


Copyright © 2014 SuccessVantage Pte Ltd

All rights reserved

Published by Tracy Patterson

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full-fat milk (or powdered milk)

pure honey

1. Pour 1-2 cups of milk (or 1/2 c. full-fat powdered milk) and 1/2 c. honey

under running, warm water.

2. Swish around to mix, and hop in. Repeat as necessary.


1. Simply pour a glass (or more) of red wine or champagne into your

running bath.

2. Soak for 20 minutes. Feel extravagant.


1. Brew 1-2 cups of very strong herbal tea.

2. Strain and add to your running bathwater.

3. Then, take the remaining brewed herbs and place them in the middle

of a washcloth.

4. Gather the washcloth together at the top and tie tightly with a string

or a hair tie.

5. Leave it in the bath as you soak, and then scrub well with it before

getting out of the tub.

Uplifting, calming and astringent – GREAT

for people with oily skin or back acne

Relaxing and great for alertness,

also astringent and clarifying

Energizing (or relaxing) and clarifying

Energizing and mood stabilizing –

also antioxidant, anti-aging, and

very healing for any skin type

Extremely relaxing and calming

– perfect for dry or irritated skin


1 cup powdered milk

1/2 cup baking soda,

1/2 cup finely ground oatmeal

2 tsp. cornstarch

1 tsp. cream of tartar

1 tsp. cinnamon

1. Place 1 cup powdered milk, 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup finely ground

oatmeal, 2 tsp. cornstarch, 1 tsp. cream of tartar and 1 tsp. cinnamon in a

food processor and process to combine.

2. Put in a clean, tightly covered, moisture-proof container. It will keep


3. Add about 1/2 cup of the Cinnamon Oatmeal Milk Bath to a full tub of

warm water, and enjoy the soak.

2 cups cornstarch

2 cups baking soda

1 tablespoon cinnamon

10 to 15 drops essential oil of choice


1. Mix the 3 ingredients together in a bowl and transfer to the

container of your choice.

2. Store the extra in another container to refill as needed.

3. If you live in a humid climate, add about ¼ cup of uncooked rice to

the powder to keep it from clumping. The rice won’t shake out but

will keep the powder flowing smoothly.

2 cups Epsom salts

2 tablespoons water

A few drops essential oil(s)

1 drop food colouring, plus more if desired

Special equipment: plastic pipette, large or small round bath-ball

molds, storage jars

1. Stir together Epsom salts and water in a mixing bowl.

2. Using pipette, add oil, 1 drop at a time, until strength of scent is to

your liking.

3. Add food colouring, 1 drop at a time, until desired shade is achieved;

stir until color is even throughout.

4. Spoon a generous amount of mixture (more than necessary) into 1/2

of a bath-ball mold and pack firmly.


5. Repeat, packing mixture into second half of mold and press pieces

together until they connect.

6. Remove top half of mold very carefully and let bath ball stand, mold

side down, overnight.

7. Remove mold carefully, then, invert, and let ball dry completely, 2 to

3 days more. Transfer to jars.

3 cups Epsom salt

2 cups baking soda

1 cup table salt

Food or soap colouring

Scented essential oil

1. If you want more than one scent and color, separate into different

bowls before adding the color and scent.

2. . Then you can have 2-3 different choices to choose from.

3. Let the bath salts dry for 24 hours before placing them into your

decorative jars.


1/3 cup Epsom salt

1/3 cup sea salt

1/3 cup baking soda

3 tbsp ground ginger

1 cup apple cider vinegar

1. Mix together dry ingredients and pour into a comfortably hot

running bath with the 1 cup of apple cider vinegar.

2. Try to soak for at least 45 minutes before rinsing off completely.

3. Rehydrate with water before, during, and after since you will be

sweating tons!

1/2 cup baking soda

1/2 cup Epsom salts

1/2 cup mustard powder

6 drops peppermint essential oil

6 drops eucalyptus essential oil


1. Place all ingredients in a large glass bowl and whisk together until well


2. Store in airtight container until use.

3. For relief of sore muscles, add approximately 1/2 cup of this mixture to

your bath and swirl to mix.

4. Soak for 30 minutes.

5. Just add 1 to 2 Tbsp in a smaller volume of water to use it as a foot bath.

4. Store the bath powder in a cool, dark place between uses.

1 1/2 Cups powdered cow or goat milk 1/2 Cup Epsom salts

1/8 Cup baking soda

1/2 Cup Colloidal oatmeal

1/4 Cup Organic Calendula petals or flowers

1/4 Cup Organic lavender flowers

1. Measure out your ingredients with a measuring cup and combine in a

glass bowl or container and mix well so all ingredients are thoroughly



2. Then, using a large spoon, scoop your milk bath into cotton muslin


3. Scoop out the desired amount from each bag and add to hot,

running bath water.

4. Now all you need to do is pull the bag tightly closed using the


5. Be sure to store in a cool, dry location between uses.

6. To add fragrance to your milk bath, simply add several drops of

organic essential oil to each individually sized bath bag.

7. Add entire bag to hot, running bath water to use.

2 tbsp dried lavender flowers and leaves

2 tbsp dried rosemary leaves

1 tbsp dried gingerroot powder

2 tbsp dried eucalyptus leaves

Fresh eucalyptus leaves, rosemary leaves to float in bathwater


1. Mix together dried herbs and place them inside a square of natural

fabric or a metal tea ball.

2. Secure your bundle by tying the ends with a bit of sting.


3. To use, hang the herb bag under your water tap and fill the tub with

warm water, letting the water flow through the herbs.

4. Get in the bath, squeeze out your herb bag and place it behind your

neck as you bathe.

5. You also may use it to scrub your body with a bit of soap.

2 tablespoons honey

1 cup hot water

2 drops lavender essential oil

Run the water at your desired temperature, choosing from one of these

ridiculously simple tub-time recipes to lift the mood, soften the skin and

relax the muscles.

1/4 cup sea or Himalayan salt

2 drops rosemary essential oil

1 tsp of lemon zest

Run the water at your desired temperature, choosing from one of these

ridiculously simple tub-time recipes to lift the mood, soften the skin and

relax the muscles.


1/2 cup unscented bubble bath

2 1/2 tablespoons unsweetened soy milk

1/2 ounces grated or powdered organic dark chocolate

Run the water at your desired temperature, choosing from one of these

ridiculously simple tub-time recipes to lift the mood, soften the skin and

relax the muscles.

¾ cup light olive oil

1 cup baby wash

½ cup honey

fragrance (as desired).

Use a funnel to pour into a bottle.

1. Mix ¾ cup of light olive oil, 1 cup baby wash and ½ honey.

2. Stir well and use a funnel to pour the mixture into a bottle.

3. To use, pour about 1/2-1 cup into your bath and soak.


3 tbsp Oatmeal (plain, not flavoured or anything else)

A sock or muslin cloth

1. Finely grind the oatmeal.

2. Alternatively, place the oatmeal in a sock or muslin cloth and tie it.

3. Mix the finely ground oatmeal with the warm bath water in your tub

and mix it well.

4. If it is not fine enough, the oats will settle in the bottom of the tub.

5. If you have tied your oatmeal into a sock or cloth, just place it into

the tub immersed in the water.

6. While soaking, keep on squeezing the cloth to let the juice of

oatmeal mix with the water.

7. Soak for 20-30 minutes and repeat daily to get soft moisturized and

acne free body.

1 cup strawberries (hulled and cut into halves)

1 cup milk

2-3 drops lavender oil


1. Place strawberries in a muslin bag.

2. Mix remaining ingredients together, and add to bath.

1 cup papaya(cubed)

1 tbsp honey

2 cups milk

1. Place papaya in a muslin bag.

2. Dissolve honey in milk, and add to bath.

1/2 cup unscented bubble bath

1/4 cup dry milk powder or soy milk

1 1/2 ounces grated or powdered dark chocolate

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon or ginger, if desired

1. Mix milk and chocolate until well blended.

2. Add bubble bath and spices and mix well.

3. Add to running bath water



1/4 cup coarse sea salt

1/4 cup baby oil

1/2 tsp. almond or vanilla extract or lightly scented perfume oil

1. Stir 1/4 cup coarse sea salt and 1/4 cup baby oil until the oil

is thoroughly incorporated.

2. Add 1/2 tsp. almond or vanilla extract or lightly scented perfume oil

and stir until combined.

1 cup Shea butter

1/2 cup Coconut oil

4 tbsp Beeswax grated

1/2 cup sweet Almond Oil

1. Melt first three ingredients in a double broiler.

2. Transfer to a mixing bowl, add almond oil and let cool.

3. Place in the fridge until solid.

4. Whip with a hand mixer until smooth and creamy.

5. Transfer to small clean jars and store in a dry cool place.


8 oz Dr. Bonner's Baby-Mild Castille Soap

8 oz distilled water

1 TB Almond oil

20 drops jasmine fragrance

10 drops geranium essential oil

1. Put all ingredients in a bowl and whisk together.

2. Then pour into a pump bottle.

1 cup shampoo

1 cup conditioner

5 tbsp lotion or cream

5 tbsp coconut oil (warmed in the microwave for about 15 seconds)

1. Pour one cup shampoo and one cup conditioner into the jar.

2. Add 5 tablespoons of lotion or cream and finally the coconut oil.

3. Shake bottle and filter the cream using a funnel and transfer it to a

different clean jar.


Candy thermometer (to measure temperature while mixture is


1″ strips of cotton fabric (about 8″ to 10″ in length)

Wooden popsicle sticks or spatula

2 cups sugar, 1/4 cup lemon juice (freshly squeezed), 1/4 cup water

1 cup sugar, 1 cup honey, juice from one half lemon (freshly


1. Combine ingredients in a heavy saucepan and turn on the heat to


2. Once it starts boiling, reduce heat to low and cook until the mixture

reaches 250°F (stir often so it doesn’t boil over) then take off heat.

3. If a thicker paste is preferred, just heat to 245°F.

4. Let it sit until it’s warm then pour into a glass canning jar.

5. Continue to let it cool till it’s at room temperature.

How to apply?

Lightly dust the surface with cornstarch and rub it in.

Using the Popsicle sticks, slather on a thin layer in the direction of

the growth then cover with cotton strips (do in batches of 3 or 4

until the entire area is covered).

Rub the fabric a few times firmly (in the direction of the growth).


Let it sit for about a minute then pull skin tight with one hand and rip

each strip off quickly with the other (in the opposite direction of the


Reapply as needed (can reheat if it gets too cool).

1 cup (8 oz) shea butter

1/2 cup coconut oil

1/2 cup good olive oil

1-2 Tablespoons cocoa or cacao powder

1 Tablespoon ground nutmeg

2 Tablespoons ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon naturally-derived Vitamin E oil (optional)

5-10 drops essential oil

1. Using a double boiler (or a small bowl that fits over a small pot), melt

the shea butter and coconut oil on low heat.

2. When they become completely liquefied, remove from heat. Let cool

for 30 minutes.

3. Then mix in the olive oil, cacao powder, cinnamon and nutmeg,

essential oil and vitamin E.

4. Place the oil mixture in the freezer to firm up.


5. When the oil mixture is partially solidified, remove from freezer and

whip the partially-solidified mixture until peaks form.

6. Scoop into a clean, glass jar.

Sea salt- 2-3 cups

Bath tub filled with warm water

1. Add the sea salt to your warm bath water and soak in this water for

20-30 minutes.

2. If your skin is very oily, do not apply any other thing after getting out

of the bath tub. Just pat dry.

3. However, if your skin tends to get drier, apply a light moisturizer but

not too heavily.

4. If your acne on back is really bad and there are too many breakouts,

repeat this process twice a day otherwise once is enough.

2-3 pieces of Apricots

Lukewarm water


1. Cut open the apricots and remove their seeds.

2. Crush the fruits to get their paste.

3. Apply this apricot paste on your stretch marks and leave for about 15-

20 minutes.

4. Now wash off with warm water.

5. Repeat everyday for a month.

Aloe Vera Leaf

1. De-thorn the aloe vera leaf and remove its outer skin.

2. Take out the sticky gel from the inside of the leaf.

3. Apply this fresh aloe gel on your stretch marks and forget it for two


4. Wash off with water after this couple of hours.


lemon juice


1. Mix equal parts of these two ingredients (and add a dash of lemon

juice if you’d like) to create a pasty lotion.

2. Rub it onto the dry skin and let it sit for 10-20 minutes.

3. Your skin will be hydrated for plenty of time to come afterwards.

1 avocado

1 cooked carrot

1/2 cup heavy cream

1 egg

3 tablespoons of honey

Leave on for 10-20 minutes and then rinse.

1/2 gallon distilled water

2 cups grated soap

2 Tbsp Vegetable Glycerin oil

Minerals, colors and scents as desired


1. Melt 2 cups grated soap in 1/2 gallon distilled water, along with 2 tbsp

of Vegetable Glycerin oil.

2. Add scent or color if desired and mix well.

One Pot for storage

1/2 tsp brown sugar

1/2 tsp caster sugar

Peppermint oil

Almond Oil/Vitamin E oil

Glass Ramekin (for mixing)

1. Pour the sugar into the ramekin and then add the oils depending

how you want the consistency of the lip scrub.

2. To use, scrub dab a small amount onto lips and rub together to

gently exfoliate.

3. You can then lick off the scrub or wipe off with a cloth.

1 tbsp granulated sugar

1 tbsp baking soda

2 tbsp water


1. Add baking soda and sugar.

2. Then add water and mix.

3. To use, massage mixture onto wet skin and allow to sit for a few


4. Rinse with warm water, and pat face dry.

1/2 cup unrefined coconut oil

2 tbsp sweet almond oil

1 tablespoon vegetable glycerin

6 tablespoons water

2 tablespoons ground flax

6 drops essential oil

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1. In a microwave-safe glass measuring cup heat the coconut oil till

partially melted (about 20 seconds on high) then stir to finish melting


2. In a small stir together the ground flax seed and the water and bring

to a gentle boil and continue boiling until thickened, about 3 minutes.


3. Add the flax seed mixture to the melted coconut oil, then whisk in

the almond oil, glycerin, and essential oil. Whisk gently to combine


4. Use a fine mesh strainer over a clean glass container and strain the

liquid lotion mixture into the clean bowl to strain out the remainder

of the flax seed.

5. Place the container in the refrigerator to cool and solidify completely

– about 1 hour.

6. Once it is solidified, scrape the mixture into a small food processor

and process the lotion till light, whipped and creamy. Keep the lotion


3 Tablespoons shea butter

3 Tablespoons baking soda

2 Tablespoons corn starch

2 Tablespoons cocoa butter

2 vitamin E oil gel caps (puncture and squeeze out the oil)

Essential Oil

1. Melt all the ingredients (except the oils) and gave it a good stir.

2. This only took about 30 seconds in the microwave.

3. Then add the oils, stir again, pour it in a jar, then place it in the fridge

to set.


Shea butter, ½ cup

3 Tbsp Coconut oil

1 Tbsp Beeswax

2 Tbsp Jojoba oil

2 Tbsp Aloe Vera gel

1. Melt the first three ingredients together in a make-shift double


2. After it was all melted together, pour it into a bowl and let it set up

for a while.

3. After it came back to a solid state, use a hand mixer to whip it up for

a few minutes.

4. Then add the jojoba oil and aloe vera, and also added several drops

of Lavender essential oil for its scent and to help balance out the

nutty smell of the shea butter.

mint leaves

1. Chop and crush a sprig of mint leaves.


2. Apply the mashed leaves to dark under eye circles, leave on for 20

minutes then rinse.

3. Do this twice a week.

coconut oil

baking soda

1. Mix baking soda with coconut oil and use as a scrub under your arms.

2. Gently scrub in small circular motion to get rid of the dead, rough skin.

3. Leave the scrub on for 5-10 minutes.

4. Rinse off and pat dry for clean, softer armpits.

5 tbsp fine sea salt

1 tbsp walnut shell powder

1 tbsp pumice powder

1 tbsp shea butter

1 tbsp cocoa butter

1 1/2 tbsp argan oil

½ tbsp sweet almond oil

10 drops peppermint essential oil

5 drops tea tree oil


1. Begin by weighing out the shea and cocoa butters and then melt

them in either a double boiler or the microwave.

2. Next weigh out the argan and sweet almond oils and stir into the

melted butters.

3. Add the essential oils, then weigh all remaining dry ingredients and

stir into the butter and oil mixture.

4. Allow to cool completely and if any of the oil and butter settles on

the top, simply re-mix all of the ingredients with a fork to fully

incorporate then spoon into a 4 oz. container of your choice.

1 Cup Shea Butter

1/2 tsp Lavender Essential Oil

1/4 tsp Tea Tree Oil

2 tsp Raw Organic Aloe Vera Gel

1 tsp Vitamin E Oil

2 tsp of Mountain Rose Herbs Restorative Skin Oil

1. Melt shea butter in a pot on the stove over low, stirring occasionally.

2. Remove from heat and stir in remaining ingredients.

3. Pour into containers.


2 tbsp milk

1 tbsp curd

1 tbsp flour

1. Mix milk, curd and flour to get a paste.

2. Apply to your underarms

3. Leave for 15 minutes and wash off with water

32 tbsp Goat Milk & Honey Lotion

1 tbsp Red Velvet Cake Fragrance Oil

1. Weight out each of your ingredients using a digital kitchen scale, then

gently heat the lotion base until melted then stir in the fragrance oil.

2. Using a funnel, slowly fill your empty lotion bottles and allow to cool

and cap.

8 to 10 Guava leaves

1 litre of Water


1. Add guava leaves to water and boil this water till it reduces to half its


2. Let it cool down.

3. Strain and use the water for washing your vaginal area. Rinse your

vagina thoroughly with this water.

4. Do this twice a day.

Ripe banana

Olive oil

1. Mash the banana with hands to get pulp like consistency.

2. Add olive oil to it and mix well.

3. Apply this mask on your neck and leave for 15 minutes.

4. Wash off with water.

4 tbsp clear coconut melt and pour soap base

1/2 tsp cocoa butter

10 drops chocolate fragrance oil

unsweetened cocoa powder


4 tbsp white coconut melt and pour soap base

10 drops vanilla fragrance oil (or peppermint, coconut, etc.)

1. Melt the clear soap and add cocoa butter and mix.

2. Remove from heat and mix in cocoa powder to color.

3. Let cool slightly and add chocolate fragrance oil, then pour into a

mold, filling halfway.

4. Let sit 30 minutes and melt the white soap.

5. Remove from heat, let cool slightly and add vanilla fragrance oil.

6. Let cool a few more minutes, then pour into mold on top of first

layer and after soap hardens, release from mold.



1/4 cup coconut milk

1/3 cup liquid castile soap

1 tsp vitamin E, olive or almond oil

10 to 20 drops your choice of essential oils

1. Combine all ingredients in a shampoo bottle or jar and shake well to


2. Use about 1 tsp every time you shampoo.

Coffee grounds


Toss them into your conditioner to make your hair extra shiny. That’s all!

Vinegar/ Apple Cider Vinegar


1. Replace your conditioner with vinegar 1-4 times a month depending

on your hair type.

2. Just use it as you need it.

Olive Oil

Simply cover your hair in olive oil and leave it in for 30-45 minutes.

Baking Soda


1. Add baking soda to your shampoo. It will remove build-up and make

hair shinier.

2. You can use it every day (if you have normal hair).

Lemon juice

Aloe Vera


1. Mix together 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1/2 teaspoon aloe vera.

2. Mix the mixture in with a normal serving of shampoo.


1. Add a tablespoon of honey to a litre of water.

2. After shampooing, rinse your hair with this concoction to tame your


1 egg

2 tbsp olive oil

1/4 peeled cucumber

1. Mix together 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1/4 cup of a peeled


2. Cover your hair with the mixture and leave it on for 10-20 minutes.




1. Use Lemons for dry hair and oranges for a stronger hold.

2. Chop up the entire piece of fruit in a bowl as to not lose any juice.

3. Boil the fruit with 2 cups of water until and strain through a cloth and

pour into a spray bottle for use.

1 small jar of mayonnaise

1/2 avocado.

1. Mix all ingredients, smooth into head being careful to work it to the


2. Use shower cap or plastic wrap to seal body heat in and leave on for

20 minutes.

1/2 cup mayonnaise


Apply 1/2 cup of mayonnaise to your dry hair, work in really well, cover your

head with a plastic wrap, and let it set for about 15 minutes.

1tbsp baking soda

essential oils

1. Mix 1 heaping Tbsp. of Baking Soda and 3-5 drops of essential oils of

your choice, enough water to make a paste.

2. Mix this in the shower. It took a little getting use too, with there

being no suds.

¼ cup distilled water

¼ cup liquid castile soap

½ teaspoon jojoba, grape seed or other light vegetable oil.

Use these three ingredients, mix well and use as a natural DIY shampoo.


Chamomile Tea Bags

Soap Flakes


1. Let the tea bags steep in 1 1/2 cups of boiled water for 10 minutes.

2. Remove the tea bags and with the remaining liquid add the soap


3. Let stand until the soap softens and stir in glycerin until mixture is

well blended.

4. Pour into a bottle. Keep in a dark, cool place.

8 oz distilled water

2 teaspoons of dried rosemary

2 teaspoons of dried rose petals

3 ounces liquid castile soap

3 Tablespoon aloe vera gel

¼ teaspoon of jojoba oil

30 drops of pure rosemary essential oil


1. Place the rosemary, rose petals and fill the jar with boiling water and

immediately place a lid over the jar.

2. Let this mixture steep for a minimum of 30 minutes.

3. Strain the herbs and let the remaining liquid cool to room


4. Place the liquid into a shampoo bottle.

5. Add the castile soap to the container

6. Then add the jojoba oil and essential oil and finally add the aloe vera


7. Shake well and you have your own handmade herbal shampoo.

8oz Shea butter

4oz raw coconut oil

1/2 cup aloe vera gel

1 tbsp jojoba oil

1 tbsp Jamaican black castor oil

Mix all ingredients and stir well.


3 tbsp Bob’s Red Mill Rice Flour White

1 tbsp baking soda

2 tbsp colloidal oatmeal

3 tbsp arrowroot powder

1 tbsp Rhassoul (Red Moroccan) Clay

1 tbsp lavender blossoms (flowers)

1 ml lavender essential oil

1/2 ml patchouli essential oil

1/2 ml rosemary extract

1. Using a Tablespoon measuring spoon, measure out the rice flour,

baking soda, colloidal oatmeal, arrowroot powder, clay and lavender

flowers in a glass measuring cup.

2. Then, using a different graduated plastic transfer pipette for each of

the essential oils and rosemary extract, measure out and add these

to the dry ingredients.

3. Mix with a spoon, then slowly pour into a coffee bean grinder and

mix well (This will turn your lavender blossoms into a powder) and

evenly distribute the essential oils and extract.

4. Once mixed, simply pour into a jar or container.


2 fluid ounces witch hazel

12 drops rosemary essential oil

12 drops peppermint essential oil

12 drops lavender essential oil

12 drops tea tree oil

1. In a 2 oz. or larger container, combine the witch hazel and essential


2. Shake well to mix.

3. Apply and massage into scalp as needed up to once a day after

shampooing, let sit for a minute or two, then rinse.

1/3 cup Liquid Castille Soap

1/2 of a tsp (or several capsules) of Vitamin E oil

20 drops of Essential Oils of choice

For dry hair: add 1/2 tsp olive or almond oil (optional)

1. Combine all ingredients in an old shampoo bottle or jar of some kind.

(If you use a foaming dispenser, add 1/4 cup of distilled water)

2. Shake well to mix.


3. If you use a foaming dispenser, it also makes a great shaving cream-

just dilute with 1/4 cup distilled water!

Organic Nettle Shampoo (500ml)

1-2 tbsp Panthenol Solution

Stinging Nettle Extract (25ml)

2-3 Vials Vitamin B Complex

Castor Oil (50ml)

1. Combine the ingredients together and store in a glass jar to avoid

interaction with the herbs.

2. Use this shampoo to improve the condition of your hair and prevent


1 Lemon

1 Cucumber

1. Simply peel one lemon and one cucumber put them into a food

processor and process until you get a smooth runny paste to apply as

a shampoo.


2. Scrub and then rinse really well (this is the tricky part because bits of

lemon tend to cling horribly) and you’re done!


1. Use on your roots whenever they start looking oily.

2. Dab, wait for a while and brush your hair!

1 cup Organic Castile Soap

2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar

1 tbsp Tea Tree Oil

¼ cup Water

Mix all the ingredients together, pour into a spray bottle and add a few

drops of your favourite essential oil.

1 litre water

120 grams Castile Flakes

¼ cup of Avocado, Olive or Almond Oil


Boil water, pour it over the flakes and stir until the mixture has cooled after

which you’ll add your oil of choice and pour your newly made organic hair

product into a bottle.

¼ cup Distilled Water

¼ cup Castile Soap Liquid

½ cup Grape seed or Jojoba Oil

1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar

3 tbsp Fresh Apple Juice

6 finely processed Garlic Cloves

Combine all of you ingredients in a food processor, switch on low and

process until smooth!

1 Ripe Avocado (Peeled, Pitted and Pureed)

2 tsp Baking Soda

¼ cup warm Distilled Water


Blend the ingredients well until you get a smooth paste.

1/2 cup liquid castile soap

1/4 cup canned coconut milk

1/4 cup honey

2 tbsp fractionated coconut oil

1 tbsp Vitamin E oil

40 – 50 drops essential oils

1. Mix all of the ingredients in a container with a lid.

2. Put on the lid and shake to combine.

3. Shake before using and use as you would any commercial shampoo.

4. For dandruff: 10 drops each lemon, lavender, melaleuca and

rosemary essential oils

5. For fragile hair: 20 drops clary sage, 15 drops lavender & 15 drops wild

orange essential oils

6. For hair loss: 10 drops each rosemary, peppermint, cedarwood and

lavender essential oils
