Page 1: Communicating Identity The Social Self. Definition of Identity Identity-” a theory of self that is formed and maintained through actual or imagined interpersonal

Communicating Communicating IdentityIdentity

The Social Self

Page 2: Communicating Identity The Social Self. Definition of Identity Identity-” a theory of self that is formed and maintained through actual or imagined interpersonal

Definition of IdentityDefinition of Identity

Identity-” a theory of self that is formed and maintained through actual or imagined interpersonal agreement about what self is like” (Schlenker, 1985, p.67).

“a person’s identity is forged, expressed, maintained, and modified in the crucible of social life, as its contents undergo the continual process of actual or imagined observation, judgement , and reaction by audiences” (Schlenker, 1985, p. 68).

Page 3: Communicating Identity The Social Self. Definition of Identity Identity-” a theory of self that is formed and maintained through actual or imagined interpersonal

Perception and IdentityPerception and Identity

Identity gives meaning ourselves in relation to the rest of the world.

Self esteem is how we see ourselves either positively or negatively.

Social identity theory- gives an example of how our identities are developed and maintained as well as how our identity or self view is intricately linked to our membership in social groups.

Page 4: Communicating Identity The Social Self. Definition of Identity Identity-” a theory of self that is formed and maintained through actual or imagined interpersonal

Perception and IdentityPerception and Identity

Communication theory of Identity-identity construction can be viewed through four “frames of identity” or “lenses”.

First identity is viewed through the Personal Frame:

Second identity is viewed through the Enactment Frame:

Third identity is viewed through the relationship frame:

The last identity is viewed through communal frame:

Page 5: Communicating Identity The Social Self. Definition of Identity Identity-” a theory of self that is formed and maintained through actual or imagined interpersonal

Perceptions and IdentityPerceptions and Identity

Self Expansion Theory- helps explain how identity influences the development of close relationships after first impressions are made. Framed through 3 main predictors.

First people try to expand themselves to be more than they are.

Second people get in relationships to try and expand their identities

Third the success of a relationship depends on the ability of the relationship to expand the partners’ experiences and sense of self.

Page 6: Communicating Identity The Social Self. Definition of Identity Identity-” a theory of self that is formed and maintained through actual or imagined interpersonal

Principles of Identity ManagementPrinciples of Identity Management

First principle is our identities provide us with a hierarchical structure of who we are.

Second principle is the feed back we receive from others helps shape our identities

Third principle is that our identities help us interpret feedback from others

Fourth principle specifies that identity incorporates expectations and guides behavior.

Page 7: Communicating Identity The Social Self. Definition of Identity Identity-” a theory of self that is formed and maintained through actual or imagined interpersonal

Identity Management cont. Identity Management cont.

Fifth principle is identity influence our evaluations of self.

Sixth principle is identity influences the likelihood of goal identity

Last principle is our identities influence the social relationships we choose to pursue and maintain.

Page 8: Communicating Identity The Social Self. Definition of Identity Identity-” a theory of self that is formed and maintained through actual or imagined interpersonal

Communicating Identity to OthersCommunicating Identity to Others

Self presentation- reflect the things we do to portray a particular image of self to others. (Close Encounters)

Is self-presentation hypocritical, manipulative, or deceptive?

How is self-presentation related to communication competence?

To what extent is self presentation a deliberate, conscious activity?

Page 9: Communicating Identity The Social Self. Definition of Identity Identity-” a theory of self that is formed and maintained through actual or imagined interpersonal

The Dramaturgical PerspectiveThe Dramaturgical Perspective

Dramaturgical Perspective- Goffman said by using the metaphor of theater, that we constantly enact performances that are geared for particular audiences, with the purpose of advancing an image that is beneficial to us.

Condition 1: The behavior reflects highly valued and central aspects of the self.

Condition 2: Successful performance is tied to vital positive or negative consequences.

Page 10: Communicating Identity The Social Self. Definition of Identity Identity-” a theory of self that is formed and maintained through actual or imagined interpersonal

Dramaturgical Perspective cont.Dramaturgical Perspective cont.

Condition 3: The behavior reflects directly on highly valued rules of conduct.

Front vs. Back Stage: Two stages for our performances, front and back

Role of Audience and Context

Page 11: Communicating Identity The Social Self. Definition of Identity Identity-” a theory of self that is formed and maintained through actual or imagined interpersonal

Politeness TheoryPoliteness Theory

Politeness Theory- focuses on the specific ways in which people manage face using communication.

Positive face- the favorable image that people portray to others and hope to have validated by others.

Negative face- reflects our desire to “be Free from imposition and restraint and to have control over our own territory, possessions, time, space and resources.”

Page 12: Communicating Identity The Social Self. Definition of Identity Identity-” a theory of self that is formed and maintained through actual or imagined interpersonal

Positive Theory cont.Positive Theory cont.

Face-threatening Acts- behaviors that detract from an individual’s identity by threatening either their positive or negative face desires ( Brown and Levinson, 1987).

Page 13: Communicating Identity The Social Self. Definition of Identity Identity-” a theory of self that is formed and maintained through actual or imagined interpersonal

Positive Politeness cont.Positive Politeness cont.

Facework Strategies. “bald on record” strategy“positive politeness” strategy“negative politeness” strategy“going off record” strategy
