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Collections.ed  Launching  the  University  Collections  Online    Ianthe  Sutherland  Repository  Fringe  2014  

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Background  • Repository  review  in  spring  2013  • Prolifera7on  of  project  websites  • Special  Collec7ons  requirements  • Digi7sed  content  (from  project  funding)  • Harves7ng  requirements  • Experience  and  knowledge  of  DSpace  

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Exposing  the  Collections  • More  “interac7ve”  exhibi7ons    • Greater  focus  on  audio/visual  elements    • Variety  of  metadata  schemas  • Casual  users  vs  domain  experts  • Working  closely  with  curators  • Metadata  ordering  •  Specialist  ontologies  

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Why  use  DSpace?  • Team  experience  • Easy  to  import  data  • Quick  to  install  • Extendable  metadata  schemas  • Configurable  input  forms    

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DSpace  –  Collections  Manager  • Separate  DSpace  repository  from  our  research  publica7ons  repositories,  ERA  and  PURE  • Each  collec7on  can  then  have  administra7on  permissions  for  the  curators  • Addi7onal  metadata  fields  added  as  needed  


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Skylight  Solution  • Developed  by  the  Digital  Development  Team  at  The  University  of  Auckland  Library:  •  Stuart  Lewis  (S)  -­‐  University  of  Edinburgh  • Kim  Shepherd  (K)  -­‐  University  of  Auckland  •  Yin  Yin  La[  (Y)  -­‐  University  of  Auckland  

• Thank  you  so  much  to  the  team  at  Auckland  for  their  support  

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Skylight  Solution  • Configurable  front-­‐end  • Faceted  search  and  browse  • Hidden  repository  • One  system  many  websites  • Template  to  make  sites  quick  to  launch  • Header  • CSS  •  Sta7c  pages  

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SOLR  • Use  DSpace  discovery  • Schemas  determine  what  is  available  to  Skylight  user  interface  • In  theory  could  be  used  with  other  SOLR  indexes  –  not  7ed  to  DSpace  

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                             Figure  from  Kim  Shepherd,  University  of  Auckland    

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Metadata  Munging  • Consistent  metadata  schema  needed  • Hierarchical  nature  •  Searchable  • Browsable  

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Metadata  Munging  • Impor7ng  to  DSpace  from  • Museum  Collec7on  System  (Vernon)  • Archival  Systems  •  Library  Management  System  

• Metadata  ‘munging’  gecng  from  different  standards  to  Dublin  Core  • Has  to  s7ll  be  useable  by  aggregators  • Not  the  na7ve  metadata  standard  

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Harvesting  and  Aggregation  OAI-­‐PMH  in  Dublin  Core  and  other  specialist  metadata  standards  • MIMO  h[p://www.mimo-­‐  •  Europeana  h[p://    • Cultural  Grid  h[p://        Art  dc  -­‐>  pndsdc  format-­‐>  UMIS  -­‐>  Culture  Grid  CLDs  dc  -­‐>  oai_rslp  format  -­‐>  UMIS  -­‐>  Culture  Grid  MIMEd  dc  -­‐>  lido  format  -­‐>  MIMO  -­‐>  Europeana  LUNA  vra  -­‐>  dc  format  -­‐>  European  Library  -­‐>  Europeana  Cloud  

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Design  of  Front-­‐End  

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Quick  Setup  for  New  Collection  • Can  use  DSpace  CSV  import  func7onality  • Used  official  University  colour  pale[e  

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Agile  Development  • Friday  releases  &  sprint  planning  for  the  week  ahead  • Using  JIRA  • Allocate  tasks  during  sprint  • Worked  very  well  

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Page 31: Collections.ed – Launching the University Collections Online, Ianthe Sutherland, University of Edinburgh
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What  Next?  • Currently  working  on  exam  papers  • Authen7ca7on  • Scocsh  Government  Books  • Exhibi7ons  • Skylight  2  /  Skylighter  •  Improvements  currently  in  development  •  Bootstrap  

• DSpace  4  

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Code  on  Github  h[ps://  

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Live  Sites  • Collec7on  Level  Descrip7ons  h[p://    • Musical  Instruments  Museums  Edinburgh  h[p://    • Edinburgh  University  Art  Collec7on  h[p://    • Calendars  h[p://  

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Coming  Soon  • Exam  Papers    h[p://    (coming  soon  UoE  only)  • IOG  h[p://  • Exhibi7ons  h[p://  

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Thank  You!  • Any  ques7ons?  

??     ?