Page 1: Contractor Safety Management Gaurang Baxi Vice President-Corporate OH&S Ambuja Cements Limited

Contractor Safety Management

Gaurang Baxi

Vice President-Corporate OH&S

Ambuja Cements Limited

Page 2: Contractor Safety Management Gaurang Baxi Vice President-Corporate OH&S Ambuja Cements Limited



The Changing Environment

The global outsourcing trend-Risk Transfer ?? Relative safety standards

Skill levels Education Lack of supervision Capability and Capacity-Quality and Availability of equipments Behavior and culture

Overseas Contractors Corporate social responsibility

Page 3: Contractor Safety Management Gaurang Baxi Vice President-Corporate OH&S Ambuja Cements Limited




Contractor safety management has two parts

- Management of Contractors- Contract Management

Management of Contractors requires- Prequalification Process- Training and communication processes for and with Contractors- Audit and improvement process for contractors

Contract Management Requires :- Define scope of works, identify hazards and award contracts- Appoint personnel to manage the contract from an OHS Perspective

before works start- Manage OHS during works execution- Evaluate risks and accept completed works- Evaluate contractors OHS performance

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Management of Contractors

Company must establish: A Framework for the prequalification and approval of Contractors

based on the type of work to be outsourced. Provisions for consultation with, instructing and training Contractors

in both general and specific OH&S requirements of the Group company. Regular audits and review programs of each Contractor’s OH&S

performance to ensure ongoing compliance and improvements in OHS.




Management of ContractorsOverarching Contractor Controls


Approved ContractorAuditing & Improvement Training & Communication

Key Issues

Define Scope of Works

Determine Level of Potential Risk

Identify contractors capability based on type of work approval

Contract Definition including General and Specific OHS Requirements

Award Contract

Key Issues

Inspection and acceptance of work

Receive all relevant documents or information

Confirm no new hazards are created

Key Issues

Evaluate Contractors OHS Performance determine if they would be used again retain as an “Approved Contractor”

Contract Management

Phase1 Contract Definition

& Award

Phase2 Pre Commencement

Phase 3 Contract Execution &


Phase 4 Hand Over & Acceptance

Phase 5 Close Out &


Key Issues

Confirm Holcim Contractor Custodian

Designate Holcim Contractor Supervisor (if required)

Pre Commencement Meeting define requirements and expectations

Pre commencement Risk Controls, inspection and verification skills and equipment.

Key Issues

Management of contracted work:

Regular Meetings

Instruction training

Task Analysis

Monitoring & Inspection


Periodic performance reviews

Key Issues

Define Scope of Works

Determine Level of Potential Risk

Identify contractors capability based on type of work approval

Contract Definition including General and Specific OHS Requirements

Award Contract

Key Issues

Inspection and acceptance of work

Receive all relevant documents or information

Confirm no new hazards are created

Key Issues

Evaluate Contractors OHS Performance determine if they would be used again retain as an “Approved Contractor”

Contract Management

Phase1 Contract Definition

& Award

Phase2 Pre Commencement

Phase 3 Contract Execution &


Phase 4 Hand Over & Acceptance

Phase 4 Hand Over & Acceptance

Phase 5 Close Out &


Phase 5 Close Out &


Key Issues

Confirm Holcim Contractor Custodian

Designate Holcim Contractor Supervisor (if required)

Pre Commencement Meeting define requirements and expectations

Pre commencement Risk Controls, inspection and verification skills and equipment.

Key Issues

Management of contracted work:

Regular Meetings

Instruction training

Task Analysis

Monitoring & Inspection


Periodic performance reviews

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As a minimum the prequalification process will identify, assess and record the following: Type of work the Contractor is approved to provide (electrical

maintenance, fabrication, catering etc).

Company assigned category for contracted service i.e. 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Confirmation that the contactor holds appropriate licenses, registrations and insurances.

Verification that the Contractor has the technical competency and capability to perform the service safely.

The prequalification for each Contractor will be valid for a set period:



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Category of Contractor

Contracted Service Examples Potential Risk Exposure

Category of Contractor

Office cleaners

Administration staff

Technical Consultants

Low Moderate

Category 1 - Individuals engaged on temporary contracts to work within existing operations. These individuals are directly supervised at all times by Holcim. The work being performed is not hazardous or performed within a Hazardous Location.

Office equipment repairs

Catering services

Gardening services

LowModerateCategory 2 - Companies or Individuals engaged to work within existing operations, where the work is neither hazardous nor in a hazardous area.

Construction Projects

Quarry & Haulage

Mechanical/ electrical maintainers

AFR Handling /processing

ModerateHighCategory 3 - Companies or individuals engaged to undertake work within existing operations, where the work is hazardous or conducted in a hazardous area.

Road Transport Services

Product Distribution

Transport by rail or vessel

Moderate HighCategory 4 - Companies or individuals engaged to undertake work in areas separate from the existing operation or outside the geographic boundaries of the Group company’s leases or permit areas.

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Training & Communication

Establish appropriate methods for providing information and instruction: Establishment and maintenance of a safety meeting forum for all

Contractors involved in active contracts, as a minimum these meetings must be performed quarterly.

Provisions for specific instruction on the practices and procedures relevant to the type of work being performed.

Provide each Contractor employee an OH&S induction.




REMEMBER: You may have to build the OHS capacity of your selected contractor

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Auditing & Improvement

Establish a formal auditing program to ensure each Pre-qualified Contractor company complies with the OH&S obligations detailed in the contract and the level of risk associated with the work. Initial OH&S audits performed on Contractors within 3 months of award

of the contract. Approved Contractors in Category 2 must be audited every 2 years. Approved Contractors in Categories 3&4 must be audited at least

annually. Where the audit finds deficiencies in the management of OH&S by the

Contractor, an OHS improvement plan must be developed and implemented by the Contractor.




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Contractor Safety Management

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Phase 1: Contract Definition & Award

A formal process must be established for each service being outsourced which requires, prior to tendering, that a formal analysis be conducted and documented on the type of work to be performed and the potential risks associated with that work.

Expected duration of the contract.

Risk assessment to be conducted on all activities associated with the scope of works.

The range of technical skills and equipment required.

Category of Contractor required i.e. 1, 2, 3 or 4.

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As a minimum, the contract tender package must address the following OH&S requirements:

Only company approved Contractors can tender for a contract.

Detailed description of the scope of works and the site conditions in which the work will be performed.

Applicable OH&S laws and company OH&S requirements

A copy of the risk assessment and the specific OH&S requirements which will need to be applied to manage each identified risk.

The range of skills, licences, certification, expertise which will be required.

Specific requirements for the provision of equipment and materials with respect to OH&S

Phase 1 OHS Requirements 1/2

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Prior to the commencement of any contract the company will ensure that appropriate arrangements are established to ensure the Contractor is fully prepared in complying with the OH&S requirements stipulated in the contract.

Contract Custodian – Designate personnel from company responsible for overseeing the application and compliance to OHS requirements.

Pre commencement – verify risk controls, this will require all tools and equipment to be checked prior to being mobilized and appropriate skills and experience of personnel required to perform the task.

Phase 2: Pre Commencement

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Phase 3: Execution and Control

Ensuring appropriate supervision is available for the types of tasks being performed

Establishing the means for informing Contractor employees of the hazards, their risks and methods of control

Conducting regular safety observations and inspections Provision of additional resources or specialist equipment for conducting

hazardous tasks; this includes the application of the requirements set out in the permit to work system.

The reporting of hazards and incidents as and when they arise during the work.

Regular communication and reporting on OH&S performance.

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Phase 4: Handover Checking and Acceptance

Handover Checking and Acceptance

Inspections of the work area to ensure all redundant material and equipment have been removed and the area is safe for use.

All relevant documentation, records and information relating to OH&S have been received by the company.

The Contract Custodian and the Contractor must sign a record of acceptance that they are satisfied the area is safe, including equipment and materials, and that they approve the closure of the contract to commence.

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Phase 5: Close Out & Review

Formal review must be undertaken at the completion of each contract, to evaluate the overall OH&S performance of the Contractor.

OH&S incidents -Injury / illness experience.

Audit observations and corrective actions.

Quality and experience of the Contractor’s supervision.

Compliance of the Contractor’s equipment, tools and materials with the Group companies OH&S requirements.

Situations which required the work to be stopped based on OH&S concerns.

Based on the review of the above, the evaluation needs to record if the Contractor is to be retained.

Specific comments related to the overall performance of the Contractor’s OH&S performance.

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Risk Focused


Training & Communication

Contract Definition and Award Phase

Auditing & Improvement

Contract Execution and Control Phase

Pre-commencement Phase

Handover and Acceptance Phase

Stipulates requirements validation and integration of contractor into operation

Stipulates requirements for monitoring OHS compliance of contractor against set standards

Sets requirements for analysis of contractors capacity and capability to do work to set standard

Validates that acceptance standards have been met

Stipules requirements for monitoring performance of contractor against set standards

Set standards which contractor must meet before being considered

Defines requirements for training, competency and authorization to undertake work