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Page 1: Columbus

Christopher Columbus and the Discovery of America

Page 2: Columbus

“It should be possible to reach the wealthy eastern countries (China, India) by sailing Westward”

Columbus’s big idea

Page 3: Columbus

View of the world in Columbus’s time

Page 4: Columbus

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain decided to give Columbus three ships to try and reach India and China by sailing westward

They hoped that Spain would become richer by Columbus’s expeditions – and that Columbus could spread Christianity

Getting his ships

Page 5: Columbus

Columbus had three small Caravels – The Nina, The Pinta and the Santa Maria

After briefly stopping at the Canary Islands, the ships headed west…

The Journey Begins…

Page 6: Columbus

33 days later…

Page 7: Columbus

Columbus landed in the Bahamas on an island called “San Salvador” (Holy Saviour) but thought he had reached India

He did not yet realise how big the Americas were and spent some time exploring before returning home

Columbus made three more expeditions across the Atlantic and established colonies in what became known as the “New World”

New World – term given to the American continent Colonies – new settlements set up on newly discovered land

First Europeans to reach the “New World”

Page 8: Columbus

Columbus developed a reputation for brutality and became very unpopular with both the people he encountered and the settlers he brought with him

He failed to bring back lots of gold and so was ordered home in chains by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

Today, the country of Colombia in South America is named after Columbus

America itself is named after Amerigo Vespucci, another explorer

Columbus’s later years – p 214

Page 9: Columbus

Columbus – dragged back to Spain in chains

Page 10: Columbus

Columbus’s tomb in Seville, Spain, today

Page 11: Columbus

Classwork: Complete short questions 1-8 top of page 215

Homework: Long Question 2 (Document Question), P 215.
