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  • 8/8/2019 Conversation Dynamics


  • 8/8/2019 Conversation Dynamics


    In regards to conversation with women, we use a poker-face to cloak

    may be feeling - not with a blank face, but with an entirely different

    you feel shy? Focus on your eyes and cloak it with confidence. Are you

    another emotion easily cloaked with an appearance of confidence. In t

    nervousness, confidence is your poker-face.

    And it's all in the eyes.

    But simply appearing confident with your eyes isn't enough to create

    eyes you want to tantalize, tease, be playful, flirt, entice, charm. Now

    the mirror and think along these lines. It's probably not going to be e

    emotional mind sets that most guys aren't familiar with . Have you kn

    great at flirting with women? Think about how their eyes reflected p

    This is the effect that you want to capture. All you have to do is prac

    eventually come naturally.

  • 8/8/2019 Conversation Dynamics


    - The Seven Elements of Charisma

    When you flirt with women you've just met, not only do you demonstr

    playfulness (a very effective combination), but you also give off the im

    ACCUSTOMED to flirting with women, which makes you a challenge in

    ease around a woman, her imagination tells her that: a) You're at easewhich makes you a product probably in "demand". b) You're able to ta

    probably because you're used to being pursued by women. This all add

    intriguing person and someone worth getting to know more about.


    Once you've broken the ice with an effective opening, you can pretty

    want, as long as you remember some simple guidelines:

    1) Listen attentively to what she has to say - not only are you giving h

  • 8/8/2019 Conversation Dynamics


    Generally when you tell a woman that the two of you have something i

    out of ten it has the same effect as a pick up line - she thinks that yo

    and it blows up in your face. Don't tell her you have something in comm

    acting like you can relate to what she's saying. She'll realize on her o

    have something in common and the effect is a hundred times greater.

    What are small talk killers? Pay attention - what follows are common

    make when having a conversation with a women for the first time:

    1) Don't express interest in her sexually (in any way), be it with your


    2) Don't give her the third degree: In other words, avoid firing off q


  • 8/8/2019 Conversation Dynamics


    Keypoints to remember when making an approach/getting to know a w

    1. Most women won't speak until spoken to. Make it a goal to get her t

    may take a few casual conversations over a period of time, but keep a

    2. Most women expect guys to be socially adept, which fuels tip # 1. Wit, don't be afraid to approach her - she doesn't expect anything less

    expectation to your advantage.

    3. Being assertive (aggressive) in your initial approach/approaches is a

    opposite end, so is being overly nice. Your approach needs to fall some

    comfortable middle - casual and lighthearted (playful), and ALWAYS aware of these two extremes - aggressive/too nice - and simply avoid

    4. Most women, upon realizing that they are attracted to you, play ha

    degrees. For the few that play it to a high degree, you are going to ha

  • 8/8/2019 Conversation Dynamics


    9. Fools rush in, but the pros take it slow. Like a romance novelist, ta

    suspense. The rewards will be much greater in the end.

    10. Show interest in a woman by asking her light-hearted, yet meanin

    listening when she speaks. Then stand back and look for her to show

    give you a cue if they are interested. It is a smile in the eye or a sligshe passes you in the hall. She also may toy with her hair when she is

    is a nervous reaction that many women have when there is an attract

    Insider Forum

    There are no 'rules' to conversation with women. There are simply 'p

    points as we've outlined them above and you'll eventually go far. As a

    book, you're not going to be a star the first time you give a performa

    what the performance is about. You how to read the music, how to pla

    practice you will have it refined. Many would say, how is this possible

    conversation is hard? The fact is, and a point made many times throu

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    Never forget that women are attracted to confidence in men. If a wo

    you're lacking in self-confidence then she'll lose respect for you. And

    respect you, she CAN'T love you. And every time you act like a jealou

    of that respect.

    Now don't try to tell me that you're the "jealous type" not because obut because you really love and care about her. Or because you can't

    buying it... and she won't either.

    Jealousy is about YOU and your feelings of insecurity; your lack of co

    of inferiority. And it's your problem. It has nothing to do with her. (A

    trust her, then why are you wasting your time. Find someone that you

    So what do you do if you ARE the jealous type?

    Well, since you know that acting in a jealous fashion will push her awa

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    What do you talk about? Should you tell her about your childhood, you

    for the future, the wart on your big toe? What if you can't think of a

    if you say the wrong thing? And, by the way, what would be the "right

    have a clue?

    Most guys don't. When your average gent converses with a woman, he

    flailing blindly at the wind, hoping by chance that something he says w

    woman and make her fall for him.

    Needless to say, this is not the "Don Juan" way of doing things.

    You need to have a plan. You need to know DEFINITELY what works a

    to talk about and what not to talk about. You don't want to leave her

    to fate. You want to be charming and in control.

    ' '

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    This does take a little effort. It's not very hard to do, but it's not so

    "naturally" do. You simply have to concentrate.

    Now when listening you want to pay particular attention to any "seeds

    she happens to throw your way. Seeds refer to subtle hints that wom

    conversational topics that they would like to or be willing to discuss.

    An example:

    Bob: "You come here often?"

    Kim: "Actually this is my first time here. Just moved here from Florid

    Bob: "Oh. I come here every week. I love this band. It's pretty crowd

    Bob is clueless.

    l f h h 'd l k d

  • 8/8/2019 Conversation Dynamics


    So be sure to listen for the topics she'd like to discuss.

    Now in order to converse for maximum attraction,you need to keep t

    mind. You need to tell her about yourself. And you need to maintain a


    You may have heard or read somewhere that people like to talk about

    you should spend most of your time listening and asking questions if y

    you. This is true... to a certain extent.

    People DO like to talk about themselves and they DO like those who l

    and seem interested in what they're saying.


    If you're goal is to charm this lady, you've got to do more than that.

    something about yourself. Specifically, you've got to "tell her" that Y

    O h h h d i i 'd h i h h

  • 8/8/2019 Conversation Dynamics


    On the other hand, imagine you'd spent the entire two hours togethe

    listening, and asking her questions. You probably did much better. She

    did seem to enjoy the conversation. But still...

    After the date she's going to go home and think about the date. And

    about you. She's going to think about whether she should spend more

    The fact that you haven't said much of anything all evening is going to


    You haven't told her anything about yourself. She still has no idea if s

    interested in you or not. She knows you don't monopolize the converslistener. And she likes that. But that's not enough to spark any kind o

    Now imagine you'd spent 60 to 70 percent of the date listening to he

    asking questions), and about 30 to 40 percent of the time telling her

    S i l I l i

  • 8/8/2019 Conversation Dynamics


    Special Inclusive:

    Rico Suave - Part II

    * Making Her Salivate For You

    * Your Magic Wand


    Ivan Pavlov was a physiologist who stumbled upon one of the most imp

    of psychology.

    Pavlov discovered that he could teach dogs to salivate at the sound ofrepeatedly paired the tone with the presentation of food. The dogs le

    was a good predictor for food (which they liked and which naturally e

    response). Thus, by repeatedly pairing the tone and the food, the dog

    the sound of the tone... regardless of whether or not food was presen

  • 8/8/2019 Conversation Dynamics


    Perhaps she used to love hiking so now you do. Or she was crazy about

    several. Or maybe it was a particular movie that the two of you saw to

    makes you feel queasy. Or a particular song (your song) that brings ba

    memories and intense emotions. Whatever. Your feelings for her were

    various other objects, situations, or people as a result of being paired

    It's really fascinating to observe this pairing of situations and emotio

    attention to the "classical conditioning" happening around you as you g

    routine. It occurs ALL THE TIME. And it's really quite interesting.

    Now that we grasp the basics of classical conditioning, the question buse classical conditioning to help us in our relationships with women?"

    We could probably write an entire book on classical conditioning and h

    love lives, our relationships, and our emotions. But I'm just going to p

  • 8/8/2019 Conversation Dynamics


    By avoiding her when she's feeling bad, you're not pairing yourself w

    emotional states... and conditioning yourself to be a "negative emotio

    Now if she's in a good or great mood, then you should maximize your

    should be obvious. And my guess is that you probably WANT to be arfeeling good anyway. So do it.

    And even if you can't spend that much time with her when she's feel

    like to at least get her thinking about you. Call her on the phone. Sen

    Accidentally bump into her in the break room. Tell her a joke - jokes

    mind. Whatever. Use your imagination.

    (As far as neutral moods go, you goal is to change those into happy, e

    associate yourself with these moods... but that's a subject to be cov

    On the other hand if she's been emotionally DEVASTATED that's a

  • 8/8/2019 Conversation Dynamics


    On the other hand, if she s been emotionally DEVASTATED that s a

    Maybe her best friend died. Maybe her new car got totaled. Maybe h

    Whatever - it varies from girl to girl. If she's your girlfriend (or sign

    going to EXPECT you to be there for her emotionally. She's going to w

    draw strength from you. She's going to want to emotionally vent to yothere for her, she's going to "hate" you for it.

    However, if she's been devastated and she's NOT your girlfriend (jus

    like to be), then it's probably best to stay away until she's feeling be

    As mentioned, classical conditioning is happening constantly and I canof the related scenarios, but I'll briefly mention one other instance...

    "bad" news.

    Yes, delivering bad news does rub off on to the person unfortunate e

    f h f l i l di i i Sh ' f li

  • 8/8/2019 Conversation Dynamics


    Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that

    completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guar

    with love, romance, and excitement. No, I'm not talking about some k

    aphrodisiac. I'm not talking about a pheromone cologne, or some kind


    No, this is much easier and simpler. It doesn't cost you anything and

    man can master.

    It's known as a SMILE.

    Now I'm not talking about just any smile. I'm not talking about that p

    yours that makes you look more scary than friendly. But a big, face-c

    about-life-and-I-like-you-too kind of grin that will instantly light up a

    woman) that you "point it" at.

    But that's how most of us guys were raised right? We were taught t

  • 8/8/2019 Conversation Dynamics


    But that s how most of us guys were raised, right? We were taught t

    unemotional. We grew up trying to be cool, trying to be what we thoug

    We wanted to be Clint Eastwood or John Wayne. We wanted to be to

    the women.

    Just doesn't work that way in real life.

    Want to see something really enlightening (and sad)? Go out to one of

    or nightclubs in your area. Try and peel your eyes off all the beautifu

    the guys for a minute. Notice how most of them are trying to attract

    tough, hard, unemotional. They think they can attract women by actin

    care. Notice all these cool guys leaning against the walls by themselvecool, male buddies).

    And they go there to meet women! Ridiculous!

    N k l k d h l b h h d d b

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    Think about the simple act of snapping your fingers. Can you snap you

    can't. The first time you try you'll most likely get a pathetic little "s

    About the same. But if you practice some, you'll eventually be able to

    shattering "KAA-SSNAPP" that will demand the attention of everyon

    good at snapping your fingers that you'll almost hurt yourself doing it

    That's what you want your smile to be like. You want your smile to de

    everyone around. You want your smile to be POWERFUL.

    So how do you practice? Very simple. Just go intoyour bathroom or b

    there's a mirror and you can be alone. Look into the mirror and smile.more. Smile until your entire face aches. Smile until every muscle in y

    that you can't possibly smile anymore. Then keep smiling.

    Yes, you're going to feel stupid, silly, and ridiculous. Great! The sillier

    'll f l lik ili A d h f ili i lf ill ll k

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    (We're talking about slow relative to a fake smile. We're not talking

    you're looking in a mirror, you'll be able to tell when you get it right.)

    And the payoff for your practice and "hard work" will be enormous.

    Think about top professional models or top professional actors. They

    "fake" smiles. Their smiles look real. And they can unleash them anyt

    magazine cover, a TV interview, the public, their fans. The world is lit

    And when you learn to smile, the world will literally be at your mercy

    You've stopped in at a local restaurant to grab something to eat with

    An unbelievably cute waitress skips up to take your order. KAA-SNN

    smile. Watch her face light up. Watch the special treatment you rece

    turn green with envy. (Don't you think you should forward him a copy

    A week goes by and you're having friendly conversations on the phone

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    A week goes by, and you re having friendly conversations on the phone

    being coiled.

    You go on your first date and all goes well: More strings have been co

    She introduces you to her parents: More strings.

    By now you should see the pattern going on - the longer the dating/re

    continues, the more strings that are being added to this emerging "ro

    to end before they start , which should be shining bright and clear fo

    They end before they start because there are no "strings" creating t

    element known as "attachement".

    What's interesting is that if you keep this on your mind WHENEVER

    then make it a point to act and behave in relation, making it a goal to

    establishing "strings" with all of them. This comes with it's pros and c

    h i h fi d lf ll d i i f i

    * Acting upbeat and lighthearted with other people around her (This

  • 8/8/2019 Conversation Dynamics


    Acting upbeat and lighthearted with other people around her. (This

    how to attract a woman without doing or saying anything to her. In fa

    is to exert the qualities above with individuals around the woman in y

    not paying much attention to the woman. By not paying much attentio

    presence for granted, becoming an instant "challenge". And the more

    the more powerful is this effect. So, be confident and have fun with woman you're attracted to, at the same time not seeming to pay muc

    woman. Be patient, knowing that all the while you're establishing subc

    attachement with her... and days, weeks, or even months down the ro

    position yourself in a way to start "getting to know" her better, she'


    With the woman in the paragraph above, you've been weaving strings

    and right for days, weeks, maybe even months, and this is why she's

    out with you. Simply put: She thinks she's in love.
