
Congregation Ahavath Sholom A Family of Families

Bringing God and the Community Closer Together A Conservative Synagogue affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

November, 2015—19 Cheshvan to 18 Kislev 5776 Vol. 80— Number 3

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Clergy & Professional Staff:

Rabbi Andrew Bloom

Cantor Shoshana Abrams Kaikov

Michael L. Linn

Executive Director


President Ebrahim Lavi

1st Vice President

Dr. Nancy Faigin

2nd Vice President Jerry Stein

3rd Vice President

Glenn Garoon

Treasurer Ben Herman


Jodi Berger

Parliamentarian Dr. Murray Cohen

Board of Directors: Ava Beleck

Sonny Brister Elizabeth Chesser

Avi Kaikov Valerie Kaye Will Kutler

Viqui Litman Foster Owen

Zoe Stein Pierce Hal Ratner

Kalman Silverberg Karen Silverberg Nancy Stansbury

Dan Sturman Nan Udell

Stephanie Corso Zavala

Catering Department

Maria Loya

Office Staff

Peppe Bailin

Religious School Secretary

Suzi Gardner Bookkeeper

JoAnn English Shul Secretary

Janitorial Staff Antonio Contreras Gabriel Sanchez

The Theory of

Everything, a movie

whose topic is the life

of Professor Steven

Hawking has been

shown on cable

television over the past

few days. The movie is

at times both sad and

uplifting. Sad because

of the physical

disabilities and pain

that Hawking has had to endure during his lifetime

and uplifting for how much he has accomplished

and the positive attitude with which he continues to

live his life. His positivity in the face of almost

insurmountable obstacles should serve as a life

lesson for all of us.

Hawking is known for having a tremendous sense

of humor and once said, “In my school, the

brightest boys did math and physics, the less bright

did physics and chemistry, and the least bright did

biology. I wanted to do math and physics, but my

father made me do chemistry because he thought

there would be no jobs for mathe-

maticians.” (Steven Hawking copyright 2013


Mathematics at times seems diametrically opposed

to the philosophical and theological nature of

religion, however in many ways mathematics and

religion go hand in hand, the only difference being

that in Judaism we call these formulas: gematria.

Gematria is actually an Assyro-Babylonian

System of Numerology later adopted by Judaism,

but for all intents and purposes, today it serves as

a guide to understanding some of the

complexities of Hebrew words. For example the

number 18 which is meaningful in Judaism

equates to the word Chai (life), and the word

Chesed (loving-kindness) equates to the number

72 (4 x 18). In short these two words teach us

that we are loved and can find kindness when we

surround ourselves in all four cardinal directions

with positivity, warmth and love. In terms of

Judaism, we surround ourselves on all four

corners with the Tzizit (representing God’s

commandments) on our tallis for some of these

same reasons.

I believe that Prof. Hawking accomplished

surrounding himself with positivity and this is

how he was able to succeed. He let his positive

energy overcome the obstacles in front of him

and thus found life (Chai) and loving-kindness

(Chesed) from all directions, and today we know

more about life because of his attitude and

genius. In the end, after watching the movie, I

was able to learn not only about the life of this

extraordinary man, but I also was able to learn a

little more about the mathematics of life and how

they are relevant to us all.

It is now my hope and prayer that we will

together find the right formula to carry out the

613 mitzvoth of God.

B’shalom and friendship,

Rabbi Andrew Bloom

Join Rabbi Andrew Bloom

and fellow congregants in our nation’s capital,

for three of the most important days affecting

Israel’s future.

AIPAC Policy Conference 2016

March 20-22—Washington, D.C. The mission of AIPAC is to strengthen, protect and promote the U.S.-Israel relationship in ways

that enhance the security of Israel and the United States.

Who Attends the Conference?

More than 16,000 Pro-Israel activists

More than 2/3 of Congress

Almost 3,000 students from 586 campuses

28 Student Government Presidents from 48 states, D.C. and the U.S. Virgin Islands

More than 290 Synagogue Delegations

For more information on Ahavath Sholom’s delegation, or to register for the conference, please contact Leora

Goldbatt at 972-674-3387 or [email protected].


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This past month, I had the privilege of

spending some time with my sister in

Wilmington, Delaware. I am always

eager to plan my visits so that I can

experience the breathtaking autumn

foliage each year, as it is truly one of

my greatest pleasures in life to witness

the wonders of this beautiful season. It just so happened that my

visit was during what I would consider to be the height of the

incredible foliage. While the entire season is incredibly beautiful

back east, there seems to be a very narrow window each fall

during which the trees put on a spectacular show that is beyond

words. The trees were transforming right before my eyes, the

leaves changing from vibrant greens to bright yellows and burnt

oranges and fiery reds and deep purples. And, as the cool crisp

fall breeze would blow, the leaves would begin to fall from the

trees, elegantly dancing with the breezes and landing on lawns

and cars. Majestic and divine are two words that radiated through

my mind as I took leisurely walks with my sister in what I would

consider to be one of the most beautiful places I have ever been,

one of God's beautiful gems. I couldn't help but think of the

famous words of our forefather Jacob when he awoke from his

dream, "God is surely in this place and I didn't even know it."

One of the days during my visit to Delaware, I happened to walk

into a seasonal store that sold all kinds of items. My sister and I

have made visits to this particular store a tradition when I come

to see her. The first item that caught my eye was a simple

welcome mat, the kind most people set just outside the front door

of their homes for guests to wipe their shoes on upon entering the

home. The welcome mat was brown with no real decorations on

it. But what was written on it struck me in a way that still has me

thinking about it. In big capital letters, the mat said "thankful."

I'm pretty sure I stared at this mat for a moment or two, and if I

hadn't been concerned about airline baggage weight restrictions,

I'm pretty sure I would have purchased it.

Surrounded in the magnificent beauty of the autumn foliage and

having read the word "thankful" on that simple mat, I began

thinking about all of the incredible gifts that I am thankful for in

my life. It made me recall the words "Gratitude is my attitude"

which a wise person once shared with me in a difficult time. Each

year during this season, we come together with our families to

enjoy Thanksgiving and celebrate the abundance we have been

blessed with. And while this beautiful and festive holiday is but

one day each year, I am reminded that in Judaism, we express our

thanks to God each day. In the morning prayers, we sing of our

gratitude to God for waking us up each day and for allowing our

complicated bodies to function as they should. In the Amidah we

bow and say "modim," once again saying thanks to God. Before

we eat, we acknowledge God as the creator of the food we are

about to enjoy, and after we have done so, we thank God for

filling our bellies and allowing us to sustain ourselves with

proper nutrition. The simple mat is a very real

From Our Cantor and Educational Director

reminder to me of the gratitude I feel for the beauty of life, the

miracles, and wonders that we experience in our it

healing from illness, a memorable walk at sunset, a hug from a

loved one, a rejuvenating breath of fresh air, or a life lesson


As Thanksgiving approaches, may this be a good reminder to take

a step back and reflect on all that we are thankful for in our lives.

May we all continue to be blessed with health, happiness and all

that is good.

CAS Religious School T-Shirts Still Available!

Support Our Religious School

Child and Adult sizes are available for sale!

T-Shirts can be purchased by

the whole family!

You can also sponsor a t-shirt for a child who

cannot afford one Suggested donation

$18 (cash/check)

Giving Thanks

By Cantor Shoshana

Abrams Kaikov

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Soothsayer, Fortune Teller, Prognos-

ticator, Diviner, Oracle, Stargazer or

Prophet. These are some of the names

of those that claim to foresee the future.

I unfortunately am not one of those, nor

have I recently been in contact with such

an individual. However, I have been in

conversation with some individuals who have heard comments,

or rather misheard comments that have been made around and

about the synagogue. To put some of those comments to rest: we

have not sold the shul, nor have we sold the land, and we have

not purchased any property. To do so, requires approval of you,

our membership.

So what are all these comments about? Many of us are concerned

about the future, and the perceived needs of our congregation.

The implications create a short list, and that list will come from

our members when we hold “parlor meetings”, small, informal

gatherings that hopefully will provide impetus to a study

committee. What are the wants and needs of our congregational

community? Can we remodel the existing structure to meet those

wants/needs? Do we need to ‘sell’ the existing structure and

build on the back 40? Do we need to ‘sell’ all the property and

relocate? Do we need to do anything?

Whatever it is that we do, or not do, will take some time, and no

one that I know can forecast that outcome. I have been involved

in a similar process, and have been involved with both new

construction and remodel. Processes that take time. There is so

very much to consider. Be ready with questions for the parlor

meetings and don’t expect immediate answers. Be willing to

voice your opinions, thoughts and ideas as we are a community,

we are a family.

And speaking of family, Pat and I had a chance for a road trip

and to spend a few days with our son and daughter. It was fun,

not long enough, and I should have learned by now, that more

than twelve hours in a vehicle can be tiring. But, it was nice to

spend time as a family and to spend some time with longtime


Join us on a Friday night or a Shabbat morning and spend time

with your friends and your extended family. Our Shabbat

Kiddush luncheons are a source of great enjoyment to the

community. We do ask those of you who have not hosted a

luncheon to take the opportunity to celebrate your birthday,

wedding anniversary or remember a loved one. It is a mitzvah,

and that is what we do, and that is what we teach.

Thursday, November 12 at 7:00 p.m. The Isadore Garsek Lodge #269

of B’nai B’rith will present

Gil Elan with his

Update on Israel and the Middle East. at CAS.


Update on Focus on Future

As I mentioned on my Rosh Hashana speech we are in the

process of focusing on our needs for the future of the

congregation and as the first step we have discussed the options


1). Refurbishing the building completely.

2). Sell the building and build a new one on the back 40.

3). Sell the building and the land and build at another location

4). Do nothing

And like always let me emphasis that we have not made any

decision and we will not make decision without congregational


As the second step we are going to get an assessment of our

assets. We are putting together a comprehensive request to

engage a company to evaluate our assets.

Meanwhile, we’d like to hear your opinion on the needs of our

congregation for the next 5 to 10 and further in the future. In

order to do this we are going to have several parlor meetings to

gather the needed information. If you would like to host one of

these meetings please contact the shul office so we can make the

arrangements. Some of the things I’d like you to start thinking


A). What do you want in a building?

B). How much space do you think we need?

C). Is there anything good about our existing building?

D). How important is the security?

E). Your vision of the shul’s future.

These are just a few of items we’d like to start with.

Please again do not listen to rumors and gossip and if you have

any question feel free to contact me any time.

Ebby Lavi

Congregation Ahavath Sholom


Winter cemetery hours are

6:30am - 6:30pm.

Beginning November 1, 2015

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Congregation Ahavath Sholom 2015-2016 Showtime Films

Everyone is welcome

Films are free of charge

Great films chosen just for you

Moderator led post-film disussions

“Herb and Dorothy” Sunday November 15, 2015

6:30 p.m.

He was a postal clerk. She was a librarian. With their modest

means, the couple managed to build one of the most important

contemporary art collections in history. Meet Herb and Dorothy

Vogel, whose shared passion and discipline have defied

stereotypes and redefined what it means to be an art collector.

You will love this film, and if you’ve seen it before, come see it

again—it’s that kind of film.

“Deterrence” Sunday January 10, 2016 6:30 p.m.

“Deterrence” begins after the Jewish President dies, and his

successor is on the campaign trail to be re-elected. During a

campaign stop in Colorado, he and his entourage are snowed-in

at a diner, and all hell breaks loose. Suspense takes over as the

new President learns that Iraq has invaded Kuwait and

slaughtered hundreds of American soldiers. You will be on the

edge of your seat with all the intrigue—it is very real. A great


“Women in Gold” Sunday February 21, 2016 6:30 p.m.

“Woman in Gold” is about a Jewish woman who sought to

regain a world famous painting of her aunt's that was plundered

by the Nazis during World War II. She did so not just to regain

what was rightfully hers, but also to obtain some measure of

justice for the death, destruction, and massive art theft

perpetrated by the Nazis. This film starts Helen Mirren and Ryan

Reynolds and received worldwide acclaim.

“The Last Mentsch” Sunday March 27, 2016 6:30 p.m.

This piece of historical fiction follows a man who has denied his

Jewish heritage all his life. After surviving the horrors of

Auschwitz, he sought to forget the trauma by creating a new

identity for himself in Germany, one without Jewish friends or

ties. Now faced with his own mortality, he suddenly decides he

wants to be buried in a Jewish cemetery. “The Last Mentsch” is

a powerful, emotional journey.

“Beneath the Helmet” Sunday May 1, 2016 6:30 p.m.

The sixth film, Beneath the Helmet, to be shown on Sunday,

May 1, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. is a coming-of-age story which follows

the journey of five Israeli high-school graduates who are drafted

into the army to defend their country. At the age of 18, awary

from their homes, families and friends, these young individuals

undergo a demanding, inspiring journey, revealing the core of

who they are and who they want to be. Brought to us by the

generosity of special donors, this film illustrates how theses

young soldiers are defending not only their homes, but also the

values of peace, equality, opportunity, democracy, religious

tolerance and women’s rights.

Partially funded by the

Jewish Federation of Fort Worth and Tarrant County

FOCUS ON THE FUTURE The Focus on the Future committee will be hosting a number of parlor meetings to give the Congregation an opportunity to provide input into the decision-making process. At least two of these meetings will be at CAS and two others (more if needed) will be in private homes. If you are interested in attending a parlor meeting, please call the Shul office and we will make sure you are included. Otherwise, notice will be provided by either email or “All-Call”. In the meantime, feel free to contact one of the members of the Executive Committee with questions.

Daytimers with

Professor Jim Riddlesperger

Wednesday November 11. 2015 Call Larry Steckler for more information

817-927-2736 or 520-990-3155

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GAMES AND NEWS Monday-Friday from 10am-1pm

For more information call 817-569-0898 or use Hedy Collins’ cell


Our Condolences To the family of Mildred Klimist on her loss.

To Ivan Del Valle and his entire family on the loss of his wife, Frida

Carolina Mayer Del Valle.

To Rabbi Gary G. Perras, Carol Perras, Avi Perras and Doronne

Perras on the loss of their son and brother, Joshua Perras.

May their memory be a blessing forevermore.

Certified Travel Consultant

Robin Tirsun

Phone: 817-263-8131

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Fort Worth TX 76132

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For All Your Travel Needs


7 Page


Mazal Tov

To Rich Hollander on being named Person of the Year 2015, by

the Isadore Garsek #269 Lodge of B’nai B’rith.

To Mrs. Shirley Rosenberg, mother of Marcia Malofsky (mother

-in-law to her other half, Dr. Harold Malofsky) on her 90th


GAN Ahavath Sholom

We hope you’ve taken a walk through the garden, it looks wonderful.

This is all thanks to our hard working volunteers led by Marti Herman.

Everyone is welcomed to help.

And watch for email announcements

for special work days!

Wedding Anniversaries Years Children’s Birthdays

1-Nov Bootsie Coggan 12-Nov Leo Faynbaum 20-Nov Craig Lidell

1-Nov Betsy Darling 12-Nov Michael Lavi 21-Nov Bernice Luskey

2-Nov Harry Leventhal 12-Nov Daniel Sturman 22-Nov Dr. Louis Barnett

3-Nov Juliet Cohen 12-Nov Paul Weinstein 22-Nov Kenneth Goodman

3-Nov Dolores Schneider 13-Nov Dr. Ariel Feldman 22-Nov Dr. Irvin Robinson

3-Nov Lawrence Steckler 14-Nov Cheryl Coplin 23-Nov Harry Kahn

4-Nov Lynell Norman 14-Nov Dr. Irwin Schussler 24-Nov Chad Herman

4-Nov Arnold Schectman 15-Nov Malea Balmuth 24-Nov Rhona Raffel

5-Nov Jodi Berger 15-Nov Ilene Zenick 25-Nov Ann Neerman

6-Nov Daniel Collins 16-Nov Andrea Fratrik 25-Nov Foster Owen

6-Nov Al Faigin, D.O. 16-Nov Karen Stoddard 26-Nov Frances Marks

7-Nov Allen Bodzy 18-Nov Rita Hoffman 27-Nov Sherwin Coplin

7-Nov Elisa Nudleman 19-Nov Reed Cohen 29-Nov Dr. Emily Issacs Rosen

8-Nov Leslie Greiner 19-Nov Stephanie Dubinsky 29-Nov Karen Kaplan

8-Nov Irwin Raffel 19-Nov Dr. Eliot Slovin 29-Nov Kimberly Marks

10-Nov Rick Chaviers 20-Nov Elsie Blum 29-Nov Karen Paul

10-Nov Jenny Herman 30-Nov Robert Chicotsky

11-Nov Vicky Mitrani 30-Nov Anthony Parker

12-Nov Herbert Weisblatt and Rosemary Rector 26

14-Nov Daniel and Jenesse Collins 5

15-Nov Howard and Jetti Cole 34

19-Nov Damon and Susan Johnson 9

24-Nov Dr. Harold and Marcia Malofsky 42

24-Nov Dr. Paul and Debra Solomon 15

26-Nov Harry and Peppe Bailin 51

27-Nov Howard and Rhoda Bernsterin 38

4-Nov Alex Seiden

11-Nov Reagan Landy

14-Nov Bryn Dolan

15-Nov Reeve Dolan

16-Nov Aviva Isgur

22-Nov Rey Abraham Brautbar

22-Nov Ted Herman

27-Nov Seth Cohen

To all of our Ahavath Sholom Family

Wishing you a meaningful day of thanks—

Happy Thanksgiving

Your Synagogue Office Staff

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Sun. Nov. 1,

19 Cheshvan

Sarah T. Bernstein

Joseph Drabkin

Dave Herman

Alan Nathan

Solomon S. Raffel

Sarah E. Tudzin

Alexander Wolens

Efrayim Zodin

Mon., Nov. 2,

20 Cheshvan

Sophie B. Anton

Grace Ehrlich

Harry Hamill

Joseph L. Levin

Yetta Mach

Benny Snofsky

Tue., Nov. 3,

21 Cheshvan

Mary Jane Miller

Sarah A. Silverman

Wed., Nov. 4,

22 Cheshvan

Manovar Yomtoob

Thu., Nov. 5,

23 Cheshvan

Evelyn W. Cohn

Frank Edrich

Dr. Abe Greines

Lawrence M. Peitzer

Lillian Raimey

Meyer Raimey

Phillip Ratner

Dorothy Reznikoff

Marian Schultz

Fri., Nov. 6,

24 Cheshvan

Freda Bloomberg

Rosa Cohen

Louis S. Cristol

Dorothy Edrich

Ruth Englander

Rose Handler

Raymond Plotkin

I. Rene Wisch

Isidore Winderbaum

Hannah Wolfovitch

Sat., Nov. 7,

25 Cheshvan

Marian C. Abramowitz

Sam Benson

Judith L. Feinberg

David Ginsburg

Rae S. Goldstein

Rose Kaplan

Mollie B. Kessel

Eva Kleinfeld

Raye C. Mehl

Jack Rosenberg

Norman Winterman

Sun., Nov. 8,

26 Cheshvan

Hyman Abish

Toba Battat

Lifsha S. Berkowitz

Marion G. Freyer

Sol M. Gilbert

Sam Lipshitz

Yente W. Makashefsky

Ethel Rittinger

Chire Sandler

Esther C. Seltzer

Robert B. Zodin

Mon., Nov. 9,

27 Cheshvan

Rose F. Glickman

Daniel Green

Cecilia E. Klimist

Stephen H. Mehl

Lillie Shapiro

Hans J. Thoma

Arthur Tirsun

Tue., Nov. 10,

28 Cheshvan

Philip R. Bernstein

Bert Coopersmith

Jake Engler

David Faro

Dr. Aaron Gordon

Bertha Gutman

Doris Radetsky

Pauline Raskin

Wed., Nov. 11,

29 Cheshvan

Rose K. Bernstein

Henry Bodzy

Leba P. Brozgold

Yitzvhak Chervitz

Raphael Cohn

Abraham Luskey

Ben H. Rosenthal

Benjamin Seltzer

Thu., Nov. 12,

30 Cheshvan

Frieda Gachman

Marie Uzan

Fri., Nov. 13,

1 Kislev

Abraham Cohen

Theresa Cooles

Hanna Cuperman

Rose Mellinger

Louis M. Wisch

Sat., Nov. 14,

2 Kislev

Abraham J. Belsky

Ben Edenbaum

Tom Gens

Hannah Gertner

Eddy Nations

Carolyn S. Rubin

Sun., Nov. 15,

3 Kislev

Rae B. Dworkin

Irwin Friedman

Joseph Klapp

Lillian Labowitz

Shirley W. Robinson

Nathan Rubenstein

Henry Seals

Louis (L.F.) Shanblum

Mon., Nov. 16,

4 Kislev

Milton Hamill

Aurelia Lippman

Minnie Meinstein

Samuel Saikin

Simon Tannenbaum

Tue., Nov. 17,

5 Kislev

S.H. Coplin

Maurice Goldstein

Wed., Nov. 18,

6 Kislev

Juliette Attias

Morritz Fleischmann

Ida Glazer

Freda Greenberg

Yetta Haller

Esther Horn

Sarah A. Krashin

Jimmy Kreines

Ann F. Lidell

Shaol Pozez

Gustave J. Rosenberg

Sam White

Thu., Nov. 19,

7 Kislev

David Bronstein

Dave Cooper

Annie Gilbert

Jack S. Howard

Fri., Nov. 20,

8 Kislev

Mollie Barnett

Fay R. Brachman

James Cohen

Sam Levine

Sat., Nov. 21,

9 Kislev

M.E. Aberason

Ella Brachman

Max Cooper

David Gordon

Dorothy Gosule

Judy Morris

Gertrude Radin

Sol Rosenthal

Tillie Salam

Jake Socol

Elizabeth Spigel

Sun., Nov. 22,

10 Kislev

Norman Abrams

Joseph Colton

Gary Herman

Egon Herzfeld

Rose M. Katz

Abraham Lurie

Mon., Nov. 23,

11 Kislev

Walter Cohen

Bernard Levin

Ida Perchonok

Gertrude Reynolds

Mae Rosenberg

Morris Sankary

Dr. Leyzer Stettner

Tue., Nov. 24,

12 Kislev

Yehuda-Leib Epstein

Louis Greenberg

Solomon Mintz

Wed., Nov. 25,

13 Kislev

Mary F. Elias

Marvin Glazer

Allan Goelman

Elise S. Miller

Wed., Nov. 25,

13 Kislev

Alvin F. Nover

Beatrice H. Wolf

Norman S. Zukoff

Thu., Nov. 26,

14 Kislev

Reuben Ansel

Rose DeLeon

Eva E. Hurwitz

Lillian R. Rosenthal

Samuel M. Wolin

Fri., Nov. 27,

15 Kislev

Betty R. Carlson

Morris Freidlin

Ida Garsek

Aaron Kanoff

Francine A. Raileanu

Melvin Rosen

Regina Skibell

Selma Solomon

Charles Weinman

Libby Zale

Sat., Nov. 28,

16 Kislev

Sol Blum

Bertha Green

Annie Sturman

Minnie J. Yonach

Ann R. Zodin

Sun., Nov. 29,

17 Kislev

Abe Applebaum

Louis B. Bernstein

Harry Fendler

Jake Furman

Pearl Hayman

Morris Rosenberg

Bernard B. Rubin

Martin Spiegel

Mon., Nov. 30,

18 Kislev

Nathan Berman

Rose Davis

David Eisenman

Joseph Garsek

Frieda Herzfeld

Brian E. Kimmell

David Laves

Louise Z. Menscher

9 Page


In loving memory of:

Warren Blackstone

Eleanor Halperin

Jane Russakov

Nancy Spiegel

Ann Faigin

Dr. Nancy Faigin

and Al Faigin, D.O.

Joe Faigin

Dr. Nancy Faigin

and Al Faigin, D.O.

Louis Cohen

Maria and Dr. Michael B. Cohen

In honor of:

Glenn Vandaveer

for his diligent work

(streaming video of services)

Elaine and Jim Stanton

Jennifer Porter-Kennard

Hannah Smiley


CAS Community Garden Yahrzeit

In loving memory of:

Ted Brown

Suzie and Ben Herman

Steve Brown

Larry Spiegel

Nancy Spiegel

In honor of:

Their High Holiday Aliyah

Reed and Rachel Cohen

Hedy Collins’ Spirit award

(President’s Award)

Suzie and Ben Herman

Beverley and R.D. Moses

Youth Lounge Yahrzeit

In loving memory of:

Virginia J. Reed

Drs. Elizabeth and Murray Cohen

Dave Klimist Cemetery

Beautification and

Maintenance Fund

In loving memory of:

Mildred Klimist

Sara A. Baker

Isabel Oscherwitz

and family

Elaine and Larry Daiches

Pearl Katz

Catering Yahrzeit

In loving memory of:

Jean Kaplan

Rebecca and Stuart Isgur

Louis J. Cohen

Francine and Sidney Cohen

In honor of:

Harry Labovitz

Bootsie Mehl Coggan

CHAI Fund Yahrzeit

In loving memory of:

Gertrude Rubin

Sherwin Rubin

Robert Savitz

Leslie and Ron Savitz

Karen and Rick Savitz

Willard Glazer Jarrold A. Glazer

Irene Pensak

Karen and Rick Savitz

Al Schneider

Dolores and Dr. Barry Schneider

Lila Ansin

Sarah Ravech

Max Falkowitz

Gary Dworkin

Laszlo Mittelman

Julie and Dr. Joseph Berman

In honor of:

Their High Holiday Aliyah

Rosemary Rector and

Herb Weisblatt

Elizabeth Chesser

Rhoda and Howard Bernstein

Laurie and Lon Werner


and Dr. Dmitriy Shturman

Dr. Nancy Faigin

and Al Faigin, D.O.

CAS High Holiday services

Cecilia and Buzz Solomon

With best wishes to:

Elaine Stanton

Lisa and Shayne Moses

Efraim Marco

Avi and Belle Marco

Religious Education In loving memory of:

Paul Schwartz

Barbara and Dr. Dennis Schuster

In honor of:

His High Holiday Aliyah

Elaine and Jim Stanton

Rabbi Bloom—for the

wonderful High Holiday services

Suzie and Ben Herman

Shiri Siena Kaikov

Music Fund for Children Yahrzeit

In loving memory of:

Thomas E. Snyder

Mimi and Roni Kaikov

In loving memory of:

Shiri Kaikov

Martis, Chad, Ted

and Jackie Herman

In honor of:

Shiri’s parents

Martis, Chad, Ted

and Jackie Herman

Their High Holiday Aliyah

Emanuel Kaikov

Mimi and Roni Kaikov


Discretionary Fund In honor of:

Cantor Abrams Kaikov

for her prayer at

Miriam Abramowitz’s gravesite

Mark Abramowitz

Sound of Music Shabbat Yahrzeit

In loving memory of:

Samuel Sheinberg

Nancy Lee Sheinberg

Dr. Norman Rubin

Nancy Lee Sheinberg

In honor of:

Cantor Abrams Kaikov—for the

wonderful High Holiday services

Suzie and Ben Herman


In loving memory of:

Elsie Klimist Greenberg

Isabel Oscherwitz

Greg Olshansky

Manya and Anatoly Ioffe

Ester Olshansky

Many and Anatoly Ioffe

Anne Peisner

Coco and Jerry Peisner

Rose Kruger

Coco and Jerry Peisner

Bernard Chary

Coco and Jerry Peisner

Joseph Cohen

Joyce Abramowitz

and Mark Abramowitz

Mose Herman

Shirley Herman

Scott Lobel

Millie and David Lobel

Rose Leff

Lynn and Rick Chaviers

Lillian Ashinsky

Lynn and Rick Chaviers

Isidore Leff

Lynn and Rick Chaviers

Saul Frydman

Library Fund Yahrzeit

In loving memory of:

Louis Cohen

Lynne Markham-Casey

Don Herman

and Scott Zarrow

Chevra Kaddisha Fund In loving memory of:

Morris Atlas

Morton Herman


In loving memory of:

Joseph Cohen

Joyce Abramowitz

and Mark Abramowitz

Rabbi’s Discretionary

Fund Yahrzeit

In loving memory of:

Wolff Moses

Linda and Arthur Moses

Joe Moses

Linda and Arthur Moses

Thank you for your generous donations!

10 Page

Our Shabbat Kiddush Luncheons

are a source of

great enjoyment to the community.

We thank all of you who have supported these


Many of you have hosted repeatedly.

We ask those of you who have not hosted a

luncheon to take the opportunity

to celebrate your birthday, wedding anniversary

or remember a loved one.

It’s a mitzvah—that’s what we do and that’s

what we teach.

So You Can Plan Ahead . . .

Gil Elan and the Update on Israel and

the Middle East, Thursday, Dec. 10 at 7:00 p.m.

Sky High Miracle of Lights Chanukah CAS

Chanukah Celebration, Sunday, December 13 at

6:00 p.m. at CAS.

Bar Mitzvah of Nadav Ninio, Monday, December

14 at 6:55 a.m.

Rockin’ Ruach Shabbat, Friday, December 18 at

6:00 p.m. More information will be coming soon!

Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Bailey, Saturday, January 16

at 9:30 a.m.

11 Page

A SPECIAL THANK YOU To the hosts of our Kiddush Luncheons

Harry Bulbrook in honor of the Special birthday

of his wife, Carol Bulbrook

Al Faigin, D.O.

in loving memory of his dear friend,

Sam Reznikoff

Dr. Nancy Faigin, JR Faigin, Jennifer Faigin and Annie Alvarez

in honor of the B’nai Mitzvah anniversary of

Stephanie Zavala, and Al Faigin, D.O.

Telephone - Office: 731-4721; Fax: 731-4724; Kitchen: 731-4431; visit our website at

Schedule of Services

Kabbalat Shabbat (Friday)

Shabbat Morning (Saturday)

Monday - Friday Morning

6:00 PM

9:30 AM

6:55 AM

Sunday and National Holiday Morning

Sunday - Thursday Evening

Rosh Chodesh (New Month)

9:00 AM

6:00 PM

6:45 AM

All Services for Children start at 10:30 a.m. on Saturdays, Shabbat Morning

New Stars (of David)—ages birth to 3 years of age

Davening Dynamos—Pre-K through 2nd Grade

Shul Scholars—4th Grade and up

Dr. Murray Cohen in honor of the “Medicare” birthday

of his wife, Dr. Elizabeth Cohen

Arthur Rubin

in loving memory of his parents, Carolyn and Dr. Norman Rubin

Bessie Bodzy

in loving memory of her husband, Irving Bodzy

Nancy Stansbury

in honor of the birthday of Hannah Stansbury

Rebecca Isgur and Family Michael Reznikoff and Family Daniel Reznikoff and Family

Josh Yaslow and Family in loving memory of

Sam Reznikoff

Dr. Nancy Faigin and Al Faigin, D.O. in loving memory of

their good friend, Sam Reznikoff

Jim Stansbury

in honor of the birthday of Hannah Stansbury

Talya and Misha Galaganov

in honor of Haia’s Birthday

Our delicious cake is provide courtesy of: Talya and Misha Galaganov

in honor of Haia’s Birthday

Our bimah flowers are provided courtesy of: Nancy Stansbury

and Jim Stansbury in honor of the birthday of their daughter,

Hannah Stansbury

Our delicious cake is provide courtesy of: Harry Bulbrook

in honor of the Special birthday of his wife, Carol Bulbrook








1—19 C

heshvan 2:00 a.m

. Daylig

ht S


s T

ime E



2—20 C

heshvan 3—

21 Cheshvan

10:30 a.m. F

or Wom

en Only

6:30 p.m. A

dult Education







4—22 C

heshvan 5—

23 Cheshvan

6—24 C

heshvan 6:00 p.m

. Kabbalat S

habbat S


Candle Lighting


e: 5:16 p.m. 7—

25 Cheshvan

9:30 a.m. S

habbat Morning S


Havdallah: 6:09 p.m



aye Sarah

8—26 C

heshvan 1:00 p.m

. Federation “T

hank you” E

vent at CA


9—27 C

heshvan 10—

28 Cheshvan

10:30 a.m. F

or Wom

en Only

6:30 p.m. A

dult Education

11—29 C








12—30 C

heshvan 7:00 p.m

. Gil E

lan and the U

pdate on Israel and the Middle







13—1 K

islev 6:00 p.m

. Kabbalat S

habbat S


Candle Lighting


e: 5:11 p.m.


sh C



14—2 K

islev 9:30 a.m

. Shabbat M

orning Service


avdallah: 6:04 p.m.












starts at 6:30 p.m.




15—3 K








the G

ift Sh


9:30 a.m

. to 12:30 p


16—4 K

islev 7:00 p.m

. Meeting of the C



oard of Directors

17—5 K

islev 10:30 a.m

. For W

omen O

nly 6:30 p.m

. Adult E


18—6 K

islev 19—

7 Kislev

20—8 K




all Kallah


ov. 20-22

6:00 p.m. K

abbalat Shabbat


Candle Lighting


e: 5:08 p.m. 21—

9 Kislev

9:30 a.m. S

habbat Morning S


Havdallah: 6:00 p.m


6:30 p.m. C


unity Sing-A

long at C




22—10 K

islev 23—

11 Kislev

24—12 K

islev 10:30 a.m

. For W

omen O

nly 6:30 p.m

. Adult E


25—13 K

islev 26—

14 Kislev

9:00 a.m. N

ational Holiday

Minyan T



hul Office w

ill be clo

sed all day.







27—15 K

islev 6:00 p.m

. Kabbalat S

habbat S


Candle Lighting


e: 5:06 p.m. 28—

16 Kislev

9:30 a.m. S

habbat Morning S


Havdallah: 5:58 p.m




29—17 K

islev 30—

18 Kislev



er 20



9 C




n to



islev 5


