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Published by the Baptist Union of Scotland, 48 Speirs Wharf, Glasgow, G4 9TH, [email protected]. Charity Registration No:SC004960

July/August 2012

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and at!

I really like seeing videos of flash mobs, though

have yet to see one in the flesh. A flash mob is

when a group of people suddenly turns up

somewhere, does some sort of activity, like a song

or dance, and then disappears into the crowd.

A favourite one of mine is where a group in a

shopping centre food court start singing Handel’s

Messiah and as the song grows so do the numbers

taking part – onlookers are left in wonder and

surprise. Then, when it’s all over, they just

disperse or go back to eating lunch.

Why am I telling you all this? Reflecting back

on Sports Day, it feels a bit like an extended flash

mob moment. Turning up at 8am to begin the set

up it feels like it’s going to be a long day ... but it

feels like I blink and then a mere 10 and a bit hours

have passed and, as the final things are packed into

cars, it’s like we’ve never been there at all. In

what feels like a time-extended flash mob scene,

hundreds of Baptists descend on Stirling

University, have a great day playing sports, and

then disappear back to their own parts of Scotland

without a trace left behind.

This was my first time organising Sports Day

from start to finish, so I’ve only begun to fully

appreciate all the work that goes into it this year.

Overall, Sports Day was another huge success

with 28 different churches taking part in total.

There were around 700 people, with more than 50

volunteers making sure the day and the events ran

smoothly. We changed the format of registration

from paper based to an on-line registration form

which seemed to work well, though we are already

thinking of ways to improve it for next year.

Extended Flash Mob At Stirling University!

Evaluation forms will be sent to churches soon,

and we appreciate any feedback you have for us as

we begin planning for Sports Day 2013.

It’s a huge event, with the fact so many people

come year on year a testament to the idea that

being intentionally relational matters to us. Thank

you to all who came along, whether to compete or

to cheer people on. A massive thank you to all the

volunteers for giving up their time to serve, and to

the Sports Day task group for organising and

running the various events so well.

We also want to say ‘thank you’ to Christians

in Sport with whom we are continuing to develop

links. There were lots of Christians in Sport

volunteers involved in the various events, with Ian

Lancaster as the speaker during the awards

ceremony. As a sports person, having referreed

football games during the day, his message

stressed that it wasn’t sporting ability that was

paramount in his life but Jesus. He spoke

eloquently and engagingly about where we have

our treasure and that our treasure should be Jesus -

because nothing else compares.

Jonny and Rachel, both from Stirling Baptist,

are two of the three young Scottish Baptists

joining BMS Action Teams after summer. It was

encouraging and challenging to hear them speak at

Sports Day about where they are going, what

they will be doing, and what we, as churches and

young people, can pray for them. I’d encourage

you to check out the following article and, along

with their churches and those who were at Sports

Day, be praying for these young people this year.

Kirkintilloch Baptist Church was the overall

winner at Sports Day 2012, with Bearsden

Baptist Church as runner up. Instead of receiving

certificates at the awards ceremony, we invited

winners to stand to be cheered and applauded, but

sent the certificates out the following week. It has

been really encouraging and exciting to hear the

different ways in which young people’s

achievements at Sports Day are being celebrated

in our churches.

So now Sports Day 2012 is over and planning

for Sports Day 2013 begins. Watch this space

(and our Facebook page) for more info in the

coming months.and I look forward to seeing some

of you there! Mo Gibbs

Connect July/August 2012

Published by the Baptist Union of Scotland, 48 Speirs Wharf, Glasgow, G4 9TH, [email protected]. Charity Registration No:SC004960

Rachel Sword and Jonny Fenn Tye, of

Stirling Baptist, and Sarah Paterson of

Wick Baptist are thrilled to be taking a

gap year with BMS World Mission. Here

they share their excitement at taking a

year out for God...

In September, we will train at IMC in

Birmingham for a month, which will involve

language and culture teaching, worship, team

building and church placements, to prepare us

for our time away from home. At the start of

October, we will fly overseas to live and work

within our teams for six months. During this

time, we will be under the supervision of BMS

partners, and will be involved in various

projects specific to our location, as well as

experiencing the local culture.

On return to the UK, we will tour churches,

schools and youth groups, sharing our

experiences and encouraging them to become

involved in mission work.

Rachel, Jonny& Sarah’s GreatAdventure on ...

Rachel’s Gap Year

I am unbelievably excited that I am going to

Delhi for six months with a team of three other

amazing girls! While we are there, we will live

in an apartment and be supervised by an

Indian couple who pastor Grace Bible Church,

and are involved in a project called Anusaran,,,,,

which means to follow the example of Christ.

We will be helping in a non-formal school,

where we will teach and play with children who

wish to gain more education than they have

already. We will also have opportunities to help

in women’s empowerment projects, leading

worship and working with the youth in the

church. I feel as though this is something

which I have been called to do, and believe I

will learn a lot from serving God overseas and

about a fascinating culture. I feel very blessed

to be embarking on such a great adventure

and am excited about what the next year has in

store for me!

Jonny’s Gap Year

I applied to BMS late and, to begin with, there

was only a small possibility of a place for me

in a mission team. After much prayer, an

opportunity arose. I was interviewed and

invited to join the India Kolkata team which

consists of me, another guy, and three girls.

When I was finally offered a place I knew that

it was in God’s plan for me. I believe I have

been called to serve in this way and know I

could never have got this far without God’s

help. I am greatly excited about all the things

the team will get involved in while in India. We

will live in the BMS guesthouse in central

Kolkata and will be working predominantly

with the Good News Children’s Education

Mission (GNCEM) which runs several mobile

schools for street and slum dwelling children

in and around Kolkata. We will teach English,

lead assemblies, and play games with the kids

in schools as well as working at Entally Girl’s

Hostel and Freeset a project which takes girls

out of the sex trade, giving them jobs making

bags and t-shirts. There will be opportunities to

get involved in other ministries and projects.

I can’t wait to go to serve God in a completely

different culture and circumstances and

make a difference in people’s lives. I am

looking forward to growing in faith while

overseas and relying on God more and more. I

know that my eyes will be opened to extreme

poverty and I am sure that my experiences in

India will change my life.

Sarah’s Gap Year

I'm going to Reggio Calabria in southern Italy

in a team with Huw Hides, Janet Chu and Zoe

Anderson. I haven't met them in person but

we've been getting to know each other on

facebook and skype. I decided to do BMS

action teams because, about 4 years ago, a

team who went to Southern Africa came to our

church and told us about their experiences

and I started to feel it was exactly the kind of

thing I wanted to do, prayed about it and felt

that God was calling me to do it. I'm so excited

to spend my gap year serving God and having

the experience of a lifetime:)

Things to pray for ...

We would really appreciate prayer

support over the next year:

Ì for our fundraising efforts, that these

events would also spread the word of our trip

as well as raising funds to cover the costs.

Ì that, as we get ready to leave, we would be

able to focus on God’s plan for us overseas

and that He would prepare our hearts to leave


Ì in India and Italy, for safety, good health

and team bonding, to be a blessing to those

we meet there and when we are touring at


For a variety of reasons, ranging from the

trauma of major incidents to the work and

family stress affecting most working people

today, workplace chaplaincy has developed as a

real opportunity for the church to care for the

community. Stirling Baptist Church, working

through its community project known as ‘The

Rock’, established a chaplaincy for the City

Centre in 2006, financed through a combination

of individuals, Stirling Baptist Church itself and

the Baptist Union. The aim? To provide an

accessible and visible Christian presence in the

workplaces in Stirling City Centre, available to

provide practical, pastoral and spiritual care.

But, what does it take to be a workplace

chaplain and what does he/she actually do?

Both the first and the current incumbents have

had a professional background in industry rather

than the church. Both have had very different

strengths, which have been augmented by further

training in essential skills. Mary Anne Burgoyne,

the current Stirling Chaplain’s background is in

Occupational Health, which has been extremely

beneficial because the workplace chaplain is often

the one to whom people come with concerns that

they can’t tell their manager, their wife or

partner, their doctor or their friends. Most

people will be able to imagine the kind of

concerns - about work, family, or physical and

emotional health, across the full spectrum of

severity. It’s no place for the faint-hearted.

It’s no place for the gung-ho or impatient

either. Great sensitivity is required to know when

is a good opportunity for conversation while not

being perceived as keeping staff back from work.

Building relationships and gaining trust are the

foundations for a confidential listening and

support service – and these take time.

Mary Anne provides the chaplaincy service

for staff in Stirling’s retail mall - The Thistles.

There she has to be able to have a good rapport

with Centre Management right through the

individual stores to the shop floor, including

cleaners and security staff. In addition to that,

she meets members of the wider business

community at the monthly REFRESH Seminars

and also students of all nationalities attending

Stirling School of English, both of which run in

The Rock.

Workplace Chaplaincy is different from

church and it can’t be evangelistic, but it is

definitely Kingdom work.

Donald Black

Mary Anne Burgoyne

(on the left) with a local retailer

Workplace Chaplaincy- not for the faint-hearted


Published by the Baptist Union of Scotland, 48 Speirs Wharf, Glasgow, G4 9TH, [email protected]. Charity Registration No:SC004960

July/August 2012

Prayer LinkJuly/August

July - Sunday 1

Leslie Edge, Chaplain, Prince and Princess of

Wales Hospice, Glasgow. The Hospice aims to

help patients achieve the best quality of life

possible in whatever time remains for them, and

at the same time offer support for their families. I

would greatly appreciate prayer in the following


Ì as I seek to ensure that the spiritual and

religious needs of the patients and their families

are addressed together with those of the 140 staff

and 700 volunteers.

Ì as the PPWH is a teaching hospice, I am part

of the teaching team, teaching medical students,

nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists

and health care assistants, subjects such as

Spirituality, Spiritual Care, Coping With

Bereavement, etc.

Ì as I am involved in Chaplaincy, both within

Scotland and throughout the UK, as a member of

AHPCC (Association of Hospice and Palliative

Care Chaplains).

Ì as I coordinate the work of the Chaplaincy

team within the hospice.

Ì as I am involved in the plans to build a new

multi-million pound Hospice. This will involve

relocating to a new purpose built building on the

south side of Glasgow, which we anticipate will

open in 2016.

Cliff Jackson - Chaplain, MHA Auchlochan.

With Auchlochan’s new village centre almost

complete, there is an air of excitement in the

community. Please pray for all who will use the

new facilities and the staff who work in them. I

should also be grateful for prayer for a group of

residents going through the Christianity Explored

course and keen to continue meeting at the

conclusion of the course. Thirdly, please

remember one of our Baptist ministers, David

Vogan, as he settles into his new role as chaplain

to Auchlochan’s Nethanvale residents and a

member of the Auchlochan Garden Village

chaplaincy team.

Sunday 8

Inverness: Rev Tom Urquhart. Inverness

Baptist Church would value your prayers for our

Pastor Rev Tom Urquhart and his wife Debbie as

he retires from the pastorate on 4th November,

2012. We thank God for Tom's commitment and

faithful service over many years. We would also

very much appreciate your prayers as we seek

God's will for the future as we enter a time of

vacancy. We would also value your prayers for

the Vacancy Committee, chaired by Rev Bill

Slack of Culduthel Christian Centre.

Irvine. As a small, elderly and vacant church,

with many of our members in poor health, we are

finding it very difficult to maintain a witness in a

needy town. However, we are managing to

sustain a monthly service in a residential home

for the elderly and our Monday evening Women's

Fellowship is doing well. In addition to this, our

premises are being used by a Chinese Christian

group and local Brownie pack. Please pray that

the Lord will bless and guide us, so that His will

shall be done to His glory.

Sunday 15

Islay: Mr Jim McNulty. The church is small but

has a committed and enthusiastic congregation. I

ask that you pray for an increase in the numbers

attending. We usually say that numbers are not

important but for small churches like Islay there

is a critical mass below which many activities are

not possible. Pray that a number of Christians on

the island who do not attend any church will be

convicted to join with God’s people in worship

and witness.

The strap line for the church is, “Focused on

Christ, Centred in the Community”. One of the

ways we reach out to the community is to

participate in the many festivals and events on

the island. We take our bookstall to the events

and give out literature as well as providing a focal

point for discussion and support. In June we

participated in the “Islay International Beach

Rugby” event and, in July and August, there are

numerous village sports days. Pray that these

initiatives will bear fruit as more and more

contacts are made.

We have had the privilege of working with the

Church of Scotland in many of our activities. We

have set up the Islay Christian Fellowship which

meets weekly for worship, prayer and Bible

Study. The ministers of both churches jointly

conduct weekly assemblies in two schools and

also run an after school Fun Club. Pray for this

ongoing collaboration, that it will strengthen and

continue to be a witness to Christ on the Island.

We enjoy having visitors to the island. In

June, John Blanchard came for a weekend. He is

no stranger to Islay and we had an encouraging

time under his ministry. We look forward to a

visit from Peter Lewis in July and Paul Jones in

October. Pray that these visitors will have a good

ministry on the island.

Our minister, Jim McNulty, has been with us for

almost 18 months. Pray that he will be inspired,

strengthened and encouraged in his ministry.

Johnstone: Rev Terry Gallagher. At

Johnstone we are in the process of buying a

building in Johnstone Castle, this is in the heart

of the scheme and used to be the council Housing

Office. It's a fairly new building,16 years old, and

ideal for our purposes. We have gone as far as we

can re the purchase of the building and are

waiting for it to be passed by the Scottish

Ministers before we can proceed further. We

would value prayer that all goes smoothly and

speedily. We have started proceedings to have the

present building put up for auction and will go

ahead as soon as things have been confirmed in

regards to the purchase of the new building.

The church is in a bad state of repair and access

is a problem but it is a large area and near the

town centre so please pray for a quick sale, that

there is someone out there who thinks it's too

good a bargain to pass by.

We have much to praise God for in all the way

He has led us so far and for the unity in the

church as we attempt to raise funds and work

together for the future of the church.

Sunday 22

Keiss: Rev Bill Ferguson. Please pray for the

youth clubs which take place on a Friday evening

in Keiss and for occasional input into the

primary school there. Kenny Cormack and Geoff

Oswald run the youth club and we can pray

particularly for them as they seek to bring the

knowledge of Christ to the young people with

whom they work.

Kelso. The church would request prayer for clear

guidance regarding the work and witness in the

town and area in the future, remembering the

office bearers and those who give pulpit supply

each Sunday. As a congregation of older members,

our greatest need is for younger families to come

and live in the town and worship with us and

help in the work.

Sunday 29

Kilmarnock. We thank God for the way he has

supported us over the past year and would ask

that people continue to remember Kilmarnock in

their prayers during this time of vacancy, and

that the Vacancy Committee and membership

will receive clear guidance and discernment in the

search for a new minister.

King's Park: Rev John Hodgkins. God is

continuing to bless us in a variety of ways as a

church. Outreach programmes are busy and

successful in our youth work, art club and

housing scheme ministries for which we give him

thanks. Lives are being changed, both young and

old, and the church is able to provide support in

areas of real need locally.

At the same time we are also moving into a

new time as our pastor has very recently advised

us that he will be moving on shortly. We thank

God for his ministry over the last 12 years and

seek His blessing on John, Maggie and their

family as they move on to new things for Him.

For the fellowship this brings the issues of

vacancy to the fore and the church would be

grateful for the prayers of fellow Baptists as we

also seek to find God's will for the future.

Illness amongst a large percentage of our folks

has been a matter of concern for some months

and we would value others joining with us to

pray for relief and healing in these circumstances

August - Sunday 5th

Rev John Jamieson: Military Chaplain.

Please pray for John, his wife Jeannie and his

family as he continues his work in the Army.

Rev Muriel Knox. Muriel retired from her

chaplaincy work with NHS Grampian earlier this

Connect July/August 2012

Published by the Baptist Union of Scotland, 48 Speirs Wharf, Glasgow, G4 9TH, [email protected]. Charity Registration No:SC004960

July4 Jacqueline Primrose repesents our Union

at a service, in Glasgow Cathedral, at which

the Queen will be present to celebrate her

Diamond Jubilee. Judy White is at an Urban

Expression meeting this evening.

9 John Greenshields attends 2 days of

National Settlement Team meetings.

19 Our National Team meets.

26 Our National Team has a day of prayer.

28 Clan Gathering, at which the Baptist

Union of Scotland, Scottish Baptist College

and the BMS will be exhibiting, begins today

in St Andrews.

August2 Our National Team meets.

11 Tom Vernon is inducted to Larkhall

Baptist Church as Associate Pastor.

14 Our Union’s Trustees meet.

16 Our National Team meets

18 The Public Issues and Social Action

group meets this morning.

19 Jim Purves preaches in Drumchapel

Baptist Church, Glasgow.

20 The leaders of the Scottish Baptist

Women’s Fellowship meet today.

22 Paul Goodliff, head of the Ministry

Dept at the Baptist Unionn of Great Britain,

pays a 2 day visit to the Baptist Union of

Scotland office.

23 The National Team has a Strategy Day.

24 The Scottish Baptist Women’s

Fellowship Conference, at which Alan

Donaldson will speak, takes place in St

Andrews this weekend..

29 Alan Donaldson attends the Glasgow

Church Leaders’ meeting this afternoon.

30 The DNA Group and the National Team

meet today.

Engagement Diaryfor July/August

year. Pray for her as she adjusts to this changeand for her successor in the role of Chaplain.

Sunday 12th

Kirkintilloch: Revs David Gordon andAndrew Giffen. We are really encouraged atGod’s provision through the sacrificialcommitment of his people which is allowing usto progress a number of new initiatives over thecoming months. Pray for the CAP (ChristiansAgainst Poverty) debt counselling centre whichhas just been opened and, especially, for GillPaton, who has been appointed as the centremanager, that she will build positive relationshipswith local referral agencies, and that clients willsense the compassion of God. Pray too for thechurch leadership as it explores the appointmentof a “Children’s and Family Worker” in thecoming months. Pray for a whole series ofevangelistic activities that will coincide with thelocal canal festival, which is the biggest event inour local area, at the end of August.

Kirkwall: Rev Don Currie. We praise God forcontinued blessing at Kirkwall Baptist, with fourbaptisms this year, new contacts and membersadded to the church. We have been especiallyblessed and challenged by Don's recent seriestaking us through the Gospel of John, and we arealso grateful for his involvement in thecommunity: as Chair of the Board of the OrkneyYouth Café; member of the high school ChaplaincyTeam; and having been recently elected as Chair ofthe local Alcohol & Drugs Partnership. Pleasepray for him, and for us all, as we seek to be saltand light in the community.Please pray for all who came together at our CEcamp in Westray at the start of July, and that therewould be a good attendance at our Children'sHoliday Club in August. Our missionaries-in-training, Les & FionaCowan, are currently at Language School inMadrid with WEC International. Please pray forthem: for their studies and exams; for goodcontacts with local neighbours; for plans formissions; for opportunities to teach English; forguidance for long-term plans; and for their twosons back in the UK. Pray too for another two ofour members, Mike & Rosey Whittles and theMeider Jonno Asha charity, providing educationfor needy girls in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Pray for the congregation and church leadershipas we develop plans to extend and renovate ourchurch premises, and for God's provision at a timeof economic downturn. Pray too, that we have areal sense of vision, under God, as we seek Hisleading and guidance for the future.

Sunday 19th

Knightswood, Glasgow. Rev Gus MacAulay.We are grateful for the blessings we have seen atKnightswood Baptist Church, and pray that theLord would continue to bless us and use us forHis glory. We have a busy summer planned witha BMS Action Team who have been in Peru, aStep-Out Team to help with our holiday club, astall at the Knightswood Fun Day and a Kids’Olympics party. Please pray for effectiveoutreach, the forming of new relationships and anincrease in numbers for our kids and youthoutreaches for the new term after the summer. Wehave secured local authority funding for therefurbishment of one of our halls and theformation of an accessible toilet. We are thankful

for that provision and hope the work will becompleted by the time of the holiday club. Wehave the wonderful problem of having run out ofspace and will potentially have run out of seatsto accommodate everyone in the sanctuary soon,and so our thoughts about the building willrequire to continue. We are continuing to developour Sunday morning kids’ work (which iscontinually growing), our worship team and weplan to run Discipleship Explored and UnderChrist’s Rule courses after the summer. We alsohope to start a compassionate outreach to thepoor and those in need of help in theKnightswood area. With all the potential and various plansforming, please pray for wisdom and guidance,for our love and unity to continue to deepen, forthe continuing good work and leadership of thedeacons and for our Community Worker RuthKelso, and above all things, that God would beglorified in all that we do.

Ladywell, Livingston. We give thanks to Godfor His continued blessings on the fellowshipduring our time of vacancy. We have seen God’shand at work in many areas of church life overthe past few months: nine candidates baptised inthe last 12 months, six of these from within theYF. The church’s Community Cafe is continuingto attract many non-church people from the areaand gets more popular every week. A ladies’meeting, LIFT (Ladies in Fellowship Together),has been very successful and the walking group isa great witness to a huge number of people.Other areas of church life doing well are theMums and Toddlers, the YF, the Sunday Schooland Ignite. Please pray that God will continue tolead us as we seek a new Pastor.

Sunday 26th

Larbert. Rev Ken Bleakley. We give Godthanks for many blessings over the past yearwith a busy programme of organisations. We hada Christianity Explored course with 6 people whocame regularly. Please pray for these friends asGod works in their lives. We have had anincrease in membership and new families comingto join the church. We plan to run anotherChristianity Explored course in the autumn.Please pray with us that, as we begin to makepreparations, God will be preparing people tocome to this course. We have a very successfulchildren’s Awana club with a good number ofchildren who don’t attend church coming along.

Largo: Rev David Paton. At Largo Baptist inFife we are giving God grateful thanks for hisgoodness towards us. As with a number ofsmaller churches, finance continues to be quitedifficult but we praise God for the faithful andsacrificial giving of our congregation. From thebeginning of January to the end of March weheld an Alpha Course in the Church on Sundayevenings and we were very encouraged by thesupport given to us by the local parish churcheswith whom we have also had joint services overEaster and Pentecost. Please pray with us thatall who attended the Alpha Course and theseservices will come to know and be inrelationship with Jesus as Lord. We would alsoappreciate prayers for the children and youngpeople who attend our small Sunday Gang, thatthey would know God’s blessing and leading in

their lives. Thank you for your prayers.

... for the host churches and Step

Out teams operating this summer

- as well as for Mo Gibbs, who

coordinates the programme.

1-8 July1-8 July1-8 July1-8 July1-8 July - Fort William, Inverkeithing

and Leven

8-15 July8-15 July8-15 July8-15 July8-15 July - Alva and Dunfermline


15-22 July15-22 July15-22 July15-22 July15-22 July - Leslie and Brechin

22-29 July22-29 July22-29 July22-29 July22-29 July - Montrose and


29 July-5 August29 July-5 August29 July-5 August29 July-5 August29 July-5 August - Peterhead and


5-12 August5-12 August5-12 August5-12 August5-12 August - Ellon, Dundee

Central and Cornton.

... and don’tforget to pray...


Published by the Baptist Union of Scotland, 48 Speirs Wharf, Glasgow, G4 9TH, [email protected]. Charity Registration No:SC004960

July/August 2012

The Forfar Files...

Since February the small group led

by Rev Oliver Vellacott has been

meeting on a Sunday at the

Wellbrae buildings with visitors

from other fellowships coming to

encourage and several others

continuing to come week by week.

There has been flexibility in the

nature of what we do on a Sunday

as we seek the way forward but

worship and studying God’s word

have been an integral part of the


We also gather on a Tuesday

for prayer and, once a week, Jane

and Julie meet to prayer walk

around Forfar. ‘Try Praying’

booklets have been obtained as a

means to engage the community

with the gift of prayer and the

God of that gift, some of which

have been distributed to those

working on the building site.

The building work is going well

and is due for completion towards

the end of September. Tidying-up

of the site, with help from other

Baptist Churches, is progressing.

Buckie Baptist and Central

Baptist Dundee have indicated

possible help with final

landscaping around the renewed


The core group have been



regularly and

have decided

on a simple


which is

in the final

stages of completion, and to focus

on one main outreach activity

which we will do together;

‘Mainly Music’ - a fun music

time group for parents and


We have begun to seek ways

to engage the community with the

renewed buildings, drawing on

their community past as a school

and linking that into their new

future. It is hoped this can lead to

a creative opening week where old

memories and photographs etc.,

can be shared and linked into the

new future that is offered by the

buildings and the God who is the

inspiration for what is happening.

Many positive things are

happening with the potential for

much more in the future. These

are ‘early days’ yet a community

of God’s people is slowly

forming from which mission is

taking place.

Stephen Oyarzabal

So... 4 Months in, Where Are We?

Baptist Union

of Scotland to

offer gap year


with DNA

The Baptist Union of Scotland

(BUS) and Christian leadership

training programme DNA have

announced a partnership to offer

young adults in Scottish Baptist

churches an opportunity to

develop their skills and character

during a gap year.

From October 2012 adults,

aged 18+, in Scottish Baptist

churches will have the

opportunity to go on a year-long

DNA programme. It can be in

their own church or another

which is found for them. The

course will enable those taking

part to develop their theological

understanding and functional

skills; whilst the primary thrust

is character formation through

church based discipleship.

Over 1000 people have

developed their skills and

character through DNA's church

based leadership and

discipleship programme over the

last 24 years. DNA draws from

people from the age of 18

upwards. People in their 60s

have taken part in the year

programme but at this time the

majority are aged 18-25.

In addition to the year

programme, DNA50+ is a six-

month model of DNA for those

in the Baby Boomer generation

who have an appreciation that

the best is yet to come!

Having always served

churches across the

denominations DNA Team

Leader, Pete Gilbert, says they

are delighted to partner with the

Baptist Union of Scotland. "I am

thrilled that we will be able to

serve Scottish Baptist churches

so much more strategically and

meaningfully for the

development of leaders. It is

hoped that new leaders will

emerge from those being on


"We are very excited and

enthusiastic about our

partnering with DNA to develop

leaders for our churches and in

our local communities across the

nation," said Alan Donaldson,

General Director of the BUS. "I

am thrilled by the flexibility of

the training offered, and the

partnership speaks so strongly

of the Kingdom of God."

Over recent years, Scottish

Baptists have been involved in

organising and attending the

summer festival Clan

Gathering in increasing


This year the Baptist family

in Scotland will have a stand in

the marketplace exhibition.

The Baptist Union of Scotland,

BMS World Mission and the

Scottish Baptist College will

share exhibition space and

seek to engage with members

of our Baptist family who are

attending Clan, as well as

sharing our stories with those

from other church traditions.

Baptist speakers at the

festival, from 28th July to 3rd

August in St Andrews, include

Karl Martin of Morningside

Baptist, Keith Short of Barnton

Baptist, Lynn Alexander of

Queen’s Park Baptist and John

Mason of Easterhouse Baptist.

General Director Alan

Donaldson has been invited to

speak about the work of our

Baptist family as part of the

main programme on Monday

morning, and will lead prayers

for our nation.

Clan Gathering wishes to

extend a very warm welcome

to Baptists who have never

been to Clan before and are

unable to attend for the whole

week. To join them on Monday

30th July, day tickets can be

purchased online at the

following website -

Clan Gathering 2012and here comes the Baptist Family!

Did You Know...?We have an online Fellowship of Prayer page for churches wishing

prayer outwith their slot on our Union’s Prayer Link calendar:

If you'd like to submit an item for prayer, please send it to

[email protected]

Connect July/August 2012

Published by the Baptist Union of Scotland, 48 Speirs Wharf, Glasgow, G4 9TH, [email protected]. Charity Registration No:SC004960

Now availablethe new BMS

resource, ‘thirsty’ is an

excellent resource for

your church’s harvest

appeal. A billion

people worldwide will

be using dirty water to

drink, cook and wash

with. They have no

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Watch Jeff Lucas’ reaction at and then

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It is always a joy to see people

committing to go overseas on

mission – even if just for a

week. There are amazing

opportunities available, and a

number of the CBC family are

involved this year.

Lucy CowplandLucy CowplandLucy CowplandLucy CowplandLucy Cowpland returned

from Thailand in June, and

Anne Halley Anne Halley Anne Halley Anne Halley Anne Halley goes to Nairobi

and Gavin CallaghanGavin CallaghanGavin CallaghanGavin CallaghanGavin Callaghan to

Kenya and Uganda in August

and September respectively.

Five others are going on

trips over the summer. Please

pray for them:

Sarah DoherSarah DoherSarah DoherSarah DoherSarah Dohertytytytyty, a biology

student on exchange from

Durham University, is in

Thailand with OMF, teaching

English in a Buddhist school

near Chiang Mai for a month,

then is planning to travel to

meet other missionaries.

Ruth Erwin,Ruth Erwin,Ruth Erwin,Ruth Erwin,Ruth Erwin, a law (with

French) student, is in Paris with

UCCF, to help out with a GBU

(French equivalent of UCCF)

outreach week and do some

evangelism in partnership with

a local church.

Iona Maltman, Iona Maltman, Iona Maltman, Iona Maltman, Iona Maltman, a Support

for Learning teacher, is going to

Romania in July with Vision

Romania. She will be working

at a week-long children’s camp

– doing everything from

spending time with the children

to crafts to cleaning toilets!

Lisa Moore,Lisa Moore,Lisa Moore,Lisa Moore,Lisa Moore, a medical

student, is going to Haiti in July

with Mission International. The

team are running a children’s

club, visiting and encouraging

members of the local church,

and possibly doing some

building/practical work.

Rebecca StevensonRebecca StevensonRebecca StevensonRebecca StevensonRebecca Stevenson, a

law student, is going to Egypt in

July with Open Doors, with a

large multinational team

working mainly with children in

different parts of the country

John Toller.

‘thirsty’there can be no harvest

without waterCentral Baptist is one of many of our churches from which membersserve overseas on mission. If your church is one of them please doshare this with the Scottish Baptist family on Facebook or, [email protected], on our website’s “Fellowship ofPrayer” page.

On Missionwith Central Baptist

Church, Dundee.

On Sunday, 3rd June, 2012, ten

Christian men travelled from

Scotland to spend a week in

Lithuania to offer practical support

to the City Church, Klaipeda.

For three years, City Church has

been slowly converting an old

Soviet hotel into a worship,

community and conference centre

(it certainly needed conversion -

with lots of hard work!) A group of

men from Stirling Baptist Church

committed themselves to helping

out and enlisted Gabriele

Bytautaite, the church’s

Administrator, to assist in

coordinating the trip.

With organiser Al Cuthbert and

Mark Ferrie as team leaders, Steve

Willett, Stephen McDonald, Mark

Dempsey, Paul Conner, Roddy

Evans, Stephen Worgan, John

Buick and Bernd Schneider set off

to lend their muscles to the cause!

In addition to covering their

travel and accommodation

expenses (they slept in the hotel)

the team raised £7,500 for

materials to use on the project

The trip was certainly no

holiday, with the patient local

Foreman, Valdemaras Bajoras,

keeping everything on schedule.

Days started with worship at 8am

then work carried on until 5pm,

with only the evenings free for

social time. The team, however,

was very well fed by cook Elvyra!

Many new friends were made,

among them host Pastor Saulius,

worship leader Rasa and

Vidmantas, their evening host. By

the time the team headed home,

they’d left several rooms ready for

new windows and plastering,

work which is expected to be

finished by the end of the summer.

In 1990, Lithuania was the first

Soviet republic to declare its

independence. Russian troops

withdrew in 1993 then, in 2004,

Lithuania joined the EU.

Ten go to Lithuania!

Here are some of the young people taking part in Step Out at the

end of a busy weekend of training in Inverkeithing Baptist

Church. A big thank you to the church for hosting us over the

weekend. See the prayer diary for where teams are partnering

with and when ... we would really appreciate your prayers over the

summer! Mo Gibbs

And Closer to Home...

Currently, the country’s

population stands at around 3.3

million, 79% of which is Roman

Catholic, with 15% not having or

specifying a religion. It has that

unhappy distinction of having the

highest suicide rate in the world and

a divorce rate of 70%. Klaipeda is

Lithuania’s largest sea port,

population around 178,000.

Adapted from a video clip of the trip on-