develop and analyse information andeffectively communicate this to colleagues,managers and customers to support businessdevelopment."

6BE001 Creating and Starting a New Business Venture6BE002 Strategies for Building Business Success6BU001 Researching Business and Management Issues6BU008 Strategy and Consultancy6BU009 Social Enterprise in Context6BU013 Independent Project6LI018 Tourism in Emerging Markets6LI020 Destination Marketing & Management6LI022 Research, Interpretation and Analysis6MK002 Applied Marketing Strategy

Honours Course Learning Outcome 5Honours Course Learning Outcome 5(DEGCLO5)(DEGCLO5)

"Understand the influence and impacts oftourism upon the community, environment andeconomy, and the careful balance required todevelop tourism locally, nationally and globally."

6LI018 Tourism in Emerging Markets6LI020 Destination Marketing & Management6LI022 Research, Interpretation and Analysis

Honours Course Learning Outcome 6Honours Course Learning Outcome 6(DEGCLO6)(DEGCLO6)

6BE001 Creating and Starting a New Business Venture6BE002 Strategies for Building Business Success

"Be able to develop critical evaluative skills,generate knowledge and implement proposedsolution towards development and managementof tourism projects/business. "

6BU008 Strategy and Consultancy6BU009 Social Enterprise in Context6BU013 Independent Project6LI018 Tourism in Emerging Markets6LI020 Destination Marketing & Management



Employability in the Curriculum

There are many career opportunities available to graduates of the BA (Hons) Tourism Management. Thecourse prepares you for management roles in the public, private and voluntary sectors within job roles thatinclude tourism officer, travel agency manager, holiday resort manager, tour manager, visitor centre managerand attractions manager. Positions held by previous graduates include The National Trust, English Heritageand The London Tourist Office. Graduates of this award may also progress to postgraduate study.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Academic Skills will be developed through the level 4 ‘Academic Skills’ Module, moving to more formalresearch methods at level 5, and culminating in the application of study skills to significant work-related andcareer-related activities in The Professional Project at level 6. These modules will provide students withopportunities to develop reflective portfolios and to learn and develop their skills for academic work throughessay writing, report writing, presentations, questionnaires that include Honey & Mumford’s Learning Stylesto support reflection, in class activities and through formative and summative assessment in these modules.

The course will, over three years, develop students with an increasing emphasis and sophistication as theyprogress. Independent study skills will be cultivated through undertaking various tasks, student directedactivities and projects. All modules will include online formative assessment, the use of media such asYouTube, DVDs and Videos, supported by technologies relevant to the subject area such as Google Earth ©,and Eventpro ©. Furthermore students will benefit from a range of in class activities, field trips todemonstrate and apply theory to practice and guest lectures from industry representatives from a range oftourism backgrounds.

Reference Points

QAA subject benchmark

Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ)

Equality Act 2010.

Academic Regulations Exemptions


Support with your studies

University Learning Centres are the key source of academic information for students providing access to:

Physical library resources (books, journal, DVDs etc.)Study areas to allow students to study in the environment that suits them best: Social areas, quiet andsilent areas.A wide range of online information sources, including eBooks, e-journals and subject databasesAcademic skills support via the Skills for Learning programmeStudents on campus can attend workshops or ask for one-to-one help on a range of skills such asacademic writing and referencing.Dedicated Subject Pages to enable you to explore key online information sources that are recommendedfor their studies.Physical access to local libraries both in UK and overseas via SCONUL and WorldCat agreements

We also strongly advise you to download to “MyWLV” student app. MyWLV is a single point of personalisedaccess to the variety of systems the University offers. This includes pulling through relevant information (e.g.deadlines, timetables) and linking to underlying systems.

Leave of Absence:

The University allows breaks in learning of up to two years and there is a process for applying for a leave ofabsence, which can be accessed through your e:Vision account. Initially you will need to apply for the leave ofabsence, which could be for medical, parental or personal reasons. A short-term absence, such as annual leave,must not be recorded as a break. The course leader will consider, and where appropriate agree, the leave ofabsence application. A return date will be identified and agreed for a suitable point in the programme.Additional course fees may be incurred as a result of a leave of absence and you are advised to discuss thiswith the Faculty Student Services team prior to application.

Course Specific Support

Student support and guidance will be offered on a number of levels. Module tutors will provide guidance tostudents on topic related issues. Members of staff have office hours during which they will see students ifthis is outside of scheduled class time.

Students will be allocated personal tutors and the system is operated on the basis of University ofWolverhampton regulations.

Course committee meetings will be scheduled once each semester. This allows for representatives of studentson the course to come together with staff to discuss any issues and problems and identify support asnecessary.

Students are supported form the earliest stages of their course with the Academic Skills via sessions that aredesigned to prepare students for their study at university and to provide advice and guidance on fundamentalaspects of University study including communications skills, personal development, academic conduct,referencing and the use of feedback from assessments. Reflective personal development practices areencouraged throughout the entire course duration within various modules which will help the student tomonitor their progression.

Academic study skills are supported through a dedicated module, which starts by developing academic skillsat early stage of the programme, and culminating in the application of study skills to significant work-relatedand career-related activities at level 6.

Contact Hours

In higher education, the term ‘contact hours’ is used very broadly, to refer to the amount of time that youspend learning in contact with teaching or associated staff, when studying for a particular course.

This time provides you with the support in developing your subject knowledge and skills, and opportunities

to develop and reflect on your own, independent learning. Contact time can take a wide variety of formsdepending on your subject, as well as where and how you are studying. Some of the most common examplesare:

lecturesseminarstutorialsproject supervisionsdemonstrationspractical classes and workshopssupervised time in a studio/workshopfieldworkexternal visitswork-based learning (including placements)scheduled virtual interaction with tutor such as on line, skype, telephone

In UK higher education, you as the student take primary responsibility for your own learning. In this context,contact time with teaching and associated staff is there to help shape and guide your studies. It may be usedto introduce new ideas and equip you with certain knowledge or skills, demonstrate practical skills for you topractise independently, offer guidance on project work, or to provide personalised feedback.

Alongside contact time, private or independent study is therefore very significant. This is the time that youspend learning without direct supervision from, or contact with, a member of staff. It might includebackground reading, preparation for seminars or tutorials, follow-up work, wider practice, the completion ofassignments, revision, and so on.

50 Day Engagement:

You will be withdrawn from the University if you fail to engage with the academic requirements of yourcourse of study, within 50 days of the course start date, following repeated and reasonable attempts by theUniversity to contact you.

Course Specific Health and Safety Issues

No specific health and safety issues recorded.

Course Fact File

Hierarchy of Awards:Hierarchy of Awards: Bachelor of Arts with Honours Tourism Management Bachelor of Arts Tourism Management Diploma of Higher Education Tourism Management Certificate of Higher Education Tourism Management University Statement of Credit University Statement of Credit

Course Codes:Course Codes: LI001H01UV Full-time 3 YearsLI001H31UV Part-time 6 Years

Awarding Body / Institution:Awarding Body / Institution: University of Wolverhampton

School / Institute:School / Institute: Wolverhampton Business School

Category of Partnership:Category of Partnership: Not delivered in partnership

Location of Delivery:Location of Delivery: University of Wolverhampton

Teaching Institution:Teaching Institution: University of Wolverhampton

Published: 28-Jun-2018 by Asia Alder
