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©UltraOmegaBurn.com 2

Copyright © 2016 Nutra Active Pte Ltd

All rights reserved.

Published by Derek Evans.

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©UltraOmegaBurn.com 3


Superfood “Fat Burning Chocolate Shake” ....................................................................... 5

“Organic Cacao Bliss” .......................................................................................................... 5

“Organic Cacao Bliss Nut & Berry Mixture” ...................................................................... 6

“Organic Cacao Bliss Nut & Berry Bars” ............................................................................ 6

Raw Chocolate Pudding ...................................................................................................... 7

Cheesecake Pudding ............................................................................................................ 7

Key Lime Pie (Raw) .............................................................................................................. 8

You-Must-be-Kidding Chocolate Sauce .............................................................................. 9

On the Road Again (All Levels) ........................................................................................... 9

Simple Pecan "Pie" (All Levels) ..........................................................................................10

Rawberry Star Bars! ............................................................................................................10

Raw Brownies! .................................................................................................................... 11

Happy Lil' Carb Loader Bars ............................................................................................... 12

Raw Chocolate Cake ........................................................................................................... 13

RAW Dark Chocolate Brownie Balls .................................................................................. 14

Super Banana Sundae ......................................................................................................... 15

Raw Cashew Banana Berry Pudding ................................................................................ 16

Raw Choco Chip cookies .................................................................................................... 17

Lemon and Lime Pie ............................................................................................................18

Raw Pear Tart ......................................................................................................................18

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 4

Easy Almond Chocolate ......................................................................................................19

Dreamy Cashew Mango Cream......................................................................................... 20

Mango Cobbler -- Raw style! .............................................................................................. 21

Raw Ice Cream Sandwiches: Two Ways ............................................................................ 21

Vanilla Coconut Ice Cream ................................................................................................. 23

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 5

15 - 25 g Whey Protein

1 - 1 1/2 C Almond Milk

1/2 - 1 tsp Organic Instant Coffee

1 Tbsp Organic Raw Cacao Powder

1/4 Avocado

Ice Cubes to desired thickness

Optional: Vanilla

Put almond milk in a blender. Start blending and add the other ingredients one by

one until it is the desired thickness or smoothness.

Melt the coconut oil over a very gentle heat.

Remove from heat and add remaining ingredients and stir until thoroughly mixed.

As the mixture cools, it will thicken.

You can keep your homemade cacao bliss in a jar in the cupboard (no need to


4 tablespoon coconut oil (or butter)

heaping 1/2 cup extra dark cocoa

A few drops of vanilla

Stevia/Xylitol/Just Like Sugar to taste

Optional: cinnamon powder, cayenne pepper, a few drops of

organic vanilla extract or organic hazelnut extract all to taste.

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 6

4 tablespoon Cacao Bliss (from recipe above)

Mixed soaked nuts


Optional: cinnamon powder, cayenne pepper, a few

drops of organic vanilla extract or organic hazelnut

extract all to taste.

Get the Cacao Bliss and put in a small bowl. Add a

small amount of nuts to the butter.

Use the butter as a glue to start getting the nuts

to stick together so you have a big glob. Add raisins to desired taste and mix it into

the glob.

Put in a container and bring to work to snack on. Protein, antioxidants, flavor.

1 Cup Organic Cacao Bliss Nut & Berry Mixture

Use a ice cube tray or kids ice cube tray that makes ice cubes in cute shapes. Or use

popsicle containers for making popsicles.

Get saran wrap and put over the ice cube tray openings or popsicle opening. Start

spooning the Cacao Bliss Nut & Berry Mixture on the saran wrap and push into the ice

cube molding.

Put in fridge.

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 7

Cool to desired coolness and hardness. Saran wrap would have made it easy to take

out of the molds. Wrap or put in BPA-free containers and give to kids to bring to


Raw Chocolate Pudding (Makes about 2 cups)

Meat of 2 coconuts (or 112 an avocado) 6


4 tablespoons pure cocoa powder

Blend all the ingredients in a food processor

until smooth.


Cheesecake Pudding

1 cup raw cashew butter 1Ja cup lemon juice

113 cup raw honey

4 dates

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

112 teaspoon Celtic sea salt

Blend the ingredients until smooth and top with ground almond powder, if desired.

(Makes 2 cups )

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 8

Key Lime Pie (Raw)


2 avocados

2 tablespoons lime juice

1/2 cup coconut oil

2 tablespoons agave or other sweetener


1/2 cup almond pulp/flour

1/2 cup dates (not soaked)

pinch salt

pinch cayenne (or nutmeg)

1. Lightly oil a muffin tin (springform could work if you doubled the recipe). Blend the

filling ingredients until smooth.

2. In processor, combine crust ingredients until fairly smooth, no big chunks of dates.

3. Press crust into prepared muffin tin. Spoon in filling.

4. Freeze 1-2 hours. 3-4 hours gets it hard like ice cream cake. If that happens, set out

for 5 minutes before eating.

I can't usually make raw dessert recipes because of all the nuts/complication/special

ingredients, but this is pretty easy and I've subbed the lime for many different fruits.

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 9

You-Must-be-Kidding Chocolate Sauce

1 cup pure maple syrup

6 tablespoons pure cocoa powder

Blend the maple syrup and cocoa powder in a

blender. Serve with long-stem strawberries for

dipping, or pour over Raw Chocolate or Vanilla

Ice Cream (pages 164 and 165) with walnuts and

bananas for a classic banana split! It's recipes like

this that make this lifestyle so rewarding!

On the Road Again (All Levels)

This is what I eat for dessert when I'm traveling. I can usually find bananas and lemon

juice (in transit, as well as in restaurants), and I always bring dates and agave with


(Makes 1 to 2 servings)

Juice of :I.f. lemon

Drizzle of either agave nectar or pure maple syrup 2 bananas, sliced

Squeeze the lemon juice and nectar on top of the bananas. Follow this up with a few

fresh dates, if desired.

(Makes about 1/4 cups)

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 10

Simple Pecan "Pie" (All Levels) (Makes 1 serving)

4 dates

4 pecans

Open and pit the date. Place a pecan inside and enjoy!

Rawberry Star Bars!

1 1/2 cups raw, unsalted cashews

2 cups fresh or frozen strawberries

(or 1/2 strawberries, 1/2 raspberries)

1/2 cup agave nectar

1/2 cup coconut butter

1/4 cup fresh lemon juice

4 teaspoons vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon sea salt

1. Place the cashews in plenty of water to

cover and let soak for 8-12 hours (or

overnight). Drain well in a strainer and set aside. Place the cashews in a food

processor and blend very well.

2. Add all of the remaining ingredients and process until smooth. Occasionally, you’ll

need to scrape down the inside of the food processor with a rubber spatula during

this process.

3. Continue to blend until very smooth and creamy. This may take several minutes, so

be patient. Remove and pour/scrape into a large lasagna-style pan (9 1/2x13 1/2").

Smooth out the top and place in the freezer for 2 hours, or until mostly firm.

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 11

4. Remove from the freezer and cut into stars using a small, star-shaped cookie

cutter. If the mixture is too firm to cut, let it thaw for a few minutes first.

5. For the excess portion, you can either shape it into a flat layer, refreeze, and cut

into stars again, or simply cut it into randomly shaped chunks. Either way, delish. To

store, freeze in an airtight container. To serve, simply remove from the freezer and

enjoy immediately (just like you would an ice cream bar).

One of my favorite ways to make guilt-free desserts is to use all raw, living food

ingredients. Yet another example that nourishing foods can also be totally satisfying

and delicious!

These yummy bars have become a favorite in our home as they’re so fun and easy to

make. If you don’t have a star-shaped cookie cutter, you can use any shape you like

(or simply cut into squares). Incidentally, these bars are one my favorite ways to get

Omega-3s into my daughter’s diet with ease; kids absolutely flip for these! Enjoy!

(Makes: 20 servings, Preparation time: 30 min or less)

Raw Brownies!

1 cup ground pecans

1 cup dates (not soaked)

1/4 heaping cup cocao powder

1 heaping teaspoon agave nectar


1 tablespoon coconut oil or coconut butter

1 tablespoon avocado (optional)

1 tablespoon agave

1/2 tablespoon cocao powder

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 12

1) Process the brownie ingredients. Press into a pan or bowl.

2) Now process icing ingredients. If you use the coconut oil right out of the jar (firm)

it should get very creamy in your food processor. If you do it by hand, warm up the oil

jar in a bowl of water and use it in liquid form.

3) Spread frosting onto brownies and refrigerate for at least ten minutes. Slice and


Source of recipe: I came up with this recipe after a few tries.

(Makes: 2 to 4 servings, Preparation time: 20 minutes)

Happy Lil' Carb Loader Bars

3 cups Old Fashioned Oats

1/2 cup melted Coconut oil

1/8 cup Honey

1/2 cup Apple juice

3-4 Dates

1/4 cup Pumpkin Seeds

1/4 cup Cranberries dried

1/8 cup Almonds

1/8 cup Raisins

2 tbs Ground flaxseed

1/8 cup chocolate chips (optional)

A pinch of salt

Combine apple juice and flax, set aside.

Take 1 1/2 cups of the oats, process until still coarse, but almost fine, not quite flour.

In a food processor, combine all ingredients except oats, honey and oil. Pulse until

uniform in size.

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 13

In small pan, heat coconut oil and honey to melt into pouring consistency.

In large mixing bowl, combine all 3 cups of oats, nut/fruit mixture and flax/juice

mixture, stir. Then pour oil over the top and stir well. You should be able to press it

together with your hands and it sticks like dry cookie dough.

Press into lightly greased baking sheet (with rim). Press well. I used an 11 inch long

pan and it doesn't quite fill it.

Bake at 375 for 10-15 minutes until golden. It takes about 12 for me. Score lightly with

pizza cutter once removed from the oven. Once cooled completely, cut the rest of

the way through. Store airtight. Yummy!

Raw Chocolate Cake


3/4 cup almonds, soaked for 30 minutes if you have time

1/2 cup dried coconut

1/3 cup coconut oil, melted

1-2 tablespoons almond or peanut butter

1-2 tablespoon cacao powder

Water, as needed


1 avocado

Sweetener, to taste (I use coconut sugar, maple syrup, dates, or apple juice)

3-4 tablespoons cocoa or cacao powder

Vanilla essence or fresh orange juice, to taste

3/4 cup soaked irish moss, and blended well with water

Chocolate sauce, optional:

1/4 cup coconut oil, melted

cacao powder, to taste

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 14

1. For crust, grind together the first 5 crust ingredients until you get a crumbly base

type mixture. I did it in the Vita-mix. Add water if needed, and press into a cake tin.

2. For filling, in a powrful blender, mix the filling ingredients together until you get a

super-thick chocolaty moussey-type consistency. I blended this in the Vita-Mix.

3. Decorate with coconut and fruit of your choice. The irish moss gives it a special jelly

type texture, enabling you to cut the cake. For chocolate sauce, mix chocolate sauce

ingredients, and drizzle over top, if desired.

If you don't have irish moss, add 1-2 avocados and 1/2-1 cup soaked cashew nuts into

the mix and blend on high until thick. Pour on to base, and put in refrigerator or

freezer to set. Sweeten to taste.

Source of recipe: I created this recipe for my husband's birthday and it was so nice I

wanted to share it i with you.

(Makes: Serves 10-12, Preparation time: 30-60 minutes)

RAW Dark Chocolate Brownie Balls

1. In a food processor, grind the sunflower seeds to a gritty pulp. Stir in cacao and

mesquite, process again.

2. Stir in dates or agave, process again until the dough clumps together and collects

at one side of the food processor.

1 cup raw sunflower seeds, soaked then sprouted for 1 day

1/4 cup raw cacao powder

3 tablespoons raw mesquite powder

3 tablespoons raw agave nectar or 5 to 6 halawi dates, pitted

1 cup raw shredded unsweetened coconut

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 15

3. Transfer the dough to a bowl, and shape into approximately 1" diameter balls. Roll

balls into the coconut and refrigerate until ready to serve.

These will keep for 2 days in the fridge, when you preroll the balls. Add coconut

shreds before serving. The dough can be frozen, but thaw out approximately 30 to

45 minutes prior to rolling in the coconut and serving.


Substitute raw hempseeds for shredded coconut, for an alternate taste with a nice

added crunch.

Substitute raw Mesquite for raw Maca, for an alternate taste, but still just as tasty.

Source of recipe: I created this recipe out of a need for something sweet.

(Makes: 6 to 12 brownie balls, Preparation time: 15 to 20 minutes, Cooking time:


Super Banana Sundae

4 large very ripe bananas, sliced

1/2 cup dates

1/4 cup carob powder

1 cup pineapple, chopped

1/2 cup blueberries

1. Place banana slices into a sealable freezer bag (a splash lemon will prevent

browning) and let freeze all day or overnight.

2. When ready to continue, place dates in a bowl of water to soften. Place bananas

into food processor and blend. They will become the texture and consistency of ice


©UltraOmegaBurn.com 16

3. Place into a sealable container and toss in the freezer to keep cool. Remove dates

from water and place in processor with carob and enough water (coconut water

works well too) to blend.

4. Keep blending and adding liquid until the consistency is syrupy. Remove banana

"ice cream" and scoop into serving dishes. Top with pineapple and berries, and

drizzle with carob date syrup and enjoy!

(Serves: 2-4, Preparation time: 30 (excluding freezing))

Raw Cashew Banana Berry Pudding

1. Soak cashews and dates in hot water for at

least 20 minutes. You can soak them longer but

they will do fine in 20 minutes if you don't have

a lot of time.

2. Drain water. Blend all ingredients in a blender until thick and creamy.

3. Serve with fresh berries on top.

Source of recipe: I made this up.

(Makes: 2 servings, Preparation time: 20 minutes, Cooking time: 0 minutes)

1/2 to 1 cup raw unsalted cashews

8 dates, pitted

6 to 8 strawberries

1 banana

Berries, to serve

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 17

Raw Choco Chip cookies


1 cup cashew flour (grind raw cashews in coffee


1/2 cup whole oat groats (grind in coffee grinder)

2 tablespoons agave nectar

2-3 tablespoons coconut oil

Coco chunks:

1/2 cup or more of vegan cocoa/carob chips (optional)

What I do though:

1/4 cup coconut oil melted

4 tablespoons cocao powder

1-2 tablespoons of agave (depends on preference for sweetness)

Mix the chocolate chips mix together and freeze in a pan. Do it quickly to avoid the

coconut oil getting hard again. When you take it out after about 15 minutes

(depending on thickness), break into tiny chunks.

Mix all of the dough ingredients together. (Use your hands, it's easiest).

Now fold in the chocolate chip chunks.

Form into cookie shapes and place in dehydrator for 15- 20 minutes to get warm and

hold shape. OR you can put in the refrigerator and eat them cold.

Be sure to store these in the fridge though.

Source of recipe: I just came up with this, may need tweaking, but I think it is perfect!

(Makes: 4 servings, Preparation time: 20 minutes, Cooking time: 15 minutes)

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 18

Lemon and Lime Pie


1 cup sunflower seeds

1/3 cup raisins, soaked for 10 minutes or so

1 tsp of vegan liquid sweetener of choice


3 bananas, chopped

1/2 avocado

Juice of 1 1/2 lemon and 1 lime

Make the crust by processing the sunflower seeds, raisins and vegan liquid

sweetener in a food processor, add a little water if it needs help to bind together.

Line a pie dish and press the mixture into the base.

Place the juice and bananas and avocado into a blender and blend until smooth, pour

into the pie dish and put the whole thing into the freezer until it has set, taking care

not to freeze as waiting for it to defrost and eat is difficult!


Raw Pear Tart

2 ripe pears

1 cup ground pecans

2 tablespoons wheat germ

1 tablespoon ground flax

Pinch of salt

4-5 dates (or 1 tablespoon agave)

Fruit, for garnish

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 19

1. Mash up the pears (or use a food processor.

2. Next, take all of the rest of the ingredients and process until pasty.

3. Spread this paste with your fingers or spoon into a bowl, pan, or serving dishes.

4. Now, pour the pears into paste and top with fruit.

It is so good and the pears need no sweetener!

(Makes: 2-4 serving, Preparation time: 10 minutes)

Easy Almond Chocolate

1 tablespoon raw coconut oil

1 tablespoon raw almond butter

1 tablespoon raw cocoa butter

(make sure it's food grade, not for skin)

1 tablespoon raw cacao powder

2 tablespoons raw agave syrup

Pinch of Himalayan crystal salt

Small handful of chopped almonds and cacao nibs

1) Melt coconut oil and cocoa butter together. I do this by placing them in a small

metal bowl and suspending over another bowl filled with warm water. When melted,

add the almond butter and agave syrup and stir. Add the salt, cacao powder and

chopped nuts/cacao nibs.

2) Pour the mixture into a couple of small chocolate molds or simply a small plastic

container lined with non-stick paper. You can make individual blob shapes or one bar.

Pop in the freezer for 10 minutes. Then peel the chocolate from the paper and enjoy

the chocolate goodness.

Source of recipe: inspired by commercial raw chocolate

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 20

Dreamy Cashew Mango Cream

1 cup raw cashews

1 lb. frozen mango chunks


2 tablespoons agave nectar or other sweetener

1/4 cup orange juice concentrate

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Pinch of salt

1. Put cashews in Vita-Mix blender or food processor and pour in enough water to

cover the nuts.

2. Blend.

3. While blending add agave nectar, orange juice concentrate, vanilla, salt, and


4. Add frozen mango a few chunks at a time. Wait for it to be blended and then add a

few more. Continue adding mango until desired thickness is achieved. It should look

like a mousse. If the blades won't turn, add a little more water. If the cashew cream

isn't thick enough, add more cashews and continue blending.

The amounts given in the recipe are all estimates. Use more or less of whatever you

want to get the taste and consistency that makes you smile and say "yum".

This is great layered with slices of your favorite fruit and sprinkled with raw wheat

germ and coconut flakes.

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 21

Mango Cobbler -- Raw style!

2 fresh mangoes

1/2 cup dates

1/3 cup raw pecans

2 tablespoons shredded coconut (use an

unsweetened dry one)

1) Prepare the mangoes by cutting them both

into a nice, medium sized dice. Place into a

small bowl.

2) To make the topping, place the dates,

pecans, and coconut in the food processor and "pulse" until everything is finely

chopped. You want it to have some texture and not be a "mush."

3) Once topping is ready, place it on top of your mangoes. You can dig in OR, if you

want it "warm", place it in your dehydrator. Dehydrate for a couple hours and you'll

have a nice, warm cobbler treat to eat.

Raw Ice Cream Sandwiches: Two Ways

Ice Cream:

2 cups almond milk (1 cup almonds to 1 1/2 cups water)

1/2 cup hemp seeds

6 soaked medjool dates

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1 teaspoon vanilla

pinch salt

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 22

Oreo (Chocolate) Cookie:

1/2 cup almond flour

1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut, ground fine

1/4 cup raw cacao powder

1/4 cup agave/or other syrup sweetener

2 teaspoons mesquite powder

pinch salt

1 tablespoon coconut oil

Chocolate Chip Cookie:

3/4 cup almond flour

1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut, ground fine

1/4 cup agave/or other syrup sweetener

1 tablespoon mesquite powder

pinch salt

2 tablespoons cacao nibs

1. Combine almond milk, hemp seeds and dates in a

blender. Blend until uniformly smooth. Drain mixture

through a sieve to strain out any date/hemp clumps.

Return mixture to blender, and add add coconut oil,

vanilla and salt. Blend until combined. Make ice

cream according to ice cream maker instructions.

2. Assemble ingredients for chocolate/oreo cookies (except coconut oil) in a medium

bowl. Roll with a rolling pin until 1/4" thick. Cut four 4" circles out of it, put on

dehydrator tray and dehydrate at 115 degrees F for 6 hours or until firm-ish.

3. With the leftover dough, add 1 tablespoon coconut oil, knead together, and form

into flat shapes. Put shapes in freezer until firm (a few minutes). Spoon half of the ice

cream into a bowl, chop the freezer dough into pieces and crumble into ice cream.

Stir until combined.

©UltraOmegaBurn.com 23

4. Assemble ingredients for chocolate chip cookies in a medium bowl (except cacao

nibs). Roll with a rolling pin until 1/4" thick. Cut six 4" circles out of it, put on

dehydrator tray and dehydrate at 115 degrees F for 6 hours or until firm-ish.

5. You may have leftover dough, so if that is the case you could possibly get away

with making a few extra (7-8). Spoon the other half of the ice cream into a bowl; add

cacao nibs. Stir until combined. Once cookies are dehydrated, spoon appropriate ice

cream mixture onto cookie (the ice cream should be really smooth and malleable,

perfect just out of the ice cream maker) top with another cookie, smooth sides with a

knife. Freeze until firm.

(Makes: 4 sandwiches, Preparation time: 30 minutes, Cooking time: 5-6 hours)

Vanilla Coconut Ice Cream

Ice Cream

1 to 2 coconuts

2 tablespoons agave syrup or yacon, or to taste

1 vanilla bean

Chocolate Sauce

2 tablespoons cocao

2 tablespoons yacon or agave syrup, or to taste

1. Coconuts: Open 1 to 2 coconuts (depending on size) and pour coconut milk into a

blender. Remove the meat and add to blender; blend until super smooth. Strain if

needed (I do). If your milk is purplish, throw it away! It's bad! If you are desperate to

try this and do not have coconuts, get a can of organic coconut milk (not raw).

2. Transfer 2 cups of blended coconut into the bowl of a food processor. (I use a food

processor for the rest because it's easier to scrape etc.)

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3. Add agave syrup and vanilla bean (I also throw in the husk after it's been scraped);

process until smooth. Taste along the way, this will only take a minute or two to


4. Pour in large glass bowl (anything may do) and place in freezer. Stir well every 30

minutes or so. And that is it!

5. Chocolate Sauce: In a bowl, combine cocao and yacon; mix well (it takes a minute

or two to get them to blend). Drizzle away!

(Makes: about 1 pint, Preparation time: 10 to 15 minutes, Cooking time: n/a)