  • Compound Complex Sentences Practice Exercises A) Identify the following sentences as simple, compound or complex. 1: The teacher walked into the classroom, greeted the students, and took attendance.



    Complex 2: Juan played football while Juanita went shopping.



    Complex 3: Juan played football, yet Juanita went shopping.



    Complex 4: Although Mexico has the better football team, it lost.



    Complex 5: The island was filled with many winding trails, a small lake, and dangerous wild pigs.



    Complex 6: Naoki passed the test because he studied hard and understood the material.



    Complex B) The following sentences are made up of two independent clauses with one or more dependent clauses. You are to identify the clauses telling what kind each is. The choices are independent clause, noun clause, adjective clause or adverb clause. 1. John went to school, but James remained at home because he had a sore throat. 2. If he changes his mind, we shall know for sure that Joe has learned his lesson, but only time will tell. 3. Those clouds promise rain; we should hurry before we get caught in a flash flood. 4. Here is the money that I owe you, and I am happy to be free of debt.

  • 5. Were you ever in a storm that was full of lightning, or don't you recall? 6. Since we had gone only a mile from camp, we could return before dark, and we would not become lost. 7. After the tornado had hit, my house was gone, but my neighbor's house was not touched. 8. Mary heard the frightening noise again, and the sound was one that would frighten the bravest of people. 9. The route can be changed, but I know several people who will not like the change. 10. Dr. Mathews did what could be done, but it simply was not enough to save his life. 11. We enlarged our house, and after we had finished the work, we moved to Hawaii and never returned. 12. The vacation should be restful, but many people take vacations that are never restful. 13. James said that will be enough, and everyone agreed. 14. Dad went fishing, but Mom stayed home because she wanted to be there when Terri arrived. 15. Although the children were running everywhere, closer observation indicated that they were playing a game, and they had created it themselves. 16. Ralph steered the jeep down the muddy road to the camp site, and then he discovered that it was the wrong road. 17. When Carl came up to bat, the bases were loaded, and there were two outs. 18. I've just learned that our vacation plans must be changed; as a result, we'll leave later in the month. 19. Older television sets had tubes; the newest models, which take less space, are digital televisions. 20. My Uncle Al drove a snow-removal truck, and when there was a big snow storm, he would be called to work at any time. 21. If you are an election judge, you distribute the ballots, and you count them after the polls close. 22. Many monuments are found around the White House, and foreign leaders who come to Washington often visit them. 23. The doctor told us how we could revive a heart-attack victim, and she demonstrated on a dummy, me.

  • 24. Jeff tried the new dance steps that had been demonstrated, and he mastered them quickly. C) Combine the following simple sentences to create a compound sentence.

    1. It rained for three days. The streets in my neighborhood flooded.

    2. I got to ball practice late. I forgot to set my alarm.

    3. Kyle completed his homework. He put it in his binder.

    4. Luke mowed the lawn. He earned ten dollars.

    5. I stayed up late last night. I am tired today.

    6. Neil doesn't like seafood. He doesn't like cabbage.

    7. My pencil was broken. I borrowed one from Jake.

    8. I like apples. I like pears more.

    9. Eight people got into the elevator. It was crowded. Three people got off.

    10. Georgia gathered the pictures. She could arrange them in a special album for her family.