Page 1: Commodore’s Report – Bob Josephsonboat, wear a unique holiday sweater and bring an ornament to exchange at the Saturday night dinner group dinner at Cutters. NOTE: PLEASE CALL


JANJJan 2015

Commodore’s Report – Bob Josephson

We had a great month of October with excellent turnouts at events and meetings. I think everyone had a great time and a lot of information on summer events, and plans for the future, were exchanged. I’d like to see even more of you at the future meetings. ELECTIONS: The election of the 2018 Board was held at the October Regular Meeting. I would like to congratulate the newly elected Board and wish them well as they assume their duties in January. Commodore: Robert Murphy Vice Commodore: Bill Traver Rear Commodore: Adrienne Dahlin Fleet Captain: Garry Moore Secretary: Joyce Carlson (2nd

year of 2 yr term) Treasurer: Lindell Graham

(1st year of 2 yr term)

Trustees: Janet Josephson Rich Tremaglio Sharon Moore Colleen Zitkovich Trustee Alternate: Nancy Morton

I apologize for not announcing an additional appointment to trustee at the General Meeting. With the election of Lindell Graham to the position of Treasurer, Pat Hansen as Alternate Trustee will move up and fulfill the remainder of Lindell’s term. Thanks to everyone for participating in the election. My best wishes to Robert and his board next year. COMMODORE’S BALL: November 4th at the Sand Point Yacht Club. Contact Colleen Zitkovich if you wish to attend. Final count is due to Sand Point, Thursday 11/2. UPCOMING: With the end of the year fast approaching, we have our Cruise & Social planning meeting on Thursday, November 16th, Seafair Holiday (Special People’s) Cruise on December 3rd, Bell Harbor Cruise December 8th -10th & PSYC Awards Dinner December 13th. You will find flyers and additional info regarding these in this edition of the Sound Waves. I look forward to seeing many of you at these events. Please note that the December Awards dinner and meeting is a week earlier than normal. Put December 13th on your calendar.

Nov 2017

Page 2: Commodore’s Report – Bob Josephsonboat, wear a unique holiday sweater and bring an ornament to exchange at the Saturday night dinner group dinner at Cutters. NOTE: PLEASE CALL


Vice Commodore’s Report – Robert Murphy

Rear Commodore’s Report – Bill Traver

GAFIA Get Away From It All and that we did. With a storm brewing, we had to make a decision to proceed or not. A number of us took it on and headed out into the Salish Sea. As it turns out, the trip was just fine as the captain of the Victoria Clipper took an altered route to avoid the worst of the weather and the rest of us enjoyed a drink from the bar. Arriving in Victoria, safe at the dock, we all found our way to the hotel and our wonderful accommodations. We met in the lobby and we caught cabs to Vista 18 West Coast Bar and Grill, located in the Chateau Victoria, and had a fabulous dinner. After a great night’s sleep in our luxury rooms we woke up to a beautiful sunrise.

Facilities at the club have been smooth since the work party. As we come into the windy, stormy season, remember to check over your dock lines and look for any loose items on deck.

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at the Commodore’s Ball this weekend.

Now it was time to meet up for breakfast before our invasion of Victoria going our separate ways under now somewhat threatening weather. As we are all great boaters, we were able to read the weather and avoid the worst of the squalls and have a wonderful lunch at one of the best Irish pubs in north America, the IRISH TIMES. After lunch, it was time to head back to our Hotel to get our duffel bags and head back to the ship for our return to home port. As we set sail, the weather was as beautiful as any sailor could wish for with a spectacular sunset and wonderful conversations and drinks with all our ship mates. It was a journey to remember and think about doing again.

Page 3: Commodore’s Report – Bob Josephsonboat, wear a unique holiday sweater and bring an ornament to exchange at the Saturday night dinner group dinner at Cutters. NOTE: PLEASE CALL


Fleet Captain’s Report – Joyce Carlson (Acting)


What a great turnout for this annual cruise! Fifteen boats, forty people, winners (and losers), plenty of food, and good weather. The games were on Saturday – Rich Tremaglio and Trina Smith won the pool tournament. Darts were won by Kal and Diana Harris. Dinner was special - Rich made “Fatties” where different kinds of meat were combined and cooked over a Traeger barbeque. This took some time on Rich and Echo’s part to make and the effort was well worth it as this dinner feature was well received and appreciated. A big thanks to Poulsbo’s cruise captains – Bob and Cindy Josephson, Garry and Sharon Moore and Rich and Echo Tremaglio. Great job group! WAIT - There are still a couple of cruises left this year! AND a very important meeting.

SEAFAIR HOLIDAY CRUISE – Lake Washington – Sunday, December 3rd. PSYC has participated in this cruise since 1981! Formerly known as the Special Peoples Cruise, its purpose remains the same where individual skippers volunteer their boats to take adults (our guests) with developmental disabilities for an afternoon boat ride in Lake Washington followed by meeting our PSYC Santa to receive their gift bag before they return home. PSYC members then enjoy a social dinner. Spend your Sunday afternoon helping Captain Chris Kullmann! He would appreciate your call or an email.

HOLIDAY CRUISE - December 8th – 10th. Our last overnight cruise for the year. For the holidays season, this crew of Captains has a full weekend of activities set in motion. There is much that can be done from Bell Harbor – riding the city’s Great Ferris Wheel, talking a walk to see the holiday decorations, visit the Public Market, shopping and similar. Decorate your boat, wear a unique holiday sweater and bring an ornament to exchange at the Saturday night dinner group dinner at Cutters. NOTE: PLEASE CALL BELL HARBOR to make your first night’s deposit – phone 206.787.3952. Slip assignments will be assigned by the cruise committee. Then if you would let any one of your cruise captains know you are planning on going they can make plans for you – Mike and Lisa Haistings, Gary and Donna Sheneman or Bob and Cindy Josephson. Before I go ………...

Thursday, November 16th the Annual Cruise and Social Planning Meeting is taking place at the clubhouse at 6pm. On this date next year’s 2018 cruises and social events are planned. Pizza is the main dish just before the meeting. Bring your appetite, a side dish or dessert, your favorite beverage and your ideas, even sign-up to help next year. You, the members are the ingredients to make next year’s events fun and successful. Please see all the flyers within this Sound Waves for details.

Page 4: Commodore’s Report – Bob Josephsonboat, wear a unique holiday sweater and bring an ornament to exchange at the Saturday night dinner group dinner at Cutters. NOTE: PLEASE CALL


Page 5: Commodore’s Report – Bob Josephsonboat, wear a unique holiday sweater and bring an ornament to exchange at the Saturday night dinner group dinner at Cutters. NOTE: PLEASE CALL


Page 6: Commodore’s Report – Bob Josephsonboat, wear a unique holiday sweater and bring an ornament to exchange at the Saturday night dinner group dinner at Cutters. NOTE: PLEASE CALL


Page 7: Commodore’s Report – Bob Josephsonboat, wear a unique holiday sweater and bring an ornament to exchange at the Saturday night dinner group dinner at Cutters. NOTE: PLEASE CALL



Commodore: Bob Josephson (425.736.3343) Vice Commodore: Robert Murphy (206.445.4095) Rear Commodore Bill Traver (206.979.1138) Fleet Captain: Mike Thompson (206.948.5323) Secretary: Joyce Carlson (206.551.6190) Treasurer: Colleen Zitkovich (206.387.0810) Dockmaster: Pat Hansen (206.595.6351) Facilities Manager: Robert Murphy (206.445.4095) Facilities Rental: Pat Hansen (206.595.6351) Membership Chair: Pat Hansen (206.595.6351) Roster Chair: Janet Josephson (425.844.2464) Sunshine Reporter: Marcia Ellingson (360.651.2838) Galley Chairs: Carol Cass & Cindy Josephson (206.246.2818 & 425.765.0379) Ship’s Stores Sharon Moore (425.246.6771) Website Managers: David Morton & Rich Visintainer (206.226.2233 & 206.227.2756) Sound Waves Editor: Laura Klein (206.999.6827)