Page 1: Condition Management Programme Building on what we’ve got! Neil Perris

Condition Management Programme

Building on what we’ve got!

Neil Perris

Page 2: Condition Management Programme Building on what we’ve got! Neil Perris

Operational Issues Need to ensure mirroring provision and quality across the whole of

the district to include Liverpool & Wirral

Build on best practice re engagement and retention of clients on CMP Want to recruit multi-disciplinary team for CMP (skills/awareness

training) Want to ensure community/neighbourhood based delivery

Developing linkages currently in 3 priority areas of: Mild to moderate mental health issues Cardio-respiratory Muscular- skeletal Expand as demand requires (e.g. neurological conditions)

Customised provision requires contracting with some providers and signposting/referral to other existing services/programmes

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Link between CMP and employment support

Access to other forms of JC+ support (Pathways to Work Choices elements) by clients important

Joint case conferences and good communication between IBPAs, CMP case managers and realistic employment opportunities is crucial

Flexible delivery to reflect varying needs between clients & of clients over time is essential

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Link between CMP & wellness/lifestyle CMP clients may be accessing other therapies/support:

Primary care mental health teams Heart/rehab Centres OT/physio support Expert Patient Back Pain support programmes

Need to raise awareness of the Condition Management Programme with primary care providers inc GPs

Need to consider and develop: communication between services; Referrals/signposting processes to Job Centre Plus; Access to existing healthy living initiatives

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Link between CMP and community involvement/social capital Recognition of short term nature of CMP & need for clients to

get on-going support from peers and wider community through regaining/forming social networks – not ‘tip off the map’ when CMP completed

Clients need to regain confidence to participate in community as a whole, not just work

Need to make the CMP attractive/interesting/ non-threatening to ensure opt-ins; low drop-out and good work of mouth social marketing by participants and partner agencies

Linkage to volunteering/buddying initiatives (In-work support)

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Key Partnership

CMP Participant +

JobcentrePlus PA +

NHS CMP Practitioner

= Opportunity for work and health.

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The Condition ManagementDelivery Model: Proposed Approach Neil Perris, Condition Management

Programme Manager

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Key elements of CMP programme Client supported by case manager whilst on

CMP Access to core advice modules (peer

support/group work) Access to 1:1 support: physio/ counselling

CBT / other Length of participation on CMP is ranges from 3

- 6 months Joint case conferences with Incapacity Benefit

Personal Advisers (IBPAs), CMP case managers and customer as appropriate

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Agreement made with PA that you

would like to participate in the


Appointment made by PA to see case

manager at Jobcentre

Once the modules/optio

ns have finished your

Course Leader will ask you to

complete an evaluation


You’ll be sent an appointment

letter to meet with your case manager. You will be asked to

repeat the questionnaires that you completed at the beginning of the programme.

The Course Leaders will contact you to arrange a start date

for your course.

You may see the case manager

for a further X sessions (where you will jointly

agree an action plan)

You will then be referred back to your PA who will

assist you in looking for employment.

Optional 3-way interview

You will meet with your case manager at the

jobcentre and discuss your progress and future plans, and you will be offered an appointment with the case

manager & PA.

First meeting with case manager (at this meeting you will be

given some questionnaires to


CMP Client Journey

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The Proposed Local CMP Model

Managing Your way

back to work

Introduction to

Healthy living

&EffectiveLinkage& supportintoWork

& in work

Social networking

Case manager support throughout period on CMP

GP awareness/support role & other professional support

IBPAReferralto CMP

InterviewWith Case

Manager2 sessions

1:1 support

Pick &Mix


e.g.PhysioOr CBT/counselling

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Who will deliver this?

CMP Core Modules (x2) Provided by NHS and public sector

Pick & Mix provision Contracted out to Voluntary/Community sector &

Private Sector

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CMP – 2 Core Modules (NHS delivered)Managing your way back to workAll sessions are half day: Anxiety Management Positive pressures (stress mgt) Working well (work place issues) Interaction works

(communication strategies around work and health)

SMART steps (pacing and goal setting)

Solving problems and dissolving anger management

Putting assertiveness into action Money management Total = c 4 days

Introduction to healthy livingAll sessions are half day: Positively healthy – benefits of

a healthy lifestyle (healthy eating and drinking)

Women’s / Men’s health session

Introduction to local fitness facilities/progs

Relaxation techniquesTotal = c 3 days

2 core modules to run alternate weeks at a range of community venues- with clients waiting no longer than 2-4 weeks to participate

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Pick & Mix Option choices

• Likely to be commissioned from outside the NHS

• optional sessions to supplement core programmes

• case manager has access to a range of provision in order to tailor CMP to participants needs

• Case manager will continue to be point of contact for participant

• all provision will be carefully monitored and evaluated

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Therapy / counselling:

Ongoing 1:1 CBT/counselling (supplementary) Individual sessions with Job Centre Plus Work

Psychologist Introduction to memory aids Additional anger/stress/anxiety management Substance misuse support (drugs/alcohol) (signposting)

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Exercise / fitness:

Ongoing specialised support for specific conditions: cardio/muscular-skeletal/pain-management (Expert Patient?)

Personal trainer sessions in local leisure centre Other exercise classes (such as yoga, pilates, ) Healthy living (eating and drinking) Living with fatigue / sleep management

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Advice / Support:

Debt counselling and money management Life-coaching Managing the shift back to work in households /

relationships Make-overs / personal grooming Mentoring

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How will this be commissioned? We are currently in the process of establishing our

core module provision (any elements that we are unable to provide from within the NHS /public sector, we will commission from outside)

We will then draw up service specifications for all of the provision we intend to commission. (We will send these to all attendees of these provider events)

We will select the most appropriate provider using a range of criteria including evidence of effectiveness, cost effectiveness, accessibility of provision, geographical coverage, and so on…
