Page 1: Copyright 2014: Mark BishopCopyright 2014: Mark Bishop 12 Each profitable silo will continue to provide you with a passive income stream, often for months or years without

Copyright 2014: Mark Bishop


Copyright 2014: Mark Bishop

Page 2: Copyright 2014: Mark BishopCopyright 2014: Mark Bishop 12 Each profitable silo will continue to provide you with a passive income stream, often for months or years without

Copyright 2014: Mark Bishop


Table of Contents Disclaimer .............................................................................................................................................. 3

Welcome to instant Profit Silos .......................................................................................................... 3

What is an Instant Profit Silo? ............................................................................................................ 4

What you will need ............................................................................................................................... 5

How it works: ......................................................................................................................................... 5

1. Find a niche ............................................................................................................................... 5

2. Choose a product: .................................................................................................................... 5

3. Keywords: .................................................................................................................................. 6

4. WordPress: ................................................................................................................................ 6

5. Construct your landing page ................................................................................................... 7

6. Silo: ............................................................................................................................................. 8

Example: ........................................................................................................................................ 8

7. Ads:............................................................................................................................................. 9

Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 11

Will you always make money in 12-24 hours? .............................................................................. 11

How much money can I expect to make? ...................................................................................... 11

Inspiration: ........................................................................................................................................... 13

Resources ........................................................................................................................................... 14

Page 3: Copyright 2014: Mark BishopCopyright 2014: Mark Bishop 12 Each profitable silo will continue to provide you with a passive income stream, often for months or years without

Copyright 2014: Mark Bishop


Disclaimer The following lesson is based on my personal experiences and the methods I personally use which may or may not be the

best or most effective practise.

Please read:

The method outlined in this publication is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice.

All readers are advised to seek the services of competent professionals in the legal, business, accounting, and finance


Absolutely no guarantees of income are made. Any references to income are done solely for the purpose of illustration and

should not be understood as typical results. Reader assumes full responsibility for use of information contained herein. The

author and publisher assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of the reader of this literature.

If you do not accept these terms, please close this publication and discontinue using it immediately.

Welcome to Instant Profit Silos

My name is Mark Bishop and for those of you who don’t know

me I make most of my living from niche marketing (often in

weird or embarrassing niches).

Fortunately, and after a great many failures I mastered niche

marketing… getting it down to simple to replicate formulas

(Instant Profit Silos being one of them).

Before I explain what Instant Profit Silos is and how it works I’d

like to assure you that niche marketing is a very real, viable and

profitable business model which can provide constant passive

income for years to come.

Page 4: Copyright 2014: Mark BishopCopyright 2014: Mark Bishop 12 Each profitable silo will continue to provide you with a passive income stream, often for months or years without

Copyright 2014: Mark Bishop


Here’s an example: A little while ago I built a website in an

embarrassing niche selling a digital product (PDF) for $37.

Within weeks I was making $100s a day, in the first 4-5 months

my daily sales were $500-$800. At the end of the first 6 month

period that one site had made me over $124,000.

Really… 1 website + 6 months = $124,000

Sure that sounds like hype, but I assure you it’s true, I have all

the documented proof to back those claims too.

Why am I telling you this?

Simple… many people will tell you that niche marketing doesn’t

work or it’s not profitable enough. But they are wrong, very

wrong; niche marketing is very profitable indeed when it’s done


Now let me state: Instant Profit Silos won’t make you six figures

in six months (well not unless you do a lot of scaling), but it will

make you money really fast (often within hours).

What is an Instant Profit Silo?

An Instant Profit Silo is a combination of highly targeted paid

traffic and a product specific content silo.

If that sounds complicated I apologise… it wasn’t meant to &

it’s actually really easy.

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Copyright 2014: Mark Bishop


Instant Profit Silos is actually best explained via video, this PDF

is meant as a summary. So please make sure you watch all of

the videos from start to finish before building your first income


What you will need

1. 1 domain as generic as possible

2. Hosting for your domain

3. A Wordpress theme: in the case study I use OP2 but there

are many free themes which you can use instead.

4. Initial investment (for ads to run)… $25 will do

How it works:

1. Find a niche. Look for a niche audience who are hungry

to purchase products online. An audience who are more

likely to purchase over the internet, for example a solution

to an embarrassing problem (see embarrassing /

desperate niche PDF).

2. Choose a product: which solves the problem or

provides a solution and become an affiliate. You can use

Instant Profit Silos to make money promoting digital and

tangible products, but the product must be good and

ideally have an affiliate commission of $25 per sale or


Page 6: Copyright 2014: Mark BishopCopyright 2014: Mark Bishop 12 Each profitable silo will continue to provide you with a passive income stream, often for months or years without

Copyright 2014: Mark Bishop


A great place to start is ClickBank (for digital products). In

the case-study I chose to target the urticaria / hives niche

(skin condition) & picked a product called ‘Get Rid of


3. Keywords: Find a buying related keyword with a high

monthly search total (competition is not important). A

buying keyword or trigger keyword should be a phrase

which someone looking for a solution to a specific problem

is likely to type into a search engine.

In the case study I chose the buying phrase ‘How to get

rid of hives’.

Use the Google Keyword Planner to find buying keywords

with high monthly search totals. Once you have one

buying phrase come up with 3 or more product related

phrases (these are used for your silo).

For example:

Product XYZ Reviews

Product XYZ Warning / Scam etc

Product XYZ Cost

How Product XYZ Works



4. WordPress: Install WordPress onto your domain. Add a

theme which allows versatility; preferably one which allows

Page 7: Copyright 2014: Mark BishopCopyright 2014: Mark Bishop 12 Each profitable silo will continue to provide you with a passive income stream, often for months or years without

Copyright 2014: Mark Bishop


you to NOT have a menu and can be set to full page with

no sidebar. I used Optimize press 2, if you have it, it’s

perfect for Instant profit Silos, if you don’t and you don’t

want to purchase a copy then use a free theme. There are

thousands of free themes to choose from. Add Plugins

(see video).

5. Construct your landing page. This is the page that

everyone who clicks your ad will land on. Use existing

content from the product website where possible – re-

word where applicable (but don’t worry about duplicate

content). Same with the graphics (use product graphics).

Case study landing page:


Your landing page should be optimized for your main

buying key-phrase as well as including the name of the


The landing page (as well as all silo pages) should include

numerous buttons / opportunities to visit the vendor

website. All links to the product / vendor website should

contain your affiliate link.

In the case study I have cloaked my affiliate link using a

PHP script, you could use a WordPress plugin such as

Prettylink to achieve the same (you don’t have to cloak if

you don’t want to).

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Copyright 2014: Mark Bishop


6. Silo: Build the product specific content silo to support the

landing page. These are simply additional pages, one for

each of the product related keywords you choose,


Product XYZ Reviews

Product XYZ Warning / Scam etc

Product XYZ Cost

How Product XYZ Works

Each page (everything is page based / we don’t use

posts) must also be optimized for the product and main

buying keyword where possible.

2-3 silo pages are usually enough. Each page must also

contain links to all other pages in the silo at the bottom

(preferably), see case study:


This is achieved by hyperlinking text; highlight the text –

then click the link icon and choose from the specific silo


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Copyright 2014: Mark Bishop


All silo pages should have the main landing page as the

parent page… see picture:

Note: The main landing page has NO Parent page.

Each silo page should also contain buttons / links

containing your affiliate link.

Use content and graphics sourced from the product /

vendor website where possible (as in step 5).

7. Ads: Set up Bing to run ads which will land on your

landing page. In the case study I target all search types,

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Copyright 2014: Mark Bishop


I.E. Broad, Phrase and Exact. If you are working to a

budget begin by targeting only Exact.

Bid for first page inclusion or best position bid on the

phrases you chose providing it is not too expensive and


If it is expensive work out your maximum bid as follows.

Find commission total first, and then divide that figure by


E.G. $25 ÷ 50 = 0.50

Your maximum bid would therefore be $0.50

This is based on the assumption that it may take up to fifty

clicks to make a conversion (often far less in these


Aim to achieve a CTR of above 1.2% and a quality score

of 5/10 or more.

When targeting all search types weed out

underperforming search types or make additions to pages

to achieve a better performance. If using just Exact simply

edit to raise performance.

To target other related phrases in the niche build out the

silo to include and optimize for the phrase

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Copyright 2014: Mark Bishop



If this little formula seems too easy, it’s because it is. The

fact that it’s really easy doesn’t mean it won’t work, it does!

Spend a little time, pick the right niches, find a great keyword

(easy because competition isn’t a huge factor) and your

income stream is pretty much done.

The content and graphics are right there for you to use (No

duplicate content penalty as we are not trying to rank).

Will you always make money in 12-24 hours?

That really depends on the niche, how you set things up and

your keyword performance. Occasionally it may take a few

days to get everything working properly and then it will work

straight away other times.

Providing you choose a niche where people are eagerly

seeking a solution Instant Profit Silos should work, the more

embarrassing and desperate the niche, the more inclined

they will be to purchase.

There is virtually no learning curve to navigate through with

Instant Profit Silos. After the first is up and running and

making money simply move onto the next.

How much money can I expect to make?

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Copyright 2014: Mark Bishop


Each profitable silo will continue to provide you with a

passive income stream, often for months or years without

additional work leaving you time to build more and more or

concentrate on whatever else you do.

It’s not about making it big straight off the bat. Many people

make the mistake of thinking they want a Million… and then

start looking for the one ‘Holy Grail’ business idea which will

bring them that kind of money.

But the truth is; ideas like that are few and far between and

when they do exist they usually require a huge investment.

Instant Profit Silos is about making money quickly… little

income streams which are easy to set up, take no time to run

and make you $10, $15, $30, $50 a day each, every day.

$15 a day might not seem like the internet lifestyle everyone

else promised, but that’s still an extra $450 per month. If you

had 10 Instant Profit Silos (*you could easily achieve 10 in a

week) then at just $15 a day; you now have an additional

income of $4500 per month.

I’m sure you get the idea: little steps add up and before you

know it you will begin to hit all of your income goals.

Thank you once again for purchasing Instant Profit Silos; I

look forward to hearing your success stories soon. Now go

build your first IPS.

Page 13: Copyright 2014: Mark BishopCopyright 2014: Mark Bishop 12 Each profitable silo will continue to provide you with a passive income stream, often for months or years without

Copyright 2014: Mark Bishop



The following video contains extracts from a video I made for

the upgrade and shows a return on investment of over

3000% in four days.

$1.51 spent on traffic resulted in 2 sales and around $50

profit. Here’s the video:

P.S If you like the idea of dominating weird little niches on a

massive scale as I do, I recommend you take a look at my

highly acclaimed Niche Marketing training platform called

Niche Synergy (referred to on several occasions as the best

niche marketing training ever produced).

Niche Synergy will be changing this year to a monthly

program but as I write you can still get access to the entire

training platform for a small one off payment – Click Here for

details and real reviews.

*Links to the old thread which hasn’t been updated for a while as I am moving to self-hosted this

year. But you can still buy it there and it’s still bang up to date and highly profitable.

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Copyright 2014: Mark Bishop



OptimizePress 2 (as used in the case study)

Pretty link (link cloaking)
